I sent my teen sims to boarding school! // Sims 4 boarding school

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oh hi thanks for watching my video So today we're going to try something a little bit new well we're going to be playing a new way I have a teenage Sim her name is Clarissa she's little bit dramatic and Clarissa goes to boarding school which is essentially a building that I have made that's kind of just across the way from the high school so copperdale high has been transformed into private school and this building here is where the borders live the school isn't an old girls school but the boarding house is all girls I just wanted to try something different you know I wanted to play as a teen who lived amongst only other teens and I think the strops are going to be pretty strong with this one so Clarissa has some posho parents expectations are pretty high she's got a few goals that she has to achieve during the week that we spend with her in boarding school she did used to go to normal to normal school but she's been expelled several times over now so this is her parents sort of Last Hope but yeah we're going to be playing through Monday to Friday with Clarissa during her school Journey there are a few things that I would like to accomplish today as you can see she's got a fair bit of money in her household funds it's her parents money and they have firmly warned her that if she does not become an a student she's going to be cut off no Gucci handbags for Clarissa so that's step one step one we have to get an A which is pretty easy in The Sims 4 to be fair it's not challenging at all we also have our final exam on Friday we have to make sure that we pass with flying colors I'll quickly show you the boarding school it's very small we have our cafeteria area here where we can get our food trophy case this is the library which we will utilize when we're studying for our exams the bathrooms and then upstairs we have the various different dorm rooms we've got the shower room over here you can't see the other rooms because they're technically rentals but we're boarding with another student this is our room here this is our room mate this is Avery I mean she seems all right we think she's pretty cool we're not friends or anything I have also taken the liberty of transforming every teen in this save file into wearing a school uniform so hopefully we don't have any hiccups and we don't get any randomly generated ones because I want this to feel as realistic as possible and as immersive as possible so all of the girls should be wearing the same uniform and all of the boys I I can't remember what I put them in it's some kind of suit and of course enen as this is a posho private school and not just your standard school we do also have to gain a few extra skills so we want to get an A+ we want to pass our exams and we want to get to level three in research and debate this is a well established school okay lots of politicians went here so we've got to practice getting getting good at our lying if we want to follow in the footsteps of the greats okay we will go with Clarissa let's head to school the build is from the gallery by the way not the boarding house I built that but the school is from from the gallery the other objectives we have are more social objectives quite like to get a date ready for the prom there's also a little talent show coming up oh this is good most of the Sims are in uniform except Malcolm lrab which makes sense because of course he gets special privileges yeah there's a little dance competition coming up so we want to establish a little girl group a club so we can put together a dance that will win the talent show oh and also there's a skank at school who's been talking a lot of smack about us on social media so at some point during this week I'd quite like to settle this with our fists um this is the school it's massive lots of different rooms I have no idea where our class will be I guess I'll just let Clarissa lead me we even have a little Courtyard here very impressive very impressive indeed right are you going to go and do some mind concentrating to try and get out of this tense mood cuz that would be pretty helpful Clarissa in fact speaking of that skank face this is her Tiffany Tiffany pra mean message yeah take that I'm about to block you into the next year be gone peasant oh Clarissa sick burn I wonder where our first classroom is man I have done a terrible job at dressing these students to none of them have so many of them are not wearing uniforms okay we're going to class oh is this computer class yeah I guess so I guess we're in computer class okay great oh no maybe not oh damn I was hoping that maybe we could go on the dark web but no this is our class okay riding a bike up and down the hallways of school yeah you're cool so cool oh there's a uniform okay now it has suddenly changed to just spot the uniform okay this is our class we're sitting down to do some painting I guess I don't think the game really knows what to do with a build like this teacher not even here can we prank the Whiteboard teacher not here to say anything they're not going to they're not going to know are they quick before the teacher comes in go and go and prank the white board draw a great big dildo on it none of these squares are going to say anything if they do they'll know what'll happen okay now attend math class there we go guys draw what you see half maths half art be friendly with a student okay well I guess we just have to find a student that we want to be friendly with preferably someone who lives in my dorm oh wait but it's lunchtime and there's no one no one's Manning the cafeteria oh downstairs okay cool let's order some food we will get a tortilla wout to Veggie dog come on Clarissa let's go class is over girl lunch doesn't end for another 3 hours oh you're getting tense again what's the problem now oh fear of being judged okay why are you sitting next to the Head mistress that is so lame go and talk to someone else go and talk to Wolf Wolf Gang friendly introduction be friendly with a faculty member oh gross why have I got to be nice to the staff all right let's just go and say hello just do friendly introduction and that will count as friendly oh class already God time just flies by I feel like I have achieved nothing during this this school day are you following me Trend Setter got all sorts of followers why is there like no one in my class that I actually know apart from this girl who's wearing a uniform should we maybe become a cheerleader I sort of feel like we should become a cheerleader I feel like we've got the kind of pizzazz you need to be a cheerleader you know I think we can do it all we can pass the exams we can get to a we could be a cheerleader we could get a prom date yeah we're now a cheerleading fresh recruit wait what was my end of day report Clarissa turned in some good work and looked and took some good notes today okay good good that's what we like to hear Clarissa you did a good job today well done let's go home back to the boarding house okay first things first we need to check if that replied on uh social bunny oh I think she left an angry face but she didn't have the to post anything back yeah that's right you just react um I'm going to make a few posts because I want to get some followers I'm just going to post about everything um post about travel energized make a friendly message about our friend Avery I don't think my posts are working I'm clicking on them but nothing's coming up okay maybe I'll just post about a few Sims then at least that way it comes up on the feed and I'll write some more about Tiffany next time I see that girl her hair will be my gloves right okay we've taken on quite a lot um that's for sure so I think let's start with some actually homework doesn't have to be our first priority because I did say I wanted to get to level three research and debate and we need to get a skill to level two anyway to get to an A so let's go practice research and debate I want to see a student that I haven't met yet who also boards here okay well we got our level two in research and debate that will do for now I'm going to go knock on this Sims door oh invite to hang out okay yeah Luna Molly Morgan I've already gotten to know sioban so I'm going to invite them to hang out and then get some of these Sims to hang out too maybe we can celebrate our first day of term by going to the fun fair okay I'll come introduce myself to some of you guys maybe you guys could stand a chance in being in my dance club okay okay we've made some friends we've introduced ourselves let's add them onto our list so many friends guys we are going out we're going to the pier we're going to take some photos we're going to have some ice cream we're going to go on some rides it's going to be amazing okay now we're looking like a school outing right guys let's go here together is the ice cream parlor still open of course it is right what are we going to get we'll go for a strawberry cone and then maybe we'll see if our new friend epha would like to take a mischievous photo with us come on guys you're lagging behind she seems pretty cool I quite like EA you want to take a photo maybe just a few little jokes oh we're going to take a photo and then maybe we'll go on the feris wheel and then we'll call it a night because we still have to fill our needs and what else do we have to do homework and then practice cheering on the cheering M I don't think that'll take too long though I think that'll be pretty easy do we want to maybe go on the ferris wheel with Avery see if Avery fancies a little go come on girl you're looking pretty lonely over here I noticed you're not talking to anyone some people just naturally aren't extroverts it's fine did she just turn me down she turned me down oh all right you then you just made yourself an enemy all right well on that note I guess we'll just go back home we managed to get a few hours at the fair okay first things first let's go to the bathroom and then do I have room to put my little dance mat outside oh I don't know it's going to be a struggle for room isn't it oh there we go okay I could just about fit it there we use the bathroom and then we will perform a solo routine just so we can get out get that out of the way and then hopefully we might even get a little bit of an upgrade tomorrow because we are destined to be head cheerleader we don't really like being sidelined or on the understud or in the underst studies we want to be the main star of the show man it is taking out a really long time to get one skill point hell how out of shape are you we're going to be exhausted when we go to school tomorrow we're only going to get like 3 hours sleep because of you okay well the good thing about this being an active day is that I can at least somewhat control us and try and um fill our needs even though we're at school I know we're tired but we do have a little bit of downtime before we actually start class so we could take a little bit of a nap um do I have anything in my inventory that I could eat no but I do have my photo that I think would look very nice on the wall oh see that's nice right it's going to be a struggle but we're going to get through today all right it's going to be fine let's go I don't want to pass out at school so let's just take a quick nap we've got about 2 hours so maybe we'll take an hour nap and then see if we can grab some food quickly from somewhere okay that's about as much sleep as we're going to get let's see if we can order some food quickly at least have something in your inventory so you can eat okay go and eat your veggie dog and then before we get detention for bunking off where is my class I don't think this is my class no is it in the art room again yes okay fine attend social studies at least we're not hungry that's one need taken care of there's a principal Clarissa hurry the up oh no be caught by School staff oh no I'm going to cross that off cross it off it's currently lunch time anyway okay she's walking away I think I think I may have gotten away with that right quickly go and take a nap okay May's coming towards us just keep walking away keep walking away from her no don't every time she follows us just just walk away and go and take a nap there on that bench that's right carry on with your day principal may I think we avoided that bollocking right just sleep through lunch luckily you've already eaten today hasn't been the easiest day but that's fine and we have cheerleading practice after as well which is just great okay let's go to the bathroom I know you're uncomfortable but at least it's in the orange now and not the red we'll go to class we'll just show our face man we are really paying for that late night today okay let's go and attend class it's the last class of the day then we've got cheerleading practice and then we can we can sleep all right then you'll be fine oh wait activity starts in 2 days okay I don't have to go to cheerleading practice so we didn't even need to stay up all night doing that okay let's go home Clarissa had about as poor a day as possible she might as well been absent from class oh ah Clarissa right you are going to go straight to bed okay we at least have some good enough energy to see through the rest of the evening who knew that taking a pillow to the face could be so thrilling is she talking about getting plowed or something or is she talking about pill no no she's talking about pillow fight obviously lunch is a great time to make friends who wants to be besties oh EA I would like to be your bestie oh okay my posting is working now that's good okay so I think let's do our homework and I think maybe we'll head down to the library see if we can do some studying for our exam and maybe play a little bit of video games all we have to do is make sure we're in a really good mood when we go to school tomorrow and hopefully we can get our school work back on track let's go down to the library um play game Sims forever that will boost your fun right up okay we'll get some food we'll take a and then we will study for exam I don't know how many times you have to study for an exam to sort of be like guaranteed a good grade but maybe we'll try and study like I don't know three times she has a want to become enemies with Tiffany okay we have work in an hour let's wake up our energy is okay we're fine um let's go and just grab a quick something to EIT I know I know you're hungry I see that but we should get a be today at least let's grab a BLT sandwich okay let's go to school right let's be strategic about this we are quite hungry so I'm going to say let's get in here purchase snacks and then maybe we can chitchat with whoever's in the canteen let's just get veggie pizza roll up and then we'll come and chat to Molly downplay stress Molly could you maybe stop being a buffing for 2 minutes so I can say hello please what an uppy little let's come and say hello to Savannah instead then you Molly right I think let's just go straight in for a gossip because that's the type of girl we are we don't actually give a about people we just like to find out what the gossip is there will be an exam prep session after school today all students are free to join us in class to I won't be able to attend anyway I've got cheerleading practice otherwise I would this school knows how devoted I am to my studies they know I would right we better go to class we still don't have a prom date I'm not doing too well with my objectives to be honest I don't have my research and debate I've barely done any revision for my exam not exactly doing great at class don't have a prom date and I haven't even fought that who's been talking smack online so I've got two days to pull this back oh and we were going to do a dance routine as well you know what I'm actually I'm actually going to start I'm going to start a dance club just so it's done um epha you can be part of it Aria can be part of it and Savannah can be a part of it there we go dance club and our activities dance bit bored might send a couple might send a couple messages to epha can't believe I don't have anything to post about I can't even post about what starting a club that's not social bunny Worthy is it ah okay well it's currently lunchtime we're not really too hungry so with that in mind oh Clarissa is fully prepared for the next exam oh okay I only have to study once oh oh all right great well I guess I could use this time to maybe practice debate she's queued up point and laugh at at her teacher Clarissa I know you've been expelled so many times before all right but you got to take it seriously didn't you hear what your parents said if you don't if you don't make this work next stop military Camp right we'll practice a little bit of research and debate um we do have to be friendly with a student so I guess Dwayne I guess I could just be like hey oh this is going to take ages right let's just abandon this let's get on with the school day we'll get the research and debate skill in our own time I actually haven't seen Tiffany at school since we got here I'm assuming it's just cuz she's too scared all right last class of the day then we can go home and try and sort our life out oh no what's wrong with your needs oh damn quite a lot it turns out Clarissa seemed a little inattentive in class today she should make sure her class skills are up before next week godamn still just a sea student you know what I'm going to send her on her own tomorrow and see if that makes a difference because I should have gotten an a by now right let's let go to cheerleading I have noticed since placing the school down that my game is incredibly slow incredibly buggy I think it might be because there's just far too much going on for my computer to handle maybe but that's fine I think I'm going to send her to school Thursday Friday and then she'll get an A and then I'm going to make the most of our downtime um okay we'll pay bills and rent when we get home okay we got promoted to cheerleading teammate M right I think let's oh EPA would like to come over to hang out yes I was just about to call you epha and ask you if you wanted to go out okay epa's in my room it looks like she's building herself up to maybe ask me something like a question maybe should we ask her to prom wait no wait wait wait I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that just yet instead if I ask her to prom she's going to say no because we don't have a romantic relationship however what if I just sent her a couple flirty messages just to get the romance blossoming slightly okay we've got somewhat of a romantic relationship now so now let's ask her to prom see what she thinks we're wearing our cheerleading costume how could she say no saying hello oh she didn't ask her don't bottle it now ask ask to prom ask to prom quit before she goes somewhere else oh she said no as if no way I will go to prom with you you what do you mean no way oh yeah sorry it's just that we're friends and we have a romantic relationship and we have good compatibility so uh yeah I guess I'm a real for assuming that maybe you might want to okay all right fine what about if I create a promposal sign and then ask her okay what about now I should have a proposal sign present promposal sign come on EA don't be a bit I could make your life very difficult don't make me slag you off on social media oh okay okay lay my heart on the line I think she said yes oh she said yes okay that's all I needed was just to put in she just wanted a bit more effort although now she's really sad and it's awkward oh I don't give a I've got a prom date there we go now where is Tiffany get out here girl we got some unfinished business Tiffany would rather not come Tiffany doesn't have a Choice I'll just come and get her then talking about me talk get hit chat get banged that's how it goes I don't make the rules I just play them right where is she oh hello Tiffany you're right to look worried right let's just fight and get it over with fight declare enemy that up come on Clarissa oh so when I said my game was being glitchy we're fighting from two different ends of the building still though I'm curious as to who who's going to win this is oh we won did we yes F triumphant from fighting well done Clarissa knew you could do it girl right is there some kind of trait that might make working out a bit easier cuz I need to get two Fitness levels bracing environment to exercise okay perfect right let's go perform a solo routine is there maybe a drink I could have that would make me energized keep energy High okay let's get a couple of these protein bars vending machine item stuck oh for sake hopefully we don't die by vending machine okay eat your protein bar hopefully that makes you energized and then we'll come back to perform our solo routine oh actually I could just energized potion there we go so I think all that bar did was restore my energy which is very handy but let's have some energized potion and then perform our solo routine it's suddenly now very important to me to become cheerleading Captain even though it was never part of the plan for this video right we're not even going to sleep tonight we're just going to have a load of energy drinks and hope for the best okay it's 7:30 a.m. we stayed up all night long it may have been worth it it may not let's go get a few energy drinks hopefully we'll have a good day at school I'm sending Clarissa on her own this time I didn't even see what I bought send all students alone all right Clarissa you go and Smash It Girl come back with a be and come back with a cheerleading promotion okay you go girl Clarissa's latest classroom assignment is a group project her groupmates are all pretty smart should she try to contribute as much as they do or just let them do the work no try to contribute what was the outcome of that performance gain okay perfect so we are going to come home with a with a be I think Welcome Wagon bit late for that almost played through a week yes Clarissa was promoted to cheerleading Captain that's right she was that is right okay so I'm thinking let's go out we're going to go to the club we're going to have a gathering and we're going to practice our group dance for the talent show which doesn't actually exist but we're just playing pretend cuz I feel like that's the sort of thing Clarissa would do discotech pan Europa it has to be right start Gathering candy bear is here as well which is really handy because I want candy to see our moves very important so that we get an invite to like Bluffs when we graduate and we're maybe at college and we want to start getting some attention for all our sick moves we're going to need friends like Candy dance together I think that's just a general dance though isn't it it's not like the actual set moves yeah you guys are just dancing randomly showof moves arm charm showoff moves light spin I think the other ones can't do the moves that I can do so it's only me that's able to do the like the cool little dance moves I mean I could do the one two stepping that one apparently everyone knows maybe what we'll do is we'll enter as a group for a group number and then we'll also enter by ourselves and uh see if we win cuz I reckon we probably will look at that arm charm look at her go should we do a dance battle against candy bear I think we should you want to do a dance battle candy I think she said yes okay let's go let's go I just got to do my group number first oh okay no we've we've dismissed our group all right Clarissa all eyes on you girl let's see this dance battle in full swing oh I guess that was it nothing happened did we win all right fine let's do a group dance okay I think we might be I want to say we're doing a group dance but lots of people are getting on the um on the dance floor and what i' quite like is for them to off are we doing the one two step okay finally one two stepping there we go at least we're doing some group dance this is the only thing we can all do so I guess this is what we're going to do for the talent show yeah we look great we're going to be taking home the trophy no one's even noticing candy trying to get attention there in the background beautiful well we practiced our dance ready for the talent show for now though I think we better head home because we still have let me check my list of things I wanted to achieve with Clarissa how are we getting on uh we wanted good exam results the exam is on Friday however we've done all of the studying we need to do we've got a prom date epha we taught Tiffany a lesson Smack That Up we practiced our dance for the talent show we're going to start working on our debate skills so we can get to level three and then other than that the only final thing is to become an a student which should hopefully happen tomorrow I think when I go with her to school it actually causes more of a hindrance which is fine by me because that school is so detailed it's glitching out my game anyway Quick Check of uh social bunny see what's going down still don't have any followers research and debate level three we've met all of our parents' expectations right let's grab some food we'll go to bed the only other thing so tomorrow we should come home with an a um I suppose I could do my homework just to guarantee oh what's this A Trophy High School cheerleading trophy I'll put that in my room the only other thing I'd quite like to do on top of getting an a is I would quite like to maybe have a first kiss with EA I think that would be quite nice and I'll just stick my trophy right there we're actually going to be going to school in a good mood tomorrow I wonder if um let's wake up and talk to Avery cuz she's sort of been there since number one I wonder if I can I don't I don't think I can become BFFs yet but I could maybe convinced to join the team you want to be a cheerleader With Me Avery you'll be much less lame people would actually talk to you Avery just got cheer mat in her household inventory very useful for practicing oh she joined the cheer team with me that's really sweet yeah she's pretty cool we're sort of opposites Opposites Attract in this one we've got pretty good relationship with Avery I just want to see if maybe we could become best friends cuz then we'll have our love interest and then a best friend and our cheer team and our dance club I feel like at that point we really will be quite popular oh we just became good friends okay that you know what that's good enough for me I'm happy with that good friends all right you two have a great day at school Clarissa I look forward to you coming home with an a all week at school kids have been asking their sweethearts to the annual love Day School party there will be cookies and Punch music the exchanging of flowers and cards and of course awkward chaperon Clarissa has yet to be asked so she had two options go alone or invite someone special I think someone special oh I think that went well yeah it was worth it it went well for Clarissa oh exam results Avery's result below average maybe Avery should have prepared herself a bit more Clarissa has been working hard and is now a high school a student great job okay okay yeah but what were my exam results I didn't get any Clarissa is performing superbly she can graduate early if she talks to the principal or uses a computer oh sweet well I think in that case we probably did P our exams she's having a mood swing okay I think let's um maybe try and get rid of that embarrassed mood buff and we'll call epha and see if she wants to come over and maybe we'll finish this video off with our very first kiss I think let's give epha some residence keys so she can always come into my room I'm sure Avery won't mind there we go you can come in whenever you like okay we're now very focused is now a good time maybe for a first kiss on love day of all days a very first kiss I think in for a penny in for a pound I think we should just ask EPA if she wants to be our girlfriend maybe we could mess around in the shower while the pervy ghost off you want to go in the showers yeah okay I just noticed that I didn't have the option to ask her to be my girlfriend so I think maybe if we have oh yeah a exam there we go there's our mood buff thought maybe if we had a little bit of woohoo then I might be able to actually ask her out afterwards ask to be girlfriend there we go ghost is with my trophy oh she said yes we're now girlfriends and on that note I think I'm going to end this video here thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it if you did please like And subscribe you know I love it when you do that and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Whiny Brit
Views: 75,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sims 4, sims 4 challenge, sims 4 school, sims 4 boarding school, sims 4 teen, sims 4 high school, sims 4 private school, sims 4 high school gameplay, sims 4 boarding school gameplay, the sims, sims 4 teenagers, teen sims, sims 4 teen sims, boarding school, boarding school sims 4, boarding school in the sims 4, sims boarding school
Id: mo6weVdGFvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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