The ULTIMATE CS2 Pistol Guide: Stats, Recoil, Strategies And More!

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so hello Gamers Counter-Strike 2 is finally out and something I realized very recently is Counter-Strike has literally never had a video where it actually explains the stats of the gun so in this video I'm going to explain all of those like the fact that the 5 7 can one hit kill headshot against armored opponents and the fact that the tech 9 and the Glock have the same one hit kill head range against unarmored opponents we'll talk about the differences between the P2000 and the USPS and go in depth on every single gun so yeah let's get into it the first weapon we're going to cover is the Glock 18 in Austrian 9x19 millimeter Parabellum handgun if you've played CS at all you probably know that Glock isn't the best for damage but there are certain ways to maximize this gun's potential especially on a pistol round first let's talk unarmored opponents the Glock does 22 damage to the legs and this is actually across all armor because armor does not affect your leg hitbox and we'll talk about that when we get to some of the later pistols the next hitbox is the chest and arms and this is what will deal the base damage of the weapon which is only about 30 damage the to the legs this gun has a 5 hit kill to the chest and arms it will take four however this stomach is actually a hitbox which takes increased damage and in this case it goes up to 37 meaning you can kill players with 3 hits to the stomach in close range if your opponent has no helmet on this weapon will deal 119 headshot which is of course enough to kill a player up to 560 units with a single shot past that range it will deal 99 and then lower than that depending on the range of course the headshot kill range is the worst in class but it's not really buy that much so it's pretty good it's really not the best though but then let's get on to armored opponents now the Glock does deal the same damage to the legs of course because legs are unaffected by armor however chest and arms goes down from 29 to 14. this makes the glocken eight hit kill to the chest and the stomach is not much better at 17 which is 6 hits and keep in mind this is in Point Blank Range with no damage drop but you do deal more damage to the legs than the rest of the body however how good is the headshot damage it's down to 56 it's not good the reason the damage is lowered by over half is because the armor penetration of this weapon is only 47 meaning you lose 53 percent of your damage if the player has armor and you hit them in the armor and because this weapon loses 15 percent of its damage every 500 units you can expect to get below that 50 damage threshold and three hit kill to the head against armor so in conclusion for damage not good but against unarmored it's pretty good so let's go over some of the upsides and the downside sides of this weapon the upsides are the fact that this weapon has a large magazine for a default pistol has a massive Reserve ammo pool tied for the most in class and that's a pretty fast rate of fire at 400 rounds per minute and it has a three round burst function of 1 200 fire rate which is of course the highest in the entire game I'm not talking about just pistols any gun it's the highest of any gun it also has the lowest per shot recoil of any weapon in its class and the overall damage against unarmored opponents is pretty good and the running accuracy is pretty good as well let's talk downside so this gun does not have great first shot accuracy we'll talk about that later it's armor penetration is of course very bad it also loses a bunch of damage over range very quickly and it usually takes two to four headshots against armor to kill let's talk recoil it's not great but it's really not too bad either the Pro Shot recoil is pretty low but it does have quite a bit of spread to it once you start spamming and you might need to spam depending on the Range and the armor of your opponent honestly the gun has basically no recoil recoil even if you're spamming it so don't really worry about it unless you're using the burst function but the way to control the recoil on the burst is very fun basically you just flick down just a tiny bit but very quickly during the burst so fire the first shot and then immediately pull down this is going to be like .04 seconds that you have to wait but you have to wait just a tiny bit of time and then pull down I really like controlling the burst not that I use it personally in game but it's very fun to control overall play style with the Glock use it on pistol round only that's all I recommend and honestly even if you're in a full Eco if you're after round one and your opponent probably will have armor do not I repeat do not just stick with the Glock buy something better I'm not saying you have to go all the way on like a deagle or even a primary weapon but buy something P250 300 bucks we'll talk about it in a bit overall if you ever find yourself using this gun it probably should be because you already tagged a guy with the op or hit a guy a couple times with the AK or something like that and they're pretty low if somebody is full health and you really have to use this gun go for cover instead the first show accuracy of the weapon is also pretty it but like it's not the worst you've ever seen I do not recommend you tap this gun at range considering you can't one hit kill people anyway you may as well get closer and then spam a little bit more the burst function I wish it was good but it's really not it's not very good it is an underrated function of the weapon I don't think it's completely unusable in fact if you hit the entire burst to the Head the gun has incredible time to kill considering it's a free gun if you hit the three shot burst all headshots you will kill an Armored opponent very quickly I think they should probably buff the burst and make it a little bit less orangey dependent and make it probably overall a lot more vertical only recoil that way it actually becomes somewhat viable right now the Glock burst is kind of a meme next up we have the USPS and the P2000 both of these pistols are 9x19 millimeter handguns developed by hnk in Germany and overall since they're so similar I'm just going to be comparing them together first let's talk damage well against unarmored opponents you're gonna find this gun to be very good to the legs this weapon does 26 damage meaning it's a 4 hit kill hang however if the gun is dropping any damage it will not be a forehead kill anymore they don't really rely on leg shots however to the chest and arms this weapon does 35 damage which means if you're in close range this weapon will three hit kill to the chest which is really nice this is not very common because it also will lose it very quickly however this weapon does 43 damage stomach so hit a couple of chests and a single stomach and this weapon will kill with three shots to a pretty solid range and to the Head this weapon does 140 damage meaning that the one hit kill range of this weapon on unarmored opponents is about 1 700 units which is very far basically all ranges this is one of the main reasons why this weapon is so much better than the Glock but yeah both the USPS and the P2000 have an extremely far one hit kill range let's talk armor damage this weapon does 26 damage to the legs being a four hit kill still but not very far it does 17 to the chest which is a 6-6 kill and probably down to a 7 or an 8 depending on the Range and to the stomach it does 22 being a 5 hit kill up close however this weapon still does 70 damage against armored opponents with a single headshot meaning that you will be able to kill with two headshots very very far especially considering the range falloff of this weapon is not as far it's .91 instead of 0.85 meaning that you only lose 9 of your damage instead of 15. let's talk recoil and this is where the two guns begin to defer the USPS has a little bit more horizontal recoil but lower vertical versus the P2000 which goes up a little bit more but has a little bit less side to side recoil meaning that the P2000 is more consistent if you can pull down and actually land a perfect headshot but because the USPS is accurate enough most people will prefer the USPS in terms of recoil in terms of first shot accuracy though the USP is kind of just better the real advantage of the P2000 is the fact that it has one extra round in a magazine and a much larger Reserve ammo pool the USP only has 24 rounds in reserve and only a 12 round magazine versus 13 and 52 which is quite a big difference and has the advantages of a suppressor meaning that it doesn't have any bullet tracers and it's much quieter and if you're wondering about the suppressor don't take it off there's really no reason to basically get a little bit less like ladder accuracy it doesn't really matter so which one should you use personally I would say the USP however the P2000 is really not that much worse in fact it might be better in terms of accuracy they're similar enough to be basically the same and if you pull down with the P2000 a little bit more I do think the P2000 is actually more accurate however the USP is just suppressed and the real Advantage here is the suppressor or the more ammo if you run out of ammo during a pistol round I do recommend using the P2000 but if you rarely find yourself running out of magazines I don't recommend it so if you like spamming through smokes and things then do use the P2000 otherwise the USP is kind of just a little bit better but they're very similar the berenas are a set of Italian made pistols these two possibly being the M9A1 to the Legacy deal 28 being a forehead kill to the chest they deal 37 being a three-hate kill into the stomach they deal 46 also being a three-hit kill but almost a two-hit and when you deal a hedge shot these weapons deal 150 damage giving them a respectable one-hit kill range of 900 units the reason they don't kill that far is because they don't really have the best range but we'll talk about that in a minute but let's talk armor damage which is a lot better than you'd expect the length damage of these weapons is still 28 as said before being a four hit kill to the chest they deal 21 which is still a 5 hit kill and to the stomach they still do 26 which is still a four hit kill better yet to the Head these weapons deal 86 damage against armored opponents and with that information you would probably expect me to recommend these against armored opponents considering you can kill with one headshot and one body shot that's really not the case necessarily and the big reason for that is because these have the worst range of any pistol in the entire game title attack 9 they lose 21 of their damage per 500 units which is one-fifth and that's going to lower your damage quite a bit I do not recommend these weapons against any armored opponents but let's talk recoil these weapons are very very easy to understand in terms of recoil however they can be kind of hard to actually use effectively especially when spamming which is what they're good for The Recoil basically just goes up and then kind of stops a little bit after a while but yeah it goes up quite a bit they kind of have the highest vertical recoil of any pistol not per shot but because they fire so quickly however there are weapons with a lot less accuracy when spamming and these are great for spamming if you can pull down the first shot accuracy is also kinda not great so don't really use them over range the upsides of these weapons is one they're cheap they're 300 which is the least expensive pistol tied with P250 not counting the starter pistols of course they have the largest in-class capacity and tied for most Reserve ammo The Recoil is very predictable their base damage is very high and their fire rate is very very high the downsides are the slow a relay time of about 3.7 seconds a bad first shot accuracy and the large damage fall off these are not great weapons past the pistol round but for the pistol round they are kind of the best in the entire game if you're a CT buy these buy an aid go to B-side on Mirage throw the nade and then mow down the entire team it's very very good for holding any kind of close range sights because on the first round chances are it's going to be five people you can usually get you know two or three kills even if they overwhelm you but it's going to be a lot easier than a slow firing USP overall I do recommend these weapons quite a bit but do not use them unless it's the first round and unless you're playing close range because as I said terrible damage fall off will kill you from range the P250 is an American 9 by 19 millimeter Parabellum or maybe 45 ACP handgun developed by Sig Sauer for translating price into usefulness this is probably the best weapon in the entire game because it's only 300 so let's talk damage so to the legs it does 28 to the chest and arms it does 38 and to the stomach and pelvis it does 47. this is because it has the same base damage of 38 as the Dual Berettas however we'll talk about the armor pen to the Head this weapon does 151 it has nearly the same one hit kill head range against unarmored opponents as the desert eagle it kills very far against unarmored against armored opponents it still does 28 legs of course it does 24 to the chest and arms being a 5 hit Kill 30 to the stomach and pelvis being a forehead kill and 96 damage headshot against armored opponents in close range because this weapon has a range modifier of 0.9 this basically allows it to kill with one headshot and one body shot against armored opponents and for the price of three hundred dollars yeah uh it's pretty good but let's talk recoil and first shot accuracy so The Recoil is pretty bad if you spam it it has a lot more recoil than pretty much every gun we've seen so far yes the Dual Paredes kind of have more vertical but they are way more controllable in terms of understanding where they're going the P250 is not for spamming at all unless you're very very close however the fire rate is the same as the Glock at 400 which is pretty solid the first shot accuracy is of course not very good though but I do recommend tapping people especially on pistol rounds considering the headshot damage is so good it won't be perfect but it's enough to do the job the upsides of this weapon are that it's very cheap it has a very high base damage the armor penetration is solid at 64 it one hits very far against no armor and against armored opponents it's very good at killing with one head and one body the downsides are the high recoil poor first Tron accuracy and the fact that the magazine size and Reserve ammo are only 13 and 26 respectively which makes it pretty poor for spamming but it's not really a spamming gun anyway overall yes very very good the tech 9 is another 9 by 19 millimeter Parabellum American handgun luckily that's the last time I will say that for this video first let's talk damage this weapon does 24 damage to the lengths which is a 5 hit kill which considering its price is not very great because the weapon is 500 meaning it's significantly more expensive than the P250 so they chance this weapon does 32 which is still a 4 hit kill maximum to the chest which is again worse than the P250 this weapon does 40 damage to the stomach being a three hit kill however so is the P250 and finally to the Head this weapon does 130 which is significantly lower than the P250 not to mention that this weapon has a range modifier of 0.79 which is tied for the worst in the entire game with the Dual Berettas meaning this weapon has about the same one hit kill head range as the Glock 18. so why is it good why is it expensive I'll just show you why in a second now for armor to the legs this weapon does 24 again to the chest it does 29 which is more than the P250 to the stomach is a 36 being a three-hit kill to the stomach against armor which the P250 can't do and finally to the Head this weapon does 118 damage against armor and that's because this weapon has a armor penetration rate of 90.2 meaning up to about 300 units which is decently far this weapon can one hit kill head even on Armor and that's why this weapon has so much damage drop and it does so little base damage is because it's all to make it a little bit more balanced around the fact that it can one hit kill head in close range even against armor let's talk recoil with this weapon The Recoil pattern of the tech 9 is a very very random I do not recommend you fire this weapon too quickly and instead go for tapping unless you seriously have to and that's because this weapon has by far the best running accuracy in the entire game as you can see here it has perfect accuracy as you are moving meaning that if you're tapping and not letting the recoil come in you can hit consistent headshots over a very far range well moving but because the damage drop is very high you're not going to really be doing that too much however the first shot accuracy of the TEC-9 is very good as well meaning this weapon is a very very good buy if you're alone in cash and you want a weapon to go against a rifle it won't beat a rifle at medium range however in close range since it can one shot it really might the upsides of this weapon are of course the incredible running accuracy the very high armor penetration the one hit potential against armored opponents a very high rate of fire at 500 the solid ammo capacity at 18 with 90 in reserve and the great tapping potential the downsides are the price being 500 the unpredictable recoil the terrible damage falloff over range the fact that the one hit kill against unarmored is very very bad for its price and the fact that it has a smaller magazine and a little bit more recoil than the 5.7 overall I kind of recommend this weapon but not on pistol round the fact that you can't one hit kill farther than a Glock really is uh not good and if you're going for body shots on pistol round I mean yeah I guess you could use it for that but I do really recommend you just use like a Glock or P250 and go for the head over spamming body shots but that's just me if you're missing a lot of headshots then I guess you could use this on pistol round but it's very expensive but next up we have the 5.7 a Belgian 5.7 by 28 millimeter handgun which very well might be the best overall in the entire game first let's talk about the damage of this weapon its base damage is 31 instead of the tec-9's 33 however overall the damage is going to be very similar the legs of this weapon does deal 23 which is a 5 hit kill to the chest and arms it does 31 a four hit kill and to the stomach it does 39 which is a three-hit kill of course to the Head it can kill but not very far and overall this weapon is a very similar in terms of damage profile to the tech 9 however the range modifier is 0.81 instead of 0.79 meaning the damage drop is 2 percent less so it's really overall very similar in terms of one hit kill range against armor it is once again a Phi the kill to the legs a four hit kill to the chest a three hit kill to the stomach and a one-hit kill to the Head the overall hits to kill are exactly the same between the two of them and the ranges for those hits to kill are very similar as well but let's talk about The Recoil of this weapon The Recoil is very very high in terms of vertical recoil but not much else this makes the gun much more accurate in terms of spamming as opposed to the tech 9. however when it comes to its running accuracy it is nowhere near as good as the tank 9. in fact it's not very good at all obviously since they're on opposite teams you can't have both of them or really decide between the two of them but if you have a five seven and you see attack 9 on the ground it's really up to you which one you want to take you want to be more mobile and have a little bit less accuracy and have to tap more or do you want to be more accurate but more slow personally I think they both fit the role of their team very well the upsides of the five seven are its magazine capacity it's very high armor penetration which is slightly more than the tech 9. at 91.15 versus 90.2 so not really that big of a difference it's very predictable recoil and it's fast reload time of only 2.2 seconds its downsides are very similar to The Tech 9 however it does have a slower rate of fire than the tech 9 and worse running accuracy the cz75 is a check 9 by 19 millimeter Parabellum machine pistol because it's automatic the weapon that I don't really care about but yeah we gotta cover it in the video because it is one of the pistols for sure it is one of them this easy 75 does 23 damage to the legs being a 5 8 kill which is not that great it does 30 to the chest which is a four hit kill and it does 38 the abdomen which is a three hit kill yay it also does 123 damage to the head which is of course going to be a one hit kill however the Fatal headshot range is only 661 units which is only about a hundred farther than the Glock uh so not that far and this weapon is the same price as attack 9 so what is the range you like and what is the armor pen like well the armor pen is 77.7 which is good it also has the same range modifier as a Glock at .85 which is not good range and since it's the same price as a 5.7 or Tech N9 let's talk about what it does to armor to the legs it still does 23 which is a five hit kill the chest and arms it does 23 which is a five hit kill and to the abdomen it does 29 which is a four hit kill and last up to the head it does 95 Which is less than a P250 and not a one-hit kill it must be good because you can use it auto it's great okay well we'll talk about that so how do you control the recoil pattern of the cz75 well this one actually has a real recoil pattern which is basically it goes slightly up and to the left and then goes Super far to the right so to control it goes slightly to the right and then go down into the left will this fix the guns recoil no because it has a lot of RNG but yeah outside of close range this weapon will not kill anyone even in like kind of close range if you're not doing the recoil pattern correctly and just getting a little lucky this gun will not be able to kill anyone and the fact that it has such bad range and it might be like a six hit kill but only has 12 rounds is pretty concerning considering it has you know 12 rounds and 600 RPM which is really fast so you're going to be dumping your magazine pretty quickly with not that many returns the upsides of the cz75 is that it's automatic and the rate of fire is high that's kind of about it for its downsides it has a small magazine capacity of 12 a small reserve ammo capacity of only one extra mag so 12. the draw time is extremely long so so to ban secondary to a primary weapon the damage is very low for its price the armor pen is pretty low for its price and if you manage to get a kill with it guess what you only get a hundred dollars instead of 300. the kill reward is only one third of the other pistols because they decided you know what it's got to be terrible terrible it is a fun gun and it's very very good if you're just like Corner camping and you kill one guy and get his gun it's for that basically but it really just isn't that great for that considering like five seven same price hit them once in the head it is pretty cool that the DPS is very very high the armor pen is pretty good and the fact that it's full auto but other than that is really not that good so for anybody in the comments being like well the CZ 75 is very good because you could just tap the gun like you don't have to use the auto but if you're not gonna use the auto then use the five seven it's the same price and it just does the same thing dude in fact it does it way better considering the RPM when tapping is going to be very very similar and the 5.7 has better recoil it does more damage it has better armor pen it has a faster reload time it has a faster draw time as more Reserve ammo it has a larger magazine it does more damage to the head I don't know there's literally no reason to use this gun I'm sorry if you're a CZ fan but nobody really is I'm sorry I mean I wish it was better I love the CZ in other games but yeah that's all I have to say for this did a little bit of a rant for this one but um please buff it valve but next up we have the R8 which is a revolver chambered in 357 Magnum and developed by Smith and Wesson the damage profile on this weapon is very goofy we'll talk about it to the likes this weapon deals 64 damage being a two-hit kill to the chest and arms it does 86 and to the abdomen it does 107 being able to one hit kill to the abdomen yes he used to be able to do that on Armor but luckily it no longer is able to to the Head this weapon does 343 damage and has a one-hit kill range of about 9 000 units which is more than double the range that a bullet can actually travel in this game without just despawning because no map is like larger than 3000 units and 3000 is like out of render distance I think the farthest you can really see is like 2 000 and that's like a on Dust two that's very very far when it comes to armored targets though this weapon is still very very potent because once again 64 damage to the legs but 79 to the chest and arm still and 99 to the abdomen which is almost a One Tap will it one tap well technically know but if somebody has taken any damage at all it will which is amazing and the weapon still has 319 headshots so yes it will still kill let's talk recoil on this weapon well it kind of fires very slow because you have to charge up in between shots so you really never have to worry about recoiling this weapon especially considering the movement accuracy is very very good but if you want the RPM to go from like 50 or whatever to 150 you can use the alt fire using Mouse 2 or right click however this fire has basically no range at all if you literally have your Barrel inside of if you have your Barrel like up to a dude's chest yes it will hit them however other than that it will not because this weapon has terrible terrible spread if you're using the secondary fire which is unfortunate I do feel like it should have a little bit less spread to it because it is genuinely unusable and all RNG dependent which for a game that's so competitive it doesn't really work you can't really have a gun like that in a competitive video game unfortunately the alt fire is completely out of the question basically every single time you use it when it comes to first shot accuracy the default fire is very very accurate accurate and the alt fire is not good as you can probably expect the upsides of this weapon are the fact that it has the highest damage in class one more round in its um cylinder than the desert eagle it has high movement accuracy it can one hit kill to the abdomen against unarmored and it will basically two shot in any scenario the downsides are the fact that you have to hold down the trigger in order to shoot your walk speed is slowed down when you're firing and the alt fire is very very inaccurate the playstyle for this weapon is hit them in the head and it's good then I guess the only real advantage in game is the fact that you can run and shoot it at the same time to very solid success however good movement in the deagle is going to be always better than this weapon because it just can't fire that quickly if you hit the head it's pretty solid but the fact that when you're using your primary fire you slow down you can mess with lining headshots up while moving overall is it really necessary to use this over the deagle not really but it is pretty cool also a very large downside of the weapon is that it only has eight rounds in reserve so one extra mag no not mag yes it can one hit kill to the abdomen against unarmored opponents but usually people just buy body armor in the pistol round every gun is a one shot headshot anyway so don't use it and on eco rounds I guess this is less money than deagle but the deagle is worth that extra hundred dollars not gonna lie just don't use it it is pretty fun to use but it's really not good I think they should buff it somehow maybe reduce the time to fire the Desert Eagle is an Israeli 50 action Express handgun with an ammo capacity of only seven rounds so first let's talk damage it's weird to the legs this weapon does 39 being a three hit kill not a two-hit kill to the chest is just 52 which is barely a two-hit kill and to the stomach It's a 65 which is very comfortably a two-hit kill with a headshot against unarmored of course it will duel 205 and it can one hit kill headshot to 2 200 units but let's talk armor this weapon does 39 damage to the legs against armor being a three-hit kill it does 49 to the chest which is barely not a two-hit kill but it's not a two-hit kill still three and to the stomach it's a 61 which is Comfortably a two-hit kill and of course to the Head this weapon still does 191 against armored opponents which is still one hit kill you knew that already the rate of fire this weapon is 267 rounds per minute which is very fast considering the damage so to counteract this they basically made the gun have a ton of RNG in terms of recoil and very high overall recoil if you want to spam this gun uh I guess pull down to the right a little bit it has a tendency to go to the left but it goes back and forth just a little bit more to the left overall the best way to use this gun with the recoil is to not care about the recoil and just go for tap fire shots don't really care about recoil okay I practice tapping with this weapon just count one two three four like that and that should be enough to very very accurately hit headshots pass that rate of fire though no you're not going to the range modifier of this weapon is actually 0.85 the same as the Glock and much worse than the revolver which will make the gun probably a three hit to maybe a four hit kill depending on the Range however if you're not hitting leg shots this weapon should be a three and maybe a two hit kill in most scenarios and that is with body shots with the headshots of course it will always be a one-hit kill unless you're over 2000 units away which is like come on dude just don't even shoot them from that range not that you're going to get that range in this game but yeah the first shot accuracy is of course very very good and it is a very good weapon for tapping however do I recommend this gun well not a pistol round because every other pistol is already one shot this is 100 a weapon for ecoing or decoying as some people like to do which is basically just by deagle baby armor but then if you buy a deagle and armor it's kind of expensive so just by a deal but yes I do recommend this weapon not on a pistol round if you're decent if you can hit your headshots it's good and the price of this weapon is 700 which sounds like okay it's not that much more than 500 right but that's only 300 less than something like the mach 10 which could be a much better gun depending on how you're playing it overall is this the best pistol in the game I'd say the 5.7 is slightly better overall but when it comes to a long range and hitting headshots of course this one is better anyways that's going to do it for the video let me know down in the comments what I should change for the next episode of this video and if you wanted more recoil pattern stuff well most of the pistols don't even have a recoil pattern the only two that actually do is the revolver and the CZ other than that they really just have orangey recoil that is a value but not a particular pattern so they just kind of like go up and then do whatever they want however in future episodes of course I will be talking about recoil patterns more And subscribe for episode 2 which will be rifles yes like AK and stuff but I'll see you guys in the next one peace have a nice day
Channel: Strider
Views: 272,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs2, csgo, counter strike, counter strike 2, counter strike global offensive, counter strike skins, counter strike best gun, counter strike best pistols, counter strike guides, counter strike pistol guides, counter strike leaks, counter strike best skins
Id: FGHS0mdrsUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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