MASTER your CS:GO Movement (Beginner)

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so you looked up a cs go movement tutorial because you saw that a commentator finished a movement map quickly and thought well a commentator can do it so can i and you're right you can and this is the place to be that was me the blast commentator guy launders here to explain to you how to do air wiggling aka air strafing and other movement fundamentals so that you can play the cs go hub kz training map and beat it quickly as well okay so from the top what is movement okay movement is getting around the map but what is good movement good movement number one quite simply is getting from point a to b as efficiently as possible and number two as effortlessly as possible so you don't have to think about the execution when you need to get up on top of a box or fly around a corner good movement in competitive play is not about hitting 10 b-hops in a row or strafes with perfect sink and max distance it's just about knowing how to air strafe so that if it would be faster to go around a corner backwards for example to get you at a tight spot you could do it without thinking or if you are blessed with the opportunity to hit a bunnyhop you can catch a timing and win that opening pick now in kz which is the cs go game mode that combines all the technical elements of movement and puts them into a map where people either challenge themselves to finish a map or challenge themselves to beat a map quickly here is where you may have to pull off a multi-hop or difficult long jump that'll take you a few tries but with this comes consistency in the competitive mode as well for if you can hop into kz and beat a beginner map quickly or beat a tough map at all you'll find it much more natural to execute on movement in competitive that is much less demanding because it'll now be more effortless so what are the technical elements and let's make this as practical as possible if you can understand how to air strafe b-hop and crouch jump you can very easily teach yourself the rest so let's get started with those air strafing is a mechanic in cs go that allows you to go faster and farther than you can if you were to jump in a straight line now you might be wondering why wiggling left and right quickly is faster than to not turn at all and to explain that i would like you to imagine we were in a kayak and the water that your kayak is floating in stay with me is the air in cs go now if you were to paddle to go forward let's say on the left side of your kayak you will both go forward and drift to the left in order to balance that out you would naturally paddle on the right in order to continue forward and gain speed and also straighten out now i'm sure that sounds simple enough but when watching someone air strafe we see the mouse movements but what we don't see is the key inputs so let's pay attention to the key inputs for a second w-a-d-a-d-a-d so that's right if you noticed after running forward and jumping you have to release w and literally forget w exists until you land at the end of your jump i need you once you leave the ground to treat w like it was a bad grade you got on a test last week that nearly jeopardize everything forget it and i'm telling you this because this is the hard part ironically letting go of w allows you to have full control your muscle memory won't make this easy but keep practicing until you're comfortable it's like riding a bike i promise now the second part of what we don't see is sync after you run and jump in order to gain speed you have to synchronize your keyboard movement direction with your mouse movement direction so if your first strafe is to the left your mouse must also move to the left when you switch to the right you press right on your keyboard and look to the right every single moment that you either hold w too long after you jump or don't keep your mouse and keyboard perfectly in sync you will lose speed with no speed you will gain no distance with no distance you won't complete jumps and if you don't complete jumps you can't be cool that simple the three absolutely undeniably most important parts about your long jumps are number one jumping as late as possible okay because the ground beneath you is tons of free distance and units are very small in this game the difference between the top long jumps of all time is just one or two units in total i guarantee you will find a number of jumps that don't require air strafing and can be done simply by jumping late and no matter how good you get this will always be important number two letting go of w once again this is free distance your strafes mean less and less the more you do your first rafe which is your most important for distance can be completely ruined by letting go of w late and again it's much harder than it seems so kz servers can show you when you are executing on this well number three sync sync and sync again you can do extremely long jumps that can qualify you to beat the hardest k z maps available with just a few strafes five strafes or even less on most maps keeping your stripes in sync is much more important than adding strafes jump late let go of w and sink over quantity and you will be landing some fantastic long jumps in no time getting frustrated is a huge part about learning movement because it's highly repetition-based but remember once you learn it you will basically never lose the skill so get started now next up is bunny hopping aka b-hopping now if you feel exhausted from listening that whole bit on air strafing have no fear that was also 90 of the b-hopping tutorial as well in fact b-hopping is just timing a jump in between your strafe jumps in order to maintain the speed that you gained while in the air that's how foon did this back in cs source so when bunny hopping the two things you really need to know is no matter how much you practice you will never actually be able to hit every single hop but you can improve your odds of hitting a b-hop by practicing and practicing with mouse wheel down because scrolling adds extra inputs and increases your chances of hitting a perfect hop using your scroll allows you to tell the game that you want to jump multiple times over a small period of time so that you can hopefully line up one of those inputs with the tick that you touch the ground this is called a perf or perfect if you don't hit it you will hear a clunky noise and lose most of your hard earned speed but luckily the punishment for missing your perf isn't that bad and sometimes missing your perf on purpose can help you control your speed a bit better on kz or b-hop maps so it can be used tactically the last practical movement tips i wanted to discuss are crouch jumping head bangers and ladders crouch jumping put simply is pressing crouch before you jump in the source engine this allows you to gain an extra two units of height and do jumps like this one on mirage it's unintuitive but easily mastered some maps will have crouch jumps and so it's important to be able to do this practice for a few minutes headbangers are a funny one now i've been known to miss a cat jumper too but something that people actually don't know about the mirage cat jump for example is that you don't even need to air strafe to make it jumping as late as possible which is always just a good thing to do and improve that is enough to get you from the window on the catwalk zero air strafing knowledge required all you need to do is avoid bumping your head head bangers will exist on movement maps where you are forced to crouch or they'll just be there ready to hit you down because you didn't look up another small but important thing to get used to lastly ladders now ladders are not easy and can be incredibly dynamic and usually where most people stop learning and funnily enough i would say that learning air strafing for the first time is much harder than just improving at ladders so the best thing to do is just jump on them and practice flying off and i'd consider it advanced movement but there are a few jumps on the cs go hub map where you need basic knowledge of ladders so i'll show you this trick for this jump for example jumping across with a ladder that looks like this simply keep your crosshair in the same position and run and jump holding left and forward to keep your speed once you grab onto the ladder and jump across to it keep holding a and w and look up a bit to use the ladder to launch you across to the next platform the ladder will just allow you to keep the speed you came onto it with and send you off on the exact trajectory you set your mouse and that should be enough to at least complete this after that you'll start to get a feel for how to improve it ladders by angling differently and launching off and letting go of w on time but that'll be for a more advanced movement tutorial that'll come out in the future in our next video for mastering movement it'll be at an intermediate level for go and we'll be going over every single jump type on the cs go hub one after another uh without just learning about the fundamentals individually and i'll specifically show you how to do these jumps and then soon after that we'll do an advanced tutorial where i can show you more deep movement uh techniques and the stuff that i used for example to complete my just about 30 second run on the on the hub map and show you what it looks like to try to implement some skips and to do things in a more optimized way and it's really fun once you get to that level and i promise we're not far away from it just a few hours of grinding if you go ahead and try yourself so i hope you enjoyed that and we'll be back very soon with the intermediate level tutorial and an advanced level tutorial and of course as always let me know if you guys really enjoy the movement content if you want more tutorials and if this really satisfied and helped with your goal of learning how to get better at cs go movement so thank you for listening subscribing and commenting appreciate you [Music] you
Channel: lau
Views: 450,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs:go, csgo, pov demo, review, pro, lau, coach lau, xray, analysis, launders, csgo highlights, bhop tutorial, longjump tutorial csgo, long jump tutorial, bhop csgo, movement tutorial csgo, what is kz csgo, how to kz csgo, how to bhop csgo, how to air strafe csgo, how to airstrafe csgo, movement csgo, movement tutorial, kz tutorial csgo, crouch jump csgo, mirage window jump tutorial csgo, csgo air sync tutorial csgo, air wiggle csgo, csgo movement guide, csgo movement, csgo tips
Id: D2LZmWOB9j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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