The ULTIMATE Bloons TD 6 BINGO Challenge!

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we're back baby today we're gonna be trying another rematch round of balloon cd6 Bingo last time we did a 4x4 bingo card and today we've upgraded it to a 5x5 so that means we got nine more things on the board and everything's been re-jumbled around so that it's not the same stuff and uh well I think Ryan and I have our own pads in our mind you guys love the last one so we're gonna be doing this again Ryan are you ready to try a second round remember if you guys want to see this again or maybe we get other YouTubers hit that like button yeah team one if you want to see this series show your love and support guys I am I'm ready I see some crazy things in here saber like I see some crazy things I do too I do too yeah so we've added a bunch of new things like we said you know some things like only magic we swapped out only primary and only military with only magic and only uh wait wait wait do we even have any other one I think we got rid of only support only support that's right yeah and only support um and then of course we actually threw in blue TD Battles too as another Bingo slot if any of us are willing to do it but hey we'll have to see what it is we're going to be choosing as soon as we separate here and uh you ready Ryan uh I guess I should probably hit my timer running geez I'm so unprofessional bro yeah so we're just gonna hit start and then we're gonna leave the call yeah I guess so all right all right ready three two one and go all right everybody so I'm going to decide I'm gonna go through the middle path here I'm gonna go no duplicate Towers in one game beat chimps a free slot only support and win one Bloons TD Battles 2 game so I'm gonna try to do all three of these at the same time I'm gonna try to have no duplicate Towers only support and beat chimps I think this might be insane but if I can pull this off I think it will be absolutely legendary so I'm gonna play cubism because cubism's the easiest map in the game we're gonna be playing on chimps here and so the idea the dream is that I beat this using only support Towers and I can only use one of each right so that's the or I can only use one of each one so I'm gonna put a I think I'm gonna put my boy right here I think this is where I'm gonna have or do I put him here yeah I'm gonna have this guy be right here I'm gonna have oh this is difficult I think I want to have him right here that's gonna be the spot for him right there all right so this is gonna be my engineer monkey so here's the plan I can only have three towers down right so I can't have duplicate towers and it has to only be support so I can have only one Spike Factory one monkey Village and one engineer monkey that's the only options that I have for this so I have to be incredibly precise with how I go about this right like that I have to be insanely insanely attuned to just this whole thing so this is my strategy this is what I think I'm gonna do with this so we have the engineer monkey who's gonna be we're gonna get Century champion and then deconstruction because Century shots do extra damage to Moab class balloons so that's gonna help us with with the you know the ddts the bfbs the bads all of those things down the line so that's going to be kind of like the main goal of what I want to get with that I'm going to go ahead grab faster engineering because that's going to help us with just all of it eventually I can just get sprockets as well I'm gonna go ahead and get myself a spike Factory and that's gonna be in charge of dealing with the like the lead balloons and the camo balloons and eventually I'll go ahead and get myself a monkey Village as well and then the Monkey Village I'm gonna put the Monkey Village so it's in radius of both of them and then I think I'll get MIB and go up that path for the village I think that's gonna be the best the best play I would like to well let's see I have to do a lead balloons on round 28. let's see Sentry experts two thousand seven hundred dollars I don't know if I'm gonna be able to afford that I don't think that's gonna be a possibility for me unfortunately well I can go ahead I'm just gonna put this guy down right here right this is gonna be my beautiful lovely Spike Factory and this is gonna be I think I want to save up and just get smart spikes for it so he puts all those spikes down here because eventually this is gonna be a Perma Spike Factory I think that's what I want this to be uh how much is it Long Reach and smart spikes okay and then I'm gonna have it be on smart so he always just puts his spikes way away and I have nothing to worry about so he's gonna deal with that okay I'd like to say first off by the way I know you guys will see that I have mods on I think Ryan also looks like he has mods on but we just have the mod helper on we're not actually using mods in this it's completely vanilla so you don't have to worry about that I'm gonna go second to the bottom row we're gonna go Thousand Lives beat anything on double cash so let's go ahead and go oh wait hang on I gotta use Creator code tuber again it happens to be in my slot here so let's go ahead and do Creator code tuber we're actually gonna go ahead and buy a monkey knowledge point with Creator code two room because I still need more monkey knowledge points as well wait what what what what oh no oh no I'm bugging out I'm bugging out man you guys can't see it but my steam overlay is popped up oh no no no no I'm wasting so much time right now bro what is this dude are you serious I'm dude I have to literally control I believe what I have to task manager and force close my my balloons are you serious right now okay all right hang on guys gotta relaunch and I gotta do this again what dude that's so stupid how could oh my God all right it doesn't matter it doesn't matter I could still do this I I think this can be pretty easy as long as I get kind of Lucky on some stuff here so I'll tell you guys my Strat in a sec basically I'm gonna go ahead and do a monkey knowledge point so it's my monkey knowledge Point better work this time there we go okay work this time okay add funds let's go let's go add some funds yeah pay with whatever who cares okay go go go go go go go go go go hurry up hurry up hurry up let's go let's go okay return to your transaction authorize okay all right we use Creator code tuber baby let's go let's go oh oh I gotta retype that just in case okay all right so uh let's hear we got Creator code two we're gonna go ahead and make sure we beat anything without double cash on so we're gonna go to extras we're gonna turn double cash off and we're gonna go ahead and hang on I just need to check something again real quick let's see uh no that's not what nope that's not what I want to check uh let's see here I just wanted to make sure I'm not losing my mind okay yeah that doesn't make any lives so we gotta just beat a game okay let's just do monkey Meadow Change Hero we're gonna go Pat Frosty okay so the next thing that I'm doing I'm I'm I need to be I need to beat a match it's any game so I'm gonna do it on easy I'm gonna beat it oh no no no I'm so dumb dude I need to pick a map that can literally do water towers I'm so dumb I'm literally so dumb okay no no no no no no it's an expert map I need a water map come on come on give me a water map that's quick we're gonna have to do skates okay let's go let's go let's just do skates all right so we're gonna do skates I need to be able to beat this pretty quickly so let's get Pat fussy down and then we need to get a Buccaneer and a Monkey Sub down so we're just gonna speed that up so here's my thoughts I'm going to pray that win won any game with random people I'm gonna pray that I get easy and then on that match I'm gonna try and get a thousand lives here I'm just gonna go ahead and just beat this there's no way I can't get lives any other way right I'm just I'm just gonna make sure here let's hear him like the buccaneer can't make you any more lives right no okay okay so we gotta we gotta get our get our uh stuff situated here I just have to beat round 40. I can do this I can do this I wonder what path Ryan's doing though I wonder what path Ryan is doing I have no idea I'm trying to think like so the bingo card you guys you guys obviously took a look at it we have some crazy stuff like we added you you have to use only last configuration uh targeting mode for all towers for one game and then we got other things like expert challenges we still have Paragon degree level oh yeah I need to hurry up I need to hurry up dude so let's get sprockets now if I can get Sentry expert before before the lead balloon show up I can get faster production on this I think and then I'll be actually like in huge business so this is gonna be oh my gosh this is crazy trying to beat chimps with only three towers okay there's the camera Bloom but we got the spikes I don't have to worry about that if I can get Sentry expert that will be able to deal with the lead balloons and that's gonna be really nice to have so I think I might just try to save up the twenty seven hundred dollars but I don't think I'm gonna have enough money for that I think I might have to get the white hot spikes we'll see 27 oh my gosh this is gonna be so close oh my gosh I'm gonna have enough money okay Sentry expert so now that's gonna be able to pop the lead balloons okay now let's go ahead I can get faster production on these now which is gonna be super nice so I let's get oh but lead camos are gonna be really scary that's gonna I don't know if I trust myself to get I think I just get white hot spikes I think that's just the better option here I'd love to get fashion production even faster production but if lead I'll just be careful with it I think that's what we'll do now we are gonna have to deal with the Moab showing up soon so let me get larger surface area and just deconstruction just so uh oh let me get long life spikes on this I think that should be enough to be able to deal with this all of the camo balloons that are going to show up this round it looks like they're not really I'm not really worried about it right now you know that seems to be doing fine nice we do have a MOAB that's gonna be showing up this is crazy this is ridiculous what am I doing I need rate I need to get camo detection as well very soon so I have this I want to get deadly spikes on this and faster production but camo lead balloons are gonna be oh if I can just get camera detection on this I'll be fine so let me just put this Village down and that covers both of them and I get bro blog Walker and then I should if I can get radar skin oh is this gonna be is this gonna cover all of them oh my gosh thank goodness for long life spikes holy cow that's terrifying if I can get radar skin or I can pop every single type of balloon come on radar scanner okay so we have radar Skinner that means all of the turrets have camo so that means we can pop every single type of balloon now so I have no worries about having to to deal with that so it means I can get faster production on this actually and then once I get MIB that means that this guy will be able to pop oh man those oh look at that the Ceramics are kind of scary let me get faster production even faster production on this and I think that's gonna be quite value for us so I need to save up and get deadly spikes now holy cow if I be this is gonna be crazy oh no is that gonna pop it is that gonna be it okay that dealt with that without dealt with that I'm just gonna get a bunch of Subs down and make it so that they can see everything the only thing I'd be kind of worried about is camo detection but that's okay because these guys will be able to see camo detection and then my monkey Subs will too so we'll be all right but yeah I have no idea like use only bottom path in one game that one's kind of easy but I know that Ryan can't get any more achievements anymore like he's actually incapable of getting achievements which is hilarious I'm gonna get this monkey Buccaneer to be as close over here as possible so that so that he can see over there so that these monkey Subs can also see camos we'll get Crow's Nest there we go all right easy easy easy easy let's go all right so I think I'm actually pretty good I just need to get hot shot or grape shot on the buccaneer as well as get twin guns on these guys round 15. I hate moments like this because I'm clearly like I have to just beat the game now I'm like in this limbo stage where I can't like be efficient with my decisions and it kind of makes me sad we're gonna go for a hot shot as well here I'm not too worried I mean we just gotta fight a MOAB which isn't that big of a deal we got hot shot easy all right so I've I'm only allowed to use these three guys so we can't can't do anybody else can't do anybody else all right so we're gonna we're gonna get some air burst Starts Here save up some money I'm starting to get some more money good good all right all right yeah I know we're doing a bunch of challenges right now guys and things are sweaty but I just want to say thank you for watching and if you didn't know only 30 of the people watching are actually subscribed to the channel so if you guys want to help out the channel and you are a part of the 70 watching and not subscribed then please subscribe help us out we're almost like we're on our way to 500k subs and we would we appreciate it greatly nonetheless 10 more rounds 10 more rounds I'm really worried about the uh win one on any game so beat anything on double cash by the way it it doesn't specify which means that I can do whatever uh so I'm gonna turn double cash on again before I go back into the any game I just need to at least beat anything without double cash on I should have placed Pat fussy closer dude I might actually even sell him I honestly might even zone no it's not worth it it's not worth it he's been upgrading he's already leveled up I'm only six rounds away I need to just I don't want to set myself back it's fine it's not a big deal I don't know how many camos there's gonna be so let's just go ahead and get another Crow's Nest here and yeah let's just get another Crow's Nelson Hot Shot there we go okay yeah I got Cannon chips sweet okay looking good looking good I think wait I already did all the cameras you know it doesn't even matter it doesn't even matter I think I don't know who cares either way we're only three rounds away and I'm feeling pretty good about this and I'm not worried about losing this I am worried about losing with the any game because it's all dependent on who I'm playing with and I'm putting a lot of my trust into random people right now let's just get armor and piercing guard so that we can do extra damage to the uh Moab here let's pop it ASAP baby there we go done okay next maybe a thousand lives in a any match please be an easy one please for the love of God be an easy one yes let's go let's go let's go please don't pick something hard please don't pick something hard dude this guy wants to do Resort I'm okay with the resort that's fine I don't really care yes let's go we got easy okay let's get deadly spikes now I need 3 700 for deadly spikes and boom deadly spikes on lock bigger radius let's get jungle drums because that just increases the attack speed so with jungle drums that means that not only is the engineer monkey going to be attacking faster all of the other turrets are gonna be attacking faster and he's gonna be putting turrets down faster as well because that is increased with his attack speed so that's just gonna be a huge boost for him all around and now I think I think I start saving up I would love to get MIB do I get I think what I do now is I save up for Century champion because I don't think I'm gonna really need this and unless like something kind of sneaks by right but this guy should be dealing with a majority of all the problems right we got Sentry like this guy is just doing the work right he's just doing everything that we need so I think what I do here is I just save up oh I would love MIB though that MIB would just give me so much more comfort in knowing that nothing is gonna like sneak on by because lead balloons right now would just ruin me lead balloons would absolutely destroy me and I'm kind of not ready for that you know but eight thousand dollars I'm trying to save up and get that Sentry Champion right because if I get Century Champion I'm solid I don't know if I can defeat a a BFB on my own right now and besides like round 63 I I have to have it before around 63. if I don't have a century champion before round 63 I think I just lose unfortunately and If I Lose I'm gonna have to just restart this whole challenge I don't even know if this is possible this very well could just not be possible I only have three towers they're all support and I can't have duplicates do I have to beat chimps I can't use duplicate towers and I have to only use report and I basically could only have a villain so and I have to have the village ah now the question is I'm not sure what I want to do with the village right do I get myself the top path and make it so that I have the expertise to be able to just like destroy everything right oh man I do not like how far these guys are getting I do have a pretty good setup with the spike Factory lead balloons would just get by and we'd lose those so I'm not looking forward to that so but I feel like I really needed that even faster production for the late game once I do have MIB because if I can get MIB I'm gonna be doing pretty good also I don't know if I can pop purple balloons I need MIB for that oh my gosh lots of balloons getting by lots of balloons getting by is this okay come on that's okay that's okay that's why we have the spike Factory everybody 500 we're at 23 24 000. I need 34 000. I could get that or purpose bike I think I want Century Champion holy cow that's so many Ceramics I'm shutting down I'm panicking I think oh no this I might have bitten off more than I can chew I am so nervous right now you guys don't even know but oh if I could pull this off it's gonna be legendary all I need is the century Champion I just need the century champion and then MIB and then I'm solving I think I can deal with that and then I can save up for Perma Spike and then I can save up and try to get some of the other things round 95 and other I don't even know if I can get to around 95. I only need like 4 000 more dollars and I can get Century Champion please please if I lose now I'm gonna be so upset I have to be I have to pay close attention to what I might lose on because if I lose I have to completely restart completely there's no getting around it so look at this 32 000 if I can get oh my gosh it's gonna be so close for the BFB will I be able to have enough money to go up against the BFB I don't have enough money for the BFB oh no oh no I don't there's no way I can pop a BFE right please I need more money wait I'm popping it I'm popping it I'm gonna need backup I need backup I need backup holy cow Central Champion let's go okay these guys don't have that many live or levels I mean I guess actually one of them had like my amount of levels which is fine that's great oh God but the lag oh God but the possible lag dude no I'm stuck on this this is just a buffer timer now I can't do anything oh God no no dude please I just need a thousand lives dude that's fine I don't care if one left actually that's completely fine by me all right I'm done let's do it I'm starting it okay I need I need lives what path do I want to get go is the real question I know that the support Chinook can drop me lives and that's pretty cheap maybe okay you know what I'm gonna do that because there's a chance that I might need the support Chinook anyways just because these people might be incompetent so we're gonna go ahead and do that um we're gonna get Pursuit and the support Chinook so that I can actually help out my team as well is it just okay there's three of us we're okay I wonder if I request money will they give it to me I have to get a thousand lives before round 40 and this guy's popping balloons quick right now dude that's a very worrisome I should have gotten Benjamin dude dude oh God do I back out I don't know if I just back out I've already made too many mistakes once like what are the chances of me getting worse people I'm helping this guy pop even faster I actually don't know if I want that to be honest but I don't know we're gonna have to actually no no no no I don't trust it I don't trust I'm having doubts right now do I do I back up I actually might need at least medium difficulty but if I waste my time trying to do easy I don't know what'll happen here I know I don't know how much how many lives the support Chinook gives is the problem but I can get multiple support Chinooks and I think that might be my fastest way to do it because I know the the basically the other way is with a banana farm and I have to go monkey Wall Street for that I think right yeah because I don't think Central Market gives you lives um I could have sworn what was it it was the Druid gives you lives too I could have sworn he gave you lives right am I am I losing my mind or or am I wrong maybe I'm thinking of the modded Druid I have no idea man so let's hear it's gonna cost me like 12K per support Chinook is that gonna be enough I don't think I'm gonna have enough though it doesn't say I can't use some it doesn't say I can't use cash drops oh God I know that's gonna be so controversial though I know that if I use cash drops people are gonna be like well you use cash drops as cheating but it doesn't say I can't okay there's no clarification saying I can't use cash drops oh God oh God I do I go for the controversy or do I try and just do it without cash drops so that people don't get upset but I I just here's the thing there's nothing saying I can't okay there's nothing saying I can't do it I'm doing it I'm doing it there's nothing saying I can't that's all I'm saying guys yo how incompetence is this guy how incompetent is this guy dude come on come on okay all right all right okay okay I need I need to put more down if I don't get a thousand lives after wasting all of this I'm gonna be so freaking butt hurt dude okay we're gonna get we're gonna try and get monkey Wall Street I need more I need literally more oh God oh God this is gonna be so pathetic if I don't get this I need I only have eight rounds I have eight rounds oh God this is gonna be so sad if I don't get this oh man how many lives that only gives me that many lives oh dear God oh dear God oh dear God I need a thousand lives I'm gonna be this is gonna be such a waste there's literally gonna be such a waste dude oh God and come on support you know support you know please please give me money oh my God it's I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna do it in time that was such a waste dude that was actually such a waste oh my God are you serious I just wasted so many oh God no no no I'm not gonna do it I have to get out of here I have to get out of here it's not gonna happen it's not gonna happen I have to do it again no no no I'm not not doing it I'm going to Monkey Meadow I'm going to easy and I'm gonna just do the Thousand Lives then I'm gonna beat just the everything and I'm I'm good I'm good I'm good I can't do that I can't do that I'm not doubling down okay I have since your Champion I need MIB now MIB is the next it's a must-have because these per look at this he can't hit but I'm losing my speech I'm so nervous he can't hit purple balloons these purple balloons are quite spooky friends oh but he can deal with it he's doing great work now we have these Champion centuries which okay look at this round 63 melted holy cow this just might be possible this just might be possible holy cow please I need MIB I've been I've been so stressed because literally just one lead balloon or like a DDT they just get by and I lose that's it I lose game over nice nice I I enjoy playing Ryan have fun restarting if I lose because I went the wrong if I didn't get white hot spikes I'm gonna be really upset with myself so this guy's gotten only 800 pops MIB let's go all right next on the list is prima Spike literally that's I just have to say I just have to buy purpose bike it's 32 000 but I think we're a good spot now I wonder what saber's up to that's what I really want to know what is he doing so we're on 67 so the rounds that I'm worried about are 76 because that's a lot of Ceramics he's got this engineer has a 140 000 Pops I I've invested too much in this if I beat this that covers three categories plus I have a free spot which means I only need to win one game of balloons TD Battles that's all I would have to do and they just have a new season launch so there might be a bunch of people in it so all I gotta do is win one game that's that's all that I'd have to do and that's kind of terrifying oh no it doesn't matter if I don't win this though I gotta keep my head in the game I can't be thinking about stuff that's too far ahead I need to be focused here and now and being able to deal with all of these Shenanigans I'm really glad that I went deconstruction a small part of me was kind of thinking of getting the oversized nails and pins but I think deconstruction is just too good for the late game right like I think this this is just way too strong it just melts the balloons so now I just gotta save up and get that Perma Spike I probably need it before round 90. I think that's what I kind of have to get because if I can get it before around 90 I think we're in business but I'm not again I have no idea I don't even know what this is plausible to be able to beat this because I I could just lose at 95 and there's nothing I can do which if that's the case if that's the case Not only would I have to redo chimps I would have to do chimps without using one of these things and then I would have to play another game to to get that scratch off so it would put me so far behind that I that I think is just a guaranteed loss and I don't want to think about that because that's really sad I Need A Thousand Lives bro that's all that matters right now I I'm I'm gonna win this I'm gonna win this bro I'm gonna be so sad if I don't I'm wasting So Much Monkey money right now I'm wasting an insane amount of monkey money okay okay okay all right I think that's enough for now that's enough let's get this and let's go this and let's do that okay Okay so we've got that down let's get a bunch of support Chinooks down and then I need to get I need to get a portable Lake down and I need to get a Monkey Sub down we need to go Energizer okay we're gonna use the last of these cash drops okay this is non-efficient but it's fine okay we're gonna get some Farms all right I just need I should have done this on medium dude it's not like I have to beat it I just have to get a thousand lives oh god let's get a bunch of hooks down I should have done this on actually it doesn't matter I can go to free play on this oh good good okay I can go in a free play and then it works okay we're okay all right so now we just need to get a support Chinook we have Energizer down oh my god dude come on hook me up man hook me up okay all right here we go I'm full sending it I wonder how close Ryan is I really wonder how close Ryan is I just use so much monkey to do this or monkey money did I even say that properly bro what's happening to me I have I have absolutely so many helicopters on me bro okay okay I've upgraded all that I'm gonna get pursued on some of these guys that I uh don't have to worry about it all right there we go and then let's just grab a sniper monkey and cool don't need to worry about anything anymore you can see camos too okay done done now we can speed up this and we can support Chinook one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four oh my God okay oh I'm just missing this one there we go there we go I just did all of them okay I'm almost there oh my God I'm almost there wait am I getting lives from something else I don't even care I think I'm that's right the banana Farms make you lives too she's gotten more of those down I did it okay I got it I got a thousand lives done I'm out I did it okay I just have to win one game now I just have to literally win one game all right oh God please please if it's any game please be easy please keep it on easy please keep it on easy sunken columns fine whatever it's fine I'll just do easy and I'll just do a sniper monkey please play it nope guys taking too long do it again nope not nope deflation not doing it sure sure that's fine I'm fine with it I'm fine with it go start it oh my god dude come on come on come on come on nope that's hard not doing it come on easy let's go let's go easy on monkey Meadow let's go please just started for the love of God please just start it please start it come on man are you serious right now oh I do not like how far these balloons get we're at almost twenty thousand dollars so we're at oh around 76 is what I was worried about dealt with it not even a not even a problem we're almost at twenty thousand dollars now so we need another 12 000 in order to get that premise bike up and running I'm just sitting here biting my nails being scared being spooked being worried but I have I believe I think this I think we've gotten past the hard part maybe maybe oh no all right this OMG is up next everybody will oh can I get Perma Spike before this OMG I might be able to get it before this OMG oh my gosh perfect timing okay we now have Perma spikes everybody we have MIB faster production Perma spikes plus an mid century Champion the only thing that I can spend money now on is Call to Arms I can't buy anything else because I can't buy duplicate Towers I can't put any other things down or else it literally forfeits the run so we got that done just in time now now we just have to sit and wait now the problem is though Call to Arms is going to be an interesting ability in how we use it normally normally Call to Arms is used in a pinch right when you need it right and that is the case because it increases all attack speed and pops by 50 for a short period of time but it's going to work a little bit differently with the engineer monkey and Spike Factory both of them share an interesting quality of it increases the speed of which they place down turrets and play standings down so I I would actually need to use the Boost right before we actually would need it because it does increase his attack speed so he's able to put down more turrets which would inevitably make him stronger if that makes sense so I need to be very careful with how I use this ability and I will have to use this ability because I'm on round 83 already and we're struggling so without this ability to use properly I will lose and I don't like thinking about that I don't like thinking that this is up to me and not just oh well you know the showers aren't strong enough no I didn't push a button at the right time and I lost okay now we have this ability though holy cow I don't like this we do have the Perma spikes and the permas bikes do look like they have quite the uh level here so see I use this one see look how fast he puts down turrets and now we have all of these extra turrets down and so I think we kind of want to just use this ability as often as we can just to keep the turrets down because it keeps a steady stream of tournament sound so like we can just put it down and it makes them all fire faster and it gives us more Perma spikes so the more the ability the more this ability is off down the better we are going to be we'll have to see how it works though let's see Homeland defense we need 43 000 we probably can get forty three thousand dollars in time for that if we're lucky I want to know what past saber wins that's gonna be a really good question oh man wait let's take a look-see I want to I want to see if I can guess what path saber went I gotta keep using my abilities though okay let's see I can let's take a look see what he went so I'm doing this middle path top path cornfield nowhere moving three expert challenges one expert map ten T5 75 I don't think he would do that that seems really hard I don't trust say I don't think to saber trusts himself enough to get a 75 degree Paragon use only one hero ventrals there's no way he's getting eventual sun god Temple there's no way he's playing chimps he might do the bottom path only magic only lasts beginner in the intermediate the whole row use only t2s I think he might do the bottom the bottom row I think that's what he's doing or maybe a side thing only oh my gosh what was that holy cow okay never mind I gotta pay attention I gotta Focus up here here this is way too stressful Spike Factory is at a 1 200 pops there's gonna come a time where I have to rely on this bike Factory dude Adam Millman collage let's go all right more booze please okay 93. these oh no all right round 95 is two rounds away oh gosh ddt's okay we dealt with that how much money does this cost forty three thousand I will probably be able to afford it I have to save my Boost for around 95 right when the DV right before the DDT show up oh my gosh I never mind I might have to just use it right now if I don't use it right now I have to use the Boost now I might not have it for round 95 though for the ddts just oh no oh this is this might be it friends holy cow please Burma spikes oh my gosh holy cow that got six thousand pops oh my gosh okay round 95. all right get ready get ready everybody all right three two one ddts are gonna come and spawn the ability let's go okay all right okay let's go let's go oh ddts are getting by let's go holy cow holy cow only four more rounds only four more rounds I need 43 000. okay 43 000 and I'll be okay I just have to see I literally just have to sit here can I tell the guy to start it please start please I'm begging you I'll win it for you dude I'll win it for you I don't care I don't care I'll win I'll win it for you just just start it hard the guy changed it to hard oh my God all these are hard oh my God all these people have it on hard dude it's all hards oh God oh my God it's all just hard easy start it start it bro oh oh okay oh good go okay we're starting it we're starting it oh God okay okay okay I'm getting started down starting it all right I'm gonna get my Dart monkey down and I'm gonna put the dart monkey on both sides here okay okay we can do this we can do this I don't care if anyone even like backs out it doesn't even matter to me now I think I got this nonetheless no please okay okay oh Jesus I don't know man yeah let's just make sure we have camo detection and we'll go very quick shots we need to pop things as fast as humanly possible bro as fast as humanly possible I don't care we don't need a farm look you're hearing that from me that's how desperate I am to get this dub ASAP dude come on speed it up speed it up speed it up let's go oh good good oh yo shout out to that person oh my God shout out them dude oh my goodness dude they're using Supply oh that's right actually I could I could also do that actually another thing but I've used so many cash drops and I've wasted so many I know I'm Gonna Catch flag for that in the comment section but it'll all be it'll all be worth it if I win it'll all be worth it if I win as a matter of fact to make sure I try and win as fast as possible we're gonna get a sniper monkey down and we're just gonna travel shot there we go all right I'm trying to pop things cool awake right now my guy I'm gonna get Elite Defender straight up I'm like I'm watching my chat with Ryan to see I'm actually gonna have time like pre-typed out here actually no no no I'm not gonna type anything it's fine to let him know I don't wanna I don't want to make him think I'm close I still have no idea what pen but at this point all I care about is getting this done as long as everybody stays right here and does nothing else we'll win we will win right now how everything is that's all I care about oh god oh this is so sweaty dude this is literally so sweaty oh my God it's not even like sweaty anymore actually at this point it's more of just stressful because all I could do is just sit here and wait 43 I'm at 40 000 now so I only need three thousand more dollars and then I can get Homeland defense which is just way better oh that's so many that's so many I love when these things explode they actually do so much work when they explode and Homeland defense let's go oh my gosh Homeland defense is gonna be really really important here it's gonna be so important in here 96. what okay 97. okay all right this I think this is just two fortified OMGs I'm not worried about this but I'll still use the Boost anyways it gives them even more attack speed it gives them a hundred percent so it's literally double the attack speed of the buff so look how many abilities he puts down way more it might even last longer I thought I could be wrong about that round 98 quite devastating use the boost again this thing has ten thousand pops but it was needed the Perma Spike was needed I wonder if I should have gone a different path I don't think so I think the Perma spike is the is definitely the play just having that in the background okay round 99 I don't want to get my hopes up I do I cannot get my hopes of round 100 oh no okay this is it everybody it's all about the beans the beans okay boost it's not hurting okay it's taking a little bit of damage please take more damage v80 please Pop please Pop please Pop please please pop no don't do oh no it's not popping it's not popping fast enough I don't know oh it's not popping fast enough please please oh my God we did it okay that that's all that's three that's three that's three no duplicate Towers only support and chimps plus the free slot so all I have to do now is win one game of Bloons TD Battles holy cow okay okay okay uh let's do this then I gotta quit and launch BTD Battles I wonder if Ryan did anything with the balloons TD Battles 2 thing if he did that I don't know what so he would maybe get the 75 degree Paragon or something you have a whole row no support Creator code tuber in different language but then again I did that last time maybe he doesn't want to do it because it's the same thing oh man oh my God I have no idea I could be way ahead I could be neck and neck he could be about a win all I know is I have to just win any one game and I'm doing it I don't know why these guys are doing any of that that doesn't even matter that doesn't even matter Elite Defender there we go Gotta pop things real quick my guy real quick ten rounds I am 10 Rounds away from winning this is it this is a pretty much guaranteed dub as long as I just had nine rounds eight rounds eight rounds oh quick rounds I love the quick rounds the rounds with like nothing in them please please let me see it turn to 33 baby 33. seven rounds I'm just like watching that chat with Ryan like a hawk right now I don't want to see him say anything six just made me want to take a dump I'm not gonna lie I'm sweating I'm scared five rounds five rounds it's like a timer but the timer is really really slow oh my gosh okay let's do this I just have to win one that's all I have to do one game of balloon CD battles I'm sweating no this is I'm gonna get put up against like the most sweaty people now please I don't care about the seasons I don't care about no no I don't care about any of these cool yeah whatever uh-huh sure Play Casual battle uh yeah sure cool I'd please let me in the game oh yeah what'd you do casual battle uh I don't wanna I don't care about a reward I just want to find an opponent please don't take forever please oh my gosh it's literally just sitting here on okay connecting the game server please be bad please be bad uh docs oh gosh this Maps uh do I play on docs do I play on docs I'll play on docs I'm gonna do I'm just so I'm gonna full sweat this game okay I'm going to full sweat this game like I mean completely sweat this game I need give me a darling Gunner I'm not messing around give me a ninja give me a banana Farm I am not messing around this game I am not memeing on these guys okay yeah you're about to feel Nature's rat kid okay let's do this I have no idea where saber is I don't know but I don't want to think about it I'm way too stressed for this all right let's see okay let's see uh they're gonna come down here give me come on give me that darling Gunner give me that sweet darling Gunner nice okay and start sending Red Balloons so they start with immediately sending Gwendolyn which isn't too shabby I think I'm gonna put my boy open here and then do so let's see all right I'm gonna save up money I want open come on open just a little bit more and I can grab open oh he hasn't popped all his balloons nice so I can grab open okay dang it I didn't get open down before round one that's okay so I just gotta keep sending balloons gotta get that Eco up gotta get so right now they have Gwendolyn and Spike Factory looks like they're week two camo balloons um I'm fine with that they're just sending Red Balloons I'm gonna send I'm gonna just keep with the Red Balloons actually I might need to get they're just sending red balloon so I don't really think I need to really pressure or get any upgrade so I can just focus on that I'm gonna start sending blue balloons actually let me think about how I want to do this I got some blue balloons um I'm also gonna send oh wait they're doing they're doing they're doing Maelstrom okay they're not gonna be really able to deal with I'm gonna do put a little bit of oh wait no I boosted me I didn't mean to boost me that's awkward that's super awkward that's like really awkward do I want to put a banana I kind of want to put a banana Farm down I'm gonna put a banana Farm down just so I can get that extra sweet sweet extra income on the way they're not really pressuring me right they're not really uh putting too much too many problems down if they keep sending Red Balloons I'm fine I don't need to worry about anything I can collect this I can get increased production and then I can like they still aren't sending anything which is a little bit concerning oh they stop sending stuff I don't know what they're up to let's see what the heck is that or please four four come on come on three deep breath deep breath come on come on come on come on come on dude two two I'm down to two I gotta calm down bro I gotta calm down one I'm getting ready to type it and he saw me type I already pre-typed it I just have to beat the Moab what is that what is that is that a village I have no idea what that is so they just got rid of that they're still just sending Red Balloons which is a little bit weird I'm gonna start sending some green balloons my eco's doing pretty good actually I have two greater Productions I'm gonna get one more banana Farm I might okay here now they're gonna start sending the blue balloons at me so now I need to upgrade and I need those powerful darts come on powerful darts come on powerful darts all right and then I'm gonna get oh no why are we sinking okay there we go nice and increased production give me that greater production I can start sending spaced uh black balloons now because that's gonna be really nice for income so I'm actually doing really well with Eco right now I'm pretty happy with this I want to start saving up and trying to get myself something like nice right time oh my God I did it I did it oh my God I did it oh I did it dude something something to deal with oh wait he's having troubles quite the opponent disconnected let's go I win that's game that's game wait no wait wait oh my God I wasted So Much Monkey money doing that though no way no way dude oh my God I gotta get out of here I'm not doing that again dude whatever Ryan's doing he's definitely big sweaty I think he's about a win or he's about to finish his because he's not even answering my call now so I think he's actually about to finish his and he's just determined at this point to finish it I wonder what it is was trying to do that's game wait no wait wait dude oh oh what did you win yeah yeah wait what did you get what did you do I did the second to bottom row so I did a thousand lives beat anything without double cash only one game with just those three characters dude I gotta say I gotta say though okay all right look look I'm wait wait wait what was your time like what when when did you do this oh I don't know I I think it was like 25 or 26 minutes I I messaged I messaged you as soon as I was done oh okay okay yeah so yeah so wait how did it what happened so okay so I did I started out by using Creator code tuber that's that's an easy one that's basically a free slot except it wasn't free existent money um and then use Creator code super by the way and then I did I beat anything without double cash and then I did only one game with a pathfasti in those other two and then I tried to do a thousand lives in a win any game win one of any game and then yeah it was easy and I didn't have enough time to do it and so then I realized there was no specification no don't tell me you went into like sandbox no no no that would have been outrageous but there was no specification on supply drops oh my God but here's the thing dude oh my gosh you cheated it wasn't cheating those locations that's okay uh you know what fair you want on a technicality I'm so mad because I literally I just finished and I want you to know it was the nuttiest thing I've ever done in my life dude you're gonna everyone's gonna make fun of you in the comments because I literally I did the middle pass I did no Tower duplicate in one game no dude I ended up doing that I did no duplicate Towers chimps and only support and I won I literally beat shims using only one engineer one Village and one that and then I went into BTD battles and just won so you look like such a jumper I already acknowledged that I was gonna look like a jump but here's the thing okay I would have looked like even more of a chump if I had okay all right I wasn't done explaining it I'm not done looking like a chump okay because no shot you're not done I'm not done looking like a jump I wasted like 15K in Monkey money in that win one any game because we it was an easy match and so I was like okay I'm gonna try and get as many as many monkey as many lives as possible but the game was gonna end before I could get all the lives so then I had to back back out and go do my own game real quick and then do even more monkey money again no to get the Thousand Lives and then I had to go back into a win at win one with any game and then I had to win and then I had to win that so I'm I'm ashamed of you next time if we do this I'm Banning Powers dude that's actually you're outrageous that's fine by me man that's egregious I want no no I want comment down below who you think actually wins I want to know I want to leave it up to you guys okay should I win this or should saber win here's the thing we have clarifications on the bingo card for other things okay so I was like hey if we didn't clear no I'm leaving it up to you guys you guys comment down below who you think who do you think deserves this one that's crazy now I'm ashamed of you saber I'm ashamed of you nonetheless I'm down yeah we got a rematch I'm down to pan all power-ups that's fine all right let us know down in the comment section below thanks for watching and uh use Creator code tuber because I blew a lot of monkey money and peace
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 572,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, the ultimate bloons td 6 bingo challenge, tewbre bingo, tewbre btd 6 bungo, btd 6 bingo, btd 6 bingo challenge
Id: F-DpFuljg4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 42sec (2622 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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