The BTD 6 Bingo FINALE

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it's time everybody we're here with the finale of Bloons td6 Bingo tuber Edition okay so now we are on the third and final Bingo what does that mean if you guys haven't seen the first two then go watch those first because we are building up to the big moment here we've actually added some new rules because well I really pushed the limits last time didn't I Ryan huh when I didn't push the limits you cheated when I got that dub that disgusting dub oh my God I can't believe I went I was so sure that people are gonna side with me and they just I think they knew it would really get under my skin and they decided with you bro and I was just like it's fine we gave him the point okay but now it's time for the finale the Last Bingo unless you guys really like it and you know to hit the like button share it and it goes rematch or something but nonetheless new rules by the way are there is no power-ups allowed to be used okay we just can't use power-ups anymore that's uh actually pretty much I think the Only Rule I don't think we're at that's it there's no power-ups that's it yeah um and we've got the new Bingo sheet on screen right now here's what we're working with and um you have a path decided already Ryan you know what you're doing uh yeah I think I see something that I want to go for but okay I'm picking up something all right yeah I think I have my path as well I I doubt we're gonna tell each other here but we are going to go ahead and split up and let me go ahead and pull out my timer actually do the timers even matter because I think it's just whoever whoever says time person yeah yeah yeah I don't even think timers matter okay uh yeah you ready ready let's do it three two go oh he just goes okay so I'm gonna go the top path down to the right to the right path or use only t2s beat hard with that no support use only last targeting priority only magic monkeys and no beginner or intermediate Maps so with that being said and it's only magic monkeys so I'm assuming I can't use any Heroes because I think that would be cheating so I'm not going to use any Heroes and so I have to do an advanced map of advanced or expert I can't do beginner or intermediate so I have to do an advanced map so what is a Spillway is brutal I don't want Spillway midnight Mansion also brutal peninsulas not bad but like also um there's no way I'm gonna do Peninsula right cargo's also hard another brick isn't bad off the coast isn't bad and then there's underground and there's also cornfield cornfield's not bad and then there's expat I don't want to do any expert Maps so I think I think another brick is probably the best option for us if we're going to be doing magic monkeys only because it has kind of like this curve area and I think magic I think we're gonna go with another brick I think that's gonna be the option that we want to do here I have to play on hard and then I have to do magic monkeys only so that's gonna be the course for this I think this is gonna be rough okay so I have to make sure that that I I make sure that I can only upgrade to p2s so I can't go above a T2 and all the targeting priority has to be last it has to be and if it's not I I lose so I have to make sure that I that I do this properly I want to make sure I can get a Super Monkey as well so I'm gonna have a super Monkey here in this corner so for now I'm just gonna put this ninja down right here and then we'll get Ninja discipline and then sharp shurikens and then seeking shurikens and then I'll get cow traps on this guy and then that's gonna be super nice so again this is the max oh wait he has he has I didn't put on my last I didn't put him on last I have to restart he was he was getting bombs okay I have to make sure that he's on last okay that I can't believe I already lost once okay so I have to make sure that they're on last this is the biggest problem is if I forget to put it on the last targeting priority I will lose I I will lose and that is really awkward so the cow drops are gonna be nice oh having last targeting priorities is gonna stink like that's gonna seriously stink and it's gonna be serious booty cheeks because I the last targeting is gonna it's just gonna hurt it's gonna be very bad so what are some t2s that I can get wall of fire oh my gosh wall of fire is gonna be crucial for this wall of fire is gonna be really important and I can have it so I think I want lots of walls of fire walls of fire are gonna be important Super Monkey Plasma Blast ultravision is going to be really important too but that's gonna be for more like late game trying to deal with that right like I think that's gonna be do I get qualifier now maybe I do maybe I just get a wall of fire I want to get my one Super Monkey down first because it'll be like my main Super Monkey that we can work with uh let's see we could do a druid but like I could get heart of Thunder heart of Thunder's nice I wish I could get Drew to Jungle but I cannot get Drew to the Jungle that is going to be quite the problem all right so I don't know what path Ryan's doing hopefully we actually don't do the same one but we I'm gonna be going to do the middle horizontal path so I'm gonna go no duplicate hours win one any expert and only one game oh actually we did we did just some things first off we reshuffled the bingo card and on top of that in the middle instead of it being a free slot you have to actually pick another thing so it's any so you can pick another thing and of course you know me I'm gonna go ahead and uh I'm gonna buy some monkey money and use Creator code tuber uh and that'll be my any slot so let's just go ahead and do that real quick so there we go we're gonna buy some monkey money see how much money monkey money do I want to buy here we'll buy five bucks with it oh wait wait okay yeah I have Creator code two bro okay oh it has the check mark so we're good that means it means we did it um is it gonna hat come on come on you know I just realized I'm being quite casual right now and I'm literally supposed to try and win this entire race but you know what I just believe in myself you know what I mean unless in like five seconds Ryan is just gonna be like oh dude yeah I'm done done all right so we got Creator code tuber in here there we go oh it just reset I'm just gonna go ahead and type that make sure okay and uh we're gonna move on so now I just have to do these next four so we gotta beat an expert with only last targeting so let's oh no that's not what I want to do so let's go to an expert map oh God oh God what what should I do I have to beat an expert map and I I kind of want to do no duplicate Towers too but I can do expert but make it easy I only have to make sure I do the expert map I don't have to do it on hard which is actually really nice so let's just go ahead and do oh man I shouldn't have picked at the end that's all right we'll just put it in now look at that free Dart monkey okay and uh again we don't have any mods on for this challenge so we have to actually do things legit I'm gonna I'm gonna be able to have enough money after this right so I'm gonna turn off auto start okay so I can put down my Super Monkey right here thank you there okay and then also make sure it targets last uh because I literally have to make sure that they're targeting last if they are not on last and they pop balloons technically that's like technically I lose so I have to be very very careful with that because if I'm not I I just lose I just lose I'm gonna make sure my discord's pulled up as well so if Saber tries to contact me I think I'll be able to see it oh man I'm a little bit nervous I don't know what path he's trying to do so only two twos now now here's the question I won Plasma Blast and I think I have to get Ultra Vision knockback but if I get more range he'll be able to see down here because the ultravision does increase that so I could get Super Range but I don't think I want that I do not think that I want that at at all so do I put a wizard monkey here or do I put a wizard monkey I think I put the wizard monkey here and then I also have him just Target last okay and then what gives the board range so magic shots last longer and seek out the balloons even behind cover I'm gonna get that and then Arcane blast and then Fireball and then wall of fire and then I can have the wall of fire be placed over there so more wall of fire that's a very nice upgrade to be able to have I can hit I cannot hit lead camo so I'm going to want to get an alchemist and then also have acidic mixture dip do I want perishing potions so it strips fortified strengthens Brews and stimulants or don't want just acid pull I think I just want acid pool so I'm gonna turn off auto start because I think I want my Alchemist to be like up around this area and I wanna and I have to make sure that his targeting priority is on last or else I just lose so I'm gonna put you there and then acidic mixture dip last targeting and then faster throwing acid pulls so t2s T2 and that has no upgrades okay and I can start that now so now I have pretty much all the things that I need to to be able to deal with that uh I think I want to upgrade this I think I'm gonna start working more on the Super Monkey I want this I want my Super Monkey to have camo detection and then I also want them to have the plasma Vision I want to see what his range becomes because if I can get him to have a little bit better Vision I'm scared of the last targeting priority because the last targeting priority is going to be quite a nuisance right because if anything gets bi as you can see we're not going to be able to clean it up and I think that's where wall of fire comes into play oh do I get Super Range Super Range and epic range would be able to have him hit over here I think I just get laser blast and Plasma Blast I think that's a smarter option I think I I think that's just more damage Plasma Blast allows me to vaporize everything I think that's just a way better solution in the end I think that's just it's just better and then I'm gonna get a bunch of wall of fires because wall of fire will allow me to hit every single balloon that just kind of comes through so that's one of the reasons I wanted acid pool and caltrops is they just leave things on the track so it doesn't really matter what their targeting priority is it's still going to just hit any balloon that goes over it so I think it's actually going to work out pretty well honestly a lot better than I would initially expect it to so we're gonna go with that and I think it's gonna I think I I'm pretty confident about this I am pretty confident about this all right all right so if I can do this if I get no duplicates we should be okay I'm actually not too worried especially if it's on easy I know this map is like kind of hard but I mean I I think we can do this I'm not missing oh wait nope gotta restart I didn't do last targeting ah I can't put down as Yen ah all right let's do this and let's do last targeting oh God okay that's so stupid all right all right I I gotta remember to do last targeting or else I'm gonna have to restart again and I don't want to waste any more time and here's the thing guys if you're looking at the bingo sheet you'll notice that in my path is a win one of Bloons TD Battles too um yeah that's right so I think I can handle this all right I'm just kind of super worried about getting a dub on balloon sea battles I think that's probably my biggest fear is not getting a dub so we'll have to see what happens we'll have to see what happens here hey things are starting to get past me which is a little worrisome I could try and get a banana Farm now but I don't think it matters we're only going around 40. so I'm just gonna try and focus on popping some stuff here getting some long life spikes there we go we'll get smart spikes Long Reach yep long life spikes there we go okay I don't think I need to go further than that to be honest actually I could just go get spiked balls let's see maybe I should just get spiked balls or should I just get a village down dude man I don't know or I could get even like a dartling gunner down let's hear let's get a darling Gunner down there we go and then we'll go middle path on this sucker here so what path wow now I'm kind of liking a little limbo stay here I'm just wonder what path is Ryan going I see I wonder if he's going a path that has the any um option because then he could just pick like Creator code tuber like I did or I don't know maybe maybe there's something I'm missing dude I don't know let's hear I still know that he can't get any achievement so that one's basically off the table for him he can't get any achievement so he can't get bottom path uh horizontal or vertical middle path that one actually could have been kind of easy too because he could have just gone vengeful Sun God got a bunch of farms and gotten a paragon as well and and Creator code tuber plus oh no no yeah well and then an achievement but he can't do that so we're good we're good I am gonna get a village down and I'm gonna put the village right here there we go we're gonna get grow blocker oh wait oh no I should have it's okay I guess I'll get bigger radius so maybe some regrows will go in there oh yeah it doesn't really matter I'm only going around 40. oh wait I gotta restart oh I have to restart I keep forgetting to do last bro are you serious right now I literally keep forgetting to do last oh my God I have to restart again no dude all right do last make sure the targeting is set to last dude I can't like what's wrong with me why did I hate how could I have forgotten that I just started the challenge bro oh my God uh okay okay all right it's fine get my head in the game I'm just gonna get a sniper down dude I'm gonna go ahead and put another guy down and then make sure that he goes on last and then let's go ahead and put him down on let's get ourselves wall of fire and then let's also get I could get guided magic I don't know what's better intense magic we'll just get monkey sense because it does allow him to hit camo balloons and then I'm just gonna work on getting more more of these boys and then just have them Target last wall of fire monkey camo and then wait whoa wait a minute guided magic Arcane blast this monkey can have it Target but this monkey cannot I did not know that wait which upgrade allows him to Target where to put wall of fire now I'm curious oh can he hit the ah look at this so he doesn't oh my gosh that's so scary okay so I want to see something so wall of fire so guided magic gives him the ability to Target where the wall of fire goes I had no idea that's overpowered that's crazy strong actually I think I just want more super monkeys right I think I think super monkeys are the way to go yeah look at oh I do not like that I do not like that one bit I definitely want to get some more super monkeys so what we're gonna do is we're going to turn off auto start so I can put more super monkeys down here at the very beginning there we go all right we're gonna put down more super monkeys so we're gonna put you down laser blast knockback Target last and then let's get one more down this guy does not have a lot of range so maybe we give this guy just the Super Range oh and if that's the case maybe we just put them here right there Target last Super Range epic range there we go and now he's got some crazy range to him we're doing pretty good with that oh the camo purples what am I worried about round 63 that's what I'm worried about I think it just I unironically think a solid mixture of wall of fire wizards and then just super monkeys are the best bet for us is there any other like magic monkeys I I don't think Alchemist like having just one Alchemist is pretty nice I might get more Alchemists just because it's just better to have them all right they're all on last priority right I gotta keep checking oh my gosh this one's on close go to last bad this one's also go to last you all have to be on last targeting priority bad monkeys bad monkeys they only have like 30 pops so it doesn't actually matter because their pops come from the wall of fire so them the monkeys themselves are actually not popping it it was the wall of fire so I'll let it slide on that one although saber cheated last last last last last last okay all of them are on last targeting priority I gotta keep double checking that to make sure that's the case imma get a sniper down and go last on this guy there you go last and then and I'm just gonna go here I go I might go middle path here and get bouncing bullet and then I'll get full metal jacket I think that's probably the play especially if I have to go last I think that might be like my best option right now uh plus you can see camo already so that's good okay okay and the last targeting is kind of messing with me but it's it's all right it doesn't look like it's too big of a deal here they're both set to last right yeah okay okay oh and I can Target camos I kind of forgot about that all right bouncing bullet come on come on oh that was such a waste honestly I might be able to Speed it back up if I I can't get another sniper monkey down I just realized I just realized that because I can't place any duplicate Towers all I have to do is whole separate game to make that work as well oh my gosh dude oh my gosh okay any other what other Global things do I want I guess I could go like no because if I go helicopter I don't can I go last targeting on a helicopter actually I think I can I don't even know if I want that though and I can't do if I have to do last targeting I can't do things where I set their location like a mortar monkey or dartling Gunner I can't do any of that that's kind of terrible and I'm just gonna get a bomb shooter down set it to last okay and then let's just get recursive cluster on this oh man I can't get another sniper monkey down so I can't get like uh main Moab or anything which is kind of brutal because that actually would definitely be the easiest play in terms of getting the Moab at round 40 but that's all right that's all right it's set to last so it's never hitting the balloons I want it to hit that's all right sorry it's all good it's all good what Ed what else do I even want to put down at this point dude I guess I could get a Monkey Sub down whoa whoa whoa whoa how are things getting by dude I have 200 lives actually so it's not that big a deal yeah we got recursive clusters so that's good maybe I should get a village down let's see here and I put a village down here nah that's not worth it well no because I want regrow blocker too I don't know if that'll reach I'll just put it here I don't have the guts I'll just put it right over here there we go all right I get a bigger radius if I can maybe hit some regrow blocker but we're on round 27 on round 27 it's all good it's all good I'm starting some things are starting to get past me but it's all good it's Sharpshooter uh no I'm not gonna get supply drop let's just uh man do I even work toward getting MIB because this can already see camo actually so now I don't need to worry about that that's fine actually okay um actually oh wait the village doesn't have any targeting you know what I'm I'm just gonna get rid of it I don't want any anyone to think that I'm using it to cheat so I'm just gonna get rid of it because it's not last targeting I want to be very cautious about that this this can do last right nope no I can't okay get rid of that um wow what do I do then oh my gosh what do I do oh man here let's get attack shooter down nope can't do that either I'll just get a boomerang monkey down okay and we'll go bottom path on this get a MOAB press there we go and there we go yeah yeah oh oh set it to last there we go okay all right okay four more rounds four more rounds oh oh no okay uh here let's get a Buccaneer down put him right here get him on last and we'll go monkey Pirates and actually that's fine now I'm definitely gonna get it because then I can just like suck in the uh the Moab and we're good and then I could beat that and that means that I'll have gotten no duplicate hours I'll have beaten this expert on last so that's good and I already did Creator code super so I would just have to go launch up balloon city battles too and then I'll win how long's it been okay it's been like I don't know like 11 or 12 minutes I don't even know I don't know there's been some some around there I can do it come on Beat it let's go let's go let's go be around 39 let's go easy okay done all right home put out of the game put out of the game oh God I'm so scared I really hope I could beat this I'm at twenty thousand dollars I'm gonna I'm gonna turn off auto start and then as soon as we finish this I'm gonna put down some more Towers I have no idea where saber is right now I'm a little nervous okay let's get wizard monkey put a wizard monkey down and then wall of fire oh wait make sure we have him on last maybe I put um I kind of want to put a bunch of wizard monkeys like way down here for just like the backup you know what I mean I'm gonna have this be the backup area so wall of fire and then we just have them all target right there actually I only need them for wall of fire so I only need guided magic make sure you're on last last it's so difficult to remember to put them on last targeting it is actually so difficult to remember that last I wonder if it is good to put them all in the same spot I don't know okay so we don't only T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 shoes okay they're all on t2s they're all targeting last I have a little bit more money I kind of want to put one more I want to put a Superman oh I could you know all right I'm gonna try something this might be a bad idea but I put a Super Monkey here so I can put them right there and then I can get and he can actually hit over here now look at that and then he's on last do I want the Epic range I know because you can only hit there in there so that's actually not that good it's not that great so I think I'm gonna get him the Epic range I think having that and now we can hit balloons that are down here so I think that works out very well for us and now we can just turn on auto start and he's also on last okay good yeah look all of them just put down their little fire right there I don't need Arcane blast Arcane blast doesn't actually matter I don't think I I like I don't care that much we have seven thousand dollars let's go last last last last okay they're all on last targeting priority we have our beautiful wall over here I'm gonna put down I think I'm gonna put down my Alchemist monkey I think I want one more make sure he's targeting last I'm getting pretty good at like putting it down and instantly changing it and then whoa you see how they like slide along uh having that last targeting priority is pretty spooky acidic mixture dip led to Gold I would like to get that but I think just more plasma monkeys is kind of what I need in my life I kind of want to have one like over here but I think having see that's just like not a lot of range you know and I can't put them anywhere wait can I put one right here I don't think any of them fit here but I can put one here but that's not a lot of range you know like that that doesn't it's not a lot of juice to it I'm still gonna do it anyways last Plasma Blast ultravision and then just having more of these super monkeys along the track I think is just so nice oh around 60. oh gosh that's scary that is so scary oh [Music] um I have no Strat in my head I have zero Strat in my head right now okay this could be all bad for all I know all right I'm gonna just do a casual battle okay find an opponent opponent oh God I hope they're not super sweaty dude well Matt I'm okay with that man I'm fine with it um I'll do open I guess and then I'll do I don't know I'm not doing banana Farm that's for sure I'll do Druid I'll replace that with banana Farm um I'll do oh God oh God oh God um oh God I'm gonna go ahead and do Village and oh man I don't know I actually don't know I don't know what to do here ah uh um oh it started oh no wait what was my other Tower I didn't have enough time oh God this person has Quincy hopefully they're really bad I hope they're really bad oh God oh God I hope they're really really bad dude okay I'm sending a bunch of balloons let's see this person's sending balloons to me okay all right they didn't even put down a hero which kind of makes me feel all right all right am I am I about a lose already like what's going on here hang on wait what hang on wait hang on no way hang on this person's not putting down a lot actually I think I'm actually just gonna focus on defense and I might be able to just rush them right now they don't seem very well prepared I'm just gonna save some money and see what happens here they don't have very much they don't have very much I buy people to just win this immediately oh my gosh perfect I got yellows okay they haven't put anyone else down all right come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go come on come on no they're stopping they're stopping them no they're stopping them I'm gonna use another rush I want to use another Rush here I'm going for it oh God oh God am I about to lose I'm about to lose bro uh they're handling it so well no they're handling it so well no dude no oh my gosh oh my gosh I think I'm about to lose I upgraded the drew the wrong path too which is kind of brutal I need to get Drew to the Jungle here there we go all right that's kind of brutal I'm not gonna lie that is actually kind of brutal oh I kind of wasted I actually kind of wanted I'm just gonna surrender and run it back I'm just gonna run it back I'm just gonna surrender I tried to get that quick win and then I lost it run a bag run it back go again I almost want to rematch them because it seems like if I had patience I could have done it come on come on come on go go I just need to get one dub bro go go go no I don't want a multiplier okay go find an opponent oh man uh that is not good oh God this person looks like they play so I'm actually I wish I could back out I wish I could back out so bad all right whatever whatever man let's replace the village with attack shooter because we have camo detection oh man I'm sure I'm sure there's some Strat that I'm missing that's super easy but it's fine this person has custom like uh banners and stuff so that's kind of brutal we'll see we'll see how easy this is we're doing pretty good we're doing okay nothing crazy though let's see right oh round 63 I am not a fan of round 63 last last everyone has last targeting all right here's gonna be round 60 this is gonna be one of the hardest rounds mainly because of that ceramic verse because they don't Target the Ceramics oh no oh no oh my gosh holy cow uh that was I lost a lot of lives there I need more I need more wizard I need another wizard monkey Target last oh my gosh Come on holy cow holy cow I lost a couple of lives there and a couple a couple of brain cells oh my gosh here's another one come on the fire the fire the fire oh my gosh holy cow okay I think I just need more uh you're on last see they get like a couple of Pops let's see uh what else can do well like how well he's doing they're not doing that well they're not doing that well at all maybe just more more caltrops how is this you're doing 2000 I mean the Super Monkey is just Superior I think I think just Superior super monkeys is the way to go I think that's um yeah I think that's the play knockback ultravision laser blast Target last I think around I might not be able to do this plasma blasts I think it's possible I just think it's very difficult also I'm gonna get maybe maybe a bunch of Heart of Thunders as well I think that could be a a solid thing can I put them here where can I have so okay Target last give me heart of Thunder because the the like AOE electric if I have a bunch of them that could be pretty beneficial so let me get Hawthorne's Heart Of Thunder George all targeting the last I just gotta keep double checking that they're all targeting last how's this guy doing 8 000 pops not bad not bad at all and you know he does have some more like range down here for popping things I'm gonna put an alchemist down because I think that would just be nice to have the acidic mixture dip faster throwing acid pool I think having all of the wall of fires be in the same place is bad I think that I think I don't want that I think having just this big wall is much much better in the long run they're all on last I have oh my gosh eight more rounds 76 is where we kind of like get slapped though is there anything is there anything I can do to slow them down I think just more super monkeys Target last let's see laser blast plasma blasts can I have another one I need more I need more I need more I need more super monkeys last Blossom blast super range and then if I can get epic range that would also be very nice epic range there we go round 74. round 76 is what I'm really most scared like that's what's really got me worried is that round 76. I'm gonna get just I know this sounds crazy all right target last I just want a lot of cow troughs I just want a lot of cow drops it's probably bad but I don't care I don't know I it just gives me peace of mind look at all those couch drops look at them all god dude if only I could have just won that last one bro all right let's just get open down I kind of wish I didn't have open as my hero to be honest actually I'm not gonna do that I'm actually into what this person's doing all right oh man oh they already oh they're getting oh they're getting a bunch of stuff down oh they got a strat already homie interesting interesting I don't know why they are hmm something's very sus here they're not even sending things to me is they do they have like a strat or they no there's no way there's no way there's no way they have a strategy I'm I'm Gonna Keep building my eco I guess they're still not sending anything to me do they no they definitely know how to send things to me they have a custom Banner bro there's no way there's no way actually it looks like they might be overwhelmed in a sec here oh never mind they're fine you know what I'm gonna get a ninja monkey down so I can see any camo just in case when do camos come around eight yeah I might try and rush on round eight but just in case to buy a little time let's um oh now they're sending stuff to me now they're sending stuff to me okay caltrops is probably a bad path but oh look at that look at that dude they oh they want me dead dead bro they want me dead dead they just went for it they just went for it right there oh no I just need to get my eco up a little more I think they just used all their money right there so that's actually really good I wonder what their cam they don't have any camo detection actually like literally none that's actually very interesting still don't see single thing of camo we're around five are they gonna put down camo that's the real question I'm gonna go ahead and just start saving up once I get to 500 Eco Ryan hasn't said he's won yet so I still have some time I guess come on 500 Eco let's go let's go I guess I should probably start sending some blue balloons actually huh okay okay get me to 500 let's go let's go dude what round we on round seven actually round eight no I should just stop because round eight is where I think camo come in right and I'm Gonna Wanna send as much as possible he still doesn't have any camo yeah I don't think they have any camo I still don't think they have any camo actually oh never mind I think they just got cold snap I think they have camo oh it's regrows oh it's only regrows now it's round 12 that they come in oh okay okay all right let's see actually they're kind of no they're they're handling it their handling is fine actually can they hit any no it's here no they can they can hit a lot of all that actually all right I'm not gonna worry about it I'm not gonna worry about it I'm just gonna keep saving up they have a lot of stuff down dude they have a lot of stuff down oh I don't know round ten oh can I hit leads oh I can't hit leads can I okay I can hit leads we're good oh my gosh I get it let's we're good we're good oh they started sending legs to me dude oh my gosh I still don't think they have very much camo detection actually no no I think they have the ice monkeys but we'll see we'll see let's hear do they have a lot of yeah no they can do that that's fine that's a lot of money I'm gonna keep saving up oh no they don't have good I don't think they have good ceramic they don't have good ceramic I'm gonna probably go for it here all right here we go here we go here we go last oh my gosh no no I couldn't beat 75. oh tragic oh they got me boys it got me okay I have to I literally have to restart okay well I don't know if this is possible then so if that's not possible I have to do um what do you think let me think let me think only magic um only t2s one of them has to go so I could do I can't do support I could just do only magic and then not do but I have to beat t2s on hard so I could do only first targeting priority oh and then I have to beat it like on easy in order to do that no oh gosh this makes it so difficult I just gotta go I literally just have to go I got that's the only option then I just do tons of plasma monkeys I think that's just the best option I don't think it really matters anymore and then I just do super monkeys I think that's really the best bet and then we just get tons of plasma monkeys and then we just have all Target first because I think that's like the main thing they just Target first it doesn't matter I think that's like the the main thing that we focus on I I'm might I'm gonna probably sell that ninja eventually but oh gosh that's oh no I was so close I would have literally won it all right there if I beat it and I lost oh no I just hope Sabers just made a huge mistake because otherwise I'm just I have to beat this and another game on top of that so this is not gonna look well for me this is not gonna be well I was so close I was on around 75 oh I don't know what I could have done differently having the mall Target last is really painful I think there's more super monkeys super like only super monkeys I think is what I need and if I have only super monkeys I think I'll be okay I can sell this guy for 2 000. is that worth it or is selling for a thousand yeah I'll just sell them and then put a Super Monkey down I don't know what saber's doing so he hasn't won yet so I gotta keep going as fast as I can I gotta just speed through this I'm back to round 11. I'm gonna put them all in the front so I can just beat it quickly that's like the best option the only option that I can do I gotta have him hit camo balloons as well let me just get like an Alchemy Alchemist for acidic mixture dip yeah and then if I I only have to do only t2s and also only Magic and then I have to do like one easy game really fast what's the fastest one game maybe I could do I have no idea what's the best way to do it I have no idea what's the fastest option here I'm just gonna go ahead get acidic mixture dip and faster throwing and then this guy uh my poor drude my Porter drude Let's get camo detection on this guy camera detection's so expensive I should have just kept my ninja because he's can't he's got a make Hammer detection Autumn oh no the last targeting priority I can't believe it it's okay I'm just gonna assume saber just messed up a whole bunch of times and then I get the chance to have the big comeback just this the sweeping come back and be able to take take them all by surprise I'm really surprised the plasma blasts weren't able we're not enough I wonder if there was something else that I could have done that would have been able to like clutch it out but I don't think so I don't I don't know what I could have done differently all right ultravision I got it just in time just in time all right laser blast I need like a thousand more dollars and that's gonna be good and I should be able to pop pretty much every type of balloon except purple balloons that is going to be a bit of a problem I think it should be okay though laser blast yeah look at how much damage they do so much more damage and then I can get my Plasma Blast and then my super my got my first overpowered Super Monkey if I had open I'd be able to do it but I don't know if obin's technically a hero and I don't think he's classified as a magic monkey I'll ask saber after the fact and see what he thinks I don't think he would because it's technically not in the magic category all right we got Plasma Blast so we can hit pretty much every type of balloon I don't know look at it purple blues that's a good question I don't know if acidic mixture dip allows them to hit purple balloons that is the question of the ages and if that is the case he cannot hit purple balloons so purple balloons are a problem purple balloons are an enemy of us so we definitely need something to be able to hit purple balloons but other than that who cares well if we can't hit purple balloons then we just don't get Plasma Blast on one of them like we put this guy over here and oh my gosh they don't have good ceramic they don't have good ceramic I can do it I can do it I can do it I can do it come on come on come on come on oh time oh my God I did it I won a game of Bloons too guys that's insane I did it I won a match I'm actually Beyond shocked I did that dude no way no way oh my gosh I did that like we put them like way over here or we can just put them here right and then we can just get super range and then he can just hit all this oh no it's like actually really sad pathetic that I'm actually shocked that I beat a game of balloon sea battles too because that's what I had to do but like I did it I did it dude I'm so proud of you dude I am so mad I I oh my gosh I almost had it like dude I was on round 75 and I lost and I literally was like oh my God because I almost did only t2s no support only using last priority only magic monkeys on beginner map and I was so close to winning but then I dude dude I had an army of I had an army of wizard monkeys with like wall of fire so because if they don't doesn't matter that's just on the ground and then I had Plasma Blast epic range super monkeys with acidic mixture dip like I had an army wait wait wait what path did you go I went top I went right straight up and down all the way in the right I lost only because I only using the last targeting priority and it was and I mean it was barely and I dude how long ago would you have won if you got that oh uh like I'm on round 40 now so I probably would have won like five ten minutes no oh dude dude oh my gosh no I was so close I was actually like so mad I was like man oh my gosh dude I went middle path like horizontal so I didn't know duplicate Towers win one balloon Z battles the any slot and then expert and only last targeting oh nice oh man what did you do so so okay now the question is the only last targeting did you like stop the game like because every at I paused the game and then made sure oh they had got no pops on without that oh well I mean I put him down and just immediately just put it to last I I didn't okay I didn't do like like I didn't turn off auto start I didn't really think about that but I did like as soon as possible I guarantee you in no way was I trying to finesse anything yeah I think I I understand that's fine as a matter of fact to make sure like last time I've announced I did power-ups this time I didn't even I didn't put down darling Gunners it didn't I didn't put down a village because I couldn't do any last targeting I did put down a village then remember there was another starting so I'm like pretty much immediately deleted it uh but I mean yeah so I mean I made sure I did everything legit I'm so mad that you you came back and won the two for the sweet bro but if you guys want to see a big fat rematch maybe we'll change up the rules maybe we'll change up how the bingo card works all together give us all ideas and suggestions down in the comment section below hit that like button subscribe because the majority of you like I think it's like 70 better watching are not subscribed Please Subscribe and help us get to 500 000 subscribers as always you guys are awesome and we'll see you next time peace
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 710,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, the btd 6 bingo finale, btd 6 bingo, tewbre bingo, btd 6 bingo challenge, tewbre challenge, tewbre btd 6 bingo, tewbre btd 6 bingo finale, btd 6 bingo finale
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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