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money yeah yeah mr krabs up in here i want you to know that i was thinking what i would do when i started the intro and it was the same thing it was the actually the same thing just money today ladies and gentlemen we are going to be making no not double cash okay 1 000 times cash and going up against each other to see how far we can truly get with unlimited money so we're doing a little hacker v hacker here ryan you're on your own map i'm on my own map uh what hero did you pick saber saber saber saber i wanna have i i changed the idea of what we should do okay uh oh okay what we get to round 100 and whoever has the most money at round 100 wins but it's unlimited money bro it's 1 000 times money there is there it will be a limit but doesn't it like cap out at like absolutely we modded the game so it doesn't it doesn't cap anymore it doesn't it doesn't cap we modded it so it doesn't cap it off oh okay all right all right so so whoever gets to round 100 so i guess we're not skipping rounds i'm assuming then you can i guess you could skip practice yeah if you want okay all right okay okay ryan okay all right you did are you gonna do it are you down i'm down let's do it let's do it i'm starting i'm sorry ready all right also by the way to change things up i have the big balloons uh modifier on dude are we doing this now oh my gosh bro i'm already making so much money i think i have a good strat going right now though i'm losing but we do have crossbath on so i guess it doesn't really matter yeah it's oh it's saber this sabre i have a lot of money how much to say how much money do you have right now 130k wait you have 130 yeah i have 14 million well i mean what round you on because i'm not probably very far i'm now on you're 14 million already what are you talking about how do you get that dude i have 30 i have 40 million dollars right now dude oh probably because you have a banana farm down yeah dude i probably i should have done that why did i not do that oh why didn't i do that bro i'm already so far behind oh my god that's fine i just have i just have 60 76 million dollars dude it's fine i was gonna i was like going for a whole different strat and then like i've just now realized that that my strat actually like means nothing like it actually means nothing i don't know why i did what was your strat i'd love to hear it i was gonna put down you know what no no i'm still not gonna tell you just in case it does help just in case it does help i don't like this i don't like what you're talking about wait i wanna try something oh my gosh that doesn't do anything all right but i am gonna put this down and see if that helps in the slightest bit dude i would just i want you to know that i am cramming these bad boys in dude okay okay dude i'm gonna have a safety you're not gonna tell me how much money you uh i have 137 million that's a lot of millions yeah yeah yeah it is why what do you have uh 500 million well you're just all that aren't you sheesh dude sheesh this guy here's the thing the one thing that sabre has that i've never met in anyone else is the ability to say these things but but the energy that he brings with it is such authenticity that you just know that he actually loki kind of feels it and it just will always be so funny to me dude like you're just a hater sipping on that haterade by guy all right that's me that's me dude that's definitely me though though hang on what round are you on 12. okay i'm only on 10. so i'm not i'm not on your round level my round get on my round dude so wait on round at the end of round 100 we're gonna tally up the the total money you think uh yeah yeah yeah so when you get near around 100 like turn off auto start and then once you beat 100 then we'll see what we have like well it stops it stops on round 100 right automatically like so you're saying we don't do 100 itself though no i think we oh you're right you're right i'm picking up what you're playing yeah yeah but i think it still stops at 100. it doesn't matter it doesn't it doesn't matter we're going to go to around 100 and it stops oh oh because you're saying oh oh because you're saying like wait what no no i don't know what i'm saying so don't don't even try to say okay you understand no perfect i don't need to pretend then we're good okay thank goodness i was kind of worried there for a second so ryan no you know what i don't know you don't need to tell me i don't need to tell you we'll figure it out no no now now we play in secrecy now we play an absolute secrecy of the amount of money that both of us have that's so funny dude it's actually comedy my guy i think it's really funny can i not you can't put banana farms there what a bunch of hog water all right i think to make this i like how you just exposed what you're doing that i can't put banana farms there i'm assuming you're just placing banana farms everywhere what else am i gonna do i don't know man that's pretty much all you tell me don't tell me that you're not okay i think to make things interesting we shouldn't be able to put pontoons down okay all right i wasn't gonna do that so yeah that's fine that's fine okay if you weren't gonna do that then that means you would have just lost because i would have definitely done oh really oh i was assuming we weren't gonna place any of that down so i'm glad we clarified all that man these assumptions are gonna get you nowhere dude no you're right bro you're right i'm i'm garbage wait what is the hotkey for that this is probably the quietest the video we've done for some reason this is like the first video we're recording and we happen to be so sweaty bro dude dude i've never been so sweaty about having to have an infinite amount of money i didn't know that we raised the cap dude no no the original challenge was nothing compared to this challenge you like instantly made it so sweaty by suggesting that dude no that's i thought of it i was like yeah dude this is the play this is the play we gotta make it because like it's gotta be gotta be a little sweaty dude because here's the thing you want to have those micro placements right are you playing in double speed no oh oh you're so sweaty actually wait i know you've been playing oh dude what's up what's up i had i just okay this is not actually gonna matter at all what would you figure out what did you figure out i kind of want to tell you but i also don't want to tell you because it's like funny and i it gives me a small advantage okay i'm going to tell you anyway okay because i'm different and i think it's humorous that you find this out okay all right go ahead you can put monkey buccaneers in the very very bottom right corner and the very top right like you can oh my god look try to try to put one down and like put like a merchant there or hold up hold up that's so funny because like obviously i was going to do buccaneers like we're obviously doing the exact same thing yeah oh my oh yo yo do i dare do i dare try this oh wait is that worth it i don't think it's worth it i don't know i wanna i'm i wanna i'm thinking of doing something but i don't know if it's worth it or not come on dude come on oh wait yes there we go i don't know if i should try something look man am i gonna do it it's all you dog it's all you i don't know if it's worth telling you hey don't tell me don't tell me bro it's all good all right now i'm gonna now i'm trying to think about other ways to make money i need money what makes money what makes just like dummy money like i'm talking just absolutely wow you really can place those subs down or not subs the buccaneers done weird right that's so crazy i could have sworn you could put a banana farm down here i think i'm being trolled bro i can't believe i can't put a banana farm here i can't believe it's not butter dude nothing i i gotta give up on that dude i'm like trying to cram everything in right now dog it'd be interesting i kind of want to know how much money you have but also i think you have more money than me right now what round are you at 27. oh my gosh i'm on round 46 bro you are you are so wetting this one out hey look you're the one that wanted to do this challenge i only accepted oh my gosh dude you i'm micro blazing this right now dog can i fit one in are you serious bro i can't fit that all right oh my gosh that works dude the the boundaries of this dark castle wall are so weird yeah that's what i'm telling you oh this guy finessed something i just know it i don't know if it's actually gonna if you're sweating i'm sweating i'm just gonna say that i'm just gonna hey it's all good dude i thought you were gonna be sweating in the beginning anyways so i you know that's like that's i'm already um imagining you were doing that from the beginning you could you could be lying to me straight up what that i'm not sweating and i'm just taking it easy bro yeah you were you were pretending you were pretending to take it easy and now now i had no idea this was even gonna be a challenge so you're the one that came up with this challenge like right at the start i actually think i figured out something i'm very proud of you men no you're not you're gonna be furious when you figure out what i do i have no idea what you did dude but is so good it's kind it's low-key kind of dirty no i i feel like i'm missing some way to make money here i know what to do i hope nope i know what to do i think i don't i think i think the confidence no i think i know exactly what you just did and i'm gonna do it as well what is it i'm not gonna tell you in the off chance it's not that but i wanna know that if you're doing the things that i'm doing oh my gosh this is gonna be so obnoxious but i'm down i'm gonna do it anyways so that i think we are doing this this is gonna be such a pain but i'm down bro i can't believe it that's so funny if that's the case wait are we full sweating this dude oh my gosh it actually does do that wow oh my gosh dude oh god oh jesus dude all right no don't tell me you're gonna do it i've already i'm already doing it i just gotta like now set up again over here let's here wait maybe you're not doing it i don't know man i don't even know okay where are we who are you okay don't know where am i dude okay are we gonna play in slow motion the whole way all the way around hundreds i mean at a certain point i'm not gonna be able to set anything up further than what i have so and i'll probably just speed it up once i get that you know okay interesting you and i are doing different things and no way i can't play something there that's the fattest cap of my life of my life dude i'm telling you i would love to tell you all what i'm doing but i think you i i think i think you understand what i'm doing i i don't know man honest to god we could just be doing something so completely different but like it just doesn't it doesn't even matter at this point it doesn't matter it doesn't matter i am so interested to see what the final numbers are going to be okay [Music] what's up do you think they're going to be close at all or do you think it's just going to be wildly i think one of us is gonna have a wildly bigger number than the other person bro yeah so yeah weren't you on like round 40 when we last talked yeah i'm on round 54 right now i'm on round 37 so i'm still not even to where you were i i don't oh this one no that might be that might come back to bite me big time but i also you did start with farms before me though but yeah like just barely bro like that was you caught up very quickly that's true oh my gosh i have an idea oh my gosh i don't like that oh my gosh dude oh my gosh hold up hold up hold up bro i can't i what i'm doing is probably one of the most tedious things i think i've ever done dude wait hold up hang on nowhere pretty sure this is the best way to do it oh my gosh oh my gosh dude all right okay what are you doing tell me tell me your secrets i don't want to say it dude we're too we've gotten too competitive we've reached the point of no return at this point ryan okay come on that is very true we are very competitive when we play this game and it's i think very so okay wait can i place a monkey farmer down wait what i need a yes or no man oh a banana farmer i'll allow a banana farm okay okay thank you whoa thank god what in the world is this guy cooking up why would you need a banana farmer i don't know man why would i need a banana farmer no like actually high key why do you need a banana farmer i don't know i did i don't know it's weird dude i don't like this i don't like crazy stuff dude crazy stuff is there anywhere else i can get one of these i don't think so all right dude is there even i feel like i'm missing a way to make money like i feel like i'm not doing what you did there's got to be a way to make money i don't think you're doing what i'm doing genuinely i don't i'm not sure because what i'm doing is is it's kind of i'm not i'm not going to give you any hint like am i am i missing something probably right i don't here's the thing i don't have a banana farmer and i don't think i have no need for thinking about a banana farmer so i can't even imagine that do you have cross but you have crossbath right yeah i've got crossbath i've been cross pathing but no but no none of that what okay but you but you need a banana farmer this has me this guy this guy okay so you're definitely not doing what i'm doing then bro straight up okay all right i still think you have more money than me though like at this moment well i'm also on round 61. so i probably have a good chunk more within you uh yeah probably actually yeah let's see is there anything else i'm basically just i'm kind of like ready to go and whenever you are so whenever you want to like fast forward that's fine until then i'm playing a slow motion oh this guy's trying to milk it right now bro i'm milking it dude okay all right i'm gonna grab that stuff there we go okay yeah i guess i guess i'm ready i'm gonna go in fast motion now okay all right all right all right so what was the original limit uh in balloons it was like something billion right two billion dollars was the two billion was the limit okay okay all right so i'm speeding it up i'm now speeding through i'm just double checking making sure wait hang on what what are you doing hold up oh no i don't know though i want to use that but i don't know if it's worth it i i really like i wish so badly i can see how much i sometimes very envy very much so envy the viewers because they know exactly i know they get to see exactly what's going that must be so satisfying to see because i know i'm a little i'm like what's i don't know what's going on right now wait i ah i want to try some you know what it's worth it'll be worth it i'm going to try it hey wait are these guys not even wait i have a strat that is i want you to know that you caused this okay that you i is this non-sweaty game and then all of a sudden i go yeah i'm not playing in fast forward mode i'm just going full sweat i'm like all right this kid asked for it then i caused this huh okay i blame you okay okay no i got you bro i got you i am actually like i'm re-entering sweat by the way just so you know oh wait did you slow the game down again no no no but i am going to re-enter sweat and see if i see if this works nonetheless oh no way can i fit no okay i guess mine is fine what round are you at right now i'm on 52. okay i'm going to slow down until you get to here what what where round are you on right now 72. oh okay yeah yeah i'll play some catch up here yeah all right i think i think i really hope the audience is kind of caught on to what i've been doing right now all right here i have one question i have one question that you should be able to answer what's your crossbass tower to defend against the balloons [Laughter] well multiple different things interesting various multiple different things really i am so curious to see what your strategy is dude i yeah like well i'm trying different things out right now like i wouldn't say i'm using them in tandem with each other for the record but i'm trying multiple things out i just like i don't know i'm trying something here that might actually be screwing me over but i'm not trying to i think you're gonna get clowned on then [Music] oh my gosh we're like this is the vegas video we've ever done bro straight up boy this is the what this is the vaguest video we've ever done oh absolutely absolutely we have to be vague i don't want to let you know anything wait oh my gosh dude oh my gosh is this actually working right now dude okay okay i don't know if that's much quicker than my other strap but i'll take it i'll take it that's fine it's fine this is this video is cracking me up like smoke out dude i ah we're right on 74. okay i'm on 63 so i'm like 10 behind you almost although although my i am definitely speeding up i am definitely speeding up not only am i in double speed i'm speeding up even even getting rid of all these balloons here did you have something where you slowed them down so it lasted longer no but that actually could have worked on that was actually probably a good idea i did not i didn't even consider that actually that would have been a great idea dude oh my gosh i think you're gonna be i think you're loki gonna be kind of butthurt when you realize what i've been doing the whole time are you telling me dude are you using a bunch of abilities right now what no i'm not using any abilities okay fine don't use any abilities bro oh man interesting very i might have really been missing out uh i don't know i don't know if it's necessarily helping me out as much as i thought it was but i'm still trying it nonetheless wait dude what am i doing bro i can place them over here dude dude oh my gosh oh my gosh interesting dude this is very interesting that this is your strategy you kidding me i can't place any of them right there wait where what in the world abilities are you using look man like i'm milking it right now look i may be lactose intolerant but this is way more than two percent milking dude i am dumbfounded i like i'm actually flabbergasted i don't care how literally okay look like either you're a complete clown or or i'm about to get so schooled i think that i think that's what it was gonna come down to all right i'm on round 74 now all right i'm 178. all right all right i'm catching up i am definitely catching up now okay i wish i knew how much money you had right now dude i think the competition's already over we're just one of us is already so far ahead yeah straight up straight up the audience probably just watching us have false hope this whole entire time and it's just like a waste of our time that's exactly what this is i'm getting carpal tunnel [Laughter] dude just get a tag bob bro get a bunch of tech bots i i would no like not only do i not have the space to put the tech bot down i like literally wouldn't be able to even like hook up that many tech bots in time what what towers do you have bro oh oh carpal tunnel okay i don't care how little this is giving me i i'm milking it right now bro i'm milking it dude what but like i'm i'm flattering i bro i want you to know i'm so sorry i actually think you're gonna get clowned on bro probably probably but hey it's fine i'm trying my best right now okay and that's all i can say i can say i'm proud of literally like there is not an inch of space to be used now bro okay i am maximizing it all right i'm not 78. all right i'm on 78.2 probably gonna pass you up are we wait wait so we stopping at 80 though or 100. no we're what do you want to stop at because 80 will just give us the total amount of money right do you wait wait you want to stop at 80 i don't think we should okay let's go to laundry and that and then it's only just the money we have like up at the top yeah okay yeah i'm done oh i'm done i'm down i'm fine just spamming the building end of round 100 right uh yeah at the end so 101 it should end on 101 but not play through 101. yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm picking up what you're putting down so just remember to turn off auto starters that would be very rough yeah that'd be awkward okay milking it i wanted to here's the thing i've been doing the strategy i want to talk about the strategy but i knows i am genuinely so incredibly interested to see what shenanigans that you've been up to dude because you've been up to some shenanigans what if like loki we've been doing almost the same thing other than like i guess the one change in the uh the fact that i'm using abilities i mean you and i clearly maximized farms like that's just a common sense one because that one's going to be yeah so what did you do with your extra space that's what i'm very excited i don't know man i don't know what did i do one of the strategies one of the strategies that i was thinking about was there was two things that i was thinking about that i thought would be kind of interesting one was i was thinking about doing a a a neighbor of the seas because they make pretty good money oh do that they make pretty decent money and i was also thinking about doing a support ventral sun god temple because they make a ton of money every round right they make something like i think they make like 10 grand ten thousand dollars a round and so what would that be that would be a million dollars around extra or something like that that'd be pretty nasty bro that would you probably would have won had you done that if you did i i don't think so because i'm pretty happy with the strategy that i've gone with it's kind of gumpy and it and it might not work out in the end but i i think it's worth it all right all right my fingers my fingers definitely hurt though oh without a doubt yeah i'm getting carpal tunnel oh so you are using abilities now i might be oh this guy you have you been using abilities just pretending not to have been using abilities right now i might be all right okay all right all right oh no i mean i'm definitely spamming here am i about to lose no no dude you can imagine you if you lose if you lose with the money bro no no i'm okay no i have contingencies i have contingencies i'm good i've got double contingencies okay i'm good i'm good i'll even tell you what my contingencies are okay i've got a like pretty much full cross path taxi tax shooter with a spike factory like there's nothing getting past them i'm good so yeah it's so interesting that this is the strategy is that you have these towers down that's my that's my ultra backup though for the record that's not what i've been using like to actually pop things what have you been using i'm not gonna tell you it doesn't matter what tower i'm on round 95 now so that's true that is true but i guess i'll wait i'm on 95 as well maybe we'll just talk about it afterward you know oh dude i want you to know that i'm very pleased with it but i'm happy that i got i like sort of forgot that i have like the big balloons modifier and like the moabs are so menacing looking extra big darjug all right don't forget turn off auto start by the way yeah yeah yeah i'm on 98 just turned it off yeah i'm going to turn it off i'm on 97.99 so we're going to beat round 100 and then at after 100 we'll put it all together yeah yeah so when it's like idle on 101 but not playing through 101. all right round 100 beating all right i'm at round 100 beat it and i'm just sitting at round 100 and i have my total number i'm on 100 as well here we go dude dude am i about to lose don't you dare lose oh no i swear if you okay okay okay okay what's your number bro no you go first how about this let's start let's start from uh let's start from the end like the smaller numbers okay how about this how about this just tell me how many how many commas are there well i don't wanna i'll tell you i'll tell you i have three commas i do too okay okay okay okay okay all right how much money do you have saver all right fine i'll i'll say it i'll be the one to save thank you i appreciate that 28 billion 609 million why what do you have i have 132 billion what what what did you do billion dollars but how what how well what did you do to to do that i don't understand what did you do towers sell for a for a thousand times what you bought them for so that entire time i just put down super monkey maxed it out and sold the entire time all i was doing was micro placing and upgrading and selling towers for like because every time i sold it was like 300 million dollars every time i sold it so i literally just moved it upgrade it bloop sold it moved it open it sold it and i just did that non-stop the whole time bro wow there's no way i want to figure that out i didn't even think of selling i didn't realize that i was no i was i wasn't even doing you're like man i'm on round 27 i was like all right fine beat that like see okay so i was trying to milk in the beginning i put down i put down a balloon master alchemist and i literally was like trying to just like convert all of the balloons and stuff and just like try and milk what did you need a monkey farmer for oh oh because to make more space i put down a t5 uh bottom path village to absorb all the all the farms around it and then i put more farms around it ah and so i was trying to absorb because like i can't it doesn't auto pick up there's no marketplace on the village so i was like can i just get a monkey oh my gosh dude and then dude i i put down a ton of jungles bounty druids down i was just using their abilities with energizer [Laughter] okay that's hysterical yeah yeah and then dude to milk it any balloons that would get by the balloon master alchemist i put down ninja monkeys so they would do distraction on the balloons and send them through it again that's so funny all right so i put down my free dart monkey so i didn't have to spend any money and then immediately got the the top level farm then i got money yeah so all my free darm monkey made more money and then i just maxed the banana farms as quickly as possible and when i mashed my banana farms i just put merchantment down in the water and as soon as i had that out i just started putting down my super monkey. all right well hey you got me with the selling that was a good idea you are truly the better hacker in this instance thank you everyone that watched uh we hope you enjoyed this if you guys did enjoy and you have other ideas suggestions for what we should do next something related to this let us know down in the comment section below hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications as always you guys are youtubers we're tuber we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 885,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, hacker vs hacker infinite money challenge btd 6, hacker vs hacker, btd 6 infinite money, bloons td 6 infinite money, tewbre hacker vs hacker, hacker vs hacker money
Id: QRuy0In_EKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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