The Ultimate Beginner Guide To Maplestory | MapleStory | GMS | BTS

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hey youtube cooper-san here earlier this week nexon announced a collaboration with bts and i've seen a ton of people who are super excited to jump into the game for the first time to check out what this hype is all about but maplestory is a pretty old and complex but fun game so in this guide we aim to help new players along the way if you played maplestory a couple of years ago and are just going back into the game this video will probably still be useful for you as well just to get the hang of things again in this video we're focusing on the pc version if you would like to see a similar video for the mobile game let me know in the comments we have our character gin playing alongside you while we go over all the systems and content maplestory has in store for you just so you know you never walk alone all the important decisions in maplestory are made right at the start first we select if we're playing in north america or the eu server and depending on which one you pick in the latest c will differ and also there are different servers available for every region there are regular servers like scania beera luna etc and there is a server called reboot in this server maples can't trade with each other and certain items that help you get stronger can be bought with mesos the in-game currency however this server is a lot more grindy and it takes way more time to really get going in this one if you're here for the very first time i would actually recommend going into just a regular server first just make sure you pick the same server as your friends as your characters are bound to a server there is at the time of this video also a burning server where you can level up a lot faster up until level 150 but if you're playing for the very first time i would actually recommend to not jump into the server right away you might want to take things a bit slower and create a character on this server later you know just to get the hang of things maplestory is more of a marathon and not really a sprint and there is a ton of content to check out now i hope that choosing a server did not already give you too much stress because next we're going to take a class and there are over 40 unique classes to choose from seriously we could spend hours discussing pros and cons for every class but i would recommend picking one that you think you'd like perhaps to watch a video of all the classes figuring out what the playstyle is and maybe if it is something you resonate with maplestory actually rewards you for having multiple characters so no worries if you want to switch halfway through classes in maplestory are also not gender locked except for mihil and angelic buster and some classes like zero and b stamer can only be created every once in a while if this is your very first time playing maplestory i would actually recommend picking an explorer class this class has a quite an extensive tutorial and you can advance in over 10 different subclasses with this one as well alright all set then welcome to maplestory the party is just getting started explorers start off with a pretty nice tutorial where mine helps you out she explains how quests work and she gives you your first chair and collecting chairs is actually one of the many hobbies that naples have looking for new and fun ways to rest their bottom with their ever growing chair collection like seriously there's a bit of an addiction going on there for some maplers you will also unlock your first skill points i usually put points in the skill nimble feat and three snail shells these skills become neglectable like super early on so go wild if you want to like it doesn't really matter it doesn't change anything you can open the inventory with the i button and there's different tabs there for equipment potions for etc drops for the almighty chair collection and for cash items my explains this as well but i know from experience that i just mastered the dialogue and then usually afterwards wonder like hey what do i have to do again because i didn't really read anything if you continue with the tutorial quest you'll reach this map here you can talk to each job instructor to get a taste of what every explorer class is like explorers can advance into warriors mages thieves pirates and archers who then can also advance into two or three different classes at level 30. if you're a bit further in the tutorial you're on the boat you're talking to sugar you can actually indicate which clash you would like to pick this trigger is another dialogue when you reach lit harbor so you better pick wisely or well well it doesn't really matter you can still change but you know it makes things a bit easier i think jyn will make a great pirate so we're going to go with that one once we reach the land kirin will reach out to us and teleport us to her location advancing our job to pirate pirates who advance like this can either turn into gunslingers or brawlers but it is in our dna to kick ass so we're gonna go with the brawler route brawlers focus on strength while gunslingers the other part focuses on decks almost all classes have it a bit easier and focus on one main stand but for pirates in the first job you'll have two but we're going to take strength because that's the one we want to go with you can just press auto assign in the stat window and you'll never make a mistake or have to worry about anything we accept our first quest in our teleporter to hennessey's the archer town this is also the main hub of victoria island you'll usually find a ton of people here hanging out and just chilling we start off by helping out camilla make some soup for an npc that is sick with a mysterious cult man that doesn't sound too good we accept the wanted sign quest in this map as well and start our hunt for green mushrooms we complete our quest and turn in the wanted sign quest for some additional red earrings and keep a safe distance while delivering the food to maya every time you level up you'll get skill points and ability points don't forget to assign them i like to max the double jump and speed boost first before maxing out our attacking skills all classes can max all skills so no worries about spending a point somewhere just to check out what the skill does you can level up every skill to the max level anyway it is time to spice things up with a boss fight what do you think we go to this map right here to fight mushmom a classic maplestory boss this boss gives a ton of exp leveling you up instantly mad bosses like this have a spawn timer and spawn on every channel we can change channels to fight another one we can also complete the one assigned quest here to get some additional mesos while there are a ton of quests in maplestory the regular map quests are not the main method of levelling but if following quest is your thing i encourage you to go for it as there are so many quests in maple story but grinding is the main method of levelling by the way if you find this video useful make sure to smash the like button and subscribe to the channel would really be appreciated i upload a ton of maple story content make sure to ring that bell notification as well next we're going to go to the golems temple to do some sick backflips and defeat those red golems we reach level 20 if you're playing alongside awesome you're doing great so far if you press the u button a guide menu will pop up you can use this to teleport to relevant maps and it's super useful we're going to use it all the time and this time we're going to use teleport to period which is the warrior town there are quests around here to do as well and there is a mad boss up north called stompy you know take your time walk around do a quest defeat some monsters have a chat with friends overall the maplestory community i think is pretty friendly and people are always willing to help out sometimes mosques will also drop equipment in maplestory you usually don't have to buy equipment from npcs because you'll just find most of the things that you'll need from monster drops now items can have potential these potential stats are at the bottom and they can be revealed with a magnifying glass that you can click in your inventory potential stats are random and potential can have ranks but i'll discuss more about that later for now it's fine you can just reveal them and just keep going there's also these stats that are these yellow greenish that you'll see on items items that drop can have different random stats as well but again more about those later but just don't forget to keep putting points in your stat and leveling up your skills that's the main important thing for now sometimes you'll also find these monster cards don't throw them away but double click them they are part of the something called the familiar system and we'll talk about that one later this is going to be one of those really long videos explorer classes also have an exclusive questline that can be followed if you press the u button you'll see like available quests and this one will pop up we're actually teleported to hennessey's and later to a different map to fight off a bandit there's a whole storyline and you'll get a class related emblem which is a special equipment item again it's not mandatory to do this but i would definitely recommend to do it and after that's done we're teleporting to elinia using the guide menu again sometimes the monsters that we defeat will also drop spell traces you have to collect as many as possible because we will need those to upgrade our gear later on sometimes when training a bigger stronger version of a monster will appear these monsters are well way stronger than the regular ones and can for example stun you or they black out your screen stuff like that but there is nothing that a good old beating doesn't fix these monsters do drop a ton of potions and other useful items so make sure to take them on keep trading in the maps around here until you reach level 30 which is our next big milestone we use up all of the remaining skill points and use the guide menu to teleport to our job instructor she asks us to take a test which isn't too difficult and we choose the job we want and boom second job advancement baby there's actually a total of 275 levels and five job advancements so yeah basically we're just scratching the surface of what maple story truly is we unlock a ton of new skills i always put my points in a new attack first and i put like one point in mastery to increase the damage that we do this that window that you see right here might be a bit overwhelming at first as well you have like your critical rate critical damage boss damage all that stuff but if you're just starting there's no need to go full hand on that right away let's just enjoy what we can do right now at level 30 we unlock our very first team dungeon these are story driven dungeons that are great for leveling up and reward a ton of useful items it is actually highly recommended to do one of those especially if you're a new player we can now also expand the guide ui to see more details about the rewards of its team dungeon and the level requirements we teleport to the npc fansy and start our adventure in the alley nail ferry academy we almost drown collect some items and finally make it to the academy itself we have also unlocked the daily gift which can be accessed by the green button at the bottom of the screen here after defeating 300 monsters you can collect a free reward every day we actually got some xp coupons which is really nice at level 33 we also unlock a bunch of tutorial quests those can be found by clicking on the light bulb at the left side of the screen they're called have you learned about pets and do you know about the beauty salon these quests will give you a free 7-day pet which will loot items for you some free equipment and you get to change your hairstyle and face for free make sure to also sell your leftover items to an npc every now and then to make sure there's enough room in your inventory and don't forget about your ability points and skill points as well every time you level up you gotta assign those after completing all the quests here we meet the final boss of the steam dungeon the mole king who quickly meets his end by our hands in the meantime we have unlocked a ton more systems so bust out that pen and paper because we're going to learn in naval story items can be upgraded with either scrolls or spell traces you can open the upgrade window with the o button or through your inventory put a piece of equipment in and you can select which scrolls you want to use there are various scrolls with different success rates and the lower the success rate usually the better the stats the scroll gives items have enhancement slots as well so you can't keep scrolling forever at one point you're out of slots we actually got really lucky and all our scrolls worked we have now fully enhanced the item but do keep in mind that if you're playing on reboot it is not possible to upgrade your items like this instead in reboot and also in a regular server you'll have to starforce your items each item can only reach a certain amount of stars indicated at the top of the item this will be imported later on when certain maps have a starforce requirement and you will need to have 100 starforce to complete the fifth job advancement keep in mind that it is cheaper to starforce lower level items than higher level items and it does cause mesos to starforce we also got the reward points for defeating the mulking boss reward points can be used in the cash shop to purchase various useful items there are various boss monsters that give out reward points but they can only be claimed once a day another good way to get reward points is to link your pc account to your maplestory mobile account and you can collect reward points that way as well we've also unlocked professions we're getting professional maples can learn harvesting and mining this can be used to create potions accessories and armor feel free to check this out if you're into this but if you're just starting maplestory it is okay to just leave it as is for now i do recommend to learn mining and harvesting though as you will actually use this later on your character also has traits which can be increased to get even stronger buzzing or harvesting will increase your trades granting you bonus stats they are minimal though so just so you know they're there but again if you're just starting no need to focus on it just so you know those are there it is time for the next team dungeon this time we're gonna go to rihanna straight there are other team dungeons around this level as well but the rihanna straight one and the ferry academy do give the best rewards in my opinion this quest line has a save a glacier from melting fixing global warming there we go by the way sometimes if you are training special boss monsters can spawn as well those are a bit harder to kill but give special drops they also create a special exp orbs you can also create your own xp orbs but for every 50 combos that you reach when fighting monsters every now and then a sudden mission may pop up as well those often ask you to defeat a couple of monsters reach a certain combo and this one wants us to activate a rune runes spawn in maps with monsters above level 30 and double your exp for their duration if you use them they also have special effects this one for example shoots a beam between us and the rune damaging monsters in between you can activate a rune by pressing the harvesting key or space bar we actually got some spelt races from this southern mission which is really nice we can use those for upgrading later if you really don't like themed dungeons you just want to maple and chill and beat up some monsters you can also train at the current swamp but for now we're going to continue with the theme dungeon for your skills i would recommend maxing mastery first then any kind of boosters you can attack a bit faster and then you do the passive skills or the buff that increase your damage and i usually max my attacks as last again you can max all skills and second job so no need to worry you can just put points wherever you want and as a general tip some quests can also be accepted through the quest icon at the left side of the screen accepted and turned in you know all that stuff so you don't have to continuously walk back and forth between npcs if you're in a quest line we complete this team dungeon and the maple world is again a bit safer and we get a ton of rewards that will help us on our journey as well at level 50 we can unlock our inner ability by accepting the quest the eye opener similar to potential items can have your character can have the same thing you can reset this ability using honor exp which can be gained from those metal-like items that you can loot from monsters similar to potential inner abilities can rank up from rare to epic from epic to unique and from unique to legendary with each tier providing you better stats i am settling for some additional attack right now we talk to putan and he sends us back to pirian to train into wild boar's area we can use the guide menu to teleport here as well we accept the quests around this area and boya boy you we go killing again when training sometimes a special portal can appear it always pays off to go in them this one is from frito for example as you play a mini game where you have to snipe a couple of birds from the sky suddenly maple story turns into a first person shooter but that's fine you know keeps things fresh these portals grant a ton of bonus exp and reward useful items as well so always go in there another type of portal that you can encounter in maps is the infernal wolf portal this boss is accessible to everyone and has a ton of hp once defeated you'll get a notification and reward if you participated we keep training at those boards until we reach level 60 and unlock the third job advancement there are a couple more of those have you learned about quests this one is about potential and bonus potential and i recommend to do those as well just to get another explanation of what potential is like and you also get some free equipment as well actually speaking about equipment so far we did not buy anything we just use whatever items we found on the ground we accepted the third job advancement and defeated the boss and with that we've reached their job i recommend to keep following the guide ui to get recommended training spots we mentioned potential before and we actually got a cube which is one of the items used to reset the potential of an item it basically resets the stats to a different one and you have a chance to rank it up as well but it does cost masos to use them though also quick tip if you ever want to fast travel from victoria island go to six path crossway and enter this portal at the top left from this area you can teleport to any town in the game as you might have noticed my character is doing a ton of damage this is partly thanks to the legion system this is a system that rewards special buffs depending on which characters you have i did a whole video about this which you can check out if you want to but if you're just starting there's no need to dive into that right away because you will need to have a couple of higher level characters before it even unlocks once you reach level 70 you will unlock link skills those are special class specific skills that can be linked to other characters the ground buffs and whatnot they're really useful and it's really rewarding to create multiple characters they can be accessed through the beginner tab so far we've been grinding solo for most of the time but maplestory is way more fun with friends at level 70 the cross world party quest area unlocks this can be accessed through the dimensional mirror here you and a group of fans can tackle party quests for that sweet sweetie exp for now let's continue training our next goal is to reach level 100 for the 4 job advancement at level 90 you unlock a really awesome quest line which i recommend you follow this one is called the silent crusade quest line it lets you travel around the world fighting various bosses for a ton of amazing rewards if you open the keyboard settings you can find the hotkey forward at the bottom assign it to a tab and you'll be able to open it this content also unlocks a store where you can get mastery books and spell traces more about those mastery books later in those higher level maps that we're trading right now special types of plants and or veins can spawn as well you can harvest those and collect resources used for crafting sometimes these plants and veins can also drop cubes or flames cubes are used to recent potential and flames are used to reset the bonus tests on items you know those yellow greenish colored stats so we've been already going for quite a while how are you doing so far still hanging in there good because we reach level 100 and complete the fourth job advancement this job advancement that you fight two bosses so make sure to bring potions so you won't die because they do a ton of damage we're also going to our very first star force map the monsters here are a lot stronger than regular monsters but also give a ton more exp upgrade one of your lower level items with star force and things should be okay also the more star force you have the more bonus damage you'll deal as well maps with monsters above level 100 will also have a burning field this field appears when a map hasn't been visited by players for a while it can go up to level 10 which gives you 100 bonus exp so you get 10 percent bonus exp per level of burning usually around level 101 events unlock as well right now the awake events are active you can usually access special event areas through most major towns here's the entry in hennessey's for example and once you reach level 100 you can also join a guild maple is definitely more fun with friends so make sure to join one guilds also have guild skills making your life a bit easier your four job skills cannot be mastered like your other job skills you'll actually need to use mastery books unless you are a knight of sickness they don't have to use that for some reason those books can be bought with mesos in stores from npcs but you can also get them by completing high level team dungeons and the silent crusade quest line your currency mesos is really important to upgrade your gig later on so if you can get free books to a quest line you should definitely go for it if you are looking to get a bit stronger there's also an npc in leafer that sells secondary weapons if you don't have one yet with our new found power we are going to defeat an actual boss monster called zakum you can quickly teleport to this boss using the quest as a comb the statue of dread or use the boss queuing system that can be found in a party ui this boss can have three modes it has an easy mode normal mode and hard one or chaos we're going to go into the normal one for now boss monsters like this give out reward points when you defeat them and they also drop a ton of useful items including something called a boss crystal this crystal can be sold in an area called the free market for mesos most maples have a daily routine of defeating all the boss monsters they can find to farm up those boss crystals and sell them for mesos you can still use to guide your eye to travel to training spots at level 105 you can also go into monster park this dungeon can be accessed through a jeep mpc or the dimensional mirror in this dungeon you can farm exp and collect coins that can be used to purchase a ton of useful items like these potions monster park can be entered twice a day for free there is another similar dungeon that can be accessed through the m and n broadcast station or by selecting maple tour in the dimensional mirror instead of exp this dungeon rewards mesos but there's a catch you'll need to wait a week before you can claim them well you can claim them right away but then you'll lose half of them also another great boss to fight if you want to get more mesos is ursus theme dungeons like grand neum are also great for getting mastery books and a ton of other rewards plus you get to experience the maple story story which is always nice and mostly really sad actually but anyway if you're still playing along keep leveling up and you're doing great we mentioned familiars earlier those can be activated through the ui in the equipment window they also have random stats and can be fused together and upgraded familiars have to be summoned for their effect to work there's also a farmville-like feature called monster life if that's the thing you'd like to do there are actually a ton of other systems as well like achievements monster collection like every now and then when they're feeding a monster it has a chance to get collected and collecting all muscles from a certain set will give you a nice reward as well gotta collect them all all right at this point you probably reached around level 120 and that means that also your living skills have reached level 2. if you are enjoying maple story but want to try another class i reckon this would be a great time to do so around level 120 more of those team dungeons that reward mastery books unlock as well so totally go into them to get those free books at level 125 i recommend to complete the green folk down team dungeon it has a good story also really sad and the wanted quests in this area give out a ton of masters in exp if you are playing on a regular server there is one more thing i'd like to mention there's also an auction house where items can be bought and sold between players you can access this one through the menu as well if you're still going strong at level 140 you will unlock hyper skills and hyper stats those will boost your damage and skills to another level until the thick job advancement unlocks at level 200 and i think that's all you need to know when you're starting maplestory or getting back into it it is a lot to digest i know it's just been a huge information dump but feel free to take your time get to know the game and feel free to ask questions to other maples as well wow this really was a long video as always many thanks to our members for making this video possible thanks to quinn mielste konig ramavar shin 125 sebastian hanoi flx pinky traveler terry kim jiju galaxy art jesus rodriguez and zaquery if you would like to mention you as well and get early access to new videos check out the join button below this video as always thank you so much for watching stay safe and happy maybelline you
Channel: coppersan
Views: 143,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coppersan, maplestory, maple story, 메이플스토리, メイプルストーリー, 冒险岛, kms, jms, gms, msea, tms, cms, maple, story, maplesea, class, new, gameplay, rpg, mmorpg, classic, server, private, private server, guide, training guide, class gameplay, first look, lets play, มเปิลสตอรี, maplestory beginner guide, maplestory guide 2021, maplestory beginner guide 2021, maplestory bts, maplestory guide, maplestory leveling guide 2021, maplestory meso guide 2021, maplestory noob, maplestory reboot
Id: Iw24zYzKtnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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