Hey Youtube Coppersan here! In this video I will show you how to reach
level 210 with all your equipment slots filled up. Except for your android slot. We’re also getting 140 star force and we’re
getting you ready to start unlocking boss monsters and start your journey into the Chu
Chu area so you can enjoy the music over there. I made a similar video about half a year ago
but thankfully Nexon keeps changing the game so I can keep pumping out content like this
every few months. This time instead of a Hero like in that previous
video, we are leveling a Demon Slayer. This class has made it in almost every top
10 list from well rounded classes to excellent bossing mules so you know this class is amazing. Of course you can pick your own weaker class
to train alongside me, but do try to keep up with demon slayers awesomeness ok? Jokes aside, I highly recommend playing a
class you think you’ll enjoy. If you are just starting out in maplestory
and aren’t sure what to pick, perhaps give the good old demon slayer a spin. Worst case you get to level 210 and never
touch it again but at least you’ll have an amazing link skill and bossing mule. In this video will focus on progressing fast,
focussing only on what really matters to get to this point. So we will skip some content and make sure
to do only what is necessary. To also make it fair I am training with only
the Mercedes, Evan and Aran link skills and I have the Zero and the latter named classes
in my legion board so I am not boosted to infinity making everything look easy. This character is exactly as strong as it
would be if this account only had 4 other characters on it. We’re also starting with 0 mesos and are
in the reboot server. If you are playing on any of the regular servers
you can follow along just fine! As a Demon Slayer we start in Edelstein born
and raised and that’s where we spend most of our days. Training maxing leveling all cool. Training at strolling path 2 like a good mule. When a couple of monsters who were up to no
good, started making trouble in the neighborhood. So we fight at streetlight row two because
we ain’t scared. But once we hit level 30 we do one other thing
so we’re better prepared. You only need to do this if you are planning
to put more time and effort in your character. If it is just a link mule there is no need
to do this. But we’re quickly getting the familiar cards
of the monsters left of Edelstein. Collect those 3 monster familiars to unlock
your first familiar badge. That way you can start using two familiars. This isn’t super relevant to get to level
210. But if you do plan to make a bossing mule
of this character this is super useful as your familiars can get ignore enemy defense
or meso drop rate but again not super necessary but useful later on. Another reason why I picked demon slayer for
this video and why I mentioned this is a great class to start out with. Is because Demon Slayer gets some free weapons
while leveling up early on which is really neat if you’re just starting out. So we grab our free weapon and continue to
our first theme dungeon. The Ellinel Fairy academy. Actually before we do that I dressed up this
character as a businessman, because we have some unfinished business with the black mage. We’re clearing this theme dungeon so we
can get a fairy mark which is a great eye accessory that we will use until we replace
it with the one the Zakum boss drops.We’re also getting some mesos and spell traces. Those we sell in reboot and use in the regular
server for upgrading our gear. Click on this hammer icon to start star forcing
and scrolling your gear. You cannot starforce in the regular server
until all upgrade slots are depleted. I hope one theme dungeon is not enough to
satiate your lust for adventure, because we’re running through another theme dungeon right
after. The riena strait theme dungeon is up next! This one rewards a belt and face accessory
which are also impossible to get quickly, especially in reboot. So make sure to complete those theme dungeons
if you’re looking for more items. At level 50 you will be able to unlock your
inner abilities. I usually reset those as I go along until
I get something that I am happy with. There is a level 50 quest called the eye opener
which you’ll have to accept in order to unlock them. And as you can see I made a new friend along
the way. Accept the quest do you know about pets from
the lightbulb for a free pet after reaching level 33. And if you’re looking for some quick ways
to get a little bit of exp you can also complete the quests in the guide menu. Those are super easy and usually just involve
stuff like open a UI window or enhance an item etc. To reach level 60 we’re going to the maps
at the top left op perion. Make sure to also accept the quests around
here for some free exp, mesos and a lovely helmet that has no use to anyone haha. One job advancement later we are on the right
side of perion this time at the excavation site to train at the skeledogs in this hidden
map. It’s nice and small which is perfect for
our smaller hit animations. The Demon slayer class isn’t very nice in
2nd job, but thankfully things are starting to get a lot better with their 3rd job skills. It was also at this point that I star forced
my face and eye accessories and my belt. This will help us a lot later on once we reach
level 100. Our next training spot is of course the coppersan
drakes in sleepywood. Most drake maps are pretty nice here but this
one is definitely the best out of all of them. I went here around level 65 due to rune timers
and left again around level 75 to visit stairway to the sky 1 in orbis. Leveling here should still be super fast and
you can stay here until you reach level 75. At level 75 we’re doing our first additional
content to make sure all our inventory slots are filled up. We’re quickly dying so we can get transported
into the afterlands to complete this entire dungeon. This dungeon takes about 30 minutes to complete
and I made a full video showing you how to do that exactly. It should be appearing as a card right about
now. You’ll get about 10 levels from completing
this dungeon as well as 3 permanent totems. Do keep in mind that this piece of content
only exists for maplestory global. Sorry maplesea players. You can use the guide menu to teleport to
the nihal desert to train at the Sahel 2 map until we reach level 100. By the way if you are looking for more training
spots or alternatives I also have a training guide fully dedicated to that which will appear
as a card right about now. After we reach level 100 and complete the
4th job advancement we activate a rune and go to normal zakum through the boss menu. Zakum is guaranteed to give you a few free
level ups and if you’re lucky some boss eye and face accessories. Make sure to defeat this boss on a daily basis
so you can get those items as well as the boss crystal to sell for mesos. From level 104 until level around level 113
we’re staying at sky nest two in leafre. For this map you’ll need 5 starforce but
because we already starforced our accessories earlier we can just go here without any issues. If you feel like you aren’t doing enough
damage yet you can also upgrade and or starforce your weapon for a bit more damage. After reaching level 105 you can also start
accessing dungeons like monster park which give out amazing exp. Depending on the day of the week you’ll
also get a different reward. On Sundays those are exp cards so make sure
to run on sundays! You can run monster park twice a day for free. Because we are in reboot we already looted
20 million mesos of the ground, and we’re using those to buy some mastery books to level
up our main grinding skills and buffs. This will help a ton with defeating monsters
quickly. To get more mesos you can also defeat the
ursus boss on a daily basis. There is a special time during the day where
her rewards are doubled. And Maple Tour is also available starting
from level 105. It is similar to monster park but here you
can collect mesos instead of exp. If you are on a regular server ursus might
not be as popular though. But no worries I will show some theme dungeons
in a bit that can help out as well!. But first we are continuing to grind, this
time at dual ghost pirates in ludibrium. And we’re staying here until we reach level
120. I also reset my inner ability a few more times
and got it to legendary, now we just wait for a good roll. We’re also starting our next questline to
help us get a ring and a title. We’re doing this by starting the silent
crusade questline that starts at level 90. This questline has you travel all across the
maple world, so if you are playing on reboot this would be a good time to purchase a hyper
teleport rock for mesos in the cash shop. Because we are level 120 we can complete up
until chapter 2. Which rewards us with a title and ring that
we are going to get to 10 starforce right away. I felt confident and perhaps a little too
confident. But I wanted to see if I could defeat the
normal hilla boss at this point. And this is a long fight. While we’re beating her up I want to remind
you to also complete the have you learned about potential and bonus potential quests
to get a free should and ring. The shoulder can be starforced to 5 stars
as well and is a great item to have until you can replace it with the magnus shoulder
later. Ok if you have more legion and link skills
this fight should be a lot faster, but it is definitely doable. Boss monsters like hilla drop special boss
sets that can get way higher bonus stats, those green stats compared to more common
gear. We found a new weapon, shoes, gloves and hat
all with better stats than the previous. Which we’re also upgrading right away When
starforcing and scrolling always make sure to upgrade your weapon and gloves first for
the most attack bonuses. With all that done it is back to dual ghost
pirates for a few more levels until we reach level 128. Then we move on to korean folk town. This area has various wanted sign quests that
ask you to defeat monsters in the area. These quests give a ton of exp and mesos. We’re doing all of those and are staying
in this area until level 138. With these mesos you can purchase more mastery
books. Or you can also do some theme dungeons. One nice not dialogue and map heavy theme
dungeon is the crimsonheart castle theme dungeon. Just kill monsters while moving from map to
map and that’s it. Completing this questline will give you about
4 levels and two mastery books. Mastery books really are a pain, you can also
get them from the silent crusade store. But usually there also are events available
from level 101 and onwards that have a store. These event stores usually contain mastery
books as well as other useful goodies to get. I am using the event winter store to get my
remaining books. You can also continue to do theme dungeons
to get more books yourself. Because we hit level 140 we unlocked our hyper
stats. You can drop points in damage against normal
monsters for faster training. One of the advantages of playing a demon slayer
is that most of your attacks always crit. So you can put your hyper stats in critical
damage as well if you so prefer. At this point you should have found a full
pensilar set that you can starforce until you run out of mesos. Even though persilar gear doesn’t necessarily
have better stats compared to some of the boss gear it is very accessible and easy to
replace. So safe time for this guide we are not going
to bother getting the von leon set which would take a few days to do. If you are running low on mesos you can check
if this big fish boss has spawned in aquaroad. Both the boss and his shadow drop a lot of
potions that can be sold for some quick mesos. Especially if you manage to kill both in every
channel. I had almost 90 starforce at this point and
trained at the black wyvern in leafre in the Black Wyvern’s Nest Map until I hit level
154. Time for another boss check. Don’t know if you can beat a boss yet? The easiest way to find out is to just try. Armed with a bit more crit damage from our
hyper stats and the potions from the silent crusade questline we take on horntail. Actually this fight wasn’t as bad, within
6 minutes we cleared the entire boss fight. Getting a pendant and new earrings that are
both part of the boss set. Similar to zakum and hilla, keep defeating
this boss on a daily basis to collect all the boss accessories they drop. This boss also drops another ring that we
want. For our next training spot I hang around a
bit at the mantis maps until I hit level 160. Just to quickly show you. This is the gear that I am using at this point. I did not bother to reroll any potential lines
yet. We just are focusing on starforcing our gear. And if I find something better I just replace
it. Our training map for the next 10 levels is
blue notebooks in the kerning tower. Because these are starforce monsters we deal
a bit more damage to them due to our high starforce. And by the way another method of getting more
starforce is to join a guild. Some of the guild skills also increase your
starforce and other stats as well. 10 levels later we are level 170 and ready
for our next gear piece to get. Another ring. We are getting a ring from new leaf city because
I believe this is the fastest one we can get. Just complete the 3 quests from lita lawless
and get 1 nlc coin. Trade this coin over at the vender here for
a ring and that is another slot filled up! You can starforce this ring as well! It’s a new day and I fought horntail again
who did drop a ring this time. So that is all our ring slots filled up! What isn’t filled up yet is our pocket slot. We first get level 30 charm by buying and
using a trait boost potion from the event store. Those are always for sale when there is an
event store so make sure to make use of them. Then we start the quest from big headward
in henesys and complete the herbalism tutorial quests in edelstein. We then go into an actual herbalism field. I always go into the beginner one and just
start walking away at the plants here. It took me 6 long minutes to find one, but
with our rose clipping in our inventory we go back to big headward and boom our pocket
slot is unlocked. We can fill this up nicely with one of the
drops that we got from hilla that we defeated earlier. For our next 10 levels of training we’re
staying at freezing forest 2 which is the first map in Kritias. Most maps are pretty decent here so feel free
to experiment. Once you hit level 180 you can also start
unlocking more boss fights like Gollux who I swear is there somewhere, and normal ranmaru
which shouldn’t be too hard to defeat at this point. I got a potential scroll from a pollo and
fritto portal earlier and decided to use that on my emblem. Also try to cube your emblem and secondary
first around this level because we will not be replacing them anytime soon. Also they are a lot cheaper to cube compared
to your weapon. We are using the free cubes that we got from
boss monsters and settle for 9% att. Att or magic att percentage are usually the
best lines to go for at this point. We just hit 2k stats and 140 starforce as
well now. We’re fully done with our early game gear
for now. Our next training spot until level 190 is
corridor h01 in the omega sector. These monsters require a ton of starforce,
but we have that so faster leveling here we come. If you are looking to level even faster try
getting some double exp cards from the legion and event stores. Once you hit level 190 make sure to stop putting
points in your hyper stats. We are saving some up until we reach level
200. The final 10 level’s we are training at
the flutterbuzz monsters in Fox Valley in Grandis. Usually I go to the forsaken excavation site
2 in future perion but that map had low burning so I just went here instead. Make sure to check out our training guide
for more spot alternatives. And of course the final 50% we do instantly
with the scrapyard introduction quest. Ok great we’re finally fifth job! Whew! First things first we activate our arcane
stone so it can start collecting EXP and start the questline for this area. We’re also adding up to 6 levels of arcane
power in our hyper stats so everything will become a lot easier for us here. We complete the introduction quest and our
dailies and use our stones that accumulated exp to reach almost level 202. Before we continue our grind we’re buying
a few nodestones from the event to disassemble so we can craft ourselves a holy symbol nodestone
using the NPC in Vanishing Journey. On my demon slayer I liked training in Rock Zone and Forked road 1. Once you’re level 205 complete the reverse
city questline to gain almost another full level up and it is easy sailing from there
on out. T-boy’s research train 1 is definitely the
best map here with our current arcane power levels. And that is where I reached level 210. And now you’re free to dive into the chu
chu area next! This is the final gear that we have at this
point. The next steps would be unlocking more boss
fights like the root abyss questline, complete the temple of time questline to fight pink
bean and complete the silent crusade quest line so you can fight arkarium. And perhaps the von leon questline for some
more accessories and boss crystals. And that was it! I hope this video was useful! As always Many thanks to our members for making
this video possible! Thanks to
Niels de Coninck, Raar maar waar, Sebastian Hanoi, FLX, Ryalias, Terry Kim, Vareese, Caudimorda,
WY Lee, Francisco Sousa, Historycanon, BackSpaceOTI, Saffronyx, Lonz0 BJxtremez, Anwar NHY, Frank
Bouquet, Ziggy Deer, Flidiot, Beemer WT, Knivesu, Chen125, Cloud Figgs, Jesus Rodriguez, frogy11,
SirTito655, Glayson, Brendon Camm, Vyra, Trevor, Michael menchaca, Raythius, Luckey Beatz,
Justin Vail, Sylvio Neto, Stevie Zeng, Afterlord_MS, heo phan, Ceemak, Joshua Alvarez, StrikerElk,
Nockmss, Nuhyu, Thai Duong Phan, Wictor Sundström, RadiclesTheAlien, Stanislaus Kusumo Bagus,
Ryaiser Aryu, EddieReacts2things DoeLarh gummybullet, Liran Redl, BootyWarriorGT, Jeremy Stotler,
Mrenarc Lovebird and RevSoly Thank you all for watching, stay safe. And happy mapling!