Hey Youtube Coppersan here! Over the years maplestory has added a lot
of systems maps and monsters to the game. Which might make it difficult to know what
exactly to focus on So to help the maplers who are having that
issue we are going to train a character to level 200 and I will show you how you can
set yourself up for success! By the end of this video we will have a full
Root abyss set, a pet and have made about 250 million mesos in, give or take a week
time playing 3 to 4 hours a day. All without spending a dime of course. This video is intended for the non reboot
servers as we will make heavy use of the auction house. I plan to upload the same video but for reboot
in a couple of days, so stay tuned for that one reboot players! So here is our new character, on a brand new
account. No legion, no link skills just one guy with
a dashing hairstyle and a dagger. I picked the dual blade class for this video. But you can play whatever you like. I just enjoy stabbing monsters. The first few levels of our adventure I trained
at Slimes in Ellinia. MapleStory has a lot of content and being
able to filter out what is important and what isn’t is key. And trust me fighting slimes is very important. You see I studied the behavior of Maplers
over these last few months and have seen some behaving strangely... They participate in this weird thing in henesys
where they do nothing but sit in chairs all day and play a minigame called Omok. Omok boards can be made by combining two different
omok pieces and an omok table. They are a bit rare but not impossible to
find. And since the rich maplers who sit in henesys
all day don’t want to spend time farming them. We are going to do this for them. Omok Boards sell for about 50m to 100m each
in Luna and Bera at the moment and barely anyone is selling them. So this will be our first item that we can
use to make some mesos. Every server is different though and while
some needs are the same across servers some are different as well as we will find out
throughout the video. For example Juniper Berry seeds sell for a
ton in Bera, but not that many maplers are using them in Luna so they will be tougher
to sell there. I will share more examples of how to make
mesos as a lower level character throughout the video as well so don’t go flooding the
market just yet haha. After reaching level 21 I moved over to stumps
at perion to try to find the board there. But as it sometimes is with these things we
got super unlucky and didn’t find any omok piece or omok board. At level 24 I moved over to The Giant Tree
in Ellinia. The Evil Eye here drop monster cards. Collect 15 of them and you can make another
minigame similar to Omok. These guys are a bit easier to get and sell
for about 10m each in most servers. Also it is very important to train here but
I will go more indepth into the why in a minute. We are setting ourselves up for success. And a quick way to either save money on potions
or become stronger is to use familiars. So while we are still able to get some exp
from these monsters. Let’s go hunt some snails. The familiars of these monsters usually sell
for a couple of mils as well. Especially the blue and green snail familiars. So if you find spares don’t use them but
sell them. You want to collect the green snail, blue
snail, red snail and shroom card to unlock your first familiar badge and unlock a second
slot. Now you can summon two familiars at once. There is no need to do this right away, but
if you are lucky and find a familiar with some good lines it does help early on as well. Another thing that we are doing before we
even reach level 30 is take full advantage of the monster collection system. We trained at Evil eyes before. And you should continue training at evil eyes,
curse eyes, cold eye and surgeon eyes until you collect all of them. It took me about 15 minutes to collect all
4. If you happen to already have an explorer
archer on your account. Their link skill boosts the chance to collect
monsters which will be useful for this. Once you have collected all 4 eye monsters
and reach level 33 you can send them away for an amount of hours to explore. Once they return you will get reward points
and other random rewards like occult cubes, spell traces and trait items. This will help a ton with your character progression
and monster collection is server wide. So make sure to take full advantage of this
system. By the way if you are enjoying today's Guide
video make sure to leave a like and subscribe for more maplestory content! Make sure to hit that bell notification as
well so you never miss a video. And well as you already can see we started
the Ellinel Fairy Academy theme dungeon. This dungeon rewards mesos, useful items and
spell traces plus leveling up goes quite fast while doing these theme dungeons. At level 33 a new quest will appear in your
light bulb called something like do you know about pets. Accept it for a free pet that will last a
couple of days. Around level 40 I started Monster Life. This can be accessed through the menu at the
bottom right side of your screen. Monster Life can be used to gain small bonuses
that slowly get better as you get more monsters in your farm. But it does require upkeep. It is smart to start on this early, but it
isn’t the end of the world if you don’t do this right away. Next up we complete the riena strait theme
dungeon as well. We have been living off the gear and potions
that we found so far. Usually there is no need to buy any. If you are playing on an explorer class like
me I recommend to also complete the explorer exclusive quest line. You will need to do this anyway to get their
emblem. And they reward a ton of EXP. Whenever you can play around with your inner
ability as well. This is another easy way to get a bit stronger
or boost your drop and meso rates. Try to get it to legendary rank. And then lock the rank and reroll it until
you get something good. This will take a while so make sure to check
back on it every now and then once you have enough honor points. I trained a little bit at boars at the top
left maps around perion but quickly moved over to the final theme dungeon for now, gold
beach. Make sure to collect those daily login rewards
every day as well. That hyper teleport rock is super useful. We completed Gold Beach and reached level
67. That's another million mesos and 200 free
spell traces injection straight into your inventory. Time to make some more Money. ----- We go to edelstein to learn harvesting. Learn both so you can mine those special rocks
and plants that spawn in higher level maps. Right now we are looking for imps that drop
from plants. These guys need to be taken care of for 7
days and will give a random reward once they are fully grown. These can be special bags and swift rakes. Those go for about 200m in the auction house. It’s a bit of work but it can pay off in
the end. And it’s not like we can go solo kill the
black mage for mesos at this point anyway. Another thing that we are looking for are
these roses. Rose clippings also only drop from herbs. And those are needed to unlock your pocket
slots. They aren’t exactly rare. I guess a lot of maplers either don’t want
to get them or don’t know how to get them. They sell for about 10m each in the auction
house in Luna. And we will be using this to make the majority
of our mesos. We continue training at the mandatory coppersan
drakes in sleepywood and a few levels later move to stairway to the sky 1 in orbis. When you are in your early sixties most maps
around sleepywood are decent to train at. If the maps I am showing are full, feel free
to explore a bit around them to see if there are any other maps nearby that aren’t taken. You want to fill up your monster collection
anyway. So it doesn’t hurt to train at other maps
as well. Stairway to the sky 1 is awesome because 3
different monsters spawn here. If you collect all 3 of them you will only
need to collect lucida and Eliza to get another row in your monster collection. Eliza might be tough to collect though. At level 60 the quests Have you learned about
potential and bonus stats appears in your light bulb accept them for a ring and shoulder. By the way those imps. You can feed them etc drops or equipment. Once they are full they go to sleep and wake
up about 20 hours later. Make sure to be there when they wake up once
they go to sleep for the first time. If you are too late they wither and die. So keep an eye on them! Taking a quick peek at the action house and
what do you know we actually sold our first rose clipping and made our first 10 million
mesos! I was also selling cubic blades and unrelenting
flames that I found from elite monsters but that’s small change compared to what we
are making now. I could feel my wallets filling up so full
of motivation I went back to harvest some more rose clippings that we can put up for
sale. Now that we have some mesos it is time to
put them to good use. Wait for wonderberry sales to be released
and pets are dirt cheap in the auction house. We got an adorable otter for 12 million. These guys last a lot longer than our welfare
sheep and will help us pick up items as well. Got another quick tip for ya, use any dimensional
mirror to teleport to mushroom shrine. Talk to the stork to teleport to showa. Enter this bath house here and buy the melon
milk and banana milk. These teleport you to leafre and 6 way crossway
which means you’ll never need to walk again. It saves so much time! Anyway we continued training at Sahel 2. This can be a busy map, if it is full try
the maps around here. And I think it was the scorpions who dropped
them but I am not 100% sure. But I found more monster cards in this map
and finally collected 15 that we can sell for another 10 million mesos. Oh that reminded me, the omok board that I
never got. This time though our patience paid off, and
we found a board and a smile and mushroom piece. I was selling it for 300m earlier. But no one was buying so I lowered the price
to 100m and it got sold at that price later in the video. Whenever you see an opportunity in the auction
house make sure to go for it. I saw someone selling rose clippings for 1m. First of all this was my idea to sell them
and 1m is dirt cheap. So I bought both of them and started reselling
them for more. Sadly there are some perceptive people playing
in Luna. A few people noticed I was flooding the market
with rose clippings so they started selling them as well. Lowering the price to around 5 million. So I had to sell some of them for a bit cheaper
than what I was selling them for before. Our next training spot is rash in leafre. These monsters are a bit stronger but there
usually is a burning field here giving increased exp. So it is almost always worth it to train here. Even if it does take a few more hits to finish
them off. I usually go to Zakum around level 90, but
since this is a clean account I went at level 96. It wasn’t as easy as I hoped but still doable. Just make sure to bring elixirs or power elixirs. Zakum’s arms give a ton of EXP so we use
this to reach level 102. And now we can start defeating this boss on
a daily basis for free mesos and reward points. Congrats you reached level 100+ and can get
a taste of what dailies are in this game! Make sure to clear monster park every day. This dungeon can be entered twice a day for
free and gives a good chunk of EXP. Plus the coins you get from this can be used
to purchase potions that boost attack speed, exp and damage. We will be using those later on to train faster. So make sure to complete them daily. Also accept the quest to clear monster park
77 times every day of the week. This is a very long term goal so better start
early. Your other daily will be maple tour. This rewards mesos and a coin that can be
used to purchase 200 power elixirs per day for free. This is a great source of potions if you’re
playing a potion hungry class. Both maple tour and monster park can be accessed
through the dimensional mirror. Because we are explorers we need to do an
awfully long quest line to get our emblem. So we set free the black mage and destroy
maple island and 4 hours later we finally get our emblem. If you ever get a free potential scroll. Make sure to throw it on this item. Another quick way to either get potions or
mesos is to defeat the two big fish bosses that are in aqua road. They drop an insane amount of potions that
can be sold to npcs for a good chunk of mesos. I was still using pretty low level weapons
at this point. So I used some of our fund to purchase zakum
weapons so that we can keep up with the increasingly stronger monsters. As well as an ifra’s ring and Silver Blossom
ring. One of the advantages of the regular servers
is that you don’t need to complete all these boss fights and questlines yourself to get
items. You can just buy them so we can focus on the
grind. And making more mesos of course. We spell trace and starforce our new weapons
both to 5 starforce each and use that to go train at Sky nest 2 in leafre. There are no other moves to train here besides
that leveling goes really fast in this map. Reaching level 116 we upgrade and starforce
our belt, shoulder and face accessories until we hit 55 star force. Upgrade your lower level accessories first
since it is very cheap to do so. Saves you your spell traces and mesos! Our next destination is the clock tower in
Ludibrium. Honestly the maps at the bottom are all amazing. Try them out and see which ones you like. I usually train at dual ghost pirates. But I was feeling nostalgic and trained at
spirit vikings in warped path of time 4 this time. Starforce monsters really are the fastest
way to level up in the regular servers. At level 125 we get some more mesos by completing
all wanted sign quests in korean folk town. I usually use the guide menu to travel to
areas around my level fast. Each wanted sign quest gives a ton of mesos
and exp and it doesn’t take long to complete them. Just don’t complete the theme dungeon itself
unless you have the time to do so. If you are looking for more ways to get mesos,
one thing you can do as well is go to ursus. Ursus is a special boss that rewards mesos
and this reward is doubled at some times during the day. I usually wasn’t online during those times
and there aren’t a lot of ursus runs so I didn’t get to join any runs. But they are there. Keep an eye our for the double meso notice
and megaphones recruiting for this boss fight. Ursus unlocks at level 100. We are leveling up nicely. But our skills aren’t So our next goal is
to get free mastery books. I usually complete 3 theme dungeons to get
a couple of those books for free. The first one being Golden temple. My inner ability was still epic, so it was
time to change this. After a few minutes of clicking we finally
reached the legendary rank. Now we just gamble for a nice line and we’re
set. We completed the crimsonheart castle theme
dungeon and the partem ruins theme dungeons. Literally all you have to do in here is defeat
some monsters and they take like 30 minutes tops to complete. At level 140 try swapping out your gear slowly
with the pensilar gear that you find. If you find a good glove feel free to upgrade
that, but hold off on upgrading the other items. We didn’t get enough mastery books yet,
another way to get those for free and pretty quick is through the silent crusade questline. This one unlocks at level 90 I believe. You have to travel around the maple world
defeating bosses. And collect coins that can be used in the
silent crusade store to purchase mastery books. Also completing season 3 rewards mastery books
as well. Silent crusade quest line also reward a ton
of potions, you will never run out of them ever. And you get a nice ring and title that we
will be using as well! Only benefits! Our imps have fully grown at this point! Let’s see if our hard work paid off! A meso bag, a 5 slot bag, that’s worth about
4m. And we got a rake. pfew now at least it makes sense that we did
this haha. Our remaining rose clippings sold as well! We’re getting close to that 100m! We continued with the silent crusade and got
a ton of mastery books. There were 2 books left that I just bought
from an NPC. Guess i’ll just farm more rose clippings
to sell if I need mesos haha. This should also be the time to invest in
boss accessories. I always go for the: Condensed Power Crystal,
aquatic Letter Eye accessory, Crystal Ventus Badge, Golden Clover Belt and Dea Sidus earrings. This is where we are at right now. I upgraded and starforced some of my items
as well so we can continue to stab whatever monster we want. We don’t have any totems yet, so let’s
chance that and grind for a while in Shanghai. Use the level 140 guide menu to teleport to
this place. Once you complete the first two quests you
can start turning in rare etc drops for totems. There are 3 in total and all monsters in this
area have a chance to drop them. Just a word of caution. While these are the best totems in the game
they are time limited and need to be obtained every month. If you want permanent totems instead I recommend
completing the afterlands questline that unlocks at level 75. I found two totems until I gave up, but they
were the same haha. I also was looking for them on my demon slayer
and on that character I did find all 3 relatively fast. Since we are level 140+ don’t forget about
your hyper stats, since we are in the regular server just add points to damage for now so
we can train a bit faster. Starforce monster training is life so we continue
training at those type of monsters. This time we are training at jr cerberus in
the el nath deadmines. You will need 55 star force for this area. We leveled up fast and reach level 150, and
as if it was perfectly timed our omok table finally sold for 100m. Right on time so we can buy our level 150
gear! In reboot we would have to grind about 2 to
3 weeks just to get these items but this is the regular server! If you can play the market you don’t have
to play the game! And this is what our character looks like
right now. Nothing upgraded just yet. Besides our accessories. If you want to get stronger start upgrading
your weapons first, then your gloves and then the rest. Accessories are usually a quick and easy way
to get more starforce without burning through all your spell traces. With this out of the way we can fully focus
on leveling up and daily boss runs. There are a ton of bosses that drop reward
crystals that I would recommend fighting. Think about bosses like normal Zakum, hilla,
normal horntail, normal ranmaru and easy magnus. Make sure to also join a guild! Mapling with others is more fun! Your guildies can help with any questions
you might have and there are special perks that you will
get as well depending on the guild level and skills. I trained a ton at those blue notebooks at
floor 3 in the kerning tower. The spawn is great in this map and the exp
is really great as well. You will need about 90 starforce for this
area. I stayed in this map all the way until level
178. If you feel that training is slowing down
purchase those potions that I mentioned earlier at monster park to speed things up. At level 180 go to future perion to any of
the maps with stumps in them. I prefer training at Desolate Rocky Road. Stay here until level 194ish and then move
over to forsaken excavation site 2. Around level 197 I got super bored so I did
a quick in between theme dungeon. Fox valley can be a nice break from grinding,
rewards decent EXP and a nice medal. Also make sure to complete the scrapyard introduction
quest for about half a level worth of exp at level 199. Totally worth it. And after all of that we reached level 200! Congratulations, you just finished the early
game. This is the start of the midgame. There are a couple of things that you want
to do here right away. And the first thing is clearing the questline
in this area. What I usually do is I save up some hyperstat
points starting from level 193. Then when I complete the 5th job advancement
I raise my arcane force to level 6. This way I will have no trouble completing
the quest line. Your hyper stats can be reset for 10 million
so no worries about adding points there. Once you complete the questline here a new
daily and weekly mission will appear. Complete the daily missions for free vanishing
journey symbols. You will need a lot of those. The weekly quest will reward nodestones which
you will need to rank up your skills. So make sure to complete those. If you’re set on leveling up faster try
and get the exp boost nodestone as well as the holy symbol nodestone. This one also boosts your droprate so you
can find even more nodestones. Your 5th job skill slots can be enhanced and
nodestones can be upgraded as well. Usually you want your attack nodestones to
only contain attacks or skills that you use. There also is something called Erda Spectrum
which can be accessed by talking to Nina who is standing next to the daily quest NPC. This place rewards arcane symbols as well
so keep doing this as well every day. Combine your dailies with boss runs, like
the root abyss bosses, gollux or easy empress and all the other bosses I mentioned earlier. Every class is different and some might be
stronger than others. It doens’t hurt to try out various bosses
and see which ones you can take on and which one you can’t. Usually I train at Eastern Cave Path 2. Or below the cave until level 205. After that I start the Reverse city questline
and train at Research train 1. I got my Mercedes to level 210 there. And finally at level 200 if this is your first
level 200 and you don’t have a lot of other characters your Legion will unlock as well. Characters above level 60 will be registered
here and will provide a small buff. Another thing that you can level up. At this point I would also take a moment to
reflect if you are enjoying the class you are playing or if you want to perhaps try
out another class. Every class has a link skill that will give
out various buffs and together with legion effects your characters can get a lot stronger
with a large amount of link skills and legion effects. If you think this character that I am playing
right now is my main you can start investing some more time in it by completing blockbusters. The blockbuster Monad rewards a very good
title, The blockbuster masteria through time rewards a very nice medal. And the block busters Black Heaven and Heroes
of Maple unlock boss rights that become important the higher level you get as well. I would only complete those if you are really
invested in your character though as they take about 2 4 hours to fully complete, per
blockbuster. And that should set you up for success in
the regular server in MapleStory Global! It was a long video but I hope it was useful! Final tip. Until about 1 week after this video is uploaded
you can still claim the compensation from the maple admin to get 13 level up potions,
cash items, free gear and what not. If you haven’t yet, make sure to claim them. And as always Many thanks to our members for
making this video possible! Thanks to
Niels de Coninck, Raar maar waar, Sebastian Hanoy, FlX, Jeff Wang, Pinky Traveler, Terry
Kim, Jiju, Galaxi Art, Jesus Rodriguez, Vareese, Raiser Aryu, Dries Zumker, Plax, Zenny. WY Lee, Francisco Sousa, Historycanon, BackSpaceOTI,
Ceemak, Saffronyx, Lonz0 BJxtremez, harry gardner, Ido Haiman, Anwar NHY, Brandon, Frank
Bouquet, Ziggy Deer, FineAznGuy, MrPotemkin, Flidiot, Beemer WT, Lars Smits, Ejnahr, Knivesu
and Chen125 If you would like to be mentioned here as
well and get early access to new videos check out the join button below this video. Thank you for watching stay safe, and happy