The Twisting Tyburski Family Affair

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foreign [Music] what we are going to do is uh look at the story of a family and just yeah just look at how lovely they can be I am joking the esteemed tiberskies are our best buds in this video a noble lineage hailing from Ohio the family they had their own uh trials and and tribulations some some self-inflicted oh there's not so much you had a Daryl his wife Janet and their tree daughters Shelly Hannah and Megan that is what you had but it's not what you have so um sure he may as well give it a goo [Music] time now for Mike's mandatory you know geography lesson right that's what they say you know you come for the crime you stay for the geography you leave for the humor North Ridgeville is not north of South Ridgeville if there is no South Ridgeville why not just call it Ridgeville I want that what you might also want is some football helmets and that's where Riddell has a big old factory making them North Ridgeville is not far from Cleveland and is home to 35 000 people it's a fast growing city surrounded by everything you need without the stuff you don't it is a very safe City one of the safest uh in Ohio but sure go on uh let's talk about one case that uh you know impacted those stats it began just after 1 pm on Sunday the 15th of March 2015. the weather was cold snow was in the air and near Victory Park in North Ridgeville a call was made a property owner was checking on his uh property on Victory Lane yeah he had just had some work done and when he was out for a wander beside a small snow bank layer body she was lying face down nude from below the waist uh looks like a dead body laying here looks like a woman I'm at the end of Victory Lane in North Ridgeville upon inspection by the authorities it seemed evident that blood forced trauma to the head was the most likely cause of death but there was really nothing to give it away as to as to what happened to her sexual motivation seemed uh likely at the time but what was interesting later was that it seemed that blunt force trauma had not killed her in fact when the autopsy was done the coroner said she hadn't been beaten enough to have died from us he couldn't exactly tell what killed her he would keep uh you know diving in there but Suffocation probably was most likely well that was not the only mystery that uh began that Sunday afternoon they had no idea who she was her fingerprints revealed nothing didn't show up on any kind of database no ID no record didn't match any missing persons reports she'd been dead for about 24 to 48 hours she'd probably even dump there as there you know there was no scene at the park there were no other indications of any kind of event taking place there the event being murder likely she'd been dumped as the Ohio Turnpike goes right by the park perhaps she'd been you know abducted you know uh uh kidnaps they found ligatures around her wrists what happened happened and then she was dumped the only thing they could say was that in hopes of getting some kind of identification was that uh you know she was a white woman between the ages of 18 and 35. narrows it down about 200 pounds with Chinese character Institute on her arm and a flower on her upper back she had a number of scars on her face and brown hair police don't tend to normally uh release you know the face of the victim um in this one it's just like Bill McGuire if you remember that one from a couple weeks back with Melanie McGuire they released an image they did this again in this case to the public and hoped somebody might oh [ __ ] that's her North Ridgeville Police are taking all the steps they can to try and identify the woman whose body was found in that field here in North Ridgeville Sunday afternoon near the Ohio Turnpike not far from Lorraine Road and they've taken a very rare step this afternoon at a news conference that just ended here at the police station they actually showed us the news media a black and white photo of the woman's face from her autopsy today through the Lorain County coroner's office now we have chosen not to show you that photograph tonight although North Ridgeville Police are keeping people updated to the minute on their Facebook page they did give us such a good description though we feel that could help if you know her she's a Caucasian female five nine five ten 200 pounds as I said at the top this was North Ridgeville a place where the non-existent murder rate cops ran out of options real quick as to what and hopefully someone will recognize the poor woman thing is it worked they soon uh got a ring ring saying yeah I know who that is that's my daughter hello I just saw a picture of my daughter and I haven't seen her since Thursday night okay what's your first name Janet okay and your last name hypers all right yeah oh my God okay it's okay this is a nightmare I'm sorry what what's your daughter's first name Rochelle [Music] on the phone was Janice tyburski found was her daughter 26 year old Rochelle Shelley taberski Shelley was born in 1988. older sister to Hannah and Megan and daughter are Janet and Daryl tybursky together they had a happy little life living in a Lakewood Ohio not far from North Ridgeville [Music] that is until a tragedy struck in 1999 Daryl tabriskie he was driving along late one night um he went off the road his car went off the road he ended up crashing into a boat trailer in Detroit if you can believe that and he was he was killed instantly the remaining tiberskis his wife and three daughters had to pick up the pieces Daryl had been a successful college football player and after that a successful attorney he had a great career ahead and that was over and Janus became a stay-at-home mother and poured everything into raising her tree daughters however after Daryl's debt things would understandably um would be the same again yep Shelley began to exhibit symptoms of bipolar disorder she began lashing out at her mother who was already struggling with three daughters to raise by herself would be a top student top athlete and eventually go to Oberlin College Shelley her older sister was the opposite um well August uh 24th was August 24th was probably one of the worst days uh 10 years ago on August 24th uh my father passed away so whatever you know crap happens same [ __ ] everyday I learned to deal with it you know but um you know 10 years ago I didn't know what to do so you know I didn't cry but I thought to myself you know I gotta live on I gotta move on that's what he wants when she was young she would be running running away from home all the time and she'd be constantly moving in and out of her mother's house Shelly would eventually move in with a divorced uh musician named Tommy that's like four red flags right there he was 20 years older than Shelley that's five and in 2011 she had a son with him Cole I hear you knocking on my side of her door I love you baby can I have some more Gone Gone the Damage Done I hit the city and I lost my band I watched the needle take another man Gone Gone shockingly you know hold on to your butts didn't last soon after Shelly and cold moved back in with Mama Bear Janet after Hannah and Megan uh moved out and they went to college and then very late on the 12th of March you know they they were a happy little family living in this house together Janet her daughter Shelly and her grandson Cole they came through and abrupt and when Janet said Shelley left that night and she never saw her again Janet didn't report her daughter missing as she assumed she's out doing what she had done before and she would come back eventually that was until she saw the news police say family members identified 26-year-old Rachelle tyburski after seeing media reports this is a photo her family just released to NewsChannel 5. her body was found in a field off Victory Lane in North Ridgeville Sunday afternoon police say she had been dead 24 to 48 hours before her body was found and so the police went to speak with Janet and Hannah I had come back from college because uh well Shelley had been acting out acting out a lot lately she'd been going through a bad time and it turned out she had reignited uh you know the the flame with her old spark uh Tommy to 2 30. Okay um I'm going to tell him he's Tommy's picking me up okay did you see or leave on Thursday night you know if uh Tommy's been in any trouble or anything yeah I think so the Expo has the restraining order place okay he does have a weapon [Music] got scared [Music] Janet said he was bad news he had been involved with the police from time to time and liked her party hard like the liked a few sips maybe more than a few Hana too confirmed that Shelly had gone to Tommy's that night that's where they believed she had gone and word from there was that he could be from time to time a little bit more free with his hands than he should be Janet said she heard a car pull up outside their house assumed it was Tommy and that's where she went so police went to speak with him at his place in Cleveland but Tommy said he hadn't spoken to Shelley since that Thursday night when Shelley's family said she elect he had tried calling her over the next day or two and got none my last communication with her was about 8 30 on Thursday night and she was supposed to call me Friday morning she never did now that's the same time you say that Janet told you guys that I picked her up at two in the morning and I never did and so he just ended up drinking uh drinking a whole weekend he lived a good blackout so he did I'm just being honest with you know Saint Patrick's all right and I slept all day yesterday the day before I drank a bottle of Jack half a bottle of tower about 20 meters so I've been in a blackout drunk for the last four days team come and go you know I mean I don't keep track of where she comes Cameron I've never had argument really you had heard never had any physical adaptations or not struggles or anything no I know how women are so I mean sometimes they get out of hand especially you know they're drinking Shelly's just a handful look if you don't take a medication man she's got any kind of loop look Shelly's a she's a good girl but she has serious personality disorders she didn't have the maturity of a 26 year old she was more like a you know 14 or 15 year old in her head she's seen a psychiatrist regularly like I said she always said a lot of stuff that was untrue well I told you she has personality disorders so if Shelly didn't go to Tommy's where did she go she cheats on me all the time it's a regular thing like the last time she cheated on me she met this guy any idea where she was for three days whoever she went with kicked her up on Facebook I guarantee it you get her mom's computer you gotta find out who she was talking to following up on Shelley's social media accounts it turned out she had in fact been messaging could be clocked in a few Lads but when the police followed up with each each of them there was nothing there they were all like Alibi dude fan sooner that weekend so later on the coroner determined two things uh first being was that she had in fact um suffocated to death that was the cause of death suffocation second was that although her she was naked when Shelly was found she was naked below the waist and her top was pulled up her breasts were exposed she hadn't been sexually assaulted and in fact when you combine that with the fact that uh there was [ __ ] around her wrists like she'd been tied up it actually looked staged like someone had wanted it to make it look like what the police thought that she'd been kidnapped and you know it would have been a sexual motivated blah blah blah it had probably been staged and probably by someone Shelly knew well Tommy most likely suspect continued to deny Annie involved and he did the old Switcheroo he said you need to go back go back to the beginning and look at her family it was just the whole story of the dance Tower man she's leaving oh she's not telling you the whole truth she's not telling the whole story there's something wrong with her you know you know I really need to think of my own pictures like that man things had not been good there have been fights in fact in the September before so six months before Shelley was dead she called the cops on Janet saying she was being abusive not only that Tommy said there had been a lot more trauma in Shelley's life than they knew even more trauma than Shelley's dad Daryl passing away in a car accident most likely was drunk driving he had been coming home from a party Shelley had told Tommy that's her dad Daryl had molested her as a kid and Janet knew for well about it I'm just it's [ __ ] sweet football now it had been said before that Shelley made up a lot of [ __ ] she had her own mental issues maybe it was just in her head but when Tommy brought this up with Janet she flew off the handle you know I gotta be honest dude she was pissed off about that whole thing you know you know she's not being honest to you guys about the whole story and that they were arguing about it I just got a bad feel about her man it's just not make sense because I know she's like I know it but you know you're figuring it out but you'll see you know I haven't been I haven't been slashed about anything this whole time I told you okay so now you have both John and Tommy vote denying they had anything to do with Shelley's death and in fact both both of them [ __ ] dumb a number over here pointing the finger at each other so what at least did then was go and talk to someone it was like in between they went to speak with Hannah Shelley's younger sister 19 years old not a college student she said she hadn't seen Shelly all weekend in any language you're going to be about every morning yeah what time would you say but she did give conflicting accounts of when she had arrived back home from Oberlin that weekend and when they asked to see her phone Hannah walked out let me just okay find out yeah it's not going away maybe it was those closest to her after all next the police got a search warrant of Janet's car and they found Blood on the door and then finally what the police did was they got a hold of all these surveillance footage between the tibersky home and where Shelley had been found and what they found was that on the morning of the 15th which was Today Show even found like very early morning still dark Shannon's car had driven from her home to where Shelby had been found on Victory uh Lane when the blood in the car came back and matched Shelley's blood they knew her family probably her mother had killed her janitar was not having it okay we have reasonably believed that Shelley never left the house okay okay so we know that something happened okay we know that something happened at the house okay what do you think what what do you well believe that's remember I told you we do you know if you watch CSI and all that stuff we I mean we we do everything possible you know and we try to confirm and and we try to check out what people tell us and stuff like that and um you know and as part of that we like I said we do we do the history we do the you know we pull videotape you know there's there's houses and stuff that have video and they can tell whether you know if there's activity and stuff like that with businesses I mean we've been scouring I mean you have to understand this has been what two weeks I'm no doubt and um we've come to the conclusion that something happened at the house okay do you have and that's why do you have that's why I want to talk to you well and that's why I wanted to talk to you no one probably suspect number one well I know but I had I didn't do anything too hard I'd emphatically deny what we know and like I said this is based on the evidence what we know is that this whatever happened to Shelley this was done in a either in an anger or fit a rage or passion um would they call Crime of Passion whether it's love hate what happens are you able to share with me understanding you found evidence well what is that evidence that's what I've been waiting to hear Jim the evidence is is that we know something happened at the house but you can't tell me concretely I'm waiting to hear what what number one would you be found so far she left the interview and the investigation continued the police got a search warrant and as they arrived at our house confronting her one more time Janet just came out and said it we had to uh um trying to find a vehicle there's some found a crime scene were you able to tell me what was found no and and here's and I'm gonna tell you right now Janet you know exactly what happened you know what was done and the evidence is going to tell us that I know the truth we know the truth and and [Music] that this isn't tell me what you have and I'll tell you the truth this is this is the time you tell me what happened I'm gonna go ahead and confess to kill the new show it has been escalating I know safety was definitely at risk and I killed her on the early hours of Friday the 13th in a chronic fashion John was taken in on the 5th of may she said John had said that Shelly had just become more delusional more violence uh lately and she had started to become scared for for Cole for grandson not only for her grandson but for herself too Jonathan tried to ask Shelly you know for custody uh article and that did not go down well too well at all in fact then Shelia said she's going to take her son and go off with Tommy and leave uh janetwood swinging in the wind according to Janet she followed that swiftly upward I'm just gonna [ __ ] kill you so Janet uh not too keen on that try to try to change attack she she just switched Lanes um real quickly and so when Shelly was asleep that night she went up with a pillow and Shelley started fighting back and they fell to the ground and Janet started smashing her head and face into the wooden floor Shelley eventually stopped fighting after that after did she go to bed or did she stay up um I went to sleep Janet then called Hannah and told her to come home she asked her other daughter to help move the body of the one she killed that's right where I should have stopped Hannah apparently sort of like potato ES I guess Hannah felt she had no choice while confessing Janet called Hannah on the phone I just uh confessed to murdering Rochelle yeah I did honey I told him I'm telling him everything that happened and I know that they feel that you're an accessory after the fact though honey so they're going to be talking to you okay all right I love you Hannah and I'm sorry for involving you in this and moving your body I'm so sorry honey way to throw your own daughter under the bus well I suppose she did already prove she's such a good mother she murdered her own daughter the Lakewood mother accused of doing the unthinkable killing her own child and dumping the body in a field now as the woman appears before a judge stunned supporters cope with the news to make sure I have an attorney I'd like to request a court appointed attorney Janet tyburski showed no emotion and acted very calm during her video arraignment before a judge this morning North Ridgeville Police arrested Janet tibersky yesterday at her Lakewood home the same place where investigators tell me this mom suffocated her daughter to death on Friday the 13th of March John's defense when it came to trial was that it was in self-defense that she'd been backed into a corner by Shelley like an abusive relationship you know interesting okay she was just getting so violent so dangerous I had no choice but killer yeah why not but a little bit more investigating showed that uh well Janet didn't work right uh she was a full-time mad bastard instead and so she'd gone into debt the house her house was not going to be her house for much longer the bank was getting sending her angry and angrier and angrier letters so uh like a gambler didn't she just happen to put a few Bob on Shelley that she might accrue if she died some may call life insurance I call it pretty much like every motive ever to the point I don't even have to say it anymore I can just do that your sister and so knowing that the prosecution knows this Janus took a plea deal the deal allowed Hannah to avoid a prison sentence Hannah tiberski pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of gross abuse of a corpse and for that she was given a 90-day suspended jail sentence and ordered to pay a 750 fine Janet was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 19 years [Music] I have to live with and and I'm so sorry to everybody Janae uh that's the end of that one pretty messed up primary kind of reminds me of the stouti one all over again only instead of um poisoning she just [ __ ] suffocated uh with the the old pillow trick you know challenge wanted control over Shelley she thought she was Expendable and a loose cannon who she just would rather not be around anymore but she wanted to come off first hey I'm the real victim here I put her out of her misery Cry of passion crime of sympathy for her grandson she just wanted to save her grandson nope she wanted her daughter gone so her life would be easier and richer pretty much uh psychopath true and true classic case though they give me life insurance baby I wanna now she's gonna be wanting a hell of a lot more than that let me tell you [Music] thank you so much for watching I really appreciate you taking the time to watch this old video with this guy doing this move don't know why sure why not uh here listen go on I'll see you as always real soon in the next one the next whole video which will be new until it's not and that'll be old I don't know what I'm talking about either but anyways listen please uh take care of yourself [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,770,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, janet tyburski, shelly tyburski, Rachele tyburski
Id: WaK_wME3nOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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