The Torture of Annastasia Hester

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video what we are doing today is or going to oregon to look at a story of love and a story of hate and well you know what they what they kind of usually uh lead to in the context of me telling you on the outskirts of portland lies the city of gresham and in that city lived anastasia lovely name bitter lucky and definitely in this one so let's see why by giving it a go [Music] in the suburb of gresham you got beautiful views you can see that big old mount hood you got your forests and the biggest issues according to uh well reviews on are intolerance boo homeless camps and uh the big one a lack of vegan food variety well everyone has their own priorities but what was a priority to the gresham city police was this 911 call it was made at around 3 am on the 10th of june 2016 [Music] do you need an ambulance what happened [Music] do you know the name of the person that did this to you are you bleeding a lot [Applause] in an apartment off eastman parkway lived 34 year old anastasia annie hester annie born anastasia holmes in 1981 was a native oregonian growing up in the same area she lived now she was the daughter of charles and elizabeth wait her mother is elizabeth holmes she had previously worked at champion an after-school program for the kiddos but lately she was working in stereocycle a waste management company no she wasn't in the mafia annie she had a daughter named alice she'd been married for for about five years to a man named matt hester from 2008 to 2012. annie was extremely devoted to her daughter now as a single mother annie and matt after their divorce they came to an amicable arrangement regarding their daughter but when she wasn't working she certainly was the creative sort she loved making christmas ornaments cards and she was skilled at face painting and henna too [Applause] [Music] so when she made that um frankly quite disturbing no no one call in june 2016 it seemed like it all came crashing down when the police arrived at her apartment thankfully her daughter alice uh wasn't there she was at her dad's house for the weekend when the emergency services and stuff they arrived you know um annie who just made the the 911 call she was now unresponsive she was bleeding out she'd been stabbed all over and she was immediately rushed to hospital but after just a couple of hours she would pass away when the police arrived the door was unlocked and bloody footprints were found leading out in the backyard the window-mounted ac unit was outside like dangling is if someone had removed it to gain entry to one of the windows in annie's apartment via you know the gap the window which led to her daughter alice's bedroom well that's not good alice's bedroom was in fact the only uh bedroom in that small apartment annie herself she slept on a pull out like couch bed in the living room it looked like it had been in use and judging by the fact the phone call was made so late the initial thought was someone had broken and attacked annie while she was sleeping like i said luckily alice wasn't uh their time is extremely brutal scene and he had been stabbed over 60 times there was a lot of lost blood multiple knives were found at the scene so that's a bingo right there although that could mean more than one person was involved one was a folding knife likely the killer's own the others were on his own kitchen knives whoever did what was done to annie they uh they really wanted to make sure you know so we just got an update from gresham police unfortunately they're no closer to solving this mystery than they were yesterday they still don't know who killed anastasia hester in fact they say they need the public's help in finding out we did talk to a family member who didn't want to go on camera he said they feel it's a stranger because anastasia they said did not have any enemies now yesterday multnomah county search and rescue teams were out assisting with this investigation combing through the dense brush near the spring water trail looking for any clues to try to figure out just who might want to do this to this young mom [Music] as the investigation began the police found out uh from the scene of the crime and he lived in an apartment building so it was hoped that you know someone might have heard something seen something you know and discerning and luckily they had they had actually heard quite a commotion uh the night before at around half 11 in the pm as some of the neighbors reported hearing screaming a thud door slamming cars racing off there's a fierce commotion now let me tell you people thought they were well somebody's having a real good time out there they realized that they weren't having a very good time when the ninos showed up but what that told the police was immediately if that neighbors heard commotion screaming at around half 11 and then annie was was able to call 911 shortly before she passed away at around 3am so from half 11 to 3am this has been going on for quite some time she had been tortured to death what's most interesting though is that even though it lasted almost you know four hours after all that time annie she didn't know who it was she said on the 911 call she hadn't got a clue which makes you think it certainly wasn't someone she she knew at all but regardless the investigation would start with people she did know 35 year old matt hester he was first he was first up uh you know the estranged husband tends to be the boogeyman in these situations but i mean one luck would tell you he probably wouldn't be up to much he used a cane and complained that due to some medical issues he was in constant pain i mean that's what he told the police and so i guess um obviously i told you at the house that your ex-wife is deceased but you didn't say didn't say how right then we'll talk about that in a minute or two um interestingly though you know the most he would do when told of his ex-wife's gruesome murder would be the old that's tough she said that she had been stabbed officers responded out there she had been injured she was transported to the hospital and she was pronounced dead at the hospital [Music] and at this point we're investigating this as almost did your wife say any ex-wife say anything about having any problems with anyone i don't talk about her personal life okay seems that matt had been cheating on ani hence the divorce but they stayed on good terms overall for alice if nothing else how are your feelings towards anne i'm mostly indifferent i just i want to deal with her as little as possible matt would then go on to marry a woman named angie mccraw she had her own kids and they'd have a little family of their own neither matt nor angie worked they were chilling out permanently matt though what he was going to do and make it begin was penning fantasy stories he had his whole fantasy universe you know done it see in the real world he was simply 25 year old matt hester dole artist but in here he was sargon dorsey creator of a fantasy universe he dreamt of other epic worlds entel specifically if that sounds pretty rad let me tell you more it makes mid alert look like frankly like [ __ ] legends speak of a time when the world was won they speak of a time when the mortal races lived together in harmony and prosperity they speak of the general peace that was maintained between the races they speak of the ones who shattered that peace and sundered the world apart okay it drones on a bit get this guy an editor blah blah blah legends speak of that which has come before and legends will be written of what shall take place what all the legends speak of you welcome to the world of intel it was an mmo rpg he was working on anna featured such races as the shari the roshan the shartha the woodlings and the groka this was almost a fully thought out fantasy world and all that [ __ ] now i'd consider myself a bit of a nerd pretty nerdy guy reading through all this [ __ ] was even given me acne he was a big fan of dnd and magic gathering and so that sort of genre was his niche he even provided video updates listen up i'm pleased to say that i've continued the trend to get my dreams written down every day today is sunday july 24th 2016. this is the first of what i hope to be a weekly video log just going over um what i've been working on for the past week in terms of writing some gaming with my wife getting that uploaded on the uh youtube uh the project i'm most excited about actually just started today and that's sharing the races for entel chaos prophecies that's the mmorpg that i'm helping to develop um this week i introduced the rashaan which is one of our lizard races you'll find the link to that particular blog entry in the the links below when you're writing and building there are a lot of details that go into the background for that world especially when you're building something in a completely new setting with new races new lands new histories new histories is that is that a thing we've got lizard people cat people snake people a race that is still uh defying explanation that's what i've been working on and uh thanks for stopping by thanks for stopping by thanks for stopping by thanks for stopping by thanks for stopping by thanks for stopping by or he would post videos ah sargon dorsey playing video games with his wife with angie here is matt and angie playing together on july 20th 2016. over a month after annie's death i'm not being a hawker so [ __ ] off no i need to be dehaka because i only need a little bit more to level them up what's your question today when i play eight games play games mine's only win three games okay fine as always links down below if you'd like to read more about his wonderful universe uh it's great stuff uh let's move on in recent times though things between matt and anastasia had been on the rocks uh this was due to essentially a couple of months before uh anastasia had been given full custody of alice and well things are roughing up i mean obviously we got to consider all possibilities here and i'm sure you've seen tv when we have situations like this you know everybody points out the ex-husband did it yeah i want to help you guys and i was you know one of those sorry i think i'm worried about is my daughter man if you had anything to do with hannah's death i need to know about it right now i did not i would never do anything i wouldn't endanger my child okay and i'm glad to hear you say that because that tells me what kind of parents you are is there any way to find your dna involved in that murder scene no the police questioned the hell out of matt they wanted to wiggle them they even they even lied and said they knew he did it which is such a [ __ ] shitty police tactic by the way i need to let you know that my investigation clearly shows that you're responsible for anne's death and you're involved in it intimately there's a little bit of sure no no i wouldn't i wouldn't if you thought i did you were trying nope not necessarily a thing to do have a seat right there angelo was questioned to confirm matt's story i mean whether annie and matt were on good terms he just didn't seem capable physically of doing what had been done but they wanted to double check with angie and they both confirmed they hadn't left the house their stories stood up except one little part angie said that at about 3am she had to let the dogs out to go potty and then she herself had to go potty because she talks like a [ __ ] child apparently took him potty came back upstairs and then i went to go potty and end up i end up puking it myself oh that's horrible i'm sorry then she got sick and matt had to help her and they share it together called mac to help me and he came and helped me took a shower to help get the poop off and rinse some of the sweat off because apparently i'm sweating now matt never said he got out of bed that night so what were you and angela doing last night sleeping okay do you know what time you went to bed um i usually get into bed around 10 o'clock okay the story doesn't match and matt and angie shared together at about 3am right around the time the killers left annie's house maybe at a time when the killer might be washing the blood off hmm thinker something that was also odd was that other people lived in matt and angie mcgraw's uh house not just their kids rent must be a [ __ ] and it must be quite the [ __ ] because one of the roommates was aaron mcgraw wait what did i read what i wrote right angie's ex-husband and father of two of her children but awkward ex-husband is living now with the new husband god knows what goes on in their bedroom who am i to judge you know what weirdos do but aaron happened to be out that night another roommate said he saw matt and angie in bed around midnight and they slept into the living room and the final roommate lived in the garage and she said their car which was right outside so she would have heard it if it had been you know driven she didn't so they never left according to her okey-dokey then so that's that matt told the police that annie was into the polyamorous love scene very nice the guy she was saying was in a relationship and anne was in a relationship with both of them the guy and the girl so ann was dating both the female and the man correct it seemed then anu had been involved romantically with quite a few people fair play to her but that just led the investigation in like a million different directions ultimately all of them would be dead ends but this is kind of funny is that apparently one of the scenes she was involved with is that they all like to dress up as pirates and bang honestly though that sounds pretty [ __ ] cool show me your arse but hunting down that the only rear ends they saw were dead ends that doesn't make sense and so it all comes back to annie not knowing who it was was it random a passerby some psycho out there well it is portland the only solid evidence they had was that a neighbor's security camera showed get this a car driving out of matt and angie's home shortly before 11 pm they had said they hadn't left and it certainly was their car and it was seen driving all the way towards annie's house it pulled up right around the time neighbors heard that scream and then left around the time annie called the cops what about the roommates one said they saw them in bed the other said they they didn't hear the car leave well the one who said they saw them in bed could either be mistaken or just lying ditto the second they could have rolled the car out of the driveway so they wouldn't have heard it leave or again she was just lying the only catalyst that seemed clear was the custody issue from a couple of months before in may and he got full custody and apparently it got nasty including calls to child protective services on each other calls that were baseless and neither matt nor angie worked so what they did to pay the bills was well i got a full-time job applying for benefits baby they would have you know their children diagnosed with various ailments to get some money um you know some some benefits and so well having alice around would add a few more cha-ching to their monthly income you know i'm saying that then worked against matt and uh and he ended up getting full custody what matt got in return was 42 grand in court fees and child support payments he'd even lost his driver's license due to not paying child support um my wife's recording this so she's sending me strange looks but now in all this they still didn't know who the who the actual killer was because in that footage they couldn't see who's in the car a funny story though is that um less than a week after anastasia's death matt called up um he called up the insurance company to ask about her life insurance policy he would have to know if either me ex-husband or alice the daughter would happen to be beneficiaries of her life insurance policy would you oh it's a negative for parents well this wouldn't happen in until it seems matt may have thought he was the beneficiary of any of annie hester's life insurance policies and he was wrong it has been one year since the brutal murder of aggression mother and whoever killed her is still out there a year later detectives tell me the case is far from cold but remains unsolved do you think it's a stranger or somebody she knows we're not sure we haven't rolled out either at this point the police did get a clue on angie's phone when they found she purchased shoes that matched the bloody footprints tracking their phones and after a big old search they would find the murder boots in the woods [Music] it was almost a year and a half after annie's death in october 2017 that an arrest was made this took so long because well getting a dna sample was very difficult not much had been left behind but they did find one microscopic fragment which due to advances in the technology could say angie hester mcgraw had been there they were now living in pocatello idaho matt who had walked with a major limp before was now healthy as a horse and angie was arrested for the murder of annie hester in the car no the suspect has been identified as angelo rose mccraw hester she is currently being held in an idaho jail on a murder warrant we can tell you she is the wife of the man who used to be married to the victim but how did annie hester not recognize angie uh if she broke in and tortured her for like three and a half hours stabbing her slowly to death how did annie not know where she would have known angie right quite simply she was probably wearing a disguise or had you know uh annie blindfolded up police certainly thought matt was involved they just couldn't prove it our investigation clearly shows up for the last two weeks by the us marshalls so we've got you walking across the parking lot of he though was happy to throw angie under the bus he said he woke up and she had just come home covered in blood and then when uh he learned annie was dead the next day he still didn't ask he also said angie tried to hire ex-husband aaron mcgraw to do it 15 grand was supposed to be the payment but it didn't work out they couldn't afford it he said irma girl would completely denied us he would say no they never asked me to kill somebody and if they did i would shoot that [ __ ] down angie was taken back to portland and was looking at the death penalty for breaking into annie's house torturing her and stabbing her to death matt was arrested in 2019 two years after angie on charges of conspiracy to commit murder solicitation to commit murder and hindering prosecution seems they'd been building their case for quite some time the 38 year old is now behind bars for his role in the june 2016 murder of his ex-wife and woman he shares a child with a lot of police work led to the charges hester is facing criminal conspiracy to commit murder solicitation of murder and hindering prosecution and not even the shari the roshan the charter the woodlings or the groka could help matt hester now neither case though would end up going to trial both pleaded guilty to the charges angie hester mcgraw got 25 years to life matt hester got five years and he could be out on parole as early as 2023 he wasn't charged with murder because uh well they said they didn't want to shoot their shot and they might be saving that for later and there you have it once again a twisted plot of a whole family comes together to kill a part of it and a good old getting someone to do the dirty work for you uh it's actually startling that he could persuade angie you know and everybody liked anji she was a seemingly a normal person until she tortured somebody to death you know matt also recorded his other non-fantasy writings on his blog and also his dreams they say there's nothing more boring than hearing about someone's dreams and frankly i agree because i was begging to read more of his fantasy [ __ ] after a paragraph anyways one of the writings from january 2019 right before he was arrested is called erasing the evidence which i find very funny because he did a [ __ ] job but he wouldn't have gotten cotton until let me tell you uh thank you for watching uh means a lot if you got to this part of the video which is the end um it really does mean so much to me that you watched whole video so thank you um right here before i go please subscribe if you'd like to see two true crime videos every week tuesdays and fridays my friends uh hp oh well it's 3pm vst 8 pm irish time uh also if you'd like to check out patreon where you can get early access videos bonus videos a few other bits and bobs that's down in the description below as is some of that chapter mugs t-shirts and some you know bits and bobs right go on here i'll see you as always real soon in the next video but until then please take care of each other kiss all of you [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,386,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, annastasia hester, matt hester, angela mccraw
Id: TsCQ5yA90qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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