College Kids Realize Police Discovered Their Horrifying Secret

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hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video a mother was up early one morning getting ready getting ready for work you know and as she was about to to head out the door to start her day she decided to check on her 13-year-old daughter to see if her daughter was up and ready for school before she went but when she went to check on her daughter the door was locked this immediately to the mother was uh well worrying and so she started trying to bust her way in cuz the door was never locked when she got in the room was empty and the window was wide open little did anyone know that her daughter had been talking online to a Dr Tombstone and Dr Tombstone was not alone before we get into this old video please click that little old subscribe button to see new videos every single week now let's give it a [Music] go so this old story takes place in blackburg Montgomery County Virginia population a little under 55,000 one of the more notable places near here is Virginia Tech University which uh well it's pretty famous for something you don't want to be famous for overall though it's a nice little place and a nice little part of the country blackburg is dominated by Virginia Tech essentially it's a college town and ranked wait for it as one of the best college towns for brain gain give me some of that brain gain y'all if you want to learn a something be Tech it's off to VT for you reginia Tech I'm a wait in my check pretty cool [Music] place but it certainly was not right on the morning of January 27th 2016 my friends that was when Tammy weeks went into her 13-year-old daughter's bedroom to check on her before she left for work something she did every morning typically a reassuring sleepy Nicole would be in her bed however on this morning Tammy struggled to open her daughter's door they didn't have locks on their bedroom doors so Tammy immediately went into Mama Bear mode and shove as hard as she could only to find that Nicole's bedside table that had been pushed up against the door Nicole's window was also left wide ass open her phone and a minion blankets were also missing Not only was this incredibly worrisome and and a frightening sight for any parent to see what was even were is that Nicole as an infant she had a liver transplant so she needed to take medication twice two times a day her medication was still on her bedroom Nicole Lovel was born May 3rd 2002 in Radford City Virginia to Tammy and David she was lovingly referred to as Coy by all those who knew her Nicole's parents were never married and her father left her mother just weeks before her birth Nicole was born with a damaged liver and underwent a liver transplant at the tender age of only 10 months that's why she needed her medication anti rejection drugs she needed to take twice a day now Nicole was a happy cheerful young girl but her mother would also say she was bullied in school the scars visible from her many surgeries uh you know kind of left her open to attack by those real you know little shitty kids that we all love to kids suck like many who you know struggle with it with acceptance though many teens Nicole you know not finding it difficult in the real world with her school friends not that she had any she turned to the internet you know to make friends there and friends she did specifically she went onto an app called kick messenger app the kick messenger app was known for helping users stay Anonymous no valid email or phone number was required to sign up they also made a public statement that targeting younger users was one of their business goals you can probably guess what happened next when you're targeting kids other people people who also like to Target kids kind of uh Dove riding see kick was is still used as you know a vehicle for a lot of Nefarious acts uh sex trafficking people who you know like him young would also be in there in 2016 uh one freaking sex offender was was caught and there was all these there was like 200 groups of these little sex offender Rings operating on Kick the goods and bads of privacy are like right there on display one hand well hey nobody wants to be tracked so that's great on the other hand you know people who maybe should be tracked like child Predators they can kind of operate with impunity it's like one of them swords with the two edges or something anyways the night before she disappeared Tammy said it was like any other night Nicole kissed her good night went into her own room one regret tamy had though was that usually just before she went to sleep she would knock on Nicole's wall you know to let her know that Nicole wanted to get into bed with her mother that was okay that night she didn't for some reason she just decided against it and and something kind she kind of regretted ever since now Tammy was left with an empty bedroom an open window and a 13-year-old girl missing when she called the police at 7:15 a.m. they immediately went into action simply because well I mean a missing child is always horrifying but also she she was in dire need of her medication time was a ticket police are searching for missing girl they say is in danger 13-year-old Nicole loville was last seen at her family's Blacksburg apartment about midnight last night when her mother went to wake her up this morning she was gone we spoke to Nicole's mother and Uncle today they say their girl who goes by Coley has always been happy they say she loves to sing and to dance and has always wanted to be a contestant on American Idol her mom Tammy weeks clutched Nicole's favorite stuffed panda bear as she pleaded with her daughter to come home or that whoever is with her would bring her back safely investigators pursued every lead and when Nicole's friends mentioned she'd been been talking online with an older boy and refer to him as her boyfriend Nicole's mother was Disturbed and shocked while searching Nicole's room for leads investigators found a piece of paper taped on the wall in her closet it was the usernames and passwords if you can believe it of all her online accounts so then police contacted kick to release whatever user information of anyone Nicole had been in contact with and kick came true fair play to him and police noticed the last communication with Nicole before she disappeared was the username drore Tombstone well on January 30th 3 days after Nicole vanished drore Tombstone was brought in for questioning they were able to trace him via the IP address he used to log into his Kick account Dr Tombstone AKA 18-year-old Virginia Tech student David Eisenhower David was a freshman at the University taking engineering he was a tall lanky kid little bit awkward but he was also star trk and field runner on his high school team we went the distance to tell you about one of the greatest distance Runners this state has and his name is David Eisenhower I make my personal goals achievable like or just Out Of Reach of achievable that way I'm always constantly striving to better myself if that goal becomes a record or if that goal is past a record or records get broken in the process I consider that like a milestone goal but that's not where I ultimately want to end up at the station now David did admit he'd been talking to Nicole about a month before and he basically said you've been talking to someone's 5 years younger than him you know when he's 18 years old is that essentially he was bored he was just yeah just bored start randomly chatting to anybody he could he also said that Nicole has time told him she was like 16 17 I'd like I'd just like to help mid December correctly I was bored in my dorm room and logged on to a website where you go and you just talk to random strangers it's an anonymous kind of the website is called omigle if I believe correctly okay and she's like hey do you want to use my or like message me on some app called Kick and I was like sure what we're talking and she's like yeah I'm 16 or 17 I do not remember the age she said they spoke daily until David admitted they had arranged a meetup on the night of January 26th interesting date and he had driven to her place to pick her up however when he pulled up he told police that he saw she was much younger than she had previously stated so he left immediately headed back to campus to hang out with a friend he said he didn't even get out of the car I get there and then I see someone who probably looked like she was 11 years old flying out of a window and I was like uh uhuh not for me this young lady's never been hurt from okay so it's not going to be possible for us to believe that okay told you I do not know who she is this is utter [ __ ] obviously so the police immediately put the put the bracelets on him arrested him for the Abduction of Nicole level I think the police look more into finding a body and try to interrogate the last person who saw her alive who clearly left the scene oh now I stand up and your hands behind your back you are under arrest for the adduction of Nicole level officers say that the new developments in the investigation LED them to Eisenhower with this arrest investigators are very much in the midst of what is a rapidly developing investigation in David's dorm room police found a piece of paper when Nicole's address on it they also tracked down his friend from campus that David admitted to going to seea after leaving Nicole this friend was a fellow student named Natalie keepers more like Natalie lever would I tell you what's going to happen this girl is bad [ __ ] let me tell you she couldn't even keep her own head straight with all flip-flopping you know call her a fish cuz she flipped laugh police got permission from Natalie herself to go through her phone she probably would have wish she hadn't done that and Natalie admitted yeah David had gone to her after being distraught after meeting up with Nicole however on her phone police found you know extremely disturbing messages between Natalie and David these best buddies you know the gruesome Tome Natalie had texted da saying I smell like cleaning supplies and I've been around a lot of blood there there's more but you know we get the idea wow wonder what that could mean we know that you have information about this what do you think they're pulling out of your phone when confronted Natalie said yeah you're right Nicole is dead how much are you [Music] involved to move to help him move her body she swore up and down that she wasn't involved in the actual kill killing and wasn't even there to witness it but did say that David forced her to move Nicole's body when speculating about a motive Natalie said she you know thought that David was worried he might have gotten Nicole pregnant yikes major Big Y this big yikes she wased like what if I slept with her what if she ends up pregnant he stabbed her he killed her in in the the next day he told me that he needed help Nicole's body was found on January 31st down a Ditch off Craig Creek Road which was not too far from the University she had been stabbed 14 times with a lethal stab to her neck when confronted David said he had no part in her murder he stuck by the story that he left Nicole at her house that night and was with Natalie the rest of the night no idea how she ended up there police they went balls to the wall with this investigation they got the surveillance footage they got the phone records got the GPS that was in David's car David was too stupid to even realize his car had a GPS and could be tracked where he had driven that very night maybe to Craig Creek Road two Virginia Tech students are now in custody in connection to the death of Nicole Lovel today blackburg police announced the arrest of Natalie Keepers the 19-year-old faces one felony count of impr proper disposal of a dead body and one misdemeanor count of accessory after the fact now Keeper's arrest comes in addition to the arrest of David Eisenhower so when police searched his car they found not only that GPS but they found blood a shovel Blood on the shovel blood in the trunk upon looking at the data from the GPS it showed David at Nicole's place at the scene of the crime off Craig Creek Road and at a Walmart with this information they got surveillance footage from Walmart wouldn't you know it there was the David and Natalie on January 26th around 400 p.m. buying a shovel cleaning supplies wipes and gloves so yeah January 26th this is all prior to Nicole's disappearance not suspicious at all they were also seen at a fast food joint before the killing the text messages matched up it looked as though Natalie and David had hatched this plan together as early as the start of January they hadd gone through various ways to kill Nicole and even considered swapping her medication for Cyanide pills David's computer use showed he Googled things like how long does it take to burn a body and how did Dexter get rid of his bodies based on evidence collected to date we have determined that Eisenhower and Nicole were acquainted prior to their her disappearance Eisenhower used this relationship to his advantage to abduct and then kill her these details have come to light following a 4-day search pursuing hundreds of phoned in tips and social media leads with ground teams and even aerial drones provided by Virginia Tech police say the investigation is far from over it is also discovered that David and nle had met up once previously to the murder in text messages he was texting Nicole threatening her basically saying you know if she was to tell anybody about their relationship he would do bad things when police searched Natalie's door room they found a gym bag inside the gym bag was another bag inside that bag was the minion's blanket missing from Nicole's missing from Nicole bedroom the event As Told by Natalie is probably as close as we will ever get to the real truth here uh cuz David has never never said anything about what actually happened that night it's believed that David and Natalie went to Walmart after dinner to buy the supplies Natalie then says she was dropped off at the dorm while David went to Nicole's he picked her up around midnight drove to Craig Creek Road took her there for what you know they would say was a romantic Little Getaway between an 18-year-old and a 13-year-old my God then he murdered her instead put her in the trunk of his car drove them back to the university met with Natalie picked her up then the pair of them drove back to cig Creek Road which doesn't make any sense at all this is again Natalie's version kind of off events his GPS does not show that though I'm pretty sure Natalie would have been there the entire time participating in the actual murder not just helping cover it up like she says in the investigation police also recovered text messages David sent to an unknown person who's who's never really been identified saying the text message reads something along the lines of original plan failed what the plan was what the information who this guy was nobody nobody really knows the only information is that he's a palaski man palaski is like the next town over from blackburg in Natalie's interrogation with the police she maintained she did not take part in the actual murder but only helped dispose and clean up the body and the aftermath she confided she did not believe that David was going to go true with it otherwise she said she would have stopped it but she also said that David's involving made her feel special and part of it a special little Club he brought out aide of me was Psychopathic he loved the fact that we were working together and it made me feel Lov and it made me feel special he made me feel like I was being a part of some like secret club that like only me and him were a part of and it was the best club in the world I guess we have completely different idea ideas of what special clubs would try try to chess club next time I mean come on any who she also said David brought out you know this o dark dark twisted side to her The Psychotic side of her I don't think she needs any help with that Natalie Keepers would later call herself a sociopath in training though let's be honest here Natalie you're being kind of modest here both were charged and awaiting their own trials Natalie poor girl she complained at her own bail hearing that the food in the jail it wasn't uh you know she she couldn't handle it cuz of her she had celiac disease she couldn't handle the gluten that so people go to a real hair [Music] time what we know about Natalie is again she's not someone you know you who' likely suspect in such a violent crime she was born into a very straight lace Christian family with twin brothers her mother and her father her mother an x-ray technician her father an aerospace engineer with NASA natly Keepers like David Eisenhower a native of Maryland in fact they only grew up 13 miles from each other Natalie in Laurel David in Colombia that's likely how they became friends in Virginia Tech she was in the top 15% of her class an engineering student at Virginia Tech with aspirations to follow in her Father's Footsteps who again worked at Nasa she performed in a number of musical theater plays at her High School part of the editorial team as well but she also had a history of mental health issues and was on a daily dosage of proac her trouble with mental health started as early as 8th grade with bullying she would say then she started to self harm while in prison she was examined by multiple experts she was actually diagnosed with six different mental disorders going for gold depersonalization D realization disorder post-traumatic stress disorder borderline personality disorder dependent and schizotypal disorder panic disorder persistent depressive disorder David on the other hand straight straight laast never would have suspected it good student star star athlete as you can see in the turns out though he's a real weirdo weird weird to the O classmates reported you know he Allstar track and field at lead straight A student one person classified him as a bit cocky I will personally not stop until I reach my Peak Performance which could be anywhere boo you suck the entire reasoning behind the murder is still vague at best the prosecution would say right that David's motive was the exposure of his relationship with Nicole whether he knew she was of age before or after Hey listen nobody really knows regardless David dude you suck so much she's clearly a child and I think he might just be a wait for it child predator but he was worried their relationship might be exposed and that he was worried she may be pregnant which she was not at the time of her death Natalie's reasoning and why she involved herself in this and why she wanted to be involved in this because it was something they had been planning for about a month well Natalie Keepers simply had an urge to kill of course both simply blamed the other saying that I've been manipulated again Lads on day four of his trial David changed his plea from not guilty to no contest I guess he figured he was well and truly upshit Creek with all they had in him he wouldn't have an ARS in his trousers after the prosecution finished her case so he decided to tap out I could make a pris doesn't joke there but I I I probably shouldn't when he returned we saw him visibly emotional for the first time in the case he stared down to the floor not making eye contact with anyone for several minutes that means he he wouldn't admit anything but couldn't argue the evidence against him that also means he waved his right to appeal I am sorry for the pain that my actions have caused Nicole Lille and her family it is my deepest regret and I'm aware my actions have serious consequences nothing can ever undo what has been done and for that I am deeply sincerely and forever sorry family members of Nicole loville spoke about how hard her loss has been for them her mother Tammy weeks dowy says everything she sees reminds her of her daughter to go to bed at hoping everything was a nightmare outside the courthouse she told 10 news that today did not give her closure I'm just numb right now it's not real Nicole's Father David says he now has PTSD and struggles with depression just a horri crime H her it's a shame and it there's nothing that can happen in the school room that will'll ever fix it experts for the defense also said David was on the Spectrum which allowed him to be manipulated and coerced more easily by Natalie Keepers mental health professionals testified that Natalie Keepers who awaits a trial for being an accessory in this case orchestrated the crimes and Eisenhower would not have wanted to kill level without her influence I think she was The Mastermind I think she is the driver of the process I think she has found somebody that she can manipulate the sentencing for eisenh her was carried out on June 2018 where he was sentenced to 50 years in prison plus another 25 to be served on probation for first degree murder abduction and concealing a dead body judge her actions in this case show that her release constitutes a danger to the public and we would submit that she has earned her 45e senten natti's trial was shortly after where she was found guilty and sentenced to 40 years for accessory before and after the fact and concealing a body after 40 Years she' be placed on a 10year probation I pr for your family over day I'm so sorry I wish I could have stoped I never intended for this to happen what a drama queen in December 2020 Natalie Keeper's appeal for a retrial was denied thankfully since Nicole's murder her fames worked hard to help raise awareness to parents you know about social media and internet use for kids and teens alike gone sort of like a days of you know kids being snatched off playgrounds now it's like internet internet kind of stuff you know Shenanigans no good people on there I always say that nobody internet is any good all except me I'm all right sort of thank you so much for watching uh really means the world to me um yeah hope you enjoyed this all video and the next video will be up in a couple of days so please give it a goo when that's it but you know what until the next one please take care of each other and yourselves cuz I love you my [Music] go [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 821,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, nicole lovell, david eisenhauer, natalie keepers, blacksburg virginia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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