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the days of the old west were teaming with gangs Outlaws and bandits and the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 captures this well although the gangs have a similar modus operandi there's one that stands out for their truly sadistic nature The mrey Brood operating in the regions of ran o Ridge few D to venture into these isolated Woods for fear of this inhumane Clan and today we're going to be taking an in-depth look at these individuals welcome to the video you're listening to Phil a Phil gaming if you enjoy the following you all know what to do and if you're new here and aren't subscribed to the channel already please consider doing so with that being said let's get straight into today's content the Twisted Mind Of The mayree Brood to begin this story let's take a brief look at the history of the faction according to a description given by Rockstar Games themselves the mayree family first immigrated to the United States in the 1700s moved to Robin some time after and lived a comfortable life after the industrialization of the area they were forced to seek seclusion in Beaver Hollow it was here that they began their gradual descent into savagery and by the year of 1899 were know for brutally torturing murdering and dismembering their victims as well as imprisoning women they captured before assaulting and torturing them often for days on end before killing them these horrible Deeds made them fear all over the Rowan Oak Ridge area this description alone gives us a clear insight into what caliber of people we are dealing with although they're known for their sadistic manner The mury Brute do strangely show signs of empathy when first meeting someone after making your first camp in roog Ridge the following interaction will normally occur nice fire mind if I warm my bones y'all knew this was murphrey Hills you should be careful where you're camping I can look after myself besides it's a free country free country no everything bought and paid for and we going to protect what's ours y'all be careful where you wander come on let's go I think you got the message go kill you next time mhm why they choose to warn Travelers first remains a mystery maybe they like intimidating people just as much as torturing them for some The mayre Brood went as forgiving around the forest of ran Oak Ridge the planer can find the remains of those who wen't as fortunate such as this poor soul hanging by his neck from a tree listening carefully you'll hear that the mayy brood signal to one another by whistling before attacking the player indicating that this poor fellow who strung up is clearly being used as bait for an ambush one of the more frightening aspects of interaction such as this is the absolute fearlessness of The Brood members such as this guy who calmly walks right up to Warfare with no regard for his own wellbeing releasing this hung man and searching his remains you'll come across a handwritten letter it reads as follows Lord forgive me for what I have done I could not take another day of torture at the hands of those grubby men they say hello wa those who resort to self M A can that be any was than it going on in that infernal cave I will soon see the letter gives us quite a bit of detail the man was a prisoner whom was held at beaver's Hollow both the mayy brw's main base of operations and the place they call home he was subjected to torture among Lord knows what else but somehow managed to escape into the nearby Woods by that time the fear has already set in and he only felt One Way Out his mind was broken The mayy Brute had discovered this corpse and intentionally left it there to entice Travelers into an ambush a second note can be found in similar circumstances this time it's a ransom note written by what we can only assume is the current leader of the mrey brood B balt mrey it reads if you want to see your old M again meet us on the road at a butchers bring one cooking pot two bags of Grain coffee and whatever else you've got no har M will come to your old lady this shows us that The mey Brood still have capacity of some sort albeit very little and they more than just torturers and Killers kidnapping is something that the mayy Broods have become accustomed to whether it be to hold Ransom in exchange for supplies or simply to terrorize their victims for their own six sadistic pleasure if you spend enough time around Rog gridge during late nights you'll soon discover the tormented ways of the Mery brood here's a few examples firstly a carts carrying their victims as it passes through the trails there we go oh God hurt so bad we minding our work help me please you do the no you're okay you're okay they're gone get away from me get out of here while you can secondly a poor gentleman who's been subjected to torture whilst he's tied to a tree someone please help you don't like should to come through here now what's the problem boy let me go godamn you let you go let him go now where' be the fun in that hey what are you looking at bles a I can't let anyone foul as you get away with this you ain't wanted in these murf heels hey hey come me loose I thought I'd die with these animals you're my savior sir that was a terrible thing to see get back to town make you yourself well I shall sir I shall and thirdly a couple from ansburg in which only one managed to survive no just take her let me go you him about y'all get me be still come on oh God you squee Felding got me all red you fun this ain't your business don't shoot me oh God please will you help me off this horse no could you put me down now so rough you're one of the good ones ain't you thank the Lord for that will you get me out of here will you get me away from these man anything I can do to help you in your time of need man I'm in Residence at hburg if that ain't too far not at all come on oh thank you that's very kind upon rescuing the poor lady she gives us some insight to a kidnapping so hburg can't imagine this was your first dust up with those bastards this weren't my first run in with those crazy Hill folk if that's what you mean never too long before they make themselves known whenever their appetites grow past what they find in the Hills still poor Bradley he wasn't the brightest nor the bravest but oh my no one deserves that Bradley is he the fell with you yeah Bradley hunt old friend of my cousins was taking me home guess he thought he could talk himself out of the situation with them busy worrying about his own skin huh doesn't sound like much of a man maybe maybe not good men is hard to come by around these parts though real men ain't like fellas in the books I read just hope I can trust you Mis sure you'll learn pretty quickly that even after you've taken a few of the brw down they will relentlessly keep coming for you over and over in a multitude of ways for example at one point just outside of beaver's Hollow the mayree set up a flaming C Ambush which also alerted some of the occupants of their home base to come and join the fight that a cover easy easy it's one of them what hurt our chin hey hey who are you push push it's getting hot he's one of Kill from the you'll die good boy even out in the woods further away they have set traps to capture wandering folks as I soon found myself in one after falling for the oldest trick in the book a small attack leading to them baiting me to their Direction open these heels Everything Is Ours oh [ __ ] going to wish you never came to these Hills we get it I don't know then look it's here oh [ __ ] you ain't killing me no oh you running for real now they are very skilled in setting up ambushers they know exactly what they're doing sometimes if you continue to set up personal campsites in Rin o you may be approached by a lady with the following interaction oh Mister am I glad I found you I am colder than bluebelly hell out here could I War warm up by your fire just see it all right I guess you can sit a while oh I sure do appreciate this you won't even know I'm here oh got myself rightly turned around out here yeah a two days or or more Jerry Anne guzzled up all the chitterling so I go out hunting squirrels only e still got my damn warm Brites and I got poor circulation even at the best of time so oh November my feet they always turn brown so I glug some shine to keep myself warm woke up on a river bank shivering like a [ __ ] dog I get lost real easy you ever heard of a place called butcher Creek Mister our entire Village has been marked by the demon stealing our bodies and our minds and we have all been cursed and ain't nothing we can do but just wait our t butcher Creek the home of this lost lady is located smack in the middle of Rowan Oak Ridge so how come they're Untouched by the mayy bruise well let's take a look at some similarities for starters the folk at butcher Creek are not only attired somewhat similar to The mayy Brood but also bear the same physical deformities as the gang upon exploring and introducing yourself to butcher Creek residence most AR dismissive and aggressive toward the player prompting that they don't take too kindly to strangers it seems that they share a very similar view as the MAV do towards city folk they wish to be left to their devices although in comparison The Village fol are much less hostile until provoked in which the entire Community will launch an assault on the player answers to the aggressiveness similarities shared by both butcher Greek and The mayree Brood May lie in a strange Mission made accessible in chapter 5 of the game titled the wisdom of the Alters this also connects to the campfire lady who spoke of a case on the place it begins with a gentleman at a bridge crossing the kamasa river you okay help you sick partner it's in me they're in me you're not well friend Butch's gck but's gck where but's Crick is that where you're from butcher gck you want me to take you back or me come on let me get you home upon retaining the man to butcher Creek we conversated with OP possibly the village leader of this outfit ha you found the mule oh come come come here yeah he was in some distress yeah he seems calmer now I found him out in the woods L sweet lle such a nursed man such a good man come here on come on get up here up since the troubles began he's just he's not the same it's in me why is he looking at me funny no he he's not well it's it's it's the darkness he said it's the darkness who says it's the darkness well the villages well thank you sir thank thank you for please it please sir ah let you not well you got anything for me oh yeah of course sir love and friendship in darkness what else are there over die H that's me love friendship friendship and love we're not a rich Village sir but with love Rich we thank you okay lemu the man We rescued turns violent seemingly Under the Influence otire mentions it being the darkness a case of some kind and that the Hall of butcher Creek has fallen under its spell we later learn as the side mission progresses and Beware of the spoilers that there was no case it was aoy set up by the Rano fuel company who had spilled toxic fluids into the surrounding Waters that the village was consuming these poisonous consumptions were causing the villagers to become aggressive towards others without cause like they were under sun form of Mind Control this was documented in the Blackwater Ledger issue 69 in which the article States the following Rowan Oak towns are often plagued with poverty Superstition and malades but after the deformities began to appear among the residents of Rollo butchers Creek the town's folks say the area may be CED contaminants were found and some accused the ran Oak Mountain fuel company are fing its local drinking water resulting in large goers rashes sores and psychosis the symptoms also point to lead poisoning similar to those seen in plumbers and Painters with victims becoming unusually pale and weak the epon mus name Creek and the lean pool are polluted though residents will not take action against the mining company and are inste seeking a spiritual solution to their problems but how does this relate to The mrey Brood The mrey Brood operate as we know around Rowan Oak Ridge but their main base of be for hollow is a very short distance from both butcher Creek and the leian pool the drinking Waters that the Broods were consuming were no doubt the same ones that the villagers of butcher Creek were to now let's look back at one particular line from the newspaper article where it claims that one of the symptoms of drinking this poison water was psychosis The Villages of butcher Creek were a relatively peaceful community for the most part but after consumption they were prone to fit of rage now take that aspect of how the poisoning took control of a peaceful man and what it turned him into and apply that to an already psychotic and sick group of individuals it could turn them feral which is what they appeared to be by the time of 1899 looking back at the history of The mayree Brood as described by Rockstar Games after moving to ran o gidge in the 1700s they lived a comfortable life but we forced into the beef of hollow caves by 1899 as their homes had become more industrialized they wish similar to those of butcher Creek to live in isolation due to their distaste of civilization and city Folk it would be around here that they may have turned to criminality to survive and as they consume the toxic drinking Waters psychosis set in to an already misguided group of Minds leading to their destructive nature and sadistic ways we've seen first hands at what the Mery brood were capable of doing without remorse and as we draw closer to the closing moments of chapter 5 of Red Dead Redemption 2 we get to experience it face to face as the pinkertons close in on the whereabouts of the feling gang Dutch instructs Arthur to take hold of beaver's Hollow home of the mayre brood no onei need assistance in taking down this group of crazies Arthur requests the assistance of Charles Smith whom upon this request seems visibly nervous about heading to that particular region along the journey Charles gives Arthur insight as to the type of individual they're about to come up against even mentioning a stage coach that when missing in that area with locals suspecting that the Mery brood were no doubt involved some men there spoke a lot about the murphrey gang that hides out in these caves place called Beaver Hollow they're animals everyone is terrified of them just recently a stage coach from annesburg disappeared Without a Trace coming through here great Dutch didn't mention this an article in the blackwat ler Issue 68 gives us a little more information on his particular disappearance a stage coach and five passengers are missing and friends and families of those journeying on it are fearing the worst each day ETA Bley expected word that at a Meredith had arrived from sardy yet when she asked at the stage coach stop no where had arrived multiple coaches came in departed after the scheduled Terminus and none had weed of nor had seen or heard anything of about the missing vehicle it seems as if the coach had simply vanished Into Thin Air it was carrying a man two women including booky's daughter and a 5-year-old boy if indeed hit daughter is dead it will be a terrible blow for Miss Bley who has saw treeing from a doctor for hysteria and is holding Court in a paror under sedation from a pharmacist tonic there is a second article in the same newspaper Edition detailing an ambush Wagon in the same region showing that this particular type of crime is not uncommon for The mrey Brood Travelers in the wild country west of ansb are nervous recently some have been warned to avoid the area entirely authorities are still seeking information in The Disappearance of Agnes heno and a two sons last month their wagon was found looted and there was evidence of a struggle rumors persist that Roman o Ridge has been taken over by criminals who live in caves like primitive peoples only emerging to Rob and kidnap Trav ERS those that have escaped their clutches say that they have seen evidence and examples of cannibalism and that The mayy Brood as they are called are said to subsist on huckleberries and the Flesh of young women and children others say that these are fantasies and fairy tales of people who are too consumed with pop novels and that the criminal elements in the area are like any other near to Wells regardless locals will not travel to the cave regions any longer and CH has suffered as a result this wagon can be found not far from butcher Creek if you wish to examine it but for now let's get back to Beaver's Hollow okay let's see what's going on that's a stage coach we're missing Jesus they must be in the cave all right let's get on with this okay what you think we going to head into the cave or flush them out with dynamite they're surprise them in there okay let's get a little closer ready let's get this over with Charles is right to be weary the Mery Broods even in small scares are dangerous so taking out an entire cave chalk full of them is a challenge not for the faint-hearted after battling through what seems like an army of mayree did you will find the soul surviving victim to the Ambush Stage Coach come on let's get that poor girl out of the cage please don't kill me we ain't going to hurt you don't touch me it's okay Miss just calm down [Applause] it's okay it's okay you're safe it's okay come on it's time to go it's okay okay let's go where you from ansburg what do we do with her take her there and I'll go get the others sure miss you okay to ride on my horse a little I'll keep you safe when escorting Meredith to her home in ansburg she informs arare of the deranged and sadistic manners of The mrey Brood it's okay M the others think they killed them you're safe now just try to breathe they're animals I know it's all right Miss why would they some folks is just evil ain't no point trying to explain it I haven't slept in [Music] days I know what's your name Miss it's okay Meredith you're going to be home soon Meredith and this will all be over thank you where in annesburg one of the mining Cottages um if you get me to the main street I can show you from there okay just try to relax now yes oh here oh thank God [Music] which place is yours up at the top of the hill it's near the blacksmith come on Mom Mom Meredith she's alive oh she's alive you saw some pretty bad things I'm afraid man Murphy grw got oh my Dar how did you manage I just ran into them and found her oh thank you here let me give you this all right that's okay man you just keep her warm and keep her safe the mayy BRS are one if not the most dist faction in Red Dead Redemption 2 andlike most NPCs in the title Rockstar Games may have taken inspiration from a real life counterpart which brings us to a particular individual Boon Helm Boon Helm born January 28th of 1828 in Lincoln County Kentucky was an old west gunfighter and serial killer known as the Kentucky cannibal Helm AED himself that nickname after consuming the human flesh of others for survival although there were reports of instances where he would made there unprovoked solely for the needs of this consumption later in life after moving to Monroe County Missouri Boon married a young 17-year-old Lady by the name of Lucinda Francis Browning and fathered a daughter Lucy it soon became apparent to his wife that he was a lover of drinking heavy which was a factor behind in becoming domestic Ally abusive the pair divorced at the expense of Helm's father bankrupting his family following this Boon moved to California in search of gold Boon was accompanied by his cousin Little Berry Sho but after sh attempted to back out of the trip hel made it him and headed west Alone sho's brother accompanied by friends hunted down the maer and brought him to Justice in captivity his odd behavior and Antics landed Boon in a mental Asylum to which he escaped after convincing Gods to allow him to take a walk in the woods following this he continued his mous ways and even formed a gang of his home whom he confided in that he'd Feast upon the Flesh of his victims Boon Helm would continue his vicious and sadistic ways up until his capture and execution in January of 1864 where he was hanged until dead at the age of 35 there is so much more to the tale of Boon Helm but for now back to the m brood so to finalize what do you believe is the root cause of evil behind the doings of The mrey Brood was it the poison Waters of ran L Ridge that tipped an already deranged outfit into a sadistic group of Cals was it after years of isolation from a society in which they chose to avoid making them losing touch with reality or were they simply born and formed into an evil by those before them let me know your thoughts in the comment section if you guys enjoy today's video you you all know what to do and if you're new here and AR subscribed to the channel already please consider doing so I want to quickly give a special thank you to Red Baden 1010 whom requested this video a short while back I had a lot of fun making it if there are any particular subjects or characters in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 that you'd like to see me take a stab at be sure to let me know just like red B did and I'll see if I can put it together for you thank you all for watching you've been listening to Phil or Phil be gaming and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Filbee Gaming
Views: 8,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Murfree brood lore rdr2, sony interactive entertainment, rdr2 gameplay, red dead redemption 2 playthrough, gta vi, gta v online, murfree brood, red dead redemption 2 gameplay, rdr2 gameplay no commentary, rdr2 pc gameplay no commentary, rdr2 lore, rdr2 lore accurate, red dead redemption 2 lore, red dead redemption 2 gangs, red dead redemption 2 gangs reaction, red dead redemption 2 gangs explained, rdr2 filbee, filbee gaming, filbee, murfree brood red dead redemption 2
Id: Dduc2vhP4CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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