The Red Dead Theories Iceberg

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[Music] over the course of the 20 years that the Red Dead franchise has existed many people have came up with theories ranging from a man's sexuality to the possibility of a character being a cannable today I want to cover a bunch of Red Dead theories in the popular Iceberg chart format going from the most to least known so with that let's get into the Red Dead theories [Music] Iceberg this is probably the biggest theory in the community but many people like like to believe that Uncle the old drunk is actually red harlo from Rockstar's red the revolver the last time we see red he spits a oneliner never to be seen again Red's mysterious abandonment as a character means the rest of his life is unknown this Theory presents the idea that red eventually became Uncle similar to Red Uncle also has a mysterious part in his life this being his uprise both characters have missing parts of their story meaning it's not impossible for them to be connected evidence of this is the fact that Uncle says this line well in my youth I used to be known as the one shot kid one shot kid can be interpreted in another way so it's unknown if he referring to being red harlo or you know one shot kid though we don't get much of uncle's backstory we have enough to get an understanding of who he was born 1849 in Ohio uncle's parents died when he was 9 years old leading him to move to a new city to live on his wits he also had a pedophile Uncle not sure how that correlates to the theory but yeah yeah red haro's parents also died when he was young but he was 14 years old is this enough to discredit the theory no but there are many plot holes in red dead so it's possible that this is a Recon Uncle never recites the events of Red Dead Revolver you would think he would want to talk about the time he took down Governor Griffin or when he took down multiple towns of hundreds of people but Uncle never recites such events which is out of character for someone who seemingly loves the attention there is more the community tries to prove like how red has scars directly where uncle are the only problem is that uncle's quote unquote scars are really just wrinkles many points brought up that are quickly disproven but something that can put this Theory to rest is the fact that Rockstar has said that the stories of revolver and Redemption are in two separate universes that about covers it for this Theory and I want to hear your thoughts Below on to the next [Music] entry a theory I had just covered in my previous video Bill Williamson being homos sexual is a popular theory in the community from Clues around the game we can learn that bill was discharged from the Army for deviancy which homosexual Behavior was a reason to be discharged in 1892 another reason for this theory is the many instances of characters referencing Bill and other men well Lenny and Jenny could never have worked that's like Arthur and Martha or Bill and Phil all of this along with Bill's strange relationships with side characters is what drives this Theory it's said by Bill that he knows of or at least had a conversation with sunny the homosexual in the swamp he's also seen to take an interest in Kieran Duffy but it's unknown if there's a sexual aspect to this interest overall it's a theory which isn't even really a theory it's almost the truth at this point Rockstar never outright says is homosexual so it's likely that bill is in the closet just so happens all the other characters have seen what's in that closet anyway tell me what you think and let's get on to the next entry strange man being trani is a weird theory in Red Dead Redemption 1 we're able to speak to a mysterious man on a Mountaintop he never Reveals His name but the mission calls him strange man this man shows up two more times bringing the same type of quest for Jon to go on this being his test of morality the last mission has Jon shooting the strange man three times but all shots seemingly missed almost like he's not actually there this confirms that he's Supernatural and it's the last time we actually see him talking but according to this Theory the strange man is the same person as a new character in Red Dead Redemption 2 named josea trani both characters have top hats with suits and handlebar mustaches besides that there's a strange line of dialogue from Arthur you're a strange man trone other than that there's not much evidence connecting the two for why they look so similar trani is dressed as a showman putting on a suit and a tie to throw people off of him being an actual Outlaw his professional crimes relates to his professional appearance the strange man on the other hand is more dressed as the image of death it's a very popular description that death or whatever greater cause wears a black hat and a suit so it's possible Rockstar went with that look for the character the similarity between the two is minor and there's little evidence to back this up let's head on to the next entury a theory which has grown in popularity over the past year is Abigail marsten being the vanderlin gang second rat there are lines of dialogue that allude to her not feeling safe within the gang this could be from Jon almost dying on the Blackwater job over time she openly criticizes Dutch and it's clear she wants out of the outlaw lifestyle so is it a stretch to say she made a deal with the pinkertons for her family's safety a theory popularized by the YouTuber Phil B gaming opens the idea of Abigail wanting Arthur to take Jack on a fishing trip in Chapter 2 because she wanted Arthur to turn Dutch into the Pinkerton of course Arthur doesn't do it but then there's more suspicious instances of the marsten family getting out of tough situations the sang Den Bank Job the plan had Hosea and Abigail setting a distraction for any law only problem was they caught Hosea but it's suspicious Abigail was able to slip away so easily and then there's Jon being captured by the Pinkerton Jon wasn't killed but just taken to prison a small sentence compared to what his brothers had to go through it's this suspicion that Dutch shares with Arthur in chapter 5 so what happened with John in that bank he survived unlike dear Hosea and Lenny the only one they took alive why is that you think then there's when Jon got out of prison Dutch didn't want sad or Arthur to break him out because he seen Jon as a possible rat and a liability he most likely would have left Jon to die that could give Abigail even more of an incentive to go against her former family for her own the last missions of chapter six has the gang Robin a train and this is when Jon gets shot he falls down and Dutch says to go back for him which is revealed that he doesn't later on in the mission when the gang goes back to Camp it's revealed that the Pinker Jens captured Abigail it strange that she's the only person that captured and randomly it seems when Arthur Goes to save her agent Milton reveals that Micah Bell was the rat which goes against her whole Theory many people will say he lied but he has no reason to lie he was about to kill Arthur and send the two to prison it's a writing cliche to have your villain reveal the master plan right before he unexpectedly meets his demise it's a part of this theory that makes it difficult to see the writers intend this storyline why have the villain lie I will say it's weird that Abigail is the one to actually kill the man himself it's almost like CH the line was complete but is it possible the rat plot line is so confusing because of rewriting was there a draft of the script where it's revealed that Abigail was the rat it's these questions we're left with and I want to hear what you believe with that along with the next entry in chapter 4 we meet a man named Andre Bronte he runs the city of s den and he doesn't like Dutch on his territory so he sets Dutch up on a fake job the police show up and they have to flee from a trolley cart that runs to the city as they're running they break the mechanism and the trolley starts going on at unexpected speed it's when they crash that Dutch has a line of dialogue hinting at the fact that he hurt his head I don't feel so good now he just got a bash on the head a quick one-off line spoiled into an entire theory that Dutch suffered a severe brain injury from this it's especially strange that Dutch isn't himself in later chapters it starts in the mission right after where he goes out of his way to kill Angelo Bronte in a violent rage his until decline gets even worse because of the death of OA and the Gang being stranded on guarma in chapter 6 we don't see the same man as before he starts making more selfish Reckless and delusional decisions based on emotions it's odd to say the least but it's hard to point a finger out what exactly causes mental decline there are many possible answers but it's up to your interpretation I personally don't believe this Theory but it's not bad in the slightest just a little bit unlikely Abigail join the gang in in 1894 as a prostitute and had relations with many of the gang members 1895 she got pregnant and John Maron took responsibility as the father of Jack he obviously had relations with her but since the whole gang had their turn it's possible John C did not make Jack it's alluded that she had relations with Dutch Javier Bill and possibly even Arthur it's in 1914 where we can finally see jackwell grown up but he has strange facial features that don't exactly match up with John the mustache specifically looks like jaier or duches this allow with this piece of dialogue I have to say you don't look much like a mar hints at the fact that JN isn't the true father of Jack either way John raised him and the story doesn't change because of it along with the next entry another theory I covered in a previous video Pearson being the second rat continues the community's obsession with the rat plotline this theory is the idea that Pearson ratted on the gang twice in the story first in chapter 3 with The Wraith weights in the mission where you and sad Mill that are in town she reads it off and it says it's from a woman named Aunt Cathy could this aunt Cathy actually be Katherine braith weight this explains how the braith weights knew what the gang were up to and possibly how Jack got kidnapped so easily the last part of this theory is in the epilogue where we learn Pearson took a wife and got a general store in the town of Roads if you go there as JN you will have a conversation where JN tells Pearson where he is later on in credits we see agent Ross investigating what johon is done the second to last place we see them is near the town of rhs then the last time we see them is at John's Farm could it be that agent Ross visited Pearson and Pearson told him where Jon was we know Pearson's wife doesn't like JN so maybe it's possible he wred out JN unwillingly this would mean Pearson was responsible for the events of Red Dead Redemption 1 and John's death but what do you think of this Theory check out my full video on the topic in the description but with that let's go through the next entry another somewhat recent theories states that Dutch's partner mly OA was actually pregnant with his baby this could explain her odd behavior and a constant need to tell Dutch something that she never gets out in chapter 6 she comes back to Camp drunk and tells everyone she's an informant for the Pinkerton another rat plotline detail but this theory is that she's pregnant but could it be that she drank so much to cope with what she was going through or to get even darker is it possible she trying to drink the baby to death either way she dies at the hands of Miss Grimshaw so we'll probably never get an answer with that dark Theory out of the way let's get to a more interesting one a theory I actually created I take full credit for this mic riding as far back as chapter 3 is an idea I thought of during the mission blessed are the peacemakers but before that there's a strange item at Micah's campsite from chapter 2 it's Dutch's Bounty poster first off why would Micah need this you can say he wanted to help Dutch by taking it down but why keep it it's a small Hint by Rockstar that micel might be up to something this something is in chapter 3 when talking to Mica Pearson interrupts to bring Dutch the news that the odris want parl Dutch and Arthur are hesitant but but Micah for some reason is pitching the whole idea like he planned it Dutch then agrees and on the way there Micah is acting very out of character maybe he's right Dutch maybe I have pushed too hard got us into situations that could have been safer I just I see all those mouths we got to feed and I I dream too big caring too much that's my problem this is horse from both of you I'll bring this up later but as we know the odris capture Arthur and take him to an abandoned house in the Celler with col is when we learn of their plan to capture Arthur and half the gang to show up to be caught by the Pinkerton but there's one question in all this how did col actually think Dutch would fall for it he knows that Dutch wouldn't fall for the idea so this is when our favorite rat comes in Micah sees how much money he would make off of turning Dutch in and this is when he goes to the odris skoll to pitch the idea they come up with the plan and it's almost successful until Arthur got himself out if the plan actually worked Michael would have gotten paid from Dutch's Bounty exactly how he planned it exactly the reason why Dutch's Bounty poster is at his Camp anyway tell me what you think of this theory in the comments and check out my full mic Bell storyline video in the description I go way more into detail on his motivations for doing this on to the last [Music] tier a theory created by junior. rdr2 and covered by fizzy dutches accountable is a theory that might show how bad Dutch's mental state could have been at as we know Dutch moved in the mountains of tall trees in a cave in this cave we can find odd decorations a human skull is on display but something even more strange is the human looking bones right next to his campfire these models of bones are seen in the mission plotline American appetites where it's used to represent human bones there's also a plate of mysterious meat on Dutch's meal The Last Detail is the bathtub with dark red stains on it could this just be rust or is it possible this is where Dutch butchers the people he eats it's an interesting thought that that adds a very dark aspect of Dutch's character tell me what you think and now let's get on to the last Theory a theory popularized by us zoners is the idea that ly Morgan abused his son Arthur as we know Arthur's mother passed away leaving his father with him now it's said by Arthur that ly was an outlaw and he possibly beat him as a child and in regards to his father's death arur says it weren't soon enough and he even refers to him in his journal as a no- good bastard if you're interested in seeing a full analysis of who this character was I would suggest you head on over to our Channel and check out our video on LY Morgan thank you axi for having us on and have a waxtastic day for now I want to thank you all for watching this was a fun video to make and I hope you enjoyed it if you have any red theories of your own that you would want me to cover I suggest adding me on Discord and I'll read through them other than that have a great day and the each stays in Comm Right Here To Where the River turns to D God by right here
Channel: Waxy
Views: 154,459
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Keywords: Red dead theories
Id: 51Lrc5mBn3A
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Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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