The Try Guys Try To Find The Best Pizza • NY Vs. LA

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- Wow. - Whoa. - Whoa. (burps) - Oh, I can't stop burping. (upbeat music) - Hi, we're the Try Guys. - I'm Ned. - And Eugene. - We're in New York City. - And I'm Keith. - And I'm Zach. - And we're here in sunny Los Angeles. - New York is know for having the best pizza in the world. - And we're going to try and find the best slice in the city. - And L.A. is known for having the worst New York style pizza. - So we're going to try and find the very worst. - In - It's the Try Guys coast to coast pizza party challenge. - Part one of one. - Whoo! - High five. (video game music) - Let's go. - Well, my family's New York Italian and my grandfather would always take me to pizza places. - These are the factors we're going to be judging the pizza on. - Cheese. - Cheese that doesn't stretch. - Something that can withstand a hit. - Crust. - Crust. - Crust that is just like chewy but you don't wanna chew it. - Sauce. - Terrible sauce. - Just like right out of the jar. Just garbage. - And New York factor. - What's the New York factor? - The wow factor, what's especially bad. - It's the forget about it. - So is it good if I forget about it? - So, zero forget about its, is good. - Will you remember forever and tell your friends? - [Voiceover] We asked the New York office, where can you find the best slice of pizza and got over 100 responses. But some top picks emerged. - We are at our first stop. - Lombardi's, widely considered, the original New York pizzeria. - And we have a special guest joining us. - Who is it? (screams) It's my wife! - Third wheel, yay! I'm a third wheel. Alright, let's go inside. Whoa! Look how thin the crust is. - This cheese, plus one for stringyness. - That sauce is delicious. - It's like tangy. - The crust has a really good, like-- - Woody crunch. - It has a woody crunch to it. Forget about factor zero. - I'mma remember bout this. - I wonder what Keith and Zack are doing right now. (dreamy harp) - Wow, boys that looks delish. - Mmm - We're outside of Greco's. - Two and a half stars out of 129 reviews, damn. - Stale and distasteful. That's like attitude, not even flavor. - Hollywood pizza, let's do this. This is where the magic happens. ♫ This looks bad ♫ Well, this crust is hard. - Hard. - I feel like I'm eating raw dough. - I don't taste any cheese or sauce. - It's almost just a whisper of sauce. - Does it taste like anything? - It tastes like a mistake. - It's amazing how little favor a food could have. That's the wow for me. - Time to check back with Eugene and Ned in New York but first a quick - Fried chicken break. (hip hop music) - Back to you in New York, Ned and Eugene. - I don't get any service in the subway, what's with that? - Cause we're underground. Right now, we're at John's on Bleecker Street. - It's got graffiti all on the walls. It's a sit-down place that's a little more casual. - Yeah, kinda like a pizza diner. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So let's check it out. - Pizza diner, oh, I thought you were going back. - Yeah, cause my hair is melting because the humidity here is so high. - Oh, it's so hot. - Alright, let's go inside and get some pizza. - Cheers. - Oh, that's hot. - They get a bonus plus one for grease. Cheese, super pulley. Puddle of cheese. - Sauce, a really strong tomato flavor on the sauce. - Yeah. - This crust is delicious though. It's got a nice crisp. Wanna hear that crisp? - Zero forget about its, I would remember it. - 20 million remember bouts its. (laughs) - This a confusing rule. Can you do your best New York accent? - Forget about it! - Wow, what a time you seem to be having. - Well, we walked down the street to another pizza place, Combo's. - Worst pizza ever! - Horrific pizza. - We can't do this alone. - So we brought our friend, Chris. - Yay, he knows mediocre food best. Chris, what do you know abut Combo's pizza? - Absolutely, nothing. - Great, let's do this! - It's actually nicer than the last place. - Yeah, it's pretty. - Thank you so much. - Have a nice day. - Take care. - Ah, oh! - It's looks greasy. - Alright, what'd you call this, Chris? - A grease pool. - Gnarly grease pool. - This makes me feel bad. Tastes like school pizza. - This is as doughy if not doughier than the first one. - This is dough city. - Let's take a bite of the crust. - It's just burnt bread. - The wow of this is that it gets worse as it goes. - This is more memorably awful than the first one. I'm feeling queasy now. - You guys check in Eugene and Ned who are having a way better time than us. - I bet they're doing something crazy. - You guys, I just got sick. (bluesy music) - Our next stop, we're outside of Joe's pizza. This place was opened in 1975 and Joe, apparently, still works and runs this place and there's one location. - New York really has a good hold on family and tradition, huh? - Huh? - Forget about it. - No, remember bout it. - Two pizzas and some chicken in, and I'm feeling gross. - I feel really quite like garbage. - Everything looks so good, everything's like really greasy. - Like what imagine in my head New York pizza to look like. - Cheers. - New York. - I feel like I might already need to poop from that pizza. - Cheese, exceptionally stringy. - Real strong pull factor. - Sauce actually, not quite there. - You guys look like you're having a great time. - So much fun. - Ow. - What about that crust? - Like, a little bit burnt but not too burnt. Lightly burnt toast. - How many forget about its do we give it? Zero forget about its. - I tried to poop but I couldn't but I feel like I have to. - If you looked up pizza in the dictionary. This would be a photo of it. I'll remember this forever. - Imagine what a $2.50 in L.A. would taste like. (burps) - Oh, I can't stop burping. - Stop burping. - We're going through The Grove to the Farmer's Market at The Grove. That's where we were told the (bleep) pizza is. - Ok, here we are. - Aw, this doesn't look terrible. The crust looks pretty good. - Yeah, and there's like a nice distribution of pepps. - The cheese becomes liquid immediately, but the flavor isn't bad. - I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty disappointed. This is pretty good. - The cheese was stretchy. The sauce was tasty. The crust was good. The wow factor is, it's not bad. - Yeah. - It's supposed to be bad. - The wow is wow, I could eat this. - Back to you in New York. - It's time to Facetime Zach and Keith. - Ok, I don't have service. - Zach and Keith. - Hi. - So, what's the moral of the story? - Do you guys think you find a more worse place, than we found the best place. - I don't know, did we? - Well, I'd say the second place was easily the worst pizza I've had in my life. It was really abysmal. - All the pizzas we had were excellent. Including this Two Brothers. It's just two dollars. - Ned, I know, I'm from New York. Find a truly atrocious and horrible slice of pizza inner Los Angeles, harder than we thought it was gonna be. - But still, we tried and we're the Try Guys so, - What will we try next? - I miss our friends, I hope they come back soon. - I'm gonna jump into L.A. (hip hop music) - Pizza (chanting) - Pie!
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 14,155,660
Rating: 4.9098921 out of 5
Keywords: bad, bleecker, buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, cheese, delicious, gross, italian, joe’s, john’s, lombardi’s, los angeles, nasty, new york, ny style, pasta, pepperoni, pie, pizza, slice, street, taste test, try guys, world class
Id: Q8IWkdGLm70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2016
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