The Try Guys Get Photoshopped With Men's Ideal Body Types

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If you're not happy with your body, maybe you don't need to change it. Maybe you just need to learn to love your body the way it is.

What a load of crap. If you're overweight and you adopt this attitude, you're essentially giving up on the hope of a longer happier life. Such a toxic piece of advice.

👍︎︎ 56 👤︎︎ u/SeattleOverSF 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

Most of these gentlemen seem to be thin/skinny-fat guys lamenting their lack of muscularity. Which is pretty much the most changeable aspect of one's body (as opposed to things like burns, scars, facial aesthetics, height, etc). You don't HAVE to be muscular, but it seems like all these men could add muscle mass if they wanted to.

👍︎︎ 104 👤︎︎ u/VisibleQuads 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

It's pretty much just as bad as a fat person saying they'll never be thin, especially since these men are actually pretty likely slightly overweight too.

Nothing all that hard about lifting a little bit every day, these guys seem to act like they have no time during the day because they have jobs, like everybody else. I mean it's Buzzfeed too, I'm sure they could just make some click-bait articles a little faster and do some curls on the side.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/ItsTheAspartame 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

What pissed me off is when one of them said that the "better" version of him looked like a jerk. Like suddenly if you're more attractive/muscular, you're a jerk? Being attractive takes a good bit of work, id think.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/cable1oo 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

The epitome of delusional self empowerment through self victimization. Or, as a gay man, three guys I would never date and why.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/Aromadegym 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

Theses guys are just pathetic, they see somebody who should inspire to better yourself and they just accept defeat without even trying. Do they apply same mentality to all areas of their life, do they just not improve themselves at all. And those abs who they claim are unattainable, unhealthy and only rich and famous can have, need to be trained or else you will get lots of back problems. And did tall guy just shat on Chriss Pratt, dude was miserable, impotent and depressed now he lost weight and feels great. Maybe buzzfeed should do some challenge or a research for these guys like sending them to a gym with trainer for a few months and see how that would change not only appearance but also attitude.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/LdLrq4TS 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

"I could be hot and athletic, or I could keep being a soft-bodied, weak individual. I'll go with the latter."

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Lemonlifts 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

If it wasn't for /u/heroicbroccoli this video might have got to me a little bit. But luckily I know someone who has done it, continues to do it and isn't dead or always in the gym with no life. There's no reason you can't be a great guy who's funny, loyal, smart and caring - who also has nicely defined abs.

It's really too bad seeing these guys picking apart their shopped images, because every day I get out of the shower and see a little bit more shape, a tiny bit more definition than last month - and I couldn't be happier. Sure there are bits to improve, but I've come such a massively long way in my self image than where I started and I still have a long journey ahead to look forward to.

I think these guys are making the mistake of putting too much value on the destination. Imagine you are going on a road trip and you start in a worn out beater that's horrible to drive, but as the first few hundred miles pass by and you enjoy the scenery the car morphs into a reliable used sedan. Along the way you meet cool new people and try new things, and after a while the car is now a new family hatchback. You explore new places and find out things you never knew, and before you know it you've been so focused on what's passing by that you pull over and realise that the car is now rare, expensive and sexy. It has power and beauty, it has elegant styling and timeless design - people remark how good it looks and sounds, and you appreciate and feel proud of it and want to show people how they can enjoy better cars too, and tell them about the places you've been and the things you saw.

When you get to the final destination of the trip, you only care about the journey and how good it felt top experience it - and look forward to the next one.


👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/BigFriendlyDragon 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

The entire idea of loving oneself the way one is is one of the most pervasive myths in our culture. Self-improvement is the fucking purpose of life. Abandoning all desire to improve might as well consist of laying in bed all day. I mean why bother? If everyone's perfect the way they are, no need to do a goddamn thing, ever!

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/VitalMusician 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2016 🗫︎ replies
- My fear is that I'm gonna like the way that I look when professionally photographed. That it's just a reminder that I don't look that way. - [Voiceover] What are you most insecure about physically? - What am I most insecure about physically? - Growing up, I thought I was too pudgy. I didn't wanna take my shirt off at the pool. Then now that I'm an adult, I think I'm, like, too thin and scrawny. Intellectually I know that I'm now any less of a man because I'm not big and strong, but it's hard sometimes to not look at the people around you and feel less than. - What I think makes a man attractive is athleticism. I have a scar that goes up my knee right here. When I cut my knee open, I was in the hospital for like two and a half weeks, and I was recovering for months. I resent the fact that it's made me weaker. - I am proportioned like a skinny person but I have no muscles, instead I just have fat there. I don't have big arms. And I'd rather stay under the sleeves that go all the way to my elbows. I'm always in sleeves that go all the way to my elbow because then that covers up every part of my body where there's supposed to be muscle definition. - Yeah, if I have to open up here, I don't really like the way that I look most of the time. I grew up in an environment where I was beat up a lot and I was made fun of, and I was kind of told everyday that I was ugly. And then in the home life, you know, being Korean, I was also told that I could always be improving how I look. I don't talk about my feelings openly. One wouldn't expect me to have a lot of issues about my body when I'm just riddled with body insecurity. - Normally, when we do shoots, we always get really, really beautiful models, so when we do-- - [Keith] Okay. - No, no, no, but I'm saying-- - [Keith] Alright. - I'm recreating a John Krasinski Men's Health magazine photo where he looks fucking fine as hell. I'm a comedian, right, I'm a funny guy. And I've always thought growing up like, funny guys get to look however they want, and that's not it anymore. Like Chris Pratt was like my body type, and now he's an action star. - Try and make those shoulders a little tough, though, look tough. - How do you look tough with your shoulders. John Krasinski, same body type. Now he's an action star. You are supposed to have this masculine-ness to you, even if you're a clown. - You have really, like, feminine lips, I like that. - I know I have very feminine lips. - I never felt that attractive until I met my wife. So today, I'm recreating a Cristiano Ronaldo ad. And he looks freaking delicious. - You got some big shoes to fill, he's really good looking. - Yes, I know. (groans) Muscle, everywhere. Yes, I would absolutely wanna look like Cristiano Ronaldo. He's a Greek god. Okay, here's my belly. (grunts) - Oh, okay. - Now I just gotta stay like this for an hour. Being in good physical shape is so attractive to me because it's the opposite of this horrible period of time in my life when I was injured. - We need people to believe that I'm sexy. - We have to make you a Belieber. - I'm recreating a Justin Beiber photo today. He's hot, Bieber's hot. I assume we were born with somewhat similar assets. He was a small-ish guy, very skinny. You know, to his credit, he worked out a lot. But, this photo got a lot of heat because it was Photoshopped pretty heavily. I dunno who decided, but they made Bieber more ripped and they made his bulge bigger. They gave him a bigger dick. - [Yuichi] You went from a four to like a seven and a half now. - I was at a four? Come on, man. - Getting makeup professionally done only confirms my greatest fear that I have a big fat face. So I'm recreating the Magic Mike XXL poster. Channing Tatum, front and center. Triple threat. Really good looking, can model, can act, can dance. Films like Magic Mike series, it is part of this enjoyment of the perfect male physique. Every guy wants abs, but they're just so hard to get. First you have to eat a certain way, then you can't drink. - [Yuichi] Do you drink beer? - I drink everything. I'm of the opinion that these things are attainable if you have the time and the money and the team to constantly work out and get that eight pack abs. It's just, no one's that rich or has that much time except for celebrities and actors and models. It's not our job to look that good. - Let's take some photos. Masculine, masculine, masculine, masculine. - [Macey] I want you to walk into it. So first one, so try to make it look a little more natural. - I don't think I've ever looked at myself and then like, fuck yeah, boy you are hot as fuck. I feel like I'm not masculine enough. Although I was told that I looked good in the tank top which is great cause I'm terrified of wearing a tank top because a tank top shows your arms off and if you don't have any arms to show off, then you're just like, hey, look at me, I'm out of shape. Look at the gangly noodle man. - Less sad, you look really sad. Now you look scared. - We're gonna have to, maybe define the muscles a little bit more, make him look more rugged. Good, good, that looks great. - Yeah. Asian Channing Tatum. I just know that there's so much about me that is not up to par. - [Macey] That was really close. - This is tough. Whether people think you look good or you don't, like, anyone can have problems with how they look. Hopefully we have at least one that looks kind of like the Channing Tatum photo. - So when we send this to the re-toucher, they're probably gonna have to stitch his body from different frames and put them together. - So he wasn't actually jumping? - He's also a natural thruster. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right now, we're comparing ourselves to this image of someone who's like beautifully sculpted. That's not the most healthy thing to do. - [Macey] Just like be Cristiano. - Hey, I look pretty good. Amazing what makeup and lighting can do for you. This is the way his body looks, not because he's an underwear model, but because he is a professional sports player. - [Macey] Kind of looks like he's looking at something in the distance. Like sexily. - Like he's better than it? - [Macey] Like he's better than it. - Like he also wants it It's hard to do all this but also have a neutral face. I might feel dismayed that I am not that, but seeing the fantasy of that might be really exciting. I need positive reinforcement. - You look great. - Okay. - That would be pretty impossible for anyone, actually, to be as perfect as Cristiano. Props to Ned. - I'll put the photo next to the place where I'm doing push ups. - [Macey] You look good, kid. - [Ned] And that's before Photoshop. - I feel like I'm definitely killing it and have no self doubts about this moment. I'll tell you growing up, I never felt hot. I felt like a nerd. - [Voiceover] You look huggable. I feel like Bieber's supposed to look fuck-able, not huggable. - [Macey] So try to look more fuck-able. - Okay, that's it? I'm sorry. - [Macey] Why're you laughing? - It's harder than I thought it would be. Hopefully, I think that it's alien and weird and I'm like, nah, fuck that, my body's beautiful, I should love me, but I might prefer it. I might prefer it. How much work do you think the Photoshop artist is gonna have to do it to make me look like that? - If Bieber's wasn't enough, they're definitely gonna have to do something to yours. - [Zach] Yeah. - His bulge probably has to be a little bigger. (rock music) - Now we have the Photoshopped results, so we're gonna check them out. - I have this fear of seeing the final photo and being crushed and knowing that I can never achieve that ideal. I think I look awful. I hate this photo. I look like a surprised baby. I think a lot of guys use humor as a coping mechanism. If I don't laugh at this photo, then the only other option is to feel bad about it. You haven't seen it? Okay. (laughs) Oh my God. I look like an action figure. Everything that I'm insecure about has been erased in this photo. Looking at this photo now, I feel like I should look like this. Like should I not be okay with my body? Should I be striving for this? When I think of my attractiveness, I think about my personality. But as guys, you don't often think of your body as sexual. - I think a lot of men out there, especially straight men, don't necessarily confront that as openly as LGBT men, but for me, having to always constantly deal with my relationship with my body and navigate that, this'll be really, really eye-opening. Huh. I was just struck with a really great epiphany. I've always wanted to look like this, but seeing this now in front of me makes me realize I'll always have a problem with my body cause I just thought that my stomach still looks fat. It really shows how me being so hypercritical of myself won't translate into being more self-confident. If you have a problem with how you look, that's a way deeper issue than just changing your outsides. - I'm excited to see it. I wanna see how I look, you know, all swole and sexy, like Mr. Krasinski. But I'm also afraid that maybe it will make me feel worse about myself. Let's see what a perfect Keith would look like. Oh, man, look at those arms, those arms are huge. Man, I look strong as fuck. This is terrifying. I don't like that at all. No one wants to be friends with this guy. This guy looks like a jerk. This is Brad. They put muscles on my shadow. My shadow could beat me up. While I lament that my body's not better, I don't know if I really wanna look like that. Maybe I like my soft body more than I thought. - Having good muscles means that you're also healthy and strong. That is what I want to be as a man. Healthy so that I can provide for my family, so that I can carry children up stairs. Oh, damn. I look like a god among men. There's muscle there that I do not have. Cristiano Ronaldo is so rare, he's like 0.01% of the population that looks like that. If I wanted to look like this and have my job and, like, spend time with family, there's just not enough hours in the day. You're just seeking to attain something that you can never get. Earlier I said that the stronger you are, the more healthy you are. There's a lot of other aspects to health that strength doesn't encompass. If I did all the things I would need to do to have this sort of body, I don't think I would be healthy. - I will always have issues with how I look. But maybe I can lessen those issues by focusing on things that really matter. People aren't gonna just remember you because you have six pack abs. They're gonna remember you because you're a good person. - I'm happy with my life. Why is one photo making me think that I'm not happy with my life? I'm totally fine with who I am. Improve yourself because you want to, and because you enjoy it, not because you're trying to achieve an ideal that someone has told you you should fit. - Lots of people out there think that like, if you're a guy, you should just, you should work hard and be strong, and if you're unhappy with your body, you change it. It's like, if you're unhappy with your body, maybe you should just learn to love yourself for more than just your body. - I call these lines penis cleavage. So my dick cleavage looks great. - [Macey] One, two, three. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 27,321,446
Rating: 4.8501687 out of 5
Keywords: Armani, Calvin Klein, Channing Tatum, Cristiano Ronaldo, Eugene, John Krasinski, Justin Bieber, Keith, Magic Mike, Ned, Try Guys, Zach, actor, ad, beauty, body, body types, boys, buzzfeed, celebrities, culture, emotion, evaT, film, football, hair, hot, ideal, image, makeup, male, marketing, men, model, muscles, objectification, photo, photoshop, reaction, recreation, sexy, shirtless, soccer, sports, style, television, underwear, video
Id: dLNTb2zfh3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2016
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