The Truth of It | Harry, Meghan & Oprah | Canadian Pastor Jailed Over COVID | Banning Books | Ep. 64

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G'day, I'm Martyn Iles and this is 'The Truth  of It' with a little bit of a difference,   today I'm coming to you from on the road in  Brisbane, in a slightly different environment   and I've had a huge week in Townsville - I want  to say thank you to everybody in Townsville   who welcomed me and we had a great  supporter event and various other things.   I'm running low on gas but I have three things I  want to talk about, the first one is the Harry and   Meghan scenario - yes I'm gonna go there -  the second one is that a Canadian pastor has   been thrown in jail for breaching coronavirus  restrictions in the state of Alberta, I want to   make some comments on that and finally, I want to  talk about the fact that they have started to ban   books. This is the latest from cancel culture,  Amazon has banned Dr Ryan T. Anderson's book,   ‘When Harry Became Sally'. But without  further ado, let's get into it. First up, Harry and Meghan, it's interesting  I think the observation I have straight out   of the block on this one is not one I’ve heard a  whole lot from other commentators out there. The   observation I want to make is this, it is about  the dishonouring of parents, first, and family,   second. So, my point really is the fifth  commandment, honour your father and   your mother. And straight away you can see  where this is going. That's something that's   not widely talked about in this day and age it’s  not widely discussed but it matters a very great   deal. It matters so much that you just got to  reflect on the fact that it is one of the ten   in the ten commandments. I’ve also wondered  as well a long time, if you read the end   of Romans one where the Apostle Paul lists a  whole bunch of these sins that people commit,   they're all very, very serious but couched in the  middle of this great line of very serious sins is   dishonouring of parents and you go ‘Ooh what's  that doing there?’ Well, clearly this is a very   significant thing, it's a very significant sin.  Under Hebrew law in fact and for any trolls out   there who might be watching, I’m not affirming  this, I’m just saying that under Hebrew law   it was the penalty for dishonouring the  father and mother was in fact, death.   Jesus says in Matthew 15 and 3, He says, ‘For God  commanded honour your father and your mother’, and   He goes on to say whoever speaks evil of father  and mother will be put to death and that's quoting   what the Hebrew law once said but here's the  point of all of that I say that just to say look,   let's remind ourselves of something, let's remind  ourselves that dishonouring of family is a very   immoral act. Why do I say that? Well here's the  reality, Prince Harry has made a global spectacle   of dishonouring his family. He's not only spoken  evil of them himself including his father who   he blames for inflicting great pain on Archie but  he's also sat back and probably it seems promoted,   gone along with, encouraged his wife to do far,  far worse even while his 99-year-old grandfather   is gravely unwell in hospital, even though the  family are not fully able to defend themselves   by virtue of the customs of royalty, he and his  wife unleash a campaign to defame, discredit,   attack and undermine them and here's the fact,  Harry’s conduct is immoral, regardless of whether   or not he has legitimate grievances. That's the  point. You don't dishonour your family on the   global stage, in this way and call it right. It is  not right, it is wrong. His family are in crisis   thanks to efforts and events which are ultimately  his responsibility because that's what a man does,   he takes responsibility. He's the guy, ultimately,  who takes responsibility for getting himself into   this mess and finding himself throwing darts  at his family via Oprah and the global media.   He abdicates his responsibility in allowing  innuendo, accusations, dirty laundry, conjecture,   division and far worse to be slung onto the world  stage targeted against those who were once closest   to him and he's acting therefore as one who  is morally weak and I say this, dishonouring   your family is never right. Contrast the public  statement of the Queen. The Queen simply it's a   very short public statement and it just does three  things. It affirms her love for Harry, Meghan   and Archie, it admits the possibility of somehow  being in the wrong and it keeps the door open to   restoration and forgiveness. One of these things  is a class act, one of these things is a Christian   act. No prizes for guessing which. You don't have  to agree with your family, they don't have to be   the nicest people but the non-negotiable, repeated  commandment in Scripture is that you must honour   them. It is morally wrong to do otherwise and  that carries consequences before God, of course,   because it's the commandment of God but the other  thing is it carries consequences for life as well.   Proverbs which contains many a nugget of wisdom  gives us this, in Proverbs chapter 11 and verse 29   it says, ‘Whoever troubles his own household  will inherit the wind.’ And you know I think   really the truth is and I think this is obvious  for all who can see clearly on this matter,   what we're seeing is that Harry is inheriting  the wind and he will continue to do so because   there is a great principle that the integrity of  the family, matters and it matters on a range of   levels. It matters to society - we know that - so  many of society's ills would be solved or largely   solved or mitigated through family strength and  through family integrity. But it doesn't just   matter for society, it matters to God. That's why  He has said it, that's why He designed family,   but it also matters to your life. And it's a  great principle of wisdom, you dishonour your   family at your peril, and you honour your family  for your blessing. That's why God made these rules   and that is why Proverbs says what it says. So  that's my first thought about the Harry and Meghan   scenario. My second thought is something  about victim mentality. My second thought is,   you know, I was in a conversation actually just  the other day and four unlikely names came up   together and I'm going to pair them together,  put them in two pairs and you'll see my point.   Prince Harry - Nick Vujicic, Meghan Markle -  Joni Eareckson Tada. Those are name pairings   that could not represent more profound  differences of circumstance and outlook.   Nick and Joni were dealt the most difficult hands  possible in any life. Most of you I think will   know them, those of you who don't, Joni Eareckson  Tada is a woman, I think she's now about 70   and she became a quadriplegic as a teenager  from the neck down completely paralysed and   has been all through her life after a diving  accident. Nick Vujicic, he was born in Australia,   he's a Christian evangelist and motivational  speaker that travels the world he has no arms   and no legs. He's the guy who has, he's got  like, I think, a foot, I think, that's about it   and he gets around with no arms and no legs  and sort of shuffles around as a little torso   and it's amazing to see, actually. These two  people are massively deprived in the sense   of being born with profound or suffering with  profound physical disabilities. Contrast that,   Harry is dealt one of the most privileged hands  possible in any life. He's a literal prince   and Meghan has risen to a similar  level, they are abundantly blessed. Now,   no life is free of trouble but let's just be real  about this, there's an abundance of blessing here   despite whatever trouble may be there as  well and the attitudes of these people,   the four of them, Harry and Meghan on the one  side, Nick and Joni on the other, their attitudes   are as different as their circumstances but not  in the way that you might have expected if you'd   been at the beginning of life trying to look and  see how it would all turn out. I’ll never forget   watching Joni tell her testimony at a conference,  you know, she couldn't speak for more than five,   ten minutes before she would just burst into  song, she smiled widely from the start to finish,   she filled the room with joy, it was amazing and  at the beginning of this conference, of her talk   she told of her days some 50 years ago shortly  after her accident immobilised, bedridden,   dreaming that she was at the pool of Siloam  which is described in the New Testament as a   place of healing. She was so broken, she was so  desperate and she cried out to God to be healed.   At the end of her talk, she told of a recent  trip to Israel where she discovered the actual   site of the pool of Siloam, quite by chance  and she said it brought back all these memories   and she sat there in her wheelchair looking  at the empty pool and she prayed again   and you won't believe what she prayed. She  prayed, ‘Lord, thank you for not healing me',   and I actually let out a noise as I was listening  to this, it was the beginning of the word like   “No” like I just couldn't, I couldn't compute in  my brain what it would take for somebody to pray   that prayer and mean it and you could tell she  meant it. You know, she said that she had learned   so much, done so much and most importantly had  discovered so much of God and of Christ because of   and through her condition that that was priceless  to her and she thanked God for it. And both she   and Nick, Nick is the better known of the two,  I believe, they've spent their lives ministering   to millions out of their hardship and they don't  breathe a word about it. Contrast that with the   blame, the misery, the self-righteousness, the  divisions, the innuendo, the dishonour of the   two most privileged, two of the most privileged  people in the world. I mean this is a dishonouring   as I was just saying in the last bit of a family  on a global stage without any shame, even whilst   Harry’s grandfather languishes in hospital at  99 and his grandmother releases a statement that   practically offers restoration and forgiveness  and confirms her love for him and his family.   In this, I just think these names which came up in  this conversation, it hit me like a freight train,   I thought to myself you know what, this is what a  cancer victim mentality really is, this is cancer   and you can see it here in these people. These  walking, talking examples, the inward-looking   posture of victimhood is the worst kind of slavery  anyone can subject themselves to or be subjected   to because victims look inside themselves and then  they justify themselves and they'll continue on   in a wrong pathway but they'll be justified and  they'll be right because they are blaming others   and others are wrong and they collapse in misery.  They go nowhere, it's enslavery. The grateful, on   the other hand, and that really is the opposite,  it is those who are grateful and gratitude is a   virtue because it looks outward, it looks out  of the self, its desire is to serve others,   it sees the goodness of God and it rejoices in  the goodness of God because God is always good   and the grateful see that. Those who live their  lives looking inwards, trapped in themselves   are one kind of person and then there are those  who live their lives looking outwards to God and   to be honest I think that ultimately it is only  God that fully saves us from ourselves because if   we don't have Him, we've really got nowhere else  to look except in here and I want to say this,   this is a little case study to make this point  and I can talk about it academically and all the   rest of it but I’m talking about real people now  because those who say that they know God and yet   they peddle victimology, in any of its forms, in  any of its ideologies and we have many an ideology   today which is victim, victim, victim-based it  is blame-based it is, it is this whole oppression   narrative is all about this the woke thing is  all about this. Those who peddle that stuff   or who themselves spend their time wallowing  in narcissism about themselves and draining   other people into this black hole of narcissism  because they're looking in as victims and they're   justifying themselves and blaming others, I’ll  just say this, that is the devil's work. It really   is. It's the most sinister of things. Let me give  one sage advice which comes from Scripture. There   are two examples in the Bible which I think are  tremendous warnings on the whole victimhood thing.   One is Jonah the other is Cain. I just want to  make a comment about Cain. Cain is a guy who   blamed others for something for which he should  take responsibility, which was his sacrifice   wasn't pleasing to God but he blamed Abel because  Abel was favoured and he made himself a victim, he   made himself the guy who was suffering for unjust  cause and it's really interesting, God comes to   Cain and warns him in that moment before Cain goes  and does a bad thing which is kill his brother,   God says to Cain, 'Why are you downcast? Why  are you miserable?' And isn't it interesting,   this victim mindset will always immiserate and  some people love to be miserable because they're   victims. They just for some reason go through  life this way and it will always immiserate,   it will always bring people down, it will always  make them just balls of sadness and God comes   along and confronts that and He says, you know,  He said, you've got an option at this point,   either you can do that which is right, you can  stand up for righteousness and He says if you   do that, He says your face will be lifted up, He  says, otherwise just be warned in your current   condition, sin is crouching at your door and its  desire is to have you. In other words, if you   continue thinking this way, you're going to go on  and do evil because you are justifying yourself,   you are blaming others and you are going to do  immoral acts in the name of your victimhood and   that will really be the end. And that is such a  sage warning because Cain made the wrong choice.   Sin was crouching at his door and  he became the world's first murderer   and I tell you that's what victimology  does to people - it makes them   do wrong and it makes them miserable and it traps  them in sin. That is why this really matters.   But God comes along with this great principle of  wisdom for all of life and says if you do well,   will not your accountants be lifted up? And I  just want to leave us with that thought. Take   responsibility, do that which is... and to do  that which is righteous and all of a sudden,   you will find yourself putting this victim  mindset aside and as God says, you'll be happy,   your countenance will be lifted up. So it's a  bit of wisdom from the story of Cain in response   to the Harry and Meghan business that we've all  been suffering through over the last few weeks. All right, next up, Pastor James Coates  of GraceLife Church in Edmonton, Canada   is in jail and he's in jail for opening his church  whilst COVID-19 restrictions are in place. He was   arrested, he's been denied bail, he's in prison,  he awaits trial. Okay, what's the story here?   That's what I wanted to know and I think there's  other people out there who have heard bits and   pieces of this story who might want to know the  same thing. So I’m going to explain it and I’m   going to give a reflection on it. Since the 26th  of June 2020, the province of Alberta has mandated   the following restrictions on religious services  - and Edmonton is in Alberta, this is where   GraceLife Church is. Number one, gatherings must  be no more than 15% of the building's capacity.   Number two, all attendees must wear masks. Number  three, all attendees must practice physical   distancing. Now 15% capacity at GraceLife church  in Edmonton, Canada would be 90 people. The church   actually has 400 members and nearly that many  seem to attend every week. But like most churches,   GraceLife adhered to the government's restrictions  during the early months of the pandemic but on the   21st of June 2021, Pastor Coates says that  they recognised that COVID-19 was far less   severe than initially projected and so now since  about that time, for about 30 weeks, the church at   GraceLife have met in person, as a full church,  in defiance of COVID-19 regulations in Alberta.   Now they've taken some steps - they did a 14-day  shutdown when two church members tested positive   for COVID-19 to ensure that there was no  intra-church transmission and there wasn't so,   they've also made masks available, hand sanitiser  available, they discourage physical contact and   various other things like that. But in November  2020, health inspectors from the Alberta Health   Service showed up with police officers and  continued to show up pretty much every week from   thereafter, documenting what was going on. And on  the 17th of December 2020, so about a month later,   a bit more than a month, inspectors issued an  order that GraceLife church immediately rectified   their breaches of COVID-19 rules. On the 20th  of December 2020, Pastor James Coates was fined   $1200, by the police, for sustained breaches of  the restrictions and this happened but nothing   changed. GraceLife continued to meet every week  just as they had done. So on the 21st of January   2021, this is about a month later, the Alberta  Health Service filed a court application to   have their order enforced and the application was  granted. Nonetheless, a week later the church met   once more on the 29th of January 2021 and again  on the 7th of February 2021 and on that occasion   the police arrested Pastor Coates following the  service and he was released with a court date.   They showed up during the service but they waited  until it was over before they arrested him, they   said, "out of respect" for the proceedings. A week  later, Pastor Coates ran another service and this   time, it seems, it was the last straw. I mean he  had been arrested and released with a court date   and he was in breach of a court order and all the  rest of it and so on the 16th of February 2021,   the police asked Pastor Coates to hand himself in,  which he did. The court was minded to release him   on bail - I read the transcript - because he had  not committed a jailable offence but the term of   his bail included the following - and you'll see  immediately what's wrong - it said, 'You will not   attend or conduct services at GraceLife Church at  515 29a Range Road, 262 Parkland County, Alberta,   unless you have complied with any existing  orders of the Chief Medical Officer of Health,   health services, police, court'... blah blah...  obviously he declined, so he was not released.   An appeal was lodged but it was denied on the  8th of March 2021 and Pastor Coates will remain   in jail until the 3rd of May when his trial  is scheduled. So he's in jail, right now,   for conducting church services during COVID-19  restrictions - full church services that is. And meanwhile, he's in jail at the moment but  GraceLife itself continues to hold full capacity,   weekly services as they have been doing since  July last year so there's an associate pastor,   I think, which is running the place  at the moment. Pastor Coates has said   the following in a recent sermon. He said, 'We  must call government to its God-ordained duty.   Any attempt to dictate to us the terms of worship  is not the government's jurisdiction and I refuse   to give the government what isn't theirs. Caesar  has no jurisdiction here. Governments exist as   instruments of God and there should  be unfettered freedom of worship.'   Now, I agree there should be unfettered freedom of  worship. The fact that Caesar has no jurisdiction,   I’m not sure I agree with, but that's Pastor  Coates’s point. In an affidavit, he says the   following, and let me read you this just to give  you his clear view on the subject. 'We believe   that a local church is to gather physically  for corporate worship on Sunday,' and he   quotes Acts 2, Acts 27... Acts 20 verse 7, First  Corinthians 16:2 and Revelation 1:10. He says,   'We also believe that this physical gathering is  distinct from and preeminent among every other   gathering of the life of the church. In addition,  we believe this physical gathering should consist   of the full body of Christ belonging to the local  assembly.' And he quotes Romans 15 and 6 and 1st   Timothy 5 and 20. Therefore compliance with the  Chief Medical Officer of Health's orders make it   impossible for GraceLife to fulfil the mandate  outlined above. The health orders directly   contravene the authority of the local church  and the supreme authority of the Lord Jesus.   The occupancy limit alone restricts us from  meeting as a full body of Christ, in a single   gathering. As such, every element of the corporate  assembly is restricted since each one is to take   place within the context of a single gathering.  In addition, the restrictions compelling social   distancing and mask-wearing interfere, as well.'  His wife, Erin Coates, said this in an affidavit,   'I’m informed by James and do believe that James  has sincerely held religious belief' - that's just   legal speak, obviously, she doesn't talk like that  all the time - but she said, 'that only the Lord   Jesus Christ has the authority to prescribe  the terms of worship at GraceLife, not any   other authority and that to comply with the above  restrictions would be contrary to Scripture and be   an act of disobedience to Christ. It would amount  to fearing man instead of fearing God or choosing   to disobey God by complying with the command of  an earthly authority that is in opposition to the   commandments of God.' Okay, I don't want to dwell  too much on whether I agree with Pastor Coates or   not but I will make a comment on that. I just  would rather focus on the principles at play,   for a second, because COVID-19 has brought these  principles to the surface. Some recent legal   changes especially in the state of Victoria in  speeches that I've done have brought these sorts   of things to the surface, at what point does the  government end, at what point does, do we disobey,   is civil disobedience a Christian thing, all that.  They've all come to the surface in a way that they   haven't before, in recent times and I don't think  this is going anywhere, I think it's going to   continue. So let me say, I completely sympathise,  I sympathise with Pastor Coates's position because   I hate the way that COVID-19 has been handled.  I think it's set a dreadful precedent, I think   that ideologically there are bad things happening  in the way government is operating and the way   people are giving up their freedoms in exchange  for promises of wellness. So I sympathise with him   and I think his punishment is severe. I think that  the convictions that he carries are also sincere,   so I agree with all of that, but it doesn't  mean that I would do what he did, okay,   let me explain. Foundation number one - there's  some background here - number one, government   is God's idea and we are clearly commanded to  submit to it regardless of whether we like them,   regardless of whether or not we agree with them.  Let me read you the actual words Romans 13:1-2,   'Every person is to be subject to the governing  authorities for there is no authority except from   God and those which exist are established by God.  Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed   the ordinance of God and they who have opposed  will receive condemnation upon themselves.'   That condemnation in the immediate context is  the condemnation of punishment from the State.   First Peter chapter 2:13 says something very  similar, 'Submit yourselves for the Lord's   sake to every human institution, whether  to a king as the one in authority or to the   governors as sent by him for the punishment of  evildoers and the praise of those who do right.'   Now, this is said to Christians living  under Roman rule, they would have felt it,   they disagreed greatly with Roman law,  they were oppressed by Roman occupation,   some of them had revolutionary histories in their  culture which they had to leave behind them,   this was a tall order it would have hit and it  would have been serious because the government   was not good in these days and the things they  were requiring and asking were not all good.   Now, that's the first foundation,  there's more than one, don't worry.   Foundation number two, if you dishonour  yourself by breaking the law, make sure,   make jolly sure, it's for the right reason.  Christian witness and testimony is very important,   very important and breaking the law brings  great controversy and dishonour on a person   therefore scripturally we're told to make sure  that when we break the law we do so for the very,   very, very best of reasons, that's 1 Peter 4:15,  for example. He says, ‘Make sure that none of you   suffers as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer  or as a troublesome meddler but if anyone suffers   as a Christian he is not to be ashamed but  is to glorify God.' Okay, so clearly there   is a possibility that someone might suffer as a  Christian, clearly this submit to the governing   authorities is not, is not a limitless thing  because we're going to find that out in a minute,   there is another foundation which is foundation  number three, break the law when you absolutely   must. And when must we? Well, the exception given  to the Apostles is in Acts chapter 5 verse 29,   'We must obey God rather than men.'  They faced a case where they could   not, they could not obey God and men at the same  time, that was the point. It was impossible,   they had to choose a side. They could not obey the  commandments of men, so to speak and honour God,   they couldn't do it and they couldn't honour God  and obey the commandment of men, it was very, very   clear. It had come to the point where they had  been directly commanded to stop doing something   that Christ had directly commanded them to do. But  notice, it must come to that because the command   to honour the government is not ambiguous,  it is not unclear and it is not, you know,   in broken Greek, it's clear, so it must come to a  direct conflict and you must say I can't do both.   I can't honour the State and I can't honour God,  at the same time, it's not possible. So, question, 'How does this line of thinking actually  make sense?' It makes sense for two reasons.   The first one is that some functional government  even if it's wicked is very nearly always better   than no government. Anarchy tends to be the worst  possible option. But really the point I want to   make... that's sort of a practical observation  but probably that's why government is God's idea   and that's really the point. The first thing that  we need to understand is government is God's idea   for a fallen world, He instituted it, He believes  it's desirable, that's good enough for me. So the   government's meant to be there, the government's  meant to function, the government's meant to be   honoured, end of story, that's part of His design.  I think there's wisdom in it but even putting   that aside, we've got to accept it's part of His  design. But here's the second thing, the second   reason that this might make sense, the reason  that a Christian might not get to the point where   they are just civilly disobedient because they  disagree, that's not a good enough reason.   It's not a good enough reason to say I disagree  with where this is going, I disagree with what   this... no, it's got to be a situation where the  government has commanded you to break God's law   or commands you to not to do something that  God's law says you must do - you have to be in   that direct conflict and that makes sense because  there's a very interesting thing that Jesus says   in John 18:36, he says this, to Pilate,  he says, ‘My kingdom is not of this world,   if My kingdom were of this world  My servants would be fighting   so that I would not be handed over to the Jews  but as it is My kingdom is not of this realm.'   Therefore Pilate said to him, 'So you're a king?'  Jesus answered, 'You say correctly that I’m a   King for this purpose I came into the world and  for this, I was born, to testify of the truth.   Everyone who is of the truth listens  to my voice.' Now that's His kingdom,   it is the people who are of the truth who  listen to His voice. He says that's My kingdom.   What does this mean? The statement - I want to be  very clear, there's a tension here and I hope I   don't just confuse people, I hope I make it clear  - the tension is that politics is not irrelevant   to the Christian, Jesus Himself had just said, he  who handed me over to you is going to suffer the   greater condemnation. You speak truth to power,  you be salt and light in the public spheres, you   call as a, you know, to use a slightly contested  word but a prophetic voice you call the powers   that be to standards of righteousness. All  of that is true and all of that must be done.   But there is some other thing that's in tension  with that, which is very important to grasp.   It is that Jesus actually says but My kingdom is  not in earthly power structures, fundamentally   at the end of the day. Christianity is not a  political revolution in the sense that it's not an   armed conflict, it's not an overthrow of the  state, it's not all about gaining political power   and in that sense it is unlike every other idea  that's ever existed because all other political   persuasions, all other ideas, they need the levers  of earthly power to succeed and to make their day.   Jesus says My kingdom doesn't need that, He says  I’m not here for earthly power this time and He's   not here for earthly power yet. He says actually  what I’m here for is to build My kingdom, which is   very, very different and My kingdom spreads even  without the powers that be and so as Christians   if we do all that we're called to do in relation  to the earthly powers and we lose them somehow,   if I could put it that way, if they turn sour,  if they start to do evil, that doesn't mean   that the Kingdom of God is limited. That doesn't  mean that Christ’s promise that, 'I will build   my Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail  against it,' will fail. Of course, it won't fail,   because fundamentally His Kingdom isn't travelling  in these earthly power structures, it's travelling   in the hearts and minds of men and women. He says  those who listen to My voice, who are of the truth   and God works in supernatural ways, He works  in natural ways, He works in all sorts of ways   to make that happen - come what may - even as  the nation’s rise and the nations fall. So,   let me be clear again, lest I'm misunderstood,  that does not mean that politics doesn't matter,   it doesn't mean that governing authorities  don't have duties under God, it doesn't mean   that we shouldn't speak the truth on that, we  shouldn't advocate for the truth on that, and it   doesn't mean that when the governing authorities  honour God's laws that is not good it is very,   very good and it is so good that it's something  we must fight for, in the legitimate sense.   It's something that we must use the democratic  leaders of power to speak for and to advocate for,   we must do that, we've got that freedom now, it's  incredible that we do, unique in history. However,   political power is not the primary and necessary  vehicle by which the everlasting Kingdom,   which shall not be destroyed, which is how  Jesus' Kingdom is described in the Bible, it's   not the primary vehicle by which it is spread and  we're not told to mount the political revolution   but we are told to honour authority until we are  literally unable to. And so what the Church really   needs to do, I think, is to speak truth to power,  boldly unashamedly, without ever, ever, ever   compromising. Needs to recognise that there are  ministers of God in the areas of earthly authority   and it needs to help people and empower people  to be those ministers of God in that sphere,   needs to do all of those things. But the end of  the day, Christianity is not the same as politics   because this is an everlasting Kingdom, which is  a Kingdom of people who hear the voice of Jesus   and do His will and that happens whether or not  the governing authorities are quote-unquote,   "on our side". So I trust that clarifies,  rather than confuses so that we understand that   we do honour the governing authorities  because God's plans are bigger than government   and because God has designed government and means  it to exist. When the governing authority says to   do something or not do something which  is impossible without dishonouring God,   disobeying His direct word, then we draw  the line and we say, No, we obey God rather   than men.' I trust that's been helpful about  Pastor James Coates who is in jail and pray for   him, I really think so, and it could well be that  actually, he's the one who sees clearly and we're   all wrong. I’m actually not totally settled  on the issue and so I would say pray for that   situation that actually somehow through it all  the good would come. I don't know if I should   scrunch that... I will just for tradition's  sake. But no disrespect to Pastor Coates.   Final topic, they're banning books. This is  a very... look, this is very sad. Amazon,   is what this is about first and foremost but it's  about cancel culture more generally and where it's   headed. I think we've seen a lot of stories lately  about all sorts of stuff from Mr Potato Head to   the redskins to the chicos to the withholding the  Dr Seuss books for publication, so on and so on.   We're all seeing this, some of those erosion  examples, wherever you are in the world you're   going to see similar ones. I want to focus for a  second on Amazon, the world's largest bookseller,   they sell 53% of all books in the USA and over  80% of all eBooks and nearly all the audiobooks.   They've become the latest corporate to really get  into the cancel culture thing and we saw that when   they joined forces with Google and Apple to try  and cancel Parlor the social media app and they   did so and kicked off their server. Parlor is  back, but it's not back to its former glory just   yet because they suffered a massive setback with  all that cancelling from so many big companies and   it's difficult for them to distribute their app  and all the rest of it these days. But now they're   starting to ban books and you might say well is it  "Mein Kampf"? Is it the Communist manifesto? Or is   it some other title that's just as bad? The answer  is of course not. It first of all was Abigail   Shrier’s book, “Irreversible Damage” they banned  her from advertising it through their systems   and that was a research book about the transgender  phenomenon especially in adolescent girls. As   you can imagine, it challenged the gender-bending  narrative. But now they've come out and completely   banned a book from all of their brands and  platforms, Ryan T. Anderson’s ‘When Harry Became   Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment'.  Despite it being on sale for three years now,   Amazon has suddenly said that it violates  their content policy and they won't say however   exactly where, how, when or why. They just said  violates the policy, bye-bye's. Now Ryan’s book,   it's important to note, was not a lightweight  volume. I’ve read Ryan’s book, it's brilliant, it   was heavily research-based, it was compassionately  argued and it was endorsed by who's who of top   medical experts and importantly the book sold  extremely well, same with Abigail Shrier’s.   They're very popular books because they are giving  a decent contribution to a debate of the moment   and it's worth noting, however, that it has been  banned and I just want to say this, book banning   has never been a hallmark of the good guys at  any point in history. Let's just get that clear.   It literally never is. Let's be clear about that   and this whole cancel culture thing, Dr Seuss  is a book thing, but there's others as well... there is something in this which is a rabid  insecurity from those who are pushing the cancel   culture line. It's an underlying insecurity that  woke culture has which compels them to censor,   to ban and to cancel and really this is what  it's ultimately about, lies don't have to be   censored. There's an alternative approach  to lies. They can be exposed by analysis.   Lies will always be with us, always. Whether you  decide to go down the cancelling route or whether   you decide to go down the analysis route or a bit  of column a, bit of column b, you're always going   to have lies, but we can diminish and we can  reduce them and they can be shown up as lies.   But here's the problem, right, if you go down the  analysis route, truth is also exposed by analysis   and that is precisely why it must be cancelled  by those who hate it because there's no other   way to stop it from spreading. If it is allowed  out, if it's analysed, it will be confirmed as   truth and that is the worst possible scenario  for those who are trying to enforce lies.   And that is really why cancel culture or book  banning which is the old-fashioned term for it,   is never done in the pursuit of truth, never.  You'll find that insecurity is strongest   where these lies are the most fragile  and if you're being asked to believe a   particularly obvious lie you will find that the  enforcement of it is, rabid. I’ve said for a long   time the quickest way, the easiest way, to get  deplatformed to get banned to be censored on any   platform is to speak about the transgender  issue and this present case proves that.   Whether or not you speak about it graciously  and carefully or not, this is the easiest   way to get targeted by Big Tech and others.  Why? Because it is the most fragile of lies.   Let's be real about this, there's nothing more  obvious in the world in which we live than the   simple fact that it's occupied by men and women.  You know which one I am simply by looking at this   screen. Every person you encounter, there's  a physiological reality, there's a biological   reality, there's a psychological reality. We know  that mums and dads are different, men and women   are different. We know that we encounter people  in that way etc. It's in your face, obvious.   Take the latest frontier of gender politics,  the fact that men are playing, biological males   are playing in women's sports. I saw a picture the  other day of a six foot eight biological male on a   basketball team. You have MMA fighters fracturing  women's skulls, you've got records toppling left   right and centre. Pretty much just about everyone,  really, joe average public, knows precisely what's   going on. They can see what they see. They've got  eyes in their head and the only way to make sure   that they don't act on what they see and what they  know or perchance that they don't swallow the lie   whole, the only way to ensure that... the only way  to ensure that's avoided is to ruthlessly suppress   the truth, ruthlessly suppress it. And this  is nasty for two reasons, the first reason   is that this is totalitarian and it's getting into  various institutions which are capable, if not by   themselves but capable collectively of exercising  totalitarian power. Big Tech, big corporate,   media, politics, maybe academia, maybe not, but  at least the others. It's infested all of them and   the book burners with totalitarian instincts as I  said, they are not the good guys, if you catch my   drift, to master the art of understatement. But  here's the other reason, I want to be very clear   to Christian folk that this is not a minor matter,  there's a lot of conservative voices out there,   there's even people who are on sort of like  what you call the sensible left or whatever,   there's people right across the spectrum who  say well this is political correctness gone mad.   That is to demean how serious this is. That is to  simplify it far too much. That is to misunderstand   its importance and its severity because this is  the reality, this the gender thing along with   the target of so many other revolutionary woke  causes, these things target, they attack Creation.   In the beginning God created the male and female  in His image, right. Genesis 1:27 says that very,   very clearly. It's an attack on that reality. Or  you know marriage is oppressive and patriarchal   and gender roles or this that and the other and  you know family and child bearing is a penalty and   oppressive, they just attack and attack and attack  on all those things that are in Genesis 1, Genesis   2, God's good things, God's good order, God's  good design and an attack on Creation is an attack   on the Creator, Romans 1 teaches us that. Why?  Because we're putting ourselves in His throne,   in His seat and we're rewriting His rule book and  saying, you know what? We reckon we can do better,   we reckon God's standards on all of this, that  are revealed in the very created world, we think   we can rewrite the rules and get away with it.  Now Romans 1 tells us we don't get away with it.   We don't. It says there that we bear ourselves  the due penalty for our error. In other words,   we carry consequences from living this way and  the transgender thing is wreaking destruction   on lives on a level that is so profound, time  fails me to tell you of how serious it is in the   lives of children who go on to these puberty  blockers and that's pretty much a sentence   to lifelong changes, many of them will regret  it. It's the same with the interruption of,   you know, the destruction of family, the  destruction of marriage… the de-normalising of   heterosexual relationships, all of these things  carry pretty serious consequences. We're wealthy   enough these days... and we've got enough  technology to mask some of the consequences.   Romans 1 says you won't get away with  it in your person, you just won't,   there's guilt, there's all sorts of things that go  crazy, so this is the most personally destructive   avenue a society can go down. But also it tells  us in Romans 1 something very important and sober,   it is against this tendency, to rewrite the  Creation rules that God's wrath is revealed   on a society and it says you know when people want  this and people double down on this what does He   do? His wrath is revealed in this, He gives them  over to it. In other words He says, alright,   have it, if that's what you want, have it. If you  want to rebel to that extent, if you want to say   that I’m not real and the things I’ve revealed  in nature itself that are in front of your eyes   are not real and you want to be gods then have it  and the consequences will flow. It's a very sober,   it's a very serious moment for any culture to  reach and it's why very few cultures survive this   kind of thing and well actually I don't think  any culture ever has, to be honest, but anyway   that's probably a whole history thing in itself.  So let us not underestimate the severity of this   issue and the importance is that we do not succumb  to cancel culture and the importance is that we   don't allow it to be relegated to a fringe issue  the things that are being cancelled which tend   to relate to sexuality, gender and so forth, but  that we continue to tell the truth on these things   because the world needs it. I’ll never forget  having dinner with a group of ex-LGBT people   and they sat around and they told me please don't  stop telling the truth on this because there's   people like us out there who need to hear it and  they were once LGBT, they're converted to Christ,   they're Christian folk, no longer identify as LGBT  whether they were trans or whether they were gay   and they sat there and looked me in the eye  and said, ‘Don't stop teaching the truth,   it matters, the consequences are too grave.’  So let that be an encouragement for us all not   to stop but also to understand that the nature  of what's going on, it's not just madness, it's   well, to use an old-fashioned word, it's evil.  I’m Martyn Iles and that was, ‘The Truth of It’. Hey, thank you so much for watching. If you  liked what you saw then make sure to hit   the like button, if you want to never miss  another video again make sure to subscribe   or you can right now watch more  videos, right here. Cheers.
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Length: 41min 3sec (2463 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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