The Truth of It | Ep. 66

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good day i'm martin isles and this is the truth of it and today we have quite a smorgasbord of content first up we're talking about the women's march for justice solving the sexual abuse crisis that's come to the fore in parliament secondly we're going to be talking about a canadian father who has actually lost custody of his own teenage daughter for disagreeing with her gender transition and he is in fact in jail and thirdly we'll be talking about gender quotas they're back on the agenda what are we to make of the idea and finally my top three threats to the survival of western democracies [Music] the first up the women's march for justice the protest against sexual misconduct by men now this is an issue that's not going away anytime soon and three recent events have brought it to the forefront in public debate firstly there was the allegations against attorney general christian porter a woman who is now deceased apparently claimed that he sexually abused her some 30 years ago and is now suing the abc for defamation for reporting those claims secondly britney higgins a former staffer to defence minister linda reynolds alleged that she was raped overnight in parliament house in the minister's office by another staffer and thirdly chanel contos and i her was a student that put an online petition up over high school students who were telling their stories of sexual abuse and calling on the government to mandate mandatory consent training in school curricula so the women's march for justice kicked off across the country there was large demonstrations right across a whole number of cities now firstly i am not going to write off all of the underlying concerns with this one it's a pig's breakfast of problems okay i'm not writing them all off but i want to be discerning and examine this movement for just a second in order to sort out the wheat from the chaff the truth from the fiction the wise from the unwise it seems to me that this could become scott morrison's black lives matter so black lives matter exploited an election year to make white supremacy the obsessive and singular interest of the media and the political debate until of course trump lost and he was somehow tired as being a white supremacist enabler well scott morrison is facing a very similar sort of a thing this is a movement in an election year making sexual abuse the obsessive interest of the media and of political debate until well they hope morrison loses right somehow having been tarred as a sexual abuse enabler and the similarities don't stop there let's go into the women's march itself i think they're a little smarter than black lives matter about their statements online but there's a few things here which are really important this is how they phrase their grievances they said we're exhausted from having to listen to those leading our nation and our major companies conceal and deny sexual assault sexual harassment and abuse of women we believe that this ongoing abuse occurs as a result of a lack of fundament as a result of a lack of fun a fundamental lack of equity for for women within australian corporate and political institutions i don't know if that's my typo or theirs um but uh that's how they phrase their concern but let's drill down into something further this is a further description this is a quote from their website or quotes says march for justice is an organic uprising with logistics being undertaken at speed by volunteers around the country discussions include the critical need to have an intersectional mindset now that's very interesting as kimberley crenshaw says all inequality is not created equal so these people are interested in the subject of intersectional inequality that is class warfare stuff right so women versus men gayver straight black versus white gen transgender versus gender it's all the identity politics stuff australia's dominant patriarchal culture and here we go they start opening up on that basis it privileges the white able-bodied straight and wealthy march for justice organisers and participants need to be ever vigilant against doing the same we call on all events to ensure a diverse platform of speakers and all organizers to be inclusive in their outreach women have been struggling for our rights alone for too long and enough is enough we believe it by being inclusive and all genders working together we can achieve more notice not both but all genders now that could very well just about be a quote from a textbook on critical theory or cultural marxism as it's often known um learn to spot the signs the word intersectionality red flag it is an invention of critical theory the notion of struggle is classic marxism uh the identity politics tribal divides of class race sex so intersectional oppression was the phrase they used that's all there the usual allegation of systemic structures of oppression because a country like australia was founded on white patriarchal blah blah blah blah blah you know the drill it's the same old playbook that we have come to see again and again now these protest movements they pop up seemingly overnight in quick reply to an event or a series of events they are funded they are organized they push a grievance which happens to fall very neatly within one of the identity politics categories and then weeks later those like me who dig deeper find the same marxist ideology and this is the great frustration for me these movements pick up on something that is actually true in this case it is a deeply felt concern for personal safety which women carry and not without cause and also it is the cesspool which is parliament house and the disastrous conduct that takes place among staffers and all the rest of it up there which has been known about for years and years and years and years amongst the media in particular and so on but of course they're going to use it for their ends now but anyway this picks up on something that is very real but here's the thing they take a reality and they lie about it they lie about its extent they lie about the cause of the evil they say it resides in a particular tribe the rich white male tribe for example conveniently which makes everybody angry at each other and everybody divided then they mount an attack on the tribe not on the individual you notice we're now supposed to believe they'll buy into this mob mentality that scott morrison the family man who puts his wife and his daughters at the center of pretty much everything he does it seems is somehow the figurehead for sexual abuse against women that's what we're supposed to believe now that's what the media has actually managed to get us to not because he's guilty oh he's not guilty mark my words but his tribe is guilty the white male powerful target right that's on his face it's not the perpetrators to take them to due process and get them into the court system and put them in jail oh that'd be too quiet and it wouldn't have the political ends that these people want no no the target's not on the individual it's on the tribe scott morrison's the leader of the tribe as the number one political figure who is white male able-bodied etc it is tribal imputation of guilt it seems that every time something bad happens it's turned into a tribal gladiator fight and i just wonder you know when's it going to end you know we're going to collapse under the weight of our own hatred and division a house divided cannot stand whites facing bl fighting blacks or blacks fighting whites over white supremacy women fighting men over patriarchy gays fighting straits over homophobia it's cancer it's gnawing us out from the inside and it's designed to be cancer it hates the society that it lives in and so it must gnaw away at it welcome to the delightful and pleasant world that is marxism a battle of the sexes you know is not going to solve the problem that people are seeing here it will genuinely make it worse identity politics will destroy divide cancerously nor away at these things and make them worse but i'm not just here to say what's wrong i'm actually here to say what's right as well the truth is here we are in the situation where we've sexualized absolutely everything for 50 years and we're reaping the whirlwind what else could we expect sadly sexual liberation means that people have a taste for it and they don't want to give it up and who knew that men with raging sexual appetites didn't push boundaries and even turn bad in their pursuit of that appetite that's what sin is like you know it's insidious it's like an appetite it's tasted wants more more more i tell you what blessed are those who have never tasted some of these things because they don't face the same trouble unfortunately the genie is well and truly out of the bottle on this and in the west we chose sexual liberty and therefore it seems that the true solution is so far beyond us indeed the world will mock it will scoff it will scorn it will denigrate the answer many people won't even countenance for it for themselves but it doesn't mean it's not the answer because we threw the answer away when we decided that it was no longer a virtue to be chased chaste means sexually pure it means abstinent it means generally lacking in sexual motive we chose sexual liberation instead of that and so we desecrated ourselves we gave ourselves the appetite and we seduced others to join us because you can't do it by yourself you have to have others join in with you people wanted liberty no consequences well here are the consequences but here's the thing let's go back to the solution if chasteness is a virtue and it is then we suddenly have duties around this virtue we have a duty to honour it in ourselves and a duty to honor it in others and just like that problem solved i'm serious think about it both men and women have duties in this regard and they are articulated in scripture and i'm going to go through them first those aimed at women which are much less for obvious reasons but there is something for example it does say in peter that she used to be chased it uses the word in her conduct it is to be she is to be modest and she used to be discreet biblical words biblical commands now unfortunately women are being encouraged in the opposite direction in this day and age and i think those qualities are getting rarer and rarer but there is the christian standard by doing those things she honors a virtue in herself and she honors a virtue in others now that's not to make her responsible for the sins of others and that's the lie of these movements they say ah victim blaming well now hang on no one said she's responsible for the sins of the others okay that's just not what's going on however that does bring me of course to men and of course like i said men get a whole lot heavier dose in this area for obvious reasons here's to treat and i'm quoting from timothy older women as mothers and younger women as sisters in all purity there's a standard also from the words of jesus in matthew 5 he is to train himself not to look upon a woman to lust after her thus honoring god's law a memorable rule i once heard on this is you'll laugh but bounce your eyes you see it you bounce your eyes you look away okay it's not to look on a woman to lust after her according to jesus concerning his wife a man is told to show her honour and understanding biblical words and to love your wife as christ loved the church and gave himself up for her now christ died for the church he is to nourish and cherish biblical words again his wife and also never to covet his neighbor's wife that's one of the ten commandments these are the highest standards you will find for men anywhere bar none period okay but it goes further he's not to respond to temptation either proverb 6 sternly warns men to be like joseph and to flee from i quote the evil woman not to quote desire her beauty unquote or heed her smooth tongue or let her capture you with her eyelids it says because she hunts for a precious life and that's a quote and he's further told that he who commits adultery with a woman would destroy himself so the incorrigible flirt a man of character ignores her immodesty and indecency and by the way lots of guys can't do that but a man of character does it he ignores her immodesty and indecency a man of character as i said bounces his eyes or if we up the ante a porn star and there's many a man of character does not watch a seductress and they most surely are out there they surely are a man of character will turn and run before he can have a second thought like joseph did and he does this out of duty to himself he does this out of duty to her he does this out of duty to god what's going on here chasteness sexual purity these are virtues and we are acting so as to honour them in ourselves and in others men can break their duty women can break their duty now in the case of men it's often said and i have said this myself that the results of the wrongdoing are far more serious because they inflict violence and devastating psychological damage on women and that is a very grave sin and that is why women carry a deep personal consciousness of their own security and safety in a way that men do not and it is why women feel this issue very very deeply and it is why women see something like women's march for justice and immediately identify with it and that's kind of the the nasty thing about it in a way because it has some perverted ideology in it but she connects with it immediately for obvious and clear reasons and not bad reasons but he's but gosh where am i up to um but here's the other thing it's not just men that can do wrong but if a woman does wrong so let's say she deliberately seduces a man okay um such women do exist as i said then the result may not have an appearance of physical or psychological violence okay but see what i've recently come to realize is that proverbs 6 teaches us that that does devastating spiritual damage on a man and so even though the harm is unseen it is frightful now the reason i'm not supposed to say that in prison culture is because we don't accept that purity is a virtue and so women could have no possible responsibilities to remain pure or to respect it in others none whatsoever to say that in fact is completely oppressive or they use that cheap smear of victim blaming as if i'm somehow pretending that a woman is responsible for the wrongdoing of another which is baloney and women who would blame themselves for the wrongdoing of others uh or their own suffering are very often doing so unjustly okay so let's be clear about that but there you have it the proper honoring of a forgotten virtue that is the answer they say well consent training will solve it no it won't the vast majority of complaints involving consent don't relate to whether consent was given they only relate to for how long it was given or exactly what it was given for precisely and so it's a great big fight of he said versus she said and it's a disaster it's a pig's breakfast far better if they honored this virtue in the first place they never would have ended up where they ended up um you know we as christians i believe have an opportunity to model this very thing in a world that's turned quite filthy i think that wholesome and chaste people will be most attractive to many and will stand out tremendously and beautifully in a world like this it has often been said you know that the early church uh was a safe haven for women that's been observed by a number of historians i can see why and it's interesting to me the stats actually show that the churches in australia despite what the woke set will tell you are mostly female i can see the issue here and so there's an opportunity for christian men to live up to the standard and i think they're uniquely equipped to live up to the standard because let's be real about this the only way a man will bring his passions and desires into submission to these standards and the only way these standards for men and women will be followed by men and women is if people fear god is if people bring themselves into submission to the will and ways of god that's the only way and so here is our opportunity [Applause] bullseye second up father loses custody of transgender daughter that's right i was going to talk to you about robert hoogland the canadian father and his travails with the education system the health system the legal system which ultimately have seen him wind up in jail for not accepting his child's gender transition from female to male now wherever we find these family law cases i want to make this proviso it's never clean cut it's never straightforward it's as messy as it gets it's family law i'm not here to say who's been perfect and blameless i'm not here to say who's evil and who's good i'm not going to pretend that it's been clear and clean cut i'm sure it hasn't i'm sure it could have been better at every turn however there are underlying issues here in this case which are not going away anytime soon and which we must understand because they are spreading across the western world mr heugland's child was a biological girl she was born in 2004 she started identifying as a boy at the tender age of 11. hormone therapy was commenced in 2018 when the child was 14. mr hoogland has tried to stop this from happening at every stage but he has been thwarted by the courts every single time and this has led him to talking publicly about his case in defiance of court orders which has ultimately put him in jail as of march 2021. um when she was in the seventh grade mr hoovland's daughter told a school counselor that she identified as a boy and it is alleged that this followed the teaching of a gender curriculum in the school called soji123 and watching a film about gender fluidity and the school helped her to pick out a male name treated her as a boy as part of one of those so-called social transitions change uniform change bathroom change pronoun etc and she was referred to as a boy by parents peers and by peers and teachers multiple sources indicate that this was done without informing the parents now before you take a sharp intake of breath all these possibilities exist in schools in australia right now and indeed in most western countries schools are allowed to do this school counsellors are a thing gender curriculum are in all government schools i've been pointing this out for some time now this is wholly possible in australia indeed there are cases a little bit like this or that have shades of this already in australia and other western countries so we must understand that her school recommended that she see a psychologist who treats children with gender dysphoria and the psychologist in question was the author of a transgender children's book so we know where this is going and that psychologist referred her to a gender clinic at a children's hospital and for those who follow these matters you know that once you're in the gender clinic it's very unlikely you're going to go back because indeed the tavistock case out of the united kingdom high court found that once kids get to the clinic it's exceedingly rare for them to be turned away they usually go on puberty blockers which is all but a guarantee of irreversible hormone therapy so there you go on the 14th of august 2018 the clinic recommended hormone therapy as being in this child's best interests the child and her mother signed a consent form for testosterone treatments and five days later mr hoogland decided that he would email the gender clinic because he found out about it saying that he did not consent to the treatment now it's important to note that as part of the custody agreement between mr hughland and his ex-wife they had joint authority over matters of medical treatment etc that the agreement actually said that they had joint authority or each had authority to joint authority over giving refusing or withdrawing consent to medical dental and other health related treatments so the court had ordered that this was part of his purview okay so on first of december 2018 the clinic wrote to mr hughlin to let him know that his consent was not actually required but his refusal and his refusal to give that consent was immaterial because his daughter at the tender age of 14 was competent to consent to her own irreversible hormone treatment now that fact that she was competent was subsequently confirmed by a court order we're talking about a 14 year old here can't even give consent to getting a tattoo under law it's not lawful who probably doesn't even have control over her own bedtime who can't go out at night can't drink can't smoke can't do anything autonomously but can make a decision like this now the first major pushback we've had on this fact was from the tavistock case out of united kingdom high court you can search my video that i did on that where i unpack it and the tavistock case uh the judges actually ruled that a child of this age simply is exceedingly unlikely which is as strong legal speakers you get to be able to consent to such a treatment to understand the implications of infertility and all these kinds of things it's just not possible but of course that doesn't apply to this context in canada so dad is cut out for good he has no right to medical information and he has no say over consent now the supreme court proceedings which followed made the whole situation probably worse if anything he lost and the supreme court confirmed it was in the best interest of his daughter to get on with the treatment without delay and they criticized mr hoogland for playing some games with the timing of court applications and that to try and drag things out it's kind of hard to blame him though he probably shouldn't have done that but here's the kicker the court further ordered one it is in the best interest of his daughter to be referred to as a male and to be identified by a male name the court ordered that secondly it will be considered family violence under the family law act to attempt to persuade her to abandon her treatment or to address her by her birth name or to refer to her as a girl either directly or indirectly or to third parties well that will be considered family violence so a further court order was made to restrain hoogland from doing from from trying to persuade his daughter to stop her treatment uh and and also to uh stop him referring to her by her birth name agenda uh to basically double down on that court order because he'd gone out into public and kept calling her she uh and had tried to persuade her not to go ahead with it and they said well okay we're going to make another court order to stop you from continuing to do that and then there was another court order which prohibited him from sharing any information at all about her medical treatment including the name of doctors or the status of medical therapies and so forth so now the whole thing is being done in the shroud of secrecy um the judge also said that mr hoogland had committed family violence by giving media interviews referring to his daughter as a she and by the birth name mr hoogland appealed that um and the appeal court basically didn't change anything they downgraded it from family violence but they doubled down on the orders against him uh here's a quote from the court of appeal in general caution should be exercised limiting a parent's discretion guided by their own opinion and belief to parent as they see fit however as we have noted this is a unique case that involves a father's disagreement about what is in his child's best interest in relation to the child's identity gender and medical treatment for which the child is validly consented so it comes down to the fact that she had validly consented because she was able to consent to her own treatment even though she can't consent to pretty much anything else the father's refusal to respect his child's decisions regarding his gender identity is troublesome his is the child the evidence shows that his rejection of the child's identity has caused the child significant pain and has resulted in a rupture of what both parties refer to as an otherwise loving parent-child relationship this rupture is not in the child's best interests he clearly wants and needs acceptance and support from the father so the court's saying you need to accept this you must there's no other way around now mr hoogland has actually continued to speak publicly about his case and in those public forums he has continued to refer to his child as his daughter result well it's convoluted legally but he is in jail as of march the 16th and he's in jail uh for a criminal trial that will commence in april and he may be imprisoned for up to five years let me finish by making this reasonably lengthy but important quote from mr hoogland in his own words so enough me talking about him let's hear from him he says i'm thinking about these doctors here i am facing time in prison and these two doctors who are so proud of the work that they're doing and transitioning children are actually cowards hiding behind children they are continuing to commit what i consider crimes against humanity and they are using the government to silence me so that i can't call them out on this if they are so proud of it why are they hiding why don't they come out and tell everybody how great it is what they're doing this is the fact that he's legally not allowed to say who they are or what they're up to okay this speaks volumes as to what they're trying to cover up they don't want you to know what they're doing with your children and by disguising it as policy they don't have to tell parents what's going on with it what they will tell you is that they that it is used to protect children from their parents how insane is that because they are saying parents are biased parents will discriminate parents will do all these terrible things because they don't agree that their child who is a girl is really a boy so we need to protect these children from their parents they're taking kids during school time out to get hormone shots parents don't know what's going on until it's too late they're not even informing parents that their child is being transitioned anymore rapists get two years in prison i'm looking at five years put that into perspective that tells you how important this is to the government in their experimenting on children but these kids are going to be handed a life sentence it is irreversible and it is by the way they will be sterile they won't have families a lot of them will eventually choose to commit suicide because they're compounding their mental health issues with this and that is also true they've been falsely told that they can change from a girl to a boy which is impossible and now they're somewhere in the middle so my five years is nothing compared to the prison compared to the prison these kids are being put in for the rest of their lives there's that moment when a court tells the parent who's against this that their child is going to be given cross-sex hormones regardless of what they want and that moment is such a defeating moment because you know that your child is now going to be irreversibly damaged and to sit and watch that happen knowing it was completely avoidable is the worst feeling for a parent a lot of people are still in denial about all this they'll hear my story and say rob must be exaggerating it can't be like that this is canada there's no way that this could be happening do you know well let me close with this actually that's from the father i think that's all just bang on the money and that is what's happening gender dysphoria is a body dysmorphic condition that's not a controversial thing to say it is another body dysmorphic condition is anorexia nervosa that is a person's mindset is not aligned with their physical body and this madness is as mad as a 14 year old girl with anorexia nervosa going into a doctor and then being called competent to consent to her own liposuction to bring her body into alignment with her mind and then getting court orders to make it a crime for her parents to talk about what the doctor is doing or discourage their daughter from undergoing the procedure or telling their daughter that she is not fat or referring to their daughter as anything other than obese or speaking publicly about the matter that's what's happening here that's what's happening rod drayer in his book live not by lies he says the west is facing a crisis of therapeutic totalitarianism total power being exercised over every sphere of life even the family and the church in other legislation i'll get to that later in this episode um total power being exercised in the name of what wellness safety well-being that's the justification here the best interests of this child well i'll tell you what the best interest of this child of the best interests of this child are far better understood by its parents than by the state and that is nearly always true this is i agree with robert hoogland this is a humanitarian crisis this is happening in our midst with one thousand two thousand percent increases in children on things like hormone therapies in our nations this is the great crisis unfolding before us and we can barely find a politician to fight it i tell you what we need to stand up on this i will keep talking about it people say i get obsessed well you know what this is a humanitarian crisis it demands our urgent action and if not the christians then who i think this is up to us [Applause] thirdly gender quotas this one should be quite a quick quick topic actually but i want to talk about this because of everything that's been going on with this business of scott morrison now being apparently the pin-up for uh gendered violence against women even though he's not actually done any of these things he puts his daughters he puts his wife at the center of his life his whole life and example is opposed to this sort of behavior but of course with the cultural marxist stuff guilt doesn't run by individuals it runs in tribes and so rather than just quietly allowing the due process to play out for these rape cases and make sure that the people that did it actually go down for it and end up in jail know this has to be weaponized into a political cause against an entire tribe what's the entire tribe well it is the white able powerful men scott morrison is the kingpin of that group he must repent and that's exactly what we've seen in the last few days the media have trolled him out and he's basically grovelled is basically what he's done to make the pain stop i'm not sure that it will stop now if you don't just just to be clear if for those of you who are viewing this as a segment by itself and haven't seen the earlier segment the women's march for justice has made it clear that this is their ideology it's not it's not hidden so i'm not saying anything particularly revolutionary except that i'm pointing joining the dots for us um but here's the thing the upshot is the liberal party are tearing themselves apart over this age old gender quota debate do they need to have quotas for women in politics in ministerial positions should politicians be getting plum rolls because they're female in order to boost female numbers in positions of power now there's a few things to be said here firstly i just want to make this clear it seems that identity politics has so affected us that we've forgotten that what is good is good for all that righteous decision making good governance responsible use of power are the same for a politician doing whether that politician doing the things is black or white or gay or straight or man or woman or able or disabled or whatever else the classes defined by identity politics are just not that relevant when it comes to accessing truth there's some kind of weird gnostic view of the world here where because of the melanin concentration in your skin or something like this you have some access to a different plane of truth and therefore if we're going to put people in positions like politics well we need to have quotas of all these different kinds of truths no no what's right is right for everybody what's good governance what's righteous governance is righteous governance for everybody it just doesn't work that way good is good for all evil is evil for all if we accept the identity politics line there's no end to quotas women men uh then you've got all the different ethnicities you have quotas for them all the different sexualities what if you had quota for all different genders you have a lot of politicians you know it does it just doesn't end uh it's a crazy path to start walking down the identity politics line is wrong it doesn't work that way but there's something more i'm interested to investigate this question of what it says about us as a society when we seriously believe that women should have a 50 percent representation particularly in political and corporate settings what do i mean well you know there's an opportunity cost to that is to say it means that we lose something and it means bluntly let's say the obvious it means we lose full-time others it means actually let's say a little bit less than that let's say it means we lose most of the time mothers because that's an exceedingly common demographic for good reasons no i'm an employer and part-time work to most of the time mothers it's very very common these are women who have basically their hearts in their family but they work part-time because they raise more money to complement you know the other income in the family that kind of thing we lose this we lose this aspect of motherhood obviously so a career like this is basically a career for career women is that good to force that in such a way that it's pretty much all women is it worth it what does it say about where we rank family in the hierarchy of importance what does it say about where we rank motherhood in the hierarchy of importance what does it say about where we rank children in the hierarchy of importance what does it say about our attitude to some of the things that women commonly dedicate their lives to for their families the truth is we basically don't care about those things we don't encourage those things you know i heard the the liberals very often state their economic policy in terms of getting as many women as the workforce as possible i've heard that many times from the current government we don't care about the implications we don't care about the other side of this coin it's all about forcing families to lose both parents to the workforce the truth is we don't care about the thing that's being left behind the family and i know that because what i'm saying and what i'm about to say is mocked at the very best it's attacked with vigor as oppressive and down treading and me being a white patriarchal man or whatever at the very worst a woman who serves an employer does an uncontroversial thing it is affirmed and is uncontroversial to affirm it quotas right completely uncontroversial a woman who serves a family does a controversial thing and affirming it in particular actually trying to calibrate policy settings to encourage it or allow it because many women would want it and many who can't do it nonetheless wanted you know that is controversial a woman who seeks power is applauded as strong and independent and liberated a woman who seeks to serve is overlooked she's held in low esteem it is interesting to me that one of the biggest themes in scripture is the godly mother who is loved and used by god it's a theme that is consistently overlooked by many a woman's bible study many a woman's conference but it is a strong theme i've done this at a gps program you go through them there's heaps let's take just a few jock a bit mother of moses aaron and miriam who hid her son from pharaoh and prayed for him and he became the mightiest old testament figure or leah whose story of finding favor with god despite her troubles is told through the names that she actually gives for her children uh climaxing with now i will praise god is the meaning i think that's the meaning of judah i hope that's right but it goes through the story of her travails through the names hannah whose son changed the world um samuel what an incredible incredible son because she prayed for him and promised him up to god or mary whose unconscious virtue made her the mother of christ she who had no power no politics nothing whatsoever except herself and her heart to serve god and god used her motherhood to save the world literally in that case now that is an expression of god's affirmation of the mother it is unbelievably strong in fact in genesis 3 15 the first ever promise that a messiah would come to save the world how is he to come through the seat of the woman an archaic expression meaning he's going to have a mum he's going to be born into the world i don't like quotas because not because i don't think any women should be in politics and business i do not think that okay so don't take that away from this i just don't like quotas because it says something about where women ought to be and i don't think we can say that they ought ought to choose this i don't think that's right all women will not be in politics and business and i wouldn't expect to see quite as many women in those places or running the country as men if families were wonderfully healthy and rich and strong i wouldn't expect it and i don't think we should expect it um you know since i'm saying controversial things i might as well read titus two three to five this is controversial but it's scriptural man this is the bible older women and says likewise would be reverent in their behavior not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine teaching what is good so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands to love their children to be sensible pure workers at home kind etc so that the word of god will not be dishonored why did i read that simply to say this a mother who keeps a home does a fine thing does a virtuous thing does a biblical thing does a good thing okay it doesn't mean that women don't belong in other places it's not a matter of exclusion but it is a matter of focus and i think the biblical the christian focus is family not power and it bothers me that there are young women who are believing a lie about all this throwing themselves headlong into career only to find that she doesn't have a career at all like 99.9 percent of the world she has a job and the job is affected by the curse right because the curse was a curse on work remember back in genesis oh and it's a trudge and it's a toil and it's just not that fulfilling and she starts to think well maybe i want something else and by that time she might have missed her chance to marry and have a family now i say this because i see it all around me i'm in that age bracket where i see women all around me my age making this discovery it really is painful it's not good because they have not been trained by older women as it says in titus because they have listened to lies from the world around them and half the time it's probably not even their fault this is not good if you're woke then you're just going to say well that's a white powerful able wealthy man viciously oppressing the ladies doing harm to them and violence uh in order to cling fervently to my own power you know because i want to be the powerful one whatever if i wanted power i would have kept starting businesses and making squillions of dollars but to those of you who actually listen and hear truth well as the scriptures say he that has an ear let him hear and the truth is quotas i don't reckon i have no problem with women being in politics but quotas what does it say about what we're willing to give up i think controversially sadly it's a bad idea all right finally i'm going to mention the top three biggest threats in my humble opinion to western democracies across the world this is something a little bit different the three big ideas that i have here i believe are the greatest threats to western nations right now i think if i think about a bit longer i might come up with a fourth or a fifth or one that's bigger than all of these but this is a pretty good first crack i think all of them are internal threats they're not external i don't think that the west is so much in danger of a military conflict as we are of destroying ourselves and the destruction is happening in three big ways and i'm a big word warning but i'm going to explain these in very succinct very easy and understandable ways number one therapeutic totalitarianism number two identity politics number three self-love three big ideas that are killing us the first one therapeutic totalitarianism it's a phrase that i've stolen from a guy called rod drea for those of you who know him but i believe it to be incredibly insightful he's written a great book by the way about this live not by lies got to read it it refers to the woke establishment seizing total power over pretty much everything in the name of preventing harm what do i mean what do i mean by the work establishment i mean the power of the media politics big tech corporates and education to get them all singing from the same hymn sheet uh because they do sing from the same sheet more and more so that's the work establishment they have power really to shape society in big ways by power pretty over pretty much everything i mean families schools businesses churches etc and i mean down to the finest details including how we speak in the name of preventing harm what do i mean by that well i mean actions which are said to promote safety wellness well-being and harm reduction what would be some examples of this well my earlier segment on robert hoogland is an amazing example a canadian father discovers that his 11 year old daughter has been taught about transgenderism at school then talked to by a school counselor about it then recommended to a psychologist who's written children's books about transgender concepts he tries to intervene to stop it but the court says no his daughter is given the right to consent the doctors are given the right to privacy mr hoogland is gagged from mentioning the case by court order why well apparently his daughter's best interests for her well-being to prevent harm so a child who can't even choose their own bedtime is to undergo irreversible gender transition therapies against the expressed wishes of her own father and he cannot talk about it and those responsible cannot be named then he talked about it anyway because he wanted everyone to know and wake people up to what's happening and he's in jail facing five years in prison stated ends therapy means totalitarian speech controlled family invaded education system weaponized and so forth therapeutic totalitarianism that's what we're talking about another example would be so-called conversion therapy laws human rights bodies are empowered to conduct secret wide-ranging investigations into whomever they like if they think that they may be engaging in conduct which could suppress a person's gender identity or sexual orientation that may capture church sermons prayers parents like mr hoogland more definitely parents like mr hookland non-lgbtq affirming messages of any kind doctors who don't give affirmative treatment to a gender dysphoric child or schools that don't promote the lgbtq agenda codes of conduct for enrollment in different places all this stuff it goes on and on the possibilities are endless these are all potential crimes punishable by up to 10 years in jail that is the victorian change in suppression bill here in australia why well to stop harm they say to keep lgbtq people safe they say to stop suicides they say they'll invade churches families professions like medicine and more that will control speech conduct and everything else down to the tiniest detail state it ends well-being means totalitarian or hate-speech laws huge part of this agenda they've been weaponized in such a way that they've changed the definition of harm so you're not allowed to say things that harm people right well harm used to be defined basically as physical harm with a few exceptions that was a very liberty enhancing concept but no harm has been expanded in its scope and definition so much now that you harm someone if they disagree with you and they're in a victim identity group and so all of a sudden harm has reduced what you can say to such an extent that it's now a freedom limiting concept not a freedom enhancing concept so ideas that are politically objectionable ideas that question or don't affirm a minority group in that intersectional list of minorities that we're all used to lgbt and women and trans and all that stuff people of color all of that stuff all of a sudden is prohibited speech because free speech is unpredictable speech unpredictable speech well that lets ideas out that the work establishment doesn't like and so that must be punished and speech is being punished with more and more severe penalties all the time it used to be that if you spoke you'd get argued back at now if you speak you could face law hate speech laws or have things like for example israel falal remember i said the woke establishment so it includes corporates and you're at israel follow who's been banned for life from his sport for saying something incredible so hate speech you know what is the state that ends harm reduction we can't say harmful hurtful things means totalitarian briefly let me make this observation this is why people like me have been a little bit disquieted a little bit unnerved about the way governments in the west have been handling covert 19. it's why we've been sensitive to overreaches overreactions totalitarian tendencies actions which don't match the severity of the situation for there have been so many power drunk actions excessive actions this has been very big in some states in australia it's been particularly big in some overseas countries why because it's the same dynamic it's people giving away rights and freedoms their very livelihoods their freedom to worship their freedom to gather their freedoms through all sorts of things even their freedom to even meet with their families sometimes what for in the name of safety and we're going to see these sorts of rights in exchange for safety bargains as a hallmark of this coming era in the west they're dangerous why therapeutic totalitarianism and the sort of statism the sort of totalitarianism we're going to see is not so much the traditional variety that you saw in communist countries and so forth it's going to come in through this mindset threat number one by far the longest next to a shorter second threat identity politics what is identity politics well let me use a definition that i read from proponents of identity politics they say that their identity is their politics in this way they ask what is my identity their identity is intersectional in other words it's described according to the usual menu of attributes that we're going to get used that we're all used to now white male able rich straight cisgendered or black female disabled gay transgender etc defined by those classes then having measured my identity according to my intersectionality score i discover all the ways in which the political systems around me are oppressing me hating me holding me down then i get very upset i get very angry i turn everything into a game of politics and power so that i might be able to destroy those structures that are oppressing me and get the power i need to be happy this is making our young people very miserable it's making them very angry it's dividing man against women black against white trans against cis gay against straight rich against poor it is a battle to the death over power that's pretty much what it is uh death is hyperbole but i can see in some societies it would not be hyperbole it's a flame that could become a fire which has shocking results but the worst thing about identity politics for me is the way it imputes guilt and innocence take black lives matter who was guilty whites were guilty not derek chovan i think that was his name the police officer that kneeled on george floyd's neck no no not him but whiteness and so those year-long violent and riotous protests anger right throwing over the establishment against whiteness and white people were forced to kneel and repent including police officers and who all sorts for their whiteness and those who rioted were never held to proper account oh no they were innocent because they have more melanin in their skin or because they're rioting against the oppression that's the way innocence and guilt are imputed not individually to the people responsible but to tribes right now our prime minister is being held up by the media as the punching bag for sexual abuse of women not because he's guilty in fact the whole mode of life that he lives puts such abusers to shame his wife and his daughters are clearly central to his life but the women's march for justice made it very clear they're opposed to whiteness patriarchy and power scott morrison is the pinup for all three it is tribal it is not individual guilt this kind of inflamed division between us will tear us down from within it is cancerous and it will also destroy innocent people over politics and power it's a grave threat to the west it'll destroy goodness destroy good people and it will gnaw away from within with division and anger notice what galatians 5 19 to 21 says about the fruits the deeds of the flesh it says they're evident their sexual immorality impurity indecent behavior idolatry witchcraft hostilities strife jealousy outbursts of anger selfish ambition dissensions factions envy drunkenness carousing and things like these so many of those are absolute hallmarks of this cultural marxist identity politics mindset it promotes them finally number three self-love and this refers to the decadent obsession we have with our own well-being and the morbid preoccupation that we have with ourselves i call itself love some people have even tried to turn it into a virtue it is not a virtue it is the opposite of virtue in the west we have undergone a period which is the rise and the rise of self it's seen in our vocabulary for one thing we say identity self love self confidence self esteem self self-care self-expression selfies me time all this stuff but worse than that we say things like it was right for me in other words a moral code made in my image i decide what's right and wrong or even worse people say well god to me god to me is like this all like that oh so now god is in my image we're laboring under the ultimate idolatry of the self it takes that which comes from my own heart my passions my desires my lusts and it indulges them as if they're good for me and worthy to be expressed romans 1 25 says it's the ultimate sin of any society that we would exchange the truth about god for the lie and worship and serve the creature rather than create it we use ourself to define the parameters of all things and we do live like the creators we think that we get away with it that we decide whether we're male and female or we decide to define our sexual passions uh as as gay or straight and legitimize them or worse we get to define what is you know moral code people often say well it was right for me number one justification for something like a divorce is what was right for us mate whether it was right for you is completely irrelevant ask what's right and submit yourself to it to honor god not yourself because you are not god you don't say what is right and wrong and this is the result um the result of this error is moral decadence we serve our passions we serve our lusts we serve our desires we do what we please we do what was right in our own eyes and it is the root of the west's immorality now this is tragic we're even starting to bring this into the church we're starting to say that to love people is basically not to hurt their feelings no to love people is to serve their highest and best interests and they're defined by god not by their feelings or we take the second greatest commandment love your neighbor is yourself in like see it says love yourself so i can't love my neighbor until i love myself you've just reversed the commandment literally it says love your neighbor as yourself it's assuming that you love yourself because you're a human being right that's just how we're wired the command is therefore to apply a standard to neighbor we rewire everything in light of this self love this ultimate idolatry do you know what it does it makes you selfish full of yourself self-absorbed it undermines love of neighbor and it undermines particularly your love of god because you feel uh because you you are self-righteous and you create your own moral code indeed this is the biggest concern that i have coming out of the self-love problem a self-righteous society a self-loving society feels no shame at its own sin it can't imagine that we need to repent because we've inflated our sense of self to the point where we're no longer sinners we're saying we're all just messy and broken and struggling with mental health but we're not serious sinners nobody ever became a christian you know without repentance it is not possible and nobody ever repented who did not know that they were sinful and so what this ideology is doing it is it is immunizing us against the gospel of jesus christ it is immunizing us against seeing arrows sinfulness before god it is immunizing us against submission to god himself the first sermon ever preached at pentecost the effect was that they were cut to the heart and cried out what shall we do and peter said repent and believe or indeed it was the first word of jesus and john the baptist repent we live in a society that rejects that message i think that's the west's biggest sickness it says no to the gospel of jesus christ because it loves itself i trust that we don't occupy churches that in more subtle ways do the same i'm mark niles and that was the truth of it hey thank you so much for watching if you liked what you saw then make sure to hit the like button if you want to never miss another video again make sure to subscribe or you can right now watch more videos right here cheers
Channel: ACL – Australian Christian Lobby
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Length: 50min 29sec (3029 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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