A Royal Beat Special: The Oprah Interview

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hello and welcome to a very special edition of the royal beat the cameras are rolling here having just watched the credits scroll in front of our eyes with our jaws on the floor as we watch the duke and duchess of sussex sit down for two hours and make a series of explosive claims in their interview with oprah winfrey to dissect that uh to talk through the biggest moments and boy oh boy there were so many and the implications of where they go from here i'm joined now by uh royal biographer angela levin uh russell myers the royal editor of the daily mirror here in london and world biographer robert johnson uh it is now uh well not even middle of the night the sun is coming up and what a night it has been there's been so much shed uh in these in this interview this evening give me the top lines for you robert well there were so many i mean that she was suicidal she the harry saved her that the royal family effectively have been accused of being racist and there were discussions over prince well not prince whether archie should be a prince and the color of his skin i i i think there were some of the bombshells from harry as well talking about how he's his father cut him off financially that he um that he was not talking to his father for a while um charles was not taking his calls charles was not taking his cause after watching that i'm not surprised um i think some of the claims actually were outlandish and some of the things in it are not that believable but it's an incredible interview i think oprah winfrey did a pretty good job in terms of covering all sorts of areas that's just you know that was if someone was gonna open up and talk she did a brilliant job there's no doubt about that just to be clear at the very top of the two-hour special oprah made it very clear there had been no agreement no payment uh they had no sight of the interview questions that were going to be asked of them and that she was free to go wherever she wanted to go no subject was off-limits that certainly felt like the case didn't it russell it did i think that's the most extraordinary piece of television i've watched in a long long time even ever i mean the fact that the amount of lines or bombshell statements that have been made are absolutely extraordinary let's rewind to the beginning because we all sat and watched it together and at first wow she's gosh the story about kate well the cape which for her she says was where it started to go wrong when they she felt that they were not protected the show closed with that sentiment as well uh harry said he had no regrets megan said she regrets that they believed that they that she believed that they would protect her kate we've learned is the one that reduced megan to tears according to megan in that oh that's what she claims that's what she claims megan claims that kate drew her to tears but she apologized so she wants us to know that she has forgiven her i think that is so a slap in the face i mean kate doesn't put her foot wrong she tries her absolute utmost to be what one expects from a royal queen to be and from them today that's the projection that is given from the palace but that isn't that was that was not her reality what what is one of the most extraordinary lines i cannot get out of my head is that uh harry and megan have said that the royal family duty doesn't mean anything they're all living in a gilded cage and they haven't they haven't got the option to leave and if they did have the option they would do exactly the same as harry and megan i think the queen has devoted her life to service absolutely outraged to say that by having having that assumption it's just extraordinary and the fact that they're all racist i think one can deny that we've got to be very careful about that it was a member but yes i know what you're going to say robert is that the fact that they haven't singled out a member of the world cup but by not singling out this conversation it's actually cowardice in my opinion because you cannot make that slow it's like saying all the royal correspondents are you know one of the royal consequences made a racist remark but i'm not going to say which one which then blackens everyone they're basically saying that the british press is racist too which i absolutely would would fight back in fact i look forward to sending them a legal letter on it because how can they say that the british press is racist where is there evidence well they they evidenced what they felt were exactly the uh examples of that yeah yeah but we did see that well well i i i would object totally to be being called a racist i find it appalling that they've been allowed to say these things about other people without actually singling out what they're talking about who said it what was the specific allegation and when harry kane is very clear he will never go there well then it shouldn't have been raised in the first place i think that was the master stroke from for winfrey because she allowed them the opportunity to say what they wanted to say and she allowed afforded them so many opportunities to reveal their truth and they didn't and this is their well they become a cropper here because the questions will be asked about why they didn't have um you know the the integrity to follow up on those statements i think one of the areas is actually megan saying that she nearly committed suicide i mean that is extremely traumatic and that she asked for help there was nothing i was told there was none well prince harry sought help you know some years after his mother died when he was in his early twenties william suggested it he went i can hardly believe that they would think prince harry could have the help but megan couldn't she had to struggle through on her own that is a catastrophic thing he has lots of money okay you're not actually i cannot believe that a man who has actually had counselling and he certainly looked like he needed counselling on on there because the bottom line is he's had counselling and she is saying she could get no help that's just nonsense because he has had counselling no one knew that let's go back to what she claimed she said that she felt she needed help she spoke to a senior member of the royal families am i right and recalling that um and she went to hr as well she says human resources human resources wasn't paid member staff so she couldn't have the help it doesn't make any sense no it's not that she was a prisoner she said she was uh she went out only twice in several months well i mean that she'd often go out in disguise she put a cap on and jeans and people didn't recognize her you can't actually believe that she was kept in prison she made it sound as if she couldn't go out because she was in prison i think that's the narrative i don't think that was she didn't use the words it sounded imprisoned if she was yes and suggested that she had to hand over a passport and a driver's license when she and her keys when she joined the family what she did say was uh that she felt that she was everywhere in as much as there was an oversaturation of her but yet she'd been nowhere she was incredibly lonely it was a dark and difficult time yeah that's sad and that is it that it's very sad i think there are elements of this that need to be taken very very seriously indeed to have a young vulnerable woman perhaps pregnant at the time i think she was five months pregnant to saying that she was having suicidal thoughts is frankly distressing and the royal family do have you know questions to be answered there because yeah absolutely so let's go back to that night she said the night that she they evidenced on on the show she was at the royal albert hall with with prince harry she'd been in tears she'd gone to seek the help that she would then claim she was refused um and when she was told that she didn't have to attend that evening her words back were i shouldn't be on my own oh absolutely don't leave me on my own so shocking to hear that um and harry and and again later saying that harry had essentially saved her from from ending her life i mean this is absolutely extraordinary um it's it's the way that i think that the issues will be with are some of the statements that they didn't follow through with um and unfortunately i think that this is why we're going to be talking about this for a long long time i mean angela so i'm just picking up on those notes she when we go back to that timer you you talk about her feeling imprisoned as in your words she says i left the house twice in four months i was everywhere and i'd been nowhere there was very little i was allowed to do she also said right at the beginning of the interview and then again at the end that she at the beginning she said she'd never researched her husband or the royal family but at the end talked about having to research things like the national anthem on google in order to because she had been given no education in terms of how to be a royal right down to how harry was right by her side he told me when i spoke to him that he'd talked to her for a long time what she could do and what she couldn't do there was also yes he did tell me that and also one of the queen's most favored assistants was given to them the couple for a year to help megan through it plus um a black soldier who was given to them the first black soldier who looked after the queen and that he would look after them as well and tell them how to get on so it's hard to say there was no one i completely understand the feeling of um loneliness though because if you change your country and you go into the royal family you can't go out as much as you would like and they are all so busy that it's hard i i i do feel great sympathy with that and i think that something should be done about people who do um join the royal family we saw that with diana actually saw it with fergie and yet we actually heard at the beginning of the show does anybody else feel that that show was almost a lifetime in terms of how much there is to remember let's go back to the very beginning the first time she met the queen they were at the royal lodge which she'd kind of skimmed over who that belonged to but let's be clear prince andrew um he's allowed to stay there he's allowed to stay there well he's in residence there is he not yeah uh and that fergie came dashing out to teach megan how to do a deep curtsy because she was about to meet the queen and didn't realize that that was expected of her yeah i could almost picture that i can picture that yeah but you should always drop in a deep curtsy when they weren't gonna when they go to on the ascot procession and they go past but that's just vague isn't it and you know i just didn't buy an awful lot of that a lot of it i really i mean i'm sorry i think that yeah obviously we all have sympathy over the struggles that she seems to have had but i really think that this was very dramatic i think it was well rehearsed in terms of the way she was presenting it in terms of the pauses that she was doing for somebody who wants to talk about her private life doesn't want to talk about private life wants to be a private person she's revealing on on air to millions of people before the family the sex of the next baby you know there's a lot of contradictions that was quite bizarre we've just had a gender reveal to tens of millions of people when they have been fighting in the courts is the kind of thing that we're used to seeing i thought the impression i got the impression that harry didn't want to reveal the birth because he said oh you do it and you do it you do it you do it and then said it and then he got incredibly emotional about it can i say one other thing which i thought was odd i thought her behavior changed when he came and sat next to her um i thought the way that the tone of the interview changed i think that when she was alone it was extremely dramatic this was the woman wanting to be the most famous woman in the world and she was giving a bucket loads of aggressive behaviors in terms of attacking the royal family did you find it aggressive i found some of the things that was said i think it's passive aggressive because you know she's saying making claims really serious claims against members of the family that can't really fight back if they start hitting back it's going to be the institution fights back against bournemouth charlie roberts there has to be some right of reply to some of these if they don't i think they're stupid that's my view on it but then when harry sat down i i wonder why he wasn't sitting there when he was they keep talking about respecting the queen well words are cheap okay that that that entire um interview did not respect the queen he did not respect the institution that she served for 75 years you know for all her adult life all of her life and i i find it you know it's almost as if harry and megan have got older the british flag because the monarchy in the crown it's not about royal family only it's not about the queen it's about part of our democracy and the fact is they've just got hold of our you know it's almost like they've burnt if they burnt the american flag or disowned the presidency they've attacked the institution of monarchy it's not show business it's part of what we are and when people go on the streets they wave their flags jubilees they're not just waving the flags of the crown they're not just waving their fans at the royal family it's it's they're actually patriotic they're celebrating themselves and that's the point this is a gross insult to the british people in my opinion i think so because also people think of the royal family as part of their own family it's a sort of extension they care about the babies that's why we wanted to know when abiarci was born um they care about people growing up they see them they follow them they are part of you and to hear someone to come in and smash the lot of them and to be really so forceful in their comments i i think it it made me feel very well built as their truth tonight one of the points uh in the in the weekend papers was about um the uh trip to australia in 2018 and megan not getting to grips with why so many crowds were there and one of the age was saying well because they respect the concept of the monarchy and the duty that the queen has lived all her adult life and you think well could that have really happened and obviously i mean they just didn't get it and and i don't i just don't understand what megan thought she was letting herself in really interesting that harry said that there were parallels with the he said i know i've said this before but i didn't want to see history repeat itself and then went on to talk about how megan had been such a hit as has it has his mother many many years previously i mean i think that you know harry was a little boy when his mother was out i mean i've been doing this 30 years i was there when diana was at the heart he was a little bit he wouldn't have known what was going on half the time the reality um and diana you know was it was a superstar on a different level to all of these people in my opinion but you know the reality here is she didn't know what she was getting into they gave her they went on a load of engagements a tour of great britain before the wedding that is something that they did something that no other royal bride had done or bride to be she was given a choice of what she did know what she was getting into i just don't think that she found going to nottingham on a wet wednesday as much fun as living in a big house in l.a and a lot of what's going on here in my opinion is excuses i really genuinely think that she's let they've let the side out and harry seems to say i didn't know i was trapped basically until megan told me i was trapped he seems you know very much in love with his wife and good luck to him but why did they have to go do this why do they have to just to actually destroy the attack the institution that they say they respect their the queen if they wanted to go to america fine okay do that set up your own foundation do your own private work do the helping people if you want to but you don't have to throw a great big hand grenade at the back of the palace and the institution of monarchy on the way out and attack all the members of the royal family in this way that to me has no explanation i don't understand why they've done it apart from there's bitterness and and frankly that is not a great reason to do an interview i think as well that harry was so shocked that prince charles stopped the money i mean prince charles gave fortunes to them megan had the most expensive cost of dresses that any other person royal person in europe and he kept on giving her money to buy these very expensive clothes he walked her down the aisle halfway looked after her mother who looked very lost at the end of the wedding and he had her on one arm and camilla on the other arm so he's done his best and so to be cut like that that's the kind his son prince okay he's not he's not any way the way that they're dressing this up if he's frustrated with his son i can unders i can understand his frustration i know that the prince of wales said this plan will not work that you're putting pudding to us you know this plan is not going to work you're going to have to come up with something that works then he went basically went straight off and did what he wanted to do megan said they were not trying to reinvent the wheel in terms of their suggestions that there were plenty of other royals that lived on on in royal cause she fully understands a lot of things i mean all that nonsense about prince art archie not being a prince she knows full well about letters peyton if she doesn't read about it because it's all there when the prince of wales becomes king if they want their son to be a prince and their daughter to be a princess they will be there is no racism involved here it's a simple matter of the way things work princess royals children are not are the grandchildren of the of the queen and prince philip they do not have any royal titles read it up look at what the system is do not make out or even hint that that is anything to do with race because it simply isn't and i thought that was really quite mendacious the way that was done she was absolutely furious too that when they took away the security guards when they were in canada because she said that you know she and archie were incredibly vulnerable and she said wrote to the palace saying you know make sure my husband keeps it we'll step back and be away but that wasn't the point of it they were then out of the country and and who pays for it yes the other thing about um harry saying you know we were cut off this man is worth 30 million pounds megan's worth about 5 million in her own right and under the backdrop of a global pandemic where hundreds of thousands of people have died where people have lost their jobs and are struggling throughout the world i think the the absolute lack of awareness is breathtaking yes they've certainly said that diana's money saved them and that's the neighbors also compared that come from diners money that was a divorce settlement which the queen paid char the queen paid most of that money to tell the divorce now then it happened that's tragically diana died but that money came from the queen it didn't come from diana what did you think of her suggestion that people might understand having lived through a year-long lockdown what it was like they're sitting they've just bought a 14 and i don't even like to bring in money all the time into it because every anyone can suffer from mental health issues and i have complete and utter um sympathy for her bringing her story out like that but let's just look at what is happening here um there is absolutely no correlation to their experience to most normal people around the world who will be watching this and i think most normal people will be absolutely staggered i think the trouble is you see when people are in a bubble we've all been in our own little lockdown bubbles it's quite difficult you know you start thinking you know in a different way and i think that they're in danger of actually becoming slightly deluded by being in their own lockdown bubble in their big mansion let's talk let's talk through some other uh of the big takeouts first of all they didn't get married when we thought they got married they got married three days before in their back garden at nottingham college at nottingham cottage sorry college that was astonishing they said they didn't want all that great big wedding what was important they just wanted the two of them and the archbishop of canterbury well one out they'd be paid 33 million pounds for that wedding if they wanted a smaller wedding i thought that was just why did we have the exchange of rings and and everything why was that a blessing why didn't they just if that was just if they'd already been married why didn't they just have a blessing yes i'll that could be considered as rather sweet and rather lovely if they if they wanted to just have their union before the big razzmatazz however if if that is the the message that you want to send out that we didn't we didn't want any of this well why still be talking about it she said it wasn't it it wasn't our day it was for the world i think you know what it might have been and that's exactly and it was a marriage is a legal thing a legal ceremony and that then means why did they go through the legal ceremony twice i don't understand that well and again why why on earth did the archbishop of country perform with ceremonies the words should be different if they're already married that's a different thing altogether there should be a blessing shouldn't be a marriage ceremony it's weird i mean it was it was a ceremony for the world i mean you remember being there in that day you were watching back on the television it was an extraordinary event um but this concept of we just wanted to live our own life and be very very quiet then then you come back to why on earth have you done this why are you doing gender reveal parties or not for winfrey but why are they doing this interview what has been the driver or the trigger i think it's bitterness i think megan is a very very strong-minded woman as harry said before the wedding what megan wants megan gets and she has a very clear robert johnson's book she has a very clear view of what she wants and she's a perfectionist there's nothing wrong with that but she hasn't actually won the battle with the royal family yet and i think that she wants to um well she said she's doing the the um because she wanted to have it was the loudest way of getting her voice back but she has had a voice she said that she wasn't she wasn't silent she was silenced yes but she wasn't silenced really i mean she says she couldn't speak to opera before she got married because they wouldn't let her and somebody was there well often they have some assistant there to make sure the journalist doesn't ask difficult questions but she went to do vogue she said guest edited vogue quite a lot in 2019 um she she did that without anybody making any problem about that and she did the interview in vanity fair two years earlier where she said what she wanted you can't just say that's the one thing that they stopped they didn't and in fact the palace said yesterday that um oprah came round a few days after to have a discussion with her at kensington palace and nobody was in the room so you have to see who's telling the truth here it's a big uh issue of who's right let's also pick up on some of the other stuff that there was something there was so much it was quite an incredible two hours of television wasn't it um they're having a girl the gender reveal we saw no more children planned that's it they've said so um any no big surprises there that's been influenced before because nearly 40 so that would be one reason also when harry wrote in that vogue issue he said that you shouldn't have more than two children because of climate change and all the rest um let's talk about uh her mental health admissions this evening i don't want to be alive anymore is what she said i was on the verge of suicide that's the truth it takes so much courage to admit you need help to admit that's how dark of a place you're in there was a breaking point i was very ashamed to say it at the time and to admit it to harry but i didn't want to be alive anymore that was a very real and constant thought harry then says i was desperate i went to all the places that i thought would help well well he would know let's just take take this at face value and this isn't enough you have to yeah you know um a really worrying claim i think uh the arena of mental health is is very much open uh harry was uh absolutely influential in setting up that why on earth couldn't he that as robert said earlier he's had counselling both before and after his you know period of leaving the royal family surely he knew the avenues that could be taken and i think this is it's really worrying i think and the palace will have an awful lot to to answer for if she did indeed go to members went to hr but how can i explain that she says i went to the institution she said she told them that she needed help and i was told i couldn't because it wouldn't be good for the institution she wanted to go to hospital and this tells you about her mental state wasn't very very fragile at the time and if that is the case then and she did try and make complaints it's just but harry had someone who'd helped him he admitted that why didn't he give them a call but also this doesn't make any sense whatsoever i think we need to try and get this that's what she says happened okay the prince of wales has had had counselling at the time of his um uh the time that he's married was going to crisis he got someone to help he got someone to help diana too beforehand now this is not an institution therefore that is against counselling or being treated for mental health far from it so i frankly find it astonishing that this claim that she's making i don't i don't actually the palace do you think the palace will have to come back on this well i i just look at the point is their point she's pointing a lot of fingers and she's saying that the hr department basically advised her not that she couldn't see anyone effectively that that's not because it wouldn't look good for the case when her power the man that walked down the aisle and the man who i think is uh is a very kind man and somebody who is a decent man and he would never have said in my opinion then you know write a book by three of him i just do not believe a man that's had counselling himself that got counselling from princess diana would simply say oh this is not we can't allow meghan markle to have counselling it would look bad how does that work when his own son has had counseling that doesn't make sense let's talk about the relationship with charles i mean a bit of a shocker tonight to hear harry say that i had two conversations when asked if he blindsided his grandmother he said i had two conversations with my grandmother and my father he didn't i don't think he meant that he'd had two conversations with his father until he stopped taking my calls because i'd taken matters into my own hand it's sad that it's got to this point but i had to do it for my mental health for my wife and for all of you and one can understand that of course if he thought that this was the avenue that he was he had to take to protect his family and protect his own mental health then good luck to him um i think it's a very very sad situation that uh the i mean the absolute disintegration of his relationship both with his father and his brother and most people that they've spent the last two hours creating a huge broadside do you not think it's a little unfair it's okay them speaking about themselves that's fine they're both saying you know they felt harry didn't know he was trapped he didn't know he was um you know he was he there was this issues of racism and it was the way he was brought up bottom line is let them speak for themselves do not put then what they've been making suggestions about other people that can't really answer back kate they've said things about her she cannot give a response how come she can how can she i don't know i can't see how she can and i don't think she probably will the prince of wales is basically trapped in this institution they're talking about the next king okay and it's as i've said before it's intrinsic about our system of democracy something i don't think meghan markle's quite worked out but the point of it is you can't start saying you're basically saying that he's you know he's trapped he doesn't want to be the king which is not true you know so these these things you can't stop making these assertions and not give these people the chance to speak back but they know they can't speak back because it will just be seen as tit-for-tat and the way the only winner in all of this is opera winfrey that's all i can say uh well harry actually sorry if i could just think there's something about washing your dirty linen in public that's very unappealing and certainly the royal dirty linen um i think you have to protect even the people you're not keen on or you don't particularly like or you've had arguments with because it is absolutely i think it reverberates back on you what he said harry was um i mean as we drew to the end of the interview if they'd had the support that he'd been seeking they would still be there uh harry felt ashamed to admit that megan needed help because he knew it wouldn't sit well um that i was trapped and i didn't know i was trapped trapped within the system like the rest of my family but the two of them are intelligent people okay so how they both try and dumb down their their own intelligence all the time i didn't know i couldn't look up this uh thing on google i didn't know about the cursing i didn't know about the national anthem nobody took me through it i didn't know i was trapped i just i just find this uh extraordinary from two apparently intelligent people that they that they need their hand held all the time into in how to you can understand why there's a schism in the royal family with them i mean i think that clearly he talks about his relationship with his older brother william you know we're on different paths she said that before but they need space space we've been through hell together i love william to bits yeah well i'm sure he does but you know he's insulted william's wife um i think that's gonna be quite difficult to come back from well he didn't megan spoke out against her and said that she's a victim of falsehoods well he's called he's called kate a liar and effectively might say that kate made her cry um that's pretty bad stuff and all the while harry said that he would have been listening in to the interviews it's not though he came in blind and and he didn't know what was being said i think will this uh statue unveiling on the first of july happen now where are you supposed to have will harry be welcomed back in if not immediately i mean listen the door is always open that was what had always been said um but this queen if she's still alive and he wants to come back she will welcome him because she adored him and he had said how well they got on and she went to her more in the last year than he has probably for the for the entirety of his life he said well she's very busy woman and maybe she hasn't got time to have these long chats and it's been very different in the lockdown but i i think that you can't have your voice and not let other people have their voice and i think that that is um completely wrong it's not just up to you i mean the bottom line is yeah i think ultimately is they've insulted not only the family but the institution of the monarchy they've effectively uh ripped up the contract would never complain never explain uh they they came across i think is totally self-indulgent um i really do not believe some of the accusations that have been made um i think that there was a performance from beginning to end and which ones do you take um uh most um i find it extraordinary i find it extraordinary the race claims um i think if you're gonna make those claims you really do have to back them up they're very serious allegations you cannot then say i'll never go there it's b they put it out in the open and then paul batson i'll never go there reveal who said it i'm sorry if you're gonna make allegations back it up either put up or shut up i think it's also awful to attack your father like that i mean he's 36 now he's a grown man he's not a sort of teenager who needs his pocket money you know he should be more independent there's nothing wrong with that and to sort of slicing him in that way and there was a very very long pause when he was asked about how he got on with his father and you could see that he obviously didn't i thought he was about to cry actually yeah i thought he was i thought he was right so is russell the bottom line here is he's that was very cutting we could about his remarks about you know we couldn't have done it without my mother's money and that's just another go at his father his father has supported them throughout and i thought i thought actually it was it's very unfair he will be deeply hurt by this i i've no doubt about that it's i mean i think it's incredibly cutting and um they seem to be as i said very self-indulged people and they don't really understand what's been going on in this country um with a lot of so many people dying so many people having terrible lives they're talking about their almost unbearable lives well i'm sorry i don't think many people but is it when it when unsurvivable yeah unsurvivable she is now one of the most famous women in the world which she certainly wasn't she's extremely rich now which she she was had five million but she's now worth much more she's got lots of jewels she's got this um she's deeply unhappy does that mean anything no but she's not shouldn't be deeply unhappy you know she's got a home she's got the man she loves she's had one child she unfortunately had a miscarriage but she's lucky to have another one so quickly after that miscarriage you know it's it's it's wonderful and that i think you've got to learn you have to compromise even if you don't like things you've got to forgive a bit she wants to help the world be more compassionate but i think the compassionate starts at home you know you you have to be compassionate yourself before you go out wanting to lecture the world the overriding thing of this is one of intense sadness and before this had even been screened the people that we would all spoken to will tell you the senior roles the queen charles williams were deeply deeply saddened that it come to this what must they be feeling when they wake up in the morning and then you read the reports of this programme they will be absolutely devastating i hope that duke of edinburgh has not given the papers in the morning well he's recovering from hospital i think we've forgotten the fact that yeah this is all coming out while a man who's served his queen and country all these adult life is you know coming up to three weeks in hospital it's it's the selfishness element to it i i don't see the what they've gained from this i don't see what the point of it was um all this mudslinging if they wanted to set up their new life they were given that opportunity and they would have just been surely better placed not saying all this and just going on and helping save the world there is no need to attack the queen there's no need to attack the institution of monarchy and all they've done is opened up old wounds which would be very difficult to heal i mean arguably the queen was was somebody probably the one person they went out of their way to express deep respect for but they they were very rude about well you know um sussex royal uh and the queen said you can't use royal you know if you're no longer working member of the royal family and then out came on their instagram you know uh she does not have any say outside of the country you don't have to say that you don't have to get back on people all the time and by having sorry for the clash of respect for the queen is is absolutely just run roughshod over it by absolutely slamming every other single member of the family i mean the the stuff that's going to be really hard for uh the palace to not come back on and i know that normally it is never complain never explain but how do you not explain the accusations of in systemic racism of the royal family but they're not only saying systemic racism they're specifically said that it was a member of the royal family who we made a member yeah a guessing game the next week or so all the tabloids are going to say who is the racist now the the point of that is all the way through this interview now this is why i do pick up where i think oprah winfrey and she said you know she would let herself down a bit which you can't say they and make all these claims without actually saying well who's they when was it said she did what was it but harry said he would never do that that would be damaged she pushed him and but they was left they what who is they the royal family the palace courts who are they need to be pinned down because they're too serious these allegations and i think that i mean i know the palace will be watching um and then i hope they respond very quickly to to counter this but you can't make those allegations unless you back them up and they didn't back them up the other thing is that they the whole one of the huge reasons why they wanted to go was to have privacy and to live ordinary lives and by doing all this putting themselves in the public eye so much and this which is absolutely astonishing and will be talked about for months if not years um this is throwing away their privacy this is opening up something which they never really wanted to do why are they it's a very good point why don't they why don't they live quietly and get on with that chicken coop we weren't allowed to see the 25 room house where we mentioned you know we were showing the little chicken coop like his little farm but not the mansion it's interesting but it's interesting you said you're quite right there how do they come back to ever claiming a right to privacy yes having shared so much yeah so much that we didn't need to know actually you could still make some sort of stand for people who goes to the go to the palace who are uncustomed that things more things need to be done they need a sort of lesson a week about how to deal with it all those practical things i think would be absolutely fine and are probably very much needed but to sort of pour out all the sort of details of yourself when you wanted to leave because you hated the invasion on your privacy i find just well it's hypocritical isn't it if they if they had sat sat down and done an interview about how arcade the institution was how they wanted to you know live a life of service as they have said but do it in a different way and and it just wasn't for us we couldn't get to grips with the arcade nature of it everybody would have wished them well and i think people will see a lot of this as vicious and that's really really unfortunate and they're on their part because there was a moment where they were contemplating that because what harry said is we get to canada and then suddenly my my security detail is is taken away from me the world knows where we are everyone's on lockdown we're not safe i've got to do something and that the plan with netflix and spotify hadn't even been considered at that point um he was already filmed asking about getting um um bob iger megan's voice over work when she was a working royal so that's simply not true is it no i mean this this is this plan i don't believe that for a second i think that this plan was always the way get to get to california where megan felt very comfortable no doubt she had said to him uh you know we don't need to live like this he said he didn't realize he was trapped until she told him and then she gave him the perfect out and to go and live in california where they where she knew they would be the the hot ticket took me through this everyone for a while there'll be a hot ticket yeah can meghan markle ever sit at the same table as members of the royal family she won't want to no she won't want to if she'd wanted to she wouldn't have done this interview quiet absolutely can you see a moment where she walks into a room with kate i mean just let's go back to the i can't early see her the relationship between wally simpson and the queen mother okay i think when when catherine is his queen consort it'll be the same relationship with with meghan markle they'll both be around but i cannot see there ever being a healing because you know you it it's what they've said is is pretty much you know they put a wrecking ball right the way through and actually when you boil it down i mean it was an exchange well she wouldn't let me recap on what she said and we can we can pick it apart uh the reports that she made make kate middleton cry she said was a turning point because it didn't happen and it was really difficult the reverse happened she owned it and apologized and bought me a bought me flowers it was what i would have done too if i'd hurt someone i protected i protected that from ever coming out into the world until she put it out into the world um there wasn't a confrontation i don't think it's fair to get into the detail of it she she's suggested because she's apologizing i might buy shares in interflora because if she's sending flowers when she's hurt people this is you know that's exactly what she's going to have to do because how on earth do you make amends but she also said at the time she said it wasn't enough she was that kate had sent her flowers but it wasn't enough and i thought to myself um how do you mean that you know do you have to have two bunches or they've got to be 25 roses rather than 10 roses that's a very odd thing because megan people have to follow what she wants and and it's it's very difficult a to know what it is and be to fulfill it in a way that she would be satisfied again i i'm amazed that half of the story if that is the truth hasn't come out you know there's plenty of people who were aware incredibly wronged didn't she that that nobody spoke up and protected them that she believed that there was always going to be this protection and it just wasn't there well you have to i think we revert back to the you know the bullying row the allegations that have come out uh last week and talking to you know valentine lowe who who wrote that story and the sources that he'd spoken to said that megan wanted drama drama drama from the off because in their words they saw it as an opportunity to get harry away from the family he didn't know who's trapped and then she convinced him um if that is the situation then i think a lot of it speaks through itself and people will will see through it but i think it's always a mistake fortune and it was a damn big fortune i think it's always a mistake to pour out everything like that to the public because i'm sure in a few years time harry will really regret it well there is something to be said you know before before watching that this evening earlier today i watched the interview with edward and wallace simpson which was given when he was at the age of 75 from their apartment in paris and it was sad but actually they were posed with with questions that were equally as difficult but it's actually what they didn't say that said so much oh he regretted because the emotion and the heat had gone out of their their responses because time had passed was this something that as angela suggests they is this something they're going to live to regret do you think without doubt i mean i mean i don't know if she will because i think she's um somebody that simply wants to be the most famous woman in the world and she's just achieved it but i think he undoubtedly will regret it because you know there's nothing to do very difficult it's very very difficult to build bridges with your members of your family when you've gone public it's pretty difficult if you're just saying it privately what if you've said the things privately to them which i'm sure he has but to say it to the world and then expect it to all get better in time i think you're asking a lot but also it depends what he's going to miss i think he's going to miss his military contacts hugely they say they're going to continue with the charities that they were supporting before but they won't really be able to and and will the charities respond i mean if they get another a patron another member of the royal family they can't have them bursting in he's gonna they did go to lengths to point out that all of that had been taken away from them and the titles that uh they knew they knew but prince andrew has retained his military titles and let's face it the claims they want to speak to him as a witness his lawyers are saying you can't and i think it's a bit of a curveball to sort of just say that if his lawyers said don't speak to him as a witness then he has to abide by it personally i wish he would yeah but he hasn't been charged with anything he hasn't run away um and we don't know how guilty if at all he he is so um that's probably why they're still there whereas um prince harry and megan wanted to get away i think you find in america there's going to be a major feeling that now that now now they will think about royal family they believe a lot of it is from the crowd anyway and that that's all true even though it's fiction um they're not going to think our royal family is racist full of bullies sexist sexist and it's damaged and the way they say they respect the royal family they've completely disrespected this country that they've got no emotional intelligence that they don't know when somebody needs i know people in my mother's generation will be utterly furious at the way they've destroyed where people used to go off they used to fight for king and country queen and country you know that wasn't they weren't actually doing it for queen and country they were doing it for their families but this matters to people and it may not matter to some of the younger generations but it's a deeply insulting to your country and to the people and he doesn't seem to have understood that one iota talk me through the scenes tomorrow or right now actually at the palace as they assemble a response or prepare senior members for the royal family who haven't sat up to watch through the night um as to so what comes next before we wrap this up you know well where do you start yeah there are just so many different allegations that have been labeled they will you know it's debatable whether there will be a response one would assume that they wouldn't but how can they not i mean i think they i think they respond to the racism and and the mental health claims i mean equally damaging a duty of care has been foregone that for a woman who was suicidal very clear russell i mean it's not really any they're not she's not a she's not a pa working at the palace i understand that going to human resources saying i need help and they would have to look after she's a member of the royal family whose husband and father-in-law both sought professional mental health help they work for charities okay even a foundation for mental health giving them access to all of the mental health practices across the whole country so why then if she's given out this advice could she not find one single person to help her at a professional capacity and the doctor would make any sense they would also be very quiet about it they would it's comfortable it doesn't make any sense of course they have access if i have want to go and see a psychiatrist i can pick up the phone as can you and all of us well let's let's remember robert in the diana interview 25 years ago with panorama she talked out about how uh the palace sent multiple therapists to to her and she talked very openly about it but didn't ultimately didn't claim that it helped her but the fact was the past had supplied that help and support if i remember correctly it is almost 4 a.m no because that's where we're getting confused with her they if but hr departments it's all nonsense the fact is her own husband had sought professional help her father-in-law saw professional help therefore all she had to say is can i speak to you could you ask your counselor to get me a counselor please darling what is he talking about when he says what is he talking about when he says they didn't want they would they the firm would not allow that that family would not allow that doesn't make sense but they were like very categoric about it weren't they that they had both going seek this help and that help was was refused but he has had help can i just say about what how the the palace are going to uh respond i think they're not going to go through the list because of course it would take far too long i think they're going to say the minimum and they're just going to be you know they're very sad that this is how they feel because it's too much to take on i think if they start justifying themselves i'll never stop it'll never stop i'm just totally right it's it's an investigation into bullying yes but that wouldn't they can do that anyway but well i i i think an occasion to label the institution of the monarchy racist i think they have to say something very clear and direct about that to say that they do not in any way help in with mental health and didn't help her i think they have to respond but also robert surely by saying it was a member of the family they only report up in terms of so you're getting a really clear idea that this is a small poor people they're referring they're basically tarring all of them with the same brushes yeah until they identify whoever this race is like last week last week as well they made a real big issue the palace once they were announcing this bullying investigation to say that buckingham palace or the households are a duty is it a dignity at work place is a government scheme signed up to protect people in those situations now again so maybe this investigation will go side by i didn't mean that they're going to respond to them with the list i don't i think they're just going to not say very much there but get there yes but guys get on with the expression about how dark the skin of this baby was going to be it's pretty grotesque okay if this was said and we only we have their word that was said that is a real problem for the royal family it is but a lot um people out there you know you know whether or not you know you know as as as four white people sitting here i think it was said or not the bottom line if that was said by a member of the royal family that is appalling that is important and they they should be identifying that person and frankly if that person is in in the royal family they should not be in a position of authority they should not be in the line of succession and they should be asked leave and the other thing i would say by the way is given what they've just said about the royal family this couple they basically loathe everything about it from what they've said they pretty much said they want to do their duty but we want to do it our way but they don't like the institution they pretty much slammed it then at sixth in line to the throne he should walk away and give up his line of success it's not a game it's not a showbiz there's these questions should now be raised in parliament he doesn't want to be it now they're two breaths away from prince william had uh coveted certain prince charles we could be in a situation where prince harry the man who's just absolutely slated along with his wife the monarchy as an institution as the regent to a young prince george if the queen you know if that's the situation that can't be so that needs to be resolved frankly he needs to walk away himself well the three of you thank you so much you've stayed up through the night to watch this i don't know about you but i think that was a night that many will remember um because i mean it has to be up there with the panorama diana interview in terms of explosive oh big i think it was explosive bigger yeah thank you so much you can go to bed now it's the biggest night we've had in lockdown that's for sure thank you so much for watching we'll be back on thursday with another episode of the royal beat until then thank you so [Music] much [Music] you
Channel: True Royalty TV
Views: 146,176
Rating: 4.2664881 out of 5
Keywords: Meghan Markle, Meghan Markle Interview, Meghan Markle interview Oprah, Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah Winfrey Meghan Markle, Prince Harry
Id: kZL6J5tTFfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 49sec (3169 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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