3 Books that Changed My Way of Living

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in this video i'm gonna share the three books that completely changed my way of living helping me transition from city to cabin life on a personal level but also professional these three books are very different from each other so i put them in three different categories philosophical career and health if you're new here my name is calla and i moved out to this little log cabin in the middle of nowhere about three years ago it's a very simple lifestyle and we have no running water so if we feel like taking a shower we have to do that outside in the snow when i moved out here i suddenly got a lot more time on my hands way more than i was ever used to before because i didn't have to go to a regular 9-5 job anymore and i sat and thought about like what should i do with all the time and what i always came back to is that i want to educate myself and that for me means listening to podcasts meeting new interesting people discovering and learning from new books so that's what we're gonna do today learn from new books we're gonna head in head inside and then let's talk some books [Music] since this is three books we're gonna have a top three list starting of course with number three and then going to number two and then number one and at the very very top of the list is a book that it's hard to put into words sometimes that book completely changed my view of the world it was like seeing the matrix for the very very first time or as this review says there is the world before this book and there's the world after this book but more on that later now we're gonna start with number three breath the new science of a lost art as i told you before i divided them into three categories and this one falls in the category health and i'm going to read from the very top of the back of the book no matter what you eat how much you exercise how skinny or young or wise you are none of it matters if you're not breathing properly and this book got me thinking about breathing it may sound it may sound like the most obvious thing to do in the world like we just breathe without thinking about it but during and after reading this book i discovered a new way of breathing i thought about how i was breeding and how i can also improve my own breathing to exercise and just live my breathing works as it is now but the way i'm reading from now on as of after reading this book is just so much healthier for me and the body the headline of the book it says the new science of a lost art i wouldn't say that much of a science maybe james nestor the author he's a journalist he's trying a lot of methods on himself maybe that's science i don't know but i would say it's more experimental where he tried different methods on himself and he shares that experience with you as a reader and i got to learn so much i never thought about how different it could be breathing through the nose and how you can use different techniques for that and the sleeping patterns i also discovered new ways of eating that might sound weird but actually what we're eating in the modern world are so soft you know where everything is processed or mushed together we're not having the the crunch that stuff used to have like texture in the meat or really stiff carrots or yeah you know what i mean and the problem with that is that if the salt the food is too soft our jaws is jaws jaws yeah jaws you know these ones are not going to work as much as they should do and so we've actually started implementing more chewy food in our diet and what that means with the jaws this is really hard to explain i figure out now when i'm talking about it out loud but what that helps with is shaping the mouth so it has a easier time to breathe i already have like a i'm on the minus because when i was a teenager like 16 17 or something i got braces and they also pulled out four teeth one up here and then one down here one up here and then one down here and the problem with that is that the braces push my all my teeth together i made a very like yeah they're very straight and nice today but the problem is that my tongue doesn't actually really fit in my mouth as it should and that's conflicting with my breathing and it doesn't really help but thanks to these techniques it gets easier of course but i got very very aware of my breathing and that's the reason i wanted to share this book with you as well because i think a lot of people has a lot to learn from learning how to breathe again like rediscovering that lost art the next book is called company of one why staying small is the next big thing for business and as you might have guessed this is the career category of these three books when i took my hobby of filmmaking for example and made it into my full time living this is the book i wish i read back then because it would save me so much time energy and frustration i actually started my own company back in 2011. back then i had no idea what i was doing i was guest guessing my way through the world but the reason i got into starting my own company and being self-employed was thanks to my parents my mom is still self-employed to this day and my dad has been most of his years in business as well one thing that i thought was the coolest thing on earth growing up was a thing that my dad did i was a kid back then just a few years and he was about to head off to work in stockholm the main city of our main capital of sweden and i just you know went up to that and asked like dad do you do you think you can take some time off work so we can spend some time together he's like yeah oh yeah i have to call my boss and check if if that's okay so my dad walked up to the wall grabbed the phone and dialed a number and then a few seconds later his cell phone rang so he picked that up hi this is lars oh hi yeah this is also lars i wanted to check if i can take some time off to spend with my son yeah of course you can but it's good that you check with your boss so everything is okay over here as well yeah yeah of course but yeah now i'm going back to play with my son is that okay yeah of course and then he hung up both phones i just thought that was like the coolest thing ever that he could be in control over his own decision and his own time how he wanted to spend it and that really inspired me so much as i'm sitting here even today talking about it and that got me inspired to start my own company years later of course but that was the seed of understanding that maybe nine to five isn't the way for me but let's go back to the book a bit not just my own life experience the author of this book he was in the the corporate world the business world but he left that working for really really important clients and then stepped down because he realized that the high pressure of big business wasn't suitable for him he realized that nine to five even wasn't for him and again he made me realize through this book that why i chose this lifestyle of being self-employed because the reason i always come back to is that i want to control my own time what i hated about the jobs what not when i was working in stores and for clients before wasn't that i like didn't enjoy what i was actually doing maybe but i wasn't enjoying enjoying it because i couldn't decide over my own time and this book completely changed my view on how i should look at 95 how i should look at my own business and how i can grow it in a sustainable way because growing a company bigger doesn't necessarily mean better growth is not bad but growing it in a sustainable way and just to be clear you can have a company one even if you're in a bigger company as well you can have your own little small company one in a big company or you can be self-employed next book is ishmael an adventure of mind and spirit so now we're at the top of the list and this is the philosophical one and this is the book i mentioned at the beginning that completely changed my view of the world like seeing the matrix for the very first time but i don't want to give away too much of this book i just want to give you a sales pitch so you understand why you need to read this book and i'm going to read directly from my phone because i found a review of the book online on youtube yesterday from a librarian because i had a really hard time putting this book into words and explaining it what it actually is about and what it actually has meant to me in the opening of this book the narrator sits down in his chair opens up a big magazine and then reads an ad teacher seeks pupil must have earnest desire to save the world apply in person and that person reading the magazine the narrator was like he was so pissed off because he'd been seeking for teacher for a very long time trying to understand the world but all the people he had met so far was just yeah fake and phony so he went down to that place as i said applying person so he went down to the address that that it says found only one person there and he said all right i'm here what do you teach i teach captivity says the teacher back captivity but the ad said you must have an earnest desire to save the world what has captivity to do with saving the world and then the teacher ishmael says back amongst the people of your culture how many wish to destroy the world and a man thinks a bit and then he says i don't think i know anyone who wants to destroy the world ishmael looks at him and says and yet you are every day by your actions does this need explanation and the man says no not to me excellent so why don't you stop and the man thinks again for a long time and finally says we don't know how to stop the teacher looks at the man saying precisely you're held captive by a system by a story that basically compels you to destroy the world in order to live in it if you like to save the world shouldn't you find out what's keeping you captive and the book is about exploring what he meant by that this book is raising a lot of questions uncomfortable questions things you never thought of was the problem until you actually stopped up and thought about them the teacher asked the student a lot about modern society and it forces him to look at his own life but also other people's lives around him like in a way he never thought about before and that's what i want to give this book to you as a recommendation because it made me look at the world from a completely different angle now we have arrived at the very very best part of this video the part where you get to listen to one of these books for free thanks to the sponsor of this video audible visit audible.com or text cal leveling in one word to 500 500 and you will get one free audiobook in 30 days free trial and right now for a limited time save 60 on your first three months on audible that's less than six dollars a month i'm honestly so happy that i want to sponsor this video because i've been using audible for years now i can easily say that it's my most used app on my phone i use it every single day audible 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with the membership to get your free audiobook and 30 days free trial you can just click the link right up there or go to audible.com and it would be really fun if you can comment down below as well which one of my recommendations you're gonna listen to first thank you for watching and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Kalle Flodin
Views: 433,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Outdoor, cabin life, what it takes to live a simple life, simple life, visit sweden, visit sweden tourism, minimalism, minimalist living, slow living, simple living, kalle flodin, sweden, nordic, nordics, rural life, wild, swedish wilderness, village, countrylife, country style, lifestyle, woods, into the wild, scandinavia, a new time, Company of one, Breathe, Ishmael, book recommendations, life changing books, best books, books that changed my life, books that will change your life
Id: fGRnPYqo6t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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