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oh this winter we have been trying out a very small scale version of what is called pale grazing so instead of using the hay rack for feeding them we have been feeding them on different places every day [Applause] that means that we are spreading out the waste or the hay that they are not eating and also spreading out the manure problem is the aria here is so small they're winter okay uh but it seems that if we feed them the right amount they eat almost everything so there is very little waste but it also depends when we open those hay bales one is of a quality that they like better than another so it really varies how much goes to waste when farmers with a lot more animals do this they place the hay bales already in the place where they are going to have their animals in the winter so they don't have to move them again they just open them up and put a round kind of rack on top of it i will put a link in the description to a friend of mine who does this and she has a vlog where she wrote about it unfortunately [Applause] the blog is in swedish so though for those of you who speak swedish it can be very interesting now something to snap on but even though you don't understand swedish you can go there to the article and look at the pictures and see what i mean this bale grazing method is very interesting because it means that you don't have to have your animals inside all winter and you don't have to manage the manure and and the waste in the same way they are doing that themselves and all the regenerative farmers that i've spoken to have seen an enormous improvement in uh in the growth in the grass in the summer on the places where they have bale grazed in the winter [Applause] so we have tried to implement the ideas of belgrazing in our very very small the plan was to to be feeding them all over this place outside their winter pets it's very good and have the snow as the the fence instead [Applause] when there is a lot of snow they just walk from their house to the feed and back so they don't like to be walking in the deep snow the birds are saying that the spring is here i guess it's time for that it feels a little bit early i was planning on having the path to the sheep and then just a loose fence that i could stick in the middle of the path and snow on on both sides usually we have more than a meter of snow here so the sheep would not have walked in that unless i feed them so that would have been interesting to try but this winter has been so bad but we have fed them like that in the old winter pen on different places each day and then in the in the one that they are living in right now and then some new snow have come and we have fed them again so it will be interesting to see how it will affect the grass and ecology in the pens this summer [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] he's done [Music] come on [Music] huh [Music] um so since i last filmed and spoke about the feeding of the sheep it has snowed a lot so i started feeding them outside the pen just walking some pads for them and putting the hay in different places every time and it has been working very well they have not been venturing out very far in the deep snow if i don't walk a path for them they won't go there so this really spreads out the manure and all the waste from the hay as well it looks really good oh okay [Applause] so in the old times when there was lots of cows sheep and goats roaming in these forests the ecology here was very different it was much more diverse and the livestock found much more to eat in these forests then because they shaped it with their hooves and the manure and everything with what is called animal impact so what i have been thinking about is how can i make patches of this forest look like it did back then in the summer our sheep have had access to these forests so they have been making pets here but since there are not so much for them to eat they just go on a walk and then they come back home of course they have found some places where there are something to eat but not that much it's mostly moss and blueberries here and they don't seem to eat this blueberry bushes so what i've been thinking is that if i feed them here in the winter time then they trample and spread their manure and and the leftover hay will fertilize the ground so that the ecology will change and that will make the land change to something more like it was back then the only problem is i don't really know how to do this in a practical way so if you have any ideas how i could do this fence them in somehow and move them and feed them in places because here in the forest there is not so much snow so they will not be staying in some in the same place so the animal impact will be less if they are roaming around too much so i need some way to fence them in and the fencing will have to be very easily moved like in the summer with the flex in it maybe i could use the flexi net but that you should use electricity on the flexi net otherwise they can hurt themselves if they get stuck in it if there is electricity in it they will avoid touching it but the problem with electricity is that we are off-grid here and in winter time the batteries won't last and the small solar panel we have won't charge the batteries for that and grounding is very hard with the frozen ground and so on so i really don't know how how would i do this in a practical and easy way of course we could use the wired fencing put it up somehow that is more like a permanent solution i really would like to be able to move them really easily from place to place and and also choose the patches where i want them to to make an impact i really want the blueberry bushes to be here as well so i would like to help form the landscape with with the help of the animals so if you have some ideas on how i could do this practically uh that would be nice so so so have gone through a major detox you had some fever for some days knee or two runny nose i'm on the better side now and eva still has some cough but better but matias yeah i was laying in bed the whole day yesterday yeah but now it feels okay so matthias is the one who has been taking care of everything everything the shores and yeah me and eva so hopefully it will be all good soon enough [Music] it's the first time ever has had some fever and cough like this so it feels good to know that he is able to he's able to detox as well but it isn't so nice for him to have cough in the evenings or nights no it's disturbs his sleep but i think it's a little bit better now but overall we have not noticed any deep in the energy or something it has been behaving the same some evenings maybe but a little bit overall running around being the same child so we took a little bit of them so we took a little bit of an unplanned vacation this february yeah when i started filming everything when i started filming it had been raining and it was really bad and then a lot of snow came so we have had some kind of winter yeah it is it has been really nice the last couple of days with sun just a few minus degrees but now it's plus again so i guess some will melt again the woodpecker is making spring noises and uh and has been for the whole of february and the thalioxa i have no idea what it is it's singing as well non-think tit spring sounds really looking forward to spring now actually this strange winter so it feels like i'm ready for more warmer days and less snow and even though we haven't had much snow at all this winter and we have finally started to talk with the carpenter that is making our windows and uh planning on how they will look and will send us a suggestion and how much suggestions yes yes so that feels really good so it has been like yeah i'm busy busy busy call you in a few weeks [Music] but it's a small very small company that is really enthusiastic about old-fashioned old-fashioned houses and renovating and restoring old old buildings i think it will be good yeah yeah they know what they are doing so i'm quite excited to see what they have done what they will do what they will do [Laughter] um [Laughter] yeah as you can see you know losing energy here he's talking very much too [Applause] saying after everything we say and remembers everything so it can go days since we talked about we talked about kittens now kittens yeah a lot of words i don't remember speaking of that he has catched on so it's interesting to see his vocabulary growing every day so it's like we can have real conversations now because yes [Music] so i guess this is it for this episode thank you for watching and we'll see you in the next one [Applause] [Music] no no no glory him oh [Music] you
Channel: Talasbuan
Views: 66,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: talasbuan, off grid living, off grid sweden, fäbod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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