The Truth About My Fight "Controversy" w/ iDubbbz

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Not a bad little documentary. Don't wanna knock him too hard, cause he's obviously good at what he does, but I'd like Dr. Mike's content so much more if he was more of a natural comedian, he always comes off as a dad trying to be funny to me. regardless, Always gonna love me some creator clash content. Personally, I thought the uproar over the "controversies" was pretty stupid, but still good of him to talk them out. Hope we don't have to wait too long for a Creator Clash 2!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 73 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JohnnyGeniusIsAlive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The truth is that he had his fists surgically removed and replaced with little butterfly lips.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dvc420 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeesh, people really made him out to be the villain huh, to the point of booing him as he was entering and criticising every single move he made in the ring… I’m πŸ’€

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UnboundHeteroglossia πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mikes a good guy. The booing is just cause it’s Ian’s event really. No matter who Ian would have fought they probably woulda gotten booed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ifwecod πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol takes one to know one as only jealous of him as what have you achieved so far in life as unlike him he works hard

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Every_Anywhere2441 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 17 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- It all started with this video. - If you guys have any other influencers in mind that wouldn't wimp out on a boxing match, I am so beyond down. - [Mike] Which led to this message, which led to this message, which led to these antics. - Dr. Mike has 10 years of boxing experience, I'm still going to win. - It's really unfortunate that I have to knock out iDubbbz. - I've got three sexiest doctors and I'm gonna kick their asses. - Unlike iDubbbz, I did not put my life on hold for this. - Bitch, I've been setting up this event. It's gonna be a multi-million dollar event. - Dr. Mike's a bitch. - What even type of doctor are you, a pediatrician? - It's a good thing there's gonna be a doctor in the ring, all seriousness. - You're gonna die tomorrow. - Which led to, this. (crowd cheering) (suspenseful music) It was supposed to be four fucking rounds! (suspenseful music) - [Sam] Ready to talk about the controversy? - The controversy, the controversy, the controversy. Over a million raised for charity, and we're talking about controversy. But, there's a lot of controversy, so. Don't panic. - How you doing? - [Mike] What's up buddy? - Hey. - Nice to officially meet in person. - Yeah. - How are you, how are you? - [Mike] Hi. - This is Anisa. - [Mike] Nice to meet you in person. - This man's gonna go and try to knock your head off. And so is this man. How do you see this fight going? How do you get the W? - I think there's gonna be a lot of nerves on both sides no matter how cool and calm and collected we seem. - I'm excited to see what happens. I don't know what's gonna happen. - This is our main event and I can tell you right now, while these two are competitors, while they're respectful, as the time nears, things are gonna get interesting. - [Sam] All right Mike, we need immediate reaction. - Immediate reactions? - [Sam] You just met iDubbbz, what do you think? - I'm hype. I mean, he's a really nice guy. It's almost awkward at this point. Remember what I said in the video, "Out of respect, we fight." Cool tats, I wish I had more tats. I think that's my biggest disadvantage going into the fight, lack of tats. - [Thomas] We peel back the tats. - It's one tat to 20 tats. - [Friend] Where are we going, go all the way down? - We're about to do the ceremonial weigh-in as well as the media interviews, talk some smack, get some hype for the fight. (spectators speaking in background) Did you see his traps? Show 'em, do the trap thing. - Ooh! - Yeah, cobra-style. - Ooh, lemme see the traps, come on. Let me see the traps. - Weak traps. You know what though? I just watched a video on Snapchat yesterday, 'cause I was gonna critique it medically. 'Cause the title of the video is, "How You Can Know If Someone's Using Steroids." I'm like, "Bullshit, you could never know when someone's using steroids." And they're like, "If someone gets really big traps." - [Ian] Oh, that's slander. - No, no, no, I'm just gonna finish it, because there's a lot of androgenic receptors there for the steroids to hit. So people with big traps, I don't know, I'm just saying. - No, that's slander. You can't say that. - Bro, are you roiding bro? - Short interjection here. As I said, we're about to do the ceremonial weigh-in. But we're a bunch of liars, because we've already weighed in. Usually, the official weigh-in is done the day before to ensure that if somebody's gonna miss weight, you don't wanna find out last minute in front of a huge audience. It also allows fighters who cut a lot of water weight to rehydrate for the lights and cameras. In addition to the official weigh-in, we met with doctors who checked over our various criteria and made sure that we were physically and mentally ready to step into that ring. - Dr. Mike weighs in today at 188.4. (crowd applauding) Now I know why he's main event, take a look at that. (crowd laughing and applauding) iDubbbz weighs in today at 188 pounds. (crowd cheering) - It's a good thing there's gonna be a doctor in the ring, all seriousness. - Yeah, it's kind of a cool thing to say, I guess. (everyone laughing) - Let's go. (intense music) I can't believe we sold this motherfucker out. - [Driver] 10,000 right? - Yeah. Got the ramp for the elderly, all right. - Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go baby! (intense music) (crowd cheering) - Peewoop! - Main focus is just relax, calm, joking around. That's what we want. When we see that, then it's okay. If he's like (gasping), "Houston, we got a problem." (intense music) This is it, this is it man. - Dr. Mike! (intense music) (crowd cheering) iDubbbz! (intense music) This match is about to explode! - [Commentator] Four rounds, three minutes, well-balanced flow! Here we go! - [Analyst] God, Dr. Mike is swinging to put him to bed! - [Commentator] He drifts early, there's that overhand. Oh, nice jab, iDubbbz. iDubbbz has this slickness about him. He has this slickness about him. Nice jab, Dr. Mike. Ooh, big right hand. Mike, not letting him, big right hand. - [Analyst] Oh, good combo! We can already see this, ooh, that right hand! - [Commentator] Big right hand! Mike's blocking those hands right now. Big right hand, Dr. Mike! He is patient, there it is again! Folks, we have a minute left in this round. (bell ringing) It's not a two-minute, round. (crowd cheering) I thought we were going for three. I guess we're going for two. - [Analyst] That's right. - [Commentator] I think we're gonna have to adjust here. - [Thomas] Settle down, breathe, two deep breaths. - The power- - Correct. - [Commentator] Of Dr. Mike, is definitely showing- - [Analyst] Oh! - [Commentator] A little bit of a cheeky- - [Analyst] Yeah, that was a little cheeky- - [Commentator] Shot off the glove touch. - [Analyst] The power factor is showing here for Dr. Mike. - [Commentator] I hear you, that was a scoring blow, big right hand. Ooh, when he's throwing that right hand it's going- - [Analyst] That hurt him, that hurt Ian. iDubbbz is in this phase now where he is swinging. But the defense is not there. (crowd cheering) And he's wobbly. Right hand, Dr. Mike! (bell ringing) - [Commentator] And the round... - [Analyst] That was the end of the round. - [Commentator] Saves Ian. - [Analyst] That bell could not have come at a better time for iDubbbz. - [Commentator] Quick adjustment guys, I think we might've added a fifth round. - [Analyst] That's what I figured. That's what I figured. - [Commentator] But we rock with it just like that big right hand! This is what we're seeing! Ooh, sharp! - [Analyst] Even that again, another one, Ian just limping on wobbly legs here. - [Commentator] Yeah. - Another one! - Another one! - [Commentator] Another one! (bell ringing) Right over hand. Big time shots from the doctor. How is iDubbbz's unstable legs after taking some of these shots? Dr. Mike, walking him all over the ring, just landing. - [Analyst] They think four. - [Commentator] They think four but we got one more. Here we go folks, the last round in your main event, entertaining an absolute slobberknocker. - [Analyst] Dr. Mike just throws bricks at him. - [Commentator] Those injuries, iDubbbz works the body! - [Analyst] Oh, he's just fighting through so much- - [Commentator] It is all-out war, 19 seconds! (commentators cheering) (bell ringing) - Wow! - Wow! - Getting a win in my first ever boxing match with a sold-out 10,000-person arena, over 100,000 watching online streaming, I thought it ended there. But then I went into the comment section. (mellow instrumental music) There was a lot of people that were hyper, hyper angry at me for doing the glove touch in the second round, and then immediately exploding with a one-two combination on Ian. And looking back at it, I understand why they're upset. They viewed it as a cheap shot. I apologize to Ian, to Anisa, to everyone at home because, this is a charity boxing match. And I'm not trying to get some kind of crazy advantage. - I'm not saying that he intentionally did that or anything. - I was competitive. I was high-intensity and my coaches, they're like, "Mike, cut out the nice-guy thing. We want you serious for this fight. And I want you to explode off the glove touch. We want you to get into the action as quickly as possible." But that was advice for round one. For some reason in the thick of all the action, I went in for a glove touch in round two, wasn't supposed to do that. But man, people need to understand when you're in a boxing fight, your first ever boxing fight, everything that you plan for goes out the window. The fact that I was able to stay calm and follow some sort of game plan is amazing to me. So people judging me for throwing those punches too quick, for people judging Ian for hitting me after the bell in round five, saying that I hit Ian in the back of the head several times, for people saying that Ian grabbed my head multiple times and had to be corrected by the ref, get outta here! This is a first-time boxing match for two first-time fighters who both very much, respect each other. You're literally trying to find controversy where there is none. The biggest controversy in my mind, the rules changed mid-fight unbeknownst to me, to Ian, to my coaches, to his coach. The rules were supposed to be a four-round fight, three minutes each round, which makes it a 12-minute fight. But somehow in the middle of the fight, they changed it to five rounds, two-minute rounds. I know it sounds like it's just a minute, but I'm telling you this changes strategy completely. When I had Ian on the ropes or I thought I had him weak and I thought I could pounce, I didn't necessarily go all-out because when I looked at the clock I saw a minute left on the clock. The final point that probably made me the most emotional and I don't even know why to be honest, is somehow I ended up being the villain in this fight, the heel, if you will. I actually, upon coming out and doing my walkout, people booed me in my introduction. I get people were celebrating Ian 'cause it's his event. They wanted him to win. He's the underdog. I didn't really understand why all that hate came from, considering Ian and I had no bad blood, still talking to him and Anisa about Creator Clash two. That was kind of unfortunate to see. I never played the villain role before. But I guess in the boxing world, you gotta get used to it. And as they say, literally, "roll with the punches." I gotta give a huge thank you to Thomas Baldwin, my trainer. Steven Frank, who came out and was my assistant coach for the fight. The whole team at Boxing Science, including Danny Wilson for getting me ready, fit, helping me lose all the weight for the boxing match and getting my stamina up. Sam, Dan, for helping me document the journey. Keith, for being there throughout the entire journey, not just the boxing. And I gotta give a thank you to all my sparring partners, Brian, Donovan and all the folks at The Last Round in New York where I do all of my boxing training. Huge shout-out to Elvis Grant for hooking me up with some of the best boxing gloves in the business. And obviously, my friends and family who came out to support, and the fans that came out to support. I know that there were three of you there, so thank you for coming out. Here's my video with Amanda Serrano, the world's greatest female boxer. As always, stay happy and healthy. I wanna say, Mom, I did this for you. Dad, I love you. (crowd cheering)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 2,628,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, drmike, dr. mike, mikhail varshavski, doctor mikhail varshavski, mike varshavski, doctor reacts, creator clash, boxing, influencer boxing, idubbbz, michael reeves, harley epic meal time, egoraptor, alex ernst, graham stephan, dr mike boxing, dr mike boxing highlights, dr mike fight, dr mike idubbbz, doctor mike boxing, doctor mike idubbbz fight, doctor mike idubbbz, idubbbz vs doctor mike, dr mike cheap shot, idubbbz boxing
Id: 8UG9X0IPflA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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