In Grunkle Stan's Mind 🤯 | Gravity Falls | Disney Channel

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yellow bill did you find a memory with the combination yet relaxed short stack I got it right here perfect now give it to me and I'll fulfill my end of the bargain finally it's you got a pin there it's thirteen forty-four I don't know no wait no more bottomless than the bottomless pit which as you can see here is bottomless whoa whatever that was it's gone forever Mabel did it The Shack is safe the damsel wait no way I'm switching to plan B Jew you can't even imagine what you just cost me do you have any idea what I'm like [Music] so I guess it gets really mad when he gets mad ah how do I get out of this place exit hello oh this again he's a loser he's weak I just want to get rid of him yeah those are all things people said about me when I was a boy huh it was terrible I was the biggest wimp on the playground so one summer my pop signs me up for boxing lessons it was even worse than the schoolyard Oh you know at the time I thought my pop was trying to torture me but wouldn't you know it the old man was doing me a favor all along [Music] see you see that's why I'm hard on dipper to toughen him up so when the world fights he fights back do you think it's actually working hey I did it yes he's really coming along what push comes to shove I'm actually proud of him just don't ever tell him that his head's big enough as it is huh that's true [Music] whoa kid what are you doing here nice hole in your chest by the way let's fix that up what's it how'd you do that word to the wise kid we're in the mind you can do whatever you can imagine in here well how about that oh my gosh what am i doing I gotta stop bill huh fighting back [Music] Oh
Channel: Disney Channel
Views: 3,745,309
Rating: 4.775147 out of 5
Keywords: grunkle stans mind, grunkle stan, gravity falls, disney channel, disney, bill cypher, mable, mabel, dipper
Id: BoVdd7qe3TM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 12sec (192 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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