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oh no I'm in prison you really surprised after everything I've done all right um oh maliboom you already left you can climb the gate okay well let's get out of this stupid prison for some reason there's a switch inside the cell that opens the gate that is not unusual at all okay come on Mal Boomer oh there's a giant hole here what happened oh I actually didn't try to jump in there I was blocked by that girl restarts me in my cell okay seriously can I uh not fall this time that was kind of cringe hi I'm Henry Let's Escape while the guard is sleeping um all right so here's the check Point got a bunch of these barrels to jump on so let's go should be pretty easy to beat isn't that right hippie sunflower 95 hiding in the corner what are you doing looks like this area is under construction be careful not to fall in the lava don't tell me what to do I hate being told what to do anyway Let's uh climb up these wooden platforms you didn't see that I promise I'm a professional at obies I thought I could just walk onto that one yeah dude I'm I'm actually trolling I'm embarrassing my loyal fan base they know I'm the best at obies ain't that right fans just tell me in the comments how good I am at obies oh sorry malib Boomer where I was struggling anyway let's go through these spiky things I don't know why these are placed in the wait why didn't it go up oh this girl died yeah oh what why did you just okay you know what how are we dying oh wait was that buff Doge oh I think you just died oh yeah you did hey buff do come on man can you just use your muscles and stop that thing from falling that would be really cool if you did that buff Doge all right come on Buff Doge right this one seems to move a little bit quicker let's see if buff Doge can make it oh you did good job it's time for us to go up the tower let's get the checkpoint oh what's in here can I open this one oh well that's not very nice oh buff do where'd you get that huge key oh it's in this chest hello oh I got it okay coming buff Doge hello excuse me buff Doge what maybe I have to like give her the key I don't know excuse me can you open the door oh buff Doge buff Doge I don't get it it's not opening oh buff do excuse me open the door please malib Boomer can you kick it in oh I I don't know how but I got in okay anyway let's get the checkpoint and we got these uh big stupid bear traps watch out malib jum oh okay malab Boomer's dead I never die on these I'm just an excellent video game player bam yeah look at that oh wow we're really high up aren't we uh buff do hold on Buff Doge I'm going to get the checkpoint and then let's see how far of a drop this is oops I slipped wow that's really far oh but now I don't have the key I can't oh no what if I need the key again oh malib what maliboomer what' you buy oh he's being a bully you little bully Mal boom you little bully get him get him Mal Boomer wait that guy that guy's a oh there you go oh but he didn't he oh oh you survived you want to play that kind of game call upon a wave of falling exploding Ducks okay I think this sounds fun hey malib Boomer I got something to show you you see this big like switch thing I have watch let's see what happens oh wait oh they're hitting the roof I think I just wasted Robo I don't think I can call them again maliboomer you better hope we don't go outside maliboomer I will call the these stupid duckies come on glad to have a loyal Doge with me at this time watch out I hear traps in the distance I don't remember asking oh I accidentally just called my duckies I didn't do that on purpose wait why am I dying oh there you can see the duckies oh my goodness I'm dead again are my duckies actually working oh maler just blew up maybe that was for my decks all right come on Buff Doge so we have to stay on this and not fall or else the spikes come on our head okay Mal's coming let's hit the button wait I had nothing to do with that but that's still funny oh a duck just got got me oh but the ducks keep blowing us up at this checkpoint no Mal Boomer do not punch me don't Mal Boomer I swear maliboomer I blame you for everything dude guys can we please get through this get away with your your stupid fist please okay give me the checkpoint please oh thank goodness oh buffo just got maliboomer killed so if I die in here I now respawn back here maliboomer you're never coming over oh he bought a rocket launcher run buff Doge okay do let's stop trolling him okay uh actually I'm just going to do it one more time see you later B Boomer duck time uh-oh oh no here they come oh my ducks just blew up the spikes oh uh-oh oh the buff D are dead again those ducks are crazy okay come on maliboomer maliboomer oh no okay wait he doesn't know I'm still alive let's see if they'll get him come on Ducks get him oh yeah we all dead guys watch out for my duckies they're making through oh everyone just died again except for me somehow oh Mal Boomer do not shoot me with your rocket launcher please oh buffo just completely missed all right well here I go don't press it Mal oh next I'm supposed to go into this mouth don't don't even think about punching I don't get away with that please no no I'm in a dead end please sir okay he didn't do it all right let's go get the checkpoint there we go oh oh no no use the speed pad okay so we use this and we're going to shoot ducks while we jump across this and hopefully it kills everybody come on keep going into the blue mouth not die oh no all right let's get the checkpoint they're too close and I like my personal space we will need to lower the bridge find a lever I'm guessing it's up the ladder and it's really huge there it is and the bridge comes down do not do it put away your stupid boxing glove and checkpoint all right jump across this large gap Oh wait we're outside no I I can't use my duckies oh this would have been the perfect you know what I'm going down oh no I can spawn duckies here they come on I'm dead oh my look at it it's so big whoa no oh all right no more duckies I'm sorry oh wait did I say no more duckies here they come you better run buff Doge oh no I think buff do got it but I didn't oh okay no more Ducks let's actually get to the checkpoint oh bye-bye buff Doge okay he'll spawn duckies and get malib Boomer killed watch out malib Boomer's coming come on quick oh no how did I die malib didn't oh buff Doge run okay we made it well I'm just going to stand on it and hopefully I die it's it's it taking us up no do not maliboomer don't do it okay yeah you can hit buffo just okay bye buffo oh Mal Boomer fell off somehow I don't know how but it's just me I'm going up wait wait I think I'm supposed to go under yeah no now I have to go through this again we just keep going up oh I'm going up really fast for some some reason oh buff Doge all you wait what Mal Boomer stop resetting I'm spawning duckies you guys are making me angry oh no we might all die uh-oh oh no let's make a run for it guys look just one person needs to press it okay that's it just one let's all get on together it's actually going up really slow how how far what we have to go so far oh guys please we need to be peaceful no fighting I wonder what have no oh hey VNA excuse me you just reset the whole thing you know what yeah yeah Bopp her off good job batt Boomer but now she's going to reset it and we're screwed watch out get off buff de she going to reset here we go let's all get on all four of us come on I'm going to spawn duckies oh no guys I'm resetting it oh oh no it keeps what what's I don't even know what's happening okay they're all gone it's just me they're all going to die to duckies all right bye I'm going up super fast for some reason please give me up before they all come oh no wait why does it do that I honestly don't understand this thing but again I'm going up really fast I'm so close let me get in let me get in don't reset oh oh my goodness we finally made it buff Doge yeah let's get the checkpoint and now we can jump down and troll them heyy boys maliboom is really mad at this girl get her maliboomer oh oh and goodbye be okay come on Mal Boomer let's go back up oh no it's going slow if to jump I think uhoh oh Mal Boomer just fell off this elevator's the most troll thing I've ever seen in my life Mal's about to fall off again and down he goes for some reason I keep making it up like an epic gamer oh look it's coming up really fast maliboomer you made it oh thank goodness and you guys both died instantly that's really pathetic what all right you guys go I'm just going to press this button and hide oh no look out oh did they okay okay good they all died don't don't go away with your stupid rocket launcher don't do it oh Mal okay I'm spawning duckies yeah I hope you die yeah that's what you get Mal look at all your body parts and blood everywhere all right let's actually try to get to the next checkpoint please guys I just want to play the game and up the ladder this is a really long ladder we won't be able to get past the dragon unless we go into the dragon oh my gosh that's crazy I wish I could spawn duckies right don't don't hit me Mal Boomer no go away oh I'm in the dragon now here punch me I dare you oh no okay well I'm safe give me that checkpoint and into the dragon but oh no I didn't get the checkpoint is this just like one of those RNG things yeah you know what this is not pleasant well let's just spawn some duckies while I do this and try to get good okay o oh I'm doing it there we go all right let's continue and bam yeah the duckies are really loud I know but I made it let's go in through here and checkpoint up the icy blocks or whatever these things are I don't think they're icy cuz I'm not slipping I don't know how they ended up in a dragon's tummy let's take the checkpoint oh oh it gets skinny okay just keep pressing space bar wait what I did not touch that red ooze who's to say it's even deadly why is it in the dragon's stomach or am I in the dragon's butt probably look at look at look the side he just crapped me out he did I came out there went oh this is a perfect area for ducks by the way oh no oh okay I'm dead oh look at that big one there I spawn back in his butt set up another Giant Ladder oh buff do how how did she get behind me anyway now that we're up here we got to uh walk up this giant staircase come on Buff Doge we're going back into the castle for some reason I want to be king uhoh not another one of these come on Buff Doge get on it why is it going so slow yeah we need to jump there we go thanks buff Doge I don't know if you're going to make it okay thank goodness now we go down this hallway or whatever it is oh this doesn't look safe our ankles are going to hurt oh okay well I guess we're fine there hasn't been a checkpoint in a really long time I should not spawn the duckies but I'm going to do it oh no buffos we have to start over no buffos do oh no oh buffos that one's really big okay oh no oh buff do you died I'm sorry oh no oh no that one's too close oh my goodness okay I somehow survived all the duckies I'm not doing that again but buff Doge died Mal Boomer please please do not do it I promise I'm a good boy don't do it Mal Boomer please no you have super speed don't do it Mal Boomer please it took me a long time to get here just let me get to the end maliboomer oh no no put put the rocket launcher away please he just died I think he blew himself up this is my chance oh is that vitamins box vitamins box is that you oh vitamins box oh no vitamins box no oh maliboomer why did she do that my poor box oh no don't please my poor box he's he's dead down there somewhere oh no don't please and buff dead is coming way in the back Mal don't do it you've made it use the power ups to find the secret Bridge okay give me this oh thank goodness well that was a crazy adventure oh Mal why let's see where this takes us Mr yummy Supermarket the manager of the supermarket Mr yummy has locked us inside because he needs customers it's your mission to help us escape this crazy supermarket okay is that Mr yummy he is a beautiful man okay let's play we got normal mode Easter mode and Valentine's Day no we're just going to go with normal mode I've never played this game the developer is already trying to steal my money Mr yummy is mad he isn't getting any new customers I see red button I press it what just happened with his arm I think he's deformed um what oh he's not Ling oh he just literally murdered Arland 205 Mr yummy is locking up the supermarket so all customers stay here forever so he's actually a murderer we know that now and wait that's not me oh hello my name is vitamin I'm an idiot so let's uh Walk This Way who's this quick let's get out of the crazy Supermarket also make sure to collect all 25 blocks tokens this guy's like I want to go home I'm bored okay here's a wait that token's outside there's an invisible wall I can't go through there these items will help you on your adventure no we're not spinning bobuck yet we're just going to oh okay so the ground is death I will not die anymore because I'm an Obby professional and I got the red whatever it was that was standing here so let's just continue okay that kid just died you got to hit the the space bar bro oh here's another one all right what's games oh these are other games he's made no even though Mr brain's water park looks silly vending machine hello give me some juice no is this a giant ketchup bottle I think it is I'm guessing if I touch the ketchup or the mustard I die so let's just skip those I know how these games work anyways jump into the vent oh loading screen it brings us to a giant section of the supermarket or maybe I'm just a and everything is normal size oh well well well there is Mr yummy he's sleeping standing up how is that even possible let's grab the token over here what's this fresh milk that looks like a bleach bottle I I wouldn't trust drinking milk out of something like that over here we have fish sticks ice cream XXL size 15 servings in one box oh my goodness wait what why does he sound like a wolf uh okay let's just go this way please don't hurt me I got to grab this token over here dude okay stop leave me alone leave me alone go away don't do I'm I'm going up the wait what what just happened hello that kid fell off the pipe and just drowned in the water or maybe he didn't drown it's just slippery so he slipped and banged his head on the floor and got brain damaged so now he's dead but at least Mr yummy is sleeping uh laying down he's not uh standing up and sleeping which is probably dangerous um what's this epic pet would you like to buy Epic no I would rather climb the ladder hello oh what do you have welcome to my shop would you like to take a look around okay is this all bobu of course it is use bazooka to Blast Away players now that sounds fun so let's get this really quickly it's only 99 Cents thank you all right uh got a bazooka now I can knock kids off of the Obby let's grab the token here before we ruin their game play all right go sir okay here's Arian she's going to go we're just going to wait till her force field uh falls off okay ready oh she's going okay that just totally missed this rocket launcher is hard to use don't judge me that's it's not a skill issue it's a game issue or I blame the developer okay let's grab this one here and she just died again oh great the milk shell fell down what a mess so milk will kill you okay here don't I just blew up myself anyway let's try this again let's just uh blow her up okay I just murdered her her torso fell into the milk let's continue we just walk along the edge here and then we jump onto these milk cartons going to blow up both of you all right see you later or torso landed next to me that's silly the manager is mad I'm hungry no you're not allowed to eat are you guys trying okay she just keeps dying and he just died too okay you know what I'm just going to move on do I have to make this big jump wait what the would you like to skip no I'm going to beat it okay wait how do I do this okay you know what I don't know what's going on my head is just uh hanging off of yeah my neck bro hold on okay dude I'm really confused by this part am I just mental oh I skipped it easy wait I think it's the yellow things that kill you I need to get this red uh whatever it is this token come on stupid game okay good I got it all right yeah don't kill me please I want to blow him okay he just died so I don't have to blow him up what about you can I blow you up okay I cannot shoot through the the chain link fence so wait what's all this over here okay that water kills you it must not be real water it must be acid of some sort I just want to make sure there's not a token over there wait can I just skip you no I can't even go over there there's a invisible wall all right anyway let's grab the token and let's not die to this part here and we got some balls to jump into so jumping in balls is there a token hiding in here I don't think so uh what are these do these kill you no these don't kill you if you touch them okay that's good to know let's just continue I always like to test because you never know what about this stuff here yeah this stuff doesn't kill you and we have a token here does this stuff kill you no nothing in here is death all right so this is just a nice little like play place or whatever like we're at McDonald's or something I wonder if the developer meant for these things to kill you and he just forgot to make them deadly that'll be my guess but you know what I have a rocket launcher so we can ruin uh both of our Lives dude stay away from me I I can't blow you up when you're really close okay you know what here that yeah I got her oh I'm just ruining her day puts a smile on my face to be honest oh and he just blew up so who shot him I don't know but that's funny now we go down the slide wee we have a token over here let's get it uh-oh get away from me no why does it blow me up too Stop Standing near me sussy bakas oh we start here okay here what I want to do is get one of them when they come down the slide so I'm just going to wait right here okay here he comes just's getting close no what why did that blow me up what did I even hit okay let's try this again wait dude bro stop dude how is shooting right here blowing me up I don't understand what's going on wait let's try this again how am I getting blown up in this ball pit are these balls just like an invisible wall watch yeah see so this ball pit is just death so lame I really wanted to blow them up okay let's continue we I got an idea okay there he is dude why does it keep hitting me okay that time it didn't hit me I don't know what's going on maybe it's first person mode that's broken no get away with your stupid ah you just blew yourself up guessing all these ingredients will kill you oh no but can I shoot him dude this thing is so broken what a waste of robu bro okay whatever I got the check mark are these Tomatoes deadly because they're glowing yeah I guess so oh the fruit like launches out and then I guess it kills you what's this bunny okay this kid's laughing at me so I'm just going to blow him up yep goodbye anyway let's continue don't kill me please thank you not sure why I'm alive now let's go through the bookstore blow everyone up yeah look at his little hand right there oh a token I'm actually glad I died there I would have missed that anyway let's continue no I will not follow you because I am a master of obies I don't need help and let's just make sure we have another token here and what about over here any more hidden tokens I don't see any let's go this way here uh okay so this is the right way but just want to make sure yeah nothing there and hopefully we have the the checkpoint here here let's blast him right and no it missed he fell down bro oh my goodness everyone's buying a rocket launcher this going be so hard to beat look at him he's just waiting for me look look yeah yeah die okay I didn't get him let's quickly get through this no he's going he's trying to blow me up you miss oh I think he blew himself up okay good need help these it no I don't want those here let's try to let's get them ready oh yeah get own kid all right let's jump over the french fries what's in here happy Burger I can't go in there so it doesn't really matter look at he just blew himself up again all right hello Mr Dinosaur let's see okay ready yeah oh that's so funny actually is this like death by fabric yeah it is so don't step on fabric it's really deadly and the dragon just stepped on fabric and died or is it a dinosaur I don't know everyone just stand near me all right we got nine more don't do it don't yep you missed don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me let me get the token before I die thank you the door is closed we will go through the storage room okay ready and blow up the Dragon how did I die and the dragon did not die oh the silly game there's no checkpoint there what a scam don't blow me up okay here let's go through here guys we need to have a truce oh what's this what is this thing I saw one uh back in the other room yeah I don't know what that that bunny or whatever yeah I don't know what it is now we got to climb up here dude do not shoot me kid don't even think about it and oh we go into the vent we get to be susus okay now we can blow him up ready dude why is it blowing me up stupid broken rocket launcher hey devel if you ever watch this video fix your stupid rocket launcher yeah nice try kid I'm going to blow you up okay it didn't blow him up but at least it didn't blow me up either what's this an alien with a uh vendor here would you like to buy a map of the maze um okay how much is it 45 cent no get out of here with your trash don't do it dude bro don't no don't shoot me don't do it okay he he was going to do it wait where's my rocket launcher hello hello my rocket launcher's gone that I paid real money for oh my gosh this scam wait let me go die really quickly here here yes murder me thank you I love being sliced by a slow moving propeller okay I got my rocket launcher back that's all that matters hey dragon How do you keep dying on these slow moving propellers are you serious kid okay he's lucky he took a left all right let's go let's just check all these um areas because there's probably going to be a red token hidden in this maze somewhere I'm a completion this I want to get all 25 if I don't get all 25 of the the tokens I'm not going to be happy oh hey dragon come this way yeah follow me that's actually a really cute Avatar what's this times two double jump no that's a scam all right let's head this way and there's nothing down there but again I'm going to check everywhere why are there arrows telling us which way to go that kind of defeats the purpose of a maze am I right well I did not find any more red tokens so let's leave the Maze and we are now I don't know where we are like a clothing store here this guy will tell us where am I another closed door looks like we're going through the meat freezer okay so we're in the meat freezer now we got uh giant pineapples that's what they look like to me do I die if I touch them yes let's try not to touch the meat this time what's this electricity so the meats are electrocuting you not the ground it's just the meat dude I didn't what even no stupid hacking glitches bro did you really just try to shoot me through this oh my gosh this broken rocket launcher it's really ruining my gaming experience I'm trying to have fun here let's try this again from up here okay there it goes uh the the door blows it up I'm going to be zoomed out like this if it uh kills me even though I don't touch it I'm going to be really mad okay good I didn't die and any tokens hiding no tokens and okay here we go let's not fall into the -2 200° C water that's the only reason why it would kill you and let's go through the door and no dude yeah right kid nice try yeah you better run okay well he ran I think he got away skip my token and into the elevator so yeah he ran cuz he knew I was going to destroy him where are we going now oh we're in a warehouse dude nice try loser okay where is he where is he where is he okay he's going this way watch this folks did I get him no I didn't get him dang it come on reload hurry hurry hurry okay just reloaded watch this oh broken what's up kid dude you stupid so annoyed with this trash rocket launcher okay finally all right let's just go 22 out of 25 tokens let's avoid the lava bro you better not dude don't even you stupid kid oh my gosh and now I'm jumping on lava where are you bro I can't shoot through the stupid cardboard what kind of rocket launcher can't shoot through cardboard bro you better not be over here again yeah that's what I thought I hate dying to lag all the time it's never a a skill issue where is he okay he just teleported somewhere what's this thing here can I go on the forklift hello I want to drive the forklift and run people over all right let's see what this guy has to say he always has this cringe mob through the ex it go go go okay quick that kid's going to try to blow me up so we got to be really fast when I when I spawn no I don't think so yeah take that okay I blew myself up too though all right what is going on here we just kind of stuck out here the cars just move okay so we just got to wait and there we go and okay go all right let's just uh not die again this time Road do not do it do not blow me up kid yeah I got yeah yeah he's dead I got him quick run away to safety okay but I'm at 23 out of 25 tokens so I need uh two more here's one and I see the last one in the house up there so we got all of them and wait what's what's going on over here okay so he's still there let's see if I can blow him up wait he's going how he go so fast how did I miss him okay he just blew himself up perfect I just wanted more customers so the police are arresting him we made it out use the green pads to play more fun games like this wait let me get the last token here wait I missed one oh okay I'm going to go through the whole entire game really quickly and find this last token I can't believe I missed it I bet it was in The Maze I'm actually going through the whole game again to try to get 25 tokens but don't worry I'm not going to make you watch I just really want to get inside of that house I like how this is the only part in the whole game where the uh the Mr fat yummy guy chases you oh there's a token back here maybe I missed this one yeah I don't know so that token behind the stand must have been the one I missed because here is token number 25 yay well done you collected all of the blocks tokens don't forget to go to the secret room so here's the secret room let me in please so what's in here ooh what's this um hidden token badge okay wait is that it that's all well you know what it is kind of peaceful in here I'm away from all the the sussy fans and now this is something new I'm going to do I have my timer here and so now I'm going to speedrun the Obby it starts when I click normal ready boom here we go skip skip skip we got to go okay okay okay go go shut up nerd don't care what you have to say we're also not going to worry about the tokens this is all just about seeing how fast I can beat the Obby and I'm going to be doing speedruns like this for every Obby that I play Come on come on yeah this part the only part where Mr yummy is actually after me he can walk across the water which is kind of cheating but we just avoid him really easily and then he's going to fall down and go to sleep there he goes look at him that's slumbering idiot all right come on across the pipes we'll never see him again until he's arrested and let's hope I don't die yeah so back here was the token that I actually missed so come on no dying you want to get the world record which I don't even know what it is cuz there's no scoreboard for Speed which I think would be really cool if shut up I think it'd be really cool if uh if all these zes started having dude that's lag the stupid kids uh cloud makes it lag oh my gosh go away with your dumb cloud look when there's no Cloud the game doesn't lag so it's that cloud that causes lag so go away with it jump over dude that lag he gets on his Cloud it's actually okay if you die there gross stop with the cloud I it's lagging my PC he can't really fly through this area with the cloud so I'm not lagging anymore oh now he's he's in the cloud okay dude I swear it's actually the uh the cloud causing lag every time he uses it my computer just yeah see I'm freezing bro stop please off that stupid Cloud imagine paying money for that oh my gosh bro please please okay come on launch the banana come on there it goes kids's making me lag okay what's this bunny I don't know what the bunny does but let's just go dude what you're ruining my speedrun stupid bunny please bunny don't kill me okay good stop doing the Cloud it's lagging me I told him he better stop doing the stupid cloud my time would be way better if that kid didn't have the cloud making me die all the time it's 100% his fault not a skill issue bro stop with your stupid Cloud no one cares trying to speedrun the people watching want to see the best speedrunner in the world okay he's definitely on the cloud again cuz I'm lagging wait why did just grab that token that was bad it just wasted like 4 seconds dang it okay there he is on the cloud making me uh freeze again let's get through this maze it puts the arrows it tells us where to go and now into the next area he's on the cloud you can hear it and I'm still lagging even though he's not in my screen it's just making me lag so whatever that item is just causes you to lag oh it's so sussy okay please don't get on the cloud while I cross okay good I did not die he's not on the cloud and no Cloud please just got to get through this good up the elevator at 5 minutes I hear the cloud he's trying to lag me this is especially bad in here oh my gosh please stop with your Cloud no no no no no no go away no dude okay I think he just died imagine having the cloud and you die last part come on come on come on come on go go stupid cars don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me dude it's the cloud lagging me oh my gosh stop please don't kill me please don't kill me okay good I didn't die because he's not using the cloud if you touch these cars you actually die all right so the speedrun run was awful because of this kid with the cloud and I just burped which means a victory ready and stop so 6 minutes and 30 seconds stupid Cloud oh my gosh how' I end up in prison with maliboomer oh maliboomer did you uh did you take a huge crap in the toilet oh and there's cockroaches oh no oh fake do is here oh uh so Malia's open oh wait okay let's wait open the vent is now open and hey stinky guy go away stop breathing on me I'm trying to play video games thank you oh V chickens here as well anyway let's just go across come on chicken we we got to get through this I don't know how we ended up in jail with a huge vent that let us Escape oh I bet this isn't painful at all yeah um oops jump over here okay you guys what are you doing stop being bad oh hi cute why are you uh why are you a I guess that's okay jump down here um we have some big scary spikes malib jump it okay good Mal Boomer has made it over the spikes um you guys just got to take your time stay back back so uh okay then where would I go if I'm not supposed to go in this hole where the heck am I supposed to go you stupid game okay I'm going down there we go oh I'm glad these blades aren't turned on isn't that right fake do you would be dead I would be dead oh what what what the heck was that let me send the electric chair I want to shock my Anyway come on fake do got to catch up to maliboomer and uh my chicken here really wish I knew how oh oh it's behind us fake do run wait wait up the ladder okay go go go go uh okay where which way we go oh Mal's down there okay that's just uh I blame fake do for getting in my in my way anyway I got scammed let's try this again wait is he going to respawn oh there he is okay so we got to go up the ladder and he's actually moving pretty quickly uh through here through the hole next to the Rusty toilet oh we have made it out hey you got uh food on your head kid yeah that's kind of weird anyway they pulled the lever for me so thank you chicken it's very nice of you up we go is Mal good job malib Boomer let's go into the rusty pipe respawn what wait what wait they all die oh God that was so funny I got you all Okay go again yep go all right let's just do it again so they fall come on come on come on oh God this is too funny all right let's go quick before they do it to me come on come on don't you do it no maliboomer don't do it all right let's just go if I die then I okay broken game all right looks like I'm the last one here they have all made it ahead of me don't yeah yeah thanks for waiting up guys what do we do now we hit the power is there like a power thing no okay well let's just go up the watch out oh vitamins chicken it's okay if he dies we're going to have some food oops I went the wrong way come on chickens me and you come on there we go oh uh someone just died I wonder where he died from oh look at that water yeah no vitamins chicken do not take a crap in there do not don't do it chicken oh he's hiding vitamins chicken where are you I can't see you okay let's go infirmary don't get too close oh oh wait okay I got too close ah stupid game all right so uh how do we not get too close uh okay what that that that was a weird sound um this way and then through here we just we don't want to get too close obviously they look like my uh ex-girlfriend oh hey Mal Boomer yeah we made it easy game uh ooh the rusty wheelchair can you push me please push me okay let's just go why is this even in a prison like what oh okay maliboomer got owned do not enter it says climb the Rope okay where uh-oh I hear him he's coming where do I climb the Rope oh there he is no I'm faster I'm way faster I'm way faster I'm way faster get away let's see if we can try he can climb over the bed he's too good ah oh fake do shoot him come on fake do stop being useless oh here's a rope I got it I'm out of here see you all right then um wait are we supposed to go here or do we keep going up yeah we go here wow fake fake do what he made me a oh fake do now I slide everywhere fake do fake do can you make me big again please help me maliboomer vitamin chicken are you guys coming oh uh chicken you made it where's maliboomer yeah I'm kind of a right now let's go find maliboomer oh there he is come on man we got to go oh he can't see me he's in the like the the dark fog Zone yeah mie's over here can you hear me yeah come on man let's go uhoh come on there we go all right up the Rope yeah don't worry about me I'm just uh I'm a right now bro danger oh no come on guys follow the just stick with me no am I back to normal size I am okay oh malib Boomer's been turned into a yo sorry malib Boomer you just have to accept your fate let's just um just jump through here yeah there we go up the ladder over and Bam look at that that see being like number one at obies in the whole world makes uh things like this really easy for me but for vitamins chicken it's not so easy cuz he's so fat yeah come on Mal Boomer let's go ah there you go good job right anyway oh oh do you've been sucked up no here uh chicken can you suck me up please oh oh okay wao we've all been sucked up what's happening just go I I have faith come on man you can do it oh no I'm stuck inside maliboomer help okay I'm also stuck uh running in place all right whatever let's just continue come on wait how do I buy that what is is that like the vacuum oh this thing okay no let me through we are in the laundry uh the laundromat whatever it's called click or tap wait oh there's a body in there maliboomer find a pickaxe oh okay um I don't remember finding one but all right I guess I can click these walls here oh I'm playing Minecraft guys hold on just got to break every oh that's an X that that must mean like wait what would you like to buy pet vitamin delicious no okay come on fake do let's get on with it take us where we need to go I've been free and uh now I'm sliding in place oh good the walls broken wait is he in there oh no oh please he's actually way faster let's not click those X's anymore that's a bad idea we're just going to play some Minecraft take our time and then we shall find the correct way oh no I clicked on X it was an accident which is the right way uh malow Boomer has uh already found it probably beat the game by now I'm stuck in here playing Minecraft for 10 years oh mie hello you found it yay okay this way all right let's go up the ladder get to the roof vent um okay but I'm kind of hungry oh wait oh he's coming use the tables okay um uh wait oh the tables kind of slow them down they're like little speed bumps idiot run malib Boomer oh my gosh she's going to get me yeah just kidding I'm way too fast right into the vent we go oh the guy he can climb the ladders find the switch that looks darker okay that was pretty easy now let's go through the door C3 C4 C1 are any of these doors open no security room okay maliboomer which one did I don't know which one he picked let's just do that one oh okay that that's kind of scary wait if I just stand here a can I click from like back here no what if I stand on this I am just a smart person where's my face all right guys come on click them oh someone got it Yay good job okay where do we go from here h i see something on the ground in here this is a key card I'm going to take that wait uh-oh I hear him he's coming there he is no no no no no no no no go away I'm not interested in your antics find the key card okay it's open go oh he's still chasing I scraped my ball way up the ladder we go and canteen is this way um okay can I crouch here I have to to jump all right ah okay come on oh then we have this stupid thing no don't want it to slice my balls oh wait that's cheating what made it do that so if I just hit it then we all die oh man we could be stuck here for 10 years okay so there go there go okay yeah they're making it yeah they're making it yeah see you I don't think anyone's ever going hey malib Boomer oh no no don't no wait where he just fak Edge oh the chickens got me oh no wait chicken how are you still alive oh you're okay well now we're all dead oh boy this is going to take a while let's just go while they're all dead just go go go go go go go go go chicken go go go go go yeah we made it no they're never going to make it oh my gosh good job here suck me up chicken let's just wash them for a while oh they're dead again come on boys you can all make it yeah yeah nope just Kidd you're all dead I sacrificed myself oh I can respawn here we can have some fun for a while malib are you going to make it I don't think so hurry up mie make it yeah mie make yay where's fake do fake do let's just make sure fake do dies every time uh-oh fake do is cheating use the cloud oh he still died he got the respawn all right well that was fun let's uh continue now where do we go we got these tables and some snot on the ground um let's just uh let's go this way fake do you just spent robot oh it's a okay it's a green ghost I'm running maybe oh I made it easy hello oh hey hey vitamins chicken I'm glad you made it use this trap oh I don't know why I would use that let's wait for the idiots over here vitamin chicken stop trying to shock my balls oh bye and now I get to slide on the floor wait wait oh chicken open it chicken open it chicken oh you silly chicken look chicken don't activate yet okay so he's going to come and then I I walk through and now I pull it yeah yeah ah get your ball shot good job chicken let's continue Let's Escape so what happens if I hit respawn it just respawns the train all right well uh like always I'm on my own because I'm the best gamer in the world it's time for me to leave into the train goodbye idiot no uh maliboomer I'm sorry but you are too slow goodbye ah yeah it's time for me to escape prison I did nothing wrong in the first place nobody ever told me it was a legal to smack a kid in the lip where is this taking to me that looks like a sharp drop excuse me excuse what hello why am I dead wait maliboomer wait this Train's a scam maybe we have to like jump off at a certain time Mal Boomer I don't know what's going to happen but uh yeah so um am I going to die again please uh-oh uhoh oh we're alive yeah that makes a lot of sense all right good is that the end oh my goodness malib we made it no one else made it we're just all by ourselves wait why am I not here they got a lanky box give me with Kev gravy why am I not here uh I'm no longer in prison choose a difficulty normal I don't think so we're going hard mode oh hey what's up it's maliboomer oh man where are we wait are these beans can I like pick these up and and eat them or something they are always watching all right well let's uh go on through the hole and this door is open that's interesting run hey where are my beans yeah I don't know I'm I'm sorry all right see you later so run quick uh okay so I'm going to get oh hey man how's it going oopsie let's actually run away this time oh hey it's this guy I don't know where he's from oh this guy he's actually fast he's actually this is a broken I got to stop being distracted cuz he's uh really fast sorry I would say hi but I don't know what you are okay this is actually broken what the heck he's just way faster than me he's already catching up maybe I have to use these tables getting blocked on the table okay get blocked in this table idiot yeah let me in you stupid game I really don't know what to do I I think I just have to use these tables I don't even want to look behind me please please please let me in the stupid hole maybe if I just hug the left side over here oh yeah he got stuck oh you idiot goodbye hey B Boomer sorry it took a little bit all right come on man uh maybe hard mode is actually hard ooh what's this a tank would you like to buy a tank for 1,000 I don't think so that's $10 so let's head across this pipe here just avoiding these little uh red rings which I'm sure cause instant death oh what do we do here we have a power switch so let's pull it oh so it made these things come out so we got to jump on of these and then uhoh oh man that was close who and jump and yeah easy next up we have arrows pointing up oh we can pick these up so yeah I can see Mal place I got I'm stuck hello let's place the next one right there and I don't think this is high enough maybe no let's get this last Barrel wait uh hold on Mal Boomer uh bam no oh no dude kid he just pushed all my wood over right you know what we're going to use this stupid ladder let's put that here let's grab the barrel I'm stuck I keep getting stuck on the stupid ladder here place you stupid game bro I'm struggling no okay whatever I have to start over maybe if I go first person bam there we go first person again bam okay I got it y did it easy all right we're out of here oh what's this a pogo stick wa$ 2.99 I don't think so oh you know what I'll do it for the sussy fans malib Boomer look at me man all right here we go wee oh man pogo stick all the way across easy game what do you think about that oh this is sussy W look at him go yeah awesome extremely dangerous um what's dangerous about this can I just jump into the hole yay I still still don't know oh maliboomer watch out behind us there's a big sussy head oh no jump over him a don't do it don't you stupid idiot um I can't remember which way to go oh yeah we go this way is the big head chasing yeah I think it is uh-oh oh Arrow thank you for the arrow and then this one's telling me to go left ah yeah this Poco stick is awesome but this maze is uh a little too long get me out of here already oh hey what's up man I made it yeah whoa what just happened bro Mal Boomer he just died Alo this makes us really fast does it make you fast with the pogo stick no wait it's making him fast with it why why not me wait how do you get fast with the pogo stick dude it's not working dude okay it's it's not speeding up my pogo stick we have an idea so let's get the really fast speed and then midair then turn no yeah that didn't work all right what whatever just skip it don't need that stupid pogo sticking away wait what's this do what okay I'm confused so I think I just go like this oh oh bye maliboomer and then bam and Bam all right this is uh actually difficult can I stop dying please this is a bit embarrassing dude seriously time this again this corner there we go and then right here okay let's let's not hit this Red Cube ah there we go and over I don't know what what this thing does I don't want to touch it um no way dude that's broken get up you idiot oh my gosh you're so sussy slow I hate this game watch me speedrun this yeah no I don't understand why maliboomer gets to use a pogo stick I paid money for it all right I finally made it back to here and let's jump uh uh okay so far so good don't what broken I hate this game I actually am uninstalling please he hey maliboomer I think uh hard mode was a little too hard oh you want to go one more time okay this is the last attempt I don't have time all right let's try normal this time oh good I sold my pogo stick come get me now idiot yeah he's way slower on normal mode bye that's just Pogo cross this okay so the new Roblox update made the mouse way more sensitive and I hate it let's turn on the power get across this stupid thing oh not this thing again I made it and now this dumb maze ah we're back here I can already tell it's a lot easier oh hey maliboomer you made it oops bro how do you go fast on your pogo stick wa maybe I just I got to walk on it first and then Pogo come on come on oh I got it here we go yeah awesome but we don't got the things on these platforms anymore oh Malibu just died oh yeah this is so much easier pretty sure hard mode is impossible and you just have to spend roblo to beat it awesome come on malib Boomer here he comes and yeah yeah all right into the hole oh this looks fun how about I just buy a helicopter and I can fly across just kidding I don't need one of those but I can use my pogo stick bam oh oh maliboomer uh are you okay bro anyway uh let's just uh just kind of squeeze through here yeah don't mind me it's okay sleepy duck they won't hurt you and uh all right easy turn back no I'm going to Pogo up the stairs wait Noob excuse me do I look like a Noob To You all right jump here and dead okay then let's try that again gently across jump and Bam are there stairs yay I can climb stairs with my pogo stick that's awesome uh-oh okay come on just be really careful here just got to look straight down and dead how about no more stupid pogo stick yeah I made it okay stop laughing at me do a slide must slide down on my Pogo we look at that valer oh my goodness wait it didn't shoot wait I'm pogoing on my belly uh let's stop whoa okay now we got to go right oh we got big uh Indiana Jones balls yeah uh I'm going to jump out of here we're not going to make that there we go all right come on malib boomer come on now uh-oh uhoh get in Easy well man we got to just Pugo into the hole bam onto the hay we got some uh scary lasers here oh malib Boomer are you lagging wait spiderweb hello I can just walk through it oh here we go more Pugo stick action Bam Bam look at that just hold down space bar easy let's see if you can do it can you no oh he did it oh what's this A a rocket launcher okay I I'll grab that uh-oh oh no die yeah you die and you die and then you die and now you die uh-oh wait can I use both no so I just got to go around blowing all these idiots up hey can you not miss please wait is this the boss how how long do I have to do this for go away go away I'm trying to get out of here I like how I shoot backwards it's really skillful uhoh I'm missing stop missing you idiot there we go oh I heard the music yay well that that was it that was easy come on malib Boomer we got to go in into the train let's just hop on it actually you know what I'm going to drive this thing let's start yay just got to take the train up uhoh oh Mal fell off wait can I fall off hey man I fell off too it's okay we can just go together the train will take us into uhoh new boss oh the train is okay oh no so we we won easy mode award wow man that guy's so stupid I have awakened from a nightmare only to find myself in another nightmare at this fat baby's daycare look at this giant weapon he has he's going to bash me in the face all right well we're going to turn off first person mode because it sucks but we are going to play on Expert because I mean look at me well sorry let me say that again I mean look at me look at these gigachad muscles do you think someone who looks like this would play on normal mode oh gamer only press F yeah so if you're a gamer then you uh you pay to win I'm just kidding do not do that what's v i can morph into the uh fat baby we don't want to do that we want to press the emergency power off so here we go we're powering that off so we can escape the daycare so here we go spells R N Run we got a teddy bear here I'm going to grab that bam one out of seven so we got to find seven of those and here we go and jump the beep what did I even say there jump bash it punch it yeah good we're going to to damage his uh daycare as much as oh oh I hear baby crying wait let's zoom in oh baby Bobby is that you you crying you dumb baby yeah that baby's got issues he's probably being neglected by his parents he going to have trauma when he gets older excuse me oh good job um all right let's uh where am I even going okay I'm just exploring oh I should probably go through the door so the door opens and yeah this is exactly what a daycare looks like oh hello baby Bobby what is that coming out of his mouth is that like a bubble uh what do these what what's this is this speed yeah we're not going to spend any bobuck I just kind of like to see what they sell helicopter no thank you actually why would you buy the helicopter that just defeats the purpose you would just fly across and win Let's uh escape the the daycare here oh wait we got a ring okay so jump on the all right this is going very well you can jump using the space bar oh thank you uh okay so we got to jump on the edge and oh actually no you you can just stand here see it's like a dude I am actually so ripped it's just crazy I've been eating a lot of protein lately come on go on now do your thing thank you so let's jump and jump once more bam look at that kids that is how it's done that's how Giga Chad Alpha I think does it um anyway we have jetpack is this the same no so this is cheaper than the helicopter so it's probably not as powerful and this poor bear is his ears been bitten look at that let's continue this is clearly a real okay uh that thing's moving faster than it looks how did you even die this game is so easy that's what just said down there developer shut up or I'll put a fist through your face with these huge oh yeah look at this you wouldn't want to get hit by someone who looks like me let's time this correctly boom easy wait that kit just floating how are you doing that goodbye he's dead all right let's press the button uh all right these we just kind of yep just like this just do exactly what I'm doing and you will win every game you play I promise this is very much like the dayc carees I went to growing up that's why I am the way I am a lot of lot of trauma in my life I must say uh anyway what's this would you like to buy a porta prison can I like trap children in this is that what that's for I can uh if this kid ever makes oh he made it so if he gets to here can I put him in there you know what okay fine I have to try it I know it's cringe but I have to try it your purchase has succeeded all right where is it uh-oh AAS I got something for you here come here uh-oh Oh no you're trapped in my prison o what are you going to do don't worry kid I got this ready just uh hold still oh oh no come back okay that was close but look look stop trying to be smart okay bye-bye he's dead forever he actually perished in real life all right well I kind of like this item here oh uh Hey Eve how are you doing don't worry I'm not going to do anything silly I'm just uh I'm just hanging out just oh whoops oh no sorry Eve how did this happen how' you going hear you know what Eve I'm I feel like being nice so just come with me oh oh no Eve we both missed oh I'm sorry Eve that wasn't supposed to happen I promise no Eve don't go don't come with me come with me please oh Eve get back here come on she's getting away guys stop Eve you stop you come here oh we got a teddy bear yeah bye-bye Eve oh she's dead wait there's actually a tank what you with this would you like to buy a tank $6.49 no I already spent uh $3.99 that's expensive so let's hurry up and cross these are these sticks in marshmallows uh-oh wait I just saw something in the corner of my eye two players wearing beanies let's go help them how are you today I got something for you hi uh-oh you've been a bad boy bye Let's uh continue here I'll stop trapping kids in my cage oh or I'll just fall off and die like an idiot well I made it across was actually harder than it looks and now we die okay so you cannot walk on these sticks here so you can walk on the sticks here but not on these ones so instead we must jump onto the planks here okay but you can't go slow you have to go at Epic Giga Chad gamer speed ready let's go yeah yeah yeah come on just just go go Bam Bam Bam easy there you go I have a feeling these two uh with the beanies over there they're going to struggle a lot here they haven't made it yet all right we're going into a cannon very realistic lots of daycares have these now and perfect shot bam oh I hear a snoring baby this person is uh really struggling here come on you can do it you can do it oh good okay one more and oh nice yes you did it any teddy bears over here I only have two I feel like I might have missed one oh well let's just get out of here what is the point of this plane here I feel like I might have to do something with it hold on see if I can time this right ready bam okay it was almost perfect I have to do this again uh-oh oh they made it oh perfect I I got to get over there I got to uh put them in something hi oops oh no wait can we go in the Canon together oh yeah we're flying together yay that was awesome wasn't it here don't worry just stick with me I will take care of you I promise oh come on sorry it's hard to climb a ladder with a jail cell in your hand come on come on let me up come on okay this isn't working dude game let me up I I got to let you go I'm sorry I can't climb with you in my jail cell anyway where's your friend I think she just gave up waiting so she's like yeah he's slow I'm I'm going open up anyway let's continue okay what why why is that here why that that's freaky I I don't know why that's there anyway let's drop down oh uh-oh the baby is sleeping it's snoring this has to be as quiet as possible but I don't know how can I that's a loud snore oh my goodness oh [Music] oh okay oh it just keeps farting over and over again look watch oh oh it's got really bad gas all right let's continue I think it's going to wake up yeah there it goes and it's chasing me okay it's chasing me oh um I'm going to die but I want to get the teddy bear I got three out of seven oh no it's coming oh oh outplayed actually outplayed going to get you stuck behind the teddy bear idiot put that mace down by the way that's uh not friendly run I am running what do you think I'm doing I got my prison oh look if I hold it that is dude look at those muscles they're bulging cuz I'm holding this big giant heavy metal crate or cage whatever this is an intense game shut up I'm trying to run from you caring that just that maze I want that mace can I buy the mace with robu let's press the button and all right bye baby oh no wait can you still kill me if I touch him no I can just stupid baby all right see you later baby you're a loser anyway what what do we have here another another vent to fall down oh what wait how did you get here so quick oh all okay I'm in his mouth going down into its stomach all right and I rolled into death okay we're back here's a peddy bear four out of seven very good let's not fall into the stomach acid that would be bad wait do these sink all the way down no so that's good to know oh look you can buy another cage here vitamins Teddy uh you're not allowed to follow me out of my game all right anyway Let's uh jump over whatever these things are looks like Laffy Taffy or AirHeads sour apple really good more sour apple Airhead dude I you know what saying that just makes me want sour apple Airhead so badly Oh Be Where rolling green peas okay so the baby oh Teddy Bear five out of seven oh oh hide hide so the baby is eating giant green peas that's the baby's diet all right everything's starting to make sense now if I was fed peas for my parents as my diet as a baby I'd be really angry as well wait maybe they did feed me peas and I don't remember wait what's this buy everything for $14 that's no oh now we got to climb up the baby's spine okay here here we go let's be really careful uh come on don't fall don't fall we got to climb up the baby's spine we're doing this for the baby's own benefit if it wasn't for oh yeah see this bone coming out of the spine yeah this is my favorite bone I don't know if you know about it it's called The flater optopus yeah that's exactly what's called what is this the baby is just a a pee machine wait do I die if I touch these no but I can kick them off yeah screw your manufacturing or whatever you're doing here yeah yeah get out of here yeah all right let's continue and that's not it let's try this again without the mistake there we go oh my gosh I can't believe I fell there oh okay so we're going to yeah he's farting yeah okay well I'm so heavy so dense so much muscle that the baby's farts can't carry me up there build here what am I building hello oh Teddy Bear six out of seven hey Teddy what's up yep no come here stop jumping yeah okay just stop all right you're going to die with me that's just how it's going to be drop celery oh it's celery now okay well I got celery so let's wait can I bring out the portapotty oh look I can do both all right I'm going to put celery down and carry you oh I need more hold on Teddy I'll take you with me just uh just get cozy oh wait I can't even pick this hold on Teddy all right there we go all right Teddy get back in sorry Tedd I had to release you for a second to pick up more celery I might be a gigachad strong but I I Can Only Hold uh one celery at a time hold on I got to go back and grab this one Teddy oh right all right uh Teddy just one sec here I got to grab the celery thanks Teddy bye and all right let's cross this and then wait wait it's not long enough okay so we grab that and then that and wait Teddy come back come back Teddy I'll take you with me Teddy just jump into my cage come on Teddy Don't Be Afraid just just come in come into my cage Teddy okay thank you Teddy I will now take you the rest of the way very good Teddy all right here we go I don't know where this void takes us to oh um what just happened I guess we're not supposed to go in there and now I'm have to rebuild oh well I'm sorry teddy I'm not really sorry it it was funny anyway Let's uh build a cross okay we got three celery here so what's the point of this hole then what am I supposed to do here if I jump in here I just die oh wait why did I die the course is the other way buddy why are you looking over here seriously just turn around it's not that hard you're wasting your own time reading this okay well I'm taking Teddy with me all right here we go Teddy get ready whoa Teddy Hold On Tight Teddy don't worry Teddy I won't let oh crap sorry Teddy herey Teddy get back in I'm not going to fail this time I promise I accidentally jumped twice it wasn't oh crap I promise third times a charm here we go Teddy uhoh no stop here we'll we'll take our time okay I promise I'm just going to be G no Teddy I'm sorry all right man I'll leave you I'm sorry teddy I might be really strong but I can't carry the both of us I just have to I have to go by myself oh Teddy he was weighing me down Teddy's I might be really fat maybe Teddy needs to go on a diet oh okay hold on jump and jump jump jump jump jump don't fall here that'd be embarrassing and there we go oh look it the last bear seven of seven I just got an achievement for that yeah I'm good all right look here he comes and oh dang I tried to catch him oh hey Eve but you're not allowed to fight bye okay so she's dead for oh uh I'm guessing we have to blow him up with whatever weapon this is so let's grab it take a Green Bean Launcher of Destiny oh oh oh I can bring out the cage too okay all right uh I can only have one weapon out at a time which one do I do I want Teddy come here I'm dead already wait how did I die what I'm going to do is put teddy in here come here Teddy stop Teddy get in my cage Teddy get in the cage you know you want to get in it come on okay there we got Teddy now we're just going to stand here until Teddy dies to the babies we can't see the babies but they will kill him event oh he's dead see you teddy oh I have to shoot these oh I launch green beans I I guess I love boss battles yeah take that I wish you could shoot other players like it was a Oh that kid just died but yeah I wish you could shoot other people like epic PVP Adventure now the question is do I kill teddy again it would be wasting a lot of time but it's all funny and I like to laugh no this guy's just jumping let's just uh get rid of him stop jumping stop you die okay so they're all dead wait be before it ends come here come here come here get in get in okay so now let's hopefully the kid dies come on come on die before the game ends for me quick oh no Teddy hello hi Eve oh no Eve you might die I've no idea where the the monsters are on your screen but they're probably going to get you any second now wait let's just stop moving because uh we want the monsters to catch up oh they caught up bye-bye Eve why do I run so slow hello here Teddy you want to finish together okay come in here take the escalator to Green being Destiny this is an escalator so that means if I don't move oh it is an escalator look it's taking me up even though I'm not moving but that's yeah that's too slow so let's take it to the top we still have wait I have to go down here oh my gosh Teddy I'm sorry this is just so slow oh was that is that a car oh look I can see myself down at the end I'm so big and massive and muscular I can just see it all right sorry teddy you're coming with me all right let's go here we go Teddy what if I just do this really quick hold on bye-bye Teddy I'm sorry wait he didn't die Teddy you trapped down there forever okay I'm sorry teddy but uh I have a long walk now this is going to take a while Teddy get in the car and pick me up please this is taking forever I don't think I'm even halfway there yet oh good here he comes yo Ted pick me up come on pick me up Teddy here yeah thank you teddy I might be in the belly of the car but this works for me here we're almost there folks let me just zoom in here oh yeah look that's me so big and muscular oh there we go wait help okay I'm out thank you so much Teddy for get to be here oh I just won and that's the look of a true winner I'll see you next time oh hey buff Doge you ready for school well actually I think we're in trouble our teacher doesn't want us to annoy her but that's impossible for me hello teacher um I'm not here to annoy you can I press this button like does it do anything no I will not annoy Miss anaton just kidding annoy annoy annoy annoy annoy annoy an hey Mal Boomer um yeah we're in trouble but I can't take a seat even though she wants me to anyway look we got this thing to pull fire alarm why is it here I don't know but I'm pulling it oh no what have I done uhoh sorry is that annoying you stupid idiot bye come on Buff Doge yep all right so how do we get out of here it's got to be like like an exit somewhere cuz school sucks it's for losers guys there she is um she's fast and she's got a a a big sussy ruler in her hand oh buff do okay is she actually getting closer I think she's getting closer this is dumb I have to use the corners of my v no like it okay there she is I think this might be the wrong way okay you know what this is so trash I'm being chased again I have no idea which way is correct and this is also a dead end I'm going to keep going down the hallway this way yeah come on Buff Doge use your muscles wait no let's go this way keep going straight and then go down here she's getting closer buff Doge am I going the right way get away get away get away this is not right uhoh buff Doge oh and malib Boomer's back wait no it's not that way buff Doge that's the wrong way so let's go this way let's keep following maliboomer maybe he knows the way oh buff do why'd you pull the fire alarm oh Arrow okay let's go this way we get another red oh into the vent we get to be ssas oh here she comes see you later idiot wait did she just disappear buff Doge I think she disappeared Anyway come on Buff do time to be ssas oh we are in a new Obby so let's uh just jump across here there we go wait where's maliboomer we got to wait for him maliboomer guys we got to go back and get maliboomer oh you made it maliboomer oh wait what just happened I I have no idea what happened okay let's go we got to jump over this the stupid red lasers and down yeah next up a very scary pit oh maliboomer bought a rocket launcher that's why we all died okay good job maliboomer he's just oh oh no oh buff doou can you put that Cannon away please oh wait so these things fall okay guys look I'm just trying to get across and play video games please let me play video games Lazy Monkey you going to make it yes oh no I fell in I was a stupid first person mode come on be Doge guys we have to go separate okay please do not fall okay it just fell ah okay I made it all right let's continue and the dumb little Noob is dead right come on Buff do get away from him quick climb the ladder faster oh we have to jump through do do you just die can touch this yes right let's try not to touch the like swinging propeller things here we go and then Mal Boomer is maliboomer stop with the rocket launcher how do you even get that I want to get that wait what okay I was in the shop I'm sorry all right let's try not to do that again um where is she oh there so she comes through here can I actually Dodge her or is she faster than me please leave me alone I'm a good student even though schools for losers alore hit her with your rocket launcher or something okay malib just killed buff Doge and can she fit in the bathroom she can but I'm going down the sewer idiot see you all right we made it and uh buff Doge oh buff Doge hey okay maliboomer just blew up Lazy Monkey let's check out the shop we got the lightsaber here wait I thought I already owned this oh do you have to buy for each game I'm going to buy the player vacuum he's being very okay Mal Boomer you're being very sussy and you're dead that's what you get all right Mal Boomer uh oh you're dead does this kill you right here oh come here Mal Boomer oh no we both just died buff Doge I didn't mean to get you I'm sorry but come with me oh no sorry buff Doge Al Boomer stop you are no longer allowed to shoot wait wait can you shoot people in my vacuum sh a Mal Boomer okay he's just I don't know if he knows what he's all right let's try not to get me killed here boom there we go oh sorry Mal Boomer he's dead can any of you make it out of here come on yeah we monkey how do I uh release you I just got to face uh let's go first person mode and then zoom out there we go and now oh dang it all right whatever let's just continue let's head across here maliboomer shooting people with this rocket hey excuse me maliboomer yeah you better keep running kid I'm Coming For You Don't Bring Out The Rock lunch come here okay just going to get in position here wait I can't go back okay I'm just going to get in position here all right I think this is good and put it away bye malib Boomer see you later set on up the ladder this is complete chaos oh who's this hello kid I just going to borrow you for a second let's go into first person mode again back up a little bit all right and then we put it away bye all right so he's gone let's continue up the ladder and oh he respawns here Mal Boomer stop shooting buff Doge put the rocket launcher away buff Doge says he can't see the pipe I got you buff Doge don't worry I will take you up myself all right buff get the checkpoint there we go all right come on guys here we go uhoh the stupid mini tron's going me down here oh okay that's just a duck where exactly do I go let's see if we can get trapped on the post no quick I found the entrance all right come on guys up the ladder what okay uh Lazy Monkey is now dead oh buff doge is dead and tax is and I'm dead everyone's dead great let try not to die this time guys here I'll make it easier come here okay it's not worry I'm going I'm going let me suck you in please anyway um do we we go through here oh okay good we're back in the the school I don't I want to be here we have to cross the red lasers okay we're safe oh no buff Doge buff Doge get up the stairs quick um there's nothing over there so clearly we have to go through here come with me oh no not you I want you buff Doge you come with me here we go going to make it go this way oh they're getting skinni your buff Doge be careful oh I did it yay okay let's go to art class avoid the mannequins okay well I'll just um yeah that okay well that wasn't hard anyway let's continue into the Next Room Mal Boomer is still blowing everybody up um we got this twirling laser thing okay it's actually moving pretty fast oh oh okay I made it we go up the pipe wait where where do we actually oh do we go down here buff dge oh hello teacher you're back I'm just going to run this way please don't catch me um where do we go this is just a square room I think I'm actually Dead Oh buff do where do we go I think we're all just being chased down here clearly I'm an idiot because I think we're just supposed to go through here yeah all right well let's continue going down all the oh he just blew up Mal blew him all up let's uh this way cafeteria good find Lazy Monkey let's continue oh let me guess this kills me oh no this just makes you really slow oh hello are you a cook can you go he can go over the table that's not good can you shut up please is he Al he's also fast yeah you're being really loud I'm just trying to get through here and go home my mom says I need to be home early okay you're stupid did you die too lazy monkey don't worry Lazy Monkey here come with me Lazy Monkey I'll rescue you oh no wait I got stuck on the bened sorry Lazy Monkey listen man I am sick of you put down those dough rollers or what whatever they're called honestly he's getting really close please he's actually getting close that's not the door me and Lazy Monkey are struggling here go away I need to be ssus come on ah finally oh he went away he like despawned wait what about a lazy monkey where is he oh Lazy Monkey I have your macaroni ready I guess doesn't want food come on let's go and then into the pit we got to swim we're swimming in like a green sewage and up into a a pool of some sort can I go off the diving board or no yeah I I guess not what about this door is this the right one yes it is and oh is it out outside did we finally Escape oh get to the bus okay um where is it oh come on Mal use it oh no we got a duck okay so there's also the duck run oh get through well I died can I not die from a stupid rocket again go away the duck is here too am I going to even be able to make okay squeeze through very carefully there's the bus oh everyone's here Saturn out of my way let me into the stupid bus please thank you oh my goodness I made it go away ugly wait let's see if I touch it do I die oh uh-oh oh no I broke the game and now they're not killing me I actually literally broke the game I broke the game they're not able to kill me okay well um I glitched out of the bus and now I think I'm stuck here and the monsters have disappeared uh buff dou what do we do do we just have to run the whole way everyone else is beat it except for me I'm on level 19 now I got to do the long walk to the Finish guys please don't trap me I'm trying to get to the end of the game please maliboomer blow them up trying to keep me from getting to the Finish Line no you guys will not stop me I'm a professional gamer guys please just let me get over here oh time to escape wa Doge how did we get here oh Doge who's that escape Miss Marie's Library oh Doge she's looking a little scary just like my ex-girlfriend well come on Doge I think we got to follow the arrows just have to like escape from here or something oh do do watch out oh God she's coming for me do we can't get hit by her she'll give us lunch wa why oh hello oh there's a key on the ground okay um can I just like unlock the door please oh cell key there we go all right door's open Doge are you in jail hello Doge where are you go away you stupid skeleton sneak through the door here hopefully he doesn't chase me okay he's coming can I kill you no he's killing me though ow get off my head I know it's big wait can I oh he's dead I don't know what I did wait how did you get a sword I I don't know what's going on I want a sword well the door's now open so I'm just going to go in here oh check point okay where's Doge oh Doge hey Doge you got to get the key on the ground come on Doge get the key okay okay now pull it out finally you did it oh Doge you're so silly sometimes okay come on Doge we got to escape I think doge is destroying the skeleton okay all right do uh just follow me we'll be safe ah easy Doge oh he died to the Spike let's go back come on you silly dog don't worry about her ah good boy okay now we're at another checkpoint what do we do here this this just all an Obby all right come on Doge going across the chain onto the pipe oh I lagged and died okay let's try this again and one more and up come on Doge lead the way where we going and across and up the ladder yay all right this says run Doge you probably have to run from someone come on Doge so far nothing crazy has happened oh the lag run Doge which way do we go oh no no oh Doge I died oh she's coming already okay let's go this way Doge where are you help me Doge oh which way do I go Which Way Doge would probably go this way oh yes red arrows uh please stop chasing me I'm freezing again oh no ddge oh I I ched her help me Doge I'm still sick okay let's go this way and keep folling the arrows wait elevator okay I'm going in I made it Doge he yeah I made it Doge okay uh what What's this place doesn't look too uh too difficult here just got to jump across hope I don't lag and die oh I just lagged but I didn't die come on Doge keep going we're doing really good so far oh what's this oh this is one of those books so I have one of 10 yeah make sure you get it Doge okay come on let's jump down let's not die oh doge look at these yellow spikes they're going to sting Us in the ball oh even Doge knows okay come on Doge oh that's a checkpoint apparently okay let's just uh keep going up these rocks here nothing too difficult and then I think we got to jump into the sewer come on Doge into the black hole now we can't touch the lava on the floor here oh do just lagged oh he survived and we got another book here on the ground okay be careful Doge please don't freeze oh no I'm frozen okay we're back and up the ladder yeah good job and now we're somewhere oh another big book okay now got three of them got this spinning uh red laser I can stand on this box here oh do is going for it oh Doge oh Doge oh my poor boy watch out it's done Doge come on yeah oh I'm frozen oh no easy oh Doge what's going on with you oh and now Doge just got sliced by the big oh all right listen Doge we can't touch this stuff ready oh Doge just ran for it okay well I guess that works all right do just go so I see some uh like dynamite there Dynamite everywhere do we have to like pick them up oh okay so it adds it to the door oh you can't jump okay watch out do there's no jumping we have to collect all the TNT oh and there it goes it just exploded come on do it's your turn why do you need so many explosives to break a door that's how physics Works Doge he's so silly just waiting on this silly Doge oh Doge you're such a good boy come on got to go into the vent oh now we're forced into first person mode Doge it's scary come on no Doge it it's going to be okay don't worry oh Doge just follow me you'll be safe okay come on Doge oh Doge run Doge don't ever stop oh she's catching up oh which way which way oh I see red arrow uh um okay I don't see that way I'm freezing oh okay this way how close is she oh my goodness she's so close I got to keep going oh red arrow I see it please miss Marie I didn't do anything wrong oh and she's gone oh hey Doge come on do doge is frozen oh okay he made it all right Doge let's go we just got to stick together Doge we'll always win oh I just froze oh and Doge died too okay can the stupid game stop freezing I just got to jump onto the ladder come on do make sure you get the ladder good please don't freeze game oh a switch oh what's going to happen the door opened okay well Doge uh I have no idea how to get there oh good boy Doge you found the way oh there's a book over here make sure we don't die getting this silly book please don't freeze please don't freeze oh let me in a yes oh do you're about to play squid game are you ready Doge you're silly oh Doge how do you do that I want to float okay Doge I know the way just just go here I meant here oh doge is just going good good boy Doge so I think he died on this one so here and then Easy Come on Doge stop looking at me like that Doge I know it's easy all right Doge now we just got to make sure we don't get hit by these stupid swinging axes bye Doge okay I I lagged stupid axes let's go Doge all right we can just jump up here and let's jump onto here this seems easy enough nothing crazy so far what is going to happen here oh we jump onto the skulls good job do you're always so smart we have a book in the corner and then we're good good come on Doge oh do do doge is freezing oh Doge you wanted the bones back there no okay come on Doge jump into here oh there's fall damage do we have to be careful oh there's a book Doge wow the books are getting bigger so I think we have to walk down the side of the house oh Doge oh Doge don't do that come on you silly dog um okay I think we just jump here and all right made it to the ground oh doge look there's like like a a Teddy bearing weapons and stuff come on do that's pretty cool I know you like to run in streets Doge but just just try not to get hit by any car oh do you silly boy okay let just make a run for it oh am I going to have to fight her oh what just happened got blown up Doge yeah she's stupid okay come on do let's get some weapons um I'm going to go for the uh the fidget spinner here doge look can spin around doge look at my fidget spinner oh Doge you want the teddy bear okay can like hit you with it in the head all right Doge um maybe we go back to the library okay come on Doge let's not get hit by any cars Doge what just just happened do we have to go in this door hello Doge I'm confused says I'm on stage 21 I I think I won and the trophy says I have 999 wins W I'm so good come on do just go back across the street maybe we have to like battle each other with the weapons oh oh I got ran over Doge hey doge look what I got come here Doge I've got a surprise Doge oh do is dead what about you little kid come here come here kid yeah yeah oh Doge has got oh no Doge that Baka I'm getting the ninja star come here Doge got another one oh it missed stop running Doge all right Doge don't move okay just went through you okay let's try this again yeah I got him right in the mouth look at that yeah no Doge it's not your ball do I'll throw that your ball ready it missed Doge but got you on the tail I'm sorry Doge you have to be neutered ow kid stop oh this sussy Baka oh you can throw them a lot faster I can't hit them oh good I'm finally hitting him yeah yeah die kid come on do get no oh me and Doge got destroyed how about the fidget spinner no I will not be your friend die Doge I don't think the fidget spinner does anything so today I have to escape from this chubby farting idiot so let's play I'm going to turn off first person and we're going to do hard mode oh yeah I'm still really ripped been eaing a lot of protein all right so we click the button the door opens and here she is she's really upset with me and you'll see that she likes to fart so let's jump into the vent and head on down open please come on smack it use your muscles and let's go I got to get ahead of uh this person above me oh this is hard mode stuff I can shift lock that's pretty convenient but I don't need it I'm a professional at obies if you're new to the channel you might not realize that but as you will soon see I am uh the greatest Obby uh person ever born so let's just okay like I said the greatest alive into the vent to be ssas hello hurry up thank you and you know what I can buy stuff there is a shop no that's cheating these items suck okay we're not going to buy anything wait what' I do oh see look she's farting watch uh hello you're supposed to fart there it is ew oh she keeps farting okay so I got to press this button did I get it I didn't register stupid broken game broken game we're going to try this in first person mode for whatever reason the button wasn't working go away you farting idiot okay there we go the button worked and now I think I'll be able to make it yeah you're not going to give me I'm just too buff and fast too much cardio all right so here uh yeah we just got to pick up the blocks and place oh and come on get over there we go give theat and hello open okay now we got to get the blocks once again so drop that one and then that one there we go and Upsy Daisy hello come on oh my gosh she's she's going to break my blocks can't she do it no I believe in you yay down the vent and what do we have here another okay we got to open this clicky click yeah bash it open bash it yeah and this looks pretty straightforward cross the red and she's coming good and okay here we go uh shift lock Bam Bam easy next up what do we do here I think we just start heading up okay easy enough and then up here across the pipes onto the balcony and what do we have here we got some red or this isn't red this is white these probably kill you so I'm just going to jump over them looks like elect electricity Oh I thought I was going to die there but forgot I'm really good at this hit the button a door open somewhere not quite sure where but let's just continue and oh right here okay we got some uh red lasers here hey excuse me can you stop dying I killed you good you deserve it here we go over over over excellent wait oh then we just go down the stairs okay wait we got to wait yeah she's kind of slow look I can morph into these characters how much is this that's a scam oh here she comes all right into the door or a room oh we got lots of fart juice coming hello oh I died apparently okay so don't touch the fart juice come on see I am really uh-oh what oh go go get out of here oh he's jumping and Landing with jump farts what am I even shooting at him I'm like shooting hammers or something I don't know dude go away please he's almost dead I just got to dodg his uh flying booty there he is he's dead haha easy oh he exploded lots of fart juice everywhere okay let's go through the door come on you can do it kill him oh I think she did it yay see I'm always helping out my fans I'm always playing with them I'm such an amazing Creator oh here we go so we grab uh what is this B I'm assuming I put it up here stick it on the board good then we have what's this C let's put C up on there and then we have a a goes over here bam look at that professional I know my ABCs let's continue wait oh she's ahead of me how oh wait she just walked through the wall I don't know how she did that maybe that's easy mode I don't know but actually I'm going to go first person it seems a little bit easier apparently this game was made for first person um but yeah it's kind of annoying to watch videos in first person so we watch like this and then we get to look at my huge pecs look you see the veins and everything oh my gosh lots of uh dieting and working out oh hello we have a farting idiot on the phone oh she's okay okay let's press the button and continue up the stair dude she's actually kind of fast hello go away uh uh uh uh uh come on it yay look at her she's just sitting there farting you okay Grandma okay I I'll see you later have fun sneaking up the place come on you can make it very good and into the vent be SAS good job making awesome time wait excuse me there there's kind of collision so you can actually uh die to other players so it's probably good I don't have 50 fans follow me come on break it open yeah ah so buff all right next up we have a bunch of yeah see she just walked through that cuz she's not playing on hard mode she's not a professional at obbies like me I was born to play these games come on over up yes up jump jump and don't die here yeah there we go bam it's actually quite difficult with my muscles being this big because you know you could easily uh just run into those lasers being as wide and buff as I am uhoh see what I mean I didn't die though but anyway we got to continue here onto the uh whatever these things are I don't know what these are air Ducks yeah something like that over and jump and button press there we go oh it turned on this thing okay so come on there we go excellent come on girl you can do it oh she just kicked the button that was really impressive oh oh good good you made it okay let's go dude broken game that was lag that was not a skill issue let's jump over kick open the vent we're being really susus in this video just lots of venting all right we get to bash this one open let's go first person yeah B oh okay I thought I was going to get the bashed open use metal planks to go across okay um should be pretty easy we're just going to use one plank the whole time I think that's the best way to do these come on yep and then pick it up and let's hope I don't die here because that would suck to have to do all that over again okay okay wait this is actually let's just do okay easy and then go and then can I just hug the wall here yes okay so hug the wall shift lock excellente uh I might be too buff for this part let's just see yeah I'm just way too strong oh good we don't restart yeah okay that wasn't even close what if my head's just too big for uh this next part let's just try this hold on oh okay I should have just done that the first time all right oh oh please don't make me do lasers again oh thank goodness wait where's where's my fan oh okay I'm obviously not doing this right dude why are you spawning me there all right let's get to the edge here and then jump jump jump jump very good oh we got to keep jumping oh don't die here okay we're good and up and jump and now we take this up really High I guess so it going to be laser yeah so we just don't want to hit the lasers here very good and Bam Blue Door you know what I'm going to wait for my fan I'm just really fast at these zom oh there she is okay good come on oh very good into the red door and what do we milk I get to drink it oh oh very tasty yeah yeah drink it again wait what oh this made me fast okay like a um diarrhea milk yeah that's what's happening clearly okay come on be see across the picnic table and jump oh oh oh how long does this last for we're in an office now oh that's kind of gross hello sussy fan where are you should we just go back try to get her okay yeah that's not going to work oh here she comes you can do it yes yes you made it welcome to the office here let me uh just come on let me sit okay I'm not sitting all right here we go we got the exit and I'm running on her head and then now we're outside this is nice I like being outside oh well who are you you're really big uh okay yeah this is scary I know Grandma farter is looking kind of scary oh Robo Betty how much damage does this do not that much let's try not to die ow wait that didn't hit me okay good ow okay I got to watch out for that oh if I do third person I can still okay we're good here she goes and then I got to jump very good oh I just shot the building in front of me robo Betty stop launching rockets at me please and jump very good come on Robo Betty wait can I run out okay good I can leave the uh the soccer that almost hit me okay she's halfway dead come on come on what if I have the world record time right now probably not but um let's just get her Dead come on oh she's launching her yellow balls at me okay she actually has a lot of Health here hello can you uh oh no oh no oh okay I did it die Robo Betty you will hurt children no longer yeah you blew up she's actually dead I killed her I actually killed her children she is dead she is actually dead she's not stunned she's not just knocked out she is dead actually dead and I'm going to get into my monster truck and I'm going to drive away because that's what I do when I win I get in my monster truck I drive away complete and total Victory and I am a top player that's just all you have to understand I'm one of the best in the world you you can see number one on hard difficulty can see how buff I am look at that I'm flexing oh yeah yeah show come on show show the biceps come on oh yeah oh oh yeah look at those oh my gosh I am ripped yeah that's that's right oh man I'm really good looking look at this vitamin D has successfully escaped Betty's Nursery yeah I know ooh a portal where's this going to take me let's hop inside wait scary doll curse what is this oh another Hobby okay we'll play this next time is that me in prison and who's this fat loser easy mode I don't think so it's hard time oh hey Mr oh did what did you just fart you're scratching your butt yeah that's kind of gross but I do it every day anyway oh we got to go up to there it looks like again we're playing in hard mode so let's uh climb the ladder oh hey hey malib Boomer we got to get out of this stupid prison yeah let me out come on man keep punching okay yeah look at that uh let's see if maliboomer is able to do it and he's dead all right my turn okay uh let's try this again onto the corner and then up oh no these these little things are scary there we go and over oh no maybe I shouldn't have done hard mode got to watch out for these stupid landmines I'm just going to walk really slowly just like that and there's one right here jump over and then over oh okay hopefully I have a checkpoint let's hit the button what happened oh malib Boomer are you going to make it or is it too hard okay he's dead these kids are definitely not playing on hard mode all right here we go so jump and then yep okay okay let's go and then bam and then bam and then okay and okay I made it what is this of you guys are on hard mode oh we got uh the big fat idiot go away go away I pressed it I don't even want to turn around it's probably right behind me please go away okay yeah I made it fat idiot let's continue and um jump up here I got to avoid these lasers that's kind of weird that they're just here like who would install such a Contraption it's really odd hey shut up down there it's vitamin box I haven't seen you for a while come on box you can make it there you go Mr Box I cannot see the red laser that this is an issue oh hey it's maliboomer he made it all right guys I'm going I can't see anything uh uh uh uh into the vent time to be Sasa imposter oh no maliboomer come on malib Boomer you can do it or not and it's buff Doge buff do just punch oh okay well you fell Mal we made it good job come on we got to continue down into the vent and into the bathroom oh wow we are definitely my head barely comes up to the toilet we got to go in here hello hello oh I can't see vamin box you're in the way let's just open all these oh does this kill you no it doesn't it just stinks really bad all right let's head down ow oh the toilet's down here all right well uh what's this going to be like on hard mode I wonder I don't really know but so far this is pretty easy okay so these break and lava shoots up that makes sense uh-oh that guy just broke okay maliboom we got to wait come on fix please oh maliboomer is dead over there I don't know how here ready to go don't break don't no all right we got one more to go stop breaking it ready go go yes I made it buff Doge that was so hard all right come on guys what do we have here these stupid spikes they actually close really quickly I got to be careful and go oh and we got a rolling ball of fire all right well let's just make oh I can't see anything V him box child okay let's go wait I don't think we go down there oh they all just died oh and I just died have to do this crap again oh wait I'm going backwards I'm stupid come on Mal Boomer you can do it right Mal Boomer has now made it uh we got to watch out for the big old ball there we go we got to make a run for It Go vitamins box and buff do is here all right go do the next there oh no it's coming fast what that's not fair that's cheating maliboomer died too means we have to wait right at the corner right when it goes by I can't see vitamin box get in there get in there get in there come on come on stupid ball C I made it wait for the next one here comes let's wait and go go vitamin box yay we made it this might be risky malib Boomer oh just kidding you made it all right let's go up the ladder wait why are you down here you fat fart loser uh-oh run he's kind of fast please don't catch me I'm not going to even turn around I'm scared wait uh-oh so uh what do we do here don't fart that's gross wait I'm confused okay I'm I'm really confused so do I just need to click this a bunch or what okay I clicked it three times so the gates open I just have to dodge this fat farting idiot come on let me in ah there we go easy oh he still comes oh no he still comes in here that's not fair what kind of game is this go away you fat loser uh-oh okay I'm dead so uh how do I do this the ball comes down hit him okay I got to get to where buff doge is okay or I just died oh bad timing attempt number 15 okay I finally made it up here um what do I do now the ball is frozen don't push me off idiot stop I can't see anything the ball is actually stuck and now I'm dead all right I'm in a good spot guys go away I can go continue come on here comes another ball let's got to wait right here okay the ball's gone guys please do not kill wa this part's impossible if I this box I cannot see I'm dead please game oh no I'm not stopping I'm just going move move stupid fans move okay I'm dead oh I got the checkpoint yes I did it let's go all right all you uh nonh hard mode idiots it's time for me to get out of here wait are we going up or down oh we're going up okay see you do we want to go to the cafeteria or security training well I like to eat so I'm going this way I would like to eat please okay well I can't eat vitamins box I blame you for everything all right what do we do here press the red okay guys I can't see press the button what did that do oh oh okay well now I'm really fast so here we go yeah here get out of my way come on I suck let's try this again dude seriously I don't know how to jump all right do not fall just jump when it's yellow oh so uh we got to be a little careful here just stay back all right and then okay down there and then now this looks a little sussy but uh nothing that uh a professional gamer like myself can handle there we go bam all right now is not the time to fail wait I have to jump through here bam and then bam oh okay let's be really careful here bam I did it oh I just burped also known as a mouth fart up the ladder and now we are at the storage room can I go in here oh look is this a ladder okay I'll take this yeah we're we're definitely holding a ladder I can see it all right let's put it right uh right here that's a little off hold on let me uh reenter that there we go um okay there we go guys stop moving my ladder stop Vin's box everything is your fault all right guys seriously please let me up come on finally and here we are being uh susus imposters come on M Boomer and into oh what's this go away you rat oh there you are okay come on man oh got to watch out for these lasers they're wait oh this pushes you okay I think the trick to these you just always keep jumping but I'm dead and up okay now just keep jumping dang it I'm stupid okay so far I'm going to wait right here here Here Comes jump okay come on don't re okay and let respawn no oh my sussy fans are watching now here we wait and then jump how did I die there I made it jump okay I'm dead vitamin box you're once again in my way go move oh I I did it finally I didn't even see anything maybe V V's box did you put me in your box what do we have here oh we got big bouncy balls well this isn't toxic at all where are the balls oh there they are so they just randomly bounce got it yeah Mal boomer this isn't going to go too well well go away rat okay go here and then I'm just going to keep going over here but it might be wrong I'm in a good position move rat you're in the way go go go go go go go please don't kill me oh no please go away go don't not just leave me alone I can't me it oh thank goodness with rats and everything in my way none of these sussy fans are playing on hard mode oh my goodness how am I going to do this got stupid land M stop blowing please wait do I have to press this to make it stop oh wait okay and yeah that did not work oh I got to close the valve oh there's more valves down here oh um jump across get to this valve click it okay so that valve's been shut and move uh buff Doge I see that you're not on hard mode because you're just running straight move your fat got to go back okay got all the valves turned off what happened to this kid here is he okay yeah I'm just going to walk through it yeah it's easy for you guys cuz there's no freaking bombs on the ground move and then up here move buff dge let's just continue time to be susus again get through the vent and what is this I see something is blowing oh hello box um yeah let's just see what happens here jump and jump okay uh easy enough we got some more of it here and the gaps are a little bit wider uh-oh I'm guessing these are going to be really wide uhoh that's maliboomer waiting for me m hey man I made it all right let's head on up and up here we have move box oh so we have low gravity everyone's just going to get chopped up oh wait no they won't because they're not on hard mode but that's malib Boomer's body all right well I guess I'm going to die oh or I'm just going to fall wait maybe this is the strategy and jump okay okay okay okay no I thought that was a good straty let's try it again don't kill me please just go away go away it didn't go away oh okay I'm dead just going to fall in hopefully just get super lucky I made it oh maliboomer you made it too okay good let's go we got uh a lunch lady here uh-oh Gary the chef okay um he has Health how do I kill you oh a food zuka me this please all right um die please ow it doesn't look like I respawn with it oh I do die you loser please oh no he's slowing me down oh he's stuck it's my chance I can't see anything I'm not doing any Dam damage to him wait come here there we go got to do some head shot oh no he suddenly got loose die yes easy oh he he he blows up too okay let's head on to the next part here all right maliboomer are you ready down we go okay I missed it completely let's try this again do I need like jumper or okay is this completely random RNG please just give me over that's not okay just stop trolling me dude okay I finally made it let's head up the ladder and exit did I finally beat it on hard mode oh no jump oh yeah okay this is going to be impossible what is this um okay we go up all right all right just don't just don't get unlucky good not getting unlucky okay don't get unlucky don't get unlucky do not get unlucky don't get Unlucky One More all I have to do is do one more do not get unlucky no I made it I made it yes I did it I just got to wait for malib Boomer but I can't really see not push me off rat you silly suck oh malib made it maybe it wasn't as hard as I thought all right anyway let's get out of this stupid prison it's really toxic use metal planks to get across um okay let's go up the ladder get your plank here um all right give me that I just got to place it down okay and then we got two more here move guys I can't see Plank number two has been grabbed uh do that and now plank number three I know there's a land mine right there so I just got to be a little bit careful and I'm so stupid oh they all reset when you die that's so toxic oh no I just dropped it down there stupid game vitamin box please move I did it okay that was so toxic get me out of here wait did he just flip me off okay um I guess I have to shoot a bunch of food at this loser die please what what what's he even hitting me with bro I don't even know what he's hitting me with but I'm dead apparently okay well let's try this again I hope you're halfway dead again if not then this okay this game's toxic how am I going to beat this yeah what shoot the arm all right die you stupid arm please die oh just kidding he knows how to aim okay I got one arm wait what did I die too we're do a different strategy you're going to go around the okay I just got hit by something and I'm dead taking damage again I don't get it dude go away do not shoot me okay for some reason I'm going to beat him this time he's flipping me off again yeah just die you loser okay yeah you're stupid you're fat nobody likes you yeah just die get me into this stupid swap vehicle I'm done with this stupid prison hard mode is definitely hard get me out of here get out of the way kid I'm going to run you over let's follow the yellow arrows apparently we have more Obby to do I'm over this why are we climbing a little mountain is there a spaceship to launch me out of here well that was fun where's this going to take me listen everyone I'm on a bike don't judge me I know I'm not looking straight I'm just like looking to the side for some reason the goal is to use this bike to get to the end oh I can actually jump on the bike yeah I'm a real BMX pro look at this okay seriously stop that's uh really really cringe anyway let's continue and and it looks like we have 100 Levels as you can see wait why don't I have like the mic enabled hello I want to be able to talk smack to people like her hey no come here wait no come here yeah she just fell off what are you doing let me go bumper come here yeah yeah yeah oh there's no Collision that's so lame now I have a death oh my gosh okay anyway let's hey excuse me yeah see I wish I could just really just run into them that'd be so awesome okay let me figure out why my my voice isn't working I think the game just doesn't allow it because my microphone is enabled whatever let's just beat this game I'm on a bike it's a bike Obby here we go level six completed and make the jump and jump okay so with this we just run through the middle here very easy hit the flag awesome and what is this level I don't even know anymore progress 9% means I'm on stage uh 9 but now I'm on stage 11 come on get up these stupid stairs good and what do we have this we have some s swinging balls this just want to smash me in the face dude bro it's he's like looking away from me when I when I try looking wait a Teleport gun what would you actually do with this here yeah I I don't know but look we can also get a motorcycle dude that's expensive I'm I'm already losing Roo daily trying to please my sussy fans excuse me balls get out of my face please don't want them to hit me progress 15% we're getting uh through the game slowly but surely excuse me and okay can we have some hard levels please maybe I should hit the jump button that would probably help let's try this again and Bam there we go and do these actually kill you if you get hit or do let's just see so I'm just chilling here on my bike and no they just kind of push you around like a big bully so let's not get pushed this time dude I SW okay I thought I was going to miss it oh I I can at least jump over them that's cool wait oh break excuse me oh oh okay there now these things will actually kill me so I got to be extra careful not get uh run ran over by them that' be really bad bam and okay please just nice and nice and easy no need to rush it folks see these obies teach you life lessons like like don't rush just just be patient and hold down the WK just go as fast as you can ever stop screw being patient patience is for weaklings you want to be gigachad just go forever look at this I'm just never going to stop pressing W dead okay now here I'm forced to be patient and slow I guess come on let's go dude why is this thing so slow you please speed up thank you all right here we go just skipping this one come on okay I can make this jump bam easy all right next we just um yeah we just jump over these and we are on level 25 it looks like 75 bro that was actually a lag glitch happens a lot in to me in Roblox because the servers are so bad they can't handle my really good computer just make these little jumps oh I'm going too fast now I'm going too slow yes okay the levels are starting to get a little more technical but nothing I can't handle all right good and what's this oh these drop down okay Skip and go up please thank you nice jump over I can make these massive jumps being a professional gamer I'm actually a professional bike rider in real life a lot of people don't know that but it's true definitely not dude yeah definitely not lying it's absolutely truth and let's make the leap and level 32 this is actually a pretty cool game you're just riding a bike it's a nice little change to uh the typical Obby bro don't slip off please I can't even see anything it's okay these things will not kill me they'll just bot me yeah excuse me bam look at that ah wait no okay oh my gosh I break really well there there we go and let's just not fall here make the leap dude we are speedrun running now I'm never going to stop all right almost halfway down here nice and here we go oh I'm catching up to some other children and he just fell through the Gap poor kid hey you guys do what are you he's a fan of the LA Chargers it seems that's pretty cool I'll see you later and jump jump jump there we go okay don't fall don't fall don't fall make the leap there we there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is come on yes wait what's this we have a little side quest hello open okay it's nothing I'm just getting fooled by the developer and jump don't hit that good skip all this bro I really actually like this Obby it's fun but challenging and I like the movement with the bike it's really cool great I have to do a maze in this thing okay let's see okay well I can just cheat like that and go this way and there we go we're almost 50% of the way through the the level uh-oh let's just go nice and slow see folks you got to be patient like I said and here we go level after this level oh no it says now that we're 50% done okay we just skipped the level went from 48 to 50% nothing wrong with that I'll accept it some people weren't born to be mathematicians and that's okay they have other gifts like making obies with the bicycle oh this is kind of hard I have to be kind of fast here there we go and once again use my gaming speed and let's continue come on yeah yeah so fast W key forever out of the way ball you're not going to swing in my face here we go yeah skip that one bam oh crap it's not fall again let's be perfect come on come on be perfect okay sort of perfect but not really here we go we're making it we're making it oh yeah make the Le look at that folks ladies and crap that was going to be really cool if I made it let's try it again a little bit slower this time okay I really don't want to be patient on this one because uh yeah I don't like being patient in general but I have to all right what's this so I just kind of hold down the space bar and just hope I get lucky come on come on yep that's how you do it 59% complete out of my way swinging ball bro oh my gosh I made that I thought for sure I was dead there but I'm not I guess okay so this time we have a death maze we also have a child just okay you left the game Gone Forever he saw me coming he was like oh crap the an amazing gamer is coming I don't want to be embarrassed by him wait wait going too fast dang it okay come on let's not slip this time just be nice and easy nice and easy and easy okay what's this here we got these little gaps just got to be you know mine the Gap right write all my British friends all my British viewers mind the gap please mind the gap it'll take too long and I'm trying to beat this game and record time get the world record come on nice nice nice Nicea ah and yes yes bada bing bada boom 68% done almost at my favorite number and there we go 69% the sussy number oh crap oh crap let's be a little more gentle can I make this massive jump I can oh my gosh the level 69 King oh oh oh ladies and gentlemen I just did not get the checkpoints we better hope I don't fall here or else it's have to go back a long way uh-oh so yeah let's just just be patient and Bam there we go don't hit me stop it's going to bot me okay good 73% oh no that's not it okay let's try this again be a little bit more careful here and uh uh yes I didn't get the checkpoint again I'm stupid go away bopper so you actually have to be close to the flag or you don't get the checkpoint good to know I thought you just had to be like in the area this would be like a good game to play while streaming you could get a lot of your sussy fans in here and die like that you actually can just avoid the side platforms and just go straight through the middle and this you just have to go slow and be patient which sucks because who wants to be patient in life definitely not me but there we go do another slow one oh my gosh how do you that what wait actually if you just wait someone's shooting a laser at me stop it's probably no gosh please don't shoot the laser at me okay let's go come on come on come on dude I'm not going to take this one slow hello kid go away oh my gosh there's so many balls here oh my goodness okay we got through bro stop cheating with your Robux paid laser no one's impressed with it okay go away go away and jump jump move please so that kid's just hacking and 85% come on come on come on uhoh uhoh get over bro why am I I'm just so slow hold on okay there we go dang that was actually kind of difficult here we go and make it make it yeah your your teleporting laser isn't going to really work on this level oh hello Someone caught up to me oh this kid dude okay that guy's actually professional how do you do that wait I have to do that okay so okay you know what this is embarrassing none of these deaths are my fault it's all lag all right here we go just going to do what that kid did just kidding nice and easy I guess I'm not going to uh speed through this I wish I could I'd love to get the speedrun world record which I'm probably going to get anyway no you're not going to hit me easy and we go like this and then oh that was actually kind of cool but just got to be a little careful there we go go away with your laser no one's impressed kid you're not good uhoh little bopper don't Bop me good oh yeah wait why did it decide to shift back that way that's that's so quing okay here we go oh I'm double jumping and that kid just fell off that was kind of funny okay cheater actually hacking and he's going to hack forward with his teleportation lasers cheating there he goes I hope he failed and died bam yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh hello why are there a lot of players there's like three players here just go just W key just keep going W key oh yeah 98% complete about done with the game ladies and gentlemen out of my way big ball bro all right let's try this again I got to get a lot of speed and bam yeah I win all right well that was fun let's go play uh another Obby
Channel: VitaminDelicious2
Views: 162,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uc7neZ4zwWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 35sec (6815 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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