Can I Find ALL The Markers in Roblox?

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oh boy time to play wait a tick what's this technical marker awesome are you idiots ready it's time to find the markers okay let's just uh go over here we got ah okay well thank you oh we got to get the marker in the middle then over here I think this one counts good the ball and then oh no the line marker oh yep there it is the camo marker good job Kilby wow the orange Mark all right you idiots this way let's go to the house here just going to look around see if we can find any markers oh there's one on the water it's silly Olive marker someone killed him any in this house oh on the bed here the dream marker the next house here we have a hammer so let's click the hammer oh no we jump on it there we go and let's get the hammer marker and into the next house oh we have this guy sitting on a laptop the Markiplier silly keyboard just going to click it a bunch of times oh the error marker yeah easy all right into the next house oh I see something hiding back here come on let me in there we go battery let me out finally and the final house there's something under the bed here stupid baby imagine having kids oh ow all right let's go into the clock tower we have the red marker pray to Wild Card okay worry about that later let's climb up the ladder ghost marker all right idiots let's go to the next area we have the Snowman marker we got this guy in the ground here so let's jump on his face the snow marker and then here we're just going to die bye come on idiots into the house what a peaceful fire we're all so cozy on the couch oh oh well I got the couch marker cool come on people upstairs we got this guy just the hanging marker and here we have the magenta marker oh I'm sitting on the toilet microwave says ID I wonder if it means my character id 562 success yay gimme gimme all right I think that's it for the house oh I just oh I fell the mint marker wa that was luck oh what's this platform down here don't mind if I do oh let's try that again let's just be a little bit better this time uh uh oh come on you stupid platform let me on everyone's falling because I suck I don't suck at obies on very good and yep easy let me up there we go and this one's a little bit difficult but just a little like this all right second try come on no stupid can I stop falling please all right nice and easy just kidding okay come on I'm not stopping until I get it I have a really strong left foot don't worry idiots I'm coming ready yeah I did it yay let's jump into the water here we'll get this guy oh is that another marker I see oh the coral marker oh then there's one in the corner over here is there any down here oh well I'm in the sewer dark green marker the Teenage Mutant Ninja marker oh and a platinum marker okay we just got a lot now let's head on into the house here oh hello yellow idiot thank you let's head up the ladder oh oh plaid marker hello oh you tied up oh that's so scary stop set up the ladder up here in the Attic we have a gray marker oh what's this hanging from the tree B marker it's stung me in the ball let's head into the house here we have a fishbowl marker oh carpet marker okay Wild Card pray to him well there was that text on the wall pray to Wild Card oh wow look it's on the the chair there wild Marker set into the fire oh oh a fire marker what's this here oh there we go uh-oh where did I just get teleported to an Obby oh a phoenix marker yay let's die that's me in real life oh look I see these steps on top of the roof I guess I got to go up there and oh what's this in the chimney oh it's a brick marker okay so now let's start heading up here like these guys are doing this is supposed to be easy there's too many idiots here excuse me oh yeah I made it all right we have a marker up here in the clouds let's touch him in the face that's definitely a marker right here so it appears that there's a ladder I can see it oh easy okay well that guy just failed goodbye all right let me show you how it's done kid jump there okay so you just jump like that this is also Obby but I'm a professional Ober easy look at that first try stormy marker let's jump on down here I see a blue marker hiding thank thank you I see a sussy green thing in the trees over there let's go get it wait what was that oh the rock marker let's turn on my speed and make a jump oh oh okay I'll take the missing texture marker yay Leaf marker here lies marker's clone oh zombie marker I can't see with all the idiots in here get me out I'm stuck I'm actually stuck let's just step on this thing and then grab a golden marker and here we have turn my frown upside down figure that out later Hill Rock that's probably a code somewhere marker for the black base plate I just want to end everything oh I guess I'm I'm not going to die oh a ladder okay this is kind of weird oh wait is this a marker on the ground yes it's a c plus marker's cap maybe she's in the right spot nope so you idiots don't move I'm going to keep walking this way we'll see how far I can go till I fall okay here I go oh there we go 90° marker now just let me die it appears we have another Obby to do and it does look cancerous but I'm an Obby Pro here we go jump like this up the ladder oh okay I think this ladder is a trip you just go like this yeah okay and then up onto the ball and then onto this thing and then onto no someone show me okay that's not it go you idiot I just do that so I just I just go to the corner and then up oh okay now it's pretty easy from here up the ladder stupid jump scare marker on the platform here onto another marker onto a mar wait wait climb climb climb don't fall do not fall yay the Obby marker I'm Pro let's go get the marker in this uh glass room here come on let me in I know there's an opening somewhere there there oh there we go shift locking oh wait yay transparent marker so far I found 56 out of 150 let's go play around in this pyramid definitely markers here like this one and we got to go up here this looks really fun I'm just going to press W okay that didn't work just got to keep holding W and just hope nothing hits you like that see easy what's in here the liquid marker anything on this pyramid oh hello salmon marker don't see anything up here do you see anything oh bunch of Swords come on oh poke me in the ball all right guys let going do some shift action here to be really careful it's hard to see so many idiots getting chopped up but it's pretty easy with shift lock oh let's go in here oh yay and now let's just die let's go in the cave hey what's up dummy are you a marker no you're not oh yes dummy marker and then here we have another marker the marker seed the Fallen no idea what that means let's go to this room we got another marker here oh yes there seems to be a marker back here I think that's it for the cave we have a sussy cringe in the corner my friends are gone can you help me find them okay I guess we just got to go look for them sometime and we got another Obby here the triple marker what do I spy with my little eye a San marker oh what's this little platform here let's jump on it polka dots take it I just jump into this thing oh Plinko it appears I need to fall into this the yellow spot and I'm actually stuck I have to keep doing this until I fall into the yellow one come on get in there oh yay I made it finally polka dot marker seems we got these like lines on the the Brick here see if we can uh jump on those that guy failed miserably this corner looks hard come on vitamin you idiot there we go just got to hug the wall here and it looks like we have a devil marker stupid devil what are all you idiots doing over here oh hello I got it the green marker yay come on idiots let's work together I see a marker over here what are you doing up here you sussy you capless marker what about down here can I is this like a little secret yes it is a cork marker hiding in the sussy Rocks before I climb up the mountain let's see what we have here invert so that's probably a code word oh there's something in the tree the wood marker this guy's jumping on okay this leads me to the mega marker are we ready to go up into the mountain here we go friends I see a marker up here let's get this one jump on the eggs the Big Orange marker now there's these buttons all over the place I'm sure there's some kind of code somewhere that I have to find oh look we have a marker here a bone marker I can see a very faint platform in the clouds there's a lot of idiots in the way so it's hard to see and walk to the end I don't know if you can see this on the video and then down here it looks like another platform form way down there so I'm have to try to fall onto it come on there we go I'm a pro Obby time got this stupid moving platform give me on thank you and then up up the ladder and then one more H yay the glitch marker I'm the only one that made it oh hey someone finally made it in here it looks like I missed an easy Cactus marker so it's probably on one of these stupid cactuses oh there you are come on idiots let's head on up the mountain now it's time we climb this is actually harder than it looks oh I see a little missing here oh Ivory marker yay now over we're all climbing up the mountain together keep up with me I can see it over there oh but I don't want to miss like that guy just did no oh oh there's a ladder and there's the marker the rainbow marker but now we need to climb back up the mountain oh we got a marker here can't forget this one there's a ladder here in the sky let's get on this tree and let's make the jump a leap of faith now just got to walk across these things here ah there we go that one's pretty easy looks like we have some idiots struggling all right everyone back down oh and there's also one in the ground grass marker you silly guys I've had enough of this game I'm just going to walk off the edge bye oh well that was interesting I found the marker so let's grab the green marker oh that one just disappeared oh maybe that's for the one Quest and let's go touch this spinning block worship the purple Square no that they'll take the lavender marker I see a marker on the house here I wonder how I get it oh oh what a silly joke let's try that again oh the chicken marker okay we got to jump onto this platform here and now oh balloon marker yay all right from here we can jump off and then onto the roof of the house bam sunburn marker let's go into this Factory now hello loser and now we have this really cringe Obby I hate these things yep that guy just got owned these ones are even worse oh oh first try easy now let's die I want to head into the gallery you can see all the different markers that are in the game especially oh how did I how did I just do that the magenta void marker wow that was really lucky of me so what's in here we got uh like oh golden key oh the storage closet's open the box marker cool oh who hello let's head into this room we have a permanent marker oh here's another one of those buttons um maybe this is a code I don't know let's get out of here oh I just fell into oh white marker thank you is this like a sewer oh there's something in the wall here a rest marker oh get me out of the sewer let's go back to the factory hello oh oh there it is the rocket marker is this what Mars looks like uhoh it's crazy I wonder what's up here look I could climb the rocket this is so cool this is funny oh there's a marker up here wow that's totally crazy I had no idea let's just run around Mars and explore for a bit who knows maybe we'll find a marker oh the Martian marker what are the chances of that r equal 5 so that's another one of those weird codes let's go inside so we got these like six colors here I can't activate it though I don't know what's going on whatever is going in the tunnel and in here we have this marker getting fried through his butt wow the darker okay so now I can use the buttons so that R5 probably means red five so then we have to find like an orange yellow and so on let's go look for the codes we got something on the ground here oh that's a key I'll take it oh look another code y equal 2 so red five yellow 2 where are the other codes does this rocket have a code on it uh-oh oh look there's a code here orange equals 8 what a silly spot to put a code this Arrow wants me to jump off there's probably a secret down here I wonder where it is oh that's lucky silly space Oh look a moon can I like grab it oh a ladder oh oh another code b equal 7 so we have blue 7 is that an impostor amongus it's time to get it yeah oh this is so sus no the sus marker oh it's sussy all right let's exit oh what's happening oh I fell from space I found 104 markers so far making pretty good progress go to this hole wow it's so beautiful some maze probably can't see because it's so dark so I'm just going to run through here hopefully find some markers there seems to be a a room here oh inverted marker okay oh I just fell in a hole I found a dot dot dot cool that's great now how do I get out oh stupid marker now have to go all the way back to space walk all the way to the stupid Arrow jump into the stupid Secret hole now I'm in the sussy Maze oh here's the last marker the void marker cool and now we have four of the codes so far we have red five orange eight yellow two I think we found blue seven we just got to guess with these ones down here oh look I finally got it now we can activate that oh I I need the key okay wait the key's gone oh stupid key have to go to new game let's grab the sussy key let's put in the code and then now we can activate with the key oh explosion oh the Supernova marker I still found the black Barker how did I miss it oh maybe it's in here somewhere I just don't know where oh how'd I do that oh it's like a secret room maybe this is where I put that Hill Rock code I saw okay this guy's really cringe I'm going to ignore him and just try the code again oh no he's saying something new let's see what he says next gosh you're persistent oh he gave me the cough drop marker okay so this cat marker it says laugh clip slash e laugh oh okay cat a marker thank you so remember this name Mr marker maker let's just go enter it as a code marker maker enter wow another base plate uh-oh the teapot marker another word I saw was invert I'm not reading what this guy is saying right here oh look it opened up a door wow the evil marker that's me but evil is the inversion of good that's the devil stupid sussy devil always making good things bad ow let's head up onto these Smoke Stacks it just looks fun to me oh oh what did I just found a smoke marker what are the chances oh what's what's happening to us I have to redo this Quest so let's get the green one up here this guy oh there we go okay the yellow this guy's kind of leading me there I don't know where the last one is one of you idiots has to know oh I just I just found a realistic marker oh well oh what just happened oh I found the crayon down here wow I'm going go in again oh W the pebble marker's in here none of these idiots are making it in oh look one of the idiots found the red one yay so now I can turn it in wa this dirt one is in the forest biome that was so weird I just kind of walked into the wall wow what are the chances of that happening inconspicuous triangular base plate come on idiots let find it I wonder where this thing could be I just don't oh we're such a good team come on everyone up the mountain I see something out of place in the Rock there let's try to jump into it ah yay paper marker okay everyone's going into this wall oh skinny marker yay stay inside No Time marker appears every 5 minutes just wait and see if you can find it okay that's was this it oh we got the time marker that thing is really annoying I I have 123 of 150 markers this is where some of us will part ways but now I must head up this ladder to the washable Kingdom oh music I am now alone oh and there's a marker right here the pure Winkle marker let's see another marker here please let me put you in my pocket if I want to obtain him I have to collect 10 coins what a baka well here's the first coin so let's grab that oh look there's a marker in here let's step on his face the Primrose marker I see a coin up here on the roof thank you and let's just walk this way and oh I can walk through the oh princess marker she's hiding in the bush let's get the third coin okay well there's a coin on that tree oh look there's a marker on this tree over here let's jump up and get it the Firefly mark marker bounce off this one and then onto the tree all right this Lily Pad has a special flower on it wonder what it could be oh look it's the lily pad marker I see a marker standing here in the grass it's the Archer marker let's head on up the mountain it's a really nice beautiful mountain oh what's this hole in the wall I see well I have to go investigate hello there oh I just got a coin it's the ice marker let's head back up the mountain oh look at this silly marker oh look at this map on the wall this seems to be some sort of code let's just jump down oh Dragon marker is there a coin around here anywhere somewhere I'm actually stuck in the EG let's now head into the castle there's probably some coins in here somewhere oh yep there's a coin hello sussy King anything behind your throne I here some sword slicing going on another coin let's grab it and let's uh head up this ladder here I seem to hear a lot of Swords oh someone's going to get sliced I have no idea what just happened I got teleported to the lily pad that's kind of weird not sure why that would happen oh what are you doing in here I'd like to take your hat please die I win night marker oh there's a coin over there let's climb the ladder grab the coin let's just jump off here for no reason then oh it's an entrance into a secret room oh a gilded marker wow see something poking out the ground there just falling it BFDI Mark oh there's the last coin on the fire now I have the merchant marker it appears we have another Obby climb up onto this tree come on kid you can do it and you suck please don't fall one more yes first try so remember that code it might have to do with these mushrooms here I got to start with the top one first which is up here hopefully I did it right this time yay thank you for the bioluminescent marker I've gotten every marker except for the mud marker oh there you are you silly mud marker all right well that's it for the washable Kingdom let's head back the light bul marker is in the shop it looks like I missed one in here is it this guy up here oh I see him he's up there come on yes light bul marker and the sand marker is somewhere in the sand if only I wasn't blind oh I'm stupid it's here in the pyramid let's head up the ladder let's jump over the wire get the temple marker let's walk into the wire and die look at my head I have to abuse geometry oh I don't like abusing things I'm just going to head into the mountain who knows what I'll find oh look there's a Ledge here wait is that him oh the shadow marker wow it's just totally random that I happened to check up here and he's there now I just need five more markers we got to go get the difficulty chart marker so let's head to the mountain difficulty and now this takes us to a really fun Obby I'm going to finish it first try so we just hop and go up I'm just going to jump up these little Ledges over more lava and then jump wait how did I die wait no no this part sucks come on ah no let's not die this time little bit of momentum jump oh my God I'm going to rage no dying oh yes I made it I didn't die no dude I'm not touching you f okay I finally figured it out all right shift lock you jump and then you just do this and then here just press space that's it oh my gosh finally oh what's this platform doing here oh wow now I just got to run this way for 10 hours hello the runner marker okay how do I get back to the checkpoint I just die wow fun it takes me back to the very beginning means I have to do this stupid part again the trick is to stop pulling forward when you jump so you jump and you let go forward ah see what stupid broken game just take it slow running start run Lu of w yay there see very easy ah finally back to here this part looks equally as fun just got to do these 180 jumps like this and then jump yay easy he please don't die oh the insane level is it actually insane yes oh fun amaz just try not to fall through the walls is this it oh I think is the exit oh yeah okay let's climb up don't touch these big glowy balls all right now for the terrifying part I can't wait going start with shift lock and then just space nice now this part seems rather difficult don't touch the wall don't touch oh oh this looks so evil okay I just have to do that 180 action again I don't know what happened there oh my God I made it up okay okay focus jump and then Focus what stupid broken crappy game dude [ __ ] oh my God I finally made it back up do not die like an idiot I'll just slowly do not fall oh God finally I was about to break my computer okay let's finish this with this we just fall like that yeah this part's going to suck too how do I get around this ball let's try from like the middle and then jump okay all right so I think this is the spot and then jump okay come on let's do it this no this is excruciatingly painful please I did it okay I'm not out of the woods yet no oh no don't fall uh okay shift lock jump okay uh please don't fall okay oh no no I am not having fun games are supposed to be fun who would wake up in the morning and think that this is fun whoever made this map you are my sworn enemy just let me on the stupid ledge I don't know how I do this jump anymore it's not fall this time no okay good balance balance is key game oh please don't fall shift lock on let's go good shift lock let's go be really careful here good over oh my gosh finally first try well I got both of the markers so let's head back now I need the winning marker the alternate marker and the cornbread marker you guys can't come in here you poor idiot oh I found the council but I wasn't recording but here's the code and then we just got to fall and like jump all right let's try this again Ahh there we go alternate marker now here's the winning marker we' got a turn his frown upside down oh maybe I have to change my face so let's go to the Avatar shop oh the winning smile face let's get it hey sussy Baka cringe now let's go touch the winning marker yeah so now we just need one more marker which is the cornbread marker let's get rid of this stupid face ah much better who is this blockheaded sussy cream anyway with the cornbread marker I guess we got to click this and let's go play so the hint said it has something to do with the store if you look at the picture of the wall here hey Doge move says b o RG y blue orange red green y so the blue button is in the pool if I can click it hello how do I get out and the orange button is in the bakery so let's click it and the red button is on the mountain over here clicky click I don't know where the green button is oh ladder oh nothing up here help oh look it's on this tree so now let's click the button something has opened I wonder what it is let's head back onto the mountain and maybe this little room here has opened up ah yay I just got the cornbread marker badge and now let's leave all these idiots now we're back and find the markers and boom 15 you found awesome listen to all you idiots don't press it everyone get on it do not press the button don't do it a listen you idiots stop pressing the button let's all stand on the button hey which one of you idiots keeps pressing it okay come on everyone just gently get on the button stop everyone on the button for 10 seconds get on here good come on everybody stack on we we okay we're doing very good very good oh that guy just fell okay wow we did it all right all you bumbling idiots listen up we have 25 new markers are you all ready to find them okay idiots let's go all right so we have uh 25 new markers to find I'm just going to go down the list we have the gingerbread marker in the candy L biome I have no idea where that is where's the candy L biome oh it's over here okay oh look at Doge go wow so let's find the gingerbread marker and if I had to guess it's probably in this gingerbread house let's uh try not to fall this time so we jump over the Rocks now let's head into the gingerbread house and there he is he's watching TV next one on list is the greedy marker he's where the money is do they mean like Robux so maybe he's like in in this thing here do I have to donate roox oh I don't have enough oh look what's this guy doing he's just hiding right here in the corner that's easy all right the next one is uh marker deleted on display is this one like also in one of these buttons or something here's the die button a oh I just fell into like a hole there let's go see if there's a marker in there this update has changed a lot of the forest here so my my head got launched into a wall here is this a new new marker nope I guess this is one I already got so anyway we got to find marker deleted and what the army of idiots are saying it's probably in the gallery cuz this is where all the markers are displayed look at this marker with an afro oh there he is he's just on the wall there easy next up on the list we have the marshmallow marker happy fun slide is there like a slide or something I go down I think these guys know where it is so uh let's follow my Army oh hey look there's a marker up there so how do we get up on this big white thing looks like we need to go up on top of this thing here well let's jump across the river not fall into it and maybe I can jump up from here so we're making it up the mountain and here this looks like a slide so let's sit down wee oh okay that didn't work wait why am I not sliding I'm going so slow uh I'm actually going to jump up on top of the slide there we go and then from here I should be able to jump on the marshmallow marker next up on our list is the old marker he's on the shelves um okay let's go find some shelves so is there something in here any shelves in here maybe in this house no guys I'm not going into the fire I don't see any shelves in this house where are you old man marker old shop so this is probably where it is so let's just look around here on the shelves I see it he's up here so I just got to figure out how to how to climb the Shelf here yay old marker now we need to find the Bendy straw marker in the forest biome fall off oh there's the B marker it wants to sting me in the ball so maybe we fall off somewhere around here um there's a hole right here in the waterfall let's try it no I'm so stupid let's try this again Bendy straw marker now I can die okay up next on our idiot markers is the chocolate marker what is chocolate it's what I feed my dog every day isn't that right do it's probably going to be in the new Candy area I'm going to head back up here and maybe it's going to be around here somewhere oh there's a bunch of spikes down there where are you you silly chocolate marker this looks like a like a fountain of some sorts St marker's chocolate fountain so he's got to be in here where is it hint collect the first clue is somewhere Burns it's a bit Checker don't take risky turns wait what's that to do with chocolate oh I'm just trying to find the stupid chocolate marker oh look there's a marker hanging from like a rope right here let's just grab that one while we're here I can't jump up on this oh stupid lollipop there's also an opening in the door here magical fence that you cannot jump over lame so let's head on up down like this there we go and around here into this room and this is the triple scoop marker and I think the way to do this is I got to jump off here and then jump onto it yeah the licorice marker yay so we got a couple markers there but still haven't found the chocolate marker oh there's there's a chocolate marker thanks idiot how's that Medium that was hard next up we have the flamingo marker oh look it's another Doge people always getting in the way why is that hole there let's go investigate you can clearly oh every they all died okay well I'm going to jump in again and I got reset clearly this must be some sort of secret oh Flamingo marker next up we have the mushroom marker it's in the washable Kingdom we'll do the washable kingdom last I don't want to leave my Army yet static marker look at the TV's pattern well there's a TV in the gingerbread house over here let's go check it out I can't really see cuz there's so many idiots this guy says click on the TV when it turns static okay so I'm just going to keep clicking um hello where's the static oh these guys are blocking it um hello it's not turning to there it is oh no I missed it oh I'm so stupid oh there it is finally static marker next one is our first hard the atomic marker use the microscope find the atom this sounds like something that might be in the warehouse if not then we'll check Mars so looking around oh look here's a microscope okay so we use it maybe we could use this microscope what oh look Doge found some oh Doge just died he died for the little marker that I can't see guys stop get off of it oh and I just died oh these sussy bakas okay so click it okay now I have it now let's go on the microscope let's keep looking for the real deal what can I click it again okay let's go back on so it definitely changed let's see if it came back now the marker is not back where's the silly marker oh it said gone fishing maybe it's in the water hello silly marker are you here somewhere I couldn't find it in the water maybe it spawns in different location let's see if it's back in the corner it is not let's grab the key oh what if it's across the Obby I don't think I don't see it anywhere let's go check in here I don't see it in this room let's jump down into the Mars room it's not down here either where's this sussy marker it's time to go into first person mode and'll look a lot closer oh look that's one of those like notes that we found earlier okay let's just jump across and not die like all these noobs okay Doge says he knows where all the locations are tell me Doge for whatever reason this marker showed up again let's go in the microscope I don't think that's the marker so I got to keep looking around and he's over here in this corner this time please be it oh where are you you stupid marker oh here he's in this room now let's use the microscope but this time it's like a a flag and this time it spawned behind the cardboard boxes please be the marker oh it's a sock where's the marker this time oh I can't find it again well it's clearly bug so I'm going to rejoin oh look it finally respawned in this stupid Corner again only took 10 minutes and it's not the marker oh where could it be oh please give me out of this stupid marker oh look it's Kirby let's seriously um just end this oh look this time it spawned up here on top of the light I'll just click that oh my gosh I don't want a chicken oh now it's in this corner please just end it there it is finally now we got to find the candy cane marker so let's do something some exploring um is it on this roof maybe I don't see any candy canes maybe it's down in this pit those look like candy cane spikes so this is like an Obby but I'm an Obby Master one of the idiots has said that the candy cane marker is by the slide just going to keep jumping like that oh look what I found took about 5 minutes let's jump in and I okay it's an Obby let's try this again be a little safer there we go the candy cane marker next up is the for gorer hi foror it does have the skull emoji there how do I type emojis in the chat I know what I need to do skull emo Emoji let me just yoink that and we paste it into chat you found the fork orer oh I'm so good next up is the lollipop marker inside itself I'm guessing this marker has something to do with this big purple lollipop let's try to get in it just like I'm in your mom so let's see oh no I didn't want to do that how we get on this purple lollipop jump here and like jump inside of it is there like a ladder somewhere around here maybe I can jump on top of this one and then oh lollipop Mar it's in the green one how silly next up is the nebula marker so let's head to the rocket ship and Mars looks a little bit different since I last played what do we have here power breaker um okay so I guess we have power in here now um okay what do I do in here just walking through this metal tunnel of some sort oh oh there's okay so there's a marker in here I'm sure if I touch these blue lasers I die I'm guessing this might be the black hole marker I basically need another player to turn off the power luckily I have an army of idiots come to Mars turn off power oh no one's turning it off I guess I have to do it manually oh the power goes in and out I see help like I I really can't see anything okay I'm resetting come on don't shut down yet no no no come back on please okay it's back on and now it's going to be off forever I'm lost again oh stupid game stop getting dark maybe there's a way I can like bug it out I might have bugged it no I'm going turn this up really loud so I can hear now it's in front of me now it's to my left I got it black hole marker yes let's get out of here the trick is to use your headphones turn up the volume really loud move towards the sound okay let's turn that back down we still need a nebula markers so we got to go back to Mars let's go investigate any markers over here what about this thing this looks like an Obby of some sort can I climb it wait how are you guys making this jump how come they can make it oh there they go okay ready and oh okay good there we go let's just a silly little Obby next up The Salted Caramel marker go upward somewhere well that doesn't help me it is candy though so it's probably in the candy area time to investigate I saw one of my idiots jump off of here and then climb this rope there it is so I still have seven more markers we got the burning marker up click something red that's very helpful there's literally red things everywhere so I've been running around for about 10 minutes and I'm supposed to click this oh yeah there we go thank you the gummy marker the colors above the door mean something we saw those four colors earlier oh look it's an impostor amongus anyway here are the four colors yellow blue red green I think that's those buttons we have to press I've only found the blue ones so far so we got to find the other three buttons oh look here's the yellow button just hiding on the corner so that's we press that first and then blue is next Blue is over here on the blue lollipop we click that one and now we got to find red and then green but I'm not sure so I'm just going to zoom out and look around where where are you red button oh there's the green button here in the corner we need the red one first hello red button come out come out wherever you are someone said it's in the house here oh yeah it's next to the door there it is and now let's go press the green button that we just found right here yay oh no look at they're all crowding around a fake vitamin let's not fall this time oh look in the door's open so let's use my shift lock and I failed and there we go finally into the door and we got the gummy marker he look no one else can come in cuz I suck oh poor does no you can't come in here it's just for me cuz I'm better than you all right while they failed to get in we got to go find the plasma marker it's in space try looking in a place you wouldn't expect that's literally every marker none of my fans have made it in yet let's go to space before they figure out that I left into the rocket ship and now I'm alone so where is this plasma marker maybe it's in here I walked around I didn't see anything new this is the only guy that has found me and he thinks I'm fake you Baka what's this silly Doge doing there's going oh he just fell into the hole let me come wait are these like lasers I can barely see them I don't know if you can see them on the video um okay so just got to be careful jump still alive somehow jump oh okay all right finally made it it only took a few attempts and the plasma marker good job Doge number two so let's try to do the treap marker so Mr tree saap marker you got to be in a forest somewhere the question is which tree is it so I'm just jumping looking at every tree you got to watch out for this marker here it's going to try to sting me in the ball oh look there's definitely a hole here in this tree let's go in Easy oh no is this an Obby all right boys here we go does say this is Extreme difficulty but I'm an Obby professional so okay okay maybe I can just like nope uh up here and then onto the Rock and then here we go okay so we're here with Doge Doge number two that is oh my goodness I got to jump onto the spinning platform here and jump I hope there's a checkpoint somewhere jump oh oh oh I got to go into here okay all right up the ladder oh please be a checkpoint well let's try not to die here oh no okay there is a checkpoint I start here that's good to know so up the ladder space bar space bar space bar okay and then then corner all right I made it let's go first person mode jump to Doge jump over this is really annoying H I don't want to die please game so far so good inching my way across okay ladder yes hopefully there's a checkpoint here this one I I think I do the shift lock thing and I just go like that over the honey onto the vine please oh no okay there is a checkpoint here so I got to jump here okay this seems a little troll with this spinning around and jump slowly no do not fall do not fall over yes please pleas okay no I knew it silly game all right we got it the treap marker now we just have the Zen marker find all five notes by reading the hints the first one's at the fountain I think I already read the first one at the chocolate fountain so let's collect it the first clue is somewhere it burns it's a bit Checker don't take risky turns I think the second one is here we saw it when we were looking for the atomic and there it is on the wall and the clue is checkered so this has to be the second one and I died because I'm bad okay let's not die this time let's collect oh someone said it's in the desert so oh there's definitely a note up there is this supposed to be a god Frozen in time in a biome the biggest a hidden Lair clearly the forest is the largest biome and it says a hidden layer there's a hidden layer over here yeah this guy is already in it yeah collect the height may be frightening but act quick be faster than lightning well there's lightning way up there in the sky so let's go up there see if uh that's where the next hint is I just hate having to climb up these stupid blocks oh there I made it okay I got to make sure I do this correct let's try not to fail this time and now you can see the clue here so we just got to kind of jump onto the lightning collect it your prize lays in quite a cozy place no idea what that means means ow so after thinking for a bit the fireplace is kind of cozy and there's a fireplace here in the house maybe the hint is here in the fireplace no let's head up the stairs I was just jumping around up here and I grabbed this like cookie thing I don't even know what it is so as the hint says head to the Fountain face to face so let's take this all the way to the chocolate fountain put it in the fountain okay put oh there he is look the Zen marker yay so now I only need two more markers and the last two are in the washable Kingdom so now it's time to leave my Army of idiots behind goodbye everyone you won't be missed ah yeah yes peace it is so beautiful here oh look that Tower is new maybe there's a marker in it let's turn off this sussy music and let's climb the tower we have a potion so this must be for the potion marker we got these ingredients here remember five times I think that means that the potion has five ingredients oh look they light up four five oh it changes every time so we want to start with the swamp water and then I think it went on the thorns and then it went to the wild berries and now I'm kind of lost maybe the charcoal I can't remember and then the lemon nope that was wrong cuz I'm stupid [Music] so this is the legend I came up with I'm going to do a equals acid soda because soda is acid b c [Music] yellow I finally got it oh my gosh that was actually so hard all right one more marker the mushroom marker it's in the swamp so let's go check out the swamp feel like I see something under the water here let's just jump down um yep there we go oh there it is silly game jump across and there we go the mushroom marker I found 100 75 awesome I've got my Army of idiots and Doge do we got to find the markers again we have enough idiots here to help us there's 11 new markers since I've last played so we're just going to go down the list here the first one is this Serenity marker hint difficulty Dimension what the heck does that mean listen up you idiots where's the serenity marker Doge set set the difficulty chart Obby lead the way Doge oh silly do went the wrong way he's just a dog small brain I think it's like down here yeah here we go def move I can't tie enter all right we're now in the difficulty Obby oh hey Doge we're in the same server all right Doge where is it no oh Doge good job oh Doge I'm falling wait Doge I don't know what's happening oh oh doge look where we are there's a Serenity marker wow Doge you have a really big brain it's like maybe the size of a walnut all right now we have to do the uh kill break marker it seems to be here as well the hint says it's in the orange area but do look I can see like an opening here looks like a door oh look I can actually see the marker okay come on let me in stupid game dude oh there we go I did it okay uh now no we're back here again um okay there we go um now what do I do no oh this stupid game do watch out it's a trick dude what the oh do I'm so confused what's happening text says no more jokes this time I promise okay so maybe I just have to finally okay game okay can this thing like not kill me this time please don't kill me yay kill brick marker but now we have the danger marker which is Extreme that sounds fun come on do you can do it h no come on Doge this is it yes yay do yeah good job do okay come on Doge we got to get to the maze so let's get this checkpoint and now into the maze so let's just start going this way oh a ladder let's just head down here see what we find oh what's this a teleporter oh activate imminent danger and open door oh hey do you made it we're about to get another marker activate danger uh-oh wow another uh evil Obby I can't wait luckily I'm an Obby professional it's shooting out all these Doritos chips um Doge how do I do this see I think I just got to go like that there we go and I'm dead and then I jump there we go and then up the ladder okay Doge now what okay all right let's not fall this time there we go and then we climb up oh um let's not die this time so clearly this thing is spinning around trying to kill me let's not get hit by it and jump good think I just jump up there just kidding don't worry Doge we'll get through this together here comes and jump do this is really evil oh no uh I'm about to get was okay not only do you have to be Pro you have to be fast that's okay because I'm both oh watch out D tired of danger use spawn button okay oh gu I'll be doing that marker another time let's go get the comet marker appears every once in a while in a place you'd probably expect that means space here I am in space more like Mars so let's jump W it looks different oh I just saw the comment weight come back oh now I got to wait what's this spinning thing it says question mark go no there it is comment marker come here yes and comment marker awesome now let's go into this oh let's see what happens when I take the purple door we in like a new maze here okay that was a waste of time let's go get this Moonstone marker on the moon duh it's like it knows I'm an idiot come on duh jump with me and here's the moon let's go oh we got lesser gravity here do I already have this marker uh yeah there appears to be something up here um a microwave of some sorts do I need to activate this panel can I click it you have to get a crystal and put in the microwave okay uh let's go find the crystal my Army of idiots helps again oh it's down here okay let's take the crystal let's head back up to the microwave um do I press it go okay it's microwaving hey move kid I want to see it oh I can't see what just happened oh blew up a hole over there come on dud we got to go into the hole Moonstone marker next up we have the rainbow road marker shooting star let's go back to the solar system can I go on any of these other planets oh what's this thing Whimsical star wow is this another lame Obby guys we're going so fast it's like we're playing Rainbow Road in Mario Kart wee go I need help I'm going so fast oh D I'm right behind you I'm going to catch up no oh these stupid obies oh I can actually stop okay that makes it easier I thought it was just pushing me the whole time uh-oh what's this here help me kid which way do I go on to the yellow okay and then I jump here and all right rainbow road marker next up we have the atmosphere marker take a balloon to get there if I remember correctly we got to go way up into the sky that's where the balloons are at out of my way kids why is this so hard come on okay there we go okay where's the balloon I see some balloons over there oh that's the atmosphere marker all right guys which way do we go oh okay I hate this game oh almost fell on that be it's going to sting me in the ball I just realized I've had Sprint off the whole time I'm an idiot all right now that I got Sprint on let's jump onto this platform and then here all right why'd you bring me here kid oh wait no there's a marker right here okay uh let's get it I missed it I'm definitely Ming let's try again for the stupid malding marker I'm going to die all right I'm going to turn off the Sprint for this one cuz I kind of just want to fall and get it so just got to be really careful here come on ah yay molding marker now let's turn on speed again and work on this part let's just follow these idiots all right which way now oh portal wee okay back at the beginning oh wait no it activated these clouds okay let's try this again and not fall up I go okay now what oh I can move with it uh-oh try this again oh look at Doge go oh Doge you're so good I'm coming Doge okay game sucks let me down oh finally okay atmosphere marker that was so easy nothing can stop me do oh do just jumed I'm coming to Doge yeah we're going to die I need four more markers let's go get the Stardust marker you need a tool to open the vent if I remember correctly one of these houses has a toolbox so we just got to find the right house which one is it oh hey Doge here it is so let's take the wrench and since this is a new space marker I'm guessing we go to space so let's jump into the rocket let's follow these sussy fans oh yeah am I running I always forget and let's go this way and then there's a vent here imposter amongus oh he's dead don't tou out oh almost got sucked in come on game let me in jump over easy game and then all right Stardust marker next we have the vidiian marker in the space laboratory just got to jump down here again oh there goes the comet it's really silly anyway here's the gravity laboratory we don't want to exit so let's go this way um do I have to flip okay um let's try not to die just going to do some shift lock and over let's flip again there's no need to rush folks just have some patience I'm a very patient person just kidding flip it all right uh do I flip again I I guess oh there it is I can see the marker it will soon be mine fine let's just not fail here that' be if I just like jumped off and didn't flip let's see ready okay come on okay good my almost done tired of getting spun around wait why am I here again I think maybe I have to jump down to here there way I can like jump onto this ledge here come on there we go 2 three 4 come on give me the marker please oh there a troll face oh you stupid developer oh I just saw what I was supposed to do and I missed it okay let me do this one more time ratio boo wait I just got ratioed what the hell oh okay uh I just got it not really sure how next up we have the a chomic marker obtain by playing find the chomic oh this sussy music Let me just uh click that off thank you oh God what's that oh It Might Sting me and the B let's go grab it wait uh what oh this stupid internet oh look it's Doge oh there's two does I got stupid music again oh hey it's Sanic Sanic come here wait let's go get Doge he's more important come on Doge we got to go come on Doge hey Doge watch out oh Doge oh I just went into the Beehive with Doge Doge how's your ball feel oh I bet it's swollen all right how do we get out of here Doge why we even trying to climb this how you guys even doing this first jump uh hello oh I'm doing it Doge I'm actually good at obies okay never mind I'm not doing this crap 752 uh yeah I'm never playing this game how do I get out of here marker Castle here okay give me the key thank you I really don't care what these uh big markers have to say let's just start the Obby nothing a professional gamer like me can't handle okay always dying to laugh never to lack of skill got to climb the ladder onto the ledge it is a little laggy though so if I do end up dying then we know why and then now down to the castle easy oh what's this you need to walk slowly or else you'll touch the lasers they're going to zap my B oh my gosh this is so difficult oh I didn't hit anything there you stupid game you can actually see I'm not touching anything and I get sent back these developers are brain damaged this girl is an interesting idea nope she's trash so far no one has made it through even the first laser oh guys got to be really slow no you can see my shoulders aren't even close to the laser and somehow I'm touching it I hope this game gets deleted let me throw right we're just going to slowly turn myself around here we go and we straighten okay Easy Come on Sanic you can do it yay okay last stage sneak around here okay wow we did it I'm such a pro now they're saying to go to the back of the throne here yay all right back to find the markers now I have 196 out of 197 found the only marker I got to get now is the danger marker but that's really hard oh where's my face oh this stupid game let me die um hello why is my face still gone whatever I don't care I hope it means that Roblox finally banned me this stupid company once again drop down here and into the teleporter all right time for this cancer I'll try this for about 10 minutes and uh if I can't do it another video oh it's coming okay go away please I want to deal with you right now okay I'm dead make sure you don't hold down space bar when you're doing those weird jumps over it yeah and then here I don't know what to do here let me clim I've decided I'm just going to use uh shift lock the whole time might as well get good with it plus I need it for a lot of these jumps here there we go this is the farthest I've been okay let's not fall here uh over how's that F come on 50 attempts later just uh stop dying here stupid red spinning thing thank you come on Doge we can do this we go together Doge we just have to stop being bad okay you have to shift lock here Doge good job I don't know where to go from here oh okay uh and then here good Doge I'm making it slowly but surely no I'm getting way better though Doge this map forces you to be good at obies dude how the [ __ ] all right folks we're back to here it's not fall not hit the Le are good now we go up to here and then we go here and we have to go down here now this is dangerous oh okay and then here and then this thing's going to shake a little bit we just go here and then here no speed running this Obby now wait for it to go by go down and then up can't see you stupid game onto the moving platform again onto here and now we got to go here and then up the ladder wait no come on no get up what are you doing finally oh the danger marker Doge I did it and now I found all markers that's awesome thanks for watching let me just die oh it's finally time to find the sussy markers I've got uh three more to find so let's scroll all the way down oh Cowboy marker desert you need to duel someone okay let's uh go get that one over with I'm a professional FPS gamer so this should be easy come on any idiots want to duel me I'll be in the desert oh well this is all new I haven't played this game for a while there is nobody to duel yeah clearly hey Cowboy wow you're looking mighty scary hey come on just just give me you you want to collect me then prove your worth get in that ring of duel another player if you win you get to have my badge how about you suck my ball come duel me I'm ready to shoot you in the ball I'm just waiting for people to show up come on I'm a famous YouTuber this is your only chance you'll ever get to play with me come on I'm famous hello one of you idiots come over here oh where's Doge when I need him I said I'm famous and he says you're not oh what did you say little boy what's your YouTube just look at my name you dummy imagine not knowing who the best find the markers player ever is oh a kid Hey sir yeah come duel me please oh a girl excuse me let's duel come on get in here let's duel girl yeah okay so we're going to duel come on accept here we go ladies and gentlemen oh um okay this is very dramatic oh hello that was a very good-looking person I just saw here we go 1.3 seconds I told you I'm an FPS God oh my God my oven's ready oh Doge you ready for pizza Doge oh Doge we're going to have pizza yes stretch good boy just stretch stretch oh yummy rip this open okay I got it all the pepperoni went to one side all right this looks better open this oven up oh it's hot do you want to go in the oven come on Doge time to go in the oven goodbye Doge I'm just going to cook Doge for a little bit I'm just kidding Doge isn't in there come on stupid Pizza Pizza the pizza's now in the oven oh it's Doge heyy Doge I just needed you like 5 minutes ago wait how did you get out of the oven oh Doge okay come on Doge I got three more Mark Wait what I never talked to him oh Doge come on Doge I think we have to duel again your battery's going to die Doge he's so silly oh wait wrong way Doge we got a duel Doge I don't think it counted for me okay so Doge wants a dual Doge you're never going to win I'm way better at video games Andy's on his phone ready come on yeah you're so slow Doge I'm just a great gamer all right stupid Cowboy give me you please F you out there I guess you're worthy of getting me I know I'm pretty great thank you all right Doge I'm going to let you shoot me this time come on Doge hurry up and shoot me there you go oh look at my silly head oh it's so silly now I just need to get the Forbidden marker and the dark markery where's the Forbidden marker commit sacrilege uh what do how how we do forbidden marker excuse me how do we do the Forbidden marker oh one of my sussy fans has to know hello fans where are you come on fans someone needs to tell me great to Wild Card all right Susy fans are telling me how to win OMG don't type I hate Wild Card wor supp to take my life okay well I'm going to not type that I hate wild card oh hello Dodge Dodge um okay return I don't want to return yet I don't know what that is let's go into here oh is this the back rooms hello he's coming run oh okay where where am I running to um all right let's just go this this way I have no idea where I'm going probably just want to get to the uh other side of the room what are you stop I'm not interested I'm stuck in first person mode he's still coming um okay let's go this just keep going this way okay I can't hear him anymore I think I I don't know how to talk I'm scared oh hello where do I go oh he's still coming don't go this way okay what do I do here no no no you stay over there no okay just come around this way good come around this way you idiot good card okay I think I got to go this way um hello which way do I go no that's not right let's go this way no no where am I going oh what's this room there's like no carpet okay don't care that's want to run um that's a dead end this isn't that's a different color let me in no it's nothing no he's coming I can hear him oh what's this I'm I'm an ice let me go faster please okay oh he's coming he's on the ice too uh-oh please where am I supposed to go I'm actually so confused I'm at the ice again the stupid idiot card's coming this is it dead no oh all that work let's go to the right this time I don't even know what I'm looking for yet oh I can smell my pizza it smells really good wait what was that I heard some farting I can hear him um okay let's go this way no you're stupid please please go away where the the heck do I go that is a dead end not this stupid room again okay um that's a dead end there's the stupid card yes follow me please let's go this way that's a dead I hate this game all these stupid back rooms all right you stupid game I'm going to find it this time that is a 100% vitamin D guarantee so here's the carpet room let's go this way that is a probably a dead end yep I just don't like this game no I'm way too fast for you you stupid UNO card please let this be something just a long hallway don't go this way well I'm going to go this way now I bet this is a dead end it's just it has to be this is just too much trolling yeah yeah this is going to be a stupid dead end yeah this stupid game is holding an l oh the stupid Uno cars going just hurry up and kill me game please just let me win oh there's a TV here kind of looks like Aus I haven't been in this room yet but I'm leaving I already hear the UNO card he's coming at me fast okay I'm already at a dead end no this stupid level where the heck do I go not this dumb Fountain okay yes yes cool I'm going to go where you came from this way it's a really long hallway can hear this idiot behind me don't go this way I will not but did I go I go back here what that's a dead end run run run run oh that's a dead end too attempt number eight will I finally make it this time that's not it go away you stupid idiot I will not go that way I don't know where to go I've just been trapped here forever another long hallway that leads me to Nowhere please I just want to get out of here and play the stupid game that pizza cooking I don't want it to burn oh not this stupid room oh let's go this way oh there's the UNO card no please leave me alone go away oh there's the stupid ice again oh my gosh dude oh God this is so [ __ ] my pizza's done crap it's going to burn I need to find the end quick come on stupid game where do I go I don't even know oh licky light this is new never been here okay am I almost there please please my my pizza's burning is this it please please be it oh finally hello um hello oh okay give me thank you now I got to go get my pizza oh it's probably burned oh no it looks really good oh would you look at that this is how I get big muscles oh do you ready for pizza oh yes going be so good do oh ow I burnt my tongue it's really hot well I only have one more marker to find and that's this stupid dark markery hello dud all right do we got to find a dark markery Doge how do you move so sussy slow all right come on Doge I might have gotten some hints from the fans I already did the foilage marker so we got to go to Candy Land do right here Doge Doge got you anyway let's go to Candyland let's turn on the speed because I'm sussy slow oh my gosh is that like a hidden pathway in here I don't know kind of looks secretive wao so the hidden safe just put in some random numbers wao that that worked okay a crowbar okay I'll take that now we got to head back yeah what is this cockroach sus excuse me but your outfit is quite interesting oh Doge where'd you come from Doge oh she just blew herself up okay come on Doge got to go do some uh dark markery oh what's this door use crowbar okay watch out Doge all right do time to go oh my goodness that's a huge crowbar watch this Doge I'm going in oh Doge can you hear me Doge down here Doge pict are so good is this an Obby of some sorts let's see so um okay I'm a professional at obies I never fail easy game and now what do I do more obies do I just climb up keep climbing oh are these things going to explode on my face that'd be kind of sus what I do in here I go in in the house okay let me out stupid game there we go not sure what I do in this this Garden here um gone to void DM the code is evil purple chainsaw okay so I got to go to the void which is in space so let's click this it resets me hey do I'm back can you still not it in you need the Crowbar Doge I can't wait around for him let's jump on down uh yeah now the void I think this is the void yeah let's go let's go into here and we got some more dumb mazes because that's all they ever do in this game where do we actually go though cuz it's like a new thing okay no I don't need that one let's go to the right this time that's not it can't see it's cuz your phone's at 5% dummy I already have that marker so what exactly am I looking for here is there going to be like a a secret room or like a portal no not again I'm getting so sick of these no it's not you I'm so sick of these mazes hey dud I will find it no why do I keep ending up there let's just stay to oh here we go passcode what was it evil purple chainsaw success now entering the dimension of Darkness sounds like my heart oh good you're here please help dark Marky Conn at me and refuses to let me go I don't care this is drama why do I have to handle this drama it's not me okay just stop talking well this is some sassy music oh get away oh yeah I'm just going to blast you in the face let's go first person mode because I'm an FPS gamer you're too close to me it's uncomfortable just die please I like this ow this chainsaw hurts it's hit me and the ball what an easy game taking you out so easy easy game now uh give me your marker please oh he's not done apparently okay oh that's not healthy stop okay I can just stand here and not move that's cool wait that's not true wait where'd he go oh no does he shoot through the pillars he does I just got to jump okay uh I got hit excuse me but this is actually a really good boss fight for Roblox only I could shoot sussy spells ow okay I'm actually almost dead I got to be really careful oh no uh jump okay uh okay this game is so broken oh I get a real life ha oh I have to start all over come on give me the phase two already this is harder than Dark Souls all right time for phase two I should win this time because I now know his sussy tricks ow hurry up and die wait how did I get hit there stupid lagging game I've got you halfway down you're mine oh no no no no no no no no okay I'm good how do you get so many chainsaws you go to Home Depot what is this ah just die please okay please seriously just stop and die you stupid marker ah yeah that was easy yeah um where's the reward please give it to me where is it you found it dark Mary okay am I the best in the world bye now I'll see you back at spawn nobody asked all right let's check 200 out of 200 found wo once again I am the best find the markers player in the world the entire world nobody is better than [Music] me we are back and find the markers oh hey vitamins monkey it's been a while since I've played this game every time I join the world looks a little bit different I have found 200 markers there's 16 new ones for me to find and we're going to go and order down the list here so the first first marker to find is this Bluegrass marker it's in the washable Kingdom in Blue Grass oh no my fans are going be sad that's because the uh washable Kingdom takes me to a new server I will be back my sussy monkeys I must go to the washable Kingdom so here I am Let's uh find some blue grass I have no idea where to look and I just realized there's no more music I like to find the markers music maybe it was like a copyright all right let's look under what does this way out here in the distance I have no idea but we got to look under sometimes you can find markers down here oh is this it right here in the ground oh you silly marker you know what I'm going to take back what I said about going in order since we're already in the washable Kingdom let's just get every new marker uh out here which in this case is one just the fly trap marker washable Kingdom with the plants uh what the heck does that mean do I got to like walk on the plants these people are going into the tree is there something up here folks I see a fly trap on top of the tree right here so this has got to be it come on guys how how do we get it oh there's a ladder I see it okay it's invisible yeah this guy's on it okay so I'm going to climb it like this and then wait how does this how do you do this can I shift lock get it from the side how's this even done wait let's go into first person mode excuse me your hair is poking me in the face that didn't work wait maybe this uh Noob has the the right idea oh wait I think the server just crashed everyone's Frozen oh what's going on oh okay let's reconnect um hello this this is not a reconnection I think Roblox is down technical difficulties but we're back and I think I do need shift lock for this so let's uh get onto this invisible ladder where is it I climb up just uh we just want to go slowly just stay on the ladder is this correct oh it's not correct I just have to go no dude I think I have to go super slow here just come on get your fat head out of the way there we go just keep pressing W I did it that wasn't even that hard oh uhoh okay we do not want to die in here we have this Obby here so come on up we go the side of this is this dangerous oh no oh let's turn off shift lock I don't need it for this oh wait I might need it come on vitamin you're one of the best in the world at Obby stop being embarrassing yeah don't bite me this time ha now we go up uh whatever this is onto the pedal Oh no I got nervous okay we're doing shiftlock again I want to be able to zoom out and see more and on up the ladder okay just just focus no reason to get nervous ladies and gentlemen we are so close come on please I see it I just want you I did it I got the fly trap marker so we have found all the markers in the washable Kingdom it's time to go back to the normal world and for some reason my feet are not working that's okay let's just go return to the present we are once again in the mainland let's look at the list the next one we have is the goat marker the top of the mountain all right well this is the mountain it's definitely changed a little bit so it's time to make my way there I wonder where doge is maybe he'll come eventually but it's time to make my way up the mountain I have no idea where the goat marker is it says it's a top the mountain so I'm just going to climb as high as I can so come on oh I think I just saw it I zoom out all the way yeah it's right here so uh how do I get up there um it's not in here if I go this way yeah this has changed a lot what what hello I have no idea what just happened I'm going to go this way we're going to climb this mountain one rock at a time and I think I'm actually high enough for the goat marker now it's got to be below me right oh yep there it is hello Mr goat yay what hello I hope he's okay scroll down we have the security marker it's in the factory I believe the factory has changed as well oh yeah I forgot you have like a speed buff I always forget about that oh my goodness what is this I see guys be careful about this marker it's going to s you one the B Bonk my head into the tree let's go into the factory are you the security marker hello what's this gray thing next to you nothing it's just a box oh okay so this is the security marker I'll give you Roo if you tell me error restarting wait what's this wait hello oh what are you you've already found the mark that marker okay well let's get out of here um yeah maybe there's something in here we we'll come back for that but now we have the uh Thief marker it's robbing the store so let's leave the factory and why are my feet broken like this I'm just sliding the ground is frozen and let's go into the store all right you stupid Thief where are you is this him on the no that's like a light where would the thief marker be let's go up into the attic here where are you Thief there's also one down there so I I don't see it initially let's head up here and uh nope that's not you so where is the thief marker maybe this guy knows have you seen any other markers LOL no okay uh you're a loser monkey where's this stupid Thief he says it's outside so we're going to look around and oh I don't know why he's just standing there so let's scroll down and now we have the quick silver marker it's in the factory we got to go back in here or maybe he's on the roof someone said there's a new marker on the roof so let's go ah head on top of the factory and here we are so where is this marker let's just uh look everywhere it's probably hiding in the ground somewhere hello where are oh well there we go quick silver marker good job vitamins monkey look at me just uh skiing along the ground it's a Hightech skill all right scrolling down we have the beige Mar marker it's hard in one of the teleport rooms so the game's going to start getting quite difficult now one of my fans says the beige marker is at the spawn we got to go look for it is this teleporting no tree no hello where is it is this a teleportation no what does that even mean in a Teleport room this game has so many teleport rooms maybe I have to like touch one of these rocks or something hello where is it oh okay guys we made it oh you already own the Khaki Mark yeah we already have that one wait one of my fans says it's in here you have to go into the wall so let's just uh hug the wall here we're going to find it is it over up okay well here's a ladder let's go up and here's uh what's this this a button yes okay what what did that do did that like change the color of the actual marker hello CI marker turns into beige marker wow okay thank you so we have the beige marker let's scroll on down and now we got to get the peppermint marker it's in the Attic So peppermint is a candy if I had to guess it's in the candy world or maybe what if it's in like this uh building here I don't know but you know what we're going to do we're just going to blow up all my fans really quick come here guys everyone's dead now I got my feet working again let's find the peppermint marker we're going to head into this uh candy house here it's not going to be that easy cuz it's hard but let's just start here maybe we'll we'll get lucky and find it hello peppermint marker I know there's an attic here because uh clearly there's like this second floor up here so we got to find out how to get in there hello is there a ladder somewhere hello can I shift lock behind the oh I can um is there something a marker back here hello just start jumping a lot come on okay I don't think there's anything back there so let's head on up climbing these stupid marshmallows and now let's try to get into the addict here hello how do I get in oh well that worked we just walked on in come On Monkey get the peppermint marker good job The Quagmire marker it's open a sewer grate let's go to the Sewer I forgot how to get there I think we have to go into the factory jump on down and here's the sewer so let's go on in so how do we open a grate where is the sewer grate hello oh oh oh here's some grates down here so one of these hello this one's a different color how do we open this do we need a tool okay maybe we need a tool I remember that one of these houses had like a toolbox or something let's go look around here we go yeah take the wrench so we got the wrench and now we're going to go see if this oh Doge oh Doge I've missed you so much we're going to find the markers Doge come on Doge I'm opening the gr oh my feet aren't working again it's okay do look even I swim just uh solidly yeah look great remove bam okay so let's go in wait how do I enter oh did anyone else here figure this out or am I the only sussy yeah I'm the only one so let's grab the Quagmire marker awesome and now we got to get the quest marker he's all around the map you just have to catch him at the right time he doesn't go to space or teleport rooms though guys how do we find uh the quest marker I'm being told that we just have to check random spots in the map come on do this is a high point we can kind of look around here see if we can uh see him anywhere I don't see him initially Maybe he like up on the Mountain quest marker is pink we just need to run around the world and hopefully we can find him come on dud we got to head on up I look like I'm shift locking but I promise I'm not my feet are broken only my feet were working come on dud just got to take it uh nice and slow dude it's because my feet are broken I'm actually just going to shift lock maybe it'll just make my life easier I made it where is a pink marker it also has a backpack oh whatever let's just oh ow I just broke my legs but it's okay it's not like they work anyway oh there it is it just uh I guess it just appeared here let's get it bam guys grab it before it runs away get it Doge good job Doge next up we have the rock slide marker someone left something on the back of the mountain you know what I think that's uh the TNT we saw earlier so let's head back up and it was back here so it's it's this right here uh let's detonate oh no okay what's oh there's stuff falling watch out dad oh no wait so what if this hits me do I die oh no no oh I'm dead wait do I have to do that over again oh they're still falling okay oh I can see the shadows in the on the ground that's actually really helpful oh no it's coming again no no okay we we got away yeah look there's a hole in here all right let's go on in and all right we have the rock slide marker is Doge going to make it in the buff monkey made it Doge it's over here I don't think doge is coming oh no next up we have the ski marker a top the mountain you'll need a ramp wait what where do I find that let's head on back up the mountain we need to look for a ramp of some sorts come on fans head up the mountain we go together but my legs are broken again can I like shift lock through this tree no I can jump onto the tree there we go where is the ramp this kind of looks like like a ramp right that's kind of rampisham uh there's like wood down here oh let's press this a bunch is it actually building hello did I just like press this over and over again oh what oh there's a ramp okay let's uh head on up try not to fall like an idiot here's the ramp all right so we go down wait oh okay now what wao but here he is the ski marker yay I did it let's go down the ramp again okay it doesn't work yeah my legs are still broken I'm sorry so next up we have the skydiving marker hint in the sky would have thought I look up in the sky and and all I see is pain oh look they added a ladder just to make my life easier good excuse me all right there we go um how do we do this oh you know what they changed this this looks a little bit easier now right it might yeah they made that easier okay where is it we did the marker last time um hello Sky oh is that it right there just floating okay you know what I really wish my legs worked uh Mr Monkey come on and a lot of people have already fallen come on do I see you make it we got to get onto the skydiving marker come on okay wait why am I not there we go credit skydiving marker good job Doge it's just me and you on here awesome all right come on Doge jump off with master I hope doge is okay so we got the skydiving marker we have we need to find three more markers so next up we have the quartz marker oh oh no the last three are insane difficulty hint it's in the cave do a mirror puzzle I don't know what that means but I imagine it's going to be in this big cave here why am I still ice skating I don't like that I'm going to die my feet are not working yay come on D we got to go into the cave how do we do this mirror like what what does this mean the cave has changed a lot since I've last played oh there's like a like a mining pick do we have to get that let's see let's go grab that mining Pig I just uh randomly saw that um okay okay yeah so I just picked up the mining pck what do we do do we like mine some of these gems what about this no oh use pickaxe oh okay rotate the mirror where where am I rotating it to hello do I okay I don't know what I'm doing rotate red uh Doge you know where I go with this let's go the blue how do we know what order we're supposed to do it in maybe the order doesn't matter let's go to the yellow over there and then the yellow can go to purple purple can go to Orange and now orange can go uh where back to the middle hello is this right I don't know if this is right nothing changed so this is obviously wrong do do you know the right order the monkey says a rainbow what are the colors of the rainbow am I missing something I'm going to head outside maybe there's a clue is there a rainbow anywhere I don't see one what if it's these colors purple red orange yellow green all the railings um have that color let's head back in oh I can't even point it to purple so that's definitely not it this guy says to start with green green red uh yellow blue is too far so can't that I've pulled up handy dandy Google the colors of the rainbow are red orange yellow green blue okay we're going to start with red I can't even go to Red oh I'm failing the monkey says he did it tell us monkey please we're all suffering here it's orange purple green okay so we got to start with orange orange and then uh purple and then green red blue oh you know what this actually makes sense because yellow is going to point back to the middle yeah you know what how did I not figure okay we got it finally SPS marker yay we have found 214 out of 26 so we got two left we have to do uh the quick sand marker and then the vallary marker whatever that means so quick sand marker within the depths of the pyramid let's head to the pyramid here and my legs are broken again I don't like this just die sorry Doge my legs are broken but they're working again you got to go into the depths of the pyramid so maybe uh there's like a hidden room hello going in between the pillars here and oh look at that dude secret room but is it really you already have this marker okay we have that one do how do we get to the depths of the pyramid is there a secret it says quicksand marker so something's going to uh happen to me oh oh oh hello Doge oh do don't touch the red oh oh no Doge Doge you know which way we go cuz I definitely do not do might know I'm following you boy if you help me solve this I will give you a treat okay let's go down through the middle good where next Doge right here good that's just a good Doge you're just a good boy uh uhoh Doge do I blame you let's try again there's got to be a secret spot to stand it's pretty easy until that point what if I just like stood in the corner here just never moved yeah that's not going to work this thing's coming up rapidly and let's go uh over here do there's so much red over here do quick oh this is the no dude I swear I did not touch it that's a lie scam try to get back here but this is a really tight fit right here please don't die uh-oh okay we're good just nice and easy we are falling through the quick sand and then go down here and so far so good uh-oh that's not looking good wait what right here please I did it quick s marker yay that wasn't bad that only took me three tries there's just so much red let's see if uh we can look up and and see Doge anywhere it's just Doge hello Doge where are you I don't think he's coming so now we we have one more marker to find the VY marker it's also insane is at the space laboratory do did you get the quick sand marker I hope you did cuz we are uh going to space no my stupid legs again my legs are working come on Doge we are going to space there's the rocket this will take us to Mars and there is the laboratory I think I could be entirely wrong do sometimes I'm not right about these things did I say sometimes I mean all the time let's head on in h is this the laboratory Doge this marker is insane so I don't really know what we're looking for if you want we can be uh susus hello wait no this isn't it Doge we did this I've done this one before okay yeah is this kill you I can't remember no kind of wish it would slice me and the ball let's go uh over here Doge we got some more space stuff that we can access we got to jump off the cliff right here and then hug the wall and here we go so we have all this different stuff we got plants we got the moon oh that's a comet oh yeah I don't think we have that uh we have the Whimsical star I don't think it's that I did that last time Mars no uh no I might be that question mark thing gravity laboratory this sounds correct wait maybe not have I been here let's just look around maybe we can spot it somewhere oh that's that's got to be it right there okay how how are we going to get there uh-oh oh no not this crap again uh-oh we just got to flip it a bunch Doge so let's flip right there and I'm going to fall I don't even see oh it's still sideways right there okay let's not die here that'd be embarrassing and let's uh flip I guess oh no it's going upside down I've made the marker upside down but you know what we're just going to keep flipping till we get it right it's now sideways once again let's try this dude that is false an Obby professional like me It Never Dies this is the hard jump right here H okay we made it let's flip and ow do I have to flip again I don't think I have an option oh no I've been here before wait what I just jumped off and landed on it let's try it ready I missed it cuz I'm stupid seriously my legs are broken again is making me miss these simple jumps you're back here can I land on the marker that's the goal let's try this ready okay I I'm on the marker it says no you just ain't doing it right so I can't get the marker this way I thought I was clever for a second and my feet are broken again we got to think of other buttons I can press instead of uh like this one maybe I can fall down uh onto this ledge here let's see okay I failed that might be it though I just saw this kid oh he just okay he went the wrong way but I think yeah I think I got to go here yeah good job Doge well this is really hard cuz your head Bonks the top uh okay we did Doge okay let's flip oh my goodness Doge do oh I did it the vallary marker h oh Doge and a fake Doge we did it guys we found all 216 markers oh that's just crazy Doge I'm so proud of you we did this together doge look at Monkey says help me I suck so do I monkey so do I we are back on find the markers and would you look at that it's snowing even though there's uh no snow clouds above our head but it is uh the Christmas update you can see the water is Frozen the trees have changed it's just so beautiful oh but but um what's that I see in the distance yeah I'm going to stay away from that but anyway so we have this Lake here apparently you can uh jump on this and break it wow and now now you can swim again so so that's pretty cool oh it it just froze over I heard that that was crazy so as you can see I need to find six new markers so let's just go to a not found and here they are we got the popsicle marker waterfall alien cinnamon pine tree and a person I heard this one's really hard to get then we have the event markers here we have a Santa marker anniversary which I miss because I'm stupid and a reindeer marker so we're going to find all these markers in the video so get comfy it might take a while let's just go in order we'll start with the popsicle marker on the border of two biomes those two biomes should be obvious so with it being a popsicle I'm going to assume that it's going to be somewhere out here the real Snow Biome there's definitely something in the sleigh here how do I get up there let's see if we can get that really quick that looks like either the S oh no that looks like the reindeer marker you can see a stupid antlers from down here uh do I have to like climb up on that building let's see so up the ladder and oh wait we got like an Obby here so let's just jump wait wait no oh you stupid game oh wait there's new stuff here this whole thing is brand new oh you know what yeah this waterfall markers here so that's going to be on uh top of uh this new thing dude can you stop sitting on the stupid log I like coming back to this game every like month or so because everything changes and 're just climbing up okay this was really easy yeah the waterfall marker that got it so we've gotten every marker in the washable Kingdom we can get out of here I will miss you washable Kingdom you are such a beautiful place oh stupid Bush okay into the portal let's not uh get teleported this time so up here all right ready uh okay good uh maybe shift lock is the way to go yeah let's just do this just to be safe and um wait how do I do this ah I'm stupid oh dude seriously game come on oh my goodness this is going to take a lot longer than I thought this wouldn't be a vitamin marker video without uh lots of raging get up idiot there you go do not go in the okay that was actually a pretty impressive move you know what I'm not okay about to delete my account and jump good and yoink dude oh look I can climb this oh I might be hacking oh on this side you can't get on it okay all right I'm not going to use shift lock for this jump I'm just going to go like this and I'm going to fall let's try a top down view good and then jump don't fall okay and then climb up all right man that was uh took way longer than I wanted it to but we have the reindeer marker it is now in my pocket now where is the Santa marker well let's check the event markers it says only available in December it's where he gets in so that means he's going to be in a chimney somewhere let's check this house here you can see the chimney or rather the smoke coming out of the chimney so into the door and uh yeah I get to roast myself alive there we go wait what what is actually happening hello oh okay I I that that was interesting hello Santa all right we got the Santa marker no idea what was happening here but uh mission accomplished oh and now we slide yay stupid I'm really sad I missed the anniversary mark marker it was in the spawn and I totally forgot about it because I'm stupid I meant to get it and I just I don't know had a big old brain fart maybe I got stung in the B so now we need the popsicle marker on the border between the two biomes so uh border right here is it down under no oh oh no that's not it yeah I'm not sure where the stupid marker is what are you oh this is the quest marker so he's just over here right now exploring back here and we have a door is this new I don't know oh um okay well yeah that just happened oh from first glance I thought this would be shut up I hate that beeping sound I thought this would be easy from first glance but now I'm realizing that this might actually be really difficult so yeah can I just skip that one no okay seriously stop stop beeping in my stupid ear okay up and then what so where do I go from this one if I go here dude what I'm actually really confused I don't know where I'm supposed to go from here this middle one yeah I think I just go on it okay let's try this again onto here okay climb up slow good and then from here onto this nope so that's definitely too far this is I actually don't know what to do on this you can't jump onto this one it's too far of a gap you have to go onto this and climb up I think you have to go onto this one here so come on nope that one's also too far what about this one over here let's see no going to try with with shift lock come on no apparently you can jump to this middle one but I can't seem to do it is this Gap really too big yeah it's just you can tell just from the jump there top and then jump no I put the graphics to the lowest maybe I'll be able to make a better jump dude where do I go from here maybe I supposed to land on the straw oh my gosh that was so close and jump stupid game maybe I go to this one no that's too far yeah I don't know what's wrong with this marker I'm uh not going to do it let's let's go get the uh popsicle marker apparently it's up on this Cliff somewhere so let's head on to these stupid marshmallows oh hello guys I'm so stupid I forgot to turn my speed on this is why I wasn't able to get this stupid cinnamon marker all right now I can actually make the jump eventually I have to figure out how to play again with the speed it's going to be so hard with getting used to okay ready jump there we go and then okay you know what that was so easy took me like three tries all right now that I got the cinnamon marker now we jump up here wait hello get up idiot you stupid baldheaded [ __ ] and wait what's that ooh I don't know what that does but let's just go this way and yeah I heard this back there it is okay so bam popsicle marker all right so now we need to go find the alien marker it's on the side of Mars well it is time to go into a rocket ship just got to run this way we have to go into the factory here so let's head on in jump into this hole and then down here uh wait it's really dark there it is the silly rocket ship so now oh they updated it wow that's so cool all right anyway uh oh they also updated Mars wow Mars looks way different now we got uh look at these like floating Rock structures in the background cool anyway what are we looking for again the alien marker yeah I have no idea it said on the side so I'm just running along the side here hello is this it down here that's y equals 2 that's not it um oh what this looks alien-ish hello sir how do I get in what hello hello oh okay the alien marker cool so uh I guess you just press that until it opens there we go guys just a professional gamer showing you how to do these things next up we have the pine tree marker snow biome in one of the trees great that's going to be fun so let's teleport back what are you you're like an you're an amous computer hacking sus boy I don't even know what he is unless that's oh that's another okay so that was another character oh hello you're definitely sus ooh you're looking kind of thick oh it also says uh Doge tank is here we got to go find him oh there there he is Doge tank oh he's breaking the water yeah go see you Doge tank he's so cute Mr Doge tank Doge tank are are you trapped in the water oh the ice is frozen he's stuck oh I'll break it for you Doge Tank come on out Doge tank oh Doge tank that's such a cool Avatar man oh I can see your feet when you're swimming that's silly yeah but you're looking uh pretty good Mr Doge tank all right we I think we have to teleport yeah just uh teleport Mr Doge tank anyway let's go find this um pine tree marker it's in one of the trees uh is this going to be like I just have to climb every tree what jump into each tree I don't know this is probably going to take a while ladies and gentlemen so just a bear with me I have to check every single tree is it in this one what about you Mr pine tree no and you no all right this is actually getting annoying hello oh oh okay this was the one oh yay another Obby I can't wait luckily I'm amazing at obies when I remember to turn on Okay my speed buff I think I have to do this is one of these and then jump okay you know what what onto here and then and am I climbing okay good I'm climbing and there we go all right so hopefully I don't have to do that crap again so let's just not fall for the rest of the uh The Climb here and then jump yeah and then onto the whoa okay I got to be a little careful there and then onto here down to here uh this looks oh you know what this stupid it looked way farther than it actually was broken game I'm always getting scammed please not fall this time that was really stupid all right here it is I'm just going to jump uh over this way yeah there we go and then on to that then up to here and then up to here uh-huh and then there look at that ladies and gentlemen the pine tree marker so now we only have one more the pmen marker it's extreme so it's going to be lots of raging lots of swear words maybe just kidding t to the tree in the Mars laboratory oh holiday souvenir shop what is this ponas will not appear until uh you get out of my way stupid moo until you finish talking to who oh I got to click this oh ho ho Happy Hol days that's not how okay I'll focus on that later let's get this last marker first and if I haven't completely lost my mind and want to break my monitor then we'll do it but chances are this extreme marker will make me not want to talk to anybody for at least several days what is this that's nothing let's head on into the laboratory oh boy here's uh okay the greenhouse sector so this is new we've got some water we got some fertilizer exhibit the Petry highly genetically modified do not bang on the glass that scares the fruit so what do we do so we have these three bars looks like we got fertilizer water and fire as long as your bar ends within the highlighted section when the timer ends you're good to go Harvest water from the ice crystals outside okay so let's start that the petm X sound I just click this oh I have to get water wait where where do I get fire oh here's water oh I got to fill it with ice uh-oh oh so the fertilizer we have to get up to here and the water here so we need four water one fire how do we do fire wait what's this light control oh this is fire this button here so you can see it's making the fire go up okay I see can I harvest you before no so it appears I have to start so hit the start button pet Simulator X sound effect and I know I need four water so oh there's a key down there okay so let's get four maybe I should have gotten five I don't know but let's head back in let's fill the base in we got four in there so we need three water and then a bunch of fire so take fire all the way to the top let's fill this up um okay so water wait till the fire is completely full and then we'll start adding the water fire is getting up there start adding the water fertiliz is going to come down wait we got to add one more water uh-oh did we do it oh no failed okay I understand it though let's start I feel like we were really close uh let's just grab a bunch of water yeah I grab 10 and let's uh fill it up this one I only need two water and one fire so let's start the fire let's add two water let's add three fertilizer and then one water bring the fire back down and then we're going to uh ready stop the fire add a water add a fertilizer oh no I need to add uh two water there we go and then ready wait what as long as your bar ends with in the highlighted section you're good to go okay let's try this again let's do the fire first actually no that was stupid I should have uh gotten the ice crystals first it's all about when the timer ends that's the important part let's add the water we just need the fire in the one so that should be good as long as it's within the fertilizer is going to be the hard one and the water's going to be tough too so um how many how much water do I have left I put all the water in there uh fertilizer go up to the top come on and no I missed the water barely wait I think I had too much water I'm really stupid the fire has to be maxed all right just click that the water also has to be maxed that means I'm going to grabb 10 water the water I can add at the last second yeah see so the fire is good to go so let's fill up the water and the water needs to be full but we have to wait until it's basically at the end let's just do one more all right so it's going to come down we're going to sit here and the fertilizer you can see the fertilizer is now green come on one timer and yeah we did it oh there's more rounds all right here we go 1 51 time to go get water we need five water once again I grabb 10 water because I think it has to be maxed again so fill up the base in and let's just start the fire we can just stop it there cuz we only need one and then we only need one fertilizer so let's just do two actually let's do three they'll probably hit the one by the time it gets to the end um this one might be a little yeah you know I think we're going to be good on the fertilizer add the water okay come on and easy Final Round 1 3 4 grab 10 water add the water we got to get the fire all the way up to number four so we got to hit that fertilizer is just a one that's going to be easy I should have started the fire before I gathered the water it's okay this one should be pretty easy so the fire is now good let's pause it let's add two fertilizer it's going to come down add three water and hopefully this will do it come on finish please finish finish finish come on yeah what an easy game give me that the pmen marker that wasn't too bad just took a few rounds to figure out how to do it hello all my sussy fans we have once again finished to find the markers update wait oh my Doge tank is still here let's go find him hey Doge tank where are you oh yeah we have the poas let's go see if I can find the one in the in the desert if I find it really easily then uh we'll go find all of them if it takes me more than 1 minute I'm not going to find them so come on where are you let's Zoom all the way out show yourself please and why is it snowing in the desert hey Mr Doge tank oh he's so cute how are you doing man are you looking for someone to duel I'm sorry all right Mr Doge tank I'll let you duel me oh look at that head I'm going to let you win Doge tank wait I can't see anything hello get me Mr Doge tank yeah you're good I hope you got your marker where is this poinet I told you if it's going to take too long I'm done we're looking for a bright red flower wait what it's just in the pyramid and I'm just wasting my time all right so here we are I still don't see it let's climb up the ladder are you up here no I am dead dude I can't find your stupid poinsettia so there's one on a TV hello poia yeah I cannot find it it's been a crazy adventure but I have found all 222 markers the only one I'm missing is a stupid anniversary marker it was so easy it was just on top of this thing I oh I just forgot oh why do I have to be so dumb sometimes I can't do anything right in my life oh boy I can't can't wait to suffer that's right we're playing find the markers again and this time there's 234 markers so I've got 12 more to find any event markers ooh anniversary oh yeah I missed this because I'm an idiot was up here on this stupid platform or whatever and I forgot to get it why do I have to be so stupid sometimes anyway wait what the heck is this excuse me is this like a dinosaur football sir what are you I am intrigued yeah 12 new markers so we have the Dropout marker hint an abandoned home oh I get it he dropped out of school so he he's poor just like me and you can't afford to live in a real house so he just crashes in an abandoned home and he begs for money so let's uh wander around some of these abandoned homes here is this him no I already have that that's the olive marker oh does this girl know she's going up the stairs he's also homeless that's why he's staying in this house all right well we just got to check every single house oh well hello sir he's just standing here what's up give me a time Rune hint I'm running low on sticky notes wow that was bad give me a better one I hope my awesome corkboard can be used to help you out uh give me a better one those ruber relics must be heavy I'd be surprised if you could carry more than one or something okay I'm just going to keep asking I'm running low on sticky no okay so um oh I found them well that's interesting anything like sticky notes like what's he talking about what about over here oh here we go examine whoa fantasy forest forest market market shop okay there's just a bunch of stuff here that I don't care about we'll come back to that later I'm guessing the time Rune marker is uh the new hard one wait what's that corkboard for I've been researching the history of every biome and what they look like in the past please take a look blah blah blah don't care all that matters is we found him and and now we only have 11 markers so we got the Fisher marker this is the marker of the washable Kingdom oh my gosh I have to go to that that's a cringe land so let's uh climb the ladder load into the washable Kingdom and here we are oh it's changed okay so this is uh probably why is this kid's floating up here hello kid how are you floating up there what'd you do okay so he's up there obviously things have changed since I've played wait what's this back here um reset are you sure you want to reset your time Rune puzzle everything related to the puzzle will be reset to the beginning well we haven't done anything and I don't know what we would do anyway yeah I don't know anything about this marker we'll get to it let's go find this fisherman first hint where there's water well uh there's water over here where you at you stupid Fisher marker oh this is new this lava over here do I die no I just uh reset I guess all right let's find this stupid fisherman all right what we're going to do is we're going to zoom out here try to look under the ground hacking oh is this him up here wait what what is that let's jump onto I missed oh maybe if I turn on my speed which I always forget about okay my speed's on let's bounce and let's bounce again and then let's land here oh I already have that one okay oh wow this has changed a lot actually this used to be like the market oh there he is silly game oh welcome to my channel my name is idiot and I don't know why I'm a YouTuber Fisher marker so now we have him uh the tip jar marker maybe Merchant marker would know where to get a coin okay I think this is the merchant marker over here wait hello accept silver coins only okay so we got to find a silver coin for the tip jar but let's go talk to this I think this is the merchant I can't remember welcome to my store how may I help you did you know I'm a time traveler from the future don't lie to me beggar I will not give cash for false tips of the future I don't remember asking anyway tell me about like this coin thing he sells maps and craphy can I have some or C I don't know just from the way you do your hair I can tell you can't afford one of these Maps what hair is he talking about all right come on just tell me what I need to know I'm just saying a bunch of stuff to him right now and he's just keeps talking even though I'm not interested all right well he didn't tell me anything important I'm just going to try to steal hello how do I get a coin idiot yeah I don't know but there's a map back here oh okay uh open map what the heck is all this I think this is the different markers cuz this is like can X for the water I don't know let's jump into the water see what happens and I die all right so we got a marker up here we've already gotten all these markers what I don't want that map and the stupid Merchant marker didn't tell me anything oh you're such an idiot what's this tile on the ground here does it do anything no what about in here who are you what type of coins oh maybe this is the merchant marker and I just wasted a lot of time uh what types of coins do you accept I'm only in the gold business if you find a silver coin take it to the tip jar okay uh how do I find one can I can I collect you if you want to obtain me you must collect 10 coins this badge ain't free you know so a coin on your chest I'll just rip it out of you so I guess I got to find 10 coins wait okay I got one oh there's another coin up here oh maybe from talking to him activated the coins oh oh yeah climb good job okay here's another coin over the fire thank you got to zoom way out so we can see um I see a coin up here on the castle so let's go get that and there's probably a coin in the castle yeah as I suspected and here's another one this guy is still floating above this like time thing oh there's a coin on the tree over here let's go get that one which Lily Pad I think I got to take this one over here and right here and then yoink there we go all right let's head up this ramp so they've definitely updated this mountain thing maybe we will find a Coin up here excuse me there's lava wait did they they turn this into an Obby oh there's a coin down here all right let's just turn up to die okay got it and then I died I wish I could see how many coins I have cuz I honestly have no idea maybe if I talk to the merchant marker he'll actually tell me how many coins I have they decide to turn this into an Obby of some sorts I just climb up like a Chad and what is this way out in the distance that looks interesting oh there's a coin all right jump over The Lava thank you and in we go all right yeah they've definitely updated this okay let's go across the Little River help oh I already did all this is there a coin in here I don't see any coins I'm going to reset oh there's a coin here it's hidden in the tree give me you got to find one more coin okay I have no idea where that coin may be I'm going to check each of these towers cuz who knows it could be in one of them oh and there it is it's across in that Tower so let's go get it and oh wait I just like jump through yay okay so we got all 10 coins let's go back to the merchant marker hello [ __ ] well you actually got all 10 find you in um good here take it and go you already have the merchant Market wait what oh I already have him can I tip how do I get a silver coin I just did that quest for uh no reason if you find a silver coin so maybe I just have to find a silver coin somewhere but I have no idea where that is hello silver coin it's only a medium difficulty I'm going go check this big tower you never know it could be up here hello silver coin are you here no why am I such a [ __ ] like my head doesn't even go up to the top of this t table yeah that's kind of cringe oh hello ladies and gentlemen I am relaxing I'm just uh climbing around the mountain where is the silver coin is it on the top of the mountain I don't know there is a marker up there oh I'm too far away to chat dang it all right let's jump down oh look I don't know why but I just spotted the silver coin in the corner okay well we got the silver coin let just had to run around for a bit and then we can put it into the tip jar insert coin oh hello you found the tip jar marker yeah that's pretty awesome I'm a gamer all right next up we have the Fallen log marker insane hint buy a waterfall wait what so we got two insane markers and an extreme to do all here in the washable Kingdom wow this is going to be fun yeah it said is buy a waterfall so okay hello waterfall let me in no all right well you know we're just going to climb up this thing uh I already got that marker like 10 years ago and let's just climb up to the top dude seriously let me up you stupid game all right I might have to shift lock wait my shift Lock's not working there we go yeah life is a lot easier when you can shift lock all right you are not the waterfall marker but you got to be around here somewhere right hello where are you maybe there's like a entrance in the waterfall hello no well here's a fallen log wait maybe I come down to this one all right uh what do I do here hello let me in no if I hack through the waterfall I don't see any gaps anywhere come on now hello oh I see a gap in the wall oh was that Santa Claus what are you doing Santa I think it just came out of the wall so okay typical find the markers little secrets begin rotation okay 1 out of 20 okay I'm just spamming this oh maybe you can't hit like another knife or something is that what it is okay let me just go first person actually okay that makes me sick yeah this is annoying I have to like just not hit other knives if I just turn on my auto clicker and just started like doing this watch this come on auto clicker you can do it yeah Auto clicker Auto clicker did it you found the Fallen log marker yeah that's awesome stupid auto clicker all right let's get out of here really easy just use an auto clicker boys and girls and idiots all right next up we have the magma marker check around the dragon Cliff okay I can't wait for this one so the first thing we got to do is come over here and then zoom out so we can look for like little stupid Secrets or something I don't see any off the bat so let's start climbing up and we're just going to try to go as high as possible all right come on jump over this uh there we go just epic gamer all right so this is where I'm going to do some hacking here over the tree no oh oh oh oh oh down an elevator uhoh do we have an Obby sprinting recommended luckily I'm amazing at obious so okay seriously game that's just L lag seriously stop lagging you stupid lagging crap all right now we're going okay the hack all right maybe I just do shift lock it's easier I think okay all right I made it hope he falls and dies he died haha all right so now I'm doing the first part first try so now we got to get back to this first try and dead can't wait to be stuck on this marker for 4 hours here we go come on don't ever stop just go I hate how in Roblox it just you just keep jumping if you don't uh let go of the the space bar it's really stupid here we go this is the winning run and easy stop laughing you stupid idiot he says you first I say no you all right here he goes come on you have to let this drop a little bit and then go ah you stupid just watch the Giga Chad yeah see okay I got to get back there cuz stupid vitamins Goku come on now all right your turn go let's see you do it uh-huh yeah that's what I thought kid all right so I'm going to just wait a little bit and then now I go easy we got to go go go and then around the sign okay here we go oh oh no wait that's hack all right I'm made it back here let's just do this again let it drop a little bit and then go all right I want to be zoomed in a little bit for this these ones drop a lot faster dude that stupid sign's like wall hacking hit boox who the heck designed this stupid level all right well the game is lagging too much I can't really do it right now let's do the time Rune marker find a map where Maps would be sold this will tell you where to find treasures back in the present this is a map of the washable Kingdom let's let's return to the present all right so here we we are we got the map wait what this isn't correct this is a marker in the washable Kingdom wait what I'm so confused let's go back to the stupid washable Kingdom oh then it says checking Dropout marker may help okay okay okay let's go back hey man uh I found like a stupid map oh corkboard examine I guess this is kind of what we do with with the map here like this is the market so but we want to go to the shop I guess okay I think the shop is where is it um it used to be over here oh ye old shop I'm stupid so there's something in here we need to find a clue there's a cookie okay we just got a cookie I know if that's anything another cookie oh here's another cookie okay so we got three cookies any cookies on the second floor I don't see any let's go up into the attic to climb you stupid bald idiot okay finally climbing any cookies up here no that's just crazy okay I I don't know what I'm looking for let's go back to this guy's stupid core cord give me a time ruin hint I don't think they would bury any relics inside structures so looks like I'm supposed to collect relics it looks like there's two in the forest these two are the forest apparently I just need to find one Relic so I know what I'm looking for hello Relic where are you is there a relic in the water no oh is this a okay arrow pointing down fail I did see something like big and purple though oh no we got to stay away from that marker is this a secret entrance no let's try this again we just walked straight yeah this is how we get this one we already have it but look there's all this like purple stuff I don't know how to get to that is it one of these rocks hello Mr idiot I'm confused I'm checking your stupid uh corkboard again perwinkle field the spawn yeah we're do this one first the map says it's like in a corner somewhere I guess is there like something to click on hello hello anything clickable uh-oh no we don't want to be in here let me out thank you don't want to go to the gallery in here maybe no what about over here wait there is like a gap right oh I see a bunch of purple stuff see I'm telling you that's something special wait wait Goku what do we do oh wait we we got this one a long time ago okay get me out of here what about over here nothing yeah we just got to check every nook and cranny oh bury treasure dig up we got a relic okay so we need uh five more essentially we got the spawn one this map doesn't help at all but now we kind of have an idea of what to look for so we got five more the C there's one in the cave there's one in the mountain there's two in the forest one in the shop let's talk to this guy look for sparkles in the ground if you are stuck in your search oh okay that's a good hint washable kingdom is this world but in the past okay let's go back to the washable Kingdom time Relic Place wait can I place it anywhere or is it just there okay so we can place them anywhere okay all right so we placed a relic here we got to find five more so these two are supposed to be at the forest but it's really confusing let's go back to the present and now let's head to the forest what if this is like the house I really don't know but we're just going to take a little guess like maybe this is the uh pathway so we got to look for Sparkles or something on the ground hello anything sparkly maybe up here oh maybe I should turn on speed so I'm fast and not sussy slow what about back here no anything in oh I see sparkly wait before we dig it up look there are sparkly coming out of the water so that's what we got to look for now we got another Relic amazing all right there's supposed to be two here this was the one in the water you can kind of tell that is water so but I think this one's around the house I could be wrong maybe it's like the factory over there I don't know but watch out let's not get stung that would suck Sparkles hello I'm going to assume that this is for the house all right so let's climb the house oh let me up you stupid game oh my gosh finally okay uh the map says over here so is it up here hello Sparkles where are you Sparkles hello sparkles are you around here wait wait what okay so don't touch those ow stupid baldheaded idiot let's go back up there dude game a stupid okay so now let's try this again up here okay hello Sparkles are you on this thing oh okay you can only hold one at a time that's cringe all right let's go turn in the one that we have oh hello camel wait no you're a copy bar wait come back who's this it's a d you're just a really cute guy okay bye I got to go turn in this stupid Relic I I'll miss you uh random Doge all right here we are oh look my time Relic has saved so yeah let's climb up here let's place it so we got to get four more but we already know where this other Forest one is I'm kind of understanding the map now so let's uh just go up okay seriously Game Stop scamming and let me up thank you and let's get the buried treasure and then we got to run all the way back to the washable Kingdom back in and uh okay let me up please just holding down space bar until the Game Stops uh glitching okay finally stopped let's place it thank you so now we need three more so let's go back back to the bum he just won't get a job for some reason and so Dragon Cliff is the mountain so that means whatever this is is the mountain so on this side somewhere so it could be like anywhere on uh this face of the mountain so we just got to keep our sussy eyes peeled and oh it's actually doch Doge I haven't seen you in so long come on Doge we're looking for buried treasure what if it means it can be buried anywhere on the mountain all right Sparkles come on where are you do you guys see sparkles those of you watching laying in your bed right now or actually I've come to find out that a lot of you watch my videos while taking a crap that satisfies me come on where are you Sparkles what if I've already seen well no that wouldn't be true because they kind of like pop up on your screen so as long as we walk everywhere on the mountain we'll find it eventually but so far I'm having no luck wait what this means we need to go into the mountain cuz the entrance is right here all right let's go in the mountain come on do we're going in the mountain just got to look around check everywhere Doge so oh yep here it is Doge get it Doge we got it all right come on Doge it's time to go to the washable Kingdom once again P down space bar until it stops glitching it finally stops and turn it in all right do did you place it good job do come on back to the present we got two more to find let's go back to the bum's house well it's it's not really his house he's uh squatting we got to find the one in the shop I don't know how I missed the one in the shop maybe it's in the water yeah let's go check the water do I see sparkles anywhere down oh I do see them right here in the right here I see them okay yeah and remember the hint from the bum was that there aren't any inst structures so it's time to head on back to the washable Kingdom and let's once again climb a pillar oh that was a nice little jump there and back to the present the last one is in the cave I believe no idea where it is we're just going to walk into the cave and wander around keep our little eyes peeled for Sparkles I'm just going to jump into a room and then scan around you can actually see them pretty well when you when you stop moving are they in here I hated this little puzzle by the way it was really cringe I do not see sparkles anywhere so let's get out of here any in here that I'm missing I don't think so all right let's go uh wait actually before I start climbing stuff let's just scan the grounds let's stick to the bottom floor maybe it's down here hello up here no okay so now we can start climbing we checked all of the floors so now we're going to start heading up any up here no what's this oh a dummy yeah you are uh-oh okay I already found you all right get me out of here thank you hello Sparkles who are you I already found you what about down here Sparkles H wait let's uh squeeze through like that I already found you dang it if I walk over it the little the thing will pop up and tell me to pick it up so I just got to wander around until I find it come on just pop up on my screen already where are you what oh oh no spider marker I forgot about this okay well I've been wandering around for like 10 minutes I still can't find it stupid map how's it supposed to help me oh my gosh okay let's go outside oh who's this it's just does everywhere let's go on top of the cave maybe it's uh like up here or something oh my gosh it is I see the Sparkles stupid game yeah give me that that took way longer than I wanted it to I kind of have to take a crap if I'm being honest but I'm holding it in until I'm done uh this is the last one let's CL up I hope this is the end of the torture I've plac okay where are you wait what it just made a sound now what is he oh there's something right here activate time pillars uh-oh what's happening what's going to happen it's going to explode oh do I die if I touch this beam no so I can walk over and I have found the time Rune marker awesome let's go back to the present I've got 227 out of 234 so we got to get the Frozen marker clicks something in the snow cabin is it going to freeze my B so here's the snow cabin I have to click something in here like it it's called the freezer marker um like like the refrigerator or something I I click see there's like a button click open oh I got water dude a wait what okay I found it you just have to keep clicking that a bunch of times settings marker check the settings wait where are my settings up here all right where are you stupid marker okay open equipment menu wait what oh my gosh look I got like Halos and stuff wait what is all this hey do what do you think B my head what do you think let's oh my gosh look the settings menu is like massive okay it's going to be in here somewhere oh what what the heck is this oh oh Auto clicker what what oh settings marker yay now I got this stupid thing on my head whatever all right next we got the uh stra Chella marker an oddly colored marshmallow that's got to be in the Candy World come on Doge I still got this dump thing on my head what happens if I just keep clicking this oh now I want to get this stupid thing off my head all right good it's vitamin Axel come on idiots oh you guys all want to sit around the table hey do all right Doge time for you to go Checkmate he won with the pawn how do you even you can't that's impossible Doge you don't know how to play any marshmallows in here no right come on Doge we got to climb up is that it down there I don't think so let's jump down here Doge wait what if it's in the fountain no wait hint collect what am I collecting I don't want to collect that go away Doge where's the marshmallow maybe we'll find it over here no Doge I'm not seeing any strange marshmallows Doge where is this thing uh you're a dog Doge use your nose sniff it out oh no d boo wait what there lots of marshmallows around here Doge I just need you to start sniffing them out Doge okay just start smelling them all right as I suspected hello idiot staella marker okay I I don't know how to say that word milk and cookies marker bring three cookies in a glass of milk from two buildings to The Happy Home wait where's The Happy Home wait let's see if it saved the cookies that I grabbed because we grabbed three of them earlier it did not save them so let's grab them again it just did that sound which means a marker has spawned I think this is the house happy house I could be wrong but uh let's go on inside and if I laugh then I'm happy I'm laughing it must be the happy hell the cobweb marker under abandoned stairs okay can't wait to do another insane marker but at least I have my do is it going to be in one of these oh well hello sir no go away Goku no one wants to look at you we want to look at this guy come back Kitty oh under abandoned stairs are these abandoned do is this the abandoned stairs I don't know D just go find other stairs there's a bunch of um broken homes here remove cobwebs okay okay now what do we just wait maybe each house has has those I don't know let's try this house does this one have cobwebs oh yep removed we got two so far house number three do you yep you have cobwebs take those out and then now we're in the uh dumb bums house well no it's not his house he's poor he can't afford it he just decided to move in which is illegal but uh a lot of cities protect squatters all right the last house number six remove oh God I just heard someone die uh where is it oh look a hole uh-oh so that was just the beginning do oh do let me guess we touch these we die oh uh-oh I get it it's going to charge us we have to kind of hide in these holes as it comes okay so wait what Doge why is that scary oh you don't get speed in here Doge okay you know what we're just to make a run for it come on go away no what a broken lag do wait can I just make it to here no I can't so I have to start in uh that first hole here come on let me go come on thank you got to go right behind let me in let me in let me in let me in good all okay so now we go go go go go go go go go no no no okay made it when's the right time to go okay go go go no no no no no no no made it I got to go okay go no that's nut cheat stupid cheating spider he's so annoying just get out of my way got to keep starting over cuz he's hacking dude I didn't touch him there you stupid piece of crap definition of a scam if you hit me here OMG easy game look how easy that is he comes and then he goes back and now I got to go go go go go go go go you slow idiot okay made it all right now go okay go go go go go go go go go okay good made it no no do not turn around don't turn okay we made it how long do I have to do this and go don't lag don't lag oh no I'm lagging I can already tell I'm lagging I made it so it's the same pattern each time and go yep I'm faster you suck come on get going all right let's go oh yeah I made it easy how long do I have to do this for it's so annoying OMG OMG I'm almost done okay just got to survive right here please don't die please don't die please don't die please okay good only have to do one more I don't know if I'm going to do this one right oh my God I'm so scared oh a you made it he's going b x is going I made it okay for this one I think I actually go when he passes me no stupid broken crap game always dying to lag never to lack of player skill yeah you trash at this game you stupid spider stop making me do this 18 times all right we're back to the scamming spot so now I go when he goes back okay so it goes back now I go all right out of my way V all right now I enter the green okay good stupid scamming lag crap trash game now let's teleport back 232 of 234 the hot cocoa marker another insane an abandoned home um we've been to plenty of abandoned homes let's start with this one that's Coco oh zero of 30 okay so I just got to wait okay seriously you know what we're going to we're going to turn on my auto clicker and we'll just you know hover over these stupid marshmallows as they pop up if I miss one does it reset no it doesn't so what's the challenge here why is it insane it's got me kind of worried okay that was not insane at all maybe it's broken and if you miss a marshmallow it resets that's the only guess I can take cuz that was not hard at all anyway folks we got uh one more marker this stupid magma marker that really was triggering me oh it's a vitamin box hey man how's it going um going to do the magma marker and cry so come on let's head on up all right Doge are you ready for pain it's going to hurt Doge all right come on boys come on vitamins box you're going to have a lot of trouble because oh it's Wednesday Adams but yeah it's it's really hot and fiery vitamins box so wait where' Doge go Doge oh I always have to go back and get him come on Doge he probably fell in the lava you can't drink it Doge it's uh it's going to hurt your tongue uh-oh Doge just fell Doge can not fall Doge come on what a silly do come on Doge it's okay it's time to cry I have brought you Doge to utter pain so now we cry but at least I'm Not Alone In My Cries oh Doge made that first try okay well he's um a dog after all oh he died okay bye Doge it's time for me to suffer in this stupid crap okay come on I made it first try you found the magma marker easy game now we just kind of sit here and we wait for Doge oh that's not Doge and dead but we have now found 234 out of 234 markers I'm just the greatest in the world at this game it doesn't look like doge is going to oh there's Goku come on Goku he did it oh vitamins Goku now we just got to wait for Doge well let's go back and see how doge is doing oh do is struggling he's typing a lot smashing his little filthy Paws into the keyboard and he died again do I'm not going to waste my time okay stop spinning around you're going to get yourself sick and you're going to throw up on my couch again Doge stop stop it Doge bad Doge do not no Doge Doge stop Doge stop it dude stop stop stop it Doge all right I'll see you later Doge I got to go take a crap
Channel: Vitamin CWAZY
Views: 942,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ccdZ5ezyxBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 8sec (6848 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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