The TRUTH About Etsy Print On Demand (What You Need To Hear)

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so yesterday i made uh this post here i said true or false it's easier to scale print on demand products with facebook ads and shopify compared to etsy and then i said i would answer this video answer this question in a youtube video so i'm making that uh today this question was posted in the pod ninjas facebook group if you are not a member and you're looking to join a community full of a whole bunch of other people that are doing print on demand right now we've got over 42 thousand people there's a link down in the description you can join it there's also some other resources there including my free mini course product reviews uh and more so definitely check out the group the link is down in the description and today uh we're gonna be talking about um etsy right and more so the truth about etsy now i've been doing print on demand since about 2016. at this point i've also been able to personally mentor a bunch of people and there's a whole bunch of you out there who have watched my content who have joined the pod ninjas facebook group and i've seen uh questions and posts and different things that people are doing so i'm making this video with a lot of experience of watching people uh try to do print on demand with etsy and i want to share my thoughts on the subject in this video we're going to cover a whole bunch of things i will put timestamps in the description of this video or in the first comments probably in the first comment we're going to talk about what it actually means to succeed with print on demand we'll talk about how to succeed with print on demand on etsy i'll talk about some mistakes that people make and i'll give you guys some solutions for success if you guys get value out of this video make sure to drop a like on it it's not for my own ego or anything like that it's truly to make sure that youtube is aware that this content should be shown to a wider audience maybe there's people out there that are just jumping into print on demand they're trying to find content if you guys enjoy this hit the like button it might help someone else to find the content as well so here is how i personally define print on demand success if this is not how you define success that's fine this is how i define success and if you agree with me great you're going to get a lot out of the rest of the videos so obviously you need to make sales right when you have a print-on-demand store you're going to need sales more importantly you're going to need some profits right if you're running a business and it's not profitable then that is not a successful business right they also need to be consistent so many people uh sometimes they make you know a few sales and and that's good right they get really excited but then what happens if they're not consistent right in order to actually have a successful print-on-demand store it needs to be consistent right if you go weeks or even just like days right without any sales that is not a success because for me right a print-on-demand store is a way for you to create a side hustle and when we talk about a side hustle that needs to be something that is consistent right it is a consistent income stream for you and in order to actually call something successful you need to have sales they need to be consistent and in uh trying to achieve this goal lots of people choose etsy for print on demand because sometimes it is it is presented as an easy sales platform and i know what some of you are thinking uh joe robert no it is not no one makes etsy seem easy and i'm here to tell you that i think they do right i say sometimes i say things on my channel that are sometimes a little bit controversial but again i i run a facebook group it has over 42 000 people in it i see a lot of posts i see a lot of people i talk to a lot of people right and and to me i perceive that a lot of people think etsy is is easy right and that's why they choose it because it's free right they look at it as a free way for them to get rich right and it's very popular right meaning there's a lot of people shopping on etsy it's a place where customers view it as a trustworthy place it's almost like the amazon for uh boutique type items right it's also very easy to set up you don't have to like build out massive you know stores or anything like that it's pretty pretty quick to get one set up and you can get organic traffic right you can start a shop on etsy and then people that are just browsing etsy are going to see your stuff and buy it right it sounds like it's the perfect sales platform for print on demand now myself right quick quick little caveat here i've probably sold less than 10 things on etsy um you know and i know some of you guys might be thinking well joe if you don't if you've never really sold an etsy then why the heck you talking about it well two things one i've been i've created a lot of really cool products i've sold a lot of products i've created print on demand brands i've just done it on shopify okay i've been in the print on demand community with people that are selling on etsy and i've talked to them right i understand what etsy is all about i understand print on demand i understand print on demand products and designs and just because i haven't sold on etsy i it doesn't mean i can't talk about it right if you think that because i haven't really sold on etsy that i can't talk about it then maybe this isn't the video for you i'm just sharing some of my experience and what i want to talk about is what most etsy shops are doing that are successful okay when it comes to etsy print on demand you're going to need to choose specific niches that are passionate etsy is not a place where you're going to build out a clothing line etsy is not a place where you're going to create a logo and throw it on a whole bunch of different products you're going to need to choose niches and make designs for them right these niches have to be good you're going to need to make unique designs right you can't just create the most generic thing in the world you can't create a t-shirt that just has a bird on it and sell it right it has to be a really unique design great most of these etsy shops they create a brand they sort of brand their specific shop right and their goal right or what they've done because they're successful is they've created a shop they have social proof on the shop they have they have reviews on the shop and um they're perceived as a as a real brand right they're perceived as a credible uh place right but here's the kicker where a lot of people don't realize this about successful etsy shops really for the most part anybody that you see selling a lot of products on etsy they likely have a very large product catalog right now i'm not saying all i'm saying most okay and when i say most i'm talking about most i'm talking about like likely 90 of the shops out there that are achieving print-on-demand success which is consistent sales of any amount right they likely have lots of designs on their shop okay people that i've talked to that bring in a thousand two thousand three thousand or even higher right ten thousand dollars a month in profit are creating a shop and over time uploading hundreds of designs to that shop right and here's what this scenario would actually look like right if your goal is consistent profits with etsy right here's the truth you need to hear right if you are if you are someone that wants to eventually achieve a thousand two thousand three thousand five thousand dollars in profit a month right this is what you're gonna need to do on etsy you're gonna likely need a very large product catalog and this is because not only yes there is organic traffic but you're not going to get boat loads of traffic every day on specific products you might get a little bit of traffic on lots of different products right so you're going to need to create as many designs as possible right and then the goal would be try to get five to ten percent of those to sell consistently right if you can get five to ten percent of 200 to sell once or twice a week that's going to be 20 to 40 sales a week that's that's good that's a that's a successful etsy shop right and obviously most of you watching this you might either a think i'm think i'm full of it right you might say joe i don't need to create 200 i've seen people upload their first design and make sales yes that that that does happen but the goal here is to create consistent sales not just make 30 bucks a week right if that's what your goal is then then awesome but if you're here to like actually create a side hustle that can create like freedom in your life and actually change things you might need to think twice about your profit goals right here's how i've seen people fail and struggle with with etsy right is that they're not a skilled graphic designer right 90 i would say maybe even higher than that the majority right the vast vast vast majority of people that i begin working with in terms of print-on-demand sellers uh they they are not graphic designers themselves right there's kind of two classes of people right there they're either someone who their entire life they've been creating things they've been drawing they've been painting they've been doing graphic design whatever and the transition into print on demand is very easy for them and then on the other side there are people that are not graphic designers they've never painted they've never drawn anything they've never done anything creative in their life and those types of people are the ones that i'm talking about because they're not going to be able to create really cool designs now maybe they could create like a simple text-based t-shirt but the idea that they're ever going to create something that is much more dynamic than that is probably pretty slim so what ends up happening is these people they basically try to make designs themselves and they they spend a whole bunch of time because they're trying to create a large catalog and they upload bad designs right and they don't have the funds to outsource the design work for 100 designs right or even 50 designs like that's a lot of money to spend on a designer for something that you're not even sure if it's going to sell right and then their their products never even take off because one thing people don't tell you about etsy is yes there are a lot of organic traffic but let's say you're choosing a specific niche right and even if it's a good niche if you type that in on etsy there's going to be thousands of other listings there that you are competing with and it's almost like google right where when someone types something in on google if you're not showing up on that first page you're not you're not getting seen right when's the last time you you searched something on google and actually went to the second page of results you probably may have never even done that because odds are you find what you're looking for on the first page that's the same thing as etsy a lot of people that jump into etsy their their products never actually get seen right they're they're uploading like they're choosing a niche right that's good they're making a good design that's great but then their products don't ever get seen it's incredibly difficult to for a new store on etsy to actually get ranked right and again i've never sold an etsy however i've talked to a whole bunch of people that have had this experience where they've uploaded stuff and they just don't make sales because no one's ever actually seeing uh their their stuff right and i know that some of you guys might say joe i'm fine with that i this is a free way for me to do print on demand again if you're if you're someone that's cool with you know spending a whole bunch of time uh creating designs right let's say you are not a graphic designer right you might not make something good enough um if you're fine with it fine right like if you're cool with spending time and it's free right then that's fine uh however here's a better way what i really prefer to do is to is to is to go in in this route which i'm going to outline for you and i'm going to give you real examples of this i've i'm going to show you like actual um situations actual examples of people doing this in a much better way right what if you could still choose specific niches right that are that are passionate just like you would on etsy right and still make unique designs if you want to try and make them yourself that's fine but what if there was a way that you didn't have to create hundreds of designs and you were still able to create that brand with unique designs that's exactly what my channel was all about in terms of actually teaching people about creating a brand on shopify right and then using various ways to get traffic to that store here is how my clients have made millions of dollars in sales right is to literally create a shopify store choose those passionate niches list them on the store and then begin driving traffic to that store and you don't have to upload hundreds like you do with etsy right you can start literally people ask me all the time joe how long or how many designs should i be uploading to my store i would say start with four minimum and don't do any more than 12 because if you do any more than 12 you're kind of just wasting your time right 4 to 12 is probably a good number for you to start with to sort of get your feet wet with uh your your new store right and then what you can do is you can grow an organic falling on instagram that's free sales for you right you're gonna have your shopify store you can grow an organic following on instagram and begin promoting to them uh and that's all free right and then what you would also want to do is start with really low budget targeted ads to begin selling uh your products right that is what this store is doing right here they have chosen tons and tons and tons of passionate niches now obviously this store is much larger i talked about earlier that you would just need four to twelve designs now obviously the store has more than that you don't have to create this many you can start with four to twelve but the strategy is exactly the same all of these products here on this store are essentially what you see on etsy every single day the difference is is that this store is launching targeted ads to their customers right they're launching and promoting all of these products that you see on the screen to their potential customers they're not sitting around waiting for etsy to show their products in the search results they are actually going after their customers and then the name of the game here would be if you can get your ads to generate the same kind of sales that we were talking about on etsy right getting a product to sell once or twice or three times or four times a week you're basically doing the same thing that you would be doing on etsy but you didn't have to create hundreds of designs and you can start basically making those sales right away right instead of actually waiting for your shop to rank on the first page or even on the second page or whatever right you can actually create things and begin launching immediately right i would say to you if you are someone right this is why you know i asked the question in the in the pod ninjas group right what is the quickest way to scale products is it shopify and facebook ads or is it etsy right if you let's say this right a situation where you have a product that is awesome right when i say product that is awesome i'm talking about your niche i'm talking about your product choice and your design right those three things together that's going to equal uh your winning product right let's say you have one of those right and you're gonna upload it to etsy right the the answer is obvious you can scale that much faster with shopify and facebook ads than you could on etsy because with shopify and facebook ads you can scale it from day one you can show it to thousands of people on day one and on etsy you have to wait you have to wait for that traffic you have to build your shop up and make it seem credible and make it you know rank on etsy and actually get people to see it as they are searching throughout all those thousands of listings or like i said you can do what that store that i showed you was doing earlier when they are just doing basically the same type of stuff that etsy is doing or people on etsy are doing and launching ads to actually promote them if you guys want like if you've watched the video this far and you want some help with this i have a whole bunch of free resources for you down in the description of this video you can you can sign up for my free shopify course it's going to show you step by step how to actually build out a store if you join the pod ninjas group i have a free mini course in there that's all about creating winning products so helping you to understand how to choose good niches and choose profitable products and then how to make really great uh designs and like i said that is inside of the pod ninjas facebook group honestly i made this video here today because i get a lot of questions about etsy people saying hey joe as a beginner should i should i start on etsy or should i just jump into shopify and i guess i have to ask you more so like well what strategy are you going to use right they're not the same if you're going to use etsy the strategy is much different than if you're going to do shopify on shopify the goal is to create a much more streamlined product catalog and promote those products directly to your customers and then on etsy the goal would be to throw as many products as you can on there and hope uh to get five to ten percent of them to actually sell on a regular basis right the strategies are so much different whatever one you're comfortable with is cool however for me in my opinion i believe that shopify facebook ads is is the thing for me that's what i've done that's what i teach about and it's what i think you should do now again that's not going to be right for everybody but that's what i think all right let me know in the comments what what you guys think hopefully i've outlined my case here uh and hopefully you know if you are going to comment you've watched the video this far so that way you actually understand my entire argument but that's all i got for today folks have a great day and i will see you guys in my next video
Channel: Joe Robert
Views: 5,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start shopify print on demand, shopify print on demand tutorial, print on demand suppliers, shopify pod, printful print on demand, printify print on demand, t shirt print on demand, etsy print on demand, red bubble print on demand, amazon merch, print on demand store, print on demand app
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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