The PROBLEM With Joe Rogan!

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together it's probably still bigger than that which is why that's a lot they might not really like him very much because he's one man with a few cameras he's independent basically he can have his own thoughts his own conversations right and he has not being told to say stuff to you guys by anyone these new shows in america are all backed by big corporations and there's a narrative that they have to tell you they're not like joe rogan and he's dangerous in their eyes but what they're trying to say is he's a danger to you not to them he is a black belt so pretty dangerous in their eyes this is killing two birds with one stone right have a go at joe rogan see if you can cancel him but also make sure loads of clicks while you do it because people are going to want to see your news story about joe rogan clearly so either way they win they either get views because they attack joe rogan or they get views because joe rogan's no longer a source to just refresh your memory part of the reason why joe rogan is now all of a sudden this big deal is because he signed a hundred million dollar deal with spotify and in the process started giving some political opinions about does he prefer bernie sanders does he prefer donald trump what does he think of joe biden and the minute he entered that game the war had begun and later on when covey hit he was obviously talking about alternative treatments and he was talking to different doctors and professors and again the government and the mainstream media don't want someone else having that level of power to sway people away from their message so he is enemy number one right now misinformation and making money off of it disinformation i should say she's literally misinforming us about the word misinformation joe rogan has been at the center of controversy for comments that he's made about the pandemic in vaccines spotify has been pressured to do something about it but it stood behind its most popular podcaster and now rogan is under fire for some new comments from an episode this week cnn's paula newton joining us live from ottawa the way this woman's like this is terrible like her old facial expression this is truly awful let's see what she says maybe she'll be balanced i want to see what happened here what did he say yeah brianna this was quite an epic conversation great way to describe the jurgen podcast she loved it big subscriber and the issue is here people tune in to joe rogan because there are no guard rails to the discussion that's why they listen to him many call the discussion ignorant and some found it incredibly hurtful listen not for the first time the joe rogan experience not for the first time rogan experience does this i just love the way they talk do you know what else i love is i love her tone is she's like a disappointed head mistress that you've just wandered into yeah so you wander into them she goes listen brian it's not for the first time that i've had to have you to be honest i've found them chat's more arousing than the way she's that's another story yeah you shouldn't talk about your actions in school not for the first time the joe rogan experience featured contentious canadian psychologist and author jordan peterson this time for over four hours they would do with this to be fair for our podcast [ __ ] mental no but but who's got the time for that [ __ ] you know that's the thing though it's the way they say it as if they've broken some kind of law like i had a conversation for over four hours late into the night and it's unusual that they spoke for more than 20 minutes yeah is that not against some sort of covered law yeah exactly yeah yeah in a free-ranging reductive back and forth about topics peterson has no expertise in i love the way they've deliberately picked a video clip of peterson looking like an absolute mentalist this is a man who was literally a doctor he is one of the smartest guys online right i don't agree with everything jordan peterson says but he is smart if you have someone muted and you're talking over them doing weird hand actions of course he looks like a nutter and that is their goal here right and why would cnn want to have a puppet joe rogan after he brought one of their presenters on and humiliated the [ __ ] out of them after he said why cnn lying about me and the presenter shut the bed and had no clue what to say but forget the agenda let's just see what they've got to say so you think that a lot of what's going on with people that want to change their gender identity is creativity no i don't think so so what do you i know so there's no such thing as climate right climate and everything are the same word and this one on race i am white actually that's a lie too i'm kind of tan this is like a four and a half hour podcast they've literally scanned it and went what are the worst three sentences and fine right that out of context make this look shocking the amount of things you can take out of context and make them look ridiculous or evil or silly it's literally become an art form on youtube there's literally videos where it's called out of context because it is so funny that's kind of what worries we're we're adults now back when we were teenagers and something like that we could be easily manipulated we're now in 2022 when people are so easily manipulated into believing that things set out of context are just genuine and not as literal as what the words have just been said with probably 15 minutes of setup completely sure so one of the main things that the media have gone after joe organ on is his personal um treatment cycle that he sort of put together for when he had covered and it's something that he is offered out to all of his close friends celebrities and the like and dana white backed him up i tried it he said it worked the wonders for me now this is something where joe rogan's got a lot of money the celebrities have got a lot of money i think the fact that he was even coming out with it frightened the mainstream media a bit because they're going let's get everyone vaccinated that's what they wanted their approach is one size fits all and the problem with what joe rogan said from their perspective not his was well i've got a different size over here and actually it works pretty well but they were like just shut up we need you to do the main thing being that he has said look i'm young i'm healthy i feel fine i don't personally feel the need to take the vaccine the minute he said that they instantly were like we have to take this guy down for whatever reason they've tried to do that and you know from the ivamectin um that he was taking which was prescribed to hundreds of thousands of people in america was then all of a sudden turned into it's a horse drug and we need to make joe rogan out to be some crackpot homemade [ __ ] medicine guy and that was one of the main things that cnn went after him for and as it happened he made a mental note of it got a cnn guy on his podcast and basically said why are you lying why life what happened didn't go well by the way i'm glad you're you're you're better i'm glad it only lasted a day you're probably the only one at cnn that's glad no the rest of them are all lying about me taking horse medication we should talk about that that bothered you it should bother you too they're lying at your network about people taking human drugs versus drugs calling it a horse to worm is not a flattering thing i get it it's a lie it's a lie on a news network and it's a lie that they're conscious of this is not a mistake i think what joe's saying there is they're willfully misleading people in their information they're literally misinforming people did you see that thing that the fda put out what did the fda put out it was a tweet and it was snarky i admit it they said you are not a horse you are not a cow stop taking this stuff or something like that why would you say that when you're talking about a drug that's been given out to billions and billions of people a drug that was responsible for one of the inventors of it making the nobel prize nobel prize in 2015 15 yeah yeah a drug that has been shown to stop viral replication in vitro you know that do you the thing is we're like going so fast like i feel like i'm missing a mystery you think i want that that's a problem that your news network was not lies well i don't i don't dude what did they say they lied what did they say i was taking horse dewormer i used to feed polos to horses right very dangerous as well probably themselves responsible is it yeah they're like apples as well i'm told i think he's put he's put his guests in a tricky situation there because the guest obviously has an interest in working for someone who employs he wants to keep his job but he also knows it's [ __ ] i think it makes it quite clear what is true there because the guy can't reply with anything so yeah we're going really fast here what i do find interesting yeah we're going really quick here really quick what to the truth you can't handle the truth joe rogan now has a platform and has a perception with that people know what the format is they're kind of attacking a format that actually seems to be worthless they're deliberately misinterpreting joe rogan's profession which is podcaster and acting like he's a news reader and acting like it's his job to keep the nation informed you know if he is wrong so what that's his problem and he will lose viewers over that that is not the job of cnn to attack the fact that they have turned their observation to him shows it's about attention and about viewing figures and about the war for for you guys to listen to them because they're clearly losing you and why are they losing regular people because we don't trust them anymore why is that because they keep telling us one thing and then telling us another and another and when when they get caught they don't admit i was wrong but you know who does admit they were wrong right that's why his credibility is up here and regular news is down there is because they will never admit they are wrong and we know that the same for the politicians you can't trust them that's why people are turning they were podcaster not because we want to but because we can't trust those [ __ ] what we're learning here is it's not about the actual news corporation it's about the people who own these things and what their agenda is oh yeah they want to talk to the top right yeah and it's no different to what howard stone had years and years ago it's no different to howard stern yeah jon stewart anyone with a platform that seems to be giving people information that is counter to what a lot of the mainstream or or even or even just considering it even having a conversation and that is the main thing that we've seen in the last few years is censorship shut down the conversation there is one message and anyone who even questions it you're a crackpot you're you're a nutcase don't even i'm not saying he's always right but i'm defending the right for him to have these conversations and be wrong i wanted to make a video to address some of the controversy that's been going on over the past few days this is another great reason by the way why people follow joe rogan they feel like they have a direct line to a guy that they can have a real relationship with they can judge him as a person they can judge and judge what his intention is and he can just go on his platform and speak this was one take this wasn't cut away to another thing we're gonna go to a news break now we're gonna go to an ad break this was just him speaking honestly for and not like and now for the news right the podcast has been accused of spreading dangerous misinformation specifically about two episodes a little bit about some other ones but specifically about two one with uh dr peter mccullough and one with dr robert malone dr peter mccullough is a cardiologist and he is the most published physician in his field in history sounds like a quack to me dr robert malone owns nine patents on the creation of mrna vaccine technology and is at least partially responsible for the creation of the technology that led to mrna vaccines what is that you know about vaccines i'm all right quite a lot quite a bit sorry both these people are very highly credentialed very intelligent very accomplished people and they have an opinion that's different from the mainstream narrative i wanted to hear what their opinion is you can watch this whole 10 minutes for yourself but as you can tell joe is very calm he's explaining that this is the joe organ experience not joe rogan news and it's him asking questions to experts who may have different opinions and that should be appreciated it shouldn't be something that is just like shut down and censored and this is getting more and more aggressive towards him and that's what freaks me out he's a reasonable man right and he gets things wrong and if if you've watched your organ as long as i have and i've watched him pretty much from day one there's been times where he's been high as [ __ ] off his face with his friends saying dumb [ __ ] like that's what we love about him he isn't perfect he isn't always right and he will like here admit where he's made mistakes or that there should be warnings or you know spotify maybe can have a warning before his podcast to say you know do your own research and all of that sort of stuff you know what i mean but it's the way he's having to defend himself on a weekly [ __ ] basis yeah a real issue is that they don't want to look at a lot of the people who did actually handle kobe badly for instance a government on either side of the atlantic so it's very easy to say to someone like joe rogan well you stopped people from getting the vaccine because you said this i mean literally me it's a [ __ ] joke and yet the people who were supposed to be protecting us actually giving us the right information [ __ ] up religiously in the news and the government politicians constantly making mistakes breaking their own [ __ ] rules the fact that this guy's getting it shows that the media are a tool of the government and not there that questioned the government and this has never been more obvious now like joe rogan is getting more analysis of what he says than the actual politicians who are boris johnson has been caught lying more times than i've wiped me off in my life and yet they're not attacking them the way this guy gets right exactly and that would be my point here is there's not only does joe rogan deserve to be evaluated and by all means do that but in context he's a podcaster not a politician you can bet your bottom dollar that they're going through every joe rogan podcast with a fine tooth comb cnn all of them will have like a hundred employees just listening around they're probably sitting one actually that's pretty good this is i see why people should do a format like this and you know they've picked out every time he's ever used the n-word which i don't agree with i love joe organ but i would never agree with that and you can't condone it and clearly joe rogan instantly as soon as he realized there was an issue did apologize but but the way they're reporting it is if he's used it in a way that is directed at someone almost as an insult without any context now i'm not saying that makes it okay but it does make a difference right like context is important people uh have the ability to learn and change and part of cancer culture and part of what the news is perpetuating here is the second you make a mistake you don't deserve the right to write that mistake or to say hey i actually made a mistake here you basically take it down don't leave it there anymore and if that happened with the news we wouldn't have any news networks left what we're allowing people to do here is frame all of this through cancel culture and there is one end that people want to meet with this which is take him off the platform don't give him a deal don't allow people to speak if they can't say what is generally agreed upon and it stops proper conversations from having it's a misunderstanding of what actual public discipline you know the problem for them is though if they do take them off the platform guess what the next day the platform he starts becomes the platform right so who's really the platform is it spotify or is spotify on joe rogan's platform because he is that big they're basically a partner with him he didn't own him like the minute they let him go he's laughing he's creating his own thing next thing you know he's even richer than before so they're just gonna keep trying more of this and expect it anything else that he said at any point any joke that he's made every stand-up thing he's ever done they're calming and they're looking and if you're a fan of joe organ he's probably gonna need your support more than ever in the next few years the white house has actually urged spotify to take further action on joe rogan now i'm annoyed that joe rogan is getting so much publicity right like what do i have to say don't go down this can we i've heard that having coveted makes you have a bigger dick so is it really that bad right what do i have to say to get this kind of cookie i must have had a lot of coverage at what point i had a [ __ ] ton of covered what point will 10 downing street come after us and say we need him off of youtube because i want that kind of coverage i think the problem is you've got to be of a certain level of fame for anyone to give a [ __ ] if you got taken off youtube people would just go that's true who jordy it's our overlord you know the guy who you said to be the worst prime minister ever a couple of year ago oh that's trendy to say now i'm gonna get my [ __ ] high horse for a minute when we couldn't get views off it when it wasn't about oh i'm just gonna do something crazy and that'll show boris johnson that who's right we were talking about this and we have people criticizing us and spamming us in the comments and saying you don't know what you're talking about boris johnson just is he's trying his best that was literally the comment boris johnson is trying his best well guess what guys boris johnson's best was partying while none of us could go and see our own [ __ ] family to be fair that's me at my best that's you at your best so yeah you're really a bit harsh there i'm being a little because i know me at my best right belly full of whiskey right yeah and boris definitely got the belly for it i understand and share the anger up and down the country at seeing number 10 staff seeming to make light of lockdown measures seeming to even now boris johnson can't admit that it wasn't seeming to they were making light of these measures own your [ __ ] words and i can understand how infuriating it must be to think that the people who have been setting the rules have not been following the rules stop gaslighting us he's like a [ __ ] toxic boyfriend i mean if you want to think that then that's absolutely fine you think what you want all right but i'll be over here on my own because i was also furious to see that clip i think he was actually furious about seeing the clip but not for the same reason that we were oh i watched that and went what the [ __ ] boris johnson went oh what the [ __ ] how did this get out the rules of times tory politicians went on the news and said we followed the rules throughout all of those parties it's like do you actually hear what you're [ __ ] saying the point was you're not supposed to have the [ __ ] parties in the first place you prick that's the rule so if you have a party you wouldn't follow with them that's boris johnson there furious at the idea that a party may have been had i for one stayed home alone for christmas didn't go and see anyone missed both my parents my son's first christmas a lot of people were like looking at their grandmas through glass and stuff like that absolutely yeah and boris johnson they hadn't put them in a glass case or anything right she's not all of them not all of them so it's a window right okay and of course in solidarity with the country boris johnson did exactly the same a photo has emerged of the prime minister in downing street on the 15th of december 2020 surrounded by alcohol food and people wearing tinsel but he had no idea though he had no idea he had no idea he's sitting in his office going why are all these people munching on cheese and crackers drinking wine and listening to spice girls what worries me is is this no different to any other day in downing street another day hitting the voddies and making the laws am i right it looks a lot like one of the christmas parties he told us never happened in what he has just said i'm afraid he is completely in error cicinera let boris johnson on your way hell you should be speaking of the prime minister have some respect for a man who's of such high order the photograph referred to is all over social media everybody can see the photo the prime minister is in the photo everyone can see the photo i don't understand why you won't just acknowledge it boris will he refer to the map the matter to the police because this is not one of the parties already being investigated by the metropolitan police that's precisely the point mr speaker uh it already has been uh it already has been that that event already has been submitted for investigation and you know what the mad thing is right there was like people saying goodbye to their like dying relatives and there was people like who missed opportunities to have a final christmas with a relative who then later passed away and this guy's having a [ __ ] jolly up i [ __ ] knew this would happen so i ignored the [ __ ] the whole time i'm left with no regrets me i had a good christmas fantastic christmas i i did have a good christmas i just didn't have a good christmas with my family i wanted my dad there on the christmas days you know what i mean didn't have him there on christmas day that's what i'm saying that's what pissed me off i didn't want my dad there on christmas day i didn't invite him absolutely yeah but that's your progress no phone started yeah right do you know what i mean i wanted my dad there didn't have him nadine education secretary and i will use their first name because we're on terms like that as basically said and i'll read the headline pupils shouldn't criticize boris johnson in class as education secretary people should not be criticizing boris johnson as part of their coursework the education secretary has said tori is reacting with anger on wednesday after it emerged that children at a school in nottingham have been writing letters critical of the pm's behavior as part of an exercise did they do this on a tunnel and tell the students like you must not criticize your prime minister everything he does is always correct you should be able to criticism enjoy your prime minister he loves you do you remember when um the tory party said save the nhs yeah and then said that people who work for the nhs must be clapped every thursday remember that and then i clapped and then they got us all obey all of the ridiculous rules that were put in place which basically restricted us to do anything we [ __ ] wanted to do in the name of save the nhs after they've underfunded for decades and then they tell the people who work for the nhs well if you haven't got the vaccine i don't care how much natural immunity you've got you're getting sucked in the morning save the nhs yeah i said they said save it well apparently they're they were all going to be sacked so you've got all of these people who've given their blood sweat and tears to save people putting themselves at risk for years literally and then told thanks for that but we'll be saving yourself if you don't want to get a vaccine then they just go back on it you talk about misinformation how much misinformation do you want to go through in that sac the nhs save the nhs you're hired you're fired if you do want to hold the government to account do remember that there were 8.7 billion of losses on ppe government accounts says 8.7 billion just up in the air goodbye what about the app the truck and trace we don't know that was another one even more even more on that that's a whole other set of money over there brian that's just another set of money just poof do you remember when the joke i just set the pile of cash off absolutely yeah by the way the person we have to question all of this is joe rogan not sadger javid not any of the people are responsible for all this [ __ ] but the person who's got the podcast not the person who's actually responsible for the laws and the person who signed all these things off the people who question that who's the more dangerous person in the room here he's got a black belt imagine if someone set fire to 8.7 billion that's exactly what this government did uh but enough about that what what's on netflix all right the tinder swindler it's exactly what it says on the tin you know uses tinder to swindler and basically they should have seen it coming there's there's this guy who they make out to be some debonair [ __ ] christian grey billionaire type of guy sweeps the women off their feet shows them a lifestyle that they'll never ever have without him and he makes them fall in love with them now he makes them does he put guns there and go fall in love you know that's kind of how it is is put across like what chance did she have you know what i mean and right i do think it doesn't this documentary does not explore at any point could you been a bit more switched on it's completely he's bad they're good i get it because he is such an [ __ ] even if they are slightly to blame for their own downfall because yeah and desperate for the cash and maybe they were in love with them i'm just going to suspend belief for a second he is such an [ __ ] that you just [ __ ] hate him and you do feel sorry for these people right but if louis theroux made this documentary there would have been a bit of him ago at what point did you think maybe you shouldn't have been sending him the hundreds of thousands of pounds because you hadn't seen a penny of it back you know this man for weeks i don't think that they did a good job in really getting into the gray areas of the documentary you know were you just really hungry for that lifestyle and willing to do anything to get it i'm not saying they were but the question isn't even asked and i think most people sat at home watching the documentary you're like what like yeah i get you were bombarded with all of these riches but how come at no point you thought you're asking for how much again like you know a lot of them trusted they'd see it back as well right i get it and the main the main woman who talks about this is a lovely person and you can tell she genuinely i think she did love him where's she from norway yeah definitely not london london women literally you go can you lend us a tenner and they go [ __ ] what love it's a fantastic documentary where this guy has literally managed to as i'm sure you've probably seen by now escape really what he deserves which is to say an early [ __ ] grave because this guy deserves the worst decisive to die no this guy is a he is a danger well let me be the judge he is a horrible bastard through simon's tick tock which is also the official hopefully gonna be a great flight [Music] right so what simon's managed to do is and what i do believe this documentary has done it's given him notoriety oh is anything he's he's like the new dan bilzerian or something [ __ ] this guy's like he's just banging models it wouldn't surprise me if there were other rich people out there that went how much money do you earn i'll cover that let's [ __ ] weirdly this guy seems to be just getting away with it and that's the problem is like as much as you know some of these women at some point should have said what the [ __ ] is going on earlier they've been swindled and he is an utter [ __ ] what did simon do in bed is a real question for me because he's ugly as [ __ ] no another thing is like it takes all like responsibility of of the handing over of money right away from the adults who were in their 30s i don't think that they did a good enough job into looking at why they handed over so much money it was very much we were in love open shut case he said he needed it there's a point in the documentary which um he realizes he's [ __ ] and he's losing his money and he needs help from one of them and she's just [ __ ] with him at this point and by the way she's the real mvp of this whole documentary there's one girl who really takes it to him kind of hot by the way anyway he leaves her a load of ice notes and they are [ __ ] crazy so and just just be clear this is the man who charmed them you stop playing game with me now stop till you actually listen to me listen to me you're gonna give it today you don't understand where the [ __ ] you going i'm sorry about what i said but that's it but you're taking the piece out of me i love you and i care about you he's wanting his um she took his clothes and sold them on ebay and he's wanting the money but of course when you say i love you to someone you go i love you he's a passionate lover he's a passionate lover i love you you love me you have no idea how much i love you you just need to trust me one last time by the way anyone who says you just need to trust me one last time that's really not the way that trust works you know when someone goes trust me just one last time what do you do one last time i mean trust me we'll be together forever you will never play with me give it today look elaine i'm sorry about everything i give you the last [ __ ] warning today you want more you will get [ __ ] more you will get [ __ ] more he sounds like scarface than yes this guy's a nutter gotta admit i kind of love it like i kind of want to meet him you know the guy is crazy and this is the thing is as much as i've talked about where the documentary failed the one that they did neil was this guy's absolutely insane and the amount of bizarre fake scenarios right he concocted to convince these women that he had enemies and that he was a diamond billionaire just listen to one drake album he's sitting there going enemies i've got a lot of enemies and you're just like and they're like yeah i'm buying this i'll give you a hundred thousand pounds wow these women basically just wanted to date drake they reckon he's swindled like 10 million quid off of people but like i think it's probably more given what he's driving around in and where he lives it's probably more this is a lesson out there to a lot of women by the way aim lower go for a guy who isn't you know yeah i mean every man is a piece of [ __ ] so just be careful the piece of [ __ ] that you go with no absolutely and i know before i go and see a woman i always look at myself in the mirror and say you're a piece of [ __ ] now let's go and make her happy right because you are a piece of [ __ ] now see how lucky you are right she shouldn't even be anywhere near you she shouldn't even be sitting anywhere near your dirty little dick anyone out there who had any hope that rihanna was going to get with them and have sex with them and make them happy men your dreams are over i don't feel like you're talking to yourself here no but i do know some people who really wanted to get rid of brianna yeah you didn't find me under attractive no i think she's pretty and all of that but she's not my cup of tea oh come on rude boy no but i don't mean this in a like everyone's like i'm sorry brian i don't think you were in the running i get that right i'm just saying if i was gonna go into the celebrity crush dimension she wouldn't be the one but this may be the greatest combination of jeans in rap that we've ever seen oh this is rihanna and asap rocky this baby can't be pretty i don't know like beyonce jay-z jay-z jersey's not attractless to you you've seen asap rocky they call him pretty flacco you're not seeing like how cool this kid's gonna be by the way rihanna seems very proud of the fact she's pregnant yeah that way this is the thing right to women out there look you're gorgeous you're a goddess sure could you wear a t-shirt over it what oh you don't like the belly always out because she's trying to be a documentary if i walk out with my belly hanging out everyone calls a fat [ __ ] well you lot oh you're blooming you're glowing yeah how about no no one ever said it no one ever says to brian no one has to see your [ __ ] belly right 4am on rocket league no one ever looks at him blooming the one thing that does grow when you get pregnant i'd love to see them the titties the belly put that away the old milkers as you call them the milk is over right and we'll we'll be fine but look at this for a combination of jeans do you get any better than those two he's [ __ ] gorgeous he's all right she is fit i get it look at that that what a great couple he's he's an awry looking guy he's all right what would you shug him would you i love bad [ __ ] that's my [ __ ] problem yeah i like have you seen him i've got a [ __ ] brother i'm not being funny right he's rocking up to a [ __ ] award show in a [ __ ] quilt that he's not i mean brian what are you doing what do you want like what you don't understand is i'm not before he looks ridiculous and she looks like cruella deville anyway jealousy is an ugly emotion uh that was true news it's back it's bada than ever and we [ __ ] hate console culture and if you're perpetuating it suck a dick we'll see you on the next one don't forget hit that like button click the sponsors all of that [ __ ] subscribe we'll see you later don't forget to click the sponsors
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 608,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: True Geordie, True News, Joe Rogan, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Controversy, Joe Rogan CNN, CNN, Joe Rogan Spotify, Joe Rogan Cancelled, Boris Johnson Breaking Rules, CNN vs Joe Rogan, UFC, Tinder Swindler, The Tinder Swindler, Rihanna, ASAP Rocky, Rihanna Pregnant, Rihanna Baby, Spotify, Joe Rogan Podcast, Comedy, Sky News, BBC News, The Telegraph, ITV News
Id: OaGlwxakBd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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