THE TRUMAN SHOW (1998) Movie Reaction! | First Time Watch | Jim Carrey | Ed Harris

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[Music] what is going on guys I am Andrew Flash Gordon and I am here to react and review The Truman Show I'm so excited I'm a die-hard Jim Carrey fan I know this is useless information but I am so curious to see this film because this is one of the few dramatic roles uh that I have not seen Jim Carrey although I know he's a very good dramatic actor and I know we all know him as a comedic so I'm really looking forward to this if you haven't already please hit the Subscribe button Bell icon on notifications and smash the like button so you can let YouTube know that you are enjoying what you're watching and if you are watching this on YouTube you will get a cut down version of our reaction as we can only show you a limited amount of picture-in-picture of the film but if you want to watch the whole thing with us without any Cuts interruptions please head on over to our patreon page at or become a member of this channel you will get access to the full uncut reaction but you will need your own copy of the film so you can sync up with us but don't worry we make it really easy for you for those of you watching on patreon and memberships all right we thank you so much for your kindness and support and without further Ado let's get into it we've become bored with watching actors give us phony emotion he's not talking about me I heard of pyrotechnics and special effects while the world he inhabits is in some respects counterfeit there's nothing fake about Truman himself I'm not going to make it you're gonna have to go on without me oh that's an opening no way Mister you're going to the top of this mountain broken legs and all you are inspiring Mr Carey well for me there is no there is no difference between life and my life [Music] it's all true it's all real nothing here is fake nothing you see on this show is fake merely controlled that's a problem we have with reality shows so many just feel so scripted so I'm curious to see a true reality show now in case I don't see you good afternoon good evening and good night haha sure that's really cool how they'd have all these POV shots I like it [Music] [Applause] here's a news flash just in an aircraft in trouble began shedding Parts as it flew over at seahaven just a few moments ago it's like I noticed why don't you forget about the pearls of flying saddle back this type of music always calms me down we have paper there will you Arrow one of these the wife that'd be all for you Truman that's the whole kitten caboodle got you ladies such a nice kind man good morning how are you guys always ah and how's your lovely wife I was getting nervous when someone pins me to a wall like that hey think about that policy yeah thank you okay that's two for one that's a good deal doppelganger special it's like the most popular guy in town hey no you first place I'm not that anxious to get there [Music] you gotta admit that's a great name Truman Burbank that's a great name uh could I have directory assistance for do you have a listing for Lauren Garland jeez very diverse Center photos [ __ ] even when he's not being funny he still makes me laugh hey Burbank got a prospect in Wells park I need you to close well Wells park on Harbor Island you know another one I uh have an appointment dentist You're Gonna Lose a lot more than your teeth if you don't meet your quote other American cutbacks at the end of this month that was a very kind threat of losing someone's job threatening to fire someone even though he said it was cutbacks not him per se but so I was a very kind threat to get him to meet his quota we're still here huh I might have missed it one way or return return There You Go sir you can do it believe you can get on that boat oh man do you need any help sir you go ahead I'll I'll be fine hi honey look what I got free at the checkout it's a chef's pal it's a dicer grater peeler all in one and she sold that to him like a commercial laughs missed a spot a real man Gardens his own lawn I like it Truman you know I'm thinking about getting out Marlon yeah out of what out of my job out of your job what the hell is wrong with your job you have a great job Truman you have a desk job I killed her desk job that's a cool place for a driving range on a bridge I love it I'm gonna try that sometime don't you ever get Nancy where's there to go BG where the hell is Fiji near Florida bonus time is just around the corner yeah so far in the early comings of this film Jim Carrey is just doing such a good job emoting giving facial expressions it's a really good sign of a great actor scared me all right now my van understanding of his fear of boats and water oh it's dead sucks yeah that would be a hard fear to overcome getting on a boat or just anywhere near water either or would be tough oh is that God doing that Morgan Freeman Bruce Almighty hasn't come out yet wow you're soaked where have you been I figured we can scrape together eight thousand every time you and Marlon get together around the world for a year on that you're talking like a teenager you have mortgage payments Truman we have car payments but we're just gonna walk away from our financials leave the rat race thought we were gonna try for a baby isn't that enough of an adventure I can wait I'm gonna get away see some of the world explore you want to be an explorer hey Dora was one I love that they keep coming back to this music queue come here dad what hey what are you doing um I'm guessing the crew vet Harris that was watching them when they were on the boat then maybe they got them or something got the dad or something I don't know it was Dad dressed like a homeless man and you know what else was strange a businessman and a woman with a little dog came out of nowhere and forced him onto a bus that would be such a trip if you think your dad's lost at sea and then you just randomly see him as a homeless man that gets rushed onto a bus like that I I'd be such a Trippy experience [Applause] yeah it makes sense that he's looking at the pictures because when it means you all know when he last saw him he was a kid [Applause] Truman what are you doing down here I got naughty videos in there don't question me saw my father today I know your mother called you really shouldn't upset her like that did you want what did you want I made macaroni no we really ought to throw out that mower get one of those new elk rotaries it's funny how she always comes out and I'm sure it's by Design too uh because it seems like she's in on this whole recording of him uh like reality TV would you will what's he doing see they got rid of her but they couldn't erase the memory the memory of who don't trust that woman she cursed Edward Scissorhands [Applause] [Music] oh okay good actress [Music] been there many times my man where you're just staring at a beautiful woman and she stares back it's a good feeling [Music] I'm so sorry I fell on you that's okay wow was it planned for them to meet like or for her to do that oh my goodness she's a plant [Applause] foreign that's crazy so this whole camera this whole reality show has been going on a while oh there we go [Music] I don't think that's her oh it is her okay well Lauren right it's on there Lauren right right I'm Truman Burbank yeah I know I watch your show would you want to go out for some pizza or something if we don't go now it won't happen when a woman says now you do it now [Music] is she gonna be the one that got away with so little time they're gonna be here any minute who are they don't want me talking to you don't talk get land [Music] Truman listen to me everybody everybody knows everything you do I don't know oh okay hey wait a minute who are you I'm her father that's why I was looking for Sylvia and Fiji this is a such an interesting setup for a film why didn't you just follow her to Fiji his mother got sick really sick I couldn't believe her he's kind maybe he's too kind that's gotta be so trippy Everyone's Watching every move you basically take in life he's heading west on steward [Applause] ah jeez the whole town that is trippy [Music] it's been really his dad or is this another plant just an actor wow that was a very intriguing and methodical camera shot oh yeah I guess maybe that's how he doesn't know he's being recorded on everything is this whole town is like extras and all that so maybe can't watch himself in this town I I don't know yeah he's like everything just feels so suspicious with everything foreign [Applause] I'm doing that see if that works yeah um whoa tell me what's happening it's like he's truly Awakening right now like everything just seems so odd to him it's a really intriguing discovery little angel we should be getting you home mother oh hold on a minute here's us at Mount Rushmore it looks so small things always do I do like how intelligent his character is because he can tell when things are just not right Angela we really should be getting you home I'll take her no no no no no no you stay relax enjoy yourself your favorite show will be coming on sure okay so that's why he's not able to see that he exists on the show is because they control the TV or in this fake town so that that makes total sense now there that's been answered but enough from me I wonder if like those again if those are really his mother and father or they just paid actors part of this ruse this is his this is so crazy I need to talk to you but uh let's go outside I'd love to but I'm really late what's your Rush there was that that elevator disaster downtown it was on the news last night oh God anyway I have an amputation on one of the young women who was aha anyway um wish me luck I'll cross my fingers for you you should follow her to work the problem is they're in you know they're watching his every move but I like that he's smart enough to try and follow her smart nothing more inconspicuous than a bike when you tell someone yes before nurse Burbank can you tell her I had to go to Fiji and then I'll call her when I get there when you get to Fiji you got it ha ha ha ha thank you this is good I would watch the show I mean I'd feel for him in real life but I would watch his show this is a little more interesting than Keeping Up with the Kardashians or Real Housewives [Laughter] you sure wow they're going full out with this ruse now you got to pretend to be doctors good luck I'm now making my primary institution just above me this is I know I keep using this word this is so trippy oh my God the self-discovery too oh God you put that poster forms and make him not go to the fiji's I'm sorry to keep you that's okay she's not a real travel agent sir flight to Fiji when would you like to leave there's nothing available I'm sorry I don't have anything for at least a month a month doesn't matter I'll make other arrangements all right you better come up with some good stories here he's getting suspicious you're upset because you want to go to Fiji is that it I I for a few months a few months let's go now early bird gathers no Moss Rolling Stone catches the worm right I agree where shall we go assume they're on an island there's no driving out of there oh my God locked it every turn beautifully synchronized don't you agree you're blaming me for the traffic should I he's really intelligent I really like this character a lot I mean obviously at some point you got to get suspicious with all this peculiar stuff happening but he's still a very intelligent character I changed my mind what's New Orleans like this time of year Mardi Gras [Laughter] would you believe that wanna do it again [Laughter] this is such a good performance from Jim Carrey I mean it usually gives good performances but I love this one you [Music] know I they just literally pull all the stops at to make sure this man is a prisoner in his own reality show thank you for your help you're welcome oh [Music] I don't know how much longer they're going to be able to contain him thank you so much for your health I really appreciate appreciate it he's lucky to be alive man I understand oh God poor Truman dude can't live his life let me get you some help Truman you can't stand me that's not true why don't you let me fix you some of this new Mo cocoa drink all natural cocoa beans from the upper slopes of mountains oh my God I love how she always sells it like a commercial who you talking to tell me what's happening well you're having a nervous breakdown that's what's happening you're part of this aren't you I love this woman what are you gonna do dice me slice me or peel me so many I'm getting shades of Total Recall right here this is all a ruse who are you talking nothing I didn't say anything it's a Marlin oh thank God how could anyone expect me to carry on under these conditions it's on professional oh God it's like I'm an actor world revolves around me somehow a lot of world for one man Truman sure that's not wishful thinking whoever the screenwriter is for this film great concept for a movie well the point is gladly walk in front of traffic for you point is I would gladly step in front of traffic for you Truman this is so sick what they're doing to him for a TV show you're right about one thing though we started all this I'm so looking forward to when like Jim I mean he's obviously on to it Truman but I can't wait till he really discovers it Truman so I came by tonight sure he's got quite a story to tell wow go to him [Music] Jim Carrey's performance in this is unbelievable and his dramatic acting is is he's got such acting chops he is so terrific [Music] what they're doing to him my son [Music] Fade up music [Music] damn it why am I invested and sad in this they're pulling a sick ruse on the man tell him individuals but good work I want him to end up with you at the end of this film you're the one he truly loves oh my God from the day he was born countries tuned in for his First Step the world Stood Still for that stolen kiss oh my God an entire human life recorded on an intricate network of hidden cameras and broadcast live and unedited 24 hours a day seven days a week wow enclosed in the largest Studio ever constructed oh my God now in its 30th great year it's The Truman Show [Music] a rare and exclusive interview with the show's conceiver and Creator to come with us now as we go live to the lunar room I knew it that Moon looked weird I knew it wouldn't people try to let him know he's on a TV show I like how they're explaining that Kirk since Kirk started this whole crisis in Truman's life I came to the conclusion that he was the only one who could end it oh boy when Kirk read the synopsis for the death at Sea episode he was disappointed to say the least how do you intend to explain his 22-year absence Amnesia brilliant sick you say brilliant I say sick call let's go to Hollywood California you're on true talk hi Sophia just like to say one thing you're a liar and a manipulator and what you've done to Truman is thick what right do you have to take a baby and and turn his life into some kind of mockery it really is disgusting what they've done to him it's really gross I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life dude he's a prisoner dude he's not a performer he's a prisoner look at him look what I've said he's a prisoner I think what distresses you really is that ultimately Truman prefers his cell oh that's where you're wrong and he'll prove you wrong I was gonna say I I'm glad Sylvia and Sylvia's a Place apartment house we see that the say no to Truman Truman you are on TV and I got to imagine in real life there would be people who would be against this too even though there's a crowd that's forward of course it's sick what they're doing [Music] imagine that you're sleeping and you're being watched I hope I'm not being recorded to like a sick show like this what's he doing that'd be the most expensive show in the history packed up and left what happened down there he was just tying up his garbage I was gonna call you but halfway through he gave up and he fell asleep you people are evil what you do for TV ratings isolate the audio give me a close-up on this torso not really there he's in Disguise somewhere zoom in enhancing he must still be here right away that is so sick what they're doing so sick genius as a screenwriter excuse me but so sick come on buddy I got a six pack of cold brewskies with our name on them come on buddy good for you Truman way to outsmart these sickos come out come out wherever you are that's good keep it lighting I know you're in here I'm gonna find you is that is that a line from Cape Fear I never saw it but I think that was the iconic line from that film come out come out wherever you are gee I wonder where he could possibly be this feels a little like Shawshank Redemption a man stuck in prison where you shouldn't be in found the Escape Route don't look in the camera say something keep it going he Andy duframed it he's gone got transmission [Applause] it's not supposed to turn off what's happening I love it I'm so proud of Truman seriously outsmarting these sickos good for you again Truman way to go buddy okay I am just find the son of a [ __ ] and you guys are so getting what you deserve right now sponsors are threatening to rip up the contract why we're getting higher ratings with this graphic than we've ever had on this show right yeah it's going to say it would be creating a lot of curiosity from people like where is he why is it not on like I want to see what happens when it comes back so it makes sense why the ratings would be even crazier higher than usual because something unusual is happening bring up the harbor cameras can he sail he's an insurance isn't he terrified of the water presume transmission gotta be trippy when everyone else knows more about your life than you know about your own life the hero Landing right foreign [Music] come on [Music] oh did he kill the end bottom line is they can't drive the boat they're actors we're going to be accessing the weather program I think we're going to want to localize the storm you people are evil you are so evil what you are doing to this man All About the Benjamins and the ratings we don't care about this man oh she blows come on Truman find a way buddy give me some blanket [Applause] yes increase the win increase the wind dude he is Ed Harris's character is sick in the head he's gonna drown he doesn't even care do it foreign oh my God Ed Harris is going all Point Break on him with that wave I mean I understand Truman's sentiment I'd rather be goner than uh living in this fantasy prison you're disgusting that's enough if only storms work that way [Music] dude let the man Escape he's literally been a prisoner since the day he's been alive or the day he was born rather it is interesting how many years it took Truman to realize this whole world was a ruse but still it's the fact that he did realize it uh you know is the important part not how long it took oh it's a huge water tank at Universal that would be so trippy oh my I didn't even know how to react to that [Music] seriously this is unbelievable performance this might be my favorite Jim Carrey performance he he is outstanding in this movie I know he's outstanding in most films he's in which are mostly comedies for the most part but it's just on another level in this film oh wow that the stairways to heaven [Music] [Applause] wow what a journey of discovery [Music] you can speak I can hear you Morgan Freeman who are you I am the creator of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to Millions by keeping you a prisoner then who am I you're the star listen to me there's no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you yeah continue being my prisoner Truman you're afraid that's why you can't leave it's okay Junior I have been watching you your whole life and be the creepiest lines I've ever heard you can't leave Junior belong here yeah but how would the show go if he did agree to this which you know he's not going to how did the show the show be like knowing that I am now on the show rather than I'm living this ruse say something God damn it you're on television you're live to the whole world in case I don't see you good afternoon good evening and good night perfect great line thank you I am no longer a prisoner and I gotta say too when he gets out into the real world he's literally gonna be the most famous human being on the planet [Applause] [Music] get to him Sylvia yeah I mean you people can't watch your show anymore but and he's free but yeah yeah you're fired [Music] we want another slice no I'm okay what else is on yeah we've been on the same thing for 30 years all right well I can see why that is such an iconic film I really wish we could have seen even though I know it's implied that Sylvia was on her way to see Truman um that might be one of if not my favorite Jim Carrey film I knew he had acting chops when it came to dramatic roles one of my all-time favorite films and just also one of my all-time favorite Jim Carrey films is man on the moon where he plays of course the late and great Andy Kaufman directed by Milos Foreman I would direct of course One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Amadeus which I've never seen maybe we need to do a reaction on that list in the comments first of all Jim Carrey's performance in this film I know I kind of said it many times during the film but it can't be overstated how fantastic he he was in this and again I as I just previously mentioned I know he does have acting chops just from what I saw in man on the moon obviously he's one of the one of my favorite comedians that I saw just as an actor in the 90s uh so many movies they made me just crying laughing and I knew again that he was a great actor when it came to uh you know dramatic roles he took it to another level in this movie I mean I I really think too some of the best comedic actors make for great dramatic actors too Adam Sandler too there are some films of his you know not to get off topic but Adam Sandler's is a great example of a actor who's known more for his comedic films uh can really do some great dramatic roles as well there's a rain on me and a couple other films uh there's a Paul Thomas Anderson film that he did as well before I go into like what my thoughts on the film I Jim Carrey absolute fantastic performance and his character was really intriguing to me too just again the screenwriter of this film uh was it Andrew Nichol I don't know what else he's worked on but what an idea what a concept for a film obviously you can have a great idea and a concept it's got a you know um story wise but you know the the the dialogue in this film was so intriguing as well so good but the execution and the direction by Peter Weir I've been a fan of Peter Weir for a very long time just from Dead Poet Society really amazing film with Robin Williams and I believe Master and Commander with Russell Crowe the whole idea that this man literally has is being watched 24 7 from the day he was born he he's literally as as I probably mentioned 50 000 times throughout this reaction is literally a a prisoner while I would find the show entertaining and intriguing if he wasn't in on it I would kind of be of the crowd where I'm I'm really against this if this man does not know he's being recorded and he doesn't know that he's living in a fake town with fake people and his parents are fake his wife is fit everything is that's going on is fake and his face no until the ending of course he had no free will he was literally a prisoner yeah I mean again just such a such an interesting idea for a film I believe too there's another dramatic film with Jim Carrey uh called The Majestic directed by Frank Darman who directed my all-time favorite film The Shawshank Redemption greatest film of all time in my opinion I know that's the generic answer people always say is the greatest one but it's really my favorite film of all time but if there are other films like in the in the style of this type of film just uh dramatic just you know kind of a story like this let us know in the comments I would love to uh hear your thoughts uh what did you guys think of this movie is it your favorite Jim Carrey movie is it one of your favorite what do you think of the film just in general anyways uh I hope you guys enjoyed this reaction again if there are any other films uh in this vein of style please let me know because I really love this film that you'd like to see me react to and if you haven't already please hit the Subscribe button Bell icon all notifications and smash the like button so you can let YouTube know that you're enjoying what you're watching I'm Andrew Flash Gordon I'll see you next time
Channel: CinePals
Views: 19,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BseBXFiH7mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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