A FEW GOOD MEN (1992) Movie Reaction! | First Time Watch! | Tom Cruise | Jack Nicholson | Demi Moore

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s Pals what is going on everybody I'm jabby K joined by Char Kirk that's not a Char Kirk wow autopilot whoa unbelievable whoa unbelievable that's the third time this week that that's happen all right let me go get her you know because like I'm not the one he wants to be with anymore so I got I got [Music] deleted what's going on everyone I'm jabby Kay welcome to CIP Pals I am joined by Kristen Stephenson Pino what is up and we are watching A Few Good Men for the very very first time I have long wanted to watch this film finally have the opportunity to do so because Kristen is unfamiliar with it if you guys are watching with us on YouTube you are seeing a cutdown version of our reaction we can only show a limited amount of picture and picture if you want to watch the whole movie with us without any Cuts or interruptions head over to our patreon page or become a member of this channel you'll get access to the full uncut reaction you'll just need your own copy of the film which we are watching through Amazon Prime video so you can open up the movie side by side with our reaction we give you a 321 countdown sink and it's like you're watching with two of your favorite Pals from the internet if you're watching on patreon our memberships already thanks so much for supporting us here if you're watching with us on YouTube hit the Subscribe button Bell icon all notifications and pretty please vot this up let YouTube know you're enjoying what you're watching I believe this is written by Aaron sorin if you are unfamiliar with him he has fantastic dialogue I was talking to AAR about this the other day I'm like if we were to have Shakespeare's from our generation remembered like 500 years from now I feel like Aaron sorin would definitely be one of those writers that's remembered throughout time Aaron sorin and um and David Mammoth those are the two and so very excited to get into this and here we [Music] go nice nice camera work uh-oh is it going to get beat up oh no ah are they going to kill him oh gosh we're off to a rough start this was so messed up how can you do this with Jesus right there the cross is right there I was baptized Catholic as a kid so even today removed from all that I'd still get a little bit like wary of doing stuff around a crucifix what a contrast so dark and then it's like happy band marching band music so you don't know anything about this movie at all no oh okay great I show a Lu no I just remember like there's like a very very famous court scene later in the film that's like everyone knows about that court scene so okay yeah two marines a lance corpal Harold Dawson and a private lden Downey entered the bar's room of a PFC William Santiago and assaulted him Santiago died at the base Hospital oh my gosh Dawson and Downey are both recruiting poster Marines and Santiago was known to be a screw-up I was thinking it sounded an awful lot like a code red Christ sir I'd like to have them moved up to Washington and assigned Council someone who can really look into this someone who possesses not only the legal skill but a familiarity with the inner workings of the military short I be the one who that that it be me uh who is assigned to represent them myself those are Commander Galloway why don't you get yourself a cup of coffee thank you sir I'm fine Commander i' like you to leave the room so we can talk about you behind your back oh my [Laughter] gosh wow at least he's honest yeah she's not cut out for litigation she's a hell of an investigator Jerry Internal Affairs sure she can crawl up a lawyer's ass with the best of them when it comes to trial work I think I know I know all passion no Street smarts bring her back in well from what I understand from your colleagues you're much too valuable in your present assignment to be wasted when I'm sure boil down to a 5-minute plea bargain a week's worth of paperwork sir I think there might be more involved than than that don't worry about it I promise you division will sign the right man for the job oh damn sorry I said be sorry about Sherby you just look the ball into your glove shooting two sorry sad PFC Lowden Downey go into Santiago's room stuff a rag down his throat and an hour later Santiago's dead attending physician says a rag was treated with some kind of toxin you poison a rag seems important to division this would be handled by the book so I'm assigning co- counsel any volunteers no sorry I got a stack of papers on my desk but with hi Daniel Cathy I was told to meet with the you would not do that in the military there a lot of things you wouldn't do that are in movies you're the attorney division assigned I'm the counselor of Sam Weinberg I have no responsibilities here whatsoever come in in please have a seat she's so annoyed well she's classier yeah Dawson's family's been contacted Downey's closest living relative is jeny Miller his aunt on his mother's side she hasn't been contacted yet would you like me to take care of that sure if you feel like it this letter makes it look like your client had a motive to kill Santiago got you and Santiago is who oh my God the victim write that down I'll get them to drop the conspiracy and conduct done becoming 12 years you haven't talked to a witness or looked at a piece of paper pretty impressive huh you're going to have to go deeper than that it's so full of himself yes in exchange for my transfer off the base I'm willing to provide you informal fence line shooting that occurred the night of August the 2nd of course he has to be in this well apparently he's not very happy down here at shanga because he's written letters to everybody but Santa Claus asking for a transfer and now he's telling tales about a fence line shooting maybe we as officers have a responsibility to this country to see that the men and women charge with its security are trained professionals yes I'm certain that I read that somewhere suggestion Santiago stays where he is we're going to train the lad dang you had an out John you're in charge Lieutenant would you be very insulted if I recommended to your supervisor that he assigned different counsel why I don't think you're fit to handle the defense you don't even know me ordinarily it takes someone hours to discover I'm not fit to handle a defense you went to Harvard Law then you joined the Navy probably because that's what your father wanted you to do and now you're just treading water for the 3 years you've got to serve in the Jag cord if that's a situation that's fine I won't tell anyone but it's my feeling that if this case is handled in the same fast food slick ass Persian bizarre manner you seem to handle everything else then something's going to get missed and I wouldn't be doing my job if I allowed Dawson and Downey to spend any more time in prison than absolutely necessary because their attorney had predetermined the path of least resistance damn wow wow wow I'm sexually aroused oh my gosh I don't think your clients's murdered anyone you basing the doctor's report says that Santiago died of asfixiation brought on by acute lactic acidosis and that the nature of the acidosis strongly suggest oh here he comes now I don't know what that means but sounds pretty bad he thinks they're guilty was you know what a code red is Oh uhoh What A pity uh oh that triggered him I associate code red with Aladdin and the King of Thieves oh my God epic joke by Robin Williams did you assault Santiago with the intent of killing him no sir what was your intent to train him sir train him to do what train him to respect the code what's the code unit core God country I beg your pardon unit core God country sir damn like Spartans Harold I think there's a concept you better start warming up to sir I'm the only friend you've got it's just a little hazing they just wanted him to get in line jeez Dan Cathy hey smiling Jack cross didn't you see his name all the names were I don't look the names I don't know anybody's names until I only know a few names I know faces I don't know names I don't remember you're lucky I know your name I'm going to give you the 12 years before you go get yourself into trouble tomorrow I I think you should know the platoon Commander Lieutenant Jonathan Kendrick held a meeting with the men and specifically told them not to touch Santiago Jack Ross came to see me today you offered me the 12 years that's what you wanted right I know and know yeah sus though I mean I guess I'll take it up no you know his Instinct Ross said the strangest thing to me right before I left there it is he said the platoon Commander Lieutenant Jonathan Kendrick had a meeting with the men and specifically told him not to touch Santiago I never mentioned Kendrick I don't even know who he is now we I'll see you tomorrow it's a conspiracy to cover up mhm intuition kicking in ain't that the worst yep you're like something itchy like there's a itchy thought in my brain like is that strange how we get that though like we don't know why we feel that way but we're like M fine something's wrong something sus something's off it's like we can feel that why does she always put her phone away when I walk in the room Colonel markinson Lieutenant Kendrick into your office is that right yes what happened then we agreed that for his own safety Santiago should be transferred off the base oh yo this past February Colonel you received a cautionary Memo from the commander-in-chief of the Atlantic Fleet warning that the practice of enlisted men disciplining their own wasn't to be condoned by my officers I submit you what is your point Joe she has no point she often has no point sir it's part of her charm we're out of here thank you my point is that I think code red still go on down here it just hit me she outranks you Danny L [ __ ] I want to tell you something and listen up cuz I really mean this there is nothing on this Earth sexier believe me gentlemen than a woman that you have to salute in the morning go if you haven't gotten a job from a superior officer well you're just letting the best in life pass you by the I run my unit how I run my unit you want to investigate me roll the dice and take your chances I eat breakfast Santiago's transfor you guys have paperwork on that kind of thing I I just need it for the file for the file yeah you got to ask me ni ly Colonel Jessup if it's not too much trouble I'd like a copy of the transfer order please sir say please is he going to do it no problem all this intellectual Jiu-Jitsu is so much fun to watch did Lieutenant Kendrick order you guys to give Santiago a code red yes sir Lieutenant Kendrick ordered us to give Santiago a code red damn any he went into dossing Dow's room and specifically told him to give him a code red is not what Kendrick say Kendrick's lying you have proof I have the defendants and I have 23 Marines who aren't accused of murder and a lieutenant with four letters of accommodation [ __ ] Jessup star is on the rise division will give me a lot of room on this one to spare Jessup and the core any embarrassment how much room I'll knock it all down to involuntary manslaughter 2 years or home in 6 months No Deal we're going to court Joe no you're not why not cuz you'll lose and Danny knows it we do go to court I'm going to have to go all the way they're going to be charged with a whole truckload murder conspiracy conduct Unbecoming and even though he's got me by the balls out here Danny knows it in a courtroom he loses his case he's not about to see his clients go to jail for life when he knows they could be home 6 months that's negotiation this is [ __ ] they that's so tempting though cuz they knocked it down from 12 12 I know to six down to two down to six well I think the six months is good behavior or something I don't that's still [ __ ] you we joined the Marines because we wanted to live our lives by a certain code and we found it in the core now you're asking us to sign a piece of paper that says we have no honor you're asking for Court decides that what we did was wrong then I'll accept whatever punishment they give but I believe I was right sir I believe I did my job and I will not dishonor myself my unit or the core so I can go home and in six months hurah I'm pretty sure that's their what they say hurah sey you tell do you think we were right doesn't matter do you think we were right I think you'd lose you're such a coward oh I can't believe they let you wear a uniform damn I'm not going to feel responsible for this Harold I did everything I could you're going to leworth for the better part of your life and you know what I don't give a [ __ ] what happened to loing an officer when he leaves the [Music] room it's very interesting I love it do you believe they have a case you and Dawson you both live in the same dream world it doesn't matter what I believe it only matters what I can prove so please don't tell me what I know and don't know I know the law H you know nothing about the law you're a used car salesman Daniel you're an ambulance chaser with a rank damn you're nothing live with that oh she him up messed him up and mess me up I like oh my God there's defense which stand to rep plea yeah they're not guilty ENT a plea of not guilty for the accused we will adjourn until 1000 3 weeks from today at which time this General Court Marshal will reconvene all right we're fighting I need you to start on a preliminary medical profile and Joe we need all the proficiency and conduct reports on Dawson Downey in Santiago the only thing I have to eat is Yoo and Cocoa Puffs so if you want anything else bring it with you so this is what the courtroom looks like all right up for the challenge my father always said a jury trial is not just about the law it's about assigning blame Santiago is dead and he shouldn't be these n people are going toist don't Flinch in front of the court memb something doesn't go our way don't hang your head don't shift in your seat don't scribble furiously whatever happens you have to look like it's exactly what you knew was going to happen let's do it swiftly don't look over anxious don't wear that perf concentration really I was talking to Sam time is it it's time to go home try to get some sleep tonight is she going to go home give me a ride of course she's going home think got be ready Danny I know what you're going to say you don't have to we've had our differences I said some things I didn't mean you said some things you didn't mean but you're happy that I stuck with the case and if you've gained a certain respect last 3 weeks we we don't have to make a whole big deal out of it you like me I won't make you say it I was just going to tell you to wear matching socks tomorrow okay good tip we're ready better believe it that's amazing she is fine on midnight of September 6 he accused entered the barracks room of their platoon mate PFC William Santiago they woke him up tied his arms and legs with tape and forced a rag into his throat few minutes later when Dawson and Downey went into Santiago's room that night it wasn't because of Vengeance or hatred it's because it was what they were ordered to do government calls Mr RC Maguire Maguire would you raise your right hand please do you solemnly swear that the testimony you will give this General Court Marshal will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do have a seat please sir it's going to come back at some point it's going to salute him again oh for sure Mr McGuire did your office receive a letter from a PFC Williams Santiago on 3 September of this year we did what did that letter say that a member of private Santiago's unit had illegally fired his weapon over the fence line was that Marine identified in the letter no the shift reported only one senty returned his weapon to the switch with a round of ammunition missing who was that Lance corporal Harold Dawson Santiago was the only IE witness I never had the chance to interview him so I don't know what he saw and now we'll never know we private Santiago was admitted to the ER at 0012 and he was pronounced dead at 0037 Dr Stone what is lactic acid doses the muscles and other cells of the body burn sugar instead of oxygen lactic acid is produced that lactic acid is what caused Santiago's lungs to bleed and is it possible that my cells would continue burning sugar after the rag was taken out possibly there would still be symptoms though what kind of symptoms there are hundreds of chest pains yes shortness of breath yes fatigue of course the letter this is an order for private Santiago to be put on restricted Duty would you read your handwritten remarks at the bottom of the page please sir oh Lord initial testing negative patient complains of chest pains shortness of breath and fatigue restricted from running distances over 5 miles for one week Commander isn't it possible that Santiago had a serious coronary condition it was that condition and not some mysterious poison that caused the accelerated chemical reaction no private Santiago was given a clean bill of health that's why it had to be poisoned right Commander o in your Professional Medical opinion was Willie Santiago poison your honor we renew our objection to Commander Stone's testimony and ask that it be stricken from the record your objection is noted the witness is an expert and the court will hear his opinion Dr Stone and you're expert professional what a [Music] dick yes thank you sir his whole career rides on that lie Monday the 19th at which time the defense will call its first witness all right guys is there going to be an argument between them now what do you know I know everything was it a code red yes did kendri give you order yes did you witness it I didn't need did you witness it no and how do you know I know you know he was never going to be transferred off that [Music] base the music you've got the transfer it's got your signature I know I signed him morning you arrived in Cuba 5 days after San dieago died oh [ __ ] it's fake but we already knew that I'm going to get you a deal some kind of immunity withu it's the fact that he's owning up to it okay exactly what you me right now not F stupid guys I don't want a deal and I don't want immunity I want you to know that I'm proud neither of what I have done nor of what I am doing lieuten these are the last three procon reports you signed for Lance corporal Dawson Dawson received two marks of exceptional but on this most recent report dated June 9th of this year he received a rating of below average Lieutenant do you know what a code red is yes I do have you ever order to code red no I have noten Kendrick was Dawson given a rating of below average on this last report because you learned he've been sneaking food to private Bell object not so fast Lieutenant no Lance corporal Dawson was given a below average rating because he had committed a crime what crime did he commit Dawson brought a hungry guy some food he disobeyed an order and because he did because he exercised his own set of values because he made a decision about the welfare of a marine that was in that's a good point Lance corporal Dawson disobeyed an order yeah wasn't a real order was it after all if you had ordered Dawson to give son Santiago code red I specifically ow to those men is it reasonable to think you would have disobeyed you again Lieutenant don't answer that you don't have to I'm through did you order Lance corporal Dawson and private Downey to give Willie Santiago a code red uh oh did no I did not thank you he got in his head keer s's got these eyes man he's like I want to kill you yeah I would cut you down shaking there was no flight at 11:00 what the [ __ ] are you trying to pull the first flight Stateside left Guantanamo Bay at 2300 it arrived at Andrews Air Force Base Maryland at a few minutes past 2 in the morning really then why isn't it listen well maybe he can make it so a plane didn't take off but I can sure as hell prove that one landed I'll get the log book from Andrews you're not going to find anything in here he can make an entire flight disappear Nathan Jess was about to be appointed director of operations for the National Security Council you don't get to that position without knowing how to sidestep few landmines he's not going to be Thursday morning 10:00 sh private dowy why did you go into Santiago's room on the night of the 6th to give private Santiago a code red M and why did you give him a code red I was ordered to give him a code red by the platoon commander of rifle security company Winward Lieutenant Jonathan James Kendrick you're going to do fine you think they'll let us go back to our platoon soon ma'am absolutely he's so naive mhm he's so loyal to his unit he just wants to do his job in a matter of time the trial of the two men charged with your son's death will be concluded and seven men and two women whom you've never met will try to offer you an explanation as to why William is dead oh jeez I've done as much as I can to bring the truth to light and the truth is this your son is dead for only one reason I wasn't strong enough to stop it oh Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Andrew markon United States Marine [Music] Corp ran I want you to tell us one I saw that coming though he's why did you go to private Santiago's room on the night of September 6th a code red was ordered by my platoon Commander Lieutenant Jonathan James Kendrick now you've said that you're assault on at Santiago was a result of an order that Lieutenant Kendrick gave you in your barracks room at 1620 am I right yes sir Oh no just said did you ever actually hear Lieutenant Kendrick order of Code Red well how said that private did you ever actually hear Lieutenant Kendrick order a code red oh [ __ ] did Lance corpal Dawson tell you to give Santiago a code red how don't look at him how perate answer the captain's question yes Captain I was given an order by my squad leader Lance corporal Harold W Dawson United States Marine Corps and I followed it damn he messed them up Danny I'm sorry don't worry about markinson's dead got into full dress uniform stood in the middle of that room drew a nickel-plated pistol from his holster fired a bullet into his mouth why did you ask Jessup for the transfer order what in Cuba why did you ask Jessup for the transfer order I wanted the damn transfer order [ __ ] you didn't want the transfer order you wanted to see jessup's reaction when you asked for the transfer order you had an instinct and it was confirmed by markinson now damn it let's put Jessup on the stand and end this thing he told Kendrick to order the code red he did that's great why didn't you say so and of course you have Pro Pro of that I'm sorry I keep forgetting you were sick the day they taught law at law school on Colonel Jessup isn't it true that you ordered the code red on Santiago listen we're all little I'm sorry your time's run out what do we have for the losers judge well for our defendants it's a lifetime at exotic Fort remind me of Jim Cary right now Lieutenant Cathy will have a long and prosperous career teaching typewriter maintenance at the Rocko Columbo school for women [Laughter] mental breakdown yeah it's warranted though yeah just like I'm got to go I'm sorry I lost your set of steak knives I wish I was that clever to say the right perfect thing when I exit I'm I'm pretty good at it when I'm when it's heated I I sometimes too good at it I'm sorry you missed your Sephora sale whatever whatever thing came up 6 months ago that we talked about sorry about what I said I'm going to put J up on the [Music] stand I kind of wanted more from that scene that was enough no I went a little more it's okay little more I need my bed I think better with my bed where's my bed I need my B I put it in the closet don't ever put that bat in the closet think better he's going to find something what's he going to find what's it going to stumble upon what what is it oh stay here I'm going to the office what's the I I missed the Sherlock Holmes mama what did he see remember back I saw their uniforms were clean right the uh Santiago's or his uniform remember he looked at them and he's like this has to go back to the parents defense calls Colonel Nathan Jessup what an entrance after Dawson and Downey's arrest on the night of the 6th Santiago's Barracks room was sealed off and its contents inventory four pairs camoufl four pairs green socks three OD Green t-shirts please is there a question anywhere in our future Lieutenant Cathy I have to ask you to State your question I'm wondering why Santiago wasn't packed oh wow we'll get back to that one in the middle your honor these are phone records from GMO for September 6th and these are 14 letters that Santiago wrote in 9 months requesting in fact begging for a transfer upon hearing the news that he was finally getting his transfer Santiago was so excited that do you know how many people he called zero nobody he was asleep in his bed at midnight and according to you he was getting on a plane in 6 hours wow everything he owned was was hanging neatly in his closet and folded neatly in his foot loger that's a great detail the fact is there was no transfer order Santiago wasn't going anywhere isn't that right Colonel maybe he was an early riser and lik to pack in the morning maybe didn't have any are these really the questions that I was called here to answer phone calls and Foot Lockers please tell me that you have something more Lieutenant oh he's making a decision whether or not to do it got to go oh my god do you have any other questions for me counselor go forward do it thanks Danny I love Washington excuse me I didn't dismiss you I beg your pardon I'm not through with my examination sit down moment ago you said that you ordered Lieutenant Kendrick to tell his men that Santiago wasn't to be touched that's right any chance Lieutenant Kendrick left your office and said the old man is wrong when Lieutenant Kendrick spoke to the platoon and ordered them not to touch Santiago any chance they ignored him we follow orders or people die it's that simple are we clear your menant follow orders or people die so Santiago shouldn't have been in any danger at all should he have Colonel you snotty little bastard the court will wait for an answer oh my God if Kendrick gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched and why did he have to be transferred did you order the Cod R you don't have to answer that question I'll answer the question you want answers I think I'm entitled you want answers I want the truth you can't handle the truth you have the luxury of not knowing what I know that Santiago's death while tragic probably saved lives and my existence while grotesque and incomprehensible to you saves lives you don't want the truth did you order the code red I did the job did you order the code red you're goddamn right I did got him got your [ __ ] o he's like whoa I got it and I did my job I do it again I'm going to get on a plane and go on back to my base you're not going anywhere Colonel MP's guard to Colonel yes sir your own expense I'm going to rip the eyes out of your head and pissed your Dead skull you [ __ ] with the wrong Marin Colonel Jessup do you understand these rights as I've just read them to you you have no idea how to defend a nation all you did was weaken a country today Cathy that's all you did people's lives sweet dreams son don't call me son I'm a lawyer and an officer in the United States Navy and you're under arrest you son of a [ __ ] got him the witness is excused H the witness is [Laughter] excused damn and look at all his medals and like all his oh I I feel bad for the guy he got a kid killed I'm I'll tell you why later at the end I'll tell you why the charge of murder the members find the accused not guilty on the charge of conduct Unbecoming a United States Marine the members find the accused guilty as charged accused a hereby sentence to time already served and you are ordered to be dishonorably discharged from the Marine Corps Colonel Jessup said he ordered the code red what did we do wrong it's not that simple what did we do wrong we did nothing wrong well you did we were supposed to fight for people who couldn't fight for themselves MH we were supposed to fight for Willie mhm I have to take these men over to Personnel for some paperwork here comes the salute you've been waiting for wait for it no [Music] Harold oh sir you don't need to wear a patch in your arm to have honor T the respect I got to go arrest Kendrick tell if I say hi we'll do Aaron sorin one of the things he's mentioned which is like kind of a classic thing with writing is that your villains can't know that they're villains they have to think that what they're doing right is heroic and right and and like one of the way he phrased it if I recall correctly is your characters W would make their case before God why what they are doing is the most you know Valiant and honorable thing why it's the right move why it's the right path and he did such a great job with Jack Nicholson's character of like three-dimensionally making it clear like his and you it's like you hear it it's like I get it I don't like you but I get it you know what I mean and that's the only thing that that's the why I have sympathy for him only because I do understand the military background pretty well yeah so I understand where he's coming from and I understand what he was trying to like try to do no matter what it's wrong and somebody died in the process which is horrible but at the end of the day you this is a man who's been to war he's like front of the line and he's constantly putting his life on the line so therefore yeah I would want respect too for how far I've come and all the things I've seen that are like horrendous and yeah I would want people to fall in line do as I say because I'd be like look I'm trying to do my best and the responsibilities that fall on my shoulders are so intense that you most people couldn't even fathom what I've seen and been through so it's almost like it's like I'm not going to sit there and weaken us we're going to try make you stronger and even though it's the wrong it's it's the wrong move you know what I mean it was the wrong move but I do feel his intentions that's not what he wanted at the end of the day that wasn't I don't think he wanted the kid to get killed his intentions was like a tough love for a dad or whatever and that's why like when I hear him speaking I can't help but feel for him because I'm like dude o you're right though like you're literally protect ing our country and all this stuff right when it comes to Marines like you know they're like first line right and then yeah I'm sure they get like some feel some type of way about the other branches including like most people when they think of the Air Force for example they're like oh the Air Force you know they say aim high right why do they say that and why do they always say oh the Air Force is snotty right CU they're in the they're in the sky but not only that their quarters and stuff like a lot nicer they like everything they have is a lot nicer m right then you do like Marines they're pretty rough they're like almost bottom of the food chain when it comes to how they live and like the things they're given where then then you have like also the Navy Navy is pretty good for the most part Navy is pretty good but the Air Force is very luxurious like very luxury where you going with this okay all I'm saying is when you're that when you're when you're actually like a marine and you're kind your mindset that's why he has such a problem with Tom Cruz right because he's like that your the the level that we're at it's not the same due to the fact that I actually put myself on the line more than you do and also my I don't have the luxuries you have therefore you will respect me right you know what I mean and that's why he demands it and it's like you know I don't know and I I do know like every Branch they all have like their little quals within each other as any clicks or whatever you want to or whatever right sure so for me I get it but I do like I'm like yes obviously I'm rooting for the guys right because it's like our main characters due to the fact that yes when your order said you don't question it you follow the order because like our like Jack said he he said when PE when orders are not followed people die and things happen that's true It's Tricky and it is tricky It's Tricky It's tricky because of the nurg defense it's like you're just following orders but if you're following orders that are wrong it's still wrong yes and that's the that's the troubling part is like the the young guy um I forgot his name the but the young kid who was like wait I don't understand like what do we do wrong you know what do we do wrong it's like that's but that's the problem is like you still have to activate your moral compass even when you're giving orders because it's like you can't you can get Court marshaled you can end up in court accused of something it's like no but I was just following or what he said and it's like no but that was wrong and now you're going to jail or you're going to be dishonorably discharged and it's and it's I feel like I just feel like when it pertains to military there it's it's very hard because there is that fine line but it's very hard because you also also when you're coming together as one as they all did you want to protect the people who are fighting by your side throughout throughout the time frame you know what I mean like you do want to sit there stay loyal you want to protect military people are very tight close like that so I get that but yeah you're right so um let's talk about the movie great film great film um Rob Riner is a name that is very famous but I can't recall everything he has directed uh this is was was such an engaging movie he did such a fantastic job with this because I was engaged from start to finish on a court drama now a lot of that is leaning on the brilliant writing of Aaron sorin CU he's just such a talented writer um I watched you know a few seasons of of uh westwing and like he just it's so engaging everything he does um I loved Molly's game and uh uh social network Aaron sorin's just brilliant and so them together they made a very very compelling film Tom Cruz did a fantastic job leading the film with Demi Moore and supported by oh I forgot his name I just read it too Kevin Pollock and so not only that you had a great Supporting Cast filling out all these different roles between you know kef for sou and Kevin Bacon and and etc etc like they all did such a great job of bringing it to life one of the things that I love about Cinema is when they are able to like give you those nuanced looks like with with the close-ups or whatever and it's just like feel it yeah you feel it it feel it's very human it's like little character stuff I mean that's one of the beautiful things about is you can get in tight and everything reads the the most subtle looks will read and they all mean something and so you know kefir souin when he was on the on the stand on the witness stand and you could just feel that tension and it feels so real you know the scene workor that they were doing was so meaty and so great the actor JT Walsh I feel like we've seen him a million times he's one of those actors that appears everywhere or he died in 1998 he's been in so many things over the years so anyway everybody in this film did a fantastic job you know with with with the material that they were given and Tom Cruz like you mentioned you know everybody had an he you you were enjoying his Arc you know the changes being made along the way I thought it was a little bit hilarious how you were pointing it out but I enjoyed it because because this one was like okay there's some that you're like okay you know it's there but this one was so enjoyable I had to point it out because it was like I'm like I'm having so much fun with this guy and I'm really enjoying exactly every little [ __ ] thing he's doing doing to the point where I want to smack him and then I'm like y let's go and I'm like what's wrong with me there's Tom Cruz films I've seen I don't feel like that sure that's all I'm saying that's all yeah I'm going to point it out um I um was wondering why Aaron sorin did not give into his temptation for a baseball analogy it never happened like all this talk about baseball and it's just a character thing which is fine it's respectable it's his character thing right the one thing where it helped out was the bat was in the closet and he went to go get the bat and he's like oh he saw the uniform and that triggered like the chain reaction of thoughts of the realization of wait a second if he was supposed to leave why Bor his bags packed and it's such a simple but beautiful detail cuz I didn't I didn't even ponder that possibility you know but that's what makes him a great lawyer in this story one of the things that had me wondering throughout is how much of this is purely fiction and how much of this is based on some like real events and stuff like that because it felt so real and one of the cool things that Aeron sorin did he's talked about um how you don't necessarily need to know what the characters um because they have all this like high level vernacular right of like lawyers speak it's like I don't exactly know what he's talking about and it's almost meta because at one point Tom Cruz says oh he said uh the doctor said he died of this this this etc etc etc don't know what any of that means but it sounds awful and it's like that's kind of what it's like when you're watching Aaron sorin it's like or Ain sorin's work on display it's like all these characters have such high level speak and it's like you don't necessarily need to know what it means right but you get it you you get it because the characters get it and so you're kind of on the ride with them and it's brilliant um it's obviously like one of Erin orin's most noteworthy pieces because it's just so strong from a writing standpoint the big challenges of something like this is like it's a courtroom drama how do you you fun yeah like you don't really get too many of these today that are this noteworthy that I'm aware of no you know everything today is like Marvel DC high level high octane action PG-13 it's made for China and teenagers it's like like it's it's there's not a lot like this today that I'm aware of you might get stuff that's artsy and people are into it like everything everywhere all at once but generally speaking you're not getting courtroom dramas that are this compelling and that just have you on the edge of your seat biting your nails right yeah um and so I forgot where oh so Rob Riner for a moment I forgot where I was going with this it's like to take this material that's obviously great but like keep you engage with it and keep it compelling between him and the the cast of actors they did such a great job because it's a courtroom drama at the end of the day how do you make that so interesting there's 3 hours of Oppenheimer and I was like this Oppenheimer doesn't hold a candle to this and that's also more of a courtroom drama than anything it's like obviously the set such a high bar that people try to you know reach so they did a fantastic job of keeping the camera moving when needed getting the close-ups they needed like the camera work was just enough to keep you focused on what was happening very very smart use of it in subtle ways that's not drawing attention to itself but only in enhancing the story anyway you want to talk about the military some more no that's okay okay no I I do like though I do like how they started this off with there's absolutely no way we can win and it was based off of the law it's impossible and and that when he said that he's like I know the law MH and whether or no whether it doesn't matter what I believe I know the law and it went from I I just I really love that because it just kind of goes to show like anything's always possible right and we know this but we do get caught up in that fear of like but I know this this this and like it's not yeah it's not going to budge and then you have to get creative have you seen Training Day mmm in Training Day um one of the lines that Denzel says is it's not what you know it's what you can prove and it's like a line that's stuck with me because it's like it that is so true it's like it doesn't matter what you know what matters is what you can demonstrate effectively to illustrate to to introduce doubt into the jury whatever it's like it's it's not what you know it's what you can prove it's like the most important thing and so that's what this movie did over the course of two hours and some change so uh I I Really they and how they did it yeah was like I I right chef's kiss yeah like there's no way I would have been like this is how they're going to prove it yeah I was just like yeah and what was great about it too is how it introduced everything because immediately immediately you're like these guys are guilty obviously they're bad they beat up this kid like what the hell but to have you feel empathy for them over the course of the journey yeah that was awesome because it's like I I started out hating them and then I got them and I understood where they were coming from so once again great job like everybody involved in this movie I thought it was fantastic the only thing that I had only complaint I had was that there were some I don't know if you caught it but there were instances where like on the extreme close-ups where it was getting a little bit soft like the focus was just a little bit often I'm like oh man I love film but it's one of those things where it's like you don't know what you got until you until it's you know developed you have no idea what you got but like it's still like the the the talent on display was so powerful that it didn't matter so anyway enjoyed the crap out of it hopefully you guys enjoyed with us thanks so much for hanging I'm jabby K this is Kristen Sten Sabino peace out
Channel: CinePals
Views: 46,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zJekimu9QTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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