The Story of Minecraft's First GOD...

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the world of Minecraft seems to have been around forever but due to its intricate design something or someone must have created it dive into the lore with us as we evaluate the maker of all Dimensions mobs villagers war and Abominations some worshiped him while others feared his Heavenly Minds this is the story of Minecraft's first God in the beginning there was a struggle the likes of which no human or Villager has ever seen a war raged out between angels and demons in the Minecraft Heavens led by a devious Archangel turncoats the demons have been gaining ground in this Divine battle despite their god-given talents the Angels were pushed back and on the ropes this is a bloodbath we need reinforcements the demons descended upon them using how far and dark Weaponry to slaughter their righteous foes the Angels did all they could but the evil beings were too powerful just as all hope seemed lost the Minecraft God stepped into battle himself towering over the Angels and Demons alike God struck an imposing figure he began to sweep the forces of evil away one by one with his Heavenly Smite the demons for their parts wouldn't go down without a fight and began picking off lesser Angels this only served to make God angry and as a result he became even more empowered thus thou truly believe Victory Is Possible turn away from this path of evil the demons began to doubt their resolve that is until he descended onto the field their leader the dark Archangel armed with a mighty ax was able to eviscerate his former comrades with ease he had grown resentful of the complacent life he and his Brethren lived in under God and this was his brutal Act of Defiance the two forces of nature were busy wiping out Legions when they happened to come upon each other amidst the slaughter you are no God of mine not anymore I will surpass you and I will become the one above all with those words the Archangel charged upon God and the two engaged in a battle of the ages the heavens themselves were split apart as a result of their climactic duel whereas God had strength the Archangel had speed and he was able to achieve smaller systematic blows to his larger targets before darting away to safety hoping to end this chicanery swiftly God charged his power up to let loose a single devastating attack using all of his Godly mites the the energy he released as a result destroyed every demon still standing and sent the Archangel flying back plunging into the darkness below the Angels shouted out in Victory we did it we won God is so good despite their chance God himself was displeased at the outcome the losses were heavy and now he barely had anyone left to follow him he declared then and there that he would create a new world in honor of his Fallen Soldiers one free from the influence of evil and conflict the Angels again shouted out in celebration unaware of the coming consequences from his throne in the heavens God willed into being three ancient and Powerful command blocks sealing them with Divine magic to protect against would-be thieves with their power he began his work and from nothing sprouted everything first the vast oceans were created then the land different biomes were designed the deserts the swamps the forests and jungles and many more as of yet undiscovered lands Far Far Away God created them all and they were good he even made a base for himself and his remaining Angels high high upon the tallest mountain peak from his vantage point he saw the world was like lifeless and so again using his command blocks he willed the friendly and neutral mobs into existence they spring to life all throughout the world and there was peace but still God yearned for more therefore the first villagers were made they quickly fit into the grand scheme and lived in harmony with the mobs Harmony as one would have it got dealt quickly for the Divine being perhaps it's time I got a little more creative I shall create new beings in my own image and thus the first humans Anna and Sam were born God marveled at his new creations and so loved them that he built them a personal Paradise everything they could ever desire was granted to them they wanted for nothing aside from one limitation God placed within Paradise a lone tree with golden apples this treats apples he told the humans were not for consumption from the Shadows however an evil force watched and waited for its opportunity to strike one day when Anna was out harvesting the Fallen archangel approached her he had somehow returned from Darkness more great and terrible than ever before but to her he appeared in the form of a creature she had never seen before a snake come come you simply must have a taste Anna was hesitant at first but then indulged herself trusting her new friend well okay then just one bite to her surprise and relief the Apple was the most delicious thing she'd ever eaten she called to Sam and together they began looting the tree of all of its apples unable to resist further Temptation the Archangel slithered away pleased with his work who wasn't pleased however was the Minecraft God himself upon finding Anna and Sam eating the forbidden fruit he descended from his Mountain bait to confront them himself how could you after all I've done for thee be gone he cast them out of paradise forever his anger was so great that his Fury birthed a series of gargantuan monsters who now traversed the Earth as a symbol of his rage the outcast did their best to avoid these great beasts preferring instead to let the villagers bear the brunt of the result of their sacrilege meanwhile they were treated Vanishing from history for now many years later Villages full of faithful villagers had continued to spring up throughout the world unlike the humans they worship their God for giving them the world they walked on despite the hardships faced by newly Hostile Mobs they built statues of him and his angels and delivered Bountiful gifts to the mountain peak where he still resided meanwhile the humans had expanded too only they did not share the same positive outlook on their creator Anna and Sam's descendants had managed to eke out a small civilization for themselves but still had grown to despise The God That cast out their relatives and doomed them to a less than perfect life the Archangel felt their plights and Came Upon them the villagers have been blessed by God with many resources their happiness can be yours you need only simply take it through his Charisma and knack for manipulation he convinced them to take what the villagers had for themselves he whipped them into a frenzy and as quickly as he arrived he slinked away back to his lair the humans descended upon the peaceful villagers looting and pillaging as they did the villagers had had enough and they decided to fight back both sides grew bloodthirsty and their War drew the ire of God the world I've built has turned to chaos very well you all leave me no choice there and then God decided that he would wipe the Slate clean and start anew to that end he would create a great flood however there were innocent animals that he did not wish to punish for his other creations transgressions therefore he contacted the most devoted villager among his followers this villager Jorah did not turn to battle with the others of his kind instead he prayed for peace one night God appeared to Jorah with a warning and a task thou must build an arc Jorah upon which thou will take two of every animal thy will be done my Lord Jorah and his family got to work on construction of the grand boats as well as the Gathering of the mobs within a fortnight it was done just as they were putting the last of the creatures onto the ship the skies turned to rain and they didn't stop for days on end it rained and rained the battlefields were the first to flood humans and villagers alike were washed away putting aside their struggle all too late as they drowned under the harsh Waters Jorah his family and the animals were the sole survivors of the greatest disaster the Earth had ever known God was pleased and he commanded Jorah to start civilization Anew with his devotions serving as a blueprint for the others at last there would be peace unknown to God however the cause of both of Humanity's slights the Archangel had made his kingdom deep down in the nether which the flood did not reach the Archangel grew increasingly annoyed at his former Master's punishments he enjoyed watching the human struggle and to see them all wiped out it was a disgrace for a millennia the Archangel sat in his empty Throne growing more and more twisted and evil as he stewed in the darkness he even took on a new title the Minecraft devil from his ill malcontent he was able to manifest more and more evil into the world he became responsible for many of the Hostile Mobs creation through subterfuge dark magic or simply by whispering in the right person's ear God was none the wiser as he had grown complacent over the years in fact the addition of the Hostile Mobs to his world entertained him this did little to enamor the people of the world however and their belief in him soon dissipated until it was nearly gone entirely this was the time of the ancient Builders unlike God's early attempt at creating Humanity the builders were placed here with the purpose of helping the villagers maintain the peace they were experts in all respects Jacks of all trades and truly fascinating to watch from on high the devil too took an interest in them setting his Hostile Mobs upon a particularly interesting Trio Steve Alex and Brian he saw that there was something special about this group and so he had to act fast and quickly fostered malicious thoughts within Brian's head and slowly turned him against his former allies but it wasn't enough he needed to go further he needed a command block I will make this being into a true bringer of suffering and this would be fun in order to get his hands on a command block the devil disguised himself as an angel and made his way to the highest mountain peak where the others resided alongside God himself they had left their heaven to live on this new Earth a mistake he was happy to exploit he walked freely amongst his former friends and allies secretly plotting their Doom all while they were totally unaware he was able to make his way into a hidden chamber where the three command blocks responsible for the Earth's creation resided they were protected by strong magic but the devil and not let that dissuade him he endured the harsh pain inflicted by breaking the magical seal of one but would not dare touch the others he doubted that he could survive such an ordeal the Angels were quickly made aware of his presence and so he dropped his disguise and revealed his new horrifying Visage as the dark lord of the nether he slaughtered many of his former comrades using both his innate Powers as well as those granted by the command block before all of them could be destroyed for good however God intervened stop this at once demon who dare come to my home and Slaughter my people it is I the one you cast out ages ago I have returned and I will once again make turn on your Creations just as they turn on you it was at this moment that God knew the extent of his own failure Anna and Sam were influenced by this dark being's power as were the humans that went to war he had acted without Mercy without realizing the true cause was underneath his nose the whole time rather than rage God only felt remorse and sorrow the devil left in response he used this moment of inaction to utilize the command block himself with a thunderous explosion the Mountaintop was destroyed and God's angels were wiped out the Devil Himself teleported safely back to the nether with only God remaining in what was left of his home meanwhile the devil indirectly presented Brian with the command block which originally appeared in the untold story of Herobrine on this channel so don't forget to subscribe only 11.3 percent of you are currently subscribed so it would be a big help and keep you up to date on the rest of Minecraft's lore although it was truly powerful he knew it would cause has more chaos in the hands of another specifically this man who he influenced to hate this world and turn on his friends Brian went on to become Herobrine who in turn created giant Alex and thus many of the supernatural entities that plagued this world could all be traced back to this one original evil the devil was satisfied with his work and sat upon his throne waiting for God's retribution upon his ruined Mountaintop God made the decision that instead of blaming his Creations for the resulting Horrors wrought by herobrine Alex and the others it would eliminate the evil at the source he could not bring himself to destroy these creatures nor could he again choose to wipe the Slate clean no he chose to confront the Devil Himself I will make him pay for all of it with Newfound conviction God traveled to the deepest depths of the nether to find his throne of evil when God arrived the devil's armies were waiting for him he should have known this wasn't going to be easy the devil's demons were numerous as were the piglens toggles gas and blazes that align themselves with their dark lord despite the overwhelming numbers God fought them all smiting the creatures left and right and the other being would have been swiftly killed God was able to wipe out the demons with the strength of his light the remaining forces soon realized that they would in stand a chance without the demons the armies of Darkness scattered and God breathed the sigh of relief he may have been the creator of the universe but he was not Invincible a fact he was happy to keep concealed the devil however as a former Angel knew this all too well he Strode forward and met God and the two enemies stared each other down cowards the lot of them you spived my son this ends today here and now I agree this will be our final battle you're fighting for the forces of good and I fighting for evil let us decide this world's fate the Titans charged each other centuries Millennia eons of hatred have built up to this one final struggle the Victor would use the remaining command blocks to shape the world further into their image and the loser would be cast to an even greater emptiness and suffer a total lack of existence neither would allow themselves such a fate and so their fight went on for hours for days the nether shook with each attack and yet the two continued on only one however could be the Victor God focused all of his Heavenly might into a single final attack and expelled it into the devil forcing the Demon Lord to his knees impossible I cannot be defeated I was to become a God I'm afraid the rule is taken I banish me now I will return God had banished the devil from the Nether and all other known Dimensions forever with this act God had saved his world from a lifetime of Darkness but realized that he had only saved it from a problem of his own making and so God bound to put an end to his influence on the world he used the command blocks to wipe away all evidence of his existence and his influence and left the world he had so loved behind
Channel: LoreCraft
Views: 136,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Eb_01waGNVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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