The True Story of Illidan Stormrage! - (Warcraft Lore)

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the true story of illan storm rage with the upcoming release of Legion I thought it might be a good idea to educate you guys on the backstory of its poster character illin stormrage who is illin you might be wondering well my friends listen carefully and let's begin Elan storm rage is the twin brother of malfurion storm rage who is born with Amber eyes signifying that he'll have a great Destiny unfortunately the eyes lied so idin began by trying to be a druid but he was too impatient for that so he decided to become a somewhat decent spellcaster instead in order to try and impress a girl that he liked named T however he pretty much gets friendzoned then some Highborn used The Well of Eternity to summon a bunch of demons to attack and so idin decided to pretend to be allied with the demons in order to impress the girl no it didn't work and while his brother malfurion was saving the planet decided to steal some water from The Well of Eternity to make a new one right in front of the girl might I add she decided he was a complete [ __ ] by this point and decided to go bang his world saving brother so illin gets all depressed he attempts to make his second will of Eternity but his brother catches him in the ACT binds him up in some Vines and then they have a trial where his brother sentences him to be locked underneath Mount hayel illin cries then he's locked away in darkness and his brother proceeds to go bang the woman that he loves up above skip forward 10,000 years in the demons are attacking again realizing the world is going to need as much help as it can get in order to defeat the demons tande decides it might be a good idea to release beta illin from prison now malfurion thinks this is a bad idea since he doesn't want his brother cramping his style but tande frees him anyway believing that after 10,000 years illin surely still can't be a complete idiot illin then thanks toe by defeating a giant demon which earns him some points credit where credit is due but then he absorbs the power of an evil warlock skull which turns him into a giant spooky demon monster so points are lost rapidly for that tande and malfurion show up to see illin and tande literally can't believe how stupid she was for letting this guy out of prison malfurion just can't afford illin cramping any of his swag while he saves the world for a second time so he banishes illin away telling him to leave illin cries as he walks off as once again he failed to impress the girl and his brother hates him so while he's being a baby his brother goes and saves the world again using some magic exploding glow balls he then proceeds to go bang the woman illin loves later illin meets up with a play girl model and a fish monster who agree to be his only friends and together they go to Outland to hide because now those demons want to kick illidan's ass and take his lunch money for betraying them there they become friends with that thing that lives under my bed named comma thing that lives under your bed go [ __ ] yourself so illin Mr don't touch my hair fish lady and spooky monster go and take over some nasty ass temple in the middle of nowhere and for the first time ever illin seems like he's finally done something right but then the demons find him anyway slap him around a bit and tell him that if he doesn't want to get his ass kicked again he needs to go melt the Lich King being the [ __ ] that he is illin agrees things don't work out so well though and illin and his friends get their asses kicked by a spoiled brat of a prince named arthus arthus and illin even One V one at one point arthus ends up cutting off illidan's dick and leaving him to die in the snow unfortunately idin doesn't die and somehow he's able to limp his way back to the beta Temple with his friends who now think he's an idiot play girl man ends up plotting to betray him fish woman goes to hide under a lake and illin ends up getting killed by 25 random Heroes spooky monster thing and an overly obsessed prison guard and so at last the world breathed a sigh of relief until Legion once again the demons are attacking and ghoul Daniel has decided that the best course of action would BR to bring beta idin back to life in an attempt to demoralize The Defenders of Azeroth what what will happen next I'm sure will be cringeworthy embarrassing and inappropriate but we will have to wait until legion's release to find out [Music] what [Music] a
Channel: Nixxiom
Views: 695,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Legion, Illidan, Cinematic, Lore, Story, True Story, Illidan Stormrage, Nixxiom, WoW Machinima, Mooclucking, Moocluck, M.N. Machinimas, Ultimate Man, Beta, Expansion, Guldan, Malfurion, Tyrande, Night Elf, Warcraft 3, Warcraft, World of Warcraft, WoW Lore
Id: csdgQ7QBnu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2016
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