Night Elf Heritage Prologue: Malfurion kills Orcs & Tyrande Kills Nathanos [WoW Lore]

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[Music] oh what is it [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] tell her we are coming [Music] he intends to invoke the ancient rights the ritual will kill her we depart for dark Shore immediately actual do you speak of maiev who is the night Warrior she is the Incarnation of elune's Wrath even witnessing the ritual to become her would put our lives at risk and the only life tyronda wishes to risk is her own and Lou who watched over her alone was she watching over us as telljosil burned we must not lose faith in the Goddess that is just what the horde wants Sarah you Scott the shoreline while the rest of us head Inland we will find tyrande and meet you at lordanel as you command alone be with you sister they tried to stop her this was once a place of joy and laughter now only silence and death remain this way I was stationed here many moons ago look out no survivors [Music] hero the blight thrower the Banshee Queen has a keen interest in your heads night elves make it quick I have a forest of light blighted [Music] stand back you'll die a shall throw at us your strength has grown sister weapon wait do you hear that survivors [Music] maiev what makes this ritual so dangerous Legend says that long ago elune bestowed her Fury upon our greatest warriors to secure kalimdor in a sacred ritual the strongest among them became her Avatar the night Warrior our victory was Swift none who have attempted the ritual since then have survived he loons raw power tears tears apart there she is and look your people loved you watched Twisted at a loop as they died in torment I served you for millennia tonight I do not come as a maiden mother or even Priestess now I would serve only if you grant me Justice with ancient words I invoke your most ruthless phase this awesome I demand to wear your darkest face now we shall have Justice the night Warrior lives Within Me teldraisal burn because I chose to spare sarfang's life countless innocence were murdered entire families erased in moments I failed to protect my people but I will avenge them hold more come you have won nothing the Earth itself will swallow you home [Music] let us strike as one no wait for my signal before you attack [Music] we will hold this ground for The Horde is she now that we have the preliminaries out of the way we can begin the ritual light color how uncouth for the queen of the trios is it no no I suppose that won't do what exactly do you remember these days I am the condorized enough any last words Priestess soon we'll share the fate of your dear friend Sarah and the noble the Lauren [Music] heartwarming [Music] cannot hide from me forever elf your end has come [Music] finish it today I rise in the name of Sylvanas the Banshee Queen I restore this gift upon you we placed our faith in you and you abandoned us alone abandoned us [Music] nothing left we are forsaken never again our story bus no the dark lady I am sorry [Music] which you shall pay dearly for that let's move lead our people to Victory as I sate the night Warriors wrath wait where is Sarah she is not with you she MAIF I must speak to you alone not now foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] your power has grown where is she with him of course in the darkest place along with every soul burn to Ash in your precious dream where is she go on kill me you'd send me right to my lady Beyond the Veil she shattered all to run High Priestess night Warrior completely powerless to stop the foreign [Music] saranda [Music] I understand you've been looking for me come then show me illum's Wrath eluna gave me her strength the Wrath is mine alone [Music] [Applause] night Warrior I expected more I will take your head Banshee just like I took his you didn't know your master is keeping secrets from you [Music] a trick no it is time [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] once again she denies you victory do not forsake me and this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you bask in the dying Embers of your goddesses bargain tyrande nothing lasts tyrandha can you hear me Rhonda the first to run to Wheels threatens to consume her and will leave this group devastated my queen we need your help my sister's power in my Forest I will have answers [Music] how dare you come here after our cries for aid went unheard unanswered [Music] you and in the wake up of tragedy sent forth the Cascade our souls to sustain you oh the great tree all who perished there claimed by them all then I have content my favorite children by our hand we may yet guide their souls onto their spring starting with this one charanda invoked me must choose Vengeance or renewal thank you [Applause] mother is it you I am myself again would I have seen this day do you believe I was present for every moment and yet inside myself as much a witness as you were so much Beauty in her voice and sorrow as well tear was mine as much as hers the Winter Queen spoke of a purpose for The Souls of our people what did she mean that elune did not tell me daughter yet oh what game do you play now Battleship the Sylvanas I hunted would never submit to the blade of her enemy Dove would be a merciful and Toronto and I do not expect your mercy your newfound remorse might be genuine but it can never erase all you have done there will be no peace for you windrunner until there is peace for The Souls of your victims The Prisoner is in my charge now bring her [Music] and now after so long there is much we need to say to one another I know but judgment comes below lies an unjust fate to which you do to so many and it will be there that your Penance begins Every Soul lost in its depths betrayed or condemned you shall find and send forth to the Arbiter to be judged with the compassion All Souls deserve you you will toil there and the door of this watchful eye spouring every dark and reach until the final soul is free and you are All That Remains this is how you shall bring renew to your victims my people however long it takes it shall be done old friend watch her well [Music] [Music] [Applause] the banshee's Penance will save countless lost souls a faith that would not have come to pass had I slain her in art and wield perhaps that is why mother Moon stayed my hand I thank you for your Aid soon I must return to azeros to begin healing the kaldori and preserving our future hmm this seed is everything so many many Souls entrusting their fate their hopes to us are we certain it will be safe come [Music] here by elune's grace this gift will be kept hidden from those who would wish it harm yet the time will come when it must leave the Cradle of the dream and take its place in our world and when it does its protection will fall to us all you have given will not be in vain This I Swear to You [Music] what is it my love just a feeling that this time will be different hey Sarah your flight needs you we need you whatever the price may be for your return to Azeroth name it tyrande tell us me I must be the one to stay [Music] he Sarah knows this though she would never ask it of me [Music] find another way when she gave her life for mine in balshara was not her time and now the balance may be restored then then I will stay as well chandras and the others can turn should everything we hope come to pass the caldorai will need you I am so tired my Fury do not ask us after everything we have endured [Music] my love you have always been the strength of our people they will follow you ever onward and you will never be alone [Music] until I see you again I will dream of the night we may truly rest together my father once told me that peace was like a dream beautiful ephemeral unattainable I didn't listen no one listened we are coming
Channel: Athelarius
Views: 33,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NGf0T6qgOqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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