The spirit of antichrist

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you guys remember where we were last week in the Gospels the gospel serious anybody remember hmm I'm saying something but I can't tell what they're saying Corie spoke last week okay you guys do pay attention once in a while all right well this week I'm actually taking a break from the gospel series again but just so you know for a reminder we left off when you show us at the Feast of Tabernacles and so he came to the feast and we left off right there kind of in the middle of the feast and so next week we'll kind of pick up there tonight I have a topic that I want to talk about that's something that I have been based with something I've been wrestling with something I've been challenged with for almost a month now for about a month I've been wrestling with this thing and it's a it's a pretty heavy topic and so buckle up your seat belts and let's get ready to dive in the reason it's so so difficult is is because it is something that has caused me a lot of of grief and a lot of distress and a lot of this hurt over what's going on and you know I'll just spit it out I've got a friend who is turning away from you schewe I have a friend who is walking away from issue who is rejecting his Messiah and it has been just eating me up it's been extremely painful to me to watch and I've seen people go down this road before and it's always painful but even more so when it's somebody you're close to when it's somebody you know and who is that you you've had in your home someone you you consider a close friend and I have counseled with him I have prayed with him I've argued with him and having invited some other people who know him to do the same and as we have been counseling with him praying with him arguing with him and trying to get him to the the truth about Yeshua he is seems to be getting further and further away from me schewe I've seen probably I think seven or eight other people in my life go down this road they weren't people I knew closely most of them I was acquaintances with what I've seen is some when people go down this road sometimes they turn to Judaism sometimes they turn to Islam sometimes they turn a theism kind of a it's all about the same honestly because if you're rejecting a shoe it doesn't matter whether the road you take your shoes the way the truth in life and one comes to the Father except through him and so if you reject him it really doesn't matter what other Road you get on it's not going to get you there but I've even even seen someone couldn't commit suicide as a result of this they then I had to show and then eventually took their own life so this is a very heavy topic this is a very serious topic and I felt a heavy burden on my shoulders the last few weeks as I've been wrestling with this with this friend and the Bible gives us a number of warnings about people turning away from your show we see in first Timothy 4 verse 1 says now the spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons latter times it will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons and so I don't know if you have ever watched anybody go through this imagine there's a good chance that most of you have at some point in your life seen somebody walk away from you what I know no Corey and Kim have I know amber and Whitney have I know some of you have it's hard to watch it's it's really hard to deal with it's hard to see someone you love reject issue a reject salvation turn their back on him but it says these were deceiving spirits is a deceiving spirit that leads someone down this road they're being deceived they're being led astray and we are warned as the spirit says in latter times this is this is a sign of the age that we're in honestly the more we see people turning away from you Shula gone down this road the Bible talks about a great falling away Bible talks about a number of different things you know that there's going to be those who go astray but it says in latter times these things will happen so I think this is just one more sign that we're getting near the end we're getting near the time when yours can return and as we get closer and closer to his return we need to be more and more ready for his return we need to be the the bridesmaids that have oil in their lamps right need to be waiting and ready repaired I need be on guard having our shield of faith helmet of salvation sword of the Spirit we need to have our armor ready because the enemy is going to be attacking us more and more the closer we get to your shoes return that the heavier the attack from the enemy it's gonna get I guarantee it revelation says that the dragon is Roth with those who keep the commandments add the testimony Vishwa the dragon wants to destroy us that's his desire and so he is going to be attacking and so we need to be prepared and this message today I hope is is given as a warning that will help prepare each of us or when the enemy comes to try to deceive us so that we're not led astray that's my that's my prayer for this message tonight there's something that I've seen that's I used to think that I had this all figured out honestly I used to think you know these people who are turning away from Yeshua and going to Judaism I had a theory about it my theory was they just get caught up in the Jewish culture you know they like wearing a kippah and and growing out the payouts and they just liked the culture and the music and the clothing and the customs and all the traditions and stuff and they just they just like the culture and that's somehow swayed them way that was my theory my other theory was that part of a congregation that doesn't talk about Yeshua and all they hear is Torah Torah Torah and so eventually they think who needs Yahshua I've got the Torah and they stopped believing that was my theory and I think in some cases that probably is there's some truth there but this person that I've been wrestling with on this issue lately it's not the case he hasn't he doesn't have it overly noticeable interest in Jewish culture that I've ever been aware of and he's part of a congregation that teaches Yahshua every single week congregation that teaches the deed of Yeshua every single week as often as I have the opportunity and so my theory about what causes people to turn away from your shoe and go to Judaism has kind of been tossed out the window lately so as I've been wrestling with what is what is the cause of this what would cause somebody to go down this road what would cause somebody to question the validity of the New Testament also made a question the deity of Yeshua questioned whether or not he's even the Messiah what caused somebody to go through something like that and you know I think that for some people some people is rebellion I don't know if that's the case with this person or not some people they're rebellious and have the opportunity to rebell that rebellious heart leads them into rebellion that's what walking away from your shoe is by the way is it's rebellion rebelling you're committing treason against the king of kings and Lord of lords when you reject and deny him you are committing sin the Bible says this is a sin walk away from me sure to reject Joshua to deny him is considered a sin and I would say brave sin soon that will lead you to the grave I think for some people it's just a love for knowledge love for information constantly seeking some kind of new information some kind of new revelations and kind of new new knowledge and this is tied back to the garden free of the knowledge of good and evil there is there's many kinds of truths there's many kinds of knowledge there's many kinds of wisdom not all of it is from God we've got to be careful what kind of knowledge what kind of information we are seeking and dwelling on and putting into our mind there are things that are going to lead people astray and it's guised under the the name of truth and there may very well be truth in it but not the truth of God it's not the truth of Scripture is not the truth of Yeshua and so we've got to be careful this this is Gnosticism by the way a love of knowledge quest for knowledge making knowledge or god it's Gnosticism and by the way if you don't know what Gnosticism is Gnosticism the gnosis is Greek word for knowledge just a quick history lesson Gnosticism was one of the earliest heresies in the Christian Church 2nd century Christians the biggest opponent that they faced was Gnostics you get a little later and you start seeing that they were facing persecution by Nero and people like that who wanted to feed him to the Lions and stirring them up on various ways to kill him but prior to the the intense persecution of Nero they in in the late first century early second century Gnosticism was a big challenge or enemy that the the Orthodox faith faced and we have a lot of writings from that time where they were arguing against Gnosticism and against the heresy of Gnosticism and you know I don't want to spend too much time on it but narcissism is just a love of knowledge and thinking that knowledge is gonna save you basically that's the idea of it it's thinking that you're gonna have enough knowledge that that knowledge will enlighten you so much that you can be saved by your knowledge by your information by your knowing something and honestly there are Christians who know God they know about him they have information about him but it's just that it's just knowledge had knowledge information they don't have an actual relationship with him they don't have a saving faith in him they think they just have the right information they think they have the right knowledge because they know what the Bible says about Jesus they think that they're saved I think that's a form of Gnosticism too so we need to be on guard against these things the Bible tells us not to be led astray by false knowledge philosophy all teachings see full see full things words of men that can lead us astray and that the Bible also says that the treasures of wisdom and knowledge can only be found in Messiah Yahshua I want to read you something from Colossians chapter 2 and I want you to listen carefully to what this says but I want you to know what a great conflict I have for you and those in Laodicea and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh that their hearts might be encouraged being knit together in love and attaining to all the riches of the full assurance of understanding to the knowledge of the mystery of God both the Father and of Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge now this I say lest anyone should deceive you with pervade with persuasive words this I say lest anyone should deceive you with persuasive words for though I am absent in the flesh yet I am with you in spirit rejoicing to see your good order and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk in him rooted and built up in him and established in the faith as you have been taught abounding in it with Thanksgiving beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit according to the tradition men according to the basic principles of the world and not according to Christ or in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and he's did you catch what he's arguing here he says that the mystery of knowledge and understanding all the treasures of knowledge wisdom and understanding are contained in Christ in Yeshua did you see that he says that all knowledge all wisdom all truth is found in Christ is found in Yeshua you don't need to go beyond him to find what you need he says don't let anyone deceive you with persuasive words don't let anyone cheat you because that's what happens that's what happened to my friend he got deceived and he got cheated got cheated out of his reward he got cheated out of knowing Yeshua he got cheated out of his salvation what happens when the enemy whispers in your in lead you astray he's going to trade you that mansion that you have waiting for you for a box of crumbs that are moldy worth nothing you sell you a piece of oceanfront property in Arizona probably right is a liar is deceptive sneaky and we've got to be on guard not to be deceived but notice also that Paul as he says this he makes sure to point out that in Yeshua dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily the reason he does that is because this is the key issue this is the key central piece of the puzzle if you think about other religions in the world you look at Judaism you look at Islam you look at Buddhism Hinduism whatever you name any religion in the world and you ask them what tell me what you believe about you sure what do you believe about Jesus many of them will say he was a good teacher some of them even say he was a prophet they all agree he was not the Son of God they all agree he is not the Messiah they all agree that he has not got incarnate you realize that this is the central issue that separates us from every other religion in the world we believe that Yeshua is God incarnate he is the son of God is Immanuel God with us is God come in the flesh the salvation of God then revealed to the world are you sure right and so that is what separates us from every other religion in the world yeshua said there's a wide road in a narrow road the wide road every other religion in the world is going on this wide road they have morality you could look at even pagan religions had morality you may not agree with all of it but they had a sense of morality they had moral teachings is not our morality that sets us apart is not our morality that makes us different I know atheists who are more moral than some of you honestly and a moral atheist is still lost it's because he has morality doesn't mean anything yeshuaa is that is the piece of the puzzle that is missing in every other religion issue is the piece of the puzzle is missing in every life that is not saved I'm an understanding of who he is that he is the son of God that he is the Messiah that he's the one who came to set us free from sin he died for our sins he rose again on the third day the central message of the gospel central message of all the Apostolic teachings that we have recorded in the New Testament central message of our entire faith if you take that out of our faith you remove the deity of Yeshua we have nothing at that point there's there's no point honestly there is absolutely no point if you remove Yeshua doesn't matter what you do he'll be a Jew go be a Muslim go be an atheist who cares doesn't matter if there's if we don't have Yeshua it really doesn't matter what you do opposed warning us not to be deceived by these deceiving and persuasive arguments if you look at some of the arguments that people like Tobias singer and Jews for Judaism various other anti missionary groups the arguments that they make I encourage you don't don't listen to them honestly it's not worth your time they're deceivers they're professional deceivers Toby singer has made it his entire life's goal get people not to believe in Yeshua he doesn't teach Torah he doesn't teach the faith of Abraham he teaches anti Jesus he is literally an antichrist missionary that is his purpose in life and he argues with people all day long trying to convince them that Yeshua is not the Messiah he is an antichrist missionary that is his purpose and we're told not to be deceived by these guys there ought to be to see by their cunning crafty lies their deceit first Corinthians 12:3 says therefore I make known to you that no one's speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit you see this is defining the two different spirits that are at work in the world you realize that the spirit of the Spirit of Christ the Holy Spirit the Spirit of God says Yeshua is Lord any other spirit doesn't say that they may say he's a prophet they may say he's a teacher they may say he's a liar they may say he's crazy they don't say he's Lord and what it means to say Jesus is Lord Yeshua is Lord as you were saying Yeshua is Yahweh Jesus is God that is what that phrase is Yahshua is Lord if you look throughout the Old Testament there are about 7,000 roughly places where the word Yahweh has been translated Lord right when you translate it into English it's Lord when you translate it into Greek it's kurios and what's interesting is when you look in the New Testament almost every time it's all it calls Yeshua Lord and it is quoting an Old Testament verse you look up that Old Testament verse and almost every single time it's Yahweh in Hebrew so that at the name of Yeshua every knee will bow and every tongue confess in heaven and earth and out of the earth Hey she was Lord why is he is king of kings and Lord of lords every tongue in heaven and on earth and under the earth will call him Lord why because he is God if he was just a man that's blasphemy no doubt and anyone who comes along and tells you he was just a man that he was not God incarnate they're being led by the Antichrist that is a spirit of Antichrist who's controlling them because if they deny the deity of Yeshua they're being led astray by deceiving spirit I guarantee it yeah and all the other world religions will gladly tell you he's a good teacher but they will deny that he is God did you know that one of the phrases that Muslims like to say is God has no son they actually have it written on the side of the mosque on top of the Temple Mount from what I understand I haven't been there to verify it but that's what I've been told they've written on the side of the mosque on the Temple Mount that says God has no Sun as a bold blatant Antichrist statement the Jews say similar things you say that God has no son do you say God is not a man that God does not God has not come in the form of a man and they have some pretty persuasive arguments that will try to lead you astray that you need to have a firm foundation in the Word of God a firm foundation in Yeshua I think it's interesting that the psalm actually the Proverbs says who is who's ascended into heaven who is descended tell me his name and tell me the name of his son right there in the Hebrew Scriptures right there in the Proverbs it was ascended and descended from heaven tell me his name and tell me the name of his son we know his name name is Joshua but people call him Jesus same person to say that your shoes Lourdes to confess belief in his deity he was conceived by the Holy Spirit there are people who want to deny the Incarnation they will argue say oh well that the word virgin in Hebrew it doesn't actually mean virgin it just means a young maiden so it's not necessarily a prophecy about the Incarnation they have these arguments they will argue with you about this stuff you know in the Greek though it says virgin there's no there's no other option in the greek septuagint in isaiah when talks about the virgin shall conceive and have a son and you will call his name Emmanuel which means God with us if you look in the Septuagint it says virgin that's the only option for translating that word it doesn't mean a young girl whereas you know they argue with you that the the Hebrew it means a young girl young maiden they'll say it doesn't necessarily mean a virgin but you know in the New Testament when the Gospel writers quoted Isaiah's prophecy they made it very clear that she was a virgin they said that Joseph had not lain with her and that she was conceived by the Holy Spirit very clear is not Joseph's son is the son of God it's C by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary now the Catholics mess up and they say that she was born of a virgin - and they call her the Immaculate Conception and they glorify her and worship her and exalt her and say that she ascended in heaven all of that is a lie so they're being led by a false spirit to one that idolizes Mary Asya city would be called Emmanuel which means God with us the prophets speak about God being the only Savior and that no man can save us this is an argument that you'll hear from a lot of these an omission ares i say that only God can save you only God can forgive sins only God can redeem you and that is absolutely true and you're sure is God is absolutely true that only God can save you of your sins and your shoe is God is absolutely true that only Yeshua can forgive you of sins and Yeshua is God is the son of God his God incarnate Jeremiah 12:10 says they will look on me whom they pierced yes they will mourn for him as one mourns for mourns for his only son and grieves for him as one grieves for a firstborn this is a prophecy this is a prophecy of the Messiah they will look on me whom they have pierced God says this is God telling us he's the one on the cross and they will mourn for him as one mourns for one firstborn son our God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life see what God is telling us Isaiah 43 Tina says you are my witnesses says the Lord and my servant whom I have chosen that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he this is God speaking he says my servant whom I have chosen know that I am he you're saying I am the one I send the New Testament says that God sent his son that says I am before me there was no God formed nor shall there be after me there's no other god but one only one God his Father Son and Holy Spirit one God is the creator of all things there was no God before him and there be no God after him but he came in the flesh the incarnation of Yeshua he died for our sins and he rose from the dead and he lives forever and I know some of you are probably thinking why does he harp on this so much every week I come here and all he talks about the deity of Yeshua I've been going through the Gospels for about a year year and a half every week I find something to show you this points just diety right you see this miracle he did this points to his didi you see this thing he said where he's quoting this prophecy the points to his deity you see this thing that Messiah the disciples said they're calling him deity why do I do that because this is so important I wanted to get deeply ingrained into your mind and into your heart and into your spirit so that you don't deny him that's why I don't want you to walk away from your your your only way your only means of salvation I don't want you to get lost I want you to know where the the narrow road is I want you to know where the light to your path is I want you to know the way the truth and the life and so I'm gonna beat it into you as often as I can I'm not gonna apologize about it because I know it's important Russians 113 through 20 says he has delivered us from the power of darkness and covered and conveyed us into the kingdom of his son I'm sorry into the kingdom of the son of his love in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins he is the image of the invisible God the firstborn over all creation for by him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth all things were created by him you see what this is saying this is a very strong argument for his deity all things that are heaven and earth visible and invisible whether Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created through him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things consist is the head of the body the church who is the beginning the first one from the dead that in all things he may have the preeminence that he may have preeminence that they're saying that he's gonna be the most important thing in all things he is the most important he is to have the seat of prominence above everything that's what he's saying but please the father that in him all the fullness should dwell and by him to reconcile all things to himself by him whether things on earth or things in heaven having made peace through the blood of his cross so you sure was the creator of all things and all things were made by him before him and through him and they are sustained by his breath he sustains all things he's holding this earth in existence right now and if at any moment he just decides not to it'll cease you realize that he didn't just put us in motion and leave us in abandon us that's what some people want to tell you right they say oh yeah there's a God he created the the universe he spun everything emotion and he just abandoned us and we're just kind of left fending for ourselves this tells us that he is constantly actively keeping us alive is constantly active actively keeping the earth functioning keeping the Sun in the sky giving us oxygen giving us water giving us everything we need for life he is actively doing that for us he sustains all things it says he didn't abandon us he's not an absentee landlord he's a caregiver and he is actively caring for his creation and trying to lead us to him isaiah 44:24 says this says the Lord your Redeemer the Lord your Redeemer those both of those phrases are applied to you sure they're not issue as Lord Yeshua's our Redeemer right isaiah 44:24 this says the Lord your Redeemer and he who formed you from the womb I am the Lord who makes all things who stretches out the heavens alone who spreads abroad the earth by myself there's only one God who created all things there's only one Lord who created all things and he came in the flesh it was Yeshua so I could go on for probably six or eight hours talking about all the things in the scriptures that point to the date of Yeshua would you guys want me to do that let's not do that tonight but here's the thing there's so much stuff in the Old Testament that points to the deity of Yeshua and there's so much stuff in the New Testament that points to the deity of Yeshua the whole scriptures from Genesis to Revelation is a revelation of Yeshua and who he is and so I want to get back on what this enemy is doing first Corinthians 12:3 says therefore I make known to you that no one's speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Ghost except by the Holy Spirit there's there's two options were seeing you either follow the Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit leads you to believe and understand and know that he is Lord that he is God or there's these other spirits these deceiving spirits these manipulative spirits the spirit of Antichrist and what do they leave you to believe anything but Yeshua is Lord because anything else is to say Jesus is accursed anything less than calling him Lord king of kings and Lord of lords anything less than that you are cursing him if you say he's a messiah but he's not God you were cursing him okay anything less than calling him Lord is calling him a cursed and it is of the Antichrist so Unitarians Christian Unitarians who say that God is the father and that Jesus was just a man that's Antichrist Hey this is this is the seriousness of this so Antichrist the word Antichrist is a combination of two Greek words anti increased dose and anti means against opposite and in place of against opposite and in place of we see that's what the spirit is seeking to do is seeking to be against Yeshua opposite of Yeshua and replacing issue ax that's what is seeking to do and so it may replace your shoe with any number of things any number of people any number of ideas but it's replacing issue with something or someone you are Christ or Christo's means anointed the Hebrew word is mashiac we call him Messiah we call him Christ means The Anointed One so the Antichrist opposes Christ and substitutes himself for Christ any Antichrist is an individual or group of people who oppose issue ax who opposed the Messiah this means Jews Muslims Buddhists Hindus Satanists and atheists all in the same boat realize that as much as as people want to idolised other religions for various things you know oh the the Muslims are so devout look at the way they do their prayers three times a day oh the Jews well they're they're so devout look they go to the the temple even though there's not a temple there and they stand at the wall and they face the wall and they pray for hours they don't know who your shoe is they don't know him they're lost why do you want to be like them that grow your grow your payouts out and put a Kip on I'm gonna save you it's not what saves you standing at a wall Dobbin as you say your prayers is not what saves you knowing as sure as your Lord and Savior Jews Muslim Buddhists Hindus Satanists and atheists are all Antichrist because they reject Yeshua they are all being led astray by a spirit of Antichrist the religions are all flawed and false and twisted and distorted because of a spirit of Antichrist that has blinded them to see the truth of who you show is you see that first John chapter four says beloved do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone into the world by this you know the Spirit of God every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God and this is the spirit of Antichrist which you have heard was coming and is now already in the world so what he's saying is that the spirit of Antichrist denies the Incarnation it denies the incarnation but I talked about earlier that God has come in the flesh he has come incarnate we're Antichrist denies the incarnation of Christ and we see there's this takes different forms like for example Marcion who is a second century Gnostic he said that Jesus actually wasn't really flesh it wasn't actually human that he was just a spirit being who appeared to look like a man and so he didn't actually die on the cross he just appeared to died and he resurrected he didn't really resurrect because he didn't really die that's the argument the Marcin presents he wasn't really a man he just looked like one he was a spirit being that looked like a man that's Antichrist he's denying the incarnation of Messiah but you know there's other forms that that takes two there's those who say God has no son those who say that God cannot be a man those who say that God does not take the form of a man those who say that Yeshua is not conceived of the Holy Spirit all of those arguments are denying the Incarnation we've got to be careful of that let's go on a first John I actually I'm gonna back up to first John chapter two now I wasn't for it let's jump back to chapter two verses 18 through 25 it says little children it is the last hour and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming even now many antichrists have come by which we know that it is the last hour yeah that's similar argument that what we heard earlier right that in the last days many will fall away being led astray by deceiving spirits he says this is how you know it's the last hour because you're gonna see these Antichrist many have already come he says they went out from us but they were not of us they went out from us but they were not of us so he's saying that they were among us and that the Antichrist taken them out from us or if they had been of us they would have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that none of them were of us but you have an anointing from the Holy One and you know all things I've not written to you because you do not know the truth but because you know it so this is something that's interesting to pay attention to he's he's saying I wrote to you because you know the truth this is a warning to those who know the truth this is a warning to us I've not read to you because you do not know the truth but because you know it and that no lie is of the truth who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist who denies the father and the son whoever denies the son does not have the father either he who acknowledges the son has the father also therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning if what you heard from the beginning abides in you you also abide in the Son and in the father and this is the promise that he has promised us eternal life these things I've written to you concerning those who tried to deceive you those who try to deceive you again I am this message has been on my heart a couple weeks now because I don't want you to be deceived I've already watched a friend go down this road and I don't want you to go down this road do not be deceived do not be led astray it says pee he's given us a warning any they says that the spirit of Antichrist denies the son did you catch that and he says the spirit of Antichrist denies the Sun and in doing so also denies the father if you did out of the Sun you also deny the father and so if you say I'm I'm following God I'm worshiping God I just don't know about Jesus I just I'm rejecting Jesus but I'm still following God that's not true if you reject Jesus you reject the father you reject the son you reject the father what the scripture says so you can't be following the father it is absolutely impossible you are being deceived you reject the son you are not following the father and you know logically think about this for a second if you deny the Sun you're saying God is not a father said God has no son you're saying God is not a father so you are you are denying the father you are rejecting the father you're saying he is not a father but we see throughout the Scriptures that he is reject the Sun you reject the father also they went out they went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that none of them were with us this is one of those verses that really just weighs heavy on me you know I I want to believe that every person in here is good soil but you sure told us there's four different kinds of soil that receive the gospel they receive the seed so there's some of you that could potentially be rocky ground some of you could be weeds some of you the birds there might strip it away some of you may get trampled on there there's good potential that not everybody in here's good soil I want to believe that everyone in here is of the sheep but Yeshua said that there's goats and wolves too I would love to I I hope and pray that everyone in here is is one of Yeshua sheep but he warns us that there's gonna be goats and wolves that sneak in among the sheep it happens it's it's painful and I hate it but you sure said it happens he said that there's gonna be tears showing among the wheat right I would love I would love to think that everybody who calls himself a Christian is wheat but that's obviously not the case you sure warned us he said that the enemy has sown tares among the wheat and actually Amanda pointed out something interesting to me this week I had never realized this before and she said that somebody shared an article with her recently and and actually you know because of it I was like ah I've never heard this / I'm gonna look it up and see if this is true and so I'm not just going off of some Facebook article that somebody sent I actually did some research I found out that this is true wheat and tares when they're you know I talked about this before when they're young they look identical you can't tell the difference and when they get older you can tell the difference between I've talked about this before what I didn't talk about before though is that at the time of harvest on the wheat when the the grain is heavy on the wheat it starts to bow and so you have the wheat that Baus its humble and it is bearing fruit it has its full of grain but the Darnell's that the the tares they stand straight up because they have no seeds in them they have no grain in them their Cesar little teeny tiny little black specks huit has big heavy grains and it weighs them down and it causes them to bow but the the terror stands straight up so why did you show us that wait until the harvest to separate them pull the tears out first thing go get the wheat but makes sense the tears aren't bowing down to the king tear them out throw them in the fire and then you can collect your harvest Wow as a gorgeous picture is it's amazing how just things that God has put out in nature speak and testify about his word testify about him and so but unfortunately there are tares among the wheat are we gonna be proud unwilling to bend and bow are we gonna be humble willing to bow before our key willing to submit and producing fruit our life producing grain producing a harvest that's the difference between a we know tear but it's hard to think about nobody wants to think I don't want to think oh man I'm a tear I don't want to think oh man I'm not the good soil I'm a goat nobody wants to think that do they we all want to believe I am I'm bearing fruit I'm good soil I'm wheats I'm a sheep we all want to think that but are we are we all that we have plenty of warnings in a scripture about these things numerous warnings wolves and goats there's bad soil and even here in first John where he says that they're Antichrist or among us they're gonna go out you're gonna leave does them in the last days many will fall away it talks about a great falling away as not two or three a great falling away is masses huge numbers of people are going to fall away I sure hope it's not us I hope none of us get caught up in that huge masses of people are going to be deceived they're gonna fall away and they're gonna leave the faith for one reason or another and so you know I I know I'm not the best orator in the world I know I'm not a super dynamic speaker but I hope despite the fact that I'm not that great of a speaker that you guys will hear the truth spoken from this pulpit that's my goal I'm not here to entertain you I'm not here to be funny I you guys wouldn't get my jokes even if I tried yeah I'm just not a funny guy but that's not why I'm here I'm not here to entertain you I'm here to teach you what the Word of God says I'm here to point you to Yeshua yes that's the commission that I've been given that's what I've been called to do it points you to Yeshua and so whenever I see a friend was sat right here they doesn't believe in your shoe anymore ripped my heart out you know I don't I don't know what to do I don't know how how to help him we talked a few weeks ago about if your brothers in sin how you're supposed to approach that and you know go to them personally and you talk to them then you bring a couple people with you and talk to them then you bring them before the church and talking but they still won't repent it says you're supposed to put them out of your fellowship all right you guys remember that if you expect we talked about that I have this has been going on for for roughly a month now I've gone to this person Oh taking other people this person taken it before number of men in the church I have you know I didn't involve everybody it at this but basically the majority of the men in the church were brought and on it and he refuses repent it refuses to see that he is an error we've prayed for him we've pleaded with him we've done everything that we know you and so now we get to the next part of this message romans 16 verses 17 18 it says now i urge you brethren note those who cause divisions in offenses contrary to the doctrine which you've learned and avoid them for those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple this is what will happen this is what has already started to happen honestly everyone I've seen go down this road eventually they start evangelizing for the Antichrist himself and so they start trying to whisper in your ear and tell you you're deceived tell you that you're committing idolatry tell you that you're worshipping other gods that you're not worshiping the true God they they will say things like this try to convince you that they're right the try to convince you to have doubt in your heart about following a serving issue as the king of kings and Lord of lords there are deceivers and once they have allowed that Antichrist spirit to enter into them they take hold of them they're full of deception they're very cunning and so romans 16 is says avoid them avoid them that's why I warn people not to listen anti missionaries by the way this says that those people who cause divisions and offenses that are contrary to the doctrine you received avoid them we are told in the scriptures to avoid those people who are teaching doctrines contrary to what she received the doctrine you received is that Yeshua is the son of God that he is the Messiah that he is fulfillment of scriptures that he died was buried and rose from the dead and has ascended to heaven and he is seated at the right hand of the throne of majesty that he is interceding for us in the heavenly temple he is our great high priest that he is offered a sacrifice is better than any other sacrifice that could ever be offered that is the doctrine you have received and if they teach something contrary to that avoid them do not listen to them they're teaching heresy I don't care if they call themself a Christian or not if they don't holder that doctrine they are a heretic that is the most foundational gospel truth every Church should know if they are not teaching that they are heresy you understand I don't care what they call themself they're not teaching Yeshua Jesus Son of God died and rose from the dead they're not teaching that they're heretics does do not the wisdom avoid them these anti Michener's entire goal is to lead you astray to lead you away from issuer to plant seeds of doubt to cause you to deny your Lord I want to look at one final warning this is in second John chapter one this one is probably I think one of the most difficult singing John chapter 1 verses 7 through 11 it says for many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh this is a deceiver and an antichrist look to yourselves that we do not lose those things we worked for but then we but that we may receive a full reward whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God he who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the father and the son if anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine do not receive him into your house nor greet him or he who greets him shares in his evil deeds that's a hard one in it but if somebody you I've spent time with when you know them when you you have had them in your house before you've been to their house if you're at their wedding if you perform the wedding for him you know them intimately closely personally and it says that when they deny you're sure when they reject Yeshua and even greet them in the street that's hard isn't it I'm not making this up this is in the Bible is there for a reason I guarantee you I see at least three reasons why it's here one they're no they're not your brother anymore if they don't follow you're sure they're not a brother in the face so you can't have fellowship with like with with unbelievers the Bible says you cannot have fellowship with unbelievers how can light have fellowship with darkness do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers if they don't believe like you how can you have fellowship with them they can't be part of the fellowship they've already alienated himself by rejecting issue a-- they're no longer brothers number two is for the sake of the congregation for the sake of the rest of the people that they are there to be avoided that they're to be kept away why because they're filled with a deceiving Antichrist spirit they can spread and God is wise and he says avoid these people because they are deceivers he doesn't want us to be led astray it doesn't want us to be listening to their arguments listening something persuaded them away and if it persuaded them away who did it persuade you avoid them keep yourself safe young guard against the attacks of the enemy you ever seen anything where you know you've got this spy or something like that where they disguise themselves and they try to pretend to be part of the the team they're infiltrating what the Antichrist likes to do that's what the spirit of Antichrist does is he disguises himself is it's the wolf in sheep's clothing right comes to devour but he looks looks just like one of us pretends to be one of us acts like one of us and and I'm describing a spirit by the way I'm gonna I'm not describing this person I want to be clear on that I'm not saying this person is a wolf I'm saying that he has been led astray by a deceiving spirit the spirit of Antichrist is a wolf want to be clear on that and this sneaky spirit and infiltrate various places and so if we've identified the spirit as already grabbed ahold of somebody and is already leading them astray we're supposed to distance from them to cut them off to get them away from us it's like a virus that's contagious it's like the plague you're exposed to it you can be infected you want to take your precautions and keep yourself safe that's another the second reason I think we're supposed to keep them a distance the third reason is for that person for them you've heard the story of the prodigal son right what happens the prodigal has to get to the end of himself he has to hit the rock bottom he has to be swimming in the the poop of the pigs before he realizes hey I need to go back home and so Paul describes it this way he says hand that one over to Satan so that he might be saved that's the way he describes it so it's for his sake that we have to say we can't we can't fellowship with you anymore it is for his sake so that perhaps he might become saved perhaps he will get to the end of himself and realize he made a mistake realize he needs to repent realize that he needs Yeshua it was for his sake those are the three reasons that I feel like that makes the most sense to me that I that I can see in Scripture why these things are said this way why it says not to receive him into your house your not to fellowship with him you're not not to treat him like a brother anymore and not to even greet him in the street not even acquaintances not even an acquaintance at this point that's what is saying I understand that and says that if you greet him you share in his evil deeds why why do sharing his evil deeds of agree that was me saying hi to somebody sharing in his evil deeds anybody hmm here two division is I mean you're basically it's like you're saying I approve of you and I approve of you I know what you're doing and it's okay I'll still give you a high-five I'll still shake your hand I'll still greet you you're saying I approve of you you're sharing in these deets you know I had a guy at a job several years ago he was just a flat-out heathen he was not a believer at all just just flat-out heathen most worldly person you can imagine and he had this thing where every time he'd see me he'd say hey brother he kept calling me brother and I refused to call him brother because I didn't want to for one he's not my brother he's not son of God he hasn't been born again he hasn't been brought into the family of God through faith not my brother please calling me a brother though I understand it's just like this slang cool thing that sometimes people do this means more than that to me if I call your brother's because I believe that you are part of God's kingdom and so I refused to call this guy brother he actually got annoyed at me one time because I didn't greet him back the way that he wanted me to greet him sorry I don't approve of you but again it says that if you this deceiver the Santa Christ denies the son you confess that you schewe is the son of God you acknowledge that God is a father acknowledging the father and the son John 14:6 Jesus said to them I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me you reject the Sun you're rejecting the only route to the Father back to John to us says whoever transgresses and does not abide in this doctrine I'm sorry whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ whoever transgresses you understand what that word means right word used often throughout the Bible as reference to sin reference to breaking God's commandments reference to rebellion and disobedience you transgress and do not hold to the doctrine of Christ you know I have God he who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the father and the son anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine do not receive him nor greet him I think if John was here today he would say if anyone does not hold of this doctrine unfriend them on Facebook and don't follow them on Twitter that's kind of what it sounds like isn't it as this is what the world is coming to anyway isn't it everybody's so caught up in social media it's been more tired they they they're more friends on Facebook than they do in real life they talked to people on Twitter more than they talked to people on the telephone it's unfortunate because that's I think that's a Falls way short of the type of relationships that we should be building I think falls way short of the types of relationships that we should be embracing and cultivating in our life and by the way I'm almost never on Facebook so if you send me a message and I haven't replied to you I'm sorry I don't know when I will ever get message so my there's some cards on the back table there they have my phone number on them you can text me or call me anytime I would gladly talk to you but don't bother on Facebook honestly I really don't ever get on there everyone wants well somebody will tell me hey did you see what someone so posted or something I said no I met on Facebook in a couple months and they'll say well you need to go look at it so once in a while I'll go log in and look at something because somebody specifically tells me you need to look at this because it's important for you to see and I've done that a few times but I kind of just like Facebook is a big waste of time and I quit that anyway but we need to be cultivating good relationships I know there's a side note I know this has nothing to do with the topic a and he says they will know aspire left for one another we need to have that kind of relationship with each other we need to be building cultivating face-to-face relationships not Facebook relationships okay this is this is significant he says the second greatest commandment is to love one another love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind strength to love your neighbor as yourself he says you will know my disciples by their love for one another if you're not inviting people to your house you're not spending time with people if you're not going to grab a coffee with somebody once in a while and just get to know them if all you're doing is just biking posts online you need to reevaluate second Corinthians 6:14 assist do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what Fellowship has righteousness and lawlessness and what communion has light and darkness we've been given very clear instructions a situations when someone led astray by spirit of Antichrist we've been told they're not to be part of the fellowship now to invite them in your house you're not to greet them in the street you're to avoid them and I had a conversation with Robert Friday night and I told them that this is the point at which we are at now in about a month has been Italy getting further and further from your shoe being led astray more and more that by deceiving spirits is starting to argue with people and tell them that they are deceived believing in Yeshua and I said you know it's we're at the point now where until you're ready to make a profession of faith in Yeshua don't need to be here anymore I know this is probably some of you probably had no idea about this and some of you were fully aware of what was going on because you are close situation and so I want to encourage you to be praying for him you'd be praying for Hannah because this is gonna be hard on her he's having hard time knowing what to do so be praying for them be lifting them up in your prayers but they will not be here she said that she doesn't want to come without him and if he's not gonna be here than here either so women I want to encourage you reach out to Hanna talk to her pray for her urge her help keep her strong in her faith is this gonna be hard on her faith I'm very concerned about her very concerned I'm concerned for Robert too be praying for them but I want it I have to tell you yeah and just tell him don't come back and not say anything to you guys about it and not explain to you why you're personally speaking I have to bring it to you I have to bring it before the church he is rejected Yeshua is it said Dollar Tree he claims is the holy spirit that led him to believe that the Holy Spirit doesn't lead you to believe that the Holy Spirit confesses Yahshua is Lord so that tells me it's right there he's following the spirit of Antichrist because he's spirit he's saying it is a spiritual conviction that he felt wasn't because he was betting wasn't because he was hearing somebody else is teaching he was convinced he says that he felt convicted I think it was a spiritual thing that some spirit told him not to follow you sure I'll be praying for him I hope I hope in prayer is that he will rent that he will come to faith in Yeshua that he will he's like the prodigal and come home that is my hope and prayer I'm not saying these things to to shame him about saying these things to make you guys hate em or fill addley towards him in any way I love him I love Robert and Anna both I'm gonna miss them and that phone call I had with him Friday night was probably the most difficult phone call I've ever made in my life I never thought I was gonna have to tell somebody you can't come back word didn't want to do it but I had to is as I was looking at these verses and what the Bible tells me to do in this situation I don't have any other choice I have to do what's right I have to do what God says to do but so I want to encourage you to continue to pray for them but also be aware of what the Scriptures we looked at did I say the fellowship that we had with them different now it's got a change it cannot continue according to the scriptures I told you was a heavy message tonight didn't I I told you this is something I've been wrestling with there a hard time with I'm pretty sure I got new gray hairs past couple weeks he sees them this has been hard I've lost sleep Hey so this is one of the hardest things I've ever had to wrestle with watching a friend what I love earn away and deny you sure harder one of the hardest things I've ever had to do and feel so helpless yeah because I tried I tried hard I argued with him I tried to counsel him I tried to give him warning I try I prayed with him I fasted for him I argued with him I heard with the rabbis that he was posting about I tried and I feel like I just fell on my face tried and tried and tried and failed and failed and failed as the way I feel and you know I was hoping that you know I I've talked to other people I talked to a lot of other people actually pastors number of pastors and different congregations and said have you ever dealt with something like this and quite a few of them had and I said have you ever seen him have you figured out how to stop it you figured out how to turn them around and bring them back No about a single person I talked to you as ever successfully bounces someone back once they start walking down this road and I think the only thing we can do is pray I don't think arguing with him is gonna make a difference I don't think showing him scripture because he's rejected the scriptures already I mean I showed him dozens and dozens of verses and he rejected him that's not that's not what it's gonna take but it's a spiritual battle that's going on he's being led astray by deceiving spirits and the only way we're gonna have victory bring him back is through prayer praying that the Holy Spirit gets all of him the Holy Spirit leads him back and so if you love them encourage you pray for them bow your heads with me well there's sometimes we just don't even know what to say when we come before you broken hearts or we we pray for our friends we pray for Robert and for Anna holy spirit we asked you it you touch him to speak to him should open his eyes open to know you up him not to be deceived anymore if I pray for each person here your protection the Holy Spirit would lead and guide his person here and keep them firmly in your hands that each person here would be securely standing on the rock their salvation on the firm foundation of Yeshua rather prayer the enemy would not have any more victory over any of my friends but I pray that the spirit of Antichrist would no longer have any victory over my friends whether to watch over them and protect them you draw each person those aren't closer to you help us not to be deceived but you said that your sheep hear your voice they will not follow the voice of another brother pray that each person who can hear my voice right now they would be your sheep they would hear your voice but they would follow only you or that they would not be led astray by the voice of another we love you so much we thank you your salvation in Messiah Yeshua we pray that we would give you honor and glory everything we say into their life whether we would love you with all our heart soul mind and strength love you praise you
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 1,954
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: Grafted Church, the grafted church, live sabbath service, spirit of antichrist, sermon, church online, sabbath service, preacher, bible teaching, Lex Meyer, Torah Portion, Yeshua, Jesus, Bible, spirit of anti-christ, antichrist spirit, antichrist spirit in the church, dealing with antichrist spirit, spiritual warfare, unlearn
Id: qFkoq7ekGTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 37sec (5197 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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