Hear Me with Fire: The Life of Prophet Elijah

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Mountains are mysterious, almost sacred places, where the act of climbing can be cathartic, almost mystical — the shedding of all that would hinder the ascent, the gaining of a fresh perspective with each new height, and finally a sense of the self emptying out in awe and wonder before God’s creation as heaven seems to meet earth in the clouds. Perhaps this is why some church fathers used the image of ascent as an allegory for the soul’s journey to union with God. But beyond the language of ascent, beyond the witness of God’s invisible attributes in creation, these fathers also drew upon the powerful theophanies that occurred upon mountains where a person such as Elijah could, through purification, move beyond created things to gain experiential knowledge of God. But one can’t speak of Elijah alone, for just as he points the way forward to figures and events in the New Testament through types and shadows, so too does his life echo that of an earlier theophanic witness, the prophet and God-seer Moses who first encountered the personal and living God in the flames of a burning bush on Mount Sinai. Another time, amidst thunder, lightening, and smoke, God descended upon Sinai in fire before the trembling children of Israel. There, Moses ascended Sinai to receive the Law and encounter within the dazzling darkness the pre-incarnate Word of God as revealed through His divine energies. These foundational theophanies transformed Moses and gave the Law as a guide to purify and prepare the Hebrews for the coming of the Messiah. Yet over the next five hundred years they often returned to the worship of idols despite Moses’ warning that “God is a consuming fire.” Elijah then, appeared like a second Moses. His name means “My God is Yahweh” and is pronounced Ilias in Greek and Elias in English. Upon Elijah’s birth, his father had a vision of angels swaddling the infant in flames and feeding him fire. This foreshadowed Elijah’s future role as prophet — one who speaks for God — as when he cast down fire upon the earth and spoke words that burned like a lamp. His experience on mountains took him from Carmel to Sinai to Tabor, likewise seeing him rise through faith, zeal, and ascetic labor even to the heights of heaven. Yet, as Saint James reminds us, Elijah was of like nature to ours and could be overcome with fear and despondency even as he could offer effective prayer that worked wonders. Elijah lived during the rule of King Ahab of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, in the years after the reign of King Solomon, when disunity split the kingdom in two. By now, many had forgotten God and dwelt in spiritual darkness. For Jezebel, the Phoenician-born wife of Ahab had torn down the holy places of God, killed His prophets, and raised up altars to the storm and fertility god Ba'al. Many partook of the pagan rituals and drunken ceremonies of this false god which gave vent to their lusts and further darkened their hearts. But not Elijah, who came from Tishbe in the wild and rocky region of Gilead just beyond the Jordan. He first lived in the wilderness and purified his heart through fasting, prayer, and chastity before receiving God’s call to go and confront Ahab: “As the Lord God of Hosts lives,” said Elijah to Ahab, “the God of all Israel before whom I stand, there shall not be any dew nor rain during these years except at my word.” And so for three years and six months it did not rain, and drought and famine became common in all the land, as Elijah’s hoped to once again awaken in the people a thirst for God. Elijah then fled to the Brook Cherith upon the word of the Lord, even as Ahab searched for him everywhere. Elijah drank water from the brook and ate bread in the morning and meat in the evening mysteriously brought to him by ravens and sustaining him day-by-day, just as did manna for those who wandered the wilderness with Moses. When the brook dried up, the Lord sent Elijah to a Gentile widow in Zarephath of Sidon. Even though she had only a handful of flour and little oil, Elijah made sure that “at the word of the Lord” these would not be used up until it once again rained upon the earth. Then, the widow’s son died, and she reproached herself for her sins. But Elijah comforted her and then fervently prayed to God. He stretched himself out over the boy three times, this mystery representing the Holy Trinity, and raised him from the dead. At this the widow cried out, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth.” After three and a half years, the Lord spoke to Elijah again: “Go and appear to Ahab, and I will send rain upon the earth.” Elijah returned and appeared before Ahab. “Are you the one who is troubling Israel,” asked Ahab. “I have not troubled Israel,” replied Elijah. “But rather you and the house of your father, in that you forsook the Lord your God and followed after the Ba’als. Gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, the four hundred and fifty prophets of shame, and the four hundred prophets of the sacred groves who eat at Jezebel's table.” Elijah then challenged Ahab to a contest on Mount Carmel to see whose god would respond with fire upon their supplication. Elijah alone, against the many prophets of Ba'al. To the people of Israel who gathered to watch, Elijah shouted, “How long will you be undecided between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him, but if Ba’al, follow him.” And they remained silent. The prophets of Ba'al then slaughtered an oxen and placed it upon the altar and called upon the name of Ba'al from morning until noon. But there was only silence as the false prophets limped about the altar. Elijah mocked them, saying: “Cry out with a louder voice, for he is a god; for either he is away meditating, or he is too busy, or preoccupied with other business. Perhaps he is sleeping and has need to be awakened from his nap.” The prophets of Ba'al thrashed and cut themselves in a frenzy until blood came forth. But again in the silence no voice was heard and no fire burned. “Now remove yourselves from this place,” said Elijah, “for I will offer my whole burnt offering.” Elijah asked the people to draw near and he took twelve stones representing the twelve tribes of Israel, much like Moses once did and built an altar in the name of the Lord. He piled firewood upon the altar and placed the offering. He then asked the people to pour four pots of water three times over the offering and firewood. Elijah then cried out to heaven and said, “O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, answer me, O Lord, answer me this day with fire, and let this people know You are the God of Israel, and I am Your servant; and for Your sake I do all these works. Hear me, O Lord, hear me with fire and let these people know You are the Lord God, so as to turn the heart of this people back.” Fire then fell from the Lord of heaven to the earth and consumed the whole burnt offering, the firewood, and even the water that had been poured over them. Amazed, the people fell upon their faces before the blazing fire and cried out, “Truly, the Lord is God.” Elijah commanded them to seize the prophets of Ba'al and they did so until all were slaughtered much like those who once worshipped the golden calf when Moses descended Sinai. “Go up and eat and drink, for there is a sound of rain,” said Elijah to Ahab, before ascending to the top of Mount Carmel where he bowed down with his face between his knees and prayed to God for rain. Elijah’s servant kept watch and reported after each prayer. After the first, nothing. Then again, nothing and on each until the seventh prayer nothing, until suddenly, “Behold, a little cloud, like the footprint of a man, bringing up water.” Soon, the sky darkened, the wind blew, and rain fell heavy in a downpour. Elijah saw this as a great victory. But among the awestruck people, how much did the fire now burn within each heart for the one true and living God? Certainly not in the heart of Jezebel who upon hearing of the death of her prophets flew into a rage and vowed to kill Elijah. Fearful, Elijah fled far south to Beersheba before wandering into the wilderness and sitting under a juniper tree. “I pray it be enough, O Lord,” said Elijah. “Now take my life, for I am no better than my fathers.” Discouraged and sensing the absence of God, he fell asleep. But soon, an angel touched him and said, “Arise and eat” and then left him a cake made of wheat and a jar of water. Elijah ate but fell asleep again at which the angel again came with food and said, “Arise and eat, because the journey is a great many days for you.” Elijah doubted God’s plan, yet he still crossed the dry and desolate desert, fasting forty days and forty nights like Moses, until reaching Mount Sinai. After climbing the mountain, Elijah prayed within the darkness of a cave. Suddenly, the Lord spoke a soul-searching question, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” “I have been very zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts,” complained Elijah, “for the Israelites have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword. I alone am left, and they are seeking my life, to take it away.” “Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord,” said the Lord, “for I am about to pass by.” There then arose a great wind, strong enough to split mountains and break rocks, but the Lord was not in the wind; and then the earth quaked, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and then a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a gentle breeze amidst the sound of sheer silence. And the Lord was in it. Elijah wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave before the presence of the Lord, the pre-Incarnate Word of God who brought stillness and a warm, refreshing dew that imbued sweetness and contrition inside the anxious prophet. The Lord once again asked Elijah why he was there, at which the prophet replied with the same answer, but now as one open to God’s guidance. For this is the paradox of ascent, in that it also requires descent, that is a lowering of the self through repentance, humility, and a willingness to follow the divine will. “Go and return on your way to the desert of Damascus,” said the Lord, anoint a new king in Syria and one in Israel and anoint Elisha as the prophet in your place. The Lord then, in a slight rebuke, revealed to Elijah that he was not alone but rather, a remnant remained in Israel, seven thousand who had not bowed down to Ba’al. Now restored, Elijah called Elisha unto himself. As for Ahab, Elijah proclaimed judgement upon him and his son for their continued wicked ways. Ahab eventually died in battle, as foretold by the prophet Micaiah, and his son Ahaziah died shortly after. As the days went by, Elijah took Elisha to the river Jordan. Elijah struck the water with his mantle and the waters parted so that they could cross to the other side. This amazed Elisha, for the power of God was still with Elijah. “Ask what I may do for you, before I am taken away from you,” said Elijah. “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me,” replied Elisha. “You have asked a hard thing,” said Elijah. “But if you see me when I am taken up from you, it shall be so for you; and if not, it shall not be so.” Suddenly, a fiery chariot appeared, drawn by horses of fire and Elijah, who had sent so many fervent prayers up to God, now ascended in a whirlwind as if into heaven, as his mantle fell to Elisha. Seeing this, Elisha cried out in amazement, “Father, O Father, the chariots of Israel and its horseman!” Elisha tore his garment and then raised Elijah’s mantle and twice struck the river Jordan to part the waters again. The sons of the prophets of Jericho witnessed this and said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” Elisha continued the work of his spiritual father performing many wonders for the people. Today, many churches and chapels dedicated to Elijah can be found on mountains and hilltops in Greece and other Orthodox lands, especially in the Middle East. Many people have even taken his name. Elijah’s life transcended his own time, both appearing as a second Moses and also as one pointing toward the New Testament. Such as with John the Baptist who appeared in the spirit and power of Elijah to fulfill Malachi’s prophecy that Elijah would return. Like Elijah, John spoke out against power by saying that any tree not bearing good fruit would be thrown into the fire. Jesus likewise preached repentance and even echoed Elijah by saying, “I came to cast down fire upon the earth.” We even see in Elijah’s ascent to heaven a shadow of Christ’s own ascension and in Elijah’s giving of the double spirit to Elisha a shadow of the fiery tongues on Pentecost. But the most important event is the culmination of the earlier theophanies of Moses and Elijah on Sinai, in the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor. Now the Law and the Prophets find their fulfillment, as heaven and earth meet in the person of Jesus Christ. Now they speak with the Word of God face-to-face, as He reveals the mystery hidden before all ages; the divine, uncreated light of His divinity now shining through His human body. Now he speaks to them about His coming passion and the plan to save the human race from death and corruption. Let us, like Elijah, receive grace through steadfast faith, worship, and purity of life. Let us also encounter God by partaking of His glorified Body and Blood, praying that it burns us not as we partake but that it will be for the cleansing and sanctification of both soul and body, as we struggle along the upward path that leads to the kingdom of God.
Channel: Trisagion Films
Views: 318,402
Rating: 4.8557267 out of 5
Keywords: prophet elijah, bible, elijah, prophet elias, orthodox saint, elias the prophet, trisagion films, hear me with fire, the prophet elijah, the bible project, orthodox church, old testament prophet, biblical theology, moses and elijah, moses, Jesus and Elijah, Transfiguration, purification, prayer and fasting, law and the prophets, elisha, elijah and the prophets of baal, elijah and the widow, mount carmel, bible prophets, bible project, jezebel, king ahab, mount sinai, prayer
Id: guTOkW0pR1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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