The Traveler (Mr. Nobody) | Full Movie | Action Thriller | Val Kilmer

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] shining come back here come back here yeah Daddy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] coming down out there like a shitload of bricks come on you guys what are you born in a barn oh nice one Hawkins blow it out your ass that is very inappropriate language hey don't make me shove those scissors where the sun don't shine also very inappropriate calm down Galore and you leave them alone it's gonna be a long night Merry Christmas Jesus Galore crank the heat down said Christmas and Auschwitz in here for [ __ ] sakes why'd we wait till the end of the year to finish this crap because we're lazy hey speak for yourself come on Jamie oh careful there Janie Robin Hood here is notorious for putting an arrow through a young maiden's heart well trust me I'm pretty good at dodging arrows oh was that an uncomfortable silence yeah speaking of Silence what's with the cell phone's not working tonight yeah you guys got reception no not for hours store okay get out of my desk [Music] [Music] methods that's one Alex I need some time to think okay I just need some time Mary passed away it's never been the same I'm taking the kids to my parents for the holidays [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] all right [Music] can I help you yes I'd like to make a confession confession I'm here to make a confession confess to what major somebody get over here I need some help I'll get it Lord Jesus the [ __ ] is the problem get over here watch whoa hey what's going on who are you ah I thought Dick Tracy went home for the night his wife and kids waiting up for you no they're at the in-laws tonight I'm gonna join them in the morning dead man's hand luck looks like you're not going home tonight great great shift you use a little company yeah just like old times black I'm gonna go check on Hawkins excuse me What's Happening Here galloy get over here what the hell is going on here this guy said he killed somebody all right just let's take it easy goloy put that gun down you hands on your head who are you hands on your head I said Put the gun down he hasn't put his hands on his head good luck with the goddamn gun hey hey what is this deloy says this guy walked in here said he killed somebody galloy put that gun down before I shove it down your throat you put your hands on your head I said put your hands on your head okay tough guy take him to the interrogation room [Music] what are we gonna do huh shoot him no we just go back to sharpening your pencils and leave the gun play to the grown-ups will you what brings our local Stormtroopers in tonight as in isn't it boys Vitale what's up we got a bad accident on the interstate it's going to take most of the night to clear it up so we're diverting traffic and we're going to close the off ramp you guys are going to have one quiet night around here oh it's already pretty quiet with the holidays thought you'd be home wrapping presents well you and your merry men have a good night you guys keep warm thanks haha very funny thank you so who'd you kill what he's gaslighting you let it go hey I don't like the way you're eyeballing me come on Jack everything is in the eyes your eyes are full of fear you think I'm afraid of you you're afraid of everybody writing back to the schoolyard to where you head first right boy afraid of what children will say behind your back right bully shut the [ __ ] up come on Jack don't let this guy push your buttons with some diamond store psychology hey are you okay in here Hawkins all right name I said name [Music] what's your goddamn name somebody doesn't exactly help me [Music] all right nobody else all right have it your way Mr Nobody who exactly do you claim to have murdered or am I missing something here yes you are I'm gonna confess to something or is this just a stun because I could charge you with making a false statement if you prefer Detective be careful what you wish for you may get it but I assure you that before the evening is out you will know I'm telling the truth that I have committed murder well stick with the basics get us Prince let's see if um Mr nobody hears in the system pleasure detective I like that pen especially the inscription to the best daddy in the world by the way I murdered six people [Music] [Music] come on Janie why do Bachelors always make such terrible coffee because they don't have women to show them how to do it the right way you know in a roundabout way that's pretty damn insulting but true you know what they say about missile bro yeah some cultures consider being kissed under the mistletoe to be the kiss of death yeah well that's just superstitious some cultures believe being kissed under mistletoes the kiss of love well there's no mistletoe here voila what if somebody sees us it's a mistletoe it's the law what's the matter I thought I saw that guy I thought I saw him standing right there oh Hawkins and pine took in the process nobody here okay yeah too much caffeine I gotta cut down I'm just gonna I'm gonna check something okay face front something wrong deputy you done Jack you done yeah I'm done okay right index finger left [Music] give me the other hand what this guy's got no Prince oh how the hell can that be Mattel black lock them up do I get in here do me a favor lock him up okay come on I gotta get a bunch of bulbs they all burnt out what are the odds right just do it all right burning out at the same time odds are against it yeah what do you make of it I don't know foreign warning about about what [Music] [Music] did you forget something no Prince yeah I'm telling you the guy's got no fingerprints you can burn prints off with acid yeah but it's not permanent pattern goes down several layers of skin but it always grows back yeah it would have left some scarring or maybe cut them off the skin grows back along with the prince yeah Skin's got growth memory no [ __ ] yeah somebody up there loves comps make sure we always find the bad guys you know all right so what do you want us to do with this guy uh I'll go over them again in a minute I gotta make a phone call First hey Jack you all right feeling what I'm feeling what what that's stranger though Mr nobody gives me the creeps well black started to make me nervous too if you know what I mean yeah right there's something about this prisoner I don't know I can't put my finger on it but [Music] I can't work like this bulbs are burning out in here too Galore you're just gonna have to live with it we're all out of bulbs they're none in the storage locker downstairs they've all been smashed what how'd that happen I I don't know okay I'm gonna go finish processing Mr Nobody Mr Nobody yeah I wouldn't give us his name so is he the real deal I don't know black hasn't broken them yet we don't want to go through that with black again no we don't anyway this time of year there's always a lot of lonely people who make false alarms so they can have somebody spend Christmas with them that's so sad yeah I got a funny feeling this guy ain't no holiday spirit [Music] [Music] who are you buddy you okay in that building you look like you've seen a ghost [Music] what is [Music] what is that That Tune I like Hermosa Mozart's Requiem the death Mass some say it was commissioned by a messenger from Beyond or his funeral what do you think you think there's any truth to that [Music] yes yes I know please just look I missed Mary too you know very much could you please just put the kids on the phone could you do that hey hey guys how you doing well uh Daddy's got some work to do tonight so I will be there for Christmas I promise [Music] I love you guys too thank you [Music] go get our friend you sure he could cause he'll still have to Holiday and treat him right from pulling our chain we'll get him I need somebody to work over all right hey black once was to bring the prisoner up I need a smoke I'll give you a hand okay has anybody seen my scissors galloy What said you put that guy in sell forward let's go [Music] well I must have gotten the fuse box Jesus Christ that goloy said it's cell number four are you looking for me a colloid to the least count [Music] hey is that my deck of cards where'd you get those I said where'd you get those we have a [ __ ] [Music] you tell me all right please your last chance you're gonna start talking no not any little girl you can't whip them I'm innocent Hawkins come back yet no I haven't seen him all right do me a favor Jenny help sure it with Houdini here okay sir thanks hey what crawled up your rusty acid nice that guy look familiar to you oh what Mr Nobody it looks like that Drifter what Drifter that's not possible you better not look like you're talking like that telling me chicken all right it's all right it's him so you listen to me that was a bad situation we're all stressed but that's it you need to let it go you know what's strange what it was all of us who were here that night that's all of us who are here tonight me you sure would Jamie galloy black some coincidence huh come on pal let's get back inside it's [ __ ] pissing out come on I'll buy you a couple Christmas drinks after work all right it's about time you feel like talking yet [Music] red dress blue hairs long legs winking at me who's in victim he talked too much was the last time you ever paid for anything huh what are you doing I'm gonna go check on something all right I'll see you in a bit I stalked the victim foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] you better not be [ __ ] around the Lord here to sit down good boy I'm in no [ __ ] mood [Music] what's with the lights almost dark then I attacked [Applause] [Music] the lights [Music] oh my God there was a what [Music] dream watching [Music] [ __ ] make them talk tell me where his daughter is [ __ ] time Jesus talk or I will cut your tongue out scream no more oh hey pint did you hear that yeah I heard that definitely came from downstairs [Music] blue hair long legs winking handles all right come on okay let's go let's go let's go come on awesome come on dying come on foreign black what's happening black how did you do that get both hands flat on the table do it [Applause] [Music] cuff him cuff him do it both pants just do it all right so quick to violence all right let's go what about him just leave him let's go walk it four both his hands are cut no arguments do it are you gonna tell us what the hell's going on black Hawkins is dead what oh my God push downstairs the entire first floor nothing okay how about outside on our way listen uh maybe we should call for help where the goddamn police galoy go Go cover pies back get out of here all right you go that way check the perimeter listen maybe it's better if we don't split up come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you have to do it the fight with it what is it packs are shiny the devil's very black cat we gotta go up to the roof no no no no way I'm not going up there man get up let's go let's go foreign anything I'm checking the roof Jesus colloid what happened you tell him you found a cat cat you can yeah the the the the collar the the tag said it belonged to me to Mary that can't be okay with somebody just please tell me what the hell is going on there's something I should tell you it's what Hawkins was acting all weird before he what Pine well he just I just thought that Mr Nobody reminded him of The Drifter just watch the door all right turn him around turn him around where is she get him up get him off where is she he's got my little girl are you sure yes come on start time hey come on come on you look black man maybe she just ran away she's a Lego finder no this is the guy I swear this is the guy can't do this I want you let's suck it up you want to go upstairs no I'm good good [ __ ] I swear to God you tell me where she is spotted and I mean just tell me is she alive all right just tell me he's still alive all right this is your last chance man you just tell me you're still alive see look up my friend look up huh [Music] got it all right that's it I'm gonna throw you along get up all right where are they say where is she him again where is she look at me Hawkins come on tell me where his daughter is come on boys [Music] never again again you know what stranger I could do whatever I want you know why because you're a nobody and that little girl she's my flesh and blood well you understand oh [ __ ] it's hard to do this a minute then um [Music] [Music] I never meant for it to go that far take my daughter shut up kaloy there was a good chance man he was still alive yeah but she wasn't because she was already dead the state police shot and killed the guilty who did it they even found little Mary's locking on his person you know what happened Galore a goddamn history lesson isn't needed that Drifter was innocent God you [ __ ] gosh put it down please please you sniveling fat I might not be much but all I gotta do is pull this trailer that's enough we all knew what was on the line that night right all of us we were all guilty for what happened that night if you didn't like it you could have stopped it but you didn't did you you still in a coma you know how do you know that I checked up on him he's in crestdale you what look you might be able to live with it but I I can't live with the lies who's you black it was you who made all of us swear to that story you made us swear that he attacked us and we were forced to defend ourselves Jesus oh we got locked away [Music] all right fine Glory you go check out their roof you two come with me we're gonna check out our Mr Nobody all right all right let's move out [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] time to start talking pal my second victim was need he was a coward came up behind him why are you doing this he does nothing still faces consequences [Music] hey um who are you Glory look where the [ __ ] are you [Music] string them off so with the length of rope I strangled him I had him out to dry hi hi what happened I don't know we only split up for a second man [ __ ] me somebody had to be up there I'll tell you there's nobody up there there wasn't anybody nobody nobody [ __ ] come on [ __ ] all this makes me wonder if God really exists you don't fill your head with all that freaky [ __ ] hey I want that son of a [ __ ] locked up now I mean it let's go good night [Music] jeez guys let Hughes without sin cast the first stone you better shut your pie hole it's ironic isn't it the Old Testament had a wrath for God but people became uneasy with the concept needed the best sellers so they came up with a new testament suddenly God was loving and forgiving I'm an old school myself for the Old Testament I mean you gotta love a god who's not afraid to meet out little Vengeance when the need arises get him out of here [Music] foreign Mary Black mean anything to you this little girl who was murdered last year we arrested a Drifter oh so he was a nobody welcome foreign The Drifters in a coma right and he's been locked up the whole time so how can he kill Hawkins and galoy and then this guy walks in here with his Prince of Darkness routine and has an accomplice knock us off one by one I don't think the one has anything to do with that what do you think black I don't know that's it what fine what is that Galore said he checked up on the drift on a regular basis said he was at uh cresto yeah crestdale let's see if he came out of his coma recently yeah yeah maybe he's on the loose oh yes hello this is Deputy Pine I'm inquiring about one of your patients one of our deputies checked up on a regular basis yes that would be Deputy Glory that's right to John Doe he died earlier this evening you wouldn't happen to know the exact time of death would you thank you The Drifter died at 8 14 pm guloy has recorded here in his log that Mr Nobody walked through that door at 8 14 pm all right uh look we need to call in some help call uh Douglas get Sheriff MacArthur on the line I don't give a damn what deputies instead what we've just been using it it's [ __ ] dead maybe it's all right just keep trying keep trying keep trying They're All Dead all right look I saw some lights when I was up on the roof maybe it was a state troopers from before and that's right they closed off the offering for the town that accident on the highway I can hop on a cruise and go up there use the radio call for some backup it's a good idea do it I'll go with you I want to I guess we just wait huh fine between you and me what do you think we got locked up down there [Music] part of me doesn't want to know where's [ __ ] more than a bit like where you're going I need to know who the strangers why you know why there they are I don't see anybody turn on the break [Music] okay where the [ __ ] are they over here yeah and we're the dummies oh [ __ ] all right slow down I'm waiting for you thought it was this one look I'm over here [Music] [Music] this Drifter you mansion did he have a name no why is that you wouldn't give it to us you wouldn't give it to you there was an accident it was an accident oh I'm ready to continue with My Confession my next victim was a married man you sure wouldn't Janie on the radio and get him over here ASAP go hey where are you guys [Music] Cheney Sherwood come in Janie sure would come in over you hear that I'll check it out there fine this is probably coming over fine is that you God stop it I was hiding in the shadows found my black body got up dead it's awful it's gonna tell who is this thoughtful identify yourself who is this [Music] [Music] [Applause] dude do you hear me show it God damn it I persecuted the poor and protected the rich shut up [ __ ] [ __ ] guys [Music] it's a chance I was behind him he didn't see me [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you doing fine you don't understand come on play with me [ __ ] you want to play come on [Music] show yourself show yourself wait relax where is he there's nothing like there's nothing it's [ __ ] nothing there and then I attacked Sherwood Sherwood come on Jesus Christ no no no laughs sure one [Music] sure one Sherwood where are you of all my Merry mens Robin to run and Sherwood Forest free trifle will soon befall them all leaving them dead and not very please again sure one please answer me sure one sure one sure one sure one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs foreign [Music] we shoot one Jenny look at me look at me tell me what happened we found a trooper Cruiser it was empty nobody there right [Music] is this sorry Mr Nobody his confessions every time he confesses it comes true what the [ __ ] are you talking about he's killing us with his Confections Jesus Christ why did executioners wear hoods huh I mean why do firing squads only load one gun and leave the rest playing I mean why why do three guys throw the switch for the electric chair and only one of them has juice so nobody has to live with a guild in England the executioners who were working the guillotine even though their faces were shrouded in a black cloth they would run home and they would barricade themselves behind the door and hide they were hiding from their victims what because they believe that the victims they condemned would come back as vengeful spirits and hunt them in the middle of the night even though they covered their faces their identities that was how they felt they got their strength by being nobody that gave them freedom from reprisal and The Drifter he's one of them he's using his cloak of anonymity to hunt us from the shadows and he's come back to pay us back for what we did to him and we let him walk right through that [ __ ] door but we didn't execute oh did we didn't I you got us into this you get us out hey I was trying to save my daughter all right that's enough enough now what do we do what do we do you know when I was in Desert Storm we were hit I tell you we were hit harder I don't believe all the [ __ ] about saddam's guys just giving up all right we were being close to being overrun but I see you he told us that there was no shame in retreating when this when the decks were stacked against you I'll tell you what we live to fight another day all right I think I'll move back that [ __ ] squad car all right let's go let's go back it up JD [ __ ] what the [ __ ] all right pop the hood [Applause] okay try it again turn it over Daddy come on ready to hear my confession it's awful there you go come on Kenny hold on JD [ __ ] door blocks she had long golden hair blue eyes I couldn't wait to suffocate her no all right this is your last chance man you just tell me you're still alive um put it on his head tell me where she is I know that you responded in the same place she was last seen now where is she guitar [Music] get down thank you poor girl the powers of Darkness have claimed you for their own you know what stranger I can do whatever I want you know why because you're a nobody no solid pavement Beneath Your Feet no kind neighbors to cheer you on Daddy get down [Music] come on [Music] I'm coming now between The Gallows and The Lunatic Asylum by the way of Silence utter silence no warning voice no one Whispering Your Fate you're being assaulted by the powers of Darkness The Wraith from the back of nowhere has come to bury you in death poor girl she lost her head fine what do you think you're doing just shut up they're dead they're all dead I'm gonna get this son of a [ __ ] goddamn pie are you looking for me [Music] [Music] foreign all around you where is she get him up get him up where is she [ __ ] hey look off my friend look up huh eye for an eye two for a tooth one more I can't see I have an eye now an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth are you ready to hear my final confession Detective [Music] I'll let Hughes without sin cast the first stone stay away from me he stay away foreign you can't escape all the roads lead to me [Music] can't hide in the dome [Music] [Music] told you all roads lead to me tonight where it all started and where it all ends fishing time I confess I confessed that I wronged you I confess all right I confess her around an innocent man all right I have another convention I wasn't innocent you did yes [Music] foreign [Music] that's a nice name I have a cat you want to see him laughs [Music] [Music] foreign probably picked it up some Drifter or some stranger so you were guilty right so it's horror you're innocent what do you expect why you're killing us what Revenge I laid in that comb for a year and all I dreamed about was vengeance do you have any idea how powerful a dream can be if you can't escape from it takes on a life of its own foreign my last victim was detective Alexander black he was a righteous man loved his kids they'll miss him I see this my little girl gave me this pen okay I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to hear your confession tonight [Music] detective black he did yours is an impenetrable Darkness look at you as a man who was lying at the bottom of a precipice where the Sun never shines there are not enough tears for all the sorrow you have brought you were all numbered with the Dead [Music] strange how I have to accept this unforeseen partnership this choice of nightmares forced upon me in this place invaded by these men and greedy Phantoms filled with hate what what I should come earlier but I was afraid [Music] thank you [Music] came to help you Daddy [Music] yes he is honey he scares me I don't know anymore honey you can't hurt you anymore you're going to stop him daddy I wish I could you can I walked through the valley of death and became the shadow of evil oh how can I stop [ __ ] please honey please tell me how can I stop he doesn't like his name he doesn't want people to know it he hides he hides in the shadows it's where he's strong nobody makes him strong uh-huh I know his name put that down well well look who decided to come out and play Stan Lee harbington that is your name isn't it oh Stanley happened child killer stop murder yes coward wait sorry I can't hear you foreign [Music] thank you Daddy I love you but I have pickled now Mary I love you too sweetie very much [Music] [Music] [Music] God rest your Merry Gentlemen that nothing you just made Christ Our Savior was born on Christmas day to save us all from Satan's power when we were gonna straight oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy [Music] of joy [Music] foreign [Music] start with beauty [Music] guide us to the perfect life to guide us to the perfect place [Music] God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen let nothing you dismay remember Christ Our Savior was born on Christmas Day to save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray [Music] oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 1,046,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, the traveler movie, val kilmer, mr nobody movie
Id: BttKn4oDV5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 52sec (5572 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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