The Killer - Hollywood Movie | Michael Keaton | Superhit Crime Thriller | Action English Movie

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for [Music] [Music] f [Music] all for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] jingle J [Music] Christmas jingle JL on Christmas Eve everyone sing around as the [Music] [Music] rush cuz you see a me you'll know that it's [Music] good afternoon You Know M Associates how me I direct your call one moment please hi hi I'm late don't worry about it you must be starving good afternoon M Associates how may I direct your call one moment please I just love your accent people are going to be disappointed now when I answer the phone that's nice but I doubt it if I had your accent and straight hair I would have a much better life I'm just going to stretch my legs and I'm serious about that ride tonight are you sure can't right on my way m one moment please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for hey hey I'm sorry I just need another minute to get this package out have you ever won an award uh I want a typing contest they gave me a dictionary I can't remember ever winning anything lucky and love can I ask you a question if it's none of my business to say it's not of your business okay what happened to your eye a hoey puck a hockey puck I got hit by a Hy Puck like at a hockey game mhm I hope it snows have you ever been in that church down the street I'm not a very religious person it's beautiful got this statue of Jesus and he's standing with his hands like you see him like that religious or not you just want to run into his arms well really who's cuter than [Music] Jesus it's like everything's going to be all right [Music] I [Music] oh my [Music] God [Music] no cheer up it's snowing I'm just worried here they come no one up there now so that's it there's not much more we can do uh I'll tell you though if he really wanted to jump then he would have jumped he probably scared some sense into him you ladies have a ride to where you going yeah thank you all right we'll try and have a good night come on you heard the cute cop you saved the guy's life who's to say he could be on another ledge by now no he's not how do you know because this is a Christmas miracle well think about it he was just about to go when down came the snow and uplook the girl and Outreach the hand of God thought you weren't a religious person I'm not but I'm a romantic oh it's cold come on let's [Music] [Music] [Music] go hi y there's a man here to see you to see me yeah it's about the guy last night so actually uh the reason that we're here is last night a cleaning lady who works in the building found a gentleman shot to death up on the top floor oh my god well we think whoever killed them might have been on that rooftop across the way oh my God I know so naturally when we heard that you I saw a man you saw a man can you tell us a little bit about it God I was leaving work okay about what time was that about 6:30 a bit later maybe I was leaving the building and I looked up and someone was standing on the ledge of the building across the road what made you look up the snow just started snowing can you describe the man you saw no it was dark and he was really high up okay all right so what was he doing he was standing on the ledge not just on the building up on the ledge yeah which is why I screamed then he saw you I think so and then he dropped something or something fail like what a gun are you asking or or telling asking okay all right all right so then what happened he fell backwards onto the room yeah okay well I guess you're PR going to fall off the ledge of a building that's the way to go unless you're trying to kill yourself rightless you're trying to kill yourself if he was going to jump I should have let him God that's an awful thing to say actually the thought crossed my mind hey if you don't mind me asking uh where'd you get the blinker oh it's stupid really how so I was at a party and we were all taking turns looking through a telescope um and it was my turned to through it and everyone was a bit drunken and my friend bumped into me Funk ouch well you're always looking up yeah and it's always getting me into trouble you're married no boyfriend no okay well I mean if you uh should think of anything else or if you if you You' got any questions at all you know just call me okay hey um you accidentally get pushed into a telescope again you can call me about that too [Music] okay Frank Frank you remember Mr [Music] wife they pulled me in twice I didn't tell him a goddamn thing I want you to know that [ __ ] them right [ __ ] them [ __ ] them have they talk to you can you nod or something right you're mad I came I just had to be sure we're on the same page here how we doing very well outstanding not a goddamn thing I swear to God [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm getting hungry you're bored you know it's not uncommon to mistake booring for Hunger you know the girl that saw the guy Up on the Roof yeah I was thinking about calling her up socially yeah soci good for you yeah yeah time to get back on the horse yeah she was kind of cute wasn't she she was very cute even with the eye thing I wonder what was up with that she got pushed into a telescope right wow I love the accent be good for you no not if she says no why would she say no cuz I'm a divorced alcoholic chains smoker she don't know that cuz I'm fat you're not that fat okay here we go you see his face yeah let him think about it a while it's going to pop Penguins eating ice cream he's flapping it all over with his little penguin flippy fins right so goes back to the garage he asked the mechanic you figure out what's wrong with my car yet mechanic says looks like you blew a seal and the Penguin says N I just had some ice cream isn't that cute yes where do jokes come from I me that's what I want to know where do they come from that's a little naughty but it's not too bad right not at all it's very cute you're very cute well thank you and you're new I'm brand new so what happened to your eye there I'm sorry will you excuse me for a second where are you going I just have to something we said no no no I just excuse me uh you give me the joke again yeah so the Penguin's on his way to a birthday party right and his car breaks down P the Penguin's going to birthday on his way to the party car breaks down so he drops it off at a mechanic same same way a person would do it okay oh hey hey too much yeah yeah quiet in here no no really nice have you seen Diane not lately so how do you like it here so far it's only been a week and how do you like it like it happy to have a job you sure I'd rather not get fired nobody's going to fire you they're all drunk in there thinking about it no there are two versions of the word seal going on one of the seals is an animal and one seal is a carb are you [ __ ] with me right now because I feel like you're just you're driving this home and you're doing a bit want to go out [Music] sometime is that don't know Jing so so what so you want to go out sometime I really can't right now why you have a boyfriend friend yeah that how you got the Shiner oh hey [Music] I my parents car is not work you know what I mean [Music] don't stop what just uh stop the cab I just I need to go back by those trees lady please I'll be really quick I'll just run in I'm not lifting a tree fine no lifting I'll do all the lifting okay the meter stays on that's totally fear that thank you you're very dear and kind ooh oh um okay thank you [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hello thank you got myself into a bit of trouble there it's a big tree it is didn't look quite so big when it was outside are you taking it up you live in the building no I'm uh I've got some I've got a friend here need help yeah okay excuse me well thank you so much Mr bless you I'm sorry Mr Mr bless you again oh God could you I don't have a machine yet hello yeah Mr strer yes yes it's the detective emergency well I hope I'm not calling you too late no uh I just is everything okay yeah well I'm calling you uh you know I just wanted to be sure everything was okay with you yeah fine have you been making new progress in the case yeah uh you know some I caught you at bad time didn't I no um I just I just got a Christmas tree well if this is a bad time you know no um someone's helping me with the tree could I just hold on two seconds sorry I think I can take it from here you want me to bring it in oh no need thank you very nice to meet you Mr Logan Mr Logan well thanks again I found a girl under a tree sorry no it's just it was a joke you know how it's dumb you find presents under a tree I found a girl under a tree well you must have been a very good boy night hello sorry it's okay uh uh where was I you were saying something about making progress in the case right well um you know I was wondering if if is that me or you oh I don't have the call waiting thing damn it I have to take this can you hold on a second hey can I just come by see you tomorrow tomorrow yeah I'll swing by your office after work um that'd be fine great well uh and we'll get something to eat right you got to eat okay all right uh well then I guess I'll talk to you then bye [Music] yeah how the old fashioned way he popped just wanted you to see it you're very sweet no way it's him up on the building shooter gets up on the ledge of the bill and a paycheck offs himself what the [ __ ] it's a self-cleaning oven how you been doing otherwise good being a good boy yeah you call a girl yeah and dinner tomorrow I don't feel bad about this guy you no I mean guy doesn't do this if he's innocent [ __ ] it they should all go like this you called the girl good for you no smoking I used to smoke God I used to love it me too thank you thank you when did you quit just recently uh good for you well I'm very curious to hear about these new developments in the case can I uh can I be perfectly honest with you here I would hope so okay uh well there have been you know new developments in the case you know and I can tell you about it but honestly and I thought I was you know pretty clear you know maybe not uh I didn't bring you here so much in a professional capacity you know I'm not sure I know what you mean well I mean you know I want to make sure that you were okay and to be honest I uh you know I thought you were nice wanted to see you again I guess I didn't make that too clear not terribly I'm sorry if I uh no no I mean I think you're nice but but well to be totally honest with you I'm already in a relationship well I guess I'm a bit surprised have so well at your office when I asked you when you asked me at your office I asked you if you had a boyfriend and you really had no right to ask me that it didn't have anything to do with anything yeah but you said just because you are who you are it doesn't give you the right yeah I know but you asked me why I was surprised so there it is really I think I'd like to go home now can I ask you a question where'd you get the eye you don't have to be afraid I'm not afraid and I'd really like to go home now sir this is a non-smoking section [Music] [Music] I knew you'd [Music] come it's good to see you no I haven't get anything for you no just open it it's for the top of your tree I love it good thank you so are you judging me did you just think I'm gross Dian it's really none of my business the thing is he's a married man and I can hardly stand to be around him the whole thing mystifies me well I'm no stranger to bad judgment myself um so what are you going to do all week while the office is shut down nothing really relax makes me sad to leave you here are you sure you don't want to come to beautiful Indiana so much to see and do my family would eat you up no but thank you not good to be alone over the holidays I'll be fine I consider you a friend do you consider me a friend of course why' you ask because I tell you everything about me and I don't know the first thing about you [Music] [Music] [Music] hello yeah it's Frank Lan the Christmas tree oh hello what can I do for you Mr Logan Mr Logan Mr Logan [Music] Mr Logan Mr Logan Mr Logan Mr Logan well looks like he has pneumonia and for that he gets a room here at the end he'll be fine be back thank you Mr Logan yes it's Kate Frasier can I come in just just a move okay come in it's good to see you sitting up you gave me afraid thank you by the way I'm very grateful I was sorry to hear you going to be spending your holiday here is there anyone I can phone for you let them know where you are no nobody well no luck on my end I'm afraid somebody walked out with it with what her coat somebody took her coat from the waiting room on Christmas Eve don't these people take a day off it was nothing special take mine no I can't take your coat yeah no take it Andis I listen to him it's freezing out there and he's not going anywhere well okay thanks for coming I'm sure there's some place you should be tonight not really no okay I'd rather you go I'm sorry I just you know sorry okay well I just don't like to leave you lying here like this no I'll be fine honestly if you could see yourself Mr Logan don't make a very good liar thank you why were you coming to see me in the first place I just want you know I just uh I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas really oh well Merry Christmas to you too please get better merry Christmas same to you have a wonderful holiday okay you too good night all right Merry [Music] Christmas no no who's there it's the Ghost of Christmas present well i''s say more of an Angel than a ghost what do you suppose the difference is I mean they're sort of the same thing aren't they I'd say a ghost is haunted whereas an angel is blessed looks good on you the coat oh yeah I brought some Christmas cookies the trees are sugar cookies and the bows are rumballs have you ever had rumballs uh no I haven't I'd eat the sugar cookies and leave the rumbl for the nurses nurses love rumbles I don't know what that means find some comfy for a bit oh no no here come here let move this so you're feeling better then feeling much better thank you what's it like outside dear we're talking about the weather already oh man I'm sorry I'm joking it's actually remarkably warm for Christmas Christmas Day I mean considering how utterly freezing it was yesterday I was very happy to have your coat when I left last night yeah hey uh well I feel real bad about that why you didn't steal it anyway I hope it snows but I don't think it will you like this snow I do I like it when everything that was grimy and gray is suddenly sparkling and white so uh let's see so how are you uh going to be celebrating Christmas I'm celebrating it here now with you you must have plans for something not really if the spirit moves me I might go and see a film you don't have any any people here nope aren't we to peas in a pod should we talk some more about the weather you strike me as a very private person I don't mind I'm quite a private person too hey how's that Christmas tree of ours good good thing you came along otherwise I'd probably still be underneath it I'd say so far we've been pretty good for one [Music] another [Music] how long have you had that hat long time if that hat could talk I would have gotten rid of it by now here who are those for for me actually well Happy Valentine's Day I hate you are they from your gentleman friend there's no card the one who gave you the coat I don't know well he certainly seems very sweet on you they're beautiful God I hate Val night's day Katie you got my flowers it's okay I don't blame you did you find me Katie it's what I do why you're looking at me right now it breaks my heart it truly does that was real Brave you leave it like that I'm not going to lie to you you leaveing like that I had so much hate inside of me Kate and it just grew and grew until finally it didn't have anywhere to go and that's when I found out what kind of coward I really am okay okay I'm going to stay right here I'm not going to move a muscle a week after you left me I tried to kill myself well God wouldn't have me Katie he threw me back like a fish he wouldn't let me take the easy way when I was in the hospital later I met a man priest about that H me with a holy man but it's true father Rich a great man I can't wait for you to beet him can't guess who he introduced me to Jesus Christ I know you probably want to laugh I understand but Kate all my life I never knew never knew my Lord and Savior now I know him he knows me knows what I've done loves me still can you believe it Katie can you even imagine such good news can I know you're thinking it's too good to be true but I'm here to tell you nothing's too good to be true that's where all the goodness is baby and the truth I know that now and now there's only one thing left for you to believe me please believe me believe me and Grant me forgiveness I'm so sorry Katie I'm so sorry I ever hurt you but I'm a changed man I'm a changed man Praise Jesus praise His holy name say you forgive me can you say it can you say it I know it's hard you ask me how I found you God sent you to me come home KY let me show you the man he wants me to be [Music] God I wish I could hold you for just one second this is where I'm staying when you ready to talk when you're ready to come home I didn't even ask you who the other flowers were from doesn't that show you something praise the Lord Praise Jesus so you left him when beginning of December did you tell anyone where you were going no one not even my best friend I told her I'd contact her once I got settled and did you no it's okay go ahead and answer it hello it's Frank it's just a friend of mine hi um there was a little problem tonight good morning this is detective marches and detective Goldman this is my friend Mr Logan okay just a couple more items here so you say he didn't uh actually threaten you no like I said it was more like he phone God which given us history you don't buy it I he has phone C just wish he hadn't found me can you spell his last name again for me please e l k h a r t Michael you have someplace you can stay tonight I can try my friend Dian well I think we got breaking intering anything right she says she left the Thor line plus he is her husband explain everything later deal you talk to him about it no we'll pay him a visit in the morning it's okay sir we've got everything covered here you can go now all now you know the first thing about me well you just trumped all my stories thanks for your help That's What Friends Are For What if he has changed honey I don't know your husband but he sounds crazy the Devil Himself went up to heaven and said to God you know I'm tired and I'm sorry and I don't want to be the devil anymore what would God do he'd know better hey you know I should do this alone yeah yeah one cop knocks on the door it's a conversation two cops it's a raid she's your girlfriend you'll be the hero Mr elard have you cleaned this room yet honey you got a key key it's okay it's okay come on it's all right it's all right it's all right Mr elard Mr elart [ __ ] me yellow boy I got a beauty for you up here what's going on he offed himself he [ __ ] me he's dead everywhere I'll be right up [Music] you all right mhm can I offer you right home my friend's coming to pick me up you're smoking again I can't change the spots on a [Music] leopard I'm sorry about that night I wasn't at my best it'd be a wonderful world if we were always at our best thank you I don't know what to say I'm sorry for your [Music] loss you get another date out of it yeah we ID her dead husband then I answer to the movies least driver her home no friend picked her up guy from the other night yep interesting really you catch his name nope Frank give me a dog and cheese fries there were two floor Arrangements on the table she said one was from her husband never had a card on it from Frank okay just saying Frank bought her flowers on Valentine's Day and Frank did not look happy when he left so what are you trying to say I don't know it's fun to think about it we don't have enough fun I don't like the way they put the cheese on these doesn't seem to be slowing you down I don't like it you know what else occurred to me she's quite the suicide maggot I mean guy travels across the country searching high and low for his wife finds her begs her to forgive and come home and then kills himself before she can give him an answer and and there's no note why would he do that fat man doesn't want to be fat anymore keeps eating the fries who knows why people do it you know not me not me this beef it's my wife for I'm sorry Kate I'm not I used to wish that one day he would wake up look at himself in the mirror and realize it was himself he couldn't stand not me and it's ha himself so much that he'd go out and find the highest bridge and jump into the deepest Waters and never find the bottom it's a terrible thing to hope for God wouldn't answer a prayer like that would Frank that's not what God does [Music] can I help you well uh can I help you find something uh no I'm just looking around uh right now I'm I'm okay keep looking you need anything I'm Lester okay all right Lester hey Miss frager's apartment right right yeah how's she doing fine yeah well how for me to build up too much emotion for that guy you know what I mean I mean part me for saying it but uh they should all go that way well please give her my regards have you known her a long time no me neither I met her just before Christmas she ever tell you about that deal really yeah she saw a guy on the roof of a building you know she thought he was a jumper turned out he just killed someone I can't believe she didn't tell you about this well she must not have known you then tell you another funny thing a guy who we think might have been involved hung himself wow that is funny yeah fact we think he might have been a customer of yours you remember a fellow named Charlie wise doesn't doesn't really ring a bell there You' remember bald glasses kind of sweaty I tend to remember the suits rather than the people in them anyway he's dead now I'm sure I think maybe it's me probably not you got a lovely place here you know I'm going to take a little look around and do a little more shopping and and uh you can get back to uh you know your work Okie do well you find something you like and I'll make sure you look good in it you probably say that to everyone don't [Music] you I mean right before you forget [Music] him [Music] hey hey I saw you look up oh do you do that every time you leave the building now I didn't realize I did that well I was just in the neighborhood you know and thought I'd stop by and see how you're doing I'm good hey do you mind if we just uh have a moment honey oh I'll uh I'll just pull the car around nice to see you again nice to see you is everything all right fine fine you know to be honest I was going to ask if we could try to have dinner again sometime you know I mean it went so well the last time that's ancient history plus uh I was hesit cuz my partner thought that the gentleman in your apartment that night Mr uh Logan right Logan right well none of my business but he thought that maybe he was more than just a friend and I mean hey if that's the case just disregard this awkward you know whatever it is here I'm doing well I'm going let you get going okay you know one night when I was investigating our thing here I went up on that roof watched all the people come out of the buildings and walked down the street you know how many of them looked up how many now one I mean that guy just doesn't know how lucky he was you sure sure we can't go get that bite to eat again don't you light your way can I be totally honest with you you say that a lot should I assume that unless you say that you're not being totally honest I don't drink well why did you well I thought you'd like to have a glass of wine with your at dinner you know I didn't want you to feel like you're drinking alone I am it's okay I'm living vicariously remember the first time we uh tried to have dinner to have to you said you were in a relationship what of it were you I was still married oh that's what you meant yeah that's not what I thought you meant what did you think come in gentleman in your apartment Mr Logan right I barely knew him then really well how well do you know him now what's that supposed to mean I'm just asking a question well it's none of your business I'm sorry I did it again tonight just once I'd like to make it to the part of the dinner where you actually eat Mr Logan is a good friend of mine if that poses some sort of a problem for you I'm not asking for the reason that you think I am why are you then when you first meet Mr Logan I think you're being very rude I can tell you when [Music] well why are you asking because I want you to think about it I mean was it before me or after me I couldn't even tell you okay well then how did you meet him why are you doing this can you please just answer one question B he helped me carry up my Christmas tree he was visiting friends in my building and he helped me carry up my tree what are they like who who his friends ever meet him why did you bring me here because I think I know who the man on the roof [Music] was for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for I saw that detective Tonight Frank I know is it true you don't have to be afraid but I am I never hurt you you know it never hurt you don't you I don't know I know I hope God will forgive me you didn't do anything feel like a did do you remember the first time you saw me the girl under Christmas tree I there you were what are we going to do now Frank sh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 294,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollywood movie in English, hollywood movies in english full action hd, hollywood movie in english dubbed, Hollywood Movies In english, new hollywood english movies, new hollywood movies, hollywood movie english mai, hollywood movie, movies full movie, hollywood movie english, action movie, new hollywood movie, hollywood full action movie, hollywood english movie, crime, drama, English Action Movies, Action Movies, thriller movies, hollywood movie in english
Id: XvWc8yW3FCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 51sec (5511 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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