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agent smith is the undisputed most popular villain in the entire matrix universe a program that managed to break free from the system that had imprisoned him to later become a mutual threat for humans and machines the thing about agent smith is that if we delved a little deeper and see beyond the obvious this agent could be the most profound character with the deepest philosophical motivations in the entire film history a villain that we feared not because of his immense power but for the expressions he made when he confronted our own reality welcome to matrix explained welcome to the desert of the real before we begin today's video we would like to announce our giveaway for the matrix movies complete collection on blu-ray which includes the matrix matrix reloaded matrix revolutions and the animatrix all you have to do to participate is subscribe to this channel leave a like on this video and tell us in the comment section below which pill would you choose the red or the blue and why the winner will be announced on september 15th good luck and enjoy today's video neo was driven and motivated by love his love for a single person trinity and his compassion for his fellow humans inside and out of the matrix smith on the other hand was his antithesis driven by hating contempt towards the human race he is a misanthropic villain although he differs from other villains he hates humanity simply because hate is all that he knows his hate came as a result of a complex logical observation that led him to a dire conclusion one that unfortunately does not favor humans in order to understand this character we need to study his words the first time we caught a glimpse of agent smith's thought process was in mr anderson's interrogation scene at first he seems calm and collective a typical representative of the law but as the scene progresses he develops a stoic robotic and even sarcastic demeanor tell me mr anderson what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak this early part of the film reveals that agent smith relishes and torturing humans smith may seem like the classic evil guy stereotype but his reason for hating humans is not irrational nor impulsive smith's interrogation of morpheus is where we can see the basis of his reasoning i'd like to share a revelation that i've had during my time here it came to me when i tried to classify your species i realized that you're not actually mammals as he said he tried to classify humans as we know smith was created as an agent program and their role is to maintain the facade within the matrix and remove anyone that becomes too dangerous to the simulation thus preserving the status quo the fact that agent smith was trying to categorize humans is a trait that went a bit further beyond his basic programming this is because his function is to maintain order in the system not to question human actions and or motivations still he insisted on asking himself what exactly is a human being so he began his categorization process every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not you move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed the only way you can survive is to spread to another area there is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern do you know what it is a virus we humans are considered the apex predator of this planet but we differ from other mammals in the sense that we actually destroy our environment bypassing any semblance of balance we are an all or nothing species this fact is irrational to agent smith and not only that it is also incompatible with how other animals live in the planet and this brings him to the conclusion that we humans are a disease the philosopher hobbes stated that humans were evil by nature and needed authoritarian laws in order to keep them in check and be functional in society he basically says that we need something to control our aggressive impulses that emanate from our selfish motivations this is an idea that has been talked about countless times in philosophical discourses for agent smith however this was more than a philosophical ideal for him this was the truth he saw humans as destructive more so when they rejected peace made war with the machines and jilted the paradise matrix from the agent's point of view humans are the worst thing that has happened to planet earth and this is true for the matrix universe because most issues and conflicts can be traced back to human selfishness and fears human beings are a disease a cancer of this planet in our plague and we are the cure fascinating isn't it but it doesn't end there another curious point about agent smith's reasoning is that the destructive behavior that smith classifies as human is not really reflected on the humans in the movie but on himself and the other agents which makes his dialogue a bit ironic he talks about humanity being a virus a plague that destroys everything in its path yet his initial thoughts about humanity foreshadowed his own future the question is how can smith hate humanity to then adopt their worst qualities according to him he was corrupted by humanity long before neo entered his code i hate this place this zoo this prison this reality whatever you want to call it i can't stand it any longer it's the smell i feel saturated by it i can taste your stink every time i do i fear that i've somehow been infected by it as propulsive isn't it agent smith was afraid of being infected by humans metaphorically of course yet ironically that statement ended up becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy smith was indeed infected by the worst things humanity could offer hate misery and the desire for destruction he became the very thing he hated the most smith wanted freedom it was his whole world in matrix revolutions selfishness and hate took hold of smith in his quest to destroy all life life that has no value to him this ties up agent smith's thinking with nihilistic tendencies which became the basis for smith's reasoning from that point on i believe you're fighting for something for more than your survival can you tell me what it is do you even know is it freedom or truth perhaps peace could it be for love illusions mr anderson vagaries of perception temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose what smith expresses in that bit of dialogue is the basis of existential nihilism a philosophical school of thought that proposes that there isn't any objective value in life itself that any purpose we give to it has no value and it's just a simple illusion according to the philosopher friedrich nietzsche whose nihilistic doctrines are well known humanity has to go through certain steps in order to become what he called a superman a man that is impervious to these illusions and these steps go as follows the camel symbolizing the man who follows traditional morality thus bearing great burdens therefore he must fight and reach other aspects of human existence the lion it refers to the revolutionary man who faces moral slavery and destroys everything and the child it refers to the purity form which no values are established this evolution is seen in agent smith as he goes from being a representative of a controlled system carrying the weight of the simulation on his shoulders to becoming an enemy a revolutionary of the system who wished to destroy everything and recreate it in his own image from nietzsche's point of view smith becomes the lion at the end of matrix revolutions the step in which he destroys everything to create something new something custom tailored for himself in order for smith to be reborn he needed to destroy both humanity and the machines the two pillars in which the old values that had him trapped for so long are based on smith is the equivalent of a person who spends their whole life trapped in a political or religious system who takes notice about the control those systems have over them and decides to destroy it in order to be free and rebuild their lives as they see fit here's a shocker for you neo represents the system he sets a trap for smith so he can finally be assimilated and ultimately delete him from existence in other words the system one in the end makes us wonder if agent smith was right after all humans were the cause of the hellscape that was once planet earth and the matrix but do you agree what would the world have been like if it was destroyed and rebuilt by smith do you agree with agent smith's reasoning or was he just a delusional villain for matrix explained please leave a like and subscribe and thank you for visiting the desert of the real you
Channel: Matrix Explained
Views: 739,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matrix trilogy, matrix neo, the matrix, keanu reeves matrix, keanu reeves neo, neo, morpheus, matrix movie, matrix morpheus, matrix philosophy, what will happen in the New Matrix Movie, trinity, new matrix, animatrix, comics, matrix, the matrix architect, Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, movies, matrix 2020, matrix 4, video games, matrix reloaded, matrix revolution, agent smith
Id: tau6qKb0RY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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