The trailer is LYING TO YOU | Arcane Season 2 teaser analysis

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hello traged justs and trick shooters my name is TB sky and it's happening it's happening it's happening it is happening it's going to happen it's going to be happening it is going to have been happening happened um and Arcane season 2 finally has its first teaser trailer now if you want to get my instant reaction my immed like watching this goddamn trailer for the first time and talking about it that is over on my reaction Channel which you'll find a link to that in the description and in the comments down below where I just yeah just my immediate reactions to the goddamn thing some immediate hairbrain theories about what's going on there you can go and you can go and do that um but over here in this particular video we're going to go through this whole goddamn thing frame by mother freaking frame and we're going to talk about just about everything that I have spotted happening in this particular trailer and all my thoughts and ideas about what the hell might actually be going on and the main thing that I think is going on is that this trailer is lying it is lying to us it is lying through its teeth right into our open faces and that's not new they did the same thing with the trailer for season 1 that trailer included like multiple shots actually um that just didn't appear in the final show at all either because they were intentionally misdirecting us or because those shots just happened to get cut before the final season actually came out so looking at this trailer we're going to take everything with a grain of salt because there are multiple times that I spotted that the trailer is deliberately misleading you about what is happening what is going to be happening one of the things that I think for example is that pretty much every single shot in this tra in this teaser trailer or at least the majority of them I think they are all from the First Act of the show like the first three episodes of the thing um maybe there's a few from the second act or something slightly deeper into it but I really do think they're limiting themselves to only the early parts of the story and uh yeah one of the things that's not in this trailer is basically any sign of Victor and J except a couple of things we'll get to those once we get there it is all focusing exclusively on VI and Jinx and uh let's actually just get into it immediately because I want to focus in on one particular lie that the trailer is telling us and this is going to be unedited a little bit unstructured um and there's going to be a bunch of that clippy audio uh going on actually I should make that stop happening just give me a moment it's a setting in a Premier Pro uh that I just need to turn off there we go here is where the trailer tells you it's first lie my sister has gone that's the first lie here's the second that's also a lie it's a lie of a mission it's not it's not like an obvious lie but but it is a lie and a couple of other lies uh one of them happen somewhere around the explosion with the thing let's see there's a lie and there's a lie right we'll get to them but just pin those in the back of your head for now and let's just start at the very very very very very very beginning so we open it looks like in the aftermath of the assault on the council building right and we hear the voiceover from Amba Marda saying that your council is dead now there must be Vengeance right essentially she's talking to someone saying that the council is dead now only war is left and I draw a couple of conclusions from this first of all Jace isn't dead we know this because he can't be dead he's a champion he can't really die if Arcane is going to be like the main source of the cannon going forward the creators of Arcane have argued no no no Champions are definitely available to to die in Arcane and I kind of don't believe them very much like maybe maybe maybe they're going to swing for that maybe Riot is going to have some answer to as to why a champion who is dead is nonetheless not dead in the cannon um who knows but Jace is not going to be dead here and I have another reason for thinking that we'll get we'll get that to that later down the line but I think Mel is I think Mel just might actually be dead here but someone who is definitely dead 110% for sure dead is Caitlyn's mother I believe Mrs Kieran is definitely dead and that is going to be the source of a lot of like the the social tension and the conflict between VI and Caitlyn in the show um because Caitlyn is going to have a pretty goddamn compelling reason to you know want to [ __ ] kill Jinx um I believe like because she says the council is dead that means definitely Mrs Kieran is dead Jace might be grievously injured that's entirely possible and I think so because that would give Victor another reason to try and pursue the uh hex core again right to try and use it to cure his friend rather than try and himself maybe he'll use it to try and save Jace something along those lines that's all speculation though um but we open on like the immediate aftermath of the end of season one right the the assault in the council chambers this is probably after they've cleaned up a little bit there but like just a visual to soort a show that the Council of piltover is broken and Chaos now Reigns then we swap to a completely different scene this is nowhere near the council chamber this is a bunch of uh sort of chemtech suit suit thugs um that VI is sort of walking over who have been defeated presumably in the aftermath of an attack on whatever the hell this place is and that Podium back there looks an awful lot like the podium that Jace was standing at on progress day announcing like the the Glorious future of hextech and sort of failing to push it as far as Victor uh would have wanted him to that's what this place looks like to me and it seems like the chem Baron the chem thugs have assaulted that place and this is the aftermath of that battle then we have ambessa couple of things here first of all that's a somewhat tonian aesthetic that she's got going on here like not completely um but there's definitely some targon in there like this golden mask thing that she's got going on um and like all the gold that she's got on her and that sort of refers back to some of the stuff we saw in season one where we see this flashback to melo's Childhood where ambessa sort of like murders a girl in front of her after Mel sort of tries to have a diplomatic solution um to the Dilemma that's put in front of her and ambass just kind of no no kill people and that girl looked kind of taroni and that the place that that they were in looked sort of kind of taroni um which sort of implies that noxus might have a colony in targon or have some kind of of of of like territorial Holdings there and maybe that's where Marda is getting this golden mask thing this also the lower lip thing here that she's got going on I don't think she had that in season one I haven't actually gone and checked but Mel did so if ambessa is putting on a bit of decoration on her lip that used to be mostly associated with her daughter that feels a little bit like the sort of thing a grieving mother might do in tribute um sort of the same thing with like the white stuff under the eye here or on the other hand of course it could also be that Mel was doing that because that's how her mother dressed us for battle right like who knows I still do believe that Mel is probably dead except of course like I said this trailer is lying to us so that could be a manipulation from them to make us think that oh God Mel is dead she was in a place in terms of her story where her dying in the attack on the council building would make a certain degree of sense like it's her story is resolved enough and it was sort of introducing ambessa at the end of it into like aort as a sort of continuing element where like she dies it fuels at thirst for revenge in essa's heart and also becomes like an an impetus for Jace like like he already was like no you Sil you got to hand over Jinx otherwise there's no deal we got to have Jinx and now if Jinx has managed to kill Mel along with the rest of the council Jace is going to have a pretty compelling reason also to be uncompromising in his approach to the conflict with son going forward so my my working theory is that Mel is dead of course it's entirely possible that after like that the thing we saw at the end of season 1 which was that like Golden Glow on her back from her like gold tattoo thing or whatever gold thing that she's constantly wearing looked kind of like some Sonia's hourglass sort of magic getting ready to activate so maybe she's still alive like maybe maybe Jace jumped in front of her to try and protect her and then her magic went off maybe that protected the both of them and that's why they are alive but the entire rest of the council is dead um Victor was also present there though so we need an explanation of how the sickly Nearly Dead Guy managed to survive um that particular explosion who knows um my working theory is that Mel is dead and that her death is going to be like a driving force for the conflict for the on the Character level of ambessa and Jace in particular um but there's a bunch of taroni stuff going on here which I'm interested in because there's a couple of other things in the trailer there is a temple that seems to be a temple of Jan later on down the line we'll talk about that once we get there and then this if this is tonian then like okay are we going to be introducing like the idea of the cosmic like the M like are we going to be introducing like the actual Cosmic magic or the or like just passing reference to kale maybe at some point as the aspect of Justice cuz ambessa does very specifically like you will have Justice right like which feels like that could be an invocation of kale specifically I don't think that means that kale is going to show up or that Jenna is going to show up for that matter but maybe they're going to incorporate that a little bit as part of the World building again now that Arcane is going to be the center of the cannon of League of Legends maybe they want to start building in like World building details more extensively from outside of piltover and on on um would be my initial thoughts on that this does look very taroni though like uh I also see like like there seem to be some like some African inspiration in some of the ways that that she's decorated here which I think is really [ __ ] cool and she's put her hair up um in like this very severe hairstyle which like really does sort of imply that that our our girl is about to get uh about to get her murder on um which I'm excited to see personally also love the colors like the black and red of nox's like again it's just beautiful it's just really pretty everything in this [ __ ] trailer is really [ __ ] pretty I'm sort of I'm sort of in a place where I'm like is there any point commenting on it because everything's pretty obviously it's pretty it's forti they've never gotten worse at anything ever um this [ __ ] shot so is this a piltover sort of war zeblin or something coming out of the sky or is this like a Herald of a an invasion Force that's going to be landing in piltover um I don't know where exactly this happens either I don't know either because the end of season 1 the blood moon was in the sky right like this bright red light like sort of all over the sky which sort of makes me think this could like immediately I thought oh this could be in the immediate aftermath of jinx blowing up the council Tower and this is VI sort of running to the scene to see what has happened but I feel like VI was a little bit more beat up at the end of season one uh and she seems kind of fine now so probably some time has passed between then and that then we cut to this shot of a bunch of noxian Honor guards I would imagine uh forming this powerful front bashing on their chests um in salute as a bunch of piltover police officers stand right behind them there's this character over here who are you I'm curious about you that character designs could be a little bit too complex to be just a side character but who knows um which suggests like a both a united front between the piltover police and the noxian uh like these noxian Armed Forces but also that these noxian armed forces have superseded the police that they're standing in front of them right like they're standing out front these guys are behind as followers there is a visual language in this particular frame of empowerment for these guys and disempowerment for those guys they seem subordinate to the noxians out in front which again if essa's daughter was just killed who was like the daughter of an incredibly important like Noble House in in noxus maybe noxus takes that as casos belli right like as a reason to invade and the negotiation that happens there is like okay we will allow you to sort of lead a man hunt for Jinx to get revenge for the death of your daughter um in return for please don't start a war with us and invade us like we'll Co cooperate rather than resist you um which is usually the way that you get along with noxus is to just not resist them and at that point they're are happy to just Waltz in and take over the existing power structures um then we have uh this guy here he looks like a Zite to me um this is something I comment I did a I did a I did a [ __ ] hourong reaction to the 12C clip um that they posted back when Netflix posted up um its teasers for the thing and one of the things we saw in that trailer was like the lineup of of Caitlyn's strike Squad and this guy looks saw night to me specifically in the way that first of all he's fa hair doesn't quite look pilen um ptto facial hair has a tendency to be more of this [ __ ] like these very well quaffed like very well- groomed uh close beards and like like mustaches and things like that and this guy has a little bit more of a Vander thing going on right like a little bit more Rough Around the Edges like especially like with the braids and like the rough hair sort of falling over the place he looks a little bit saite in his aesthetic uh to me which sort of makes me wonder since we know that there's a vastaya on Caitlyn's Strike Team whether Strike team is like going to be sort of consciously composed of Outsiders to the pilt over police otherwise like like like like people who like don't get any respect with the piltover enforcers otherwise but whom Caitlyn like sees potential in them and puts them together as like a a rag tag team who's going to go and find Jinx in the in the unders City kind of thing that's going on he also seems to have a little bit of a like he looks at Caitlyn and then like he looks down and away he seems a little sad right whereas Caitlyn she seems grimly determined like that's what the expression is but then also do you see the do you see the slight wavering in her eyes right how they're not quite steady they're they're trembling just a little bit that to me is a sign of like repressed emotion that she's putting on a strong front but there's something else going on inside like there's some kind of tension turmoil something happening in there also that's a scar on your lip there Caitlyn how did you get that where did you get that particular battle damage I can't remember if she got that battle damage at the end of season one this also kind of looks like the shadow of a bruise to me um so that's curious like this seems to be Caitlyn after she's uh taken some damage maybe after they've tried to go after Jinx and it's blown up in their face possibly who knows um but like the little bits of facial acting that I'm catching from Caitlyn here the little movement of the jaw the little wavering of the eyes the little contraction of the eyebrow it's just all stuff that says to me that she's like processing some difficult emotions as she's standing there although what the context is exactly I don't know and I think we cut to a completely different scene here like I don't think this is IM like I don't think this shot is immediately followed by this shot in the actual show both because the color the light color and the lighting seems a little bit different and also because she doesn't seem to be holding a rifle in that other shot um but this is the introduction of her hex tech Rifle right for the first time rather than like the sort of um single shot sort of carbine thing that she had um um before now she has the hextech rifle and the hextech rifle is one of the reasons why I don't believe that Jace is dead um it would be weird for his story to end there it would be very unsatisfying ending for his story he doesn't really his character Arc wasn't quite finished I think at the end of season one so I don't think he's dead after the attack on the council um but the rifle is a big part of the reason why I don't believe that that he's dead at all and my God this show just can't stop looking beautiful the little you see the little hand animated um lightning effects crackling over the hextech orb and like snap snap and as she [ __ ] the rifle up right as she unfolds it smears speed lines like manual hand painted smears over the top of the motion which again I God Studio fortish you people you make things look so [ __ ] good um the way that you animate [ __ ] in 3D the hex Gauntlet in the little tiny teaser clip they showed for the Netflix trailer thing that they had had there was someone inserting a new hex Crystal or something into the gauntlets and again I believe that was Jace's hands doing that it's hard to tell but but I think that was J's hand doing that another reason I don't think he's like dead and I don't even necessarily think he's completely incapacitated um and then we get this shot this was also in the Netflix teaser trailer which is like this shot of VI walking forward in her new enforcer uniform which fits terribly on her and does not look good at her on her even a little bit and the conspicuous flash of the Sy of the pilt over enforcers right um sort of underlining what this is and again I've done an like an hourong [ __ ] breakdown of the Netflix teaser already but the thing I want to comment on here is that VI doesn't look particularly happy in that outfit does she she doesn't look particularly proud or excited or elated to be wearing this she looks unhappy and sad and kind of ashamed and grimly determined like this is a burden like the literally the way she walks forward right this is a burden that she's carrying this is something that's like hard on her goddamn shoulders to be walking with this [ __ ] on her back but she does it anyway because she has a purpose in mind I believe that that purpose is to try and save Jinx specifically powder um but we'll get to that now again if if the battle scene we saw earlier where VI is walking through this [ __ ] and we see the podium back there that is the progress day Podium where jce was giving like his speech um for the thing then this to me kind of looks like that same Pavilion right like that looks like some of the progress Day pilion stuff there's a huge crowd of people down here which implies that a whole bunch of people have sort of gathered here in order to have um a discussion now because of the red light again right I sort of go oh blood moon maybe is that like but no this seems like it's during the daytime like it's bright enough that there's Shadows on the ground so this is like late in the day right as the Sun is setting uh maybe on the next progress day maybe there's going to be a little bit of a year-long Time skip something along those lines where a bunch of Kem Barons Kem Baron thugs or chem tank thugs powered by Shimmer launch an assault on the progress day whatever probably um as part of the war um that seems to be what that is and VI I think was then stalking through the aftermath cuz like look how the wind window look similar um stalking through the aftermath of that particular battle um Caitlyn with her lovely little hat there very grimly determined saying that her saying that her strike Squad oh God data corruption um has three purposes one of which is to find Jinx locate her right and eliminate anyone who's still loyal to silco but to locate Jinx right and that's a very specific work Choice which is like which implies that oh we're not going to ex excute her on site we're trying to take her in so that she can stand trial which is interesting again if Caitlyn's mom was killed by Jinx she certainly does seem to have the look of contempt on her face right like the anger um the determination that would come with a vengeful mindset so it's interesting that she says find Jinx rather than kill her right um which again I think that sort of points to one of the primary conflicts between VI and Caitlyn in this episode is that VI is going to be a turn Cod um I think VI there's a clip later on we'll get there we'll get there take taking it Taking It chronologically for now my ADHD is medicated now but it's still there then we have this shot enforcers with riot shields now notably they don't have guns and this seems to be a prison specifically so I think at some point during the Show Jinx is going to lead an attack on the prison Island where VI was held for a long time I think that might be where she breaks out ceva in return for ceva pledging her loyalty to jinx which she is going to do I I feel like I know that for certain um so I think that's probably what this is is jinx staging a jailbreak um on the prison Island and then we have the the shots these scenes so remember how I said that uh there's a lie in this shot you'll see it in a moment bombs flying out of the ground like the the flame Chompers VI throwing up her arms to protect herself presumably with the barrier that she has in the gauntlet but then we cut to this shot and wait hang on that's not the same place at all you imply with the kulishov effect that like oh VI throwing up her hands and the bombs are about to go off and then a bomb goes off and you imply that that this is the flash of that bomb but it's not the flash of that bomb at all this is a completely different scene in a completely different place what's going on there that seems like a little deliberate misdirection a little deliberate lie I think it's entirely possible that VI is sort of charging into this place trying to find Jinx and the bombs pop up and she's like throws up her hands to protect herself and then they go off and it's just confetti or they don't work as a joke in the sense of like remember how powder could never build a bomb worked maybe that's what's happening here but they're faking us out by cutting to a shot of a completely different explosion where we have this guy who looks rather suspiciously specifically noxian he looks like a trifarian guard member in fact and we have uh this guy who seems to be I don't think he's the like we know that Caitlyn's Strike team has vastaya on it this guy seems to be vastaya based on his ears or kyrian there's been some [ __ ] V KY okay so there's a species of creature in pil over andon that we know from Legends of run which is called the kyans right which are these vastaya esque creatures sort of animal esque creatures that are humanoid but have like sort of these big bat ear things and ostensibly the vastaya that we've seen in hilto and Son Z far and in Arcane are kyans except they look absolutely [ __ ] all like the kyans that we see in legends of Runa so I don't really understand that and they seem a lot more like they would be vastaya because in the universe of League of Legends a humanoid person mixed with animal characteristics is typically of aaya not always minotaurs like Alistar for example are not Vaya uh so that was all my assumption is that this was a species of aaya from Ionia right like to sort of emphasize that that pil over and Z like a trading Hub of the world and every species comes through here and settles here and stuff like that I guess maybe they're kyans or kyans or however the hell you're supposed to pronounce it doesn't really matter that much but that's something that people have been arguing about um in in in the for a while is whether these are Vaya or kyrian I'm on the side that they're Vaya that would make a lot more sense to me but uh you do you so I don't really recognize any of the other characters in the scene um we have whoever the hell this is sort of falling as the bombs go off but these are definitely Jinx jinx's bombs because of the pink and the blue but I think they're just smoke bombs again I don't think these are actually explosions that are meant to kill anyone I think they are smoke bombs flashbangs something that's supposed to disorient them um then we have this shot of some cops coming to arrest singed singed who is notably holding a little scalpel in his hand as though he had been recently operating on something or someone which uh interesting and he seems to be surrendering perfectly peacefully and I'm sure he will like I'm sure those two cops those guys are going to be fine nothing bad is going to happen to them uh sing is just going to go oh well you've got me and then he's going to come along with them and nothing bad is going to happen to them at all definitely not don't worry about it then my girl SAA with a pistol that looks rather with the pink smoke huh interesting pink smoke from the pistol and then we have this giant gemtech brute dude who's goingon to presumably get one shot by Caitlyn somehow who's like there with her team here we have her vastaya Kyrie and whatever the hell he is companion there's the girl who looks suspiciously similar in some ways to Marcus's daughter but that wouldn't make any goddamn sense because she's like 10 at the end of season 1 and so unless there's a big time Skip and that's a thing that I've been wondering Arcane season 1 was obsessed with mirroring narratives right mirroring narratives of like things reflecting one another or reflecting upon one another like as one character experiences Triumph another experiences defeat like there's this this mirroring repetition like history doesn't repeat itself but it Rhymes sort of thing running through the entirety of Arcane season one it's an incredibly intricate web um of narrative overlap and crossover that someday I should really [ __ ] do a video essay about that before season 2 drops um but ourcan season one was obsessed with that which makes which makes me wonder is season 2 going to do that as well is season 2 going to mirror the structure of season 1 because if it is then what you would expect is that we get the First Act of the story where like a bunch where the stakes and everything that's happening and like like the general conflict the story is introduced get to introduce to our characters after which there is a Time skip right that's what happened in season 1 after the First Act there was a major time skip while VI was in prison while Jinx was uh like being raised by by silico so if this is footage from act two perhaps has there been a time skip has there been enough of a Time skip that Marcus's daughter could have turned like 18 17 however old you have to be to join the enforcers and join Caitlyn's strike Squad I don't think it's impossible it's a crack Theory I don't think it's likely but it does make me wonder if there's if if season 2 is mirroring season 1 then is there going to be a time skip after act one I'm curious about that I don't know anyway Caitlin's going to shoot that guy and then like presumably she's going to like burst cuz like he already seems to have like you see you see how like he's already got Shimmer sort of bursting out of the pipe in one place so I think Caitlyn has already taken a shot at that pipe and now she's going to take another one to sort of like make the whole thing malfunction and make him fall over before he has a chance to kill everyone I think that's what's going to happen in that scene um then we have this guy what's he called shmeek I think I saw his name was on Twitter um who my God I love his [ __ ] character design I love seeing a yal get to be just the horrible crusty bad guy uh I can't remember if he was in season one like he might have been oh no wait yes he was he was one of the chem barons wasn't he yeah I think so I think he was one of the Kim Barons who was present at like Silo's meeting um but the [ __ ] combover with the little tiny hat just sitting on top of it like it's a really as a character design it's just this really nice mix of both looking like a [ __ ] horrible Gremlin like literally a gremlin from Gremlins ass crusty old [ __ ] but then also like that little cartoony whims that the yles have right like a little a little bit of the silliness of the ortles um is also present there which like I like he also has specifically seems to have like pinkish purple eyes which I don't know if that means he's taken Shimmer uh possibly who knows but this this shot initially the first time I saw this shot I thought okay that's a shrine to jinx then right because we have the hair like the hair bang hanging down on one side it's like but then I took a closer look at it and uh I don't think that's Jinx I definitely don't think it's Jana that my friends I think that's Oriana I don't think like not literally Oriana the character but I think this is a shrine to Oriana I think singed built this and the reason I think so is because if you look at her skin all these like Engravings that are carved into her skin like the the like the metal eyelashes thing those are features of Oriana right and also Jinx would never wear like a frilly collar like this I don't think um those are features of Oriana so I think this is Oriana rendered out in metal um probably as she was before she died before whatever happened to her that forced silk singed to rebuild her and hey isn't it funny that we saw singed with a scalpel right as he was about to be apprehended as though he was kind of in the middle of something in the middle of of of of doing some kind of operation on someone huh huh huh I wonder who that could be I wonder I mean there's someone it could be we'll talk about him when we get there but like but like that's Oriana I'm calling that that's Oriana that is that is that is Oriana he she was in Silo's locket singed lock I keep say I keep getting s Sil and singed confused she was in singed locket in season one um and I think she's going to show up I think Oriana is going to have a presence in season two I think she's going to be there um I don't know how they're going to integrate her exactly it might be that she's only present as like a a dead robot that singed is work maybe she never activates never maybe she never gets up until the very end of the season I think it's entirely possible that singed's Arc over the course of the season is doing everything right is there anything so undoing as a daughter right doing everything literally getting himself killed dying in order to complete his project and revive his daughter who then stands up as like the ballerina robot but she doesn't get to have an arch like she doesn't get to be a character it's just at the very end of his story he revives her and then she's like alive and you know something something as she steps into some kind of role in the new status quo of pilt over and zon um would be my theory about like what her integration would be in the story it could also be that she never shows up like it could also be that we just see all these images and obsessive like this obsession with her that singed has but that she never shows it would be weird though to have a whole [ __ ] Shrine to her um if she wasn't going to show up at all now interestingly in in the base lore of League of Legends so far Oriana's father has always been Corin re right who's an inventor from from from Zan who like uh helped like B essentially Oriana went out trying to help the sick in piltover and her dad was like uh and and sort of inventor who built like mechanical lungs and stuff and and he replaced her body parts slowly over time as she got sicker and sicker from constantly trying to heal the sick in um in pilt over and zon until eventually her heart was replaced with a hextech heart and that's when she sort of became the robot that we know and love um singed which raises the question to me of whether singed is going to be her dad now like her actual father or if it's some kind of other relationship right um maybe he's her uncle maybe maybe sister like that's not impossible that like they could they could reframe that that like because because Arcane is so much about sibling relationships right it's not impossible to me that we have like a Mr free situation on on our hands where singed has managed to preserve Oriana in a near Deb State and then he's going to revive her with like some hex tech stuff that he gets in part from Victor I think Victor is going to be a big part of if Oriana shows up and like is alive as an augmented robotic Android human Victor is going to have some part to play in that with his hex core um CU obviously he is of course he is um CU I don't think Shimmer will do it uh where was I going with this right just Oriana Oriana Oriana that is Oriana I am calling it that's Oriana it's Oriana it can't be jinx this is Oriana it has to be Oriana I swear to God anyway then we have like this noxy in hand signaling the firing of arrows which is presumably from some kind of combat war scene uh that's happening at some point in the show who knows but then we have H shmeek here having his little fight with ceva another lie is going to be told here but uh pay attention to the background here we have this character over here with the big round whatever the hell I don't know if that's their hair or their hat I don't know who that character is but I do know who those boots belong to I do know where those pigtails come from that's a jinx standing right there behind him as he charges to meet a foe who is ceva huh interesting does that mean he's trying to protect Jinx from ceva no I think quite the opposite I think Jinx has intercepted him as he's trying to smuggle maybe a c of of Shimmer out of somewhere um and he's like going to try and fight them and then Jinx is like look behind you and then Here Comes our girl um we'll get to why I know that ceva is on jinx's site here in a second but first look at the doubling right as he thrusts his hand forward like into the frame like really hyper distorted like deep deep space perspective they double right so that there's two two iterations of his arm on screen at the same time for just one frame to sort of smooth the Gap as we come into the actual like Landing of the thing and like this [ __ ] running animation man like the wildness the scrambling the flapping of his gums as he's charging forward it just looks [ __ ] fantastic God the animation of this show is going to be so [ __ ] good oh my God fully deploying combat mode there and here we get ceva here's how I know she's on jinx's side look at that prosthetic arm she has now that's not the one she got from silco that has spray paint all over it it has a big jaw like Fishbones like this looks literally like Fishbones it has the eye Motif it has like the little beaded decorations things all over it Seeva got that arm from Jinx 100% she got it from jinx jinx is the one who built that for her I think ceva is going to be jinx's enforcer um in season 2 like it's not imposs possible that maybe she stole it from Jinx but why would Jinx have built an arm like that except specifically custom built for CA um like maybe CA is trying to get revenge on Jinx for like Jinx and ceva have a strange relationship at best right ceva might want to kill Jinx but I don't know why that guy um would try and protect Jinx from ceva necessarily uh because like he's loyal like he gets shown for the first time when the trailer goes we need to find anyone who's loyal still loyal to Silo and he gets shown there as though he's loyal to silco I sort of I don't think so the Kemar seem pretty ready to like double cross silco at the first chance they got um which again is where I'm thinking like ceva is going to be jinx's assassin here she's going to be jinx's like like enforcer um perhaps against her will a little bit but like in the spirit of carrying on the legacy of Silko which is the only thing that that Seva is loyal to right she's loyal to the legacy of Silko I don't know that this guy is going to be the one who upholds that Legacy so anyway CA doing a full one punch man here like into the frame shot traces down along the arm we come up here like that's fully like that's a that's a classic one punch man shot and we get another lie right just like oh we get the bombs popping out of the ground and there's an explosion so presumably that was the bombs going off except we cut to a completely different scene same thing here we get like the moment before they clash and then there's a bright white flash of light oh surely that's the bright white flash of light from when they Clash no Victor you see that Kane that's Victor he's wearing like a big robe Overcoat his arm I can't quite tell I think it looks kind of metal to me he's doing some [ __ ] hexe [ __ ] here he's doing some hexcore [ __ ] to someone this is Victor in [ __ ] profit mode like I think he he has turned his Cane into like a staff now right in the way that it's going to turn into eventually like fully The Herald staff of like he's the herald of Glorious evolution of son um he's I think he's turned his Cane into a staff and he's going around doing Victor [ __ ] which also leads on to my theory that in the shot all the way of the [ __ ] back here I think maybe possibly possibly that's not jinx cuz like those aren't pigtails those are like those are like straps of cloth I think there's a possibility that that is Victor I think it's just barely possible that maybe that ain't that Ain like because again the voiceover says oh my sister blah blah blah blah blah um and this comes like immediately after this shot of like of of like Jinx and like we get like it's right before we get into like Vine my sister is gone so the trailer is trying very hard to convince oh definitely this is jinx and this is like because VI is talking about her sister's gone and that's Jinx and she's like receded into the Shadow and stuff hahaa but I think they're lying to us again and this might possibly conceivably maybe be Victor as for the other characters in this scene I can't really identify them the resolution is too low I don't know who they are I think it might be fire lights possibly um this could be ceva I don't know I I don't know who these characters are I have no idea who they are but I just know that that is [ __ ] Victor the red on the inside of the [ __ ] cloak and his new character design I think is going to be pretty [ __ ] rad I just I just I'm just expecting it to be really rad they're Riot have held it really close to their chest that there's going to be a vgu for Arcane but they won't say who right there's some theories going around Twitter that it might be Jan I don't think that's impossible but my bet would be that it's Victor Victor like my my my bet would be if anyone is getting a visual update for Arcane it's going to be Victor because Victor's F like normal form in League of Legends is the one that is by far the most removed from all of the Aesthetics of Arcane as a show right he's a fan favorite character he's incredibly important to the story and his in-game incarnation in League of Legends is absolutely [ __ ] all [ __ ] all nothing like what he is in the show right like Victor is the character I think has by far the greatest disconnect between the show and the game like VI also has a pretty bad disconnect there but I think Victor is the one who has by far the worst one so my bet would be that it's Victor um who's getting the vtu then we get just like a glimpse of our boy Ekko not much you can really tell from this except like some kind of door is opening he's stepping out into the light which maybe implies that he's been hiding for a while something along those lines uh Heck if I know I don't actually know but then we get this shot and this is this is very much some uh like it's very much that kind of imagery this is jinx as a liberator right like with the [ __ ] like the Halo behind her head almost as though she's a saint holding up a flag presumably the flag of on um that's like billowing heroically in the wind like this is fully some French Revolution imagery right the [ __ ] there with like followers in the background all dying their hair blue to sort of match her Casting her as like this liberating force in zom which I think is the thing is that Jinx herself is maybe not going to care that much about liberating Z so much as she cares about tearing down piltover but the people of zon and especially the ones who followed um silco and especially after piltover launches an allout [ __ ] war on Z over what Jinx has done I think there's going to be a rallying behind jinx as like a liberating figure as like as like a as like a revolutionary against piltover um in response to like crackdowns from from pilt over on the on the regular population but yeah just an explosion shot I couldn't really find anything particularly noteworthy here except that this looks like a checkpoint right this looks like this looks like a prison wall frankly but this is a checkpoint I believe which hasn't been built in Z and being patrolled by like the enforcers so like they are stepping up their control over Z creating military checkpoints in the middle of the city sort of controlling who gets to come and go and what we're seeing here is an assault on one of those checkpoints um my sister is gone VI huh gone you say I don't believe this for a second couple of reasons first of all the facial acting right VI is saying my sister is gone I just like but I don't I don't get the sense that she means it very much if VI says something like my sister is gone on that's going to be one of the most painful things she has ever had to admit in her life that's going to be one of the most heart-wrenching gut-wrenching things she has ever had to say out loud ever that powder is gone at the end of season 1 Jinx asks VI are we still sisters and VI says nothing will ever change that and I think she meant that I don't think she means this at all I think she's lying I think she's lying just like the trailer is lying the trailer especially with the ending shot of like like VI and Jinx having a confrontation is sort of trying to get us to believe that VI and Jinx like oh this is going to be the tragic ending of the story where VI and Jin like kill each other or something like like this is the final breaking of their family they can never come together again they can never like rekindle their love as sisters like like it's impossible that's what the trailer is trying to make you believe I think that's a lie I think it's lying to us and I think V is lying in this shot and I think specifically she's lying to Caitlyn I think it's I think if anything this is going to be a scene where her loyalty is being questioned right like we're trying to find Jinx like we're going to have to take her down like we might have to kill her are you are you ready for that and then VI lies and says my sister is gone definitely take me with you just take me with you to to take her down cuz I'm totally ready to do it my sister's gone uh there's just a monster left I'm going to kill it don't you even worry about it I'm going to be super loyal to the mission I am not going to double cross you I'm not going to try and protect my sister at all I'm not going to do it so don't you worry about me I'm going to come along I think she's lying I think she's lying specifically to Caitlyn because I think the mission to take down Jinx is going to be the wedge um that drives like that drives the conflict in their relationship because VI for all that she's definitely experiencing the beginnings of a blossoming love with Caitlyn and for all that the two of them definitely want to be able to be together wish that circumstances are different I don't think VI is ever going to choose Caitlyn over her sister I don't think she's going to do it I don't think she can um so I think is lying here she does have her goggles now which is nice um parts of her character design are starting to come together right like she's not quite there yet because she's still wearing that ugly ass blue uniform that doesn't fit her and that doesn't suit her at all Vai also looks absolutely nothing yet like her character designed in League of Legends more like it especially with the goggles especially with the hair being what it is here but she doesn't quite look like her League of Legends Incarnation yet not quite um which leads us on to another lie I think the trailer is telling you we'll get there um then we get this one shot of Heimerdinger sort of looking up in shock at something and given that that something is bright blue light flashing around I think he's looking at some hextech related nonsense that's happening some kind of hex something or other anyway um in shock at what's happening and I don't think it's impossible that the thing he's looking up in shock at is this scene right here this is more purple tinted because of course the hex core is tinted with the void but that might be possible that this is like heerding looking over and going oh god oh no Victor what have you done right like like sort of about to be shocked by the scientific advancements that Victor has made then we got our boy oh our man our puppy our big chunky werewolf Warwick or Vander as uh his name is presumably not going to be for some reason no context whatsoever for when the [ __ ] he's going to show up everything is red which again maybe this is like it's not in well no no he can't have shown up here yet U like like maybe he shows up immediately after the explosion of of of the of the council was what I was about to say but that's not logistically possible at all singed shely hasn't finished turning him into Warwick yet which is the other thing if there's a Time skip happening right because when we saw vander's body in singed Laboratory um he was clearly not done right like singed hadn't finished turning him into war W yet clearly not singed is going to need some time to do that which again is there going to be a time skip is it going to happen that after act one of season 2 there's going to be a time skip during which time singed manages to lay the final touches on Warwick and unleash him into the city I wonder I'm curious I do not know right this has to end and here's another reason why Jace is definitely not dead um that's an acceleration gate that's what that is that's the that's basically the same technology remember in season 1 the big tower that sort of shoots airships off into the sky like the hex gate um this is that this is a hex gate um this is an acceleration gate specifically and that is Jace technology right like that even in League of Legends even in the video game acceleration Gates that is Jace's thing so Jace made the rifle Jace gave it a thing of like you pull the trigger and an acceleration gate opens and that accelerates the bullet um a bullet which he probably also made so that's Jace like Jace is definitely alive 100% not a not a bold prediction I don't really think um and then we get this the confrontation between VI and Jinx right pay attention to VI's facial acting here that's not the look of someone who's ready to kill someone I don't think it's anger it's disgust it's resignation it's pain it's someone who's like Gathering their courage for a second before she shouts jins right and I think like I think in this scene VI has been running through this place shouting powder powder where are you right and gets nothing right like nothing whatsoever and so realizing what the gate is Right realizing that she's not going to get an answer from Powder cuz powder isn't at the phone right now she's not at the controls she goes God [ __ ] damn it and goes Jinx and that's when Jinx says you finally got the name right and these [ __ ] pillars man holy [ __ ] Jinx is painting her memories that's the monkey that exploded and blew everything up that's Milo and clager dead that is happy little powder with monstrous scary VI right this is a representation of how Jinx sees her childhood memories before we had very much like a powder influenced visual rep like when when powder was drawing art when Jinx was drawing art of things in the world it was very much from powder's perspective right it was From powder's perspective like this this idealized this childish longing for return to innocence now I think this is jinx I think this is jinx's Art we have Vander carrying powder and VI across the bridge the very start of season one we have Vander Burning vander's Body in the fire as J as powder is sitting in front of him crying because VI has walked away can't quite tell what this is 100% that there we're going to see later that's silco dead with a bunch of bullets in him not 100% sure what that is either I think it might be Caitlyn um I think that might be jinx's representation of Caitlyn uh possibly I can't quite tell but she's in a smoke cloud which I don't know uh I don't 100% know but it it is jinx painting her past and this is Janna I'm I'm reasonably confident that this is an old Temple to Jana somewhere in z um that jinx is hiding out in and that Janna is going to show up as like a background element in this season much in the same way that I think targon stuff is going to be in the background sort of an element of how um ambessa decorates herself um in noxus like sort of with conquered gold or whatever because she's the governor of that Province something along those lines um I think there's going to be a little bit more presence of Janna in pil over andon she is a goddess who resides in zon specifically after all she's the goddess of fresh air there um again I don't think Janna's going to show up I don't think she's going to manifest her powers I don't think she's going to be a part of the story but I think like there's going to be more elements of like mythology like I think we might see the Kindred as well right not in the sense that they're going to be literally present like lamb is not literally going to come out when someone dies but like that there's going to be little symbols of death right like that that that like uh like some some soldiers like noxian soldiers might wear the symbol of the wolf for example which is like the symbol of death that they prefer um and like maybe there' be little like maybe little shrines to Jana around z a little bit more now like maybe little things that sort of indicate the broader presence of the mythology and like the Godlike Divine creatures um of the Run Tera world will be more present because again the show now is no longer siloed off away from the main Cannon it is the main Cannon um and here we have Jinx standing on top of a representation of the monkey right like the bomb that she set off that killed Milo and clager that ended act one of season 1 at the end of act one of season one Jinx set off PIR to sets off the bomb Milo and clager die everything goes straight the [ __ ] to hell like Vander dies VI has to aband like VI U like seems to abandon her and then is kidnapped by Marcus she's picked up by Silko like that's when everything went wrong that's the inflection point right like this is the big inflection point of the First Act of season 1 and because our Arcane is a show that loves parallels that loves like the little back and forth that loves repeating history making history rhyme I think this is episode three of act one if it's anywhere I think this is episode three of act one in part because Vai isn't herself yet V is still wearing the [ __ ] enforcer uniform VI is not doesn't fully have her new character design yet or doesn't have her normal character design yet she hasn't become herself yet if this was the end of act three right if this was the like the end of the show as a whole VI wouldn't look this bad like cuz honestly like that that uniform is terrible on her the blue is such a terrible terrible clash with her red hair it's such a terrible clash with her aesthetic like the little tutu thing that she's got hanging off her there that's a feature of her of her base League of Legends character design now but here it looks ridiculous it looks terrible it doesn't match at all with what the [ __ ] the rest of this uniform is there Silko with bullets in his chest by the way um it doesn't match at all with anything else that she's got going on um so I don't think this is the end like of this is not the end of of of season 3 I don't think even season 2 I don't think even it's the end of act two I think this is the end of act one there's going to be a confrontation between VI and Jinx I think VI is going to pull her punches because she can't like she's trying I think at this point maybe she's sort of trying I have to take her down right at least like I have to stop her from doing what she's doing I think maybe she believes that but I don't think she can do it I think she's going to fail um to take down Jinx and I think and this is based on the poster that they posted um for season 2 where again season 1 there was a poster of VI and and powder where VI is like holding powder tightly in a hug sort of protectively defending her and you get powder with that little innocent stare like one little light beam sort of poking out and season two has a poster that mirrors that because again Arcane is a show that's insane about like mirroring things and making things rhyme um where it is jinx who is holding on to VI like just grabbing onto her tight possessively defensively and Vai looking kind of scared in her sister's arms actually like and I think at the end of Act One VI can't do it VI can't take down her sister she's going to try she's going to think that she's going to be able to do it but she's not going to be able to do it she's not going to be able to hurt her and Jinx is going to take VI down and kidnap her and that's where VI turns turn code right like that's where I think that's where VI is going to have most of the thing like she's going to be separated from Caitlyn she's going to be separated from piltover I think she's going to be captured by Jinx and I think she might end up on jinx's side at the end of the show possibly possibly I don't think and this is just a theory I don't think she's going to end season 3 as an enforcer of pilt over anymore I don't think she's going to be that I don't think she's going to be a piltover Enforcer at the end of the show again because first of all the uniform looks terrible on her secondly it's clearly not her final character design I think she might end up as a vigilante maybe something along those lines but I don't think she's going to end up as an enforcer I think part of of Arcane is going to be eventually retconning that like so that like because VI in League of Legends the base game is sort of police brutality the character right like that's her whole thing is just like puns and jokes about how fun it is to beat up suspects um punch them first ask questions while punching uh that's like her whole thing in League of Legends and that that's uh that was already a little tonally uh problematic back when she first released but in the years since uh it it has it it has gotten worse right like that's like that's a worse thing to have a champion in a video game who's like like yeah police brutality woo it's funny um it's tonally not great right so I think at the end of Arcane season 2 VI is not going to be an enforcer anymore like in so far as if she's going to be an enforcer right she's not going to be the enforcer of piltover I think she's going to be the enforcer of z um I think that's the position that they're like that's what they're going to slide her into is the position of being the enforcer of Z A protector of son like someone who defends Z against like like piltover's interference but also maybe like she's like takes care of like whatever law enforcement looks like in on something like that like I think that's where they're going to position her at the end of the show and I'll probably do a [ __ ] long ass preachy boring video essay about the politics of of of Arcane about that at some point but that's my theory about where this is going to go I think VI is going to lose this fight I think she's going to get kidnapped by Jinx I think Jinx is going to try and convert her right like try and get her back on her side like by saying like I am the one who's carrying on vander's Legacy I am the one who's carrying on like like the legacy of our home you've turned traitor like you you you [ __ ] like you went with the [ __ ] enforcers how could you do that those people killed everything from us um and I think at the end of it VI is going to change sides um like and I think that'll be the tragedy with her and and Caitlyn is that uh they're not going to be able to end up together much though they want to like the barriers of of of their differences are just too great look at the facial acting here look at VI's face yeah she looks angry but that's not really what this is this is not I'm going to take her down this is not I'm going to [ __ ] get her this is not I'm going to [ __ ] beat her this is pain this is hurt I think that's my interpretation anyway this is hurt this is sadness Jinx looks fully feral like Jinx looks ready to throw hands like she's been ready to kick VI's ass since act two of season one right like she's she's had that resentment boiling up inside her for a long ass time and VI has nothing but guilt that's the only thing VI basically has at this point towards her sister is just guilt guilt at leaving her alone guilt at not being there for her guilt at being unable to save her from silco guilt at being unable to stop her guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt and I don't that I I don't think she can do it she can't throw that punch she can't land it because she loves her sister too much and like my sister is gone not a [ __ ] chance in the world Vai would never say that Vai would never believe it never not under any [ __ ] circumstances would she ever believe it I simply don't buy it she's going to lose this fight Jinx is going to kidnap her there's going to be some drama about that along the way and this trailer is lying to you like if you just watch this trailer with no additional context what it looks like it's setting up is like okay the The Arc of the season is that like VI is going to spend all this time trying to find her sister and she's going to have to like come to terms with the fact that powder is gone and she's going to have to let go of her and this is the final confrontation between the two sisters oh my God it's going to be so great I don't think that's it at all I think this is the final confrontation between the two sisters in act one and then we're going to go those are my theories anyway that's that's everything I've been able to pick out of this trailer I'm sure other creators are going to go through this one even more meticulous they maybe they can find a higher resolution rendition of this [ __ ] trailer I could only get the 1080p version at really [ __ ] terrible bit compression which made seeing a lot of things really [ __ ] difficult which is annoying but that's the best I got right now that's all I've got right now they're going to post more teasers and trailers um for this show hopefully I'm really hoping that they'll do the same thing they did for season 1 for season one they posted a whole scene from the show the scene of jinx in the uh in the entertainment arcade beating up the robot that VI used to box against and I did an animation breakdown of that which I that I want that because I was able to see so much of what the show was about to do I was able to see so much of what they were putting down like that that to me was beautiful like I I really hope so I want that both for Content because it's good content right but also because like I want to see I want to know what's happening here you're lying to me in this trailer I know you're lying to me Riot you sax of [ __ ] you bastards you [ __ ] you're lying to me you are lying to my face and laughing I know you are I see through you and I know what's going to happen I know what's going to happen in this [ __ ] show I've sused it all out from the beginning man I'm inside your walls I know it [ __ ] you I'm nor [ __ ] you I'm normal about this show I'm normal I am I'm a normal man see Milo and clager Milo and clager right there dead Milo and cler dead because Jinx is still consumed by the trauma that she killed her friends and it's evoking the end of act one of season one because this is the act end of season 2 act one that's what's going to be happening here they're mirroring it I know I know they are I swear to God I'm right I swear to God I'm right also just my God it looks so pretty the [ __ ] smoke animation and like look at VI bursting like the [ __ ] key posing on VI here like that God it's pretty it's so [ __ ] beautiful it just again the bit compression this is one thing they've announced 4K and Blu-ray DVDs of Arcane like physical media first of all I'm going to get those but also finally 4K holy [ __ ] because Netflix and like like all the rips and stuff of like all the footage that you can get off of the Netflix version is like look at this look at this [ __ ] banding look at this [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] bitc crushing of like the the the [ __ ] compression algorithms trying to deal with like a scene that's even a little bit [ __ ] dark look at this [ __ ] oh my God it's so ugly it's terrible this show deserves so much I need to see it in 4k I need to see this whole [ __ ] show in 4k I want season 2 in 4k as well you can't leave me looking at [ __ ] that looks like this oh my God no absolutely the [ __ ] not it's so pretty though I really am curious about the targon connection like if like cuz this to me this looks like a [ __ ] Solari like this looks like a Solari face mask like from several of the cards and legends of rra this does not look like anything noxian gold is not a stand part of the noxian color scheme but gold is very much part of Mel's color scheme like Mel's primary character color is gold like that's that is her primary Motif as a character in in season one like pay attention to gold and and Mel um in that season like that's very much her color which again makes me think like ambessa is like it's like she's putting on Mel's colors right which again to me signals like this would be a mother like like like that she's wearing Mel into battle right like she's wearing visual signifiers of her daughter into a fight which again is the sort of thing that kind of implies to me that maybe m is actually de or maybe just critically injured again like it could be a thing of like just that Mel and Jace will start the season just like critically injured from the attack on the council but not dead something along those lines Victor might survive the attack on the council by way of having the hex core with him maybe that protects him right like maybe oh God like [ __ ] if he has the hex core with him he gets blasted with some shrapnel Blood Falls on the hex cor and then the hex cor of course is going to go off and do its thing like like last time Sky prevented Victor from being sucked into the hex core like ite prevented the hexe from finishing whatever it was about to do to him maybe at the council if the bomb hits and his blood is spilled on the hexe and no one's around to sacrifice themselves to stop it maybe that's where it happens maybe that is where the Glorious Evolution begins I don't think so I that that's a very weird speculation um oh my God the [ __ ] I'm sorry this is this is a graphical glitch I think with my graphics card or something I don't know why the [ __ ] that happens it's very annoying but just look how pretty like the [ __ ] the clouds just like gently sweeping over this thing as it emerges like look how gorgeous the [ __ ] colors are look how gorgeous the [ __ ] colors would be Netflix YouTube compression [ __ ] you uh upload a 4K trailer why is the trailer not in 4k at least well because they can't promise 4K resolution on Netflix and why would they upload a 4K trailer that seems like false advertising but do it for me at least like Riot you have represent I I know people you could just send the 4K trailer to me just to me just send me the 4K trailer so I can see all the details so for example so for example so for example I could go to the shot with a guy jumping at ceva and I could look at the background and maybe I could identify who the [ __ ] that is maybe I could see some details maybe that would be a character I actually knew nonzero chance that it's one of the Chim Barons um that maybe Jinx has on her side at this point but you know I just want to see right I just want to be able to see [ __ ] I just want to be able to see things I can't see [ __ ] at this stupid resolution this show deserves to be in 4k from the start like immediately it deserves to be in 4k H Echo right I didn't speculate at all about Ekko because the trailer just doesn't show anything related to him or the fire lights like at all he just shows up very briefly um the question is does he get his time Powers right cuz my hang on my suspicion with Ekko my my presumption was Heimerdinger is with the fire lights now right like he's hanging out with Ekko they're doing stuff together Ekko is showing him like like the inventions that he's making and the signs that he's doing my assumption is that Heimerdinger is going to be with Ekko on the fire lights and that Heimerdinger is going to help Ekko invent the Zed Drive he's going to help him invent the time travel machine and if Ekko has a storyline in this season I would imagine this is again this is speculation based on nothing but Vibes like I have no evidence for this this is wildly my thinking would be they can't really necessarily give him time travel powers to do all his regular Echo [ __ ] like having his his shade trail run behind him but what if he and Heimerdinger built some kind build some kind of a time machine to try and go back and fix things what if that's the thing that Ekko is doing this season traveling back in time trying to prevent things from happening trying trying to like trying to fix something trying to stop things from going so wrong and like presumably like my my assumption would be if that is the case they will find that they can't like they will find that they can't make it stop they can't prevent things from happening the way that they do um and that's going to be part of so the the the thing about like like sometimes [ __ ] like sometimes [ __ ] just turns out bad and you can't do anything about it because that would sort of be like Ekko has just traveled back in time right and he's sort of in the tunnels under pil over and on he's about to step out into the light and see what the past looks like right like this is going to be his first look at at the new world that he has traveled to again this is based on nothing but Vibes and assumptions my assumption was because himeringo was with the fire lights at the end of season one okay right Heimerdinger is going to be the one who helps Ekko learn how to manipulate hextech technology that's going to be how he ends up inventing the Z drive that's going to be how he gets his time Powers right and if he has time Powers if this kid literally has the ability to time travel and echo's whole thing remember ekko's whole thing in the base game is that he keep going back in time over and over and over again trying to fix all of his mistakes trying to do everything perfectly right um like that's his whole thing is he has this obsession with going back in time and fixing things right like I can fix it I can make it better again I can make it good um that's his whole thing in the Bas League of Legends game so again my assumption would be like that that was going to get brought over to his Arcane Incarnation right that in his Arcane Incarnation he's also going to be obsessed with finding a way to fix things right finding a way to stop the bad stuff from ever happening in the first place so my thinking would be that that would be his thing in in in season 2 is that he's going to be like he's going to time travel back to the past try and prevent things from happening he's going to fail like he's not going to be able to stop things from happening the way that they are but he's going to learn a whole bunch of important backstory stuff like for example maybe he meets singed in the past and maybe that's how we get the backstory of like what the deal is with singed and Oriana like why he's trying so hard like why he has her in a the locket why he's do doing all the math science that he's doing to try and revive her maybe he meets them in the past maybe he befriends them maybe Oriana becomes his friend in the past and like the main thing that he that happens in the present is that he gets to see Oriana again and she remembers him and then there's some drama there or something like I just idle thoughts rampant speculation based on nothing I don't expect any of this to be true not even a little bit this is just my brain running away with me in terms of like what could happen in the season based on what ekko's powers are what his themes are in League of Legends would be that he becomes like the guy who travels into the past to get us information about like singed and silco maybe he meets Vander and silco when they're still young and sort of get some more information about their conflict right and maybe he learned something in the past maybe he learned something about silco and vander's conflict and he brings that back to the present and he tells Vi about like something Vander said or Vander wanted or some part of the story of the conflict between the two of them that makes VI change sides or decide that no actually I'm going to fight for Zan rather than being on pilt over side in any way shape or like maybe that's the thing that does it oh my God I am exciting with [ __ ] and nonsense that's never going to come true that's not going to happen that's not going to be in the season I'm just thinking wouldn't it be cool if it was yes it would be cool it would be amazing everything about this season could be amazing I don't know what's going to happen it's freaking me out no I know everything that's going to happen I see through all of this I can path it out in my [ __ ] mind I have like like brain Powers I see every possible future I am doctor string it over here and on the other hand also I'm completely ignorant I have no idea of anything that's going to happen everything I just said might be wrong this trailer might not contain a single shot that's actually going to end up in the final show who knows trailer is lying to us Riot is lying to us VI is lying to us Jinx is lying to us Eko is lying to us they're all lying to us there are no truths I will never figure out what's happening and I need this [ __ ] show now right I'm okay I'm okay I'm fine I'm fine I am I'm fine I am very excited for Arcane season to I look forward to it I'm going to be very pleased to see some more trailers dropping Riot if you want to get in touch about the promotional like like last last time you did you premiered an Arcane season you let me stream the whole first SE episode on my twitch Channel I'd like to do that again that was fun uh maybe send me another one of those boxes with like merch stuff that would be lovely I'd love to be a part of it I listen I have my principles but I will sell out for this I just want to be clear if you see me doing promotional [ __ ] with Riot for Arcane season 2 yes I am selling out my principles like I yeah no I'm the easiest lay in the world for this particular show Absolutely I'm I'm half kidding um but you should be aware of that I do have a pre-existing relationship with Riot uh not always a positive one I am I'm generally very hostile to Riot's executive class um but I did do official promotion for Riot for Arcane season 1 like I was part of like a a Creator program for that where we were supposed to do videos about it that got cancelled after we all put out our first videos because of internal politics [ __ ] at Riot I don't know exactly know what happened um but I was part of that so I do have a conflict of interest here when I'm so excited about the show that should probably be pointed out is that yeah I have a conflict of interest I have you know Riot maybe if I'm lucky will reach out about some official promotional stuff so obviously I'm not going to talk [ __ ] about it right I also earnestly love it it is it God this [ __ ] show is so [ __ ] good ep season one was anyway maybe season 2 will be [ __ ] I don't actually know Season 2 could drop the whole ball on on the floor this is something I've been worried about I talked about this also in my video about why Arcane shouldn't be the center of the cannon is that season 1 was such an extreme runaway unexpected massive impossible success like it was the biggest success that that Riot has ever had externally with anything they've done like short of like even more successful than KDA in some ways with a mainstream audience it was prestigious it won awards it got mainstream news coverage you got a hugee new audience of people into the League of Legends universe and because of that for season two I guarantee you every corporate Viper like every single one of those [ __ ] snakes every single one of those vultures are going to have been circling right there's going to have going to been so much more demand from Riot leadership Riot management to hang on we need to like put this thing in there put that thing in there we need to do this we need to do that we need to set up for a Cinematic Universe you need to do this thing you need to do that we want crossovers we want like we want more champions in there we want more promotion we want like more stuff that can sell skins in there I guarantee you the pressure to do that has been [ __ ] on for season two right I guarantee you there has been more executive meddling I trust Alex G and Christian link um Christian link I trust the artist at fortish to have been able to resist it like I trust that season 2 is not going to have been too compromised by it but I wonder whatever season 3 of Arcane or whatever the followup to Arcane is going to be like I I do worry about the quality of the show going forward because the vultures are going to be circling now right like much in the same way that like like the [ __ ] Executives at Marvel drove the MCU into the [ __ ] ground I don't think Arcane is going to be immune to that at all and I also think after the overwhelming success of Arcane a lot of the creative Talent from that show are going to find huge numbers of New Opportunities elsewhere right like like the same writers who wrote season 1 might not be and most of season 2 might not be available for whatever comes next because they're going to have extremely lucrative offers coming in from like Disney and [ __ ] Universal and God knows who else will want to hire the writers who did this and they're going to be able to pitch original projects they're going to be have lot a lot more opportunities outside of the orbit of this so once the central creative team that drove the creation of Arcane in the first place dissolves like I don't think it's like I don't think we're guaranteed that it's going to keep being good I think season 2 is going to be I trust that season 2 is going to be because the same people are still holding the rains right but the meddling is going to increase in intensity like it's going to get more it's going to it's going to it's going to like the cooks are going to be mashing their way into the kitchen and like greater Productions than this have fallen to that kind of corporate meddling right I don't want to end it on a doom and glue boom note but but I do feel like I should point out my conflicts of interest which is that I am a simp for this show I am I am a [ __ ] I'm the cheapest lay in the world for this particular show um so like don't expect don't expect me to be the most critical voice about it ever I just I just don't think I have it in me um and also that like this beautiful thing cherish it while it's here cuz cuz this might be as good as it is ever going to get right uh anyway that's a bummer ending I want Arcane I am you have no idea how much I need this [ __ ] show in my life you have no idea you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't understand it you don't you don't see you don't see like I see you don't you don't get it you don't get it man you don't get it I'm fine [ __ ] you I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine okay oh that's the wrong file why is that playing back now there we go that's the right one thank you very much for watching this video I'm going to call it an animation breakdown but the person breaking down is uh me um yeah thanks hi thank thank thanks for watching thanks for sitting through uh until this point my God okay I'm kind of coming down from a high here um yes uh uh patreon thank things like that you can support me on patreon if you want to um but right at the moment if you have extra money lying around instead of giving it to me maybe consider giving it to Doctors Without Borders or uh the Palestinian children's Relief Fund because uh there's there's like I'm doing fine right now I'm doing okay like more money is nice always of course it is but I'm doing fine my my rent is paid my bills are paid I'm okay uh I don't need it so much so if you have an extra dollar maybe maybe throw it their way um instead like comment subscribe uh um go over to my lit to my to my reaction Channel where you can find like my immediate reaction to the trailer um my immediate like rampant speculation based on nothing uh as well as reactions to other things like a full [ __ ] hour if you want more just rampant Arcane speculation I have a full [ __ ] hour based on the 12C bits of footage that Netflix showed a few days ago um I'm doing reactions to the show hell of a boss over there I'm going to finish up an episode of Elden ring and then I'm going to get back to doing that uh I've got some freerun some dungeon meshy those two shows have also been driving me insane with how good they [ __ ] are so that's there I have a let's play Channel you can go follow that one if you want to I have a shorts Channel where I do short videos I might do some shorts about Arcane as well I think I have one in me about the character design of Arcane uh that might go up over there at some point in the near future so subscribe to that if you want to um yeah I think that's all the self-promotion that I have uh for you right now so if you've watched the video all the way through to this point why what are you doing here you must have better things to do with your time than listen to a man slowly have a mental breakdown but if you have thank you I appreciate it and you can let me know that you have you can prove it by leave if you leave a comment you can put a specific Emoji down there and uh let's make it the let's make it a water themed Emoji any kind of water themed Emoji put that down there just kind some thinking of silco in the river and Jinx in the river being reborn the baptism thing uh do that and like maybe some people would get confused about them but put put put some put some water emojis in your comments I will leave a heart on it to let you know that I've seen your comment and I've read it because you watched the video all the way through to the end the least I can do is pay you some attention in turn and yeah that's it thank you very much for your time and your attention remember to be kind to one another stand in solidarity with those who are struggling and may the tithes of History wash gently over us all release the [ __ ] next trailer for The Show
Channel: T B Skyen
Views: 154,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tbskyen, skyen, animation, animated, arcane, netflix, arcane season 2, arcane season 1, league of legends, LoL, riot games, mel medarda, jayce talis, jayce, jinx, powder, vi, caitlyn, viktor, heimerdinger, piltover, zaun, ARCANE, lore, story, backstory, plot, explained, discussion, analysis, review, breakdown, animation analysis, animation breakdown, fortiche, animated series, caitlyn kiramman, singed, silco, sevika, teaser, trailer, tb skyen, theory, theorizing, meta
Id: ntUJy0daHbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 50sec (4910 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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