Arcane out of context

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man not again i just got this shirt see this look on my face this will always mean it's time to shut up but i yeah why how the hell did we find this place it was a tip from little man little man you think my head is thick just past the average ah who locks their balcony i get my face bashed in and she just gets a pass yep magic yes no no you see it huh milo tripped over his own paint bucket and nearly fell off trying to draw a giant middle finger his ass made that's blutch you need to hide those crystals [Music] hi [Music] shouldn't you be resting while the trail is hot listen you know how you suspected there is a sink will you please stop hovering i'm not sure how to do that sir you are supposed to guard the cargo i want hextech to be a tool for us to build a new world and now it's finally possible anyway that could be a good way to get a lay of the land too risky [Music] he was like a brother to you when he turned his back and blah blah blah did i miss anything are you sure this is safe of course not definitely not a buff board silco is connections isn't that why we're here we're here because i'm hungry [Music] nice jacket [Music] everybody [Music] take those off make me just as soon as you came clean about what the hell you're really doing down here i told you the truth what was that glowing stone that's what i thought [Music] [Music] bravo sis who lives here another counselor friend of yours with respect i don't give a what any of you think of me anymore sheesh i'm not that crazy
Channel: moxxiecore
Views: 1,259,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcane, arcane out of context, out of context, cartoon, league of legends, lol
Id: X5WicKCA3qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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