Arcane Fans Are Disappointed in Vi

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so as some of you may know I was on a trip to the ride headquarters but that's a story for another day more importantly while I was gone RI just had to release the first teaser for Arcane 2 now the thing is what we got was really just a teaser it usually suggests that there is more to come similar to how the teasers for the first season of Arcane were just tiny Snippets off of really long trailers with that said said while in the past I was able to turn 10sec teasers into a 10 minute long videos today it will not be done just through analyzing what we saw now the more interesting part comes from witnessing just how many people got confused and upset with Vice story so let's dive into what we got straight at the beginning we can see someone slotting a hexte gem into one of the atlas gauntlets now here I am very specifically saying someone because it does not seem to be V in fact the glove seems to be the exact same one that jaay always wore whenever he was working on his inventions so after merging with the upper Society it seems like VI will keep the connections she got in Arcane 1 I mean Jace is the one who allowed her to use the gauntlets in the first place so it makes sense that he would be the one working on them later again also remember the right glove was destroyed by Seeva and coincidently you can see the right Gauntlet here so Chase pretty much had to craft a new one you can also see that the new glove is identical to the old one except perhaps now she has a proper pressure meter on it before it seemed to be just a generic valve now of course there is also the chance that I might be totally wrong about the Jace because as you'll see the point of the teaser is the gloves goes down and then it is revealed it is V which also means where the heck is Jace and the glove that just put on the hextic gem that's the thing it seems like this shot is specifically just made up for the trailer because it doesn't really make sense and in order for it to make sense it would have to be someone else just loting it in anyway none of that really matters you should get used to that when I analyze these anyway then when the glove goes down we can see a quick flash of a built openen badge and some people noticed that this badge was only shown in the show on the sheriffs be it the original or Then followed by Marcus or now followed by the new crew and I'll be honest I didn't notice this at first but it seems to be true I mean according to the lore Caitlyn is supposed to become the sheriff of piltover at some point which is where as the teaser goes on we learn that VI officially joined the wardens or the enforcers depending on which term you use and that of course also means that she had to get a whole new uniform and that got people mad for multiple reasons for one people don't like that VI is a cop but also people just don't like the uniform both of which are precisely the point and we'll get to that in a second now when you look at the new uniform you can see that she got actual shoulder pads because that is what she actually has in the in-game model and to that note you can also see that she kept her skirt which also comes from the original design I have to say that one is such a cool detail but most importantly when she comes out in this uniform you can see that she looks uncomfortable she really does not look like she's enjoying what she's doing currently and that is exactly what her character is about originally she was a child of Z and throughout Arcane 1 it was stated multiple times that the wardens murdered her parents and ruined her life she really hated them from her first moments which is why this is such a cool twist in her story arc she became that which she hated the most but of course she's not alone here so together with her we have Caitlyn who also got a little bit of an update now with the new uniform she is more in in line with the rest of the wardens and you can see that she has a new hat it's not the hat that we are used to but the Barrett is actually a reference to her design in legends of Runa which is supposed to be more in line with being a spec ops Commander kind of character and yes she did in fact get a new hextec rifle and finally it got all the Scopes which we are used to seeing around Caitlyn remember the old rifle was just the hunting rifle which we saw in Arcane 1 and also some of you might notice that the new rifle actually has the net launcher that's the little tube right underneath the main Barrel this was originally revealed in some of the concept art and of course then we also have all the new crew mates we have a younger lady then we have a beefy Shield guy and a fishy vastaya person now as much as I like the beefy Shield guy and the fishy Black Ops man the focus of the internet was in fact on the younger lady because she looks suspiciously like Marcus's daughter now in order for this to be true there would have to be quite a Time skip now yes I'm aware that over the first time skip silco didn't age at all as an example so it is possible for Arcane to pull this off but I don't think they will do this because a lot of things would start misaligning so personally I don't believe this is what's happening it might be just a coincidence but hey I'm still open to see some surprises and with that that's pretty much where the short teaser ends it was pretty cool at least that's what some people say about it everyone else got mad by what they saw now before we talk about all of these comments that rose up I have to mention one thing we're not making fun of anyone everyone has their own opinion and if they wanted to see the story unfold in a certain way that is simply what they wanted to see however it is still quite funny to see that some people had no idea what would happen to VI simply because the Arcane audience is quite separate from the League of Legends audience in many ways however remember everything is tied to one thing the fact that Riot confirmed that Arcane was fully Canon we know that everything is part of a singular Universe now so we knew that VI would become Caitlyn's partner at least we knew about them becoming Partners when it comes to their job so we knew this would be the eventual outcome from the very beginning in fact her entire character is about acting as a zonite kid beating people while carrying out the duties of an enforcer so in other words she is not the best cop but that's what her story is about and with that said let's have a look at how the community reacted excited to see people learn that VI is a bad cop this is why I could never really get hyped up about Vai as a character that bastard is a cop we've got a few surprises of our own and it's Vai walking out of the dark in an enforcer uniform tell Caitlyn never to make surprises ever again she's a cop in the lore you're aware that the antagonist of season 1 who is deeply connected to the two leads was an invention of the show right well um actually not only do we know that everything is Cannon now which again means that we knew this would happen eventually but also if you look at the original Law of Vai and Jinx RI very purposefully had a big gap in their story there they knew something would be slotting into that mystery eventually and then we learned it happened to be arcane which means R was planning for this from the very beginning again that's not me hating on anyone I'm just stating the facts I really really really hate the idea of this version of VI becoming an enforcer but they want tragedy so yeah again there is no this version anymore everything is part of the same canonized Universe now so this version of VI is the version of VI nothing else exists anymore the the fact that they are really choosing the cop route makes my excitement about the season and the motivation to cosplay her dwindle to almost nothing not going to lie I did know it was a high chance but I was still holding out hope now here we can mention that rides probably still had ways to redcon whatever story VI had before but if they did so it would break so many other characters connected to this entire story line even just her going and punching Urgot would have to be fixed in some way but still we kind of knew that this is what would happen to VI and yes this means that some people are not massive fans of what's happening to VI in season 2 but you know what I think it's awesome because we are going to see the real struggle they said that Arcane is a tragedy and they Pro this many times in season 1 so to see the story lean into how uncomfortable VI is means that the writers will have a great opportunity to shine you can break so many fans with this storyline and I'm ready for all of it now here we can also quickly mention that yes Arcane 2 did get some posters we had the big rocket hitting the window with all the shards of the characters all around but we also got a new one of jinx holding VI in the same way this scene was reverted for the first season and while in the first poster you could notice jinx's hair actually spelling out Jinx in the second one I don't think you can find anything and there is way too many people who spend way too much time dissecting it and that is where the teaser ends again it is safe to assume we will get more of these as we get closer to November and as we do get ready to freak out about all the twists and turns again I am personally ready for a wild ride I mean while it is funny to see people react to VI becoming a cop just wait for people to react to Victor are
Channel: Necrit
Views: 475,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Story, Necrit, Necrit94, Narrated, Explained, League of Legends, LOL, TFT, Teamfight tactics, legends of runeterra
Id: MvfkvWO1zoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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