Pro-Palestine demonstrators continue to protest at Stanford

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address speeding curves and darkness on the road. Well, tents are set up at Stanford University tonight for the second night in a row. That's despite a notice from the University saying they could be suspended or even arrested. NBC Bay Area's Jocelyn Moran joins us live from the Stanford campus tonight. Jocelyn, what's the latest out there? Hey, Audrey, as you can see, students are still out here at White Plaza. They say last night they received a letter notifying them that they were violating university policy. Then they say several students received a letter through their email through the disciplinary office. So tonight they held a rally in response to that. Tonight, the tents remain up at White Plaza at Stanford University. We will not rest for the second night in a row. Students held a rally tonight after they say some received this letter from the university this afternoon in which it states, as of this morning, students had failed to cease their violations of university policy. The university says their policy prohibits overnight camping. They sent it to specific schools . And it was we believe we are a strong belief that it was very discriminatory. The majority of the students involved that were sent letters were Muslim. One of them was not even involved with with any with the planning of this letter, we reached out to the university asking if they could explain what their disciplinary process looks like. They referred us to a statement they shared to students. They say. Last night, university staff handed out letters in which they, quote, informed students that failure to cease conduct in violation of university policy would result in a referral to the Office of Community Standards student conduct process and also could result in arrest if laws are violated, and in that Office of Community Standards, process violations could be punishable up to even suspension. Tonight, students continued to chant and camp out at white Plaza, encouraging people to come out and support for the liberation of Palestine to demand their schools for divestment from companies that are complicit in Israeli apartheid. All right. And I did ask the university if they could confirm that those letters were sent this afternoon, and if so, they could also explain the process in which they chose which students to send those letters to. I did not get a response back at Stanford. I'm Jocelyn Moran, NBC, Bay Area News Jocelyn, thank you. At UC Berkeley, it is now. Day five of their protest tents have taken over the steps and lawn at Sproul Plaza. It is a mix of students and alumni demonstrators today was the last day of regular classes for the university, but protesters say they are willing to keep going until their demands are met. And Cal Poly Humboldt has closed its campus through the remainder of the school year after student protests. There pro-Palestinian activists occupied and academic and administrator building. They've been there since Monday. Students use furniture, tents, chains and zip ties to block entrances t
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 23,782
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Keywords: Pro-Palestine demonstrators, Israel-Hamas war, Bay Area news, Stanford
Id: eEAGuZ0Y9ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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