Complete Mithrix Guide - All strats, tips & secrets (Risk of Rain 2)

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hello everybody and welcome to a complete guide on mythrix risk of rain 2's final boss i've done a little over half of the 80 required mythic skills to beat eclipse difficulty on every survivor so i figured now is as good a time as ever to make a detailed boss guide if you're unaware eclipse mode is essentially monsoon with additional negative modifiers being added to your runs each time you defeat the final boss such as making fall damage lethal having enemies attack twice as fast and even making all the damage you take permanent my point with all this is rest assured you will be able to apply this information to any and every kind of run you have regardless of the difficulty i'll start here with a brief overview on reaching the final stage then the stage itself and the mythrix fight then provide detailed information on every single phase of the fight and finally end with a completely uncut kill to showcase everything i talk about hover over the video now or tap your screen to see the timestamps if you want to skip around it's probably a good idea to mention how to actually get to the final stage so for anyone unaware you simply reach sky meadow at any point in a loop so stage 5 10 15 etc and interact with the default teleporter called the primordial teleporter which will then take you to the final stage commencement upon completion note that you can still loop your runs you'll just need to take a blue portal use the artifact teleporter or rotate the primordial teleporter to align with the planet instead of the moon all three of these methods will each bypass the final stage once you arrive on commencement you follow the long and i do mean long l-shaped path and once you wrap around the bend of the l you'll notice two islands on your left and right each containing some goodies the left island has green and red cauldrons the same ones you use at the lunar bazaar and the right has a varying amount of lunar pods ranging from 0 to 4 if you're lucky whether or not you choose to go to the islands continue back along the bridge and reach some geysers at the end take them up and enter mithrix's arena [Music] here is a brief overview of the mythrix fight there are three main phases as well as an ad or additional monster phase some people call this add phase phase 2 but to me it makes more sense to simply keep it as the add phase because you're not actually fighting the boss during it if you want to stick to calling at phase two then go ahead just know that for this guide it reflects a totally different portion of the fight so there are four total phases to the fight three of which mythics is present and one without the fight begins only when you pass the invisible trigger inside of the area if you take the geysers up and do not move you'll land outside of this trigger and are then safe to take a breather stop collect yourself before moving forward to start mythrix is extremely aggressive and quick meaning that he will track and hunt you down at all points during the encounter you won't really have a moment to step back and assess the situation you're in save for if you have a lot of mobility-related items it's best to keep as much distance between yourself and mythrix as possible save for one instance that i'll go over in detail once we get there if you do need a breather your best bet is one of the four ramps that are situated at the edges of the arena go all the way up one of them and stand in the very back for phase one mithrix has three attacks a shoulder charge a ground slam and a center dive although the dive is not used nearly as often as the other two so you can think of the charge and the slam as is two main attacks the shoulder charge is typically done while he's sprinting towards you there are two variants the first one is two quick dashes the first dash off to one of your sides and the second directly to you which deals a nice chunk of damage if it hits these dashes are always in a v-shaped pattern so if we pretend that red here is mythrix and blue is the player the process will look like this a quick dash out to one side and then another back in the second variant is an immediate charge directly towards you at the end of this dash he will briefly pause while hunched a little forward stand slowly back up and twirl his hammer around when you see this know that this is free time to damage him also it's very important to note here that mythrix cleanses any crowd control debuffs on him with either form of dash so if you slow him with the chrono bobble an ice band proc or you broke his armor with the shattering justice all of those debuffs will be removed when he dashes next bleeds and ignites are exempt from this cleanse your best bet to avoiding the charge attack is to move towards mythrix's origin the point where he was before starting the dashes as fast as you possibly can if you move back or strafe to the side you'll still be within his path and probably get hit moving straight forward and preferably over his head with a mobility skill or a wax coil plus hopeful feather is the best option the second attack is the ground slam and can be done in one of two ways either immediately after a sprint or immediately after a dash from my experience he will usually do a dash slam rather than a sprint slam but be aware that it can happen both ways don't be waiting for a dash to react to as it will probably end up surprising you and trust me you do not want to get surprised by this hammer avoiding the slam is pretty easy due to mithrik standing still for about half a second to telegraph it and all you have to do is move away from the big man with the hammer pick any direction except towards it and get moving finally the center dive has an extremely obvious indication mithriks will stand still knill down and jump out of the arena after a couple seconds he will return slamming the center of the arena and creating a circle of shock waves that travel outwards to the edges also after completing the dive he will use his ranged attack one time while sprinting towards you this fires a barrage of tracking missiles that each do a little bit of damage you can think of the center dive as mithrita's special attack he will not use it until his hp reaches a certain threshold i don't know the exact numbers but it seems to be around 1 4 or 25 of his hp i usually have three to four dives during a phase and i've never seen more than five outside of eclipse runs which don't really count because he attacks twice as often the main thing to look out for during the dive are the shock waves that come out after he lands if they hit you they will apply the crippled debuff which reduces your armor by 20 and movement speed by 50 the shock waves can easily be avoided by timing your jump and just hopping over them you don't need any additional movement or mobility items to avoid it just don't jump too early or too late and you'll be fine the needler attack can also be a little scary at first but it really doesn't do a whole lot of damage and is mainly used as a distraction as mithrix will continue to sprint towards you while firing leading into a shoulder charge or grand slam which are the real threats it may help to think of phase one as having its own cycles within mithrix will almost always alternate between the charge and the slam and rarely do the same move twice in a row so if he just shoulder charged you his next attack will most likely be a slam and vice versa i say most likely because there have been very few and i mean very few times where he has done two slams or two charges in a row but it is so rare that it feels more like a bug than anything just keep it in the back of your mind that you could potentially see the same attack but prepare for the opposite one to happen once mithrix dives to the center for the first time he's then back to charging and slamming before another dive and thus the cycles of the fight charge slam charge slam repeat until enough hp has been lost dive and then go back charge slam charge slam etc once mithrix reaches zero hp he will jump away like he's doing a dive but instead of returning will alter the environment spawning huge pillars in a circle around you and lunar chimeras for you to fight the lunar enemies are the same ones that you fought or ran past along the bridge to the arena so if you already know their abilities it's a pretty easy fight also these enemies do count as bosses and will take bonus damage from any armor-piercing rounds that you have i recommend dealing with the lunar chimera wisps first the flying ones as they're basically clay templars with twice the range they also have a heat-seeking bomb pretty much a wandering vagrance attack by like 10 times faster which places even more importance on taking them down asap the chimeric golems are not much of a threat at all they only have one attack which is a hugely telegraphed double missile shot so just keep strafing around them while you take out the wisps and you'll be fine the only noteworthy portion of this phase is that an occasional chimera golem will spawn as reinforcements with one reinforcement spawning every couple minutes or so i've only ever seen the golem spawn as the reinforcement and i've been in this phase for a long time on a couple occasions but it would not hurt to occasionally look up in the sky and double check that no wisps are suddenly there after taking out the initial group of them if you're getting overwhelmed by the number of enemies use the newly created pillars as cover breaking the line of sight and causing enemies to stop attacking and advance on your position just keep moving around the pillars in a circular fashion until you feel comfortable enough to re-engage [Music] after all the adds are dead mithriks will land back in the center of the arena and begin phase 2. lucky for you there are only a few new things to learn as the same phase 1 attacks are used just with some extra stuff packed on the first change is that he simply moves faster is more aggressive and occasionally spawns lunar chimeras to aid him all of this will truly test your understanding of his core mechanics as it leaves even less room for error note that i have only seen the chimera golem spawn but i've heard of others getting the wisps so again if you're unlucky to get a wisp remember to take them out first otherwise you can choose to kill or ignore the golems depending on how much damage you have the second change is that when he does a ground slam a flame pillar will spawn at the impact point and three shock waves will disperse outwards traveling in a v shape actually it's more like the top of a trapezoid and going back to my excellent paint skills here this is what it looks like the red circle is the impact point of the hammer so a blue pillar of flame will spawn there the three shock waves start directly on top of one another and travel out at a 45 degree angle from the center which looks like this to avoid them move straight back as moving to either side or staying too close will probably result in you getting shotgunned by multiple shock waves stay outside of this close range danger zone and remember to time your jump properly as you do when he dives the center to hop over the waves if you do get hit by the shock waves they will apply the same crippled debuff as the one from the dive leaving you extremely vulnerable to a charge afterwards so don't panic and remember to create as much distance between yourself and mythics as possible to avoid it the final change is a new attack entirely but will only occur after he does a center dive so you can think of it as an addition to the dive if you'd like after a dive mythics will run towards you and shoot as needler as usual but instead of continuing the charge slam rotation he will then immediately stop in his tracks and create massive rotating lines around him forming triangles thus i like to call this attack triangles all you have to do is not stand inside one of those huge flaming lines of death and instead in between them inside the safe spot of the triangles these lines can rotate in either direction and there is no discernible pattern to which direction they choose next so it's kind of tough to give a blanket statement for advice to dodge them more often than not i find it easiest to pick a direction either left or right and just continue strafing while firing at mythrix don't sprint don't jump and don't freak out just walk either left or right and pay attention to the lines and once one gets close enough you need to quickly decide whether or not it's best to continue in your current direction or go in the opposite if you find yourself rotating the same direction as the lines are coming it's almost always the right call to change your direction and begin going in the opposite direction if you don't freak out you will have plenty of time to reverse direction and dodge the line you will not need to sprint jump or use a mobility skull however if you can't quickly discern whether or not you'll be hit then it is a good idea to sprint and use your mobility skill to quickly displace yourself whatever you do do not stop moving even if you've killed all the chimeras as mythics can spawn more of them in the middle of this attack and if you get hit they can knock you into the lines and have that kill you or just kill you outright after phase two you're pretty much done the only thing left is to fight a severely weakened mythrix with one big caveat he now has all of your items and you'll need to damage him constantly to slowly get them back well he gets almost all of them he does take all of your items from your inventory except for tonic afflictions but he does not gain the effects of tougher times crowbars razor wire or the mired urn boss item all other items do affect him although he has no way to proc your on kill ones such as gasoline will of the wisps so you don't need to worry about those ones either mythics only has two attacks during this phase one of which you already know the needler he'll shoot a barrage of tracking needles towards you which again don't deal too much damage however now that he has your items they can be especially dangerous with capped crit cap bleed etc he moves very slowly around the arena while firing so your best bet is to just strafe in one direction like in triangles to avoid the shots the second attack is broadcast by him kneeling down as if you were about to dive in the center but instead spawning nine balls that spiral outwards from the center and then come back in you can treat these as shock waves and simply jump over them or continue strafing and then have them miss you entirely after you see them go out be sure to check behind you after a few seconds as the balls come back in so that you don't get smacked in the butt and die from a crit ice band pro mythrix will also lose a portion of his current health the wiki says 8 whenever he performs this attack despite mythrix being much slower and having much less hp than the high octane phase that you just got out of do not underestimate him here as one mistake will more than likely spell your end especially if you are fighting him on the second or third loop of a run where you have a metric but ton of items it's interesting to note that he will always take your items in the same order from right to left bottom to top and then give them back to you in that same order so if the last item you received the bottom right corner before fighting mythics was a brilliant behemoth it would be the first item that you got back from him in the final phase note that only hits that have proc coefficient can grant your items back so things like fire and ice bans the brilliant behemoth or captain's special ability the two beacons that you call down per stage that deal two thousand percent damage each those will never grant you an item despite dealing a huge chunk of matrix's hp finally you will have your equipment during this entire phase so keeping a prey on capacitor missile launcher or other damaging equipment is a great idea if you are struggling to take him down fast in this final little section here i figured i'd go over some of the less known things about the mythrix fight speaking of captain mithrix gets his microbot passive which will immediately destroy your orbital strikes before they can land leaving you to only shotgun and tase him as if you were in a hidden realm keep that in mind a chrono bobble is unironically extremely potent versus mithrix as it slows down his sprinting speed dramatically and gives you much more time to predict when he's going to dash and slam remember that he will cleanse the slow upon dashing but hey you'll just have to hit him with anything one single time to get that slow back if you're playing artificer taking either the ice bolt secondary or ion surge special trivializes the entire fight for some reason unlike every other boss in the game mythrix can be frozen and executed by artificer's ice abilities meaning that if you keep a good rotation up you can essentially permafreeze him also the only range attack that he has is the needler which he only uses after a dive making ion surges constant airtime a great option if you uh want to interact with him a little bit less on any survivor if you walk up one of those ramps in the corners as mithrix dives to the center and stands still just behind the lip mythrix will come running after you and attempt to shoulder charge you but instead be sent flying up into the air so what you may be saying well then he takes some fall damage and in some cases especially on eclipse 3 and higher he takes a lot of fall damage seriously try this one out and laugh hysterically when you see him take a fourth of his hp for fall damage alright that about does it with everything i wanted to cover for the final boss before i show the entire fight uncut let me know if this guide helped or if i missed anything in particular that you would have liked to see with a like or dislike on the video and a comment below you could check out my stream at wooly gaming and consider joining our discord server as well thank you for watching and here is a fully uncut final stage all right so here we are on commencement which is stage six or i suppose it could be any stage yes you'll note i'm at stage 11 at 1 minute and 33 seconds i'm using mods here i just spawned in what items i think i would have in a regular mythrix run maybe it's a little lucky here you know three ice bands two firebans a little bit of crit etc but don't worry for instructional purposes i will show every single ability many times over on the mythrix fight i'll give you all the details you could possibly need to understand the fight the only reason for the mods is that i didn't want to sit through a regular like 30 minute run just wanted to get here so i could showcase everything with that out of the way the first little tip actually here is that you're always spawn facing three o'clock if you think of the entrance as uh 12 o'clock noon so just turn to your left 90 degrees boom the ramp is always there i'll see people spawn in sometimes and they'll be looking and they'll go walking around oh where's the entrance it's always to your left every single time the entrance is straight to your left so we're just gonna walk up this ramp here uh the start of this ramp sorry the yeah actually the start of this ramp if you have rusted keys the lockbox can spawn anywhere along this ramp the entirety of the stage from this ramp all the way to the final boss the lock box can be anywhere so it could be in this tunnel here could be behind that pillar it could be anywhere all the way over to the final boss way over there so here's the first enemy here this is the lunar chimera golem not the wisp i call this guy the stationary golem sometimes or the stationary chimera and his only attack right here is the double missile shot you'll see he shoots two missiles there's a little spiral pattern that is the entire uh attack so you just have to make sure you keep moving maybe jump a couple times you'll just get out of it not that hard to dodge the second enemy is the lunar chimera wisp and that guy is way more dangerous like significantly more dangerous so um the normal path is to just go out of here i'm playing the loader obviously i'm going to skip some stuff the normal path just go along this bridge um it's better to you know keep close to the edge in case you have to jump off to dodge a shot or something and get teleported back in there's no problem with that just walk around this it's a big l shape so this is the bottom part portion of the l and then it goes that big long section and there's the final boss so here are the lunar chimeras the whis sorry the lunar chimera wisps they have a huge name for some reason um their main attack is that right there it's a clay templar shot you'll see if i uh let him hit me here for a second or if he just stops attacking that's cool too i'll just kill the other one here get this guy out i'll let him do it it's basically a clay templar flying clay templar that shoots two streams of bullets at the same time it does a lot of damage actually i gotta hit here uh you can see just even for a couple seconds i lost a significant portion of my hp and if i you know didn't use mods to get here maybe i took a lot more damage they're pretty dangerous i highly advise that you take out the wisps before the golems and honestly unless you have a butt ton of damage just ignore the golems entirely they are not dangerous at all it's very easy to hear when their missiles come out i'll wait for him here it's very easy to hear when the shots are coming after you so if you're running away from them just be on the lookout for that noise and then just strafe side to side and you'll be able to dodge it no problem so again the lock box if you have rusted keys can be anywhere along this bridge absolutely anywhere so be on the lookout for that and kill the wisps here the lunar chimera wisps and you should be okay that's pretty much all you have to do and you'll also see over here there are two islands the first one is here to the left right there and that one has the cauldrons as you can see cauldron soul bon catalyst the second one to my right has lunar pods and you can have anywhere from zero which is pretty unlucky to four lunar pods so i think i have two here might as well just buy them see what's in there hellfire tincture i don't have an equipment maybe i should uh i'll be fine vis-a-filthy do nothing so there's anywhere from zero to four i've never had more than uh four i don't think anything can spawn up here i've never seen a pod up here maybe you guys have you can tell me different and to get here normally all you have to do is from this bridge right here oops i mean they'll do that right there from this bridge right here so just walking across it as usual you can simply jump on this ledge and then walk off this ledge to here and you can either you know make that jump or just walk a little further drop down right there and then to get to the other island do the same thing so there to there and then on this segment you can either if you have a mobility skill if you have a hopeful feather you can just jump off of here to the islands and obviously if you have a ton of mobility you can just go straight from there there um or if you don't have any mobility or you got super unlucky then you can just take these rocks this is why these rocks are exactly where they are for very specific reasons take these rocks go to this segment the uh the slanted segment here because it extends further than this one and then from here just simply drop down not a big deal whatsoever so i'm gonna check these actually you have a random number of cauldrons i've had times there have like two cauldrons total and then i've had times i have like 10 cauldrons total it just varies and also the color the rarity of the cauldrons also just varies i've had uh all reds i've had all greens it doesn't matter it's completely random also uh cauldrons can spawn up here i've had like two or three sometimes there can be cauldrons up here and also you can have a cauldron that spawns right here so be on the lookout uh look up here maybe there's like a 57 leaf clover or something chilling up here um and the reason why these cauldrons are important is because on sky meadow if you find a scrapper you can scrap all the items you know you don't need for the final boss such as will of the wisps um ukuleles meat hooks etc you don't need any aoe for the boss fight and like old guillotines there's no elites in this boss fight so all your aoe and all of your uh i guess guillotines know their elite uh maybe like wake of vultures you can scrap all of that and use the scrap here at the cauldrons to get stuff that might actually be useful like fuel cells like maybe a stealth kit if you want to accelerate stealth why not let's get one stealth kit i like an infusion i guess maybe the infusion it's not that good because you have to you know kill enemies to get the health you get my point though um it's a good idea to use the scrappers and then to get off of this island if you have a lot of mobility you can just you know get back up there i'm playing the loader i can easily get back up there but if you have no mobility all you do is you jump off here and another pro tip is if you ping the ground that is the barrier that's the invisible barrier where you get teleported back in so if you cancel your momentum right at the end and then you ping the ground so you know that you're close enough boom it teleports back in you take no damage now again i'm playing the loader shouldn't take fall damage so it's kind of irrelevant but if you're playing um let's say like multi or engineer or something and you have one hope feather and that's it you jump off the island and then just cancel your momentum right at the end all right so here is the final boss arena these little geysers take them on up if you don't move at all after taking a geyser the boss fight will not start until you move forward so if you want to you know shake off the nerves a little bit take a deep breath relax you can just sit here chill out as long as you want you can also run around um the invisible berry is like somewhere uh i guess where did my pings go hello it's somewhere ahead of me right here so you can take as much time as you want move forward and then you start the fight also i think when the music changes that's obviously when you uh pass the barrier so all right so phase one of mithrix again there are two main attacks that he has it's the shoulder charge and the hammer slam so he will always start when he comes from the center um anytime he's coming from the center he will start sprinting towards you and he will more than likely dash for his first attack like that or he will slam if you're right next to him if you just let him sprint straight towards you he might slam you immediately but it's unlikely as long as you're keeping a distance you're trying to avoid him he will probably dash for his first attack and remember there are two different uh shoulder charges there you saw the first one right there that was the v attack went boom boom he like ping-ponged off the wall the second version is he will instantly dash that was another ping pong watch out for the hammer i'm trying to get him to use his instant dash here see if he did it no that's another he went back and then in that was the same one see if he used the instant one no he's not doing it so it's a pretty easy fight all you have to do is just avoid the slams that was an instant one you saw that right there he instantly dashed forward and attacked me that's another one you have to be very very careful of because it's so hard to predict when it happens it's very hard so just keep on a move keep on move don't get right next to him if you're playing mercenary then my condolences uh or i guess if you're playing load or two you have to pick and choose your windows of engagement very carefully like right now i'm not gonna i wouldn't have used my punch there even if i wanted to because i knew that he would have slammed me with the hammer right after that he's always going to charge and then slam dash charge slam all right dash in charge i'm just using them synonymously the same word charge slam charge slam so if he just charged uh assume that he's gonna slam like that he just charged now he's doing a slam so i'll wait for him to charge again there he goes and he's going to slam and then boom we can go in and get a free punch there so that that's the general idea with the mythic fight and obviously have a ton of damage so he instantly gets phased here he's going to go to the center shock waves come out you jump over the shock wave it is uh that's the whole fight that's the whole it's not the whole fight that's the whole phase one just dodge the hammer keep moving um if he dashes towards you just go straight towards him and whoo that's a that was a risky one there good thing i'm hopeful feathers um if he's running towards you you want to go straight towards him because then he will dash and miss you that is the best way to avoid the dashes just go straight towards him uh hopefully he doesn't die here because i want to do another center phase that should be another center phase cool so he goes to the center he's gonna come down slam and then the shock voice will come you just time you jump boom jump right over him or they just miss you that works too and then remember that he will shoot that needler only when he comes back from a uh center dive that is the only time that he will fire that needle shot except for the last phase but that's that's the exception obviously so here one last time he'll be running towards me i'm just going to run towards him he's going to dash he's going to miss and he's just going to slam and then out my window boom hit him uh and obviously if you're playing a range survivor you have a lot more freedom you can shoot them whenever you want to pretty much but if you're playing a melee survivor that's one of the reasons why i chose loader so i can show you those windows of engagement so here's the add phase nothing special you got the big pillars now uh they spawned in a big circle around the arena if you want to if you have a oh that's close uh if you want to you have a lot of momentum you can just get up here and you know chill out a little bit if you want to i don't want to the lunar chimeras again the wisps are the dangerous ones not the golems the stationary guys are not stationary the uh yeah i guess stationary they stay on the ground that's the stationary part kill the wisps and there's nothing special about this phase occasionally if you take too long you will get additional golems these guys also another interesting note is that they have red hp you'll see here the red hp bar so my armor piercing rounds do affect them and do the bonus damage pretty cool but you just kill the adds and then you're good to go again if you need help or so if you need a moment to breathe you can stand behind the pillars here rotate around the pillars to dodge shots etc so now we're on phase two of mythrix if you want to call it phase three of the fight that's fine too the first most notable thing is that when he slams he creates one that big pillar and two uh the shock waves that come outside oh i wasn't lucky you saw a dodge a shock always there um also he will spawn there's another notable change that was unlucky again he will spawn the lunar chimera golems to follow him i have heard of people getting the wisps i have not personally gotten the wisps but i have heard of it happening um so be on the lookout for the whis like occasionally maybe look up and make sure nothing's following you although i have done a lot of mythic skills and i've never seen a wisp so maybe don't do that you have to worry about that if it's your first time killing methods just focus on mythrix himself um but the golems it's only a good idea to take off the golems if you have a medium too high amount of damage because if you don't have a lot of damage you're going to take so much time it's going to take a lot of time to kill the golems and that's the time that you're not spending on fighting mythics or paying attention but not even fighting and paying attention to him because you make one mistake in this fight and you're probably gonna die because phase two is when he gets the the shock waves out of his slam and if you get hit by a shock wave you get your movement speed reduced by half 50 reduction it's massive so that leaves you very vulnerable to him charging you and then uh finishing you off killing it so with the golems again if you don't have a lot of damage just ignore them because once you face mythrix by phase i mean he goes to the center and does triangles i just call that phasing you know going on to the next phase quote unquote even though it's not the fight you get my idea um don't kill the goblins if you have a little amount of damage but you have medium to high amount kill the golems take them out and then you can just focus on the fight that could have been very bad other than that mythics is just doing the same attack patterns as you saw before just with the addition again of the big flame puller and the shock waves when he slams the ground so i think now we can do well i wasn't lucky now we can do some damage to him get him to go to the next phase here there we go so here comes triangle phase after he slams the ground you just jump over the shock waves as usual now he'll start by sprinting towards you a little bit maybe he'll needler and maybe he'll slam perfect and now he's going to triangles 100 guaranteed he goes to triangles here so he'll either do a slam or a dash that could have been bad or he will do triangles right away and if he does a slam or a dash he will always go to triangles the very next attack he will never do double slam double uh double dash he will go one attack and then triangles or triangles right away as soon as he comes back from the center so keep that in mind keep that in mind triangles are very important because if you get caught off guard if you're in a bad spot triangles can kill you like instantly um also speaking of triangles this is a very good spot to be this is the i should have shown this on the fair face this is the safe spot quote unquote it's not necessarily a sale speak of the devil it's not necessarily a safe spot because he can still kind of get to you but once you're up here and you're standing in this spot you kind of just uh i don't know why but he just kind of stands on you does nothing or he goes to the center like this and this would be a perfect example for triangles there you go you just stand up here and the triangles they won't hit you it looks like it'll reach you and i've heard of people getting hit up here but the the the radius look at that it's so large that the rotation rather of the triangles is so large that you bear have a very very very small chance of being hit by the triangles when you're up there so if you need to take a breather and you don't want to get free damage on mythrix on triangle phase stand up here you should be perfectly fine and then here we're back to just a regular metrics he's going to shoulder charge he's going to slam etc etc got to stay in the air there because that might have hit me oh man that was the double slam there very rarely will he do two slams or two dashes in a row um i was before i was talking about specifically after the uh the center dive here but even in general in his regular attacks he will very rarely do double slam double triangle or sorry double uh dash so just keep that in mind it's usually gonna be one and then the other so here we go i'm just gonna keep moving oh that was bad very good though so don't freak out if you get hit don't freak out just keep moving if you think that you're gonna get hit maybe use your mobility skill at the last second or uh you know quickly rotate the opposite direction just don't freak out that's the most important thing do not freak out if you think you're gonna get hit because you probably will get hit even if you would have dodged it before you freak out you're probably gonna get hit i'm just gonna kill this guy again again there so he's gonna oh he needlered me interesting so i guess the final face you can either uh regularly i've never seen that actually it's the first time first time for everything i suppose so here i'll just finish up the fight here after he slams i knew that was gonna hit me oh well all right so here is the final phase a lot of people struggle with the final phase or they find it very annoying he takes all of your items except for spinal tonic debuffs which is bad because you know debuff is bad and he doesn't use crowbars razor wire mired iron or tougher times the teddy bears that block for you he does use everything else including tesla coils so if you're playing a melee survivor like this and you have a tesla coil i do not but assume let's just uh you know think that i did of a test of coil then i would have to keep the distance i'd have to like stay out of range over here um a good thing is you'll see the icon see how you see he has double bands ready you'll see that tesla coil icon will be a big pink like electric bolt you'll see that and you know that the tessa coil is currently active wait for that to go away then you can go in you have like a i think it's eight seconds on eight seconds off is the tesla coil maybe it's like 10 and 10 i don't know uh wait for it to go away then engage him and again i may i i'm sorry if i'm just spewing information out here i'm trying to showcase absolutely everything for the fight um this is not supposed to be like a regular mythic fight obviously i would have been damaging him by now uh so this is this is how easy this phase is right here you just keep moving around he'll just needler you just move uh in a circle it doesn't matter which direction clockwise counterclockwise just keep moving and he will not be able to hit you right there i got you know slapped a little bit that's fine if you keep a close angle actually like this you will get hit more often if you keep it tight angle sorry if you keep a tight angle you will get hit if you keep a more broad angle if farther you stay away from him they won't hit you at all i think it's something to do with the acceleration of the shots i had to guess so yeah that's all you have to do just walk in a circle wherever the shots come out i'm gonna hit him a couple times now just start getting my items back once you deal damage to him for the first time he will slam the ground and these little balls will come out all you have to do is pay attention to the balls keep running around make sure they don't hit you just keep running around and you should be okay that was kind of close remember the balls go out in a spiral and then they come back so you have to be very very very careful about that also the reason why he's using this so frequently is that i had a purity on me so two second cooldown reduction that also applies to mythrix that could have been bad that was the double band proc right there holy moly we're good to go though it's all right that's why i got to pay attention pay attention to the spikey balls also he has a deal's best friend um i took a deals on purpose just to showcase this if you have a dio's best friend and you give it to mythrix or he gets it rather when he dies he will respawn however you have all of your items so it's a pretty free kill at that point just be uh be careful of that should be dead here there we go he's going to respawn because he had my deals there he is nice to have to kill him again but i have every single one of my items so it should be a one shot there you go and that is the mythics fight again i know that i had mods and all this stuff wasn't a real fight quote unquote i thought i explained everything the boss fight hopefully didn't miss anything and one last thing before we go here uh the log book for this stage is actually underneath the stage right here so if i go underneath the stage where all these little pillars can join if you get here before five minutes not five minutes total but when you reach commencement uh you have five minutes to get to this location and it doesn't matter if you kill the boss beforehand or after it doesn't matter if you get here within five minutes the log book will be right here for you to acquire so again if you get here and you have a million damage you go there kill mythrix real quick and then get here before five minutes you'll still have the logbook and sorry actually one last thing i forgot to explain uh you have to leave the stage that's the whole point of this it's kind of obvious um you know move detonation eminent you have a big marker on your map uh way over there you have to exit but just in case you didn't know yes the whole goal after you kill matrix is to escape the final stage you will get the occasional triangle beams there or the the flame lines whatever you want to call them and also void reavers will spawn um note that the void river attack if you get hit by three or more will root you in place so it can be very dangerous be careful of that otherwise you just exit the stage the same way you got here and once you cheer back to your drop ship you are good to go you successfully killed mythics and beat the game
Channel: Woolie
Views: 262,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: risk, of, rain, ror, woolie, xbox, playstation, switch, console, ps4, tips, guide, tutorial, tierlist, wooliegaming, mithrix, final boss, final stage, moon, commencement, strats, best loadout, easy kill
Id: 5eKczbUwT7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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