Item & Equipment Tierlist - Patch 1.0 FULL LIST (Risk of Rain 2)

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hello everybody and welcome to the fully updated item and equipment tier list for patch 1.0 of risk of rain 2. if you've seen any number of my previous tier list know that this one will have some sweeping changes to what you've seen before so don't be too surprised if you see some radical shifts up or down also if you want a reference for when you're in the game there is a spreadsheet version of this list in the description below i'll split the items into categories based on the rarity i'll start with commons or whites then move to greens reds etc the ranks i give will strictly adhere to the following scale from worst to best based on an item or equipment's effect and note there are no in-between ranks f is reserved only for very specific effects that i recommend you avoid entirely d is for effects that are weak or entirely outclassed by others in the same rarity see the effects are okay but nothing special b the effect is good but either inconsistent or outclassed a the effect is great and s the effect is amazing these are the top tier items i play exclusively on monsoon difficulty and the ranks i give are indicative of the general usefulness of an effect on any survivor in any circumstance also there are a handful of effects that have multiple ranks attached to them as they do perform drastically different under specific circumstances alright long intro let's begin here with the common items starting in d tier with the bustling fungus fungus has always had the issue of viability not due to its numerical effect but rather its method of activation standing completely still for two whole seconds is already hard enough past the first couple stages let alone continuing to stand still while it slowly trickles your hp up there are just far too many better sources of healing in the game to compete with for the poor old fungus and here is a great time to mention that multiple rank exception the fungus of course performs significantly better on the engineer specifically with his stationary turrets to the point of it pretty much being an essential item his turrets receive all of his items and are always standing still so just a couple fungus increase their tankiness by an extreme amount the second and last item in d tier is the focus crystal similar to the fungus staying in melee range is too inconsistent of an effect to take advantage of in most situations this one has another obvious exception that one being melee survivors in which the focus crystal gets an a in all other cases though you just will not be that close to enemies past the first few stages or else you're just asking to die moving on to c tier we start with the bundle of fireworks they're a fun item to stack and watch the entire stage get filled with heat-seeking death works but aside from them being a novelty they don't bring much else to the table having to interact with something on the stage means that once you you know run out of stuff to interact with they're a useless item can you endlessly print them sure should you probably not next crowbar while you may think that dealing a whopping 50 extra damage to a target is a pretty darn great effect which it is by itself the consistency is not as soon as your target dips below 90 health the crowbar is rendered completely useless which means unless you are literally one-shotting things you're not getting as much bang for your buck as possible with the crowbars well then you may be asking just shave your largest instant of damage to first use while the target is still full hp that way you'll always get the effect in theory yes that's exactly what you should do however in practice as in when you're actually playing the game that's a whole lot easier said than done most of the time your highest damaging thing the one you can abuse crowbars with the most is your equipment slot which has a cooldown what's better than sitting idly by hoping that after the next 30 seconds passes by your equipment crits procs a band an atg maybe a ukulele or two and that the target is still above 90 health when all of those things finally happen how about just damaging and killing stuff as usual in this game the less thinking your items make you do the better next energy drink whoa hold up hold up yes movement speed and mobility in general are both integral to staying alive in risk of rain too so why is our good friend the energy drink who we've all known and loved for so long down here in c tier allow me to explain when you press your sprint key your existing momentum is multiplied by 1.45 which is a 45 increase note that i said existing movement as in whatever speed you're already moving at is what it's increased by when sprinting here in lies the problem with the energy drink its effect is only added to your speed after you've already begun sprinting okay you say why is this bad it's still more speed than a goat hoof while sprinting right for the first stack yes that 30 increase from energy drink is more than what a goat hoof provides however for each additional stack the 20 is actually less than a goat hoof because remember while sprinting all of your speed is given a 45 increase so that 14 from the hoof turns into a 20.3 while sprinting which is more than the energy drink so it's not that the energy drink is bad just that it's outclassed in every way past the first stack by the goat hoof due to the hoof granting increased movement speed at all times next fresh meat a little bit of region after killing a target is useful early on but the flat 2 hp per second doesn't scale too well and once your hp pool gets into the upper hundreds there are much better healing effects to chase after than the meat next gasoline similar to the issue with meat the aoe damage is useful early on to wipe out groups but once you move into the later stages the dps just cannot keep up with your other damage it's nice to have especially on survivors with little to no innate area capabilities but it is outclassed by many other things down the road next personal shield gens it's hard to get through one of my streams slash fully gaming heat without clarifying the shield gen's effect on your one shot protection so i'll just start with that if you didn't know there is a hidden mechanic although it's not that hidden anymore with the health bar update in 1.0 called one shot protection if you are at or above 90 of your combined max hp which is your regular health plus any shields not barrier that you have you cannot die to one instance of damage there are a few more things to one shot protection such as its lingering duration but in regards to the shiljins the problem is not that shields remove or disable your one shot protection but rather significantly alter how it's kept up see your shields cannot be leached or regen normally the only way to restore missing shields is to take absolutely no damage for seven seconds and then allow them to fill up back to their full amount which takes no longer than two seconds this is the issue with shields and one shot protection if you take heavy damage and lose your one shot protection you do not want to be stuck around waiting for that close to 10 seconds until it is back up everyone who's gotten past the first loop knows that there are plenty and i mean plenty of things that can one shot you in your run so why would you want to intentionally yourself by not having one shot protection up as much as possible now are shield gens bad no not necessarily extra hp is pretty nice to have but is the tiny amount of hp the shields actually provide you worth the trade-off of being wary of a one shot around every single corner not to mention your overall reduction to healing and region capabilities to me no it's not which is why the shield gen receives ac next rusted key while you have at least one key a lockbox will spawn in a random place on each stage which when open gives you a random item whose rarity is based on how many keys you have in total so more keys equals better loot the issue is that you really have to go out of your way to scout for it you'll probably miss the lockbox too many times in a run to count can you print keys on keys on keys and hunt the lockbox down every single stage for a free red item quote unquote i mean yeah if you want to lose all of your other common items in the process but being realistic something like that isn't going to happen until like the end of your second loop and beyond anyway which makes the consistency of the keys effect not very high to say the least next stun grenade disabling targets for a short amount of time is useful for things like elder marians imps golems and such but many other dangerous enemies are immune to stuns most notably bosses so their overall effect is limited just grab a couple stacks of stun grenade for the smaller guys and then forget about them lastly war banner it was buffed here in the 1.0 patch to not drop whenever you activate the teleporter as well as when you level up while it's a good change it wasn't enough to propel the war banner any further up the ranks it's still a rather small area to play around for the slight increase to movement and attack speed so similar to the stun grenade if you have a few stacks cool otherwise it's not a big deal to be absent in new runs moving up to b-tier we start with the cautious slug the slug provides some of if not the best early game healing around with the only requirement being you not taking damage while the healing occurs it's always nice to have a couple slugs so that the option of retreating i mean tactically withdrawing from a situation and regaining any lost hp is available next monster tooth this is like the inverse slug the more damage you have and the faster you kill things the more you are rewarded for being aggressive with the tooth healing you per enemy killed why the jump into b-tier because the addition of the maximum hp heal on top of the flat amount it's still great to have a couple teeth early on but now they scale a teeny bit into the mid game as well whereas before they'd be next to useless upon arriving in stage four it's always nice to see a tooth or two pop up in the first couple stages next repulsion armor the flat damage reduction is applied to all sources of damage including damage over time which is the main reason to pick these bad boys up five flat damage per stack doesn't scale too well when the enemies start dealing thousands of damage per shot but it is pretty good when damage over times barely get into the 50s and 60s in the first loop let alone the hundreds just two or three repulsions can and probably will save your life from a pack of magma worms or imp overlords lastly sticky bomb what can i say the little guys have grown on me a bit since their blatant execution way back in scorched acres i'm kidding they were definitely too op and needed a nerf having the extra 180 damage at the end of your proc chains is quite useful to pump your overall damage up and otherwise getting the occasional bomb to proc isn't a bad thing either after all more damage is always the right answer moving on now to the a tier we start with armor-piercing rounds with the addition of the final boss on stage six armor-piercing grounds have received an indirect buff and are very much worth taking multiple stacks of early on into a run they were never bad to get just less desirable than others past the first one or two stacks but now if you plan on taking down the final boss especially you need some armor piercings in your run on top of that they also help with the regular teleporter fights by significantly reducing the amount of time you focus on the boss and more on the other threats that spawn which you know you're kind of doing that whole process once per stage so yeah they're pretty useful i'd say next backup magazine every survivor's secondary ability is quite powerful usually relating to aoe damage in some way so having additional charges of it is surprise surprise a powerful effect not much else to say about this one next medkit along with the monster tooth medkit also received a nice percent hp heal on top of the flat amount but the nature of the medkit's effect bumps it all the way up into a tier getting healed after you take damage being a good thing is a no brainer right well by now healing five percent of your health per stack medkit's consistency was drastically increased it feels really good to get to stage five get smacked by an overloading brass contraption and then healing back fifteen percent of the damage lost just by running away without multiple stacks sure the heal isn't anything to write home about but the sheer number of hits you'll be taking actually ends up restoring more hp overall than all but the best forms of healing in the game seriously the new med kits feel great next soldiers syringe never did i think the day would come where the syringes and medkits were in the same tier yet here we are now is this because their effects are similar enough in strength to warrant the same tier no actually it's simply that the syringes aren't unique enough in their effect there are so many other sources of attack speed in this game that the need for anything more than six or seven syringes is complete overkill in my opinion the zerker pauldron warhorn predatory instincts all of these items give significantly more than 15 attack speed per stack so why waste your white scrap or items in general on printing syringes again i do recommend getting a handful five to seven syringes to get that baseline attack speed up but past that point simply rely on other sources lastly topaz broach barrier is a valuable asset to have at any point in a run you know having more hp and all that kind of stuff past the first few stages it takes quite a few anywhere from seven to ten stacks of roads to reasonably maintain your total pool so be sure to keep that investment in mind when you do find a printer moving now to the tippity top of the common items s-tier starting with lensmaker's glasses critical strikes double your damage one pair of glasses grants 10 crit so you can think of this relationship as each stack of crit glasses granting 10 percent more damage the only exception to this rule would be damage over time as those hits deal base damage and cannot be scaled by crits but for the vast majority of other sources of damage kritz scale them extremely well i recommend to stop printing quick glasses at 9 stacks not 10 as both the predatory instincts and harvester sites give an additional 5 crit and chances are if you found a crit printer you probably have or will shortly have a single predatory or scythe next paul's goat hoof i pretty much detailed this item in the energy drinks explanation but i'll give you a quick rundown here again the 14 movement speed per stack is applied to you at all times and on top of that when you sprint all of your momentum is given a 45 increase meaning each stack of a hoof effectively grants 20.3 movement speed while sprinting this makes the goat hoof undoubtedly better for energy drink in every way it affects you while strafing jumping walking sprinting everything i can't stress enough how important the ability to quickly dodge threats is in this game making the goat hoof not only one of the best commons but one of the best items overall to get in your runs next tougher times when all else fails and you do inevitably make a mistake tougher times is always there to have your back it has a pretty self-explanatory effect giving chance to completely block incoming damage both from direct hits and over time but its numerical values are a different story in short it scales hyperbolically meaning it receives less and less benefit per stack and can never truly reach a 100 chance the specific formula for block chance is this but don't worry about trying to do the math in your head while playing the game as a good break point to always remember is that 10 teddy bears equals 60 block chance exactly so whenever i find a teddy printer i like to stop at 10 stacks for that 60 block because it feels amazing in the majority of situations and doesn't require too much investment also your luck stat which is increased by the clover and decreased by purity has no effect on teddy bears finally oh baby you know it the tri-tip dagger what else can i even say other than that bleeds are now essentially permanent and scale infinitely like how is that not absolutely busted it's important to note here that the chance to bleed is affected by whatever the proc coefficient of the hit is meaning if you're using something like commando's primary which has a 1.0 coefficient you need seven daggers to cap your bleed whereas something like the captain's primary with its .75 proc coefficient means that you would need nine stacks to cap it get it cap you bleed while playing the captain okay seriously though bleeds are insane sources of single target dps and in their current state tri-tip daggers are extremely easy to scale up to the point of melting through even the tankiest of enemies jumping to the next tier of uncommon items let's begin here again with the d ranks starting with the left on daisy yes this thing has saved my life multiple times but i cannot justify placing it any higher because of its consistency um actually the left on deja's always activated even intervals during the teleporter's charge which is actually the very definition of consistency okay thank you very much humor well yeah okay the effect is literally consistent in reality there's no guarantee that you are missing a large chunk or really any hp at all when it goes off again there are times where the daisy pops in in the heat of battle and smacks you in the face with that much needed 50 heal but those times are very few and far between the others where it just kind of pops out and fizzles away like a stagnant fart the only other item joining the daisy and d tier is the squid poglet simply put there is far too much competition in the green rarity to give the pog lips anything higher than a d their effect is lackluster and their consistency is extremely low that's it you have to interact with something to get them to spawn so fireworks but once they're there they do negligible damage and literally kill themselves by just sitting around their 30 second duration is not an actual timer but rather tied to their hp which slowly reaches zero over 30 seconds meaning sure if you manage to heal them they can stay alive for longer than 30 seconds at a time but uh yeah you go ahead and play around your apocalypse and keeping them alive as long as possible let me know how that works out for you moving up to c tier starting with bandolier to me bandler perfectly represents an average item it has a great effect completely resetting all of your cooldowns including fully restoring any charges on your charge based abilities but set effect is gated behind killing an enemy and successfully hitting the percent chance to drop it's always good to have a couple bandolier stacks but you're never going to get to the point of saying wow my bundlers sure are carrying this run right now and that's okay next chrono bobble by itself the effect is pretty much worthless but when paired with the death mark item which is the sole reason for the bobble c rank it proves itself quite useful let me make it clear slowing enemies is not a valuable trait due to the vast majority of enemies having ranged attacks and the slow only applies to their movement speed but again it is worth having just one bobble for the death mark next old war stealth kit similar to the daisy there are definitely times where the stealth kit can save your life or at the very least give you some much needed breathing room to escape a threat and reassess your approach but for the most part it just kind of sits there in your inventory not a great item but definitely not a bad one to have either next red whip the speed it provides can help you traverse the stages quicker and increase your overall dlph to include per hour but you'll soon realize that oh shoot i still need to kill some stuff and suddenly the whip takes the backseat and outcome the big boys lastly rose buckler again another pretty neat effect gated behind inconsistency there's one no guarantee that you'll be sprinting while taking damage and two no guarantee that you'll be taking damage while sprinting see the point outside of a few edge cases like the huntress where you can effectively be sprinting and maintaining full dps at all times you won't get much mileage out of the rose buckler moving up to b-tier starting with berserker pauldron a nice chunk of movement at attack speed when killing enemies in quick succession is a very good effect as i explained with syringes there are many sources of attack speed and the zircon pauldron is one of those sources so long as you have a bit of innate aoe and a few items to aid you you should have no problem maintaining the zircopulgent procs when they matter the most such as during the teleporter next in fusion i've actually come to appreciate the infusions hp increase more and more especially with the addition of stage 5 and its crazy enemy types there have been more and more threats gradually added to the game including the 10 increased difficulty scaling with the current patch so infusion has thus become more and more lucrative having an additional 1 or 200 hp alone makes a world of a difference when you reach stage 5 and have just under 500 total health hashtag just hunters things next leeching seed similar to the relationship of hooves versus energy drinks the leaching seed simply pales in comparison to the harvester's scythe i'll explain more once we get there but in short the one hp per stack of seed is useful early on but quickly falls off without multiple stacks which you'd be better off getting in sights instead again it's definitely useful to have a seat or two early on and it's not a bad item it just gets outclassed quickly next razor wire you do not grab a razor wire and suddenly expect to annihilate everything in sight when you take damage rather you think huh what if i purposefully get bled or ignited here sure enough that is where the razor wire shines the most where you intentionally get inflicted with a damage over time such as a magma worm burn or an imp overlord bleed the hellfire tincture equipment etc etc and automatically retaliate back the power that gives you in the early stages is the sole reason i'm giving razerwire a b rank because otherwise yeah it's a pretty poopy item and obviously yes rex performs much better with razerwire than the other survivors due to you know killing himself with his own abilities i'd give it an a not an s on rex because the stacking effect is not that amazing lastly war horn here's another example of a great source of attack speed and it has a rather consistent effect to boot now with something like the crayon accumulator and its 140 second cooldown yeah that isn't the greatest of synergies however with something like the gnarled wood sprite or royal capacitor warhorn's uptime can be close to if not totally permanent heck even picking up a blast shower isn't that terrible of an idea before you find a top tier equipment just to maintain your warthorn moving on now to a tier we start with death mark its effect 50 increase damage to a marked target is absolutely gargantuan but needing four separate debuffs to trigger it is what's holding this guy back from an s rank things that count as debuffs are basically anything that shows above the health bar of the enemy so slows burns bleeds and such it's very important to note that a stun is not a debuff so stun grenades do not count towards the death mark's proc some survivors come with debuffs in their kit such as acrid artificer and rex who actually comes with two ooh what a special little robot so keep that in mind when you're looking for more things to proc the death mark next gore's tone like in fusion i've come to enjoy the tome's effects more and more even with a single stack the amount of time the tomes can save you in the long haul can be significant which makes it a very valuable pickup the earlier you are in your run yeah once things are spawning left and right its procs become less important but until that point it's always nice to see a little gold pile plop out from an enemy its wording is a little bit vague all the skills over time part means is that when you arrive on a stage the gold granted by the tome is at a bare minimum the same amount as the cost of a regular chest or multi shot and this amount increases in tandem with your in-game difficulty so if you're on stage one atom will grant at least 25 gold and if you're on like stage 10 where the chests are 2 000 gold a tome will also give at least 2 000 gold next chiaro's band it's safe to say that yes the changes to ice and firebands are absolutely a buff to their overall effectiveness wait how is fireband only at here doesn't it do more damage than ice yes but again it's all about consistency ice band's damage happens immediately when it procs while the fireband relies on the tornado staying on target for the full duration yes the tornado's area was increased drastically compared to what it was before but i've noticed the chance for it to stay on target for all but the largest enemies like the alloy worship unit is quite low enemies simply move far too much and or are just small themselves so even the slightest moments can take them completely out of its damage again yes the band changes are amazing and yes they are absolutely still top tier items but fireband is the less desirable out of the two next old guillotine like the sticky bombs our lord and savior the guillotine has also relinquished its throne as king the bump down from s to a is warranted for twofold one it was nerfed numerically going from 20 execute to 13. note that this value also scales like teddy bears where each stack gets less and less powerful and can never truly reach 100 and 2 the elites themselves were actually nerfed substantially with this patch the malachites and celestine lost more than 20 of their total hp so those changes combined place the guillotine down here in a tier it's still a great item obviously just not as essential as it was before lastly wax quail it continues to be a staple for your overall movement in any run all while only needing a few stacks to truly shine in fact quell has kind of an interesting balance where the more stacks you have the less powerful the item becomes and i'm not talking about scaling i'm saying you do not want to have more than three or four quails else you'll be shot forwards at such a large distance that it's straight-up becomes uncontrollable stop at three quails that is more than enough momentum for dodging threats moving on now to the big boys of the uncommons s tier starting with the atg missile i mean come on is there any reason why this guy isn't a top tier item deals a hefty amount of damage has a decent proc chance and can cascade your damage into insane levels and proc chains due to having a 1.0 proc coefficient however while there is absolutely no reason why the atg isn't s tier i can't really say it's alone in its place as the best damage item overall anymore uh oh sneaky foreshadowing next fuel cell an additional charge and decreased cooldown for your equipment per stack yep sign me right up your equipment slot is an extremely important choice for any successful run and an item that directly benefits every single equipment out there is a fantastic pickup in any circumstance not much else to say next harvester sights all right let's take it back to the le2 seat one hp per hit not a bad effect remember well the scythe grants eight health only four for each additional stack but requires that hit to be a critical strike thing is crits aren't that rare to come across in fact with just the scythe alone your crit chance is six percent five percent from the item and one percent from your survivors and eight crit meaning that eight hp per crit can be averaged out to .48 per hit which is six percent of the value however even with just a single pair of crit glasses on top so 16 total crit a single stack of scythe now grants 1.28 hp per hit which is more than the leaching seat and on top of that that's just with one scythe and one pair of crit if you get more of either of those you increase this amount even further compared to the leeching seed so yes scythe is undoubtedly the king of leech while it's dual scaling with both more crit and you know more sights exists next hopefully in a game where traversing the stages can prove difficult without the necessary verticality as well as movement in general being such an important factor to staying alive the hopu feather is always an amazing asset to have one jump how about five maybe even ten who cares the more the merrier staying above your enemies while also maintaining complete directional control is something that only the hopu feather can grant you which warrants its place here in s tier next predatory instincts yet another source of attack speed and in my opinion the best one the more you crit the more attack speed you get crit is plentiful enough to come by so maintaining your stacks of predatory is deceptively easy and once you do reach capped crit there is no stopping the flurry of hits coming the enemy's way i highly recommend holding off on extreme amounts of syringes due to the consistency of predatory next rounds band ah here we are the ice band as i've already said the band changes feel amazing to play with and the ice band is now the unequivocal definition of consistent damage to understand why let's talk about how the bands now proc they are no longer related to chance but rather are guaranteed to proc if your hit's base damage is 400 or greater i place emphasis on bass because effects like critical strikes crowbars focus crystals armor piercing grounds etc do not increase the base of a hit and rather scale the total amount basically if the percent of whatever hit you're using to determine the band proc is not 400 or more you will never see a band proc on that hit regardless of crit boss type crowbars etc now what does this mean for their consistency overall well very few survivors lack an ability with 400 damage in their most optimal loadout which will be the next video i put out and zero survivors lack an ability overall that has at least 400 damage associated with it in fact that's probably why the rather arbitrary 400 base damage was used for their proc as it gives every survivor a chance to use them with their innate abilities and not from external sources like items or equipment and that brings up the next point i want to cover procking bans via items and equipment this is why the change just feels so good being able to hold your bands until you release a capacitor shot or proc and atg and have the bands deal massive damage based off of that is a much needed mechanic of player agency that we've been missing out on to intentionally chunk large targets via ice or fireband proc and to do that consistently is the main reason why the band changes are excellent ice band proves more useful overall in its instantaneous damage rather than relying on the tornado to stay on target which is why it receives an s and not an a next yooka-laylee proc chains will still make up the majority of your overall damage in a run despite the massive bleed changes and the ukulele is still the most common source to find and get those chains going a single stack can turn the tides of an otherwise lackluster run and with multiple these screen-wide death capabilities cannot be understated finally will of the wisp similar to ukuleles the primary use of these bad boys is to begin proc chains wisps also have the added benefit of being more of a nuke than a consistent source of aoe so if you manage to bundle up a group of mobs and then get a chain reaction of explosions to take place you'll probably end up destroying everything on the entire stage in the process moving on to the next rarity the legendary items starting here in c tier with the dio's best friend legendary items are where most of the sweeping changes i mentioned at the start of the video are taking place the dios however is not one of those changes it continues to be a great effect gated behind a terrible consistency think of it like this dios only does something when you die and when you do it goes straight back to doing nothing again yes it literally prevents your death and thus your run from ending but you know what else would do that how about any other item in the game that actually does something like provide damage mobility or healing yeah dios does none of that i mean not even the expired bear after the fact counts as an actual item it's untiered meaning it can't be printed or scrapped there are simply far better items to get whenever you open a legendary chest or get lucky enough to see one as a random drop next frost relic the aoe and damage have both been gradually increased throughout the game's early access lifespan and now and the full release those changes really haven't accumulated to anything much different than what it was before it's still a small area and does negligible damage relative to other sources yes it's better on melee survivors but again i'd much rather have many different reds than a frost relic even on them next headstomper despite it getting some chunky buffs in this patch it sadly suffers the same fate as the frost relic being outclassed by too many other items the extra jump height is fine albeit it gets annoying when you get to a certain point in your run but you feel like you're just floating forever the fall damage negation is great but more of a novelty than anything and the damage well you tell me how likely you are to hit that boss in the middle of a sea of lesser wisps imps brass contraptions and greater wisps also whoops a blazing elder lemurian is there too and oh a malachi just spawned on top of that have fun dropping in to say hi next happiest mess it's always been a cute little item with not much tangible benefit the ghosts draw aggro off of you and deal some okay damage i guess but let's be honest you really only pick this up because it's a smiley face next interstellar desk plan it pleases me to say that the desk plant has been buffed enough to be designated as a mid-tier item sadly it's still one of the worst red items to get as you'll find few and far situations in between to actually warrant standing still within some tiny healing zone on the ground for extended periods of time you'll either a have enough healing already to be fine or b have threats around that prevent you from standing around a small circular zone it's not nearly as bad as it used to be but you'd be remiss to get this item over anything else next nukahana's opinion the wording on the item is a bit confusing basically as you heal you fire skulls out that deal damage based on your max hp getting more hp increases the skull's direct damage while getting more healing increases the rate at which you fire them unfortunately the damage per hit is far too low to enable a meaningful play style of running around and basically melee range and having your skulls kill everything and thus the nukahana stays in seatier however on the engineer and his abungal buddies the nukahanas performs considerably better than on anybody else in which i'd give it an a lastly wake of vultures the item is a fantastic concept however in its current state elite affixes are just too weak for players to use the strongest ones the celestine and malachite are mostly that way because the monsters themselves gain massive hp and damage while players only get the actual elite effect and not any stat increases don't get me wrong i'm not saying we need to get the stat increases as well for this item to become actually useful just that the elite affixes in general are not that good and by extension the wake of voters moving on now to b-tier well this is awkward there's only one aegis i thought about it for a bit on what should be here but ultimately concluded that the aegis should be by itself due to having a decent effect with some decent uptime normally that would warrant a c rank but due to the legendary item's uniqueness and their effects as well as their general power i started their ranks at sea so here we are with the aegis at a b by having just a couple broaches and a handful of legion seeds sights or other healing sources you can maintain a good portion if not all of your barrier with a single aegis not too shabby but in comparison to the rankings above it aegis can't really compete moving up into a tier we begin with the alien head 25 cooldown reduction to all abilities including their charge recovery time is a very powerful effect not really much else that you say here right next brain stocks 25 how about completely removing the cooldowns instead take that alien head except not really because there is a local 0.5 second cooldown for all abilities so if you've ever wondered why you can't literally just hold an ability down and watch it spam at the speed of light whenever you get a brain socks proc that would be why still once you get later into your run the sheer number of elites will enable brain stocks uptime to be near permanent and at the very least it will be up when you need it most next brilliant behemoth you can think of this as sixty percent more damage if you'd like but technically it only applies to things with an above zero proc coefficient meaning damage over times and your precious fire and ice bands do not receive the damage increase still the vast majority of hits do get the benefit of the behemoth making it an extremely powerful item to get at any point next resonance disk while not as lucrative as its bigger brother the ceremonial daggers resonance disc still packs quite the punch in dealing with anything less than the teleporter boss itself even so you can still get some pretty nutty disc procs that absolutely one shot everything in their path definitely deserves the a-rank next unstable tesla coil once you get a tesla you never have to worry about these small enemies again lesser wisps lumerians imps all of those guys are rendered obsolete immediately it's also pretty good for general damage but the main purpose is to keep your screen clear of the lesser distractions and keep you focused on the big ones lastly hard light afterburner on the loader and captain yup you bet your little butt that it gets an s rank but for everybody else the a tier is where the hard light belongs for the majority of survivors their utility ability is important for maneuvering around the map and dodging threats and obviously doing more of that is a great thing for the loader and captain basically their entire identity revolves around their utilities and thus the item is more potent on them alright now for s tier starting with none other than the 57 leaf clover again as i mentioned the clover and purity are the only two items that modify your luck stat clover does so in a positive manner for each point of luck meaning for each clover that you have all of your items effects except for teddy bears are rolled again if they do not result in a positive outcome for most examples this would mean if whatever the chance something has to happen is not met so an atg's 10 chance to fire the clover will then re-roll that chance and hope that it is met to calculate the odds of something happening with the clover simply take the chance of it not happening and in the case of the atg that would be a 90 chance to not fire and multiply it by itself don't worry there's a whole wiki page on this stuff if you want more examples i'm not gonna stay here all day to explain it in fact i'm gonna make a separate video on the topic of clover versus purity in the next couple weeks so look out for that to summarize clover is the best item in the game there are so many effects related to chance in this game and the clover gets better the more of those chances you have i should note here quickly that the clover does not affect loot obtained in any way shape or form period well except for lunar coins but hey that would have been less dramatic to include okay next ceremonial daggers these puppies still reign king over the dominion that is on kill effects nothing can even compare to the heat seeking daggers that fly out and are able to proc your other items on top now they do require a bit of scaling to probably enter the entire screen death phase but that scaling isn't much so long as you have some on hit items crit chance or other means of damage your daggers will reward you greatly next re-juvrac it doubles all of your healing yes all of it next cinti and midho this thing is like the ukulele on steroids remember how important ukuleles were to proc chaining and how important proc chaining is in general yup this guy just takes all of that and does it even better in fact when you do get a meat hook it's almost guaranteed to be after a ukulele save for some absolutely nutty rng on your end and it's like you've never even experienced proc chains before once you get it lightning bolts and hooks will start flying out on every single enemy not to mention any other on hits you have no i'm not exaggerating in fact i would say meat hooks are right behind the clover as the second best item in the entire game next shattering justice the only enemies in the game to have armor are bosses and scavengers with the default value being 20 so reducing 60 armor is quite potent if you play league of legends the damage that armor mitigates follows the same formula exactly so picture entirely negating a chain vest and ninja tabby malphite's armor yeah that's about the same level of damage you're getting versus things with a shattering justice lastly soulbound catalyst reducing the cooldown of your equipment by 4 seconds it's powerful enough on its own especially when paired with the lower cooldown equipment like royal capacitor and missile launcher but to get that every single kill and hey you should be using your equipment for damage anyway meaning you'll already be killing stuff with it and thus the sole bonds effect can cascade very quickly to provide some insane value moving on now to the next tier boss items starting in d with pearls kind of an odd way to start the boss items as these things don't actually drop from any boss and rather they're from the cleansing pools interactable which is essentially a 3d printer for lunar items still it's yellow so therefore in the boss category 10 hp is not much of a gain when trading in a lunar item especially because you know you kind of picked up that lunar item intentionally so yeah the regular pearl gets deter next queen's gland with the addition of the new boss items queen's gland just isn't as desirable anymore not that it really was to begin with the pet beetle doggo that follows you around is cute sure but it lacks damage once you reach stage three and other than that is like a walking bullet sponge that ends up jumping off cliffs more than actually doing anything useful for you moving on to sea tier starting with genesis loot similar to the left on daisy yes this thing has saved my life multiple times however its effect is too inconsistent to warrant a higher rank but really once you be slow speed it always goes off and that's the definition of stop right there nope when i mentioned consistency i mean the rate at which something actually happens how often do you get low enough for the loop to proc and in such a scenario how often does the loop do something that you otherwise couldn't as in how often does it truly wipe your screen and take out threats that would have killed you instantly rarely at best most of the time i'll just get smacked by a golem go down to 10 hp thanks one shot protection and be like oh cool now i don't have to kill things outright and let the baker wiener took him out that's convenient next halcyon c man oh man do i wish the aurelia knight we got was cooler than he is i mean he is cool already just not useful he's like a bigger beetle guard and that's about all i have to say lastly little disciple this effect is very similar to nukahana's opinion and that you fire some heat seeking shots out that don't deal a ton of damage the difference is that the little disciple activates just by you running around and nothing else however while it's consistent the effect itself is rather weak and doesn't do much damage to change the tides of your run especially when compared to other yellows and greens remember the boss items can only drop from the teleporter event and thus they compete directly with greens moving on to b tier we have the first new boss item molten perforator against larger targets and stationary ones especially the perforator performs quite well but against anything less the cone pattern that the projectiles spew out of makes it wildly inconsistent on top of that if the shots do land they deal negligible damage and inflict a weak burn still it's a cool item to get and you can get some good value out of it just again compared to others it's not anything special lastly titanic neural it gives flat hp and hp region both are useful but the main draw is definitely the region as your base amount on monsoon is so low that a single neural within the first loop increases your ability to take chip damage small hits here and there by a significant margin definitely a pleasant sight to see as the boss reward moving up there's only one item here in a tier and it's another new one the mired urn it essentially gives you a clean dune strider suck attaching to one enemy per stack and slowing them while healing yourself the amount you heal is based on the damage you deal so once you get some crit chance you'll essentially double the healing of the suck quite a nice effect to have and finally the s-tier boss items starting with the irradiant pearl again the pearls aren't really boss items but who cares it's a yellow item the irradiant pearl gives a 10 increase to all of your stats rather than just your hp this includes hp hp region crit armor damage attack speed and movement speed yeah that's a little better than just 10 hp right as far as yellow items come it's about as good as it gets however the chance to acquire one is low in fact so astronomically low that in my over 700 hours and countless runs since the cleansing pools were released i have gotten exactly zero irradiance there is a four percent chance that a cleansing pool contains an irradiant pearl instead of a regular one so you take that and the fact that you need to find a pool in the first place and yup it's pretty tarn rare lastly and the real boss item here shattersplain holy moly this thing is nuts it applies a guaranteed bleed for every crit that you deal yes this means things that fire multiple shots such as huntress's flurry or captain shotgun each shot will apply a bleed and if that wasn't enough enemies that are bleeding explode on death dealing damage based on your damage and their max hp and if that was enough the bleed is completely separate from tri tips meaning if you already have capped bleed it doesn't matter you're just applying two bleeds for every hit at that point instead of one absolutely bonkers item and well deserving of best here alright moving on now to lunar items starting in d tier with the corpse bloom i have an entire video dedicated to this item and by gosh i've already been writing this script for too long already so go watch that video if you want all the details on it in short take a coarse blue if you plan on doing obliteration runs or fighting the final boss on stage six specifically on stage six in all other cases avoid this item like the plague as it will shaft your overall healing completely lastly the new edition of purity as i said before i will be making a separate video covering purity and the clover in depth but until then i'm giving it a d rank as the downside of being a reverse clover you know the polar opposite of the literal best item in the entire game is not worth the upside of shaving a mere two seconds off of your cooldowns except on artificer loader and accurate man if you haven't tried this thing out on those survivors you need to as their playstyles exclusively revolve around waiting for their abilities to come off of cooldown and they scale poorly with attack speed and the usual on-hit proc chain meta so those two reasons combined as well as the band changes making them not affected by luck makes the purity actually an extremely strong lunar on those three specifically i'd give it an s other than that though yeah don't take this thing moving on now to sea tier starting with mercurial rockies this is a new lunar item that periodically drops a little spine looking thing in a random area that grants anything inside of it increased damage the randomness of its placement coupled with the fact that everything gets the damage bonus means that its uses are limited at best but hey that's kind of a whole point of lunars in the first place right you only take them for specific reasons next shaved glass this one pains me quite a bit the item itself was untouched with the update however its effect on the player was not long story short if you are under a curse of at least 10 curses reduce your maximum hp by their amount then your one shot protection is removed entirely meaning yes taking just a single stack of shaped glass with its 50 curse means you lose your one shot protection entirely you can still get away with one maybe two stacks of it in a regular run and you can still stack it like crazy and go for the whole if i either sneeze on you or you sneeze on me we're both dead approach but the days of stacking glass for a free win are now gone sad times indeed next strides of heresy still a solid option for utility on some survivors but i don't quite find the effect useful enough to warrant dropping my already existing skill in its place try it out and see if you like it but it's not a great item either way next transcendence similar to strides try it out a few times and see if the shield based gameplay is more of your style than welling on things to recover hp remember shields begin to recharge after seven seconds and they take an additional two seconds to fill completely meaning you'll need to be in the habit of running around and hiding when reaching dangerous hp levels of course that's kind of the whole point with transcendence to avoid getting that low of hp in the first place by reaching some insane amounts but be warned enemies never stop scaling they will catch up to you and if you do make that one mistake you're still just as dead as someone who did not take 15 stacks of transcendence lastly visions of heresy again similar to both transcendence and strides it's more of a side grade than anything it's useful on some survivors who lack a consistent primary but i prefer everyone else's primary over it and yes if you take it on the captain in his current state it will grant you 12 shots of your orbital strike but this is a bug and confirmed to be fixed with the next update it is not an intended mechanic moving on to b tier starting with brittle crown yikes the crown is higher than shaved glass what a time to be alive you've heard it before but man this thing has grown on me quite a bit maybe it's just my play style but whenever i pick this thing up in the early game i often find myself with far more money than i usually have if you're a relatively aggressive player and are still learning the ropes and identifying threats in a fast manner then i'd recommend to avoid this item as even taking the smallest amount of damage will drain your gold quickly but if you're pretty comfortable with the game and have been steering clear of the crown give it a shot it may surprise you lastly another new lunar the defiant gouge this thing is awesome it essentially spawns a combat shrine's worth of monsters every time you interact with any shrine blood mountain chance order heck even other combat shrines will give you a group of baddies to take down the reason i'm giving it a b however is due to the fact that it scales poorly very poorly as in you do not want it in your inventory past the first loop early on it is a godsend to get multiple combat shrines per stage and it will drastically speed those stages up however once you get to the point where monsters are already spawning out the butt and combat shrine spawn scavengers overloading worms are a pack of overloading elder lumerians yeah you can probably see the issue still you should definitely try the gouge out early on moving on now to a tier starting with beads of fealty the effect is extremely vague in fact there's no way you could possibly figure out what it's supposed to do just by reading it grabbing a beads grants you access to a special boss fight upon obliteration at the celestial obelisk you fight at random one of four preset lunar scavengers and upon their defeat you get 15 lunar coins instead of the usual five but if you fail you get nothing pretty cool item and definitely worth the coins to grab if your goal is to just go as long as possible and not stop at the final boss lastly focused convergence it speeds up your teleporter on every single stage need i say more yes actually while the charge time is reduced so is the area you charge within this is hard capped at three stacks so never take more than three else you're wasting your hard earned lunar coins at three stacks the tp area is so small that you'll be entirely outside of it after pressing your movement key like once or twice in any direction kinda hard to find magma worms and imp overlords in that small of an area let alone everything else that spawns still a pretty good item to take just a single stack of and save quite a bit of now for s tier and the final lunar gesture of the drowned there's no competition for the gesture because it just does not have a downside activating your equipment off cooldown may be an issue in select few cases such as having a prey on and completely missing the shot which i would never do that but for the most part automatic activation is amazing to have and oh it also gives you less cooldown yeah the gesture is unlike literally all other lunar items with its distinct lack of choice as in if you see it you get it period we've made it finally to the last category of rankings equipment i'm including both regular and lunar equipment in the same rankings as you only have one equipment slot regardless of type before we begin i want to quickly discuss the elite aspects which technically are equipment since they do occupy your slot but are actually more like regular items due to only having passive effects i have a separate video covering the details on each aspect but the gist of it is that none of them are worth your equipment slot but if you really really wanted to take one take the lightning one silence between two strikes but you really should get an actual equipment instead of the aspects i know they're rare i know i know believe me i know you don't don't do it okay let's start with the actual equipment here an f tier yes this is the first f rank coming in hot the radar scanner just use your eyeballs to find the loop sure if you get it and see an equipment drone toss it over to it so it can use it twice before it dies and loses it permanently go ahead and have a blast it doesn't change the fact that it's a complete waste of your equipment slot next and last the spindle tonic now what wait hold on there partner spinal tonic only gets an f if you have no additional effects on your equipment so no fuel cells no sobond catalyst and no gesture of the drown if you have any number of those things it gets significantly better the downside of receiving an affliction is just far too dangerous to be gambled with and thus i recommend to avoid it until you get at least a couple of any cooldown reducing effects to decrease the time that you have to play with those afflictions i probably should have mentioned beforehand that the afflictions are negated while you're under the influence of the tonic permanent uptime is achievable actually quite easily with one gesture and at least three fuel cells or additional gestures and in cases where you have permanent uptime i give tonic an a not an s because once you have the permanent uptime there's no additional benefit you can get from it which is not the case for other equipments like the royal capacitor moving on to d tier starting with blast shower you won't be inflicted with too many debuffs to warrant sacrificing your damage equipment for your blast hour however if you have nothing else i guess it's kind of useful it's actually kind of ironic that the best use i can think of for the blast hour is to reset the cooldown of your ice and fire bands because that 10 second window actually counts as a debuff for whatever reason you can get some pretty wild shenanigans going with a perma-uptime blast shower and multiple stacks of each band maybe give that a shot instead of using it to you know actually cleanse ignites and stuff next eccentric vase it creates a little zip line from yourself to your target that you can diverse quite quickly however the time saved by using it to get across a map is not worth the equipment slot in any situation that i can think of there are much better options next effigy of grief while it was updated in the current patch to now be thrown wherever you are looking and thank god for that and you no longer have to go and retrieve it afterwards as it has five uses per stage those changes were not enough to warrant its use over other equipments yes you'll be hearing that line a lot more next glowing meteorite uh if you want to troll your teammates and honestly troll yourself too grab this thing and watch the ensuing chaos that follows otherwise can you guess what i'm gonna say huh can you take something else next the backup it's way better on captain than on everybody else but it's still not that good even on him the drones do inherit his passive but they deal no damage and they are there solely to draw attention off of you just pick something up i got you again no but i'm serious pick something else next the crowdfunder 100 damage per shot is extremely low even if you do have a crazy amount of on-hit items to scale it with yes the bleed changes makes this a more lucrative option on paper but in reality if you're already at the point of applying a stupid amount of bleed you probably don't need the crowdfunder to help you with that take something else lastly forgive me please this is another new addition to the arsenal of items and equipment and while its theme is awesome its actual effectiveness is low now yes the more on kill items you receive such as will of the wisp ceremonial daggers gore stones etc the better this becomes but due to its small impact area and pure reliance on your on kill effects unless you have crazy amounts of them it's just not that useful if you do have crazy amounts of on kills then i would give it an a or even an s depending on the level of crazy but in the majority of your runs it's not going to do anything that another damaging equipment couldn't already do but better moving on to sea tier starting with foreign fruit it's kind of like a lepton daisy but an equipment form it can save you but chances are if you had another equipment maybe one that actually deals damage and takes care of threats you probably wouldn't have been in such a situation to begin with next hellfire tincture i'm putting it here in c tier because it was buffed but there are too many variables to pull an effective use off of a hellfire are you melee if not why do you even have this thing instead of something else with range okay you are melee how much mobility do you have can you get up to that magma worm elite greater wisp or worship unit no oh well uh just take these lemurians out instead okay what you could have done that with a pray on nah don't be silly ting shure all day baby i apologize for my growing levels of sarcasm you do not want to know how long i've been here writing the script and i can see the end of it in my site so i'm just booking it forward okay next jade elephant it gives you a whopping 500 armor which is an over 80 damage reduction which is pretty thick but again if you had a damaging equipment would you need the defense it provides probably not lastly volcanic egg the mobility the egg provides is actually pretty useful especially early on but it lacks damage and can actually end up getting you killed as you fly through enemies would not recommend versus amp overlords moving on to b-tier starting with disposable missile launcher it deals some solid damage but its target acquisition ends up shafting you more often than not it's a decent choice but definitely outclassed by others next milky chrysalis the changes to chrysalis were actually pretty dang strong and it's not a terrible choice for your equipment slot early on before you get tons of fuel cells and other equipment related items however once you reach such a point invest in those damaged stonks for sure next ocular hud again a solid choice early on but only until you reach a decent amount of crit once you're at 40 or more i would recommend dropping the ocular if not sooner than that for something else because the more crit you have the less impactful it becomes next primordial cube grabbing things and pulling them all to the same location is useful sure especially if that location is off of a cliff but its effect is avoided entirely by bosses and even some other high threat enemies like parents and imps who will simply teleport out of its area still not a bad choice if you want to clump and dump as they do call it i really hope no one calls it that next summering lead change is good zombo rings no not that good a few stacks of bleed on a boss past the first four stages is not going to do much the real benefit of the submarine comes from its shotgun effect of slapping a target with all the blades at once and surprise surprise there are better choices for raw damage the blades will also completely stop and fall to the ground if they even nick the smallest of terrain making it a bad choice for those close range encounters near walls and such lastly the newly added super massive leech aside from the mired urn which doesn't really count anyway the supermassive leach is currently the only form of damage based healing that we have and it's a pretty darn good one at that you heal instantly for 20 of all of your damage over the next eight seconds this makes it a great tool to use when you've yet to acquire a lot of healing otherwise if you're near cap or totally capped crit and you have just a couple sights it's not worth taking a super massive leech beyond such a point moving on now to a tier starting with gnarled woods right with the changes to difficulty scaling there are quite a few more monsters looking around once you get past the first few stages so the wood sprites continual healing plus the burst on activation can prove extremely useful to have in some high threat situations accidentally step on a magma worm no problem wood spikes got you back next the newly added gorax opus hugely increased movement and attack speed for all allies for the entire duration regardless of where they are on the map sounds pretty good to me it's worth noting here that this item is bugged on the captain specifically and only in single players it has zero effect so hopefully that gets fixed pretty soon next the preon accumulator the time old classic returns and retains the a rank there is no better tool than the prion to wipe out large groups of enemies and singular threats alike the only thing keeping it from an s rank is its 140 second cooldown which is the longest in the entire game getting to stage 3 by 10 minutes is absolutely still a viable option in hopes that you get rally point delta for this big chunk of 7 equipment lastly recycler the ability to re-roll your teleporter drop every stage at a bare minimum but more importantly any random reds you come across and especially the guaranteed reds of abyssal depths and sirens call makes the recycler a very solid choice of an equipment this and the wood sprite are the two exceptions to my quite arbitrary rule of equipment need to deal damage we've made it the final ranking of the entire list and boy what a send-off it is royal capacitor this is the only s-tier equipment in my mind because it's just that far ahead of everything else sure it got a slight delay with the artifacts 2.0 update but that was more of a change for scavengers and that literally just does not matter i maybe miss one shot for every 30 or so that i pump out and oh no what am i going to do for a whole 20 seconds while i wait for it to come off the cooldown i'm assuming i've gotten literally nothing to eight it's cool cooldown recovery in my run this far you just cannot beat three thousand percent damage on a 20-second cooldown and that does it for the complete item and equipment tier list for risk of rain two's full release remember there is a spreadsheet version in the description below if you want an easier to follow display of the list what did you think of the list you are undoubtedly going to have at least one different opinion than me so let me know with a comment below and a like or dislike on the video you can check out my stream at gaming consider joining our discord server as well thank you for watching and be on the lookout for my best loadouts and survivor tier list videos coming in
Channel: Woolie
Views: 1,379,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: risk, of, rain, ror, woolie, xbox, playstation, switch, console, ps4, tips, guide, tutorial, tierlist, wooliegaming, item tierlist, full list, overhaul, 1.0 update, full release, best items, worst items, spreadsheet
Id: TE7PensJntU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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