Arthas Conquers Sylvanas, Uther & Silvermoon - Undead Campaign Cutscenes [Lore World of Warcraft 3]

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this is where the end began my company was patrolling the forests near zulaman when we received word of the scourge invasion we were wholly unprepared for what we encountered quoth alas had enjoyed years of idyllic peace and suddenly we were facing death itself death itself has come to claim the high home of the elves you no longer need to bear the weight of your crown i've taken care of everything what is this what are you doing my son succeeding you father this kingdom shall fall and from the ashes shall arise a new border that will shake the very foundations of the world [Applause] oh [Music] what trickery is this malganus i don't know how you survived but i will calm yourself prince arthas i am ticondrious like malgamus i am a dreadlord but i am not your enemy in truth i've come to congratulate you congratulate me by killing your own father and delivering this land to the scourge you have passed your first test the lich king is pleased with your enthusiasm yes i've damned everyone and everything i've ever loved in his name and i still feel no remorse no shame no pity the room blade that you carry was forged by the lich king and empowered to steal souls yours was the first one it claimed then i'll make do without one what is the lich king's will the cult of the damned must be rallied once again many of the acolytes have been in hiding amongst the populace once you've rallied them i will give you further instructions this crude contraption will allow you to transport the remains of our master can you not simply raise the remains when we find them pardon lord but a being of kel'thuzad's power can only be reanimated at a nexus of powerful lay energies and there are no such places in this land very well then let's move out [Music] come along now necromancer the powers that you once served have need of you again told you my death would mean little what the am i hearing ghosts now it is i killed the zod i was right about you prince us it took you long enough these remains are badly decomposed they will never survive the trip to 12 fellas quite the loss yes only the energies of the high elves sunwell can bring kel'thuzad back to life then what must be done [Music] you must steal a very special urn from the paladin's keeping place the necromancer's remains within it and he will be well protected for the journey as you wish your father ruled this land for 70 years and you've grounded to dust in a matter of days very dramatic uther give me the urn and i'll make sure you die quickly the urn holds your father's ashes arthas what were you hoping to piss on them one last time before you left his kingdom to rot i didn't know what it held nor does it matter i'll take what i came for one way or another i dearly hope there's a special place in hell waiting for you arthas we may never know uther i intend to live forever i dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you arthas we may never know uther i intend to live forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] light save my soul [Applause] excellent work now your journey to 12th a loss can begin [Music] tell him nothing only you can hear me the dreadlords cannot be trusted they are the lich king's jailers i will tell you all when i walk this world again is everything proceeding as planned tichondrius lord archimonde demands a report on the scourge the lich king's young death knight has been performing well almost too well begin to wonder if ner'zhul has ulterior motives for his new champion the human means nothing in the long run ner'zhul wouldn't dare undermine our efforts now our only concern is that this scourge accomplishes what it was created to do our command will have all our heads if we do not keep control of this situation relieve me brother neither the lich king nor his undead lackeys will jeopardize the legion's return see that they do not lord archimonde has little patience for failure [Music] sylvanas windrunner was our kingdom's protector had she and her rangers not met arthurs with such fierce resistance our people might no longer exist she paid the ultimate price so that enough of us might escape to rebuild our fallen kingdom when arthas raised her as a banshee and turned her against quel'thalas it broke all our hearts i've had my share of disagreements with solanus but i will never forget her sacrifice she was the ranger general of silver moon nothing will ever change that ah the wondrous eternal quel'thalas i haven't been here since i was a boy be wary the elves likely wait in ambush the frail elves do not concern me necromancer our forces are strengthened with every foe we slay don't be too over confident death knight the elves must not be taken lightly you are not welcome here i am sylvanas windrunner ranger general of silver moon i advise you to turn back now it is you who should turn back sylvanas death itself has come to your land do your worst the elf gate to the inner kingdom is protected by our most powerful enchantments you shall not [Music] fall pass to the second gate fall back the elf gate has fallen onward my warriors onward to victory [Music] fall back to the trees you've won through this gate butcher but you won't get through the second the inner gate to silver moon can only be opened with a special key and it shall never be yours you waste your time woman you cannot outrun the inevitable you think that i'm running from you apparently you've never fought elves before damn that woman we must find a way to cross the river [Music] finally the gates have been opened once we've dealt with sylvanas the inner kingdom shall be ours you monsters what will it take to drive you back the ranger woman is starting to vex me greatly you've done well so far but the true task still lies before you i was wondering when you'd show up i am here to ensure that you do your job little human not to do it for you i will reach the sunwell on my own dreadlord be warned it is a pool of mystical energy from which the elves draw their immortal powers they will not give it up easily do you think he suspects that you've been aiding me necromancer i'm sure he suspects quite a bit it is his nature to assume the worst now steal yourself the hour of my rebirth draws near finish it i deserve a clean death after all you've put me through a woman the last thing i'll give you is the peace of death no you wouldn't dare take her run [Music] ugh [Music] you will burn for your actions that is far enough prince arthas your march ends here you may have been formidable once but i sense your soul fading your life force flickering weakly a flame i will gladly extinguish at least i have a soul you despicable monster not for long death itself has come to claim the high home of the elves [Music] citizens of silver moon i have given you ample opportunities to surrender but you have stubbornly refused know that today your entire race and your ancient heritage will end death itself has come to claim the high home of the elves now arise kill this odd and serve the lich king once again as promised the lich king has granted me eternal life i've upheld my end of the bargain lich are you ready to tell me about the dreadlords now certainly but not here they have eyes and ears everywhere we'll talk where it's safe so you're not upset about me killing you that one time don't be foolish the lich king told me how our encounter would end the lich king knew that i would kill you of course he chose you to be his champion long before the scourge even began if he's so all-knowing then how can the dreadlords control him like they do they are agents of the ones who created our master the fiery lords of the burning legion what is this legion it is a vast demonic army that has consumed countless worlds beyond our own now it comes to set this world to the flame our master was created to pave the way for its arrival the dreadlords were sent to make sure that he succeeded so the plague and lordaeron the citadels in northrend the slaughtering of the elves it was all just to prepare for some huge demonic invasion yes in time you will find that our entire history has been shaped by the coming conflict now come we have much work to do [Music] isn't it time you told me about the second phase of the plan litch certainly the first phase of the lich king's plan was to engineer the scourge which would eradicate any group that might resist the legion's arrival like the forces of lordaeron and the high elves exactly the second phase is to actually summon the demon lord who will spark the invasion so where are we going now there is a nearby encampment of black rock orbs who maintain a functional demon gate i must use the gate to commune with the demon lord and receive his instructions i call it on the aquaman your humble servant seeks an audience you called my name and i have come you are killed are you not yes great one i am the summoner very well then there is a special tome you must find the only remaining spellbook of last guardian only his lost incantations are powerful enough to bring me into your world where shall we search for it great one seek out the mortal city of dalaran it is there that the tome is kept at twilight three days from now you will begin the summoning [Music] wizards of the kirin tor i am arthas first of the lich king's death knights i demand that you open your gates and surrender to the might of the scourge greetings prince how fair is your noble father lord antonidis there's no need to be snide we've prepared for your coming office my brethren and i have erected horrors that will destroy any undead that pass through them [Music] your petty magics will not stop me and tinnitus pull your troops back or we will be forced to unleash our full powers against you make your choice death night it pains me to even look at you arthas i'll be happy to end your torment old man i told you that your magics could not stop me let's take it and leave before the wizard's amassed for their final attack indeed i will begin summoning lord archimonde at sunset the circle of power has been prepared for your instructions lich are you ready to begin the summoning nearly i've been reading through medivh's spell book his knowledge of demons alone is staggering suspect that he was far more powerful than anyone ever realized not powerful enough to escape death that is for certain suffice to say the work he began we will finish today let the summoning [Music] commence [Music] come forth again enter this world and let us fast in your tremble mortals and despair doom has come to this world you have done well little lich my plan worked perfectly lord archimonde all the preparations have been made very well ticondreas since the lich king is of no further use to me you dreadlords will now command the scourge as you wish thought soon i will order the invasion to begin but first i will make an example of these poultry wizards by crushing their city into the ashes of history [Music] this has got to be a joke what happens to us now be patient young death knight the lich king foresaw this as well you may yet have a part to play in his grand design so uh [Music] foreign wow oh for thousands of years the sunwell meant everything to our people arthas dealt us a grievous wound when he defiled it my faith was shattered when silver moon fell i lost sight of who i was but by the grace of the light i found redemption before it was too late let this monument serve as a reminder of what it means to be sindorai that our every deed may honor the sacrifices of those who came before us no matter how much pain we endure we will not lose hope in the face of darkness look always to the eternal sun [Music] the sands of time have run out son of durotan [Music] the cries of war echo upon the winds the remnants of the past scar the land which is besieged once again by conflict you
Channel: Athelarius
Views: 89,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arthas, Kills, Sylvanas, Uther, Silvermoon, Scourges, Lordaeron, Primus, Fights, Anduin, Jailer, World of Warcraft, 9.1 Chains of Domination, Mourneblade, Cinematic, Shadowlands, Lore, Shalamourne, Jaina, Calia, Taelia, Frostmourne, Lich King, All Cutscenes, Sylvanas Cinematic, Icecrown, Denathrius, Kel'thuzad, Menethil, Mograine, Ashbringer Lore, Anduin's, Sacrifice, All, Cutscenes, Corruption, Lich, Nathanos Fate, Cinematics, Catchup, Saurfang vs. Sylvanas, Old Gods, Ny'alotha, Mak'gora, 2020, Warcraft 3
Id: 7n-w9qAl-XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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