The Torchlighters: The Richard Wurmbrand Story (2019) | Episode 6 | Mihail Somanescu

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It was Romania, 1955, and communism had come to our country. I was 14 years old and looking forward to visiting my father. He was a dedicated pastor who followed God sincerely. I just didn't expect that he would be led here. The Communists tried to control everything, including the churches. That resulted in two types of Christians: those that backed up the Communist government in exchange for safety and others, like my father, that defied it in order to preach God's truth. I... I... I have come to see my father. Contents on the table! Everything is to be inspected! Bring the prisoner! You have 2O minutes - no more! My son! F... father? Mihai... you have grown so much! Are you well? What have they done to you, Father? I'm alright, Mihai! Don't worry! Hurry up! Mother says not to worry about us, Father. She says, "if anything happens that... that we shall meet in Heaven." Heaven? Ha, ha, ha! Did you hear that? ls... is she here? Your mother? She's not. They only allowed me to... No questions about relatives allowed! Mihai, have you appealed for me? I have been here all these years, without a trial. They won't let us... No question about trial! Our church members...? I said no questions... Are they doing well? Enough! Time's up! Wha... but I just got here! You don't follow the rules! Please! I just got here... Your time is up! Father! Mihai! Get your hands off of him! Father! Father! I love you, Father! I love you my son! I love you! Stand strong in your faith! Stand strong! I will, Father... By God's grace... I will! When I said I would stand strong in my faith, I meant it. I had seen my parents live out their faith and I had always been a part of their mission, even as a young child. The soldiers have gone now. That's enough for the night. Be careful as you go out. And here are some tracts you can pass out to others and please, as usual, be careful! Praise God! What a wonderful family I have! My son is a lookout while I teach the Bible and my wife a secret distributor of God's Word! Who could ask for more? Especially for a pastor in Communist Romania! Thank you for the Bible study, Pastor Wurmbrand. There are not many places left in Romania where one can hear the Word of God taught as it should be! Which is why we must do all we can to keep the faith strong regardless of any risk! There is no one in the hallway! Now be careful! Make sure your Bible is well hidden. Quietly now... may God be with you. Good night! Good night, Aunt Alice. Thanks be to God! Another meeting and the Lord has kept us! We have much to thank God for! A growing church and a wonderful family! And I hope it stays like this forever! And so do I! But for now... it's off to bed with you! Aww really? Yes! Mother and I have an important event to attend tomorrow! Then I will go with you! I don't think so. I can witness to the soldiers! Not tomorrow. I can pass out tracts secretly. You know I can. Good night, Mihai. This gathering of all the churches has been organized by the Communist government. They want us to support their ideas. And we thank Comrade Stalin who unites our faiths under the banner of communism! Call me no longer Bishop! Call me... Comrade! Ah... that is the man I was telling you about. And his reaction to your offer? Security in exchange for backing the government... he'd be a fool not to cooperate. I do not think he will disappoint us, Colonel. Sergiu, what do you make of this? A disgrace! We've had hours and hours of speeches by none other than church leaders ...all of them backing the communists! So what did you do? Richard! I have a family to think about. You've said nothing? Richard, this is shameful; so many of the pastors are afraid to take a stand for God! You must wipe the shame off the face of Christ by setting things right! If I do, I may be arrested and you may end up without a husband. This is not a time for any of us to be cowards! Perfect! Here he comes to give his speech. Today, we as ministers are being asked to work with our new government for the good of our country. Excellent! But how can we respect a government that denies the existence of God! What? Denies us the reading of the Bible... ...and shuts down the places in which we meet to worship! Such a government deserves not our support but our pity and our disdain! Silence! Shame on the cowardice that does not stand and defend our God! The people of Romania need us now, more than ever! It is for God that this church was built... is for God! Not disappointing did you say? But, Colonel... Colonel... wait! Richard, you have said what many of us have not dared say! But now you have riled the beast! You must leave Romania at once! Sergei, it is when the wolf approaches that the shepherd must turn to face it... not to flee! Silence! People need us in Romania, and in Romania we shall stay! He has too much influence with the people. We can take care of that. Just say the word. No... that would only make matters worse. Look at them, so easily swayed. No, I think Wurmbrand can be put to use. If he is not swayed by reason, we have other means of persuasion. You did the right thing! And there is no turning back! What if they come after you? Then we must be brave and continue to do all that we can to teach others about Christ. Even the communists? Even the communists! Remember what Jesus said? Love your enemies. Do good to those that seek to harm you. I will pray for that kind of love, Father. Good boy. Now have a good night. Father? Yes. Do you suppose the government is spying on us? After what I said today they could be. But if so, we will still keep doing our work for God. We must pray for courage! This is the place. Our orders are to keep an eye on Wurmbrand. Good afternoon, Pastor Wurmbrand. Andrei! What are you doing here? I would think you'd be at home, getting ready! My suit, Pastor! I imagine we will see you in a few hours? Well, if I don't show up, you won't have a wedding! Is Father home yet? I expect him any minute now. You go ahead and eat. I will wait for your father. Lord, thank you for your many blessings! Be with Father as he goes about doing your work. Give us boldness and courage. Amen. Good, they are gone. Stop! Let me go! Where are you taking me? I said QUIET! Is Father home yet? Not yet, sweetheart. Go to sleep. I am sure he is fine. Good night. Oh Lord, help us! You are... I am... I am Richard Wurmbrand. Correction; you were Richard Wurmbrand. Now you are Vasile Georgescu... ...prisoner number 1 ! Richard Wurmbrand is no more. Take the prisoner away. But that's impossible! According to our records your husband has fled the country and... ...hmm... church money missing. Typical! Richard would never do such a thing! Oh, of course not. You must tell me where you've tak... MUST?! You heard the report, your husband has gone. He has left the country. Now stop wasting my time and... get out! Yes, she was here! I told her that Richard fled the country. And... you know, we have our plans for her! I said new names! Everybody on this list is dead! Who were you working with? Do not play with me! My patience is running out. I can easily have you killed. Except you want me kept alive! Only enough to break your stubborn will! And use me as an example of someone who has come to his senses... Splendid! ...who sees the light of communism... Now you're coming to your senses! ...through the blows of force. I'm sorry to disappoint you, Colonel, but communism will never triumph over the power of God's love. God changes you from the inside with love, not from the outside with force. But you have yet to taste of it... you would be surprised what a little pain can accomplish. Place your hand on my heart! If it beats rapidly, showing that I am afraid, then know there is no God and no eternal life. But if it beats calmly, as if to say, 'I go to the One I love,' then -- you must think again. There is a God and an eternal life! Well then, let's speed up your journey to God, shall we? And I know just the person to get you there. Brinzaru! Hello, Christian. Mother! Mihai, what's wrong? Welcome home! I tried to keep him out... I... Who are you? Leave her alone! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Get away! What do you want? Times are changing comrade! The boy... ...he does not need an entire room just for himself. It is a new day in Romania. We share what we own! You may keep one room -- the rest is to be used by members of the police. The police! Well then, I shall be happy to have you as our guest, officer. What? No! I hope you will find our home a comfortable one. Excuse us. Come, Mihai! I don't want to share our home with the police! We have no choice, Mihai! And besides, you won't have to. I want you to go and stay with Aunt Alice. What? But, you need me here Mother! It's only for a little while, Mihai. It is much too dangerous for you here, and I must keep the work going with the other believers. You will go to school as usual and do your best there, the danger here will be mine alone. Maybe when Father gets back we can... Oh Mihai! I wish that were the case but I have the feeling that Father will not be back any time soon. He may be gone for a long, long time. Well? Ah, he's a stubborn one. Nothing yet? Names? Just three... Sabina, Mihai and God. When he's conscious that is. I could try something more painful. Hmmm... No. I have something better in mind. Perhaps it's time to inflict pain of a different nature. Such as...? The man calls out for his family. Perhaps if he sees what his lack of cooperation is doing to them, he'll come around. I was glad to see my father, even if only for a few minutes. How I missed him! And how thankful I was that I still had my mother! Mihai! Mihai! Mihai, it's me, Aunt Alice! Aunt Alice! I was able to see Father. We must contact Mother! Mihai! Oh, Mihai... your mother... she has been arrested! Arrested!? Oh no, not my mother too! I see you are praying. For your family perhaps? I have news... good news! Romania is building a new canal! It will take several years and well... your wife, she was generous enough to volunteer. No... not the canal. Oh Sabina... God be with you! Oh and uh... your son... he has done very well for himself. Yes, indeed. In fact... he now wears the proud red scarf of a Communist student! I am sure you are proud of him. Mihai... I knew that would cheer you up! You know, if you were more cooperative, you could have done more for your wife and son. As it is, they are both working for the state now. Think about it. Love your enemies and pray for them who use you... Oh, praying again? For your family? No, Colonel. I am not praying for them... I am praying for you. Then don't waste your time! Your prayers will do nothing for me... they have done nothing for your family. Besides, what kind of help can you expect from a God that doesn't even exist. No! If there is one thing I know, it is that God is and that He has never abandoned me or my family. Lord, I believe You are with me - even here! I believe You are with my family. Help Mihai... help him to stand strong in his convictions! You are the first in your school to wear this scarf, a symbol of communist principles... wear it proudly! No! I will not wear your red scarf! How dare you! The Communists have put my parents in prison because they believe in God! I am proud of my parents! I am proud to be a Christian! I pray you will be with Sabina. Give her strength to endure and boldness, boldness and love to share Your Word with others. Hurry it up, you dog! No talking! And Jesus said, "Rejoice and be glad. For in the same way they persecuted the prophets before you." So you see, God can help us rejoice even when we suffer. God can help us as we pray! I know being a prisoner is not easy for any of us Sabina, but I thank God you are here. Your talks about God, they help make things bearable. We know God is here with us, in our hearts. I said quiet! Hey! You're that pastor's wife, aren't you? The Christian! I am! And you, do you have Christ? Well Christian, you don't seem to be following my orders! I thought Christians were supposed to be good... obedient! Maybe you aren't a Christian. Maybe you need to be baptized! Eh? What do you think, Dimitri? Ha, ha! I think you are right. Auugghh! Get up! Please! My ribs -- I think they are broken! I said up! I hope that teaches you a lesson! Keep your preaching to yourself! Ha, ha! Getting baptized too? Augh! Be quiet! Sabina! Are you alright? No! I’m all wet... but praise God! I knew I needed a bath! Come Sabina, we will take care of you. Let him down. Take a rest. Have you anything to say? I... I forgive you... What?! I... I forgive you, Colonel. I forgive you for all this. I forgive you for what you have done to me, to my family... for... for the beatings. What? You are crazy! Perhaps a few more beatings... I... I might die soon, Colonel... and one day so will you. We will both have to stand before God. I... I am ready. Are you? This one is in for a long time. Place him in solitary! He is to see no one - not even the guards. I am tired of his words. How long? As long as it takes. Lord, I cannot bear it any longer. Why do I remain here? Why...? What is... it sounds like... yes, yes it is! It's Morse code... Yes... I am a pastor... One year in solitary... have spoken to no one... I worked... for communists... did many wrong things ...hurt people... I need to confess. Can God forgive me? Yes... God loves you... He can forgive you. What is wrong with him? Tuberculosis... Give him an injection. At least he'll be alert enough for the hearing. Hearing? We do things by the law here! Don't you know that? I've been here all this time... now I get my hearing? Do you have anything to say in your defense? I... what? This is ridiculous -- he is too sick! What do you have to say in your defense? I... I love God! No change whatsoever! Then you are hereby sentenced 2O years hard labor. 2O years? This man is dying. He won't live past one month. Dump him in room #4; the death room. Stubborn man -- might as well die! I'm through with him. Lord, I feel like I’m dying. Be with my family. Be with Sabina. Help her! You, you, this one, you and you -- the trouble maker. Get rid of them. Oh Sabina... Here... this will help you against the cold. I hear this is the room where they place those who are ready to die. Yes, it is. Though some, like Richard, seem to defy death. He has been here six months. God is the one responsible for that. Eat. This is all we have. We shall give thanks first... So you too are a Christian. Years ago, in solitary, someone -- a pastor -- he led me to Christ... ...Morse code. I thank God every day for that man! My friend, we meet at last! I am thankful, my brother. Then let us sing a song of gratitude. What? We have no instruments. Ah, if God can use rapping on our prison walls to preach, shall we not use the chains that bind us to make melody to Him? Here, let me help you. And, as the Bible says, if we suffer with Christ we will also reign with Him. What? Where are you taking me? He has been gone a long time. We'd best be ready to attend to him. I'll attend to the wounds. Do we have any more rags? Alright, here we go. Let's see this. Well then... shall we continue the sermon? Richard! You just got punished for preaching. Don't you think you should stop for awhile? I am a pastor... I have to preach... And besides... I made a deal with the guard. A deal? Yes! Yes... a deal! I preach... he gives me a beating. He's happy... I’m happy... so let's start! Ow... Anyway, this last beating should more than cover today's sermon! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You've heard the news? Amnesty! Seems the government has been getting some outside pressure. So...? Some prisoners will be freed... and others well, they're deciding in there! Vasile Georgescu -- a. k. a. Richard Wurmbrand -- been here 8 years. No change in behavior. Get rid of him. Just try to get some sleep. What is... ? Up with you! Courage Richard! God be with you! If you can... tell my family I love them... Ha! Unlikely! Your son is in prison too! What? No! I hear he's a thief... runs in the family I guess! Too bad you weren't around to help him old man! God, please take care of my family! What are you going to do to me? Against the wall! Lord Jesus, I’m Yours! What? I thought they were going to shoot me! I... I... I'm free! I'm free! Richard! Oh, my dear! I thought I would never see you again! I knew God would keep you! I knew it! It's been so long. Are you alright? I was told you were working on the canal... I thought you were dead! And Mihai? It's alright. Come. It's so good to be home! It's alright, Richard. Come... come! Come... come! Mihai! Father! Oh, Father... you're free! My dear, Mihai! Now we are all together once more! Thanks be to God! See Richard? God has kept us strong! And more dedicated to Him than ever! Then let us waste no time! We shall thank God for the privilege of suffering for His cause. And place ourselves as a family in His hands once more. And then? And then we shall get to work once again. We have no time to lose. The people of Romania need God's Word now more than ever! I've nearly forgotten my Bible in all this time. But while I was in prison, four things were always on my mind: first, there is a God; second, Jesus is our Saviour and He goes with us everywhere, even prison; third, no matter what we go through here, there is the reality of eternal life; and fourth, God's love -- even in the face of torture-- is always the best of ways. Upon his release from prison, Richard insisted on fasting and giving of thanks for three days. During that time, he wrote down all that he had experienced and learned during his incarceration; including hundreds of sermons and poems that he had composed and committed to memory. A ceaseless preacher of the Gospel, he embarked on preaching almost immediately. Since religious church gatherings were outlawed, he and his congregation took to meeting in woods to celebrate anyone's supposed birthday. At the party, Richard would preach. They celebrated birthdays every Sunday. Eventually Richard was arrested again. When word got out to the international Christian community there was uproar. The government offered to sell him at a price: $1O,000 dollars. This was quickly raised and Richard was freed. Richard, Sabina and Mihai made their way to the West where they founded "Voice of the Martyrs", an organization that helps and brings awareness to the many Christians around the globe that suffer persecution. Untiring in their mission to preach the Gospel and aid those persecuted for it, Richard and Sabina continued their work until Sabina's death in 2OOO and Richard's in 2OO1. Mihai Wurmbrand continues their work as a member of the Voice of the Martyrs. In 2OO6, Richard Wurmbrand was chosen by the people of Romania as one of the ten most influential people in the country's history. More people became aware of the horrors of the Communist government of Romania through Richard Wurmbrand's testimony before the the United States Senate in 1966, where they saw firsthand the tortures that were inflicted upon him. The Communist government of Romania collapsed in 1989. The Wurmbrands' ministry continues to this very day.
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Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Feature Films, Kids Movies, Kids Videos, Family Movies, Family Friendly Videos, Childrens Movies, Childrens Videos, Richard Wurmbrand, Animated, Torchlighters 6 - The Richard Wurmbrand Story, The Torchlighters: The Richard Wurmbrand Story 2019 Full Episode, The Torchlighters: The Richard Wurmbrand Story 2019, The Richard Wurmbrand Story
Id: 614xOxV0Rl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 23sec (2183 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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