The Torchlighters: The Adoniram and Ann Judson Story (2017) | Full Episode | Danielle Chambers

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At last! I've finished translating the Gospel into Burmese! Oh, Adoniram! To think of the years it's taken you, even in the middle of our busy mission work! This is truly wonderful! No matter what the future holds for us in this country, as long as the people have this- the Bible translated into their language... ... lives will continue to change! Like mine! We may be few believers now, but Jesus says, the Word of God like seed on good ground, brings more fruit! We have so much to be thankful for! Indeed! So - - There they are!! WHAT? WHO ARE YOU? WHAT DO YOU WANT? ANN, STAND BACK! The teacher! Take him!! What!? - ADONIRAM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? -Come with us! Hurry, hurry! Why are you taking him?? By order of the King, you are under arrest. What!? - To the prison. OH GOD HELP US! Ann! Hurry up! Adoniram! ADONIRAM! I'm sorry Mrs Judson but as I told your husband, the Indian government will not allow you to disembark here as missionaries. You'll have to return to America immediately. But, sir, surely there's got to be some way... There really is no other alternative. Except for that ship. That ship is going to a place where no missionaries- -have ever been, yes, the captain informed me. A place where the Gospel has never been preached. Burma! Yes, and very dangerous. It's settled, then- back to America. I'll take you to- Auuggghh What?... Mr. Judson, please! I beg you to reconsider! Burma is a far too dangerous place! One from which you may never return! We have no intention of returning. I believe God is showing us where His Word is needed most! Mrs Judson I do wish you'd talk some sense into your husband. Well, I would, but the thing is, my husband and I are of the very same mind. Good bye, sir... ...and may God bless you! Oh... crazy Americans! Dearest friends, while we were turned away from our intended destination, God opened the doors to another. We do not know what awaits us in Burma but perhaps it is not as difficult a place as some say! WE HAVE TOLD YOU FROM THE BEGINNING! OUR PEOPLE HAVE NO NEED OF YOUR RELIGION! THEY HAVE THEIR TEMPLES AND THEY HAVE US THEIR PRIESTS! WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR WRITINGS! Yet some people are! My wife and I... we have traveled a long way to share God's Word with you. - the very words of life! Which if you persist in distributing, will bring nothing but death- upon yourselves and your ignorant listeners. You know our laws! I must say I am surprised to see a religious scholar like you here Maung Shway-Gnong. I would have expected more from you. I- I am only here because the teacher... he teaches interesting things... things that intrigue the mind- -and heart, too. Ahhhh... and you too, are a scholar now Maung-ing? Me? Oh... you know I am only a fisherman! Yes, you are a fisherman. And I suggest you tend to what you do best... ...FISH! And let us be the judges of religion! These words will do you no good! Come, Maung Shawy-Gnong! Do not be discouraged Maung-Ing. The first people Jesus called where fishermen. They helped to spread His word and brought God's light to their people. Maybe some day God will do the same with you. Me? Spread God's word? That's pretty funny, teacher! Jesus using Maung-ing to spread the Word of life! So funny! So very funny! It's very late. I know... but I've been struggling with the translation of one verse and... well, I'll be done soon. You need your rest. You're working very hard. I know... it has been hard work all these years here... learning the language, but- But? It would all be worth it if even one person began to follow Jesus! You know the law- to become a Christian would mean certain death. Only the King can change that. Then... maybe it's time I see him. I could show him the work I've done creating the only Burmese dictionary in the country... and... and I could show him this. The scriptures in Burmese? Adoniram, you could lose your head for that. And if I'm not willing to take that risk, how can I expect others to? I can take Dr. Price, the new missionary, with me. The visit could change everything for our mission, Ann ... and for the people we came to reach with the Gospel. Then, there's nothing more to be said. You and Dr. Price will need to go before the King... and we will trust God for the outcome... together. ... the translation tells the story of the Son of God who came from Heaven to save all people. And you say his word is ... the Word of Life, and his kingdom... holy, and will last forever. And you wish to teach this to my people... Yes, your greatness! I believe... Yes? I believe... these words are... ...worthless! I will tell you of a kingdom that will last forever... It's name is BURMA! As for your "holy words"- tell me, teacher... ...why would my people heed the words of a carpenter and his fishermen followers when they have my words, THE WORDS OF A TRUE KING? Quickly! OUT! Quickly! You think we should leave? I'm afraid we did not make much of an impression on the king. We're in the same situation as before, the law remains, no one can become a Christian ...unless they are ready to face death. I am not sure we can continue our work here without the King's favor. Maybe you are listening to the wrong king. I brought you fish... and I heard what you said and... uh... I think maybe you are listening to the wrong king. I don't think we understand, Maung-Ing. King Bagyidaw did not say "yes"- But- He did not say no either. That's true... King Jesus... He says "yes". He says, "Follow me and I make you fishers of men." I read it here in the Words you gave me. I am only a simple fisherman, teacher... but I say... ...maybe King Jesus knows best! Are you saying that- Yes. I am ready to tell everyone, that Maung-Ing is a Christian and that he loves Jesus! I am ready to die for Him ... if necessary. OH... MAUNG ING! You are certain about your decision? So very certain! Then, I baptize you, Maung-Ing, in the name of the Father... and of the Son... and of the Holy Spirit. Maung-ing belongs to Jesus. Maung-ing belongs to Jesus! What blessing! Our first Burmese newborn. I pray Maung-ing's courage will inspire others. I wonder when there will be another. Oh, I have a feeling it will be soon enough... maybe 7 months from now. Now, Ann, how could you possibly know that- Do you mean...? Yes. We're having a baby! Oh Ann! Ann, this wonderful! This is- I'm going to be a father! I AM GOING TO BE A FATHER! God is truly blessing us! I know good things are ahead! What news! Ann and I are to be parents and greater news yet as the number of believers continues to grow even in the midst of opposition. Dr. Price has been tending to those who have fallen ill with a nasty flu. And Maung-ing surprised us when he showed up one day and said... You and Miss Ann, need more help. I will cook and clean... you translate the word of God... that is more important! MUCH MORE IMPORTANT! And he moved in! Apart from this happy news, there are rumors of a growing conflict between Burma and Britain, something that causes us concern. We continue to trust God's protection for the mission work... ...our growing family... ... and the Scripture translations we have labored over. Adoniram! Adoniram! Adoniram! Adoniram! Dr. Price! What is it? Huh? I have been sent a Royal Summons! What? The King want's me back- the flu has hit the capital and the king wants me there to treat his family. Oh... But I'm going to need a translator. A translator. Don't you see? This is a golden opportunity! While I help them get well, you will have access to the Royal Court- To reach them with the Gospel! And perhaps get a Royal decree allowing people to become Christians. When do we move there? Right away! Or maybe as soon as you, uh... God tells us to hide the word in our heart, Adoniram, not write it on our face! Oh... Oh, Price, just think! This could be the answer we have been praying for! The protection our brothers and sisters need! So they are leaving... Summoned by the King himself. This cannot be good. If he gains the King's favor, the teacher will have protection for more conversions. We must stop him, and his writings! But, how? Let me give these letters to the mail boat leaving over there and I'll help you with the rest of the things. Did you not say the British are near? At the very borders, but what does that matter? Have a boat ready for me tomorrow. I must see the king as soon as possible. What are you going to do? Stop the teacher and his teachings! You go rest, Miss Ann. I will finish. I'm so glad you came with us to Ava. You are a big help, Maung-Ing. You are certain these are his? I am, greatness. As you can see, the teacher reports all activity. I have no doubt this foreign teacher works with our British enemies. Call the guards! No matter what the future holds for us in this country, as long as the people have this... the Bible translated into their language... ... lives will continue to change! We may be few believers now, but Jesus says the word of God like seed on good ground brings more fruit! We have so much to be thankful for! Indeed! So very, m- - There they are!!! What!? Who are you? What do you want?? Ann - stand back! The teacher! Take him! What?! What are you doing? Why are you taking him?? By order of the King, you are under arrest! To the prison! -Oh, God! Help us! ANN! - Hurry up!! Adoniram! ADONIRAM! Search the house! Any paper with writing! We need be careful with these... these spies! Spies? Oh, no! The translations! What do you want? Aughhh.... It's a doll... for my baby! We found nothing! Bah! Out! OUT! Let's get back to the prison! They left guards outside... They say we cannot leave! Oh Miss Ann... What will we do? I am not sure Maung-Ing... But we'll have to come up with a way to keep the translations safe! Lord... please, please help Adoniram! Keep him safe! Please- Miss Ann! MISS ANN! Water.... You have a visitor! Ann! They wouldn't let me leave the house. They- ...Oh.... She was born a week ago. I... I call her Mary. Mary... But, it's over 2 miles to get here, how did you- I walked- I- They won't give me much time... I've permission to bring you food every few days. Enough! Please, I- Ann- The translations. Buried! What? That's enough time! In this heat they'll rot. Now! Wait, please! I have an idea! - Come! - I said... NOW! Do you understand? I'll be back just as soon as I can! I TOLD YOU THE VISIT IS OVER! -Adoniram, I will be back! Ann! ANN! Food yes! This-No! It's a pillow. To sleep. It's very hard! It's the best I can do under the circumstances and from what I can see it will provide my husband with at least a little comfort. Now open the gate! Thank you. Strange foreign pillow! Strange foreign woman! Lord Jesus, give us strength for tonight. Somehow help us to rest. We give you all of our fears and sorrows and pray for our loved ones, that they too, may feel your comfort tonight. You seem... I don't know... more at peace tonight, Adoniram. I am. I'm resting on the promises of God, Price. I am resting on His word. Huh? What is that? What's that noise? UP! UP! UP! Everyone to the gate! We move--- now! It's the British! They must have reached the city! Ann! I have to get to the city! I have to help my wife! Stand back! Auuugh! You are all prisoners of war now! WE MOVE! My pillow! The translations! Ah... the foreign pillow! Give that back! You do not need it! It's mine! Give it b- Auuughhh! OUT! OUT!!! No! Keep going! Keep the line moving! Lord... please... somehow keep those translations safe... somehow get them into the hands of those that need them... And please Lord... help my family... Ann! How did you get here? I... I walked all night- I... Where's Maung-ing... why isn't he with you? I was taking food to you at the prison, when I found out you had been taken away. There was fighting nearby... I couldn't go back to the- Ahhh.... Ann! ANN! ...ANN!!! They seem nervous. Something's wrong. I overheard one of the guards say the British have taken over the capitol. Then that is good news! Not for us, Adoniram. They would just as soon kill us than return us to their enemies. Adoniram... Yes... We're right here... rest. What do you think will happen now? I don't know. I- I have news! Oh, no... Ann... take the baby. Whatever happens... Adoniram? You! Come with me! No! ..ANN! ANN! Adoniram! God please help us! Father! Please! Adoniram? I- I've been released! Released? Yes... to translate the King's terms for surrender to the British. It's all gone. Eleven years of work destroyed. Oh Adoniram... What are we going to do? Start over... Burma needs the Gospel now more than ever. We'll gather the converts, translate the scriptures... We start over. Completely. Maybe not completely. Maung-ing! Thank God you're safe! The pillow! But how did you find it? When I heard the teacher was taken away, and Miss Ann did not come back home... ... I went to the prison the next day... to see if I could find something, something to remember you by. This is no good! So you see, there is no need to start over completely, teacher... I guess God used me after all! Indeed He did, Maung-Ing! Praise God! Indeed He did! Adoniram's rescued translations became the basis to the Burmese Bible still in use today. The letters the Judson's sent home to America were widely published and helped to inspire more people from the United States to follow their example as missionaries around the world. However, the difficulties of life in Burma and Adoniram's imprisonment left the family very weak. Sadly, both Ann and Maria died the year after Adoniram's release, leading to a long period of great sorrow for Adoniram. Yet, he bravely went on to complete the translation of the Bible into Burmese, and to teach the growing number of believers. Within 30 years of their first convert, there were over 100 Christian churches and over 8,000 believers in Burma. In large part due to the Judson's influence, Myanmar, as Burma is known today, has the third largest number of Baptists worldwide, behind the United States and India.
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 190,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Feature Films, Kids Movies, Kids Videos, Family Movies, Family Friendly Videos, Childrens Movies, Childrens Videos, Adoniram Judson, Ann Judson, Animated, English Subtitles, Spanish, Spanish Subtitles, Animation, The Torchlighters: The Adoniram and Ann Judson Story Full Episode, The Adoniram and Ann Judson Story, The Torchlighters
Id: Zy2Fx5I4EOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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