The Top 7 Surplus Rifles

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matt i'm pretty excited about this video me too man we are talking about our top seven surplus rifles why seven because we couldn't narrow it down any more than that guys clint here with classic firearms and we've got matt back today what's up guys and yeah we're talking about surplus rifles let's hop right into it grab that k-31 all right first rifle on deck guys k-31 now before we even start talking about all this stuff a lot of these rifles we're talking about we simply don't have in stock why because well we just don't we don't have a stock high demand whatever i mean blow supply do we physically have them here yes why you ask well maybe we're going to be doing something special with them in the future who knows it's not like we give away guns anyway uh yeah of course we do but uh so make sure you are going to the product ad and you will see there just type in k31 type in i don't want to give enfield you know whatever it is spoiler alert yeah you know and uh if it says out of stock type in your email and then you'll receive an email once that product comes back in stock but it's surplus so whoever who knows yeah it's always a mystery what we're gonna get where we can find things yeah i mean sometimes we just get pleasant surprises in our emails yeah and one of those surprises was this guy right here matt what can you tell us about the k31 so the k31 is a swiss rifle it's a straight pull bolt so it uses like a sleeve around the bolts to cam to close the action and lock it yeah and it's in 7.5 swiss which is a fantastic cartridge fantastic cartridge the gp-11 is one of the most inherent accurate like cartridges out there and that's probably why a lot of these have been used in competition like this guy actually has these competition little stickers on it which is pretty cool you'll notice them right up here in front of the receiver so pretty neat and i do want to say that a lot of these rifles that i have seen in the past when we had k31s other elevens things like that uh there were there's definitely been some sort of trigger job on a lot of these this guy here look at this guys i wonder if i can make this show up as well as i can but this thing's what maybe a pound two pounds yeah it's so right so it feels like a two stage right there's a little bit of take up before you hit that wall and then it's just that's it i mean it's and yeah i own k-31 and it is a fantastic rifle shoot i think that they are definitely one of the top picks you could get for starting your surplus collection or expanding it yeah and uh yeah i mean they still make gp 11 uh in switzerland you can still get it imported and i mean i just couldn't say enough about this gun it's a fantastic rifle heck yeah guys k31 sweet what's up next all right we got the carcano up next the car condo now this one here is one we do have in stock so we're talking about the carcono carcano rifle in general but what we have here is the calvary model and i would say probably one of the best reasons to own a rifle like this is its cost factor yep uh so these are a more inexpensive surplus rifle to pick up um i also really like the manliker n block clip style feeding mechanism yeah i think it's it's really cool where you just jam the whole thing the whole packet into the rifle yeah and uh it makes for some quick reloads because you just grab a whole loaded clip shove it in and you're good to go again yeah and having shot one of these myself uh not this one specifically but a carcano calvary model uh these things are easy to shoot yes like super light recoiling but it feels like it still packs a little bit of a punch you know what i mean yeah like they're just fun shooters so i picked it by myself you just couldn't beat the price so you own one i do have one yeah and uh i agree with the ammunition that we had available it was very light recoil considering how lightweight and small this rifle is yeah um of course depending on the load you might expect some stiffer recoil if it was a heavy load but what we were able to pick up uh definitely very pleasant shoot gotcha so check out the carcano guys now of course this one has a little bit of history to it while the carcano rifle in general because there might be a certain president jfk uh you guys know the story so anyway the carcano rifle is the rifle that was credited with the assassination of jfk and well there's also the magic bullet theory the man on the hill so who knows let me know your thoughts on that down in the comments section lots of fun stuff you can get into there oh yeah it's a deep dark haul but anyway let's move on to the next one all right so we've got the lee enfield number four mark one rifle so of course everyone who's into surplus raffles is gonna be very familiar with this rifle one of the great things about this one is that it is a 10 round magazine so often you have five maybe six rounds in a magazine when it comes to these surplus rifles but this one has ten which gave it a great amount of fire superiority when it came to other rifles of its error right so what's cool about this guy too well something that i still have to get used to is the action on this one so this one right here has what's called a [ __ ] on close instead of an open with what we're used to with like a mauser action that's right and uh so do you want to describe how that works and what maybe the mindset was behind that sure so the idea is some kind of body mechanics so most bolt action rifles will [ __ ] when you open the action and that's what forces the striker back in this case you can see the striker is forward until you push forward on the bolt and that is when it gets cocked and the idea is that the pushing motion is stronger than the turning motion yeah so it's going to be easier for you to work that action faster right and of course you know even though it might simply be easier naturally those of us that grew up on a mauser action start doing this and we're like well what's going on here because it's very easy to open right you know and unlike for your springs yeah yeah yeah absolutely so i mean it's fun and uh of course you have the mad minute that you try to perform where you just try to mag dump the thing and i suck at it yeah whatever morgan can't mag don't throw it i mean i can it just doesn't look good so the uh the infield guys and of course the infield rifle has all sorts of different variants you've got all sorts of different numbers and marks and everything else um and i suggest you guys go take a look at all of them because they're all pretty sweet okay still waiting for uh what what's the one you want ryan number one mark three number one mark three so hopefully we'll get a couple of little snub nose guys soon you know so that way he can be happy the smle right that's right the smelly uh so anyway yes the infield rifle has definitely served uh for a long time how long is long time long have these been in service so of course you know there are various iterations but you know these came kind of interwar and then you know they served all the way up until like even as late as like the early 2000s where they were being used by police in things like canada so i mean it's super long service life definitely a reliable dependable rifle one of the classics of military collecting yeah obviously you couldn't go wrong with one of these no yeah if you're if you're a mill serve dude you gotta have one of these all right let's move on to the next one and now let's get a little bit of a german in us here so i just talked about the mauser action where you got the [ __ ] on open instead of the [ __ ] on close and that's exactly what we have here is a k98 mauser now this one specifically has got a dou mark on it and got all your little war eagles and everything and it is a super cool platform matt what can you tell us about this caliber and all that kind of fun stuff so it's an eight millimeter mauser which is actually 7.92 by 57 um it's fantastic cartridge uh full powered cartridge we're not into intermediate cartridges uh very much a a good strong knock down round but uh you know it shoots from a five round internal magazine it's fed by a strip clip and again it's just that reliable super solid master action that's copied world around and has stood the test of time uh we've said it before but basically every hunting rifle known to man today yeah is a descendant of this action now i actually kind of want to take for just a second and just do kind of an honorable mention really quick because the similar action can be found on this rifle right that's right um effectively the exact same action uh you know this is the 1903 springfield and it is a mauser action you can even see like the safety levers are the same on the bolts here right i mean it's it is a copy which is why we lost their uh their copyright suit against us yeah so can you actually tell us a little bit about that because i find that to be kind of interesting history with the mauser action on the o3 sure so we were using the craig jorgensen rifle and we were getting our butts kicked in the spanish american war seven millimeter mauser master action rifle so we decided to adopt a mauser action rifle we developed the 1903 in 30 out six and mauser sued us and said hey that's copyright infringement you're using our design and we lost that lawsuit but then world war one started and we didn't pay them yeah we didn't pay them so sorry all right cool so put that back up there all right all right so the k98 guy is definitely one that still has a lot of potential today i mean the eight millimeter cartridge is still in wide use among all sorts of rifles today too so k98 definitely definitely a top surplus rifle yeah absolutely now let's head over to the allied powers again the legend the m1 garand or how does battle implement known to man that's right man patton loved this guy i love this guy and you know what else i love that right there so guys this 30 odd six semi-auto battle rifle is like i said it is a legend this thing is iconic and it just screams defeating fascism all day long and i absolutely love this rifle so this rifle uh john grand pretty much designed this guy because we were looking for that new i mean so it was post world war one and we were looking for that new battle rifle the start kind of taken over the field because trench warfare became kind of a thing and that's kind of what we grew up on in a sense uh whenever this guy became you know i guess you could say the new standard issue rifle but it was also in addition to like the m1 carbine uh we also had several other the 1943 johnson you're marine you were still using mostly 1903's during world war ii yeah that's true and also too that radio was called the johnson rifle you know that we're still using that radial magazine thing i mean it's pretty wild uh what more can you tell us about this guy i know i kind of lightly touched on it all right so i mean you mentioned the caliber 30.6 it wasn't actually originally designed in 3006 it was like a 276 peterson or something right um and it was one of several designs that we went through including like the peterson rifle peterson was another designer uh this is the one that eventually went out and basically the reason we chambered 30.6 is because we just had a bunch of it left over right from having issued those guys um but yeah i mean certainly you know eight rounds on tap so again you have that fire superiority benefit over say a mauser or some other rifles during the that theater and semi-auto so yeah you have vastly a you know faster fire uh in fact you could almost worry about the guys going through ammo too fast right yeah absolutely and uh yeah so there's your in-block clip you just kind of stagger the rounds and you kind of load it like a regular magazine in a sense and then once you're ready to rock and roll just drop that guy in there press down on the internal follower that you see here just kind of push back with your hand let it go you ready to go of course you always hear the term grand thumb and i'm not talking about the youtuber that's awesome i am talking about getting your thumb caught in there by doing such an action and uh it doesn't look pretty when that happens but man this thing is an absolute beauty and i love it america and back to europe we've got a moss now before i even go any further here something actually really caught my eye with this rifle and you can't guess what it is can you i can't i don't think they can see it yet yeah so there's a charging handle on this guy that originally it was like a piece of plastic like a piece of bait like right yeah and of course that would often times you know erode fall off break whatever it might be and this one soldier decided the casing to his bullet the shell actually would have been a great replacement part and that doesn't look comfortable i mean hey so there's something that i've learned in the marines if it's stupid and it works it ain't stupid right true right so i mean hey it's a little bit larger and it sticks out a little bit further than just this metal knob and so i mean hey there you go you got these like split ends and the kind of pin he used looks like just bent over nails sticking out yeah you're so free for a man come on i mean i think this is a piece of art look at that i mean it is uh functional i suppose but i mean i can't imagine trying to do a rapid reload with that thing you're just gonna slice your hand open man you're just always complaining about stuff hey give us some history about the mos 49 what the mos 49 or in this case actually a mass 4956 is a great rifle so the french started designing it prior to world war ii breaking out but due to said events of world war ii they were not able to finish the development so they finally developed it after the war and got started getting service uh the 4956 is a lightened version of that rifle so they tried to take some weight off of it but uh really interestingly this uses a true direct gas impingement system so if you actually open the bolt here the carrier you will see that there's a gas tube that comes out there you go yep there it is comes out right here and actually goes directly into the bolt carrier so there's no it's not even like an ar where it kind of turns the uh the bolt head like a piss or something it pushes that bulkhead directly back in order to pick up the uh bolt and pull it back nice so a true direct impingement a lot of people say you know i have seen the comments before ars aren't direct impingement i'm like ah they are but i see where you're coming from but they are so there's that but anyway the moss 49 pretty cool rifle and uh also too it's a uh it's a magazine with a clip it's not clip fed by any means but it does have a magazine with literally a clip on it and that's its retaining system well so i love that design actually it's so simple but effective like it works yeah so pretty cool stuff uh let's go ahead and bring us to our next one oh now what we have here is amazing gun right that's right we couldn't do a video on classic surplus rifles without mentioning amos in the gun right but this isn't your typical 913 this is amusing the gun perfected yeah i would say that's a that's a good way it so you know the the fins were looking for a new rifle and they settled on the mozinhagan action because they had a pretty close relationship with russia due to geographical location at all um so all of the receivers on 91 i'm sorry on the uh finnish mosins are made in russia they're purchased from russia but they they completed the rifles they built their own barrels they finished out the stocks all by themselves and what you have is probably the epitome of what's possible with that motion gun action yeah so this thing is absolutely gorgeous this is the m39 still chambered in 762x54r of course which is a great cartridge and uh they're beautiful i mean like so first off there's a couple of things you can tell in the difference of like a mosin nagant so the stock to begin with the stock is much beefier you don't have the exposed cleaning rod the cleaning rod it's actually captured which is kind of nice and completely enclosed except for just the tip and everything about it like i said everything about it is just beautiful they beefened everything up including the barrel i think these are far more accurate rifles absolutely yeah and i've seen these used in competitions even before which i think is really cool and again guys these things and the way they they kind of combine the stock can you show them yeah so the stocks are joint here with a variety of kind of fingers so being that these are more rounded so this is more like a pre-war stock um they got much more angular a square cut as you went through the war um but yeah so this is a two-part stock here yeah and i do want to see if you guys can pick that up because i think i mean i think it's just again gorgeous i think it's beautiful how it's done but also just like super neat how they kind of just combined them like that so you know you said because it's more rounded in these fingers again it's probably a little difficult to pick up on camera but you can see there's one of those fingers there that's rounded that was a indication that it was a earlier stop yeah pretty neat um if we flip it around you can see the receiver markings so this one is made by seiko um and you can see actually where they ground off the russian imperial eagle yeah so you know like i said all of the receivers were made in russia and when they assemble these the the barrels are actually free-floated so inside of the sock yeah um makes it for a very accurate rifle and you know there's that kind of legacy of marksmanship you know you hear about things like sema hayek oh yeah the white death yeah so sema hayek is also the guy got shot in the jaw right he did he's he's a real bad mother trucker so yeah so check him out by the way guys because you're talking about snipers that didn't utilize optics or anything like that he said sky sights were the way to go yeah i mean because well he didn't have to rely on anything failing him at that point right especially it's not like you know the weather in finland is ideal right i mean you're talking about heavy snow and everything else and this guy was able to use his environment around him to conceal himself i mean he's talk he's he's literally attacking like divisions of you know germans and everything else coming through and winning by himself it's like what uh so one of the other things she said i thought was interesting was like why would you shoot someone from 100 yards when you could shoot them from 300 yards yeah like dude it's it's incredible man so yeah what he did with this rifle is just pretty sweet all right so i think we're gonna leave it off there matt if you had to choose any of these at your favorite what would it be so you know i'm a big comedy guy kind of gun guy yeah so i really love the m39 but all right so your choice is the k31 k31 i gotcha well i'm a proud american obviously and my bet's gonna go with this guy right here the like i said the legend the m1 grand the ping the in block clip the 30 odd six yeah anyway closing out this video guys we're also going to talk about another legendary rifle and that's our current giveaway this guy 762 nato 20 round box mag eotech package and what i mean by that is you're getting the holographic sight and also the magnifier based off the fal the ds arms sa-58 improved battle rifle that i have right here is a beast and i absolutely encourage every last one of you guys watching this video to go get your entries in on this rifle because first off it's the right arm of the free world and we love our freedoms so go get your entries in for this guy because you speaking of free are getting it for free absolutely free that's right so head on over to hit that top banner it's going to take you to a web page that shows you all the different ways to get your entries and we made the code word for this giveaway to get your extra entries real difficult it's because it's not a word it's an abbreviation can you guess what the abbreviation is that's it that's your code word f-a-l again head on over to get your entries there guys and let us know what's your favorite surplus rifle featured or not i want to hear from you guys and i'll leave it at that matt anything else yeah um if this is the writer of the free world what's the left the ak of the free world that's fair let's put it down in the comments so what's your guess as to what's the left arm of the free world maybe the ar-15 maybe maybe i was i don't know that's a good one hmm all right yeah that's a good one think about that you know let that marinate for a bit and give us your response down to the comment section guys as always we appreciate your business god bless we'll see you next time at you
Channel: ClassicFirearms
Views: 281,645
Rating: 4.8963056 out of 5
Id: fvyTYxFVQfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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