Building a Bedrock Base in the Desert! - 7 Days to Die Alpha 21 (Ep.1)

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foreign [Music] good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Alpha 21. let's get started okay first things first let's uh get a little bit of stone here because I'm going to make myself a sledgehammer this is going to be a full-on strength Sledgehammer build playthrough okay that should do it right there level one Sledge and I should have four skill points to spend so I said strength playthrough however spending your first skill points is extremely important here in Alpha 21 because where you spend your points will dictate what magazines you will start to find so if you want to get a hot start on things like workstations you're gonna have to take points into advanced engineering or lock picking so I'll take one and two Advanced engineering there I'll also take one and two minor 69er that'll help me find some tool magazines to improve my tools especially because we're going to be digging down to bedrock to build ourselves a horde base down there starting now also I'll take one and two let's see I'll do skull crusher so we can find some Sledgehammer magazines and then just flat probably one into strength and that'll just help me with combat there's a whole bunch of different ways you can spend your skill points we could have done wanting to salvage operate stations so that we can find some more magazines for like wrenches and stuff like that but we'll hold off on that just for now okay so we're outside a ranger station right here this map is 75 desert and 25 Wasteland and when I looked at the map generation map thing it um the Wasteland is to the West so way out there and our first Trader should be in town over there but it doesn't necessarily have to be in town actually Alpha 21 the Traders can be anywhere but I'm keen on getting a little bit of uh stuff out of this place here we'll stock up on some basic supplies maybe some health supplies maybe we'll get a weapon or something maybe some magazines that would be nice holy crap got birds already give you some space here oh my goodness of course I missed on my first two swings off to a hot start here look out come on there we go right let's Harvest this guy up see if we can get that's actually not too bad I can get at least five bones out of this guy there we go always go over to the Bone knife the bone knife or knives in general along with like steel knocks and for some reason the stun baton will give you a hundred percent of the Harvest whereas axes like this only give you about 70 70 and if I were to use the sledgehammer that would be 50 so all right never been here before this is a brand new whoa what was that something oh I broke this and it scared the crap out of me luckily I have already taken a crap this morning in the Outhouse there aha I got a couple zombies just hanging out up here come on over here okay good opportunity to maybe with his leg talk about the settings we're on we are on survivalist difficulty zombies jog during the day and then pretty much everything else is default I mean 64 zombies on horror at night that's pretty pretty standard for me okay you guys are just making this way too complicated can you just die you guys are pretty tough for utility worker man don't worry as embarrassing as that was for you you'll have all your glory on the thumbnail for this video all right up we go here there's probably some zombies here at the top and hopefully a main loot in here somewhere I guess I see a cooking pot in there let me just have that thank you very much okay look at these new decorations these windows they look great there's the new ham radio the new Spotlight the new trash on the ground we've got new doors doors that you can actually fight through although yeah I can actually yeah I think it's a little bit harder though if you're using like um a swinging weapon versus a thrusting weapon I think the um spear is like much more well suited for that okay garbage we've got firewood here it's a little source of wood there cooking pot though that was a good find right off the bat we could eat the Sham sandwich what do you you want to roll the dice a little bit with me let's do it hopefully we don't regret that ah we made it we're good oh look at that look at the magazines there handyland that's repair tools we've got vehicle Adventures vehicle crafting skill nice we're gonna have to take a point into Grease Monkey to get that skill up and then get hammered there's your sledgehammers right there so by taking those points this morning into sledgehammers I bet that increased our like percentage to get that type of magazine it's only very slight got another one here another vehicle crafting skill magazine excellent and I just found some lead now I have observed that lead is very common here but you can just make some robotic turret ammo with the lead and sell the turret ammo so I'm just gonna keep a stockpile of that going all kinds of stuff to go through here okay we've got zombies down there for sure we've also got Birds okay you guys stay down there I'll handle the bird at least I'll try where is he ah whoa the freaking zombies broke out here we go oh that didn't work try not to sprain a leg or oh come back here hold right still there there we go hey don't let me forget the Harvest him on the way out of here it's gonna take a minute here to get used to the Sledge and it's gonna take a few days to get a sledge that's worth anything all right oh off with their head I love that yeah most of the zombies now have decapitation it's not all of them like there's still maybe uh I don't know six or seven to go but more than half of them I would say have it right now oh I can see a passing gas box down there that's nice okay we got a little bit of loot here nothing much look at that handyland that's for repair tools got a wheel already some oil shale not that that's gonna be in any shortage out here a medical journal for medical crafting skill a good amount of first aid there and a sewing kit which will help me get a uh clothing Pocket Mod crafted here at some point extra bandage and the main chest here a bar brawling book I don't know that I need that we could just sell it for 100 Dukes got a couple molotovs and some food let's get that bird that was down here and I think guys did I see some loot that was kind of like kind of scattered around here yeah there's one right there oh a duster wow what a good find and that spear not really gonna help me but yeah so um basically the reason that was a level three spear is because uh we're in the desert biome and in the more advanced biome so if you're in the Pine Forest you don't get any bonus but if you're in any other biome you're gonna start to get a game stage bonus which is completely different than how it used to be in uh regular Alpha 27 days to die you would get a like a a looting bonus a loot stage bonus if you were in a more difficult biome but now it actually applies to your game stage as well so that means not only better looting the harder biomes but um more higher game stage and that means um harder zombies hardcore night zombies will be more difficult wandering horde zombies would be more difficult it's gonna be uh a little bit more challenging out here to say the least I've got nothing but open road ahead of us all the way to the city oh [Music] [Music] this is a good one to mark on the map because we are currently in the desert which means I don't think there's going to be any stumps um just kind of call that bees and take care of Tommy Boy here get back that way if we get an infection we'll have some source of potentially getting some honey out of here I'm not going to do it right now because it would just encumber me a little bit oh and while I'm out of here we can get that first clothing pocket mods crafted that will require one duct tape oh right and a whole bunch more cloth kind of overlooked that part well I guess I could maybe duck my head in here and see if there's a couch I could just quickly have yes I see a couple couches here okay that wasn't very much we got some curtains here that helps oh look at this pile of magazines here handguns electric traps and scrapping I definitely don't need the handguns but I I find it you know if you were like oh I'm gonna sell every single magazine I don't need your inventory would be filling up very quickly so I'll just take them that was a sledgehammer skill right there oh now I can craft a better quality Sledgehammer oh I also found this level 2 Stone ax so repair that when you're done with everything and there we go another a Knife Guy magazine there and I think yeah there's there's zombies in here I might try to kill them for the XP and then I might try to uh just go to a different house to get the rest of the cloth I need uh but then again oh yeah there they are see ya what about these camping chairs what are those scrap down to just iron oops some medical supplies back here can I have that medical journal along with a cloth bandage good find another sewing kit there check the mail oh my God look at the mail in there okay we gotta go through that because I'm too uncovered now wiring Furious Fists shotgun weekly and off-road headlights I think a lot of people were afraid that it was going to be difficult to find magazines and therefore Advance your crafting skill but that has absolutely not been my experience the magazines are everywhere and as as you spec into what you want you'll find more and more of that magazine type so I don't think it's any sort of an issue at all they've got the parts in that little piece of trash there basically just sell both of those and in mailboxes now in Alpha 21 you can find any book so that's oh my God that's the fall distance one if you have 5 000 Dukes in your pocket you can fall 15 meters without taking fall damage which is just insane that's better than parkour your baseball damage and impact bracing mods combined okay we are entering the downtown area which means ferals could be anywhere oh they they run fast that's a feral that's why oh hello there navigate in hospital with a wild dog wow why am I here whoa okay oh and up on here is that gonna help me probably not get back get back I say okay Finish me up Jesus oh no no this is bad already extra bandage and let's just continue on water for stamina regeneration bird coming got him I will have those feathers we'll need it for arrows yeah let's resolve not to go into the downtown until we have um like guns and stuff oh yes it's Trader Jen awesome [Music] [Music] okay let's probably just get a storage box to put out front of Jen's and just stash our important items things that we're not going to be selling all right everything's in there everything that's in my inventory is stuff that I'm willing to sell okay we um we're gonna have to loot her compound later we're gonna need to do a quest real fast and um live in that Quest location for tonight hello Jenny look at your place here it looks so nice Okay what do we got here okay this one's real close by clear zombies to the south at Joe's USA are we back soon sounds good to me I'll just take a peek at your inventory here anything crazy good here that I just absolutely will have to have oh my God quality six Stone Hatchet there she's got water they always do have water so you'll never run out no secret stash of course that's been removed okay let's just uh Bank a little bit of money here and sell off the robotic turretemos off the brass for now and um that gives us a little bit of money to work with Okay we're gonna get to go gotta go do that Quest and uh just hunker down for the night I think just check that bag there oh God tough guys sunglasses nice fortitude plus one I'll take that oh chicken you're not getting away from me got him okay let's um okay we gotta clear the area I guess oh crushing attack to the head and a level up with a skill point to spend all right in the same vein as you know before we're gonna have to probably spend that somewhere to influence our you know magazine potential I guess you'd call it so I'm gonna put that one into you know you could do MasterChef and you can get the cooking recipes faster but I find that those are very common to begin with so I'm gonna go one into Salvage Ops and hopefully we can get a wrench um Wrench magazine so that we can you know get a wrench and craft the wrench and all that where's that Quest anyway over there to the South [Music] okay we got a nice water source here too bad we don't have any empty jars right can't fill it up so yeah the whole empty jar controversy I personally I think it's great it's fine are these working got one working vending machine however you'll notice that all of the candies are a much much more expensive and some of the times have been adjusted I think they're all six minutes now and then this would be your drink uh vending machine if that was working just grab up my magazines and schematics out of there see if I can get a cooking grill out of this no coal Coal yeah Coal's gonna be hard to come by here because it's the desert and coal has been replaced by oil shale but in the Wasteland there will be coal so we'll have to do all of our coal mining out there so let's hit this and uh yep we're gonna live on the rooftop of this little platform here tonight I can tell down that was close too okay we'll research these got a mining book here craft black strap coffee nice okay what else did I get there heavy barrel scrapping for fun big hitters tools digest medical journals two of them and handyland for repair tool crafting and so I've already unlocked first aid bandages which would be great because we'll have plenty of aloe out here oh no they're broken now son of a that's that's unfortunate Magnum enforcer there paper you can hang on to that for me okay we're on the clock we've got to clear this place out real fast here there we go hey loot bag okay we got a machine gunner book there fully automatic mode does more damage with each successive hit and a little bit of food and drink whoa some resource palettes back here too take care of those at some point so some of these are like cornmeal clay stone Cobblestone uh fertilizer which is just nitrate powder it's a whole bunch of different types now okay yeah we we could just go through here one by one or we could move on okay handgun magazine there let's just move on though dog kennel over there I definitely don't like the sounds of that how dare you put there is the dog right there and he's awake close that freaking door oh of course he made it through um where can I hide hide on top of the vending machine here oh that didn't work at all um no no nobody stay away stay away ah um can you just not get to me down there I just found that's the ultimate hack no it didn't work I have no choice I've got to do fire and then try to kite them into it it uh magazine thing trick again yep and now we gotta run because the zombies are there down it worked I've got to take that bandage though like I said we should be able to replenish shouldn't be too much of an issue we have not left the quest boundary and if you do it actually gives you a red border it's like you know don't go any further it's awesome it's a it's a nice little warning so that you don't venture out of your quest anymore nice took his face right off yep okay this is home up here right right here this be a good little home and then tomorrow we're gonna have to dig ourselves a hole all the way down to bedrock because that is the name of the game here we're not going to be there on day one but we'll be there at the end of the day tomorrow and uh okay how do we go about the rest of this I see a light okay oh I see they want you to take a chance and jump down here and then go in through the connexes well I'll play the game oh they're gonna be right in there how many just just one hey and uh let's get some light here so I can see something and let's uh test out this new system here where you can actually shoot and stuff through the holes in the door gotta love it need more arrows though I honestly think we're all set though give me that torch back take care of you and we're clear that's a nice little secure area here though we wanted to hold down against a horde that switch though is what it's definitely going to open something yeah I'll forgo that since we're gonna be living here tonight needle and thread for t-shirts and stuff an extra new bone knife good scrap that tank top I'm already wearing one Trader Joe's is closed electrical traps more vehicle magazines some stuff I can sell there vehicle parts okay some of these are new look at the health bar Prime bars those are new I haven't seen those before they must have just added those I love how the shelves actually appear empty after you've searched them so you don't have to kind of go back and forth missed that medical pile there and I might have missed nope that's empty already there's these last couple of shelves it'll give me something to go through tonight Trader Joe's is closed which means it is almost Nightfall let's get to the rooftop to safety let's get a campfire going on top of this radiator and we'll pop the cooking grill in there that'll allow us to boil water you're gonna have to have that to boil water now and don't you love the new appearance here for how the um the attachments kind of they display on it so the beaker the cooking grill everything will actually show up on it same for the uh the forge as well yep so for tonight unfortunately we had such a long hike here we weren't able to do a whole lot of um looting along the way but I've got a whole bunch of murky water I can boil into regular water and um I guess that'll just have to do it for tonight thank you okay good morning everyone I just shot that guy's arm off welcome back breakfast is on the fire here I'm not too hungry I will take just a little bit to top off because we are going to be doing a whole lot of work this morning I've been looking around the surrounding area and I think that site over there at the end of the road looks flat enough for me at least to the point I want to go check it out and see if that could be a good Bedrock base entrance location let me just stash up the inventory I've I've just been inside the building here harvesting up materials I dug up all the pallets I've made myself a shovel the whole nine yards but that should do it I also have one clothing Pocket Mod so far we need some more cloth that's what I was really looking for but I couldn't find any all right it's morning the zombies are slow again let's just check that um working stiff tool truck right there briefly and see if maybe there would be a good tool in this my expectations are low we did get a forge ahead skill magazine that's good so the goal today will be to dig to bedrock and you might think that that would be a very time intensive activity but it only takes a couple of minutes really so we're gonna do it I'm gonna hollow out just a very small area put some storage boxes down there at the bottom some light and a ladder to the surface yeah this is perfect right here right at the end of this road right next door to Trader Jen couldn't get any better than this alright so with my level one shovel and my level two ax let's dig down to bedrock foreign [Music] zombies here we're gonna take care of and a biker over there I did end up spending a skill point that I got into minor 69er which helped out with that project a little bit my last Arrow here let's try to make a count oh and I just got thirsty so we'll have to head back to the base briefly and then start doing some missions today now you might be asking yourself Tim why would you build a base at bedrock and um to that I don't have any clear explanation other than why did man go to the Moon these things not because they are easy because they are hard geez finally okay whoa oh look out took a hit from the biker there and it's gonna draw in the vultures every time oh no no no no he could de-lasterate me or infect me really easily come on with the stamina thank you okay and then give me some more arrows please good okay so this whole project here has kind of set me behind a little bit which is fine you know that was the whole intent we just get off to a little bit of a slow start and we'll pick things up here in a little bit gotta make up for some lost time spent digging and walking around and all that stuff okay so my knights from now on will basically be spent uh digging out the base down there and the days will be spent questing and getting better Loot and better tools and things like that oh and there was also the question of looting her compound too fortunately look at this there's gonna be an entrance on each side there's one right here love that it's a really nice quality of life feature okay yeah let's search the compound real quick never know she might have something good here I gotta I don't know if this is a bookshelf yeah office shell Furious Fists good middle desk never know what you're gonna find in their t-shirt just scrap that we need the cloth for clothing pocket pods you can just stay out there yeah you just have to love what they've done with the place I mean it says such the game has such a modern feel now I certainly pity anyone uh all those people who said I'm not gonna play Alpha 21 I'm gonna stay in Alpha 20 forever geez yeah and enjoy that two sham sandwiches holy cow man okay and this is the rectory over here there's a lot of names for this and I've noticed a lot of doors are damaged I think some doors come pre-damaged so that um zombies can break through them a little bit more quickly we'll search up Jen's purse there she'll never notice a pumpkin in the fridge another sham sandwich my goodness the game's trying to freaking get me sick here there's a cooking magazine yeah we gotta do some houses probably because that's where you're gonna find a lot of cooking magazines because you know all the cupboards the the loot table for that contains the cooking stuff another duster there so that's that's interesting nerdy glasses in red thank you very much look at this one tactical Warfare increases its Soul rifle crafting skill rifle world and electrical traps just be reading all those why not all right we're heading inside to meet jet again should be a couple more things to search around here some water it just has a bunch of garbage sitting on the tables here so I guess I'll clean it up for her some books in the back and the confession Booth yeah there's Forge ahead get hammered and scrapping for fun what do we get in this one Tech Planet so Trader Jen her specialty is going to be in Knuckles magazines and first aid Medical Supply whatever magazines oh and there is our Quest reward right so 10 duct tape 1500 wood that seems like a lot of duct tape or we can get the crafting skill magazine bundle some good options here actually let's go with the crafting skill bundle just because um I'd like to see what's in that we'll take another job who a fetched to the Southwest something we can do very quickly at the oh I know what that is that's the that's the house that's um on try not to get yourself killed on the wheels house on Wheels it's the one right over there that's like about to be lifted onto a trailer and then like hauled away somewhere okay look out get a coyote nearby there he is we could use the meat I could also use a little bit more stamina before we engage but got him no no no no no don't you dare eat that freaking coyote no you idiot five second rule so that crafting skill magazine bundle we got shotgun magazines we got uh armor magazines and nice Sledgehammer magazines does that put me in a position to get the uh the next level of the sledgehammer though sledgehammers oh I can do quality four now heck yeah there we go craft that up making good progress already we should be into the iron Sledgehammer era in a day or two I would say all right just gonna take all that with me we're gonna bring it back to the base since we're heading in that direction anyway [Music] yeah man I look like such a hobo right now we need to go to a Savage country and get some cool clothes well anyway let's hit this okay what do we got oh I can see where the Satchel is that's gonna be like way up on the second floor there and okay geez no no no no we've got a dog kennel there which means there's a dog in here somewhere probably in here I would say yeah we're gonna have to is there anything I can do to like protect myself here at all here do this not that I think that's gonna work but it might work for just a split second open that up to see a dog back there is that a dog that I can see in the back that's definitely a dog back there I can see him under the pallet okay well that didn't work okay I guess I'm gonna go in and see if I can get a sneak attack on him oh I put my arrows away son of a I've got one feather I just pulled out of a nest wish me luck oh he's awake come on oh no no no got it but I need this first aid kit bad now I got an infection and a concussion uh I do have a painkiller back home but now we we definitely need the honey or an antibiotic or something somewhere I just have no recourse against dogs right now unless I get a sneak attack and then even then it's really not a guarantee all right what kind of an ambush is lurking for me back here this is a tier one too man the dogs and the tier ones are so far really kind of crazy who's back there nobody okay yes wide load Joe Bro Builders that's pretty cool I love this this is um it's a very interesting um you know actually not I'm thinking about it hello polymer all right I can proceed with that a little bit more later on look at this big semi truck here with a sham sandwich in it you can't eat that now cop car here is locked I never even checked the mail get that shotgun weekly book we're gonna go into shotguns eventually once I uh oh look and stump right here once I um can get you know a shotgun crafted probably should look into a pipe shotgun I have seven shotgun rounds back at home no honey although I do think this is my second time looting this Chuck here handyland lock pick we could try the lock pick over here nope no luck I almost got there too so I don't know if this is gonna destroy the car if I just pound through it let's just let's not let's not experiment because if it blows up in my face I'll probably die speaking of die the death penalty for this series is going to be delete entire inventory the whole thing armor uh tools whatever's in my inventory everything will be gone but I I don't like to do the whole like you know okay if I die on episode two let's just scrap the whole series and start all over again because uh you know that's not fun it's not fun for you it's definitely not fun for me because a lot of work and preparation goes into a series can't see crap in here okay yeah I get some light set up somewhere nope cooking grill not too bad okay where's this zombie in the bathroom in the closet that's locked close that who's in here somebody's around here somewhere there he is okay we could oh my concussion just kicked in a little bit that didn't work whoops okay outside Wide Open Spaces please there we go let me out yep come on out here guys one down two down okay I know it's hard to see we gotta get a helmet flashlight here as fast as possible we could check over at Jen's and see if she is selling any antibiotics she is the medical supply person oh I see why there's so many construction people this is the Joe Bro Builders these are the Builder guys that were here nice I really need to get a skill point I don't have a skill point I do have a skill point yeah we need to go into oh right yes my um all my attributes are minus one because of the concussion right now so I can't even take that point into skull crusher which would be like taking a point into sexy T-Rex that would produce my stamina cost on swings well I like I said I do have that painkiller back home we'll just have to go back there once the quest is over and for now we suffer okay we're all done down here I guess we're heading upstairs it looks like a two-story with maybe an attic uh let's we'll see when we get up here no oh hi there Mo scared me a little bit here oh no no no no my torch damn it come down here buddy where I can properly smash your face aha I can get a candle though that works in a pinch oh this uh must have been a veteran or something we got some military medals on the wall also was a doctor because that's a diploma for a medical degree hello there I don't have any arrows no I guess here if I take that yeah my sneak skill or am I sneaking meter goes up a little bit here just do try to get a good stab in on him he's bleeding where are you oh what happened there buddy did you fall into the floor a little bit got a padded Hood there that's good how are we looking on Armor we've got uh one armor piece okay we probably should focus a little bit on armor at some point and the only thing is is that these these need to be takeable so that I can bring them home with me um I can make those paintings the one I just um destroyed there but as far as I know you can't make the others a bunch of Moe's and Joe Builder Bros appears to be the main loot area too they do not like these destruction blocks here oh concussion kicking in a little bit close the closet oh with the KO there nice and a little bit of stuff there oh some arrows iron arrows not bad here okay now he wants to come through here for sure yeah these doors are not very strong are they they get like three-shotted one two three okay that uh was that it well that's the Satchel at least so that's the quest we can run if we have to okay Arbor plating mud scrapping for fun and structural brace mod not too bad we are not done though with um the POI you can still go further you can find the main loot we have to at this point here it is oh geez three zombies all right one two three with a big hit close the door regen all my stamina I want to have a full stamina bar as long as possible oh it's working I just I can beat him through the door I was afraid I might actually break the door myself here give me the iron arrows and take that excellent that is such a fun little feature clothing pile with a BDU top that's always helpful got a scrapping for fun another wheel I'm up to three wheels now doing pretty well medical pile here please no oh no that was the the dresser my bad what do we get here herbal antibiotics perfect take that good so that's one critical injury out of the way and we can fix the other momentarily got a great Heist book here 20 more damage to land claimed property good for remodeling if you have to got another first aid kit and some padded gloves all in all I'd say that was a really good looting run there let's head back to base and stash her stuff maybe we'll head to Jens first to get the reward and then uh we'll have to decide what to do after that oh look at that the key box just opened the front door for me so I can exit right out this way okay I've stashed everything back at home and I'm over here at Joe USA because I think this is where my painkiller was there it is okay we are gonna be good to go here in just a second good and we're a little bit hungry a little bit thirsty not a whole lot I can do about that honestly and I don't think I've collected a whole lot of murky water today might just then bring some money with me so I can buy some out of the vending machine I really don't have time to kill you guys but I'm going to anyway because I want the XP and that reminds me I should be able to spend that skill point now because my attributes are all back to normal so let's go oh oh I can't even do skull crusher just yet have to do one more into strength first and we're about uh sixty percent of the way to the next level see what Jenny has for us well let's see here I don't Cole I mean that's not so bad that we're in the desert but I'll take the crafting skill bundle again we'll take another job and what do we think here clear zombies to the South doesn't sound too bad the Malone residents sure where is that going to be South is kind of the direction we live in so we're clearing out the whole local neighborhood here there it is right there all right I'll meet you there [Music] okay here we are first things first always check the mailbox and then you hit the quest and check the mailbox again and this time we're gonna get a Night Stalker book Bose do 10 more damage a night not too bad I also I went back to Jen's and I did buy up a yucca juice smoothie for like 400 dukes and I opened up that bundle we're gonna get bow Hunters tools digest and a handy land read all those immediately and let's get in here this is a super easy place it doesn't mean it's not like the easiest but it should be something I can clear out before nightfall I hope oh my goodness it was just the guy right at the top here now oh a couple of them so yeah things have changed here yeah it's one of the best things about a new Alpha is that you never know what's been tweaked what's been changed I mean they've made a pass through all of these pois just to put the new stuff in right so you know who knows they might have rearranged the zombies I need I know for a fact that they've rearranged the zombies because they had to go through every one of these pois in order to put in the infestation spawns I do not need Goldenrod seeds oh is that a new coal pile I haven't seen that one before here's one of these old couches so yeah now's actually a good time to do some melee fighting because I just took that Yucca smoothie so I have some stamina regeneration so I think what I'll do is just um oh see this used to have four beams one going right across both ways and oh yeah there used to be a closet there and there still is but I don't it's it's different for sure the same but different you could say throw a candle down there somewhere if I can there we go a little bit of extra light and oh geez I mean let's try to open that I don't know if that's a closet that opens it is there we go weaken him up a little bit looks like he'll try to do half the job for me man with these freaking Joe builders I don't have the stamina for this right now come on did I just level up again okay I need to put that immediately into uh what was it skull crusher there we go that'll ease up the stamina cost dramatically there we go all right oh a nice pair of dress shoes there I don't think I'm wearing any shoes so that's nice open that up so we have an egress route if needed okay how are we looking here two hours to Nightfall there's a murky water right there I've pulled out a cooking magazine as well some food I'll eat and I think from here yeah let's just open this all up wide open multiple ways in multiple ways out and yep we should have plenty of time to clear out the bottom and one more is that Tommy hit him right underneath the shoulder blade puncture Along on them oh there we go Scrappy for fun potato seed not too bad otherwise yep we're done we're heading to the last room at least I think it's the last room historically it's been the last room oh that was it area clear yeah fortunately they don't make you fight zombies up here you can just kind of get up here in loot in peace explosives magazine I think that's my first one of those food and drink main chest here archery book a nice scrap helmet and some bullets iron and that's a working stiff toolbox right there scrapping for fun cool so we're all done here we gotta grab our Quest then and then call it a night head back to the Bedrock base and uh just get to digging and carving I'll also look into crafting tonight too once I can sit down and kind of focus on that a little bit I'll figure out did we like lose power here or no no it looks like a storm rolled in holy crap look at the the lighting change here in Alpha 21 has been dramatic all right real quick then before she closes helmet light pod nice okay we have to take that one then and we'll grab a job for tomorrow how about this fetch now we'll do the yeah kind of debatable I guess we'll do the clear zombies we get a better reward for that anyway at the West Residence okay I think that just about does it I'm gonna gather up all that I can from the campfire here on top of Joe's USA and then bring it all over to the main base look at this guy hanging out dinner is served yep just gonna grab up uh food cooking pots the campfire can stay there and whatever I can get out of here I'll take toss on my helmet light ah finally well it only took one episode to get it this time that's a plus I just gotta lug all this crap back home okay just made it back home and I'm just going through the inventory a little bit and while it's entirely possible that zombies will come all the way down here and try to get me I think I'm far enough away let's just check oh I can't check my elevation but yeah I'll check my elevation tomorrow when I'm top side and see just how deep this is I would say at least 30 blocks down so they shouldn't be able to hear me even if I'm going through inventory boxes and I shouldn't be able to hear me if I'm mining you know screamers could come down here and be an issue but um you know we have to take our chances we'll learn as we go so we've got a very long night ahead of us and for the remainder of it I'm going to work on lighting down here so that I can see something and you can see something and then I'm gonna work on widening this out get a campfire down and we'll start making this into our home and then over the next couple of days we'll try to figure out some sort of a base design so that we can fight the zombies down here as well but anyway my friends and fellow survivors I think we can call leather Knight [Music] hey everyone I just want to say thank you for watching for leaving a like but most of all thank you to the long list of amazing supporters that you see right here I hope this episode has earned your subscription and I can't wait to show you the next one best wishes to all and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Guns, Nerds, and Steel
Views: 149,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 days to die, 7 days to die let's play, 7 days to die letsplay, 7 days to die gameplay, 7 days to die tutorial, 7 days to die horde night, 7 days to die base building, 7 days to die horde base, 7 days to die series, 7 days to die a20, 7 days to die mods, 7 days to die modded, 7 days to die playthough, 7 days to die ep 1, 7 days to die episode 1, guns nerds and steel, gns, 7 days to die bedrock, 7 days to die alpha 21, alpha 21, 7 days to die base building alpha 21
Id: wbtMkpLgPZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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