The Top 5 WORST PERKS - 7 Days To Die 2023

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there is a lot of perks in seven days to die but not all of them are incredibly useful and in today's video I'm going to be going through five of the worst offenders and remember this list does come from my perspective of being someone with thousands of hours who primarily plays on the hardest settings so some perks which may be useful to more casual players might appear on this list purely because at this stage of playing they don't really do anything for me and this list is subjective so stop writing your angry comments it's just a video game so let's get in to number five number five is treasure hunter now I feel a little bit bad for putting treasure hunter here treasure hunter is pretty effective at what it actually does which is making treasure hunting and buried supplies missions much easier and more lucrative it reduces the number of blocks you have to break to shrink the radius from 10 blocks down to just three blocks and it gives you 30 more items from buried treasure which doesn't sound terrible in theory the problem is that it's so Niche I can't really put it ahead of very many other parents you're not going to be knocking out 10 treasure maps per day very consistently regardless of your play style the maps just aren't that frequent in Loot and actually most of the treasure hunting's time sync is not from really digging up the treasure it's from driving out of your way to go and get to it the treasure hunter does also help with buried supplies missions which will allow you to very quickly dig up the box and turn in the quest allowing you to level up your quest yours quite quickly but I think the issue is that buried supplies are just a death sentence on high zombie speeds and high difficulties you shrink the radius the zombies spawn in and then you're swarmed with upwards of these zombies at best now you can prevent this by placing blocks around the digging radius give yourself a little bit of cover then we get to the problem of it just being more of a Time sink to get to the job prepare the area and fight the zombies than it is to actually just dig up the supplies which is usually the quickest and easiest part of those jobs not to mention that buried Supply quests only go up to tier theme meaning at a certain point it does become a lot less time efficient to do buried supplies and versions compared to just going and doing a tier 4 or tier 5 clear job so by virtue of it being a very Niche peric there isn't too much of a Time Saver as is or the one thing it's good at I can't really put it above any other perk in the game aside from the other four ones in this video 4 is another perception perk animal tracker animal tracker requires seven perception and has three rank rank 1 allows the player to crouch to detect rabbits snakes or chickens and they're marked on your map in compass at Rank 2 you can see dear boar wolves and coyotes and at Rank 3 you can see mountain lions and bears now the pros to this peric is it does help you find food a little bit and it does help you stay aware of animals especially if you're not particularly good at listening out for these sounds of predatory animals but there's a lot more cons to this perk honestly it costs three pair of cranks and level seven in a relatively weak tree just to unlock it you also need to sneak it to actually activate the perk which is kind of annoying because you have to remember to use it and the trigger for this spark is so pointless that you could save time and skill points by just looking around and if you have the time to stop sneak and look at your map you also have the time to just look around and carefully watch out for animals and even worse it doesn't affect zombie animals which would make this perk a lot better knowing that there's a zombie dog around the corner rather than just a regular zombie when clearing a py it would actually be quite helpful at least early on but as it stands it's barely a convenience perk and Falls much more under the role-playing category in any practical usage in a general playthrough animals aren't that hard to find for food and predators are relatively easy to detect when they're around you having to crouch and wait to use it just seems like a waste of time and skill points at number 3 we have unfortunately yet another perception perk though luckily for perception this is the last one on the list and that is infiltrator infiltrator has three ranks which again requires seven perception which is a big problem with all three of these perks too many ranks requiring too much investment in perception this makes them not as viable early on which is where they're most useful anyway infiltrator will make it so that loose board traps and landmines will Trigger 2 seconds slower you'll take 50 endless damage from Land Mains and you can pick up landmines the pros to this are that you will get slightly longer to respond to the level design of a given POI if you stand on a breaking floorboard and you can pick up those land Mains and sell them but the cons of this are just so much worse the urban combat book does this effect much better just makes it so that you cannot activate land Mains by standing or driving on them it costs no perks or attribute investment and is a relatively common reward for quests and in lieu and the one advantage you get from this perk which I would say is just selling landmines is beaten out by Salvage operations another perception perk Salvage operations will get you much more money because there is things to scrap everywhere whereas land mines are only really common in the Wasteland and Salvage operations is going to net you a lot more of much higher value items than landmines and one of the less talked about aspects of Salvage operations is actually just that scrapping is actually top top five way of getting XP in this game so while you're Gathering up all of that scrap not only are you getting XP you're getting things that you can craft with you're getting things that you can sell which when you do sell them you will also get more XP with trading being another top five ways to make money in this game so if I'm looking at perception and I have three skill points to spare I'm not gonna go for infiltrator at all until I at least have three ranks of Salvage operations and the final rank of Salvage operations is unlocked by level seven perception which means the seven points invested into perception you can double the amount of scrap you're getting and hence double the amount of money you can make and that'll cost you five ranks and a good skill that is useful throughout the entire game versus three ranks in an infiltrator which will let you pick up land Mains and sell them at barely any profit in the long run also land mines just aren't that common in most experienced players know where all the loose boards and land mains puis are going to be anyway so for most of us experience players it's a complete waste of time now that I'm saying all this back I actually think that infiltrator could be a contender for the absolute worst perk in the game but we'll see what else took its place number two goes to well insulated well insulated is a the rank fortitude perk requiring seven fortitude and the final rank will give you 20 insulation you'll use 30 less food and water when you're overheating or freezing and you won't experience the more severe version of those effects ah temperature the feature in this game that secretly isn't a real issue when you're cold you use more food which is not a problem because food is everywhere particularly in the coldest biome where you're going to be most affected by the foot loss from freezing as the snow biome is covered in angry walking food containers and when you're hot you use more water which isn't a problem because water is everywhere particularly in the hottest biome as the Dead is covered in yucca plants which can be turned into a drink that is better than actual water anyway so then when would you ever actually need well insulated never clothes aren't hard to find food and water are really not hard to find if the cold is really getting to you you can just build a campfire for like five Stones it's not hard to deal with it and you can just jump in water or go inside a building if you're too hot you could also take your three skill points from well insulated and put them into iron gut which will make you use less food and water all the time which is much more useful than only giving you a bonus when you're freezing or overheating as well as give you a boost to your consumable length reduce your decenterations and increase your water breathing time I've done three let's play style series involving extreme temperature and in none of them did I actually ever feel the need to take the extreme temperature perk good is easy water is easy therefore temperature is easy because that's all it affects that is not great not to mention that most of us just live in the forest biome and never encounter temperature issues unless it's raining at night so because it helps with the mechanic nobody ever needed help with well instantly it has to come in at number two irregular viewers before number one now why don't you give me your prediction I guarantee if you've been on my channel for more than a day you saw this one coming pause and comment below because this is in this pre-built video number one is of course pack mule yeah yeah I know I've said it a million times change the record say it with me it's redundant just use pocket mod the five ranks of pack mule are located under strength which will open up all the slots of your inventory meaning you won't have to deal with encumbrance the problem is that pocket mods exist and are and unless you're playing on a very very strict loot settings like 25 loot they're not rare at all you can find the double clothing pocket mod crafting recipe in mailboxes which are everywhere you can craft them relatively cheaply within the first week the right off the bat we have three clothing pocket mod slots accounting for six open inventory slots now rank four and five of pakmail give you eight inventory slots so right off the bat six of those last eight inventory slots you get from the perk are completely useless because there's no reason not to have double clothing pocket mods on your jacket top and legs so the final rank literally has no purpose in the game there is no reason to ever take it and half of the second last rank is completely useless but the other three ranks aren't even much better themselves in order to max out the rest of your inventory after you have three double clothing Pokemon you'll need four triple armor pocket mods or the equivalent in single and double now you can do that easily by about day 14 at the cost of no skill points if you just loot Savage country containers on standard loot settings they are pretty common in those containers so if you see a clothing store just go in and you'll probably come out with a pocket mod on average I usually find myself with a fully opened inventory by about day 10 and I never have to waste five whole skill points on the PAC Mill perk now you may make the argument but what about the mod slots you use to have those triple armor pocket mods and to that I would simply say what about them assuming you can find level 6 armor which again is not very difficult getting yourself some level 6 padded armor by about dating again is not that hard and honestly by about day 20 you can quite comfortably have full steel or military armor at level 6 if you just know how to use Quest correctly so that means that having four mods on each of your armor pieces is not particularly difficult meaning that you'll have 20 potential mod slots for your character now there are six mods that are actually useful in seven days to die armor platings fittings Mufflers bandoliers pocket mods and impact razors you can put five armor plates across your armor to get 10 more damage resistance great and then you can put five custom fittings to get the speed boost great then on your legs you can put one band a layer do keep in mind that bandoliers don't actually stack in this game so there's no reason to use more than one and on your feet you can have one impact bracer so that means you've used up 12 of your 20 slots right there and you've got most of the useful effects if we then put in those four triple armor pocket mods you're up to 16 and then if you want them you have room for four more advanced Mufflers although a lot of people just don't even use stealth so for them they wouldn't even need Pack meal at all all the other mods are absolutely not worth investing five perk points to have access to you have a flashlight which is maybe useful a water purifier I guess if you need to drink a lot of murky water if you're a big fan of molotovs and you keep hitting yourself with them I could see it being useful temperature mods come on reverse number two on this list temperature is not real and the one percent reduction to explosive damage you take from each of those is not useful at all so in the end what does pack mule actually give you for five perk points compared to someone who doesn't have Pack meal well you can move slightly quieter as you'll be able to put that extra Advanced muffler on there you can have a flashlight you can use a hat and you can drink piss that's what Pack meal does not the inventory opening because the mods exist and are easy to find you're paying the five skill points to remove the four triple armor pocket mods which will allow you to see in the dark as you quietly drink piss while wearing a cowboy hat for five parrot points no well now that I put it like that that's a small price to pay for salvation Avengers end game is 4 years old I should really stop referencing It Anyway Pack meal bad like the video and if you want to hate watch my other list videos so that you can angrily disagree with me in the comments why not check out my top 7 skill books in 7 Days to Die video here thank you to my channel members and patrons for making this video possible and thank you so much for watching please stop typing that large paragraph about how your super Niche playstyle desperately needs all five of these perks and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: IzPrebuilt
Views: 69,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 days to die, 7 days to die alpha 20, 7dtd a20 stream, 7 days to die alpha 20 release date, 7 days to die izprebuilt, 7dtd alpha 20, 7d2d alpha 20, 7dtd, 7 days to die update, 7 days to die alpha 20 multiplayer, 7 days to die alpha 20 tips and tricks, 7 days to die alpha 20 pipe, 7 days to die alpha 20 ep, alpha 20 beginners guide, 7 days to die alpha 20 beginner guide, 7 days to die alpha 20 tutorial, alpha 20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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