Reverse Engineering Jaya: One Piece Worldbuilding

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[Music] Ichiro oda's one piece is epic over the last 20 years he's had us visit islands of sand Frost dinosaurs and even clouds in the sky and it's that Sky Island that we're going to investigate today how it came to be how it exemplifies the engineering concept of shearing and what to make sense of it from a mechanic's point of view but before getting started spoiler alert for the first 300 chapters or 200 episodes of one piece and while we're at it please subscribe to the channel that said I'll try to do a brief synopsis before getting started I swear it'll only be a couple of chapters so if you're already familiar with the story please feel free to Jump Ahead using the timestamps after Luffy and the straw hat Pirates wrap up their Saga on alabasta they come to find that their required next destination seems to be in the sky when they dock the nearby island of Jaya their mission to gather information for how to get to this fantasy locations met with derision but they do learn of a man of similar fantasy named Cricket who lives in a goofy house on the other side of Jaya upon meeting Cricket we learned that he is the descendant of a folklore Legend and as the legend goes this man named Noland finds a civilization made of gold goes back home to tell his King and when he and the King's Men return to the island there is no gold or civilization to be found no one is then executed for lying to the king some classic boy cried wolf-esque folklore so this Cricket fellow is determined to clear his family name and find the island treasure that his ancestor assumed had sunk to the bottom of the ocean Atlantis style but his diving exploration is interrupted by the straw hats on their quest to find their island in the sky as it turns out Cricket does know of a Fantastical method that he thinks might get them there if the crew can find and then ride the spontaneous vertical ocean current called The knock-up Stream up into the air at the precise moment these mysterious dark clouds appear overhead he thinks they might find their destination and it works they make it to Sky Island so the straw hat Pirates search the Cloudy land for no one's lost gold and eventually come across this familiar looking abandoned house or well half of one and it's at this moment they realize that at least part of the sky island they found wasn't noise in the sky and must have once been one in the same with the island of Jaya only to have been lifted into the Sky by the knock-up street it explains why Cricket has this weird house and why Nolan never found his Golden City and there's so much more to this amazing story Oda gives us the background to Cricket's ancestor Nolan just counterpart Calgary there's a huge Golden Bell a snake God but we're not here for a summary let's evaluate this tall tale with the engineering eye to start our forensic analysis we'll evaluate in three parts how the knock-up stream cut off part of the island and carried it into the sky so to tip my hand a bit this is a channel describing the build environment and our subject is an island so while I'm most interested in reviewing how the story of Oda Sky Island exemplifies the concept of a sheer failure we'll also be discussing geologic and dynamic Sciences at least at the third grade level that I can manage so let's kick things off with a brief description of the knock-up stream luckily we don't have much to guess Oda tells us the mechanics of the phenomenon and I've been talking a lot so I'll like Cricket explain the ocean floor there are large cavities filled with air cool sea water seeps into these air pockets and geothermal energy Heats it until it becomes Steam over time the pressure builds and when it finally becomes too great there's a tremendous explosion this explosion hurls the water into the air and creates a current the phenomena looks most similar to the actions of the geysers like the ones in Yellowstone National Park but on a much larger scale and with an ocean of water between the point of press release and the surface the issue with the release that Cricket describes is that it would disperse energy in all directions rather than a directional flow and so I find similarities in the knock-up Stream with the mid-century atomic bomb test which while terrifying in scale don't have the focus of the knock-up streams and those energy releases were much closer to the surface than our phenomena although I've heard the Oda seemed to have taken this concept from a real environmental occurrence called a limnic eruption the similarities seemed to stop at gases trapped in rock their eruptions take a form of toxic levels of CO2 and raise the water levels a little bit so I want to tosses in a Whirlpool to throw us off the sense regardless of the comparisons the point is we're going to assume there's a huge pressure applied to the underside of the island so how can we guess the amount of force it would take to sever the island in half first let's take a diagrammatic approach with this view representing a section cut through the island with several layers of rock and sediment and of course our ticking Time Bomb below now we can start by describing the exposed section of Jaya like a horizontal beam and while most beams are typically only supported at each end an island might be better described by a continuous support by virtue of the fact that it is all one piece of hardened magma but part of the Assumption of the failure mode is that the island is a huge void beneath one end creating a weakness around that surface that the knock-up pressure exploits when it fractures the island but now it seems that the two-dimensional view starts to lack and adding in the third dimension thinking about the island like a flat plate structure like one of concrete the failure isn't just linear but along a perimeter that could approximate the circumference of the knock-up void and like a concrete or steel plate the island can be sheared along the critical surface of least area so then from this rough diagram and an assumption of some Dimensions we can start to assume what force it might actually take to remove this piece of Island and we can calculate the force as the sum of the height of a substrate material times the circumference of the removed Porsche of Island at that section times the shear strength per square foot for each material and then add the weight of the island above that since it would also need to be overcome at this point we'd have to make some serious guesses about the size of Sky Pia and the geology so let's try and take a stab at it for the width of the island we can get a halfway decent estimate by assessing Luffy's three and a half hour trip to go beat up Bellamy in mocktown and using the maps provided throwing some vague numbers at the board we could probably assume the island diameter of about three to four miles let's say 20 000 feet the soil types and soil depths are total guesses so maybe if we simplify the check by assuming a single material with a depth of 300 feet the visual cues from the Manga and Anime might assume different but who's to say so that would make for about 18 million square feet of area on the island circumference that cuts through Cricket's house and if I'm brave enough to assume that we're dealing with an igneous rock which can have sheer strengths of 600 000 pounds per square foot then fracturing the island would require 12 trillion pounds of force but then adding in the weight of the island and there's another 15 trillion pounds to overcome as an engineer who typically deals in thousands of pounds of force maybe Millions the concept of trillion is truly mind-blowing obviously we've made a lot of arbitrary choices in this analysis so making different assumptions about Luffy's running speed or bug catching abilities make a huge difference in the size of the island but even my lower bound estimates would still Peg the shearing force in the trillions of pounds the final check we'll get into is about what happens after the island becomes dislodged it is absolutely rocketed up to the white white sea at an elevation of ten thousand meters and luckily there are some relatively simple equations for dynamic movement that I'll use note that I'm not an aerospace engineer so please tell me how wrong I am in the comments no I disagree with that no no no no to launch something up to a given height the required starting velocity needs to be the square root of the final height times twice the acceleration due to gravity and for the island this Maps out to be about 1 000 miles per hour but of course it doesn't just start out at that speed before the knock-up stream effect the island is at rest or a velocity of zero and this change in velocity or acceleration is needed to calculate the force required to launch Sky Islands to the white white sea if we assume the dirt covered rocket got up to speed within a second or two the issue is that the force required would actually exceed the strength of even the incredibly strong Island Rock in the same way that actual rocket ships gradually accelerate to exit velocity so if we limit the maximum force to be equal to the compressive strength of the volcanic rock which is about 4 million pounds per square foot we'd need at least 18 seconds of acceleration time to gradually get up to the required speed that would let the island fly the rest of the way yet even with this reduced acceleration the total Force required to achieve this feet would be over one quadrillion pounds and in the process pushing the island about one third of the way up to the white white before letting momentum do the rest yeah so cheering the island really wasn't the hard part in fact from what I can tell the energy release required to move the island to its final destination would be equal to 7 000 times the energy release of the strongest atomic bomb ever tested or 12 000 wig waves which is a much better sounding unit before moving on I should also note that as mentioned the shear check I've assumed a lower bound estimate as well which similarly puts us in a range of thousands of wigwams what does this all mean for oda's story and Nolan's friends who reside on the island with the Golden City well under an acceleration more than twice that of gravity the sky island inhabitants would have been in for a hell of a ride three G's of acceleration wouldn't typically be damaging to people as our bodies begin to reach their limits closer to 10 G's but I'd have to say I'd be impressed if the other half of Cricket's future house would have held up the same Brick Mason reconstruction isn't exactly known for performing well under high accelerations anyways that's a wrap on this video I hope you liked at least have as much as Luffy enjoyed his trip up the knock-up stream if you did please leave a like and a comment down below and if you didn't still leave a comment tell me what you thought that I got wrong about maybe the analysis I know that parts of it were imprecise with that I guess I'll leave you uh for the day and uh peace out adios
Channel: On Structures
Views: 12,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VkX2mjWXD20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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